• 8bit Battle Music

    I heard you guys liked battlemusic!  So have some in chiptune style! 

    And one mashup thing that makes me want to bust out my old gameboy and play some pokemon for some strange reason.

    1.) AJ vs RD 8bit Battle Theme
    2.) Octavia 8bit JRPG Battle Theme
    3.) Rarity Stage (Art of the Dress + The Moon Combo)

    44 kommentaari:

    1. Where's the Rarity Stage (Art of the Dress + The Moon Combo)

    2. Am I the only one who sees the Rarity song missing?

    3. >Two videos present but three are listed

      Oh Seth!

      You're such a silly pony!

    4. So two days in a row there's a missing thing of a supposed three...

    5. Seth, not to nitpick or anything, but you forgot the last link up there; the Rarity Stage one is what I mean.

    6. fixed!

      Sorry I was really tired.

    7. JOIN THE BANDWAGON WHILE IT'S STILL THERE! I don't see no number 2 Seth, you silly pony. Only 1 and 3. :D

    8. lol People all chimed up pretty fast when that third video was missing. :P

      These sound pretty decent.

    9. Thanks for the fix. That video is really... interesting. MLP + DuckTales? I like it, but dang if it isn't a little trippy.

    10. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    11. Is it bad that I like Octavia's better than Rainbow's?

    12. Videos 2 and 3 are in the wrong order! D:

    13. It's like Kil is the only chiptune brony.


    14. Glorious. All of them.

    15. I'm not really fond of 8-bit music. I mean, don't get me wrong, I find it very clever, it's just not something I'd listen to more than once, y'know.

      I'm not gonna be a dick and give a low vote or anything, I'm just sayin'.

    16. *Victory Fan Fair*

    17. I do like battle music.

      Very much so.

    18. I almost fainted at the Rarity Theme mixing Art of the Dress with the Ducktales Moon Stage theme. That was AWESOME.

    19. The last one amuses Stormy.

    20. I'm not really liking the Rarity one too much. Taking the chorus from an easily recognized NES game's song just makes it obvious that there's bits of two different songs being stuck together, and to be honest they don't really mesh that well either.

      The other two would also sound better if they were using a more Sunsoft-style instrument set, maybe slow the tempo down a little and make them a bit more bass-heavy if they're meant to be RPG style. Waaay too much square wave and overdrive percussion goin' on there, it all just sounds like wannabe Mega Man 1 music and distracts from what the songs are tying to accomplish.

      Just my opinion though. Growing up in the NES era has made me a bit snobby about this style of music, I reckon.

    21. The AJ vs RBD thing is cool but I dont see how it represents the two. Rival battle music should resemble both characters or their bond/struggle. Something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeN4_gkoGfw but you'd need to know their stories to get it.

      Octavia one is spot on too.


    22. Anon, I grew up in the NES era and constantly, and I mean constantly listen to old video game music and chiptunes -- and to me the Rarity one not only good, but GREAT. I just wish it were longer. I don't know where you get the idea that they don't mesh well, it sounds fantastic.

      The other two are good, though I prefer the RD vs AJ one. I get what you mean with the Octavia one, at least, sounding more like an early Mega Man stage than a battle theme, but the other, though there in instrumentation, has the tempo and feel of an NES-era battle theme, I'd say.

    23. The Octavia one reminded me of the Pokemon Elite 4 battle themes. Goddamn epic.

    24. I absolutely adore the Octavia music.

    25. Octavia's one MUST be symphonized.

    26. @relias

      My issue with it is that the Ducktales part of the song is just too recognizable. I can't think of both parts as a single song because the chorus sticks out so much. It's like a musical version of the arrow in the FedEx logo, I just can't un-hear it and it overpowers the entire song.

      But as I said, that's just entirely my opinion. I know I'm likely in the vast minority on that feeling, but it is what it is. If we all had the same opinions on everything life would be pretty boring, yeah?

    27. @Anonymous
      I hear you on that. It's a nicely done piece with well thought-out harmonies, but the Moon melody does seem to override whatever elements of Rarity's song are there. If it were arranged instead as a melody and counter-melody playing off of each other with their respective themes, I think it would have worked better (though I understand that would be difficult to pull off with NES voice limitations).

    28. Ooohhh...
      Crazy duck in space
      Oh, I hope you keep me in the will
      You could buy the moon and say
      Put it on my bill

      On my billll!!!!

      Youre a duck, oh my god

    29. Hey Ra-ri-ty, you need a suit out there!
      How are you alive? (How are you ALIVE!?)
      You need heat. (You NEED heat!)
      Also air! (ALSO air!)

    30. In five minutes, six comments were posted on you forgetting the third video. Good to know that if you screw up in the slightest we will FEAST ON YOUR VERY FLESH.

    31. Of these, I don't think I like any of them but the Rarity one. The RDvsAJ one is characteristic of RD but not well enough of AJ. The Octavia one just isn't classy enough.

      My opinion of the Rarity one is probably raised by unfamiliarity with the Ducktales bit that it was mixed with.

    32. Lied the first one and third one very much. Shame on me for not knowing The Moon, I guess :P

    33. The rarity one is lacking in originality so I didn't bother uploading it to tindeck or anything.

    34. that Art of the Dress Ducktails Moon one is great

    35. Is anyone else hearing the No More Heroes theme in the Dash vs. Jack song?

      Because I totally am.

    36. Pretty friggin awesome. Time to go play Megaman!
