(Questions are over!)
I cleared this half hour mark to give it a shot. I do need to work on the drawfriend post, so some responses might be a bit delayed.
I think this will be a thing we do every few days if it turns out alright, with cereal/phoe/tek rotating in for the next few.
Lets do it! Ask a question in comments, and I will try to answer. People with accounts will be given priority over anons unless said anon asks an awesome question.
Also someone give me a better name for this.
Roll054 said...

Given the time what made you think of starting the blog?
I wanted to report on what was going on during the brony uprising of /co/, and keep the pony love going in hopes of a second season. (Looking back at this I'm pretty sure season 2 was guaranteed anyway, but I hope I did something!)
-----Anonymous said...
Well, allow me to ask a question then. Why do you like Trixie so much? Is it because of her attitude, her coloration, her awesome clothing, or some other reason.
I think a combination of Trixie's Facial expressions, her cape/wizard hat, and her voiceover kind of sold the character to me.
-----ZAquanimus said...

Did you realize that there is actually a mobile version of this site?
Mobile version is currently in beta for blogger, so I enabled it to try it out. Seems pretty cool!
-----TenchiFreak5 said...

How the hell do you find the time to do all this stuff?
I'm an insomniac
-----LosthopeOfDusk said...
Whats the worst that could happen in the second season?
Applejack suddenly has a pink truck

Pacce said...

What would be your ideal "Trixie Returns" episode?
TWIXIE! Or just something involving the actual ursa major might be neat.
-----Anonymous said...

Do you visit and post on ponychan or other imageboards, visit and lurk, or not visit regularly at all due to busy schedules?
I hit up the imageboards sometimes, but I usually just lurk.
-----Sumec said...
What do you suppose makes Luna such a popular character, given the lack of official development regarding her character, and what do you think will happen when the official version deviates from the Word of Dante?
I think you all need to make some friends! Though sad luna is pretty cute, so that might be a reason. I always thought she was generally kind of ugly with the horse snout though.
The Toonfreak said...

What would be your dream licensed MLP product?
A giant Trixie for my driveway circle thing
-----Laurence Brown said...

Do you have any hobbies outside of the blog (such as sports (playing or watching), anime, or what have you), or have pastel-hued equines come to totally dominate whatever free time you normally would have for such things?
Scribbles said...

What's been your favorite thing the community has come up with thus far?
The puns. It still cracks me up how "clop" totally wouldn't work.
-----Limbus said...

Who's your favorite artist and what's your favorite pony drawing?
Madmax, Smittyg, kloudmutt (sometimes), SpeccySY, Moe, I could go on for a while. I really can't decide.
-----Zarkanorf said..
Could you sum up what a normal routine for Equestria Daily is? Do you usually just set everything up in "dear Luna, why am I up at this hour?" and then let it roll for the rest of the day? Do you and the other bloggers just sit down for five minutes and go, "M'KAHY!" and then plan like that?
Morning: Randomly wake up at 9, Check email for anything cool, freak out when something cool is up, run to the computer to post it, try to go back to bed and fail because i'm hyped up about the cool thing.
Afternoon: Hopefully have emails all cleared out and sorted into folders by 3:00 PM, Start scheduling posts, finish scheduling posts, look for art for drawfriend, get distracted for 3 hours on ____project, freak out when drawfriend isn't done, check email, freak out when there are 50 emails.
Night: finish clearing emails, post drawfriend, start working on nightly roundup, archive the entire day into the bottom archive things cause I suck at coding and do it manually. Schedule the next morning so I can hopefully sleep.
Uhh kinda like that with a lot more random messages to cereal and phoe.
-----Asgard said...

What was your reaction to the site being referenced multiple times in the new MLP commercials?
Jake Heritagu said...

How many PMVs and Fanfics do you get time to watch/read on average with updating the blog?
I try to read 1-2 a day. I half watch all PMV's though.
----- Melionos said..
What's your favorite fanfic' on the site? (Favorite, not best, though you can answer that too ;D)
Twilight Sky Over Canterlot and Ballad of Twilight Sparkle. Yah I like Twixie.
----- DareDreamer said...

Hmm... your favorite source of caffeine intake? Coffee? or something more powerful?
I can't actually drink caffeine. Medical stuff! I tried caffeine pills, but never again.
-----Anonymous said...
what would your reaction be if you encounterd one of the mane 6 or trixie in real life?
You wouldn't see me here again thats for sure! :p
Flutterfan said...

Should I turn my adblocker off when I come here? I'd like to support this site any way I can.
Sure! I use google ads in the same spots all other sites put them, so they shouldn't be too annoying.
Anonymous said...

Do you clop to ponies, bro?
I swear clop doesn't work. That just sounds painful!
-----Roan Berg said...

If events from "The Conversion Bureau" actually occurred, would you drive to Newark and become a pony?
Probably not. I like my hands. If I could change form freely I might though.
Sgt. Grub said...
Why hasn't there been any polls as of late? Fun little things like that make the site more awesome.
They cause a lot of lag. I'm trying to optimize the site some, since for a while it was really slow.
-----kriss1989 said...

Would you wish to see Gilda return in a later episode? If so, what sort of episode? If not, why not?
I don't really like Gilda. I won't miss her if she doesn't come back.
----- thehivemind33 said...
Do you want there to be a bigger musical number for Fluttershy? I know I do.
Fluttershy is awesome, so yes.
----Alright I'm out of time! We can do this again in the future though, it was pretty entertaining.

Given the time what made you think of starting the blog?
ReplyDeleteis there ever going to be more toy news?
ReplyDeleteWell, allow me to ask a question then. Why do you like Trixie so much? Is it because of her attitude, her coloration, her awesome clothing, or some other reason.
ReplyDeleteAre you single?
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time you slept?
Did you realize that there is actually a mobile version of this site?
ReplyDeleteI just got it for the first time on my iPhone today,
was gonna send it in as a screenshot.
but this works too.
How the hell do you find the time to do all this stuff?
ReplyDeleteAn awesome question. Um. Uhh. What is your favorite vegetable?!
ReplyDeleteName suggestion: Blogpony Q&A #... whatever.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your occupation and income?
ReplyDeleteWhat would be your ideal "Trixie Returns" episode?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your opinion of the name "Sethypoo?"
ReplyDeleteDo you visit and post on ponychan or other imageboards, visit and lurk, or not visit regularly at all due to busy schedules?
ReplyDeletei`m sorry that while answering hundreds of questions, you`ll also have to get news
ReplyDeleteWhat do you suppose makes Luna such a popular character, given the lack of official development regarding her character, and what do you think will happen when the official version deviates from the Word of Dante?
ReplyDeleteAlso, for the title, how about 'Great and Powerful Q&A'?
Do you ever plan on taking a break from the Blog?
ReplyDeleteHow many times a day do you get out your room? and how good is your computer?
ReplyDelete"The Great and Powerful Q&A".
ReplyDeleteYeah, I got nothing.
So, to ask a totally loaded question I know you won't answer: who's your favorite prereader? :D
What would be your dream licensed MLP product?
ReplyDeleteIf I get a hold of whoever is doing the voice-overs for other countries and interview them, will you post the interviews once I translate them into English?
ReplyDeleteI suggest the name "Ask Trixie (or Twilight)"
ReplyDeleteYou foal! You've doomed us all. I hear them coming! Listen!
.....shoo be doo shoop shoop be doo....
Do you have any hobbies outside of the blog (such as sports (playing or watching), anime, or what have you), or have pastel-hued equines come to totally dominate whatever free time you normally would have for such things?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the airspeed of an African swallow?
ReplyDeleteWhat's been your favorite thing the community has come up with thus far?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you discriminate against those who choose to remain Aponymous?
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you're actually going to have to read this comment among all the others just to see if I ask anything worthwhile. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteWhy is Trixie so amazing?
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
ReplyDeleteWell, this is more personal curiosity than anything else, but I was just wondering about this. What other, non-pony related hobbies do you have? Are there any other shows you are into or were into before starting this blog?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you still want a better name for this thread, you could just call it "The GREAT and POWERFUL Q&A". I dunno, I can't think of anything else original.
What would you do-o-o for a Klondike Bar?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favourite episode?
ReplyDeleteOr, what was the first one you saw, and how did you react?
Who's your favorite artist and what's your favorite pony drawing?
ReplyDeleteIf you had a chance to have 1 MLP product made, what would it be and why?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you REALLY want to happen in a future episode?
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Sethisto,
ReplyDeleteCould you sum up what a normal routine for Equestria Daily is? Do you usually just set everything up in "dear Luna, why am I up at this hour?" and then let it roll for the rest of the day? Do you and the other bloggers just sit down for five minutes and go, "M'KAHY!" and then plan like that?
I was just about to suggest something along the lines of what Sumec through out, only replace "Q&A" with "Questionnaire".
ReplyDeleteSeems a lot of the questions are centralized around yourself :P
Any news on season 2 lately?
(Site is called Equestria Daily, how about Daily Equestria as the title? ^.^)
Can we have forums or an official iPhone app please?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you like IRL?
ReplyDeleteDescribe yourself. Not physically, but just you.
What was your reaction to the site being referenced multiple times in the new MLP commercials?
ReplyDeleteWhy are people with accounts given priority over anon's? I feel discriminated against, quite frankly.
ReplyDeleteHow many PMVs and Fanfics do you get time to watch/read on average with updating the blog?
ReplyDeleteSeth, you are cool.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
What would you say to those of us who are still new in the Pony fandom?
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that Zecora should be the mascot for Q&A'a. I don't know why. Can't really think of a good name, either. Hmm.
ReplyDeleteANYway... You seem to be rather omnipresent when it comes to updates. Are you a wizard? *duck*
Seriously, though, how do you manage?
Also, WoW Insider normally takes questions from the previous day and answers them in the Queue that day, might be a bit easier, and lets you give more time to answer the questions properly.
ReplyDeleteWhats your favorite fanfic?
ReplyDeleteWhen you stop with all those primitive and dumb pony-related jokes since you can't make something clever? I'm deadly serious, may be it's time to stop post them and concentrate on important material?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the status of the Jayson Thiessen interview? Were all the questions sent and you are just waiting for his reply with the answers?
ReplyDeleteChange it to "ask questions, get Trixie"
ReplyDeleteMy question is: "If ponies came to life, who would Derpy kill first?"
What's your favorite fanfic' on the site? (Favorite, not best, though you can answer that too ;D)
ReplyDeleteWhat are the other side effects of oatmeal and if you were to ingest some what would you think would happen?
ReplyDeleteDoes the name/url option count as Anon in your consideration? Because that's what I use.
ReplyDeletewhat kind of MLP toy would you absolutely buy right away??
ReplyDeletehow did you join this fandom??
do you visit ponibooru/chan/kym
you have a job right so how much free time you have between the job the blog and you normal life??
what would e a perfect episode for you and umm...i ran out of ideas nooo
Hmm... your favorite source of caffeine intake? Coffee? or something more powerful?
ReplyDeleteBut joking aside, looking back did you honestly thought the MLP fandom would turn into such a huge phenomenon?
What do you like doing in your spare time? :)
How did you settle on the name "Equestria Daily"? Were there any other blog names you considered?
ReplyDeletewhat would your reaction be if you encounterd one of the mane 6 or trixie in real life?
ReplyDeleteGreat and powerful Q&A, somepony else had the same idea as me.
ReplyDeleteAs for the question which will surpass all other questions; in the unlikely event that the live of ponies dwindles to a crawl, our world domination attempts fail, and gen five ponies are back to shameless toy plugs, what will become of EqD? And what is the current future if EqD?
And finally, when dies Operation: Ponyacolypse finally go down?
I should hope that's sufficiently awesome enoughto get noticed. Also, how do I get registered?
ReplyDeleteWell I KNOW you have a thing for Trixie...and Twilight...and Fluttershy...you like a lot of ponies.
Question: What would your top 5 ponies be? (from most favorite to least favorite)
Also, what is your favorite fanon background pony?
As for the Title, "Blogpony Q&A -Name- #__" sounds like the most organized method.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I see it on my phone and turn it off like I do on most sites. Site looks really boring without all the color IMO. lol
on the name i'd say Ed:Q&A
ReplyDeleteShould I turn my adblocker off when I come here? I'd like to support this site any way I can.
ReplyDeleteIf EQD is struggling, do you promise to give us readers a chance to help instead of disappearing?
ReplyDeleteEQD is pretty much the best thing ever. I spend more time than I should worrying that it might disappear.
The Daily Equestria!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of using a magic 8 ball to play poker?
ReplyDeleteCould you maybe hide the comments on posts, and have a little link to show them if people want to read through them?
ReplyDeleteClicking on posts to read a fic or see an embedded video or whatever and having to wait for 387 comments to load isn't so fun.
Answer me these questions three.
ReplyDelete1. What is your name?
2. What is your quest?
3. What is the average wind speed velocity of an unladen sparrow?
WoW Insider commonly does an article titled Know Your Lore. Would you think of doing something similar? For example, every week an article on things within Equestria. Places, ponies, history, etc.
ReplyDeleteDo you clop to ponies, bro?
Why hasn't there been any polls as of late? Fun little things like that make the site more awesome.
ReplyDeleteI second the idea of The Great and Powerful Q&A.
ReplyDeleteAlso, have you made the Trixie Papercraft yet, and if so how does she look?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow often do you sleep?
ReplyDeleteWere you/are you worried about Ms. Faust's departure from the show??? Why/ why not??? And who is your least favorite of the Mane 6 and why??? If you answered both of those in previous post or anything, sorry
ReplyDeleteI liked "Purin"'s suggestion for the name. With a slight word change; "Ask Questions, Receive Trixie!". I know, I know. Memes.
ReplyDeleteAs for a question, hmmm... I'm sure similar questions to this one have already been asked, but what is Trixie's Awesomeness power level? Inb4 Over 9000!
Hmm... Equestioning Equestrians? You can kill me for that awful pun if you want.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your favourite and least-favourite parts of running this blog?
Better Name:
ReplyDeleteQ & Nay
Are you ever going to go on a talkshow? It would be awesome to have one of the creators of the Greatest -(and Most Powerful)- Blogs on Ponies represent us!
If events from "The Conversion Bureau" actually occurred, would you drive to Newark and become a pony?
ReplyDeleteCan you remember life before Pony?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you put the answers after the break so the article isn't annoying to scroll past?
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think it would be?
ReplyDelete@Sgt. Grub
ReplyDeleteYes, I second this question.
Out of the music, fics, art and other media... what stuff ACTUALLY interests you the most?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try this again because the last one didn't post. I'm trying to figure out all of the general people that post or are commonly known on equestria daily. Seth, I mainly see you post on news and drawfriends, and well pretty much evertyhing a lot recently. Phoe did the newbie artist training grounds, has an OC pegasus and loves lyra and miniature ponies. Cereal velocity helps out a lot with posts but I'm not sure of his pony preference. Seth You are definitely not hiding your affection for trixie or twixie. And madmax is just a popular artist with an OC unicorn right?
ReplyDeleteWhat turned you on to FIM, and how have your friends and family reacted to your devotion to the fandom?
ReplyDeleteWould you wish to see Gilda return in a later episode? If so, what sort of episode? If not, why not?
ReplyDeleteCan was have some official forums or an iPhone app please?
ReplyDeleteHave you ever declined to feature a bit of otherwise blog-valid fandom news because you felt it took things too far?
ReplyDelete(Consider this question a response to your featuring of the guys who claimed to have changed their name to "Rainbow Dash" and "Fluttershy.")
Do you want there to be a bigger musical number for Fluttershy? I know I do.
ReplyDeleteHey Sethisto, would you ever be interested in a native iOS/Android Equestria Daily App or at least an OS X/Windows Widget/Gadget?
ReplyDeleteSo how would you react if Trixie came back and ended up becoming a resident of Ponyville in season 2?
ReplyDeleteEither as a member of the main cast, or just another character with a few parts in a few episodes like Big Mac or Mr & Mrs. Cake.
Are you a princess too?
ReplyDeleteI think you mentioned working at a video store before (maybe?). Have you considered getting some sponsors and being a Mod full time?
ReplyDeleteOh, also, if you could choose one pony-based piece of software to bring into existence, what would it be? Stuff like the apps on the recent Hub commercial, but it doesn't have to be limited to those.
ReplyDeleteHave you, or do you, ponify your workplace?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of, where do you work/what do you do for a living?
Can i haz reconz?
ReplyDeleteOkay...do you think that the new Hub commercials represent the show well? They just seem to be pop culture references that don't describe the show in any substantial way. What is your take?
ReplyDeleteI would personally recommend Joystiq. Some big ones like Massively and WoW Insider are part of them. It would get this place a sponser, much better known, and maybe some new team members.
Dang it, just realised I was late.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, looking forward to the next round. Hopefully we'll get around to asking all mods our questions, eh?
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering back, Seth!
ReplyDeleteI normally have a cup of tea every morning to wake me up and sometimes in the evening. Sometimes I fear have too much tea and should switch to decaf.(lol, nope!) but, I really should for my health.
I could imagine that pill situation! I tried one of those 5-hour energy shots once...like you said, never again, lol!
Considering that she has teeth and could eat an Apple, could it be possible that Gilda is lying about her species and is actually a hippogriff?
ReplyDeleteHow come people with accounts get first dibs? Are you against anon's?
ReplyDeletethanks for answering Seth (even if you didn't actually answer my question lol
ReplyDeletei hope we can ask the other blogponies next
>he doesn't like gilda
Twilight and Trixie appear before you. Only one of them can stay with you in the human world. Pick one and the other one disappears. Who do you choose?
ReplyDeletesay one franchise that has not been crossover-ed yet whit MLP (hard thing) and that you really would like to see it done
ReplyDeletedo you embrace the pony in public??
ReplyDeletehow many hours a day do you spend on this site??
do you play minecraft??
All people asking, he's done, so no use wasting your time.
ReplyDeletenice clopping dodge, bro
ReplyDeleteWhat do people like about the Ballad of Twilight Sparkle? Of Mares and Magic is much much better. (as is Out in the cold)
ReplyDelete/falls asleep at 7 o'clock
ReplyDelete/wakes up briefly at 9
Epic foreshadowing part of brain: Something of importance is happening, you must awaken!
Rational part of brain: ... (goes back to sleep)
/wakes up at 11
/scrolls down the news section
Then who was phone?
ReplyDeleteIf "clop" doesn't work, how about "maresturbate"?
ReplyDeleteSeeing as The Drawfriend posts have evolved into a much more "advanced" art gallery, would simple epic drawings colored neatly work for one? It just seems that I don't think any form of fan-art should single mediocres out of the picture, therefore "Artist Training Grounds" was produced. What's your opinion?
ReplyDelete>Doesn't like Gilda.
ReplyDeleteBut you sure LOVE Trixie amirite?
Goddamit, I just hope the creators don't take show advice from you >.>
Have you ever fapped to ponies, even just once? I do not judge.
ReplyDeleteHow is blogger? What's the functionality like? Do you program things in with HTML or does it have some sort of simplified graphical organizer? It can't be a free service, could it?
ReplyDeleteI could probably find the answers somewhere on the internet, but some opinions from people with firsthand experience could be useful.
Noes, too late!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you guys but I'm here for the ponies, Seth's cheeky comments are a bonus, and of course he's awesome for running this site for all this time.
ReplyDeleteBut I really don't think this is particularly attractive content.
You should give us a day to ask questions because some people aren't up all night like you. (This was posted at 12 my time.)
ReplyDeleteTruDAT pink truck? whut were they thinking!?
ReplyDeleteAnd I rollerblade too! I drew this cool modified RD cutie mark on the sides of both my skates!
>clop wouldn't work
ReplyDeleteOh? Maybe not for a male, but for a female...
...or so I heard...