What the hay is all this about? The best pony? She's right there. See? Now knock it off with all this Trixie/Rarity nonsense and play nice or I will send you straight to the moon with no dessert.
I am trying to work here. Or do you want to be the ones to explain to all the little fillies and colts why their pictures couldn't go up on the fridge tonight? Hm? Does that sound like fun to you? I didn't think so.
I'm pretty sure Lyra doesn't even know how to use magic -Seth
She doesn't need to use magic to be the best pony. Why do you think she got that horn removal surgery done in the later episodes? You are so insensitive. -Phoe
I feel bad now. Forget I ever insulted her. Lyra is best pony -Seth
Lyra is too awesome in that gettup.
ReplyDeleteLyra is too awesome. Period!
ReplyDeleteLyra >> Trixie. TEAM PHOE.
ReplyDeleteOh, yall's in trouble now.
ReplyDeletei'm with phoe here and i'm pretty surr she can use far more magic han trixie, seth
ReplyDeleteBackground Pony > One-Episode-Feature Pony > Mane Six Pony
ReplyDeleteI love the logic going on here.
*makes popcorn to prepare for more epic lulz*
Derpy = Luna > All.
ReplyDeleteIts simple math.
A challenger appears...
ReplyDeletesure and than i meant, stupid keyboard
And Here we go again Folks. We got a three way battle going on.
ReplyDeleteRatholos set wasn't my favorite. I always loved Lagiacrus (MH3 poster monster)for my hammer/SnS
ReplyDeleteoh silly Phoe.
ReplyDeletethats the wrong picture.
and its thats not how you spell Princess Luna.
You're all wrong.
ReplyDeleteLyra is the best human.
What the hell? Noo! Phoe! Don't be part of it.
ReplyDeleteoh boy here we go
ReplyDeletePhoe, you are my personal hero, despite the naysayers.
ReplyDelete... although yes, you did misspell Luna. Common typo, the keys are right next to each other.
Phoe, make the arguing stop! You're scaring the fillies...
ReplyDeleteTruly, we have a genius in our midst. Let us bow before them.
I'm really happy for yall and imma let you finish, but Fluttershy is the cutest pony of all time! ONE OF THE CUTEST PONIES OF ALL TIME.
ReplyDeleteand Lyra enters the fray
ReplyDeleteOh god...
ReplyDeleteGuess the ponacalypse is back on!
No Phoe what are you doing!!! Run!!!!!!
I have to agree with Anon on this one, Lyra is the best human. Luna's the best Goddess, Luna's the greatest pony, Derpy's the great background, Dinky's the coolest filly.
ReplyDeleteGuys, can I express my love Hoity Toity?
ReplyDelete*channels power towards Phoe's HyperMallet of Sense*
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to the arts. Go Phoe!
Silly Phoe, that's not how you spell Luna. wait, I'm late aren't I?
ReplyDeleteAddendum: Orion's the greatest Colt
ReplyDeleteOh my goddess Celestia, they've corrupted Phoe!
@Rainbow Dash
ReplyDeleteLittle bit Dash.
I think Phoe gave up any chance of fixing this argument the moment she countered with Lyra...
ReplyDelete(Derpy and Luna are definitely the best ponies, though.)
As amusing as this is don't you think your both acting like a bunch of little fillies?
ReplyDeletePhoe for best Seth.
ReplyDelete...Wait, what?
@Anon: Should we call in Equestrian Foal Services to break this up?
ReplyDeleteOh, you poor, uneducated chillins of the world. When will you ever learn to spell Sapphire Shores correctly?
ReplyDelete*sigh* Let's start from the top. Get your pens and papers out, and write this down.
"S-a-p-p-h-i-r-e space S-h-o-r-e-s space i-s space b-e-s-t- space p-o-n-y period"
Seth I'm Dissapoint INB4 Celestia Banishes Phoe Seth and Cereal to the Moon
ReplyDeleteDid...did we just settle on something?
ReplyDeleteherp derp snails
ReplyDeleteOh, god it's almost 1 AM and I'm yelling at people about scootaloo.
Trotting on thin ice major.
ReplyDeleteShe's using a fire element sword on a Rathios. If she can't grasp the basics of monster hunting, she's clearly not the best pony.
ReplyDeleteYou all have very odd ways of spelling Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteYou misspelled Scootaloo
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteObviously, the gods disagree.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteoh umm me? I dunno I'm not that great.
Maybe somepony like Dash should be.
ReplyDeleteWe weren't talking about no chicken. Leave the scootaloos alone, they need to get to sleep to make eggs for breakfast in the morning!
@Ivan the Pig I'm going to back my waifu, no matter what!
ReplyDeleteWow, is that it? Never thought Seth would go down so easily by Phoe.
ReplyDeletePhoe, you are God.
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteRarity isn't the only vain pony.
Yes I voted for myself.
Wow this ended peacefully without us getting sent to the moon that's a first
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI'll admit she is the best of the mane six. But as for best pony? Nah.
@Twilight Sparkle Nopony blames you, I voted for my waifu, so it's all cool!
ReplyDeleteLyra is a spy spying on Twilight all the time.
ReplyDeleteI mean, she follow Twilight everywhere...
Canterlot, Cloudsdale, Appleloosa...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePinkie will always be the best pony. IT WAS OBVIOUSLY A GLITCH IN THE POLL THAT SHE GOT SECOND
ReplyDeleteYou're all fucking demented.
Oh, and by dash-falling-down-laughing.gif, I of course meant, please put my awful art on the fridge, miss Phoe?!
ReplyDeleteFunny, this was this was the last straw to get me to post on the internet. Nevertheless the people made themselves heard, Fluttershy.
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig The poll was for best pony...
ReplyDeleteShe beat out Dash and Pinkie...
I think that qualifies her for best pony...
@Pseudo Faux
ReplyDeleteOh, you're a dead man.
And cereal was forever silenced.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed anon really likes Pinkie...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous = 4chan
4chan = /b/
/b/ = random
random = Pinkie Pie
Admit it. I just blew your fucking mind.
Uhhhm. Did Seth just convert to the Lyra cause?
ReplyDeleteWell, good luck Cereal. (Not really, Rarity is second worst of the Mane cast. What a bitch! xP)
@Crimson Valor
ReplyDeleteIt's better than cable!
ReplyDeleteBut half the world hates anonymous. And it's physically impossible to hate Pinkie Pie.
With fandom schisms like this, I think we need a pony version of Smash Bros. Seriously. You all know how worked up people get on that game. If this had a game like that, we'd probably all nuke each other. :p
ReplyDeleteFluttershy can't be the best pony. She's a tree!
ReplyDeleteYou're all being silly.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows that Mr. Breezy is the best pony.
ReplyDelete"The elements of harmony are churning.
Apple 1!
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteYou can't trust everything you see on the internet.
How do I know that you aren't just a random person pretending to be an original character/pony?
And how do you know that I'm not some fat kid pretending to be a Minecraft pig?
ReplyDeleteumm... *flaps wings* *jumps*
hmmm I'm not a tree, I'd like to be one though. But I like being a pony more.
ReplyDeleteI hereby invest my entire net worth into Super Smash Bronies.
Lyra really is the best pony.
ReplyDeleteWhat about a Shrub? Flower? Weed? Bush? Giant Potatoe? Grass? Minecraft Pig?
ReplyDeleteThe problem with making a Pony SSB, though, is that one of them is just going to be that broken/way-overpowered character jsut because of coding or abilities and such, and people are going to base it off of that, then.
Thus aggravating the problem.
Though somehow, making it all better in the end; I mean, winning in a game of beating the carp out of other ponies would totally beat arguing over it like fillies.
Everyone who likes a background pony more then a main one is crazy.
ReplyDeleteThey barely get any development expect for fanfics
@Ivan the Pig Because I can do this! *Punches pig until porkchops drop*
ReplyDeleteWhat would their smash attacks be?
Lyra who? *reviews wiki* ....oh... uh...
ReplyDeleteYeah, but no. Sorry. Gotta stick with the mane cast on this one.
ReplyDeletePfft, stop getting logic into my ponies.
CLEARLY Phoe accidentally the picture. Because that should of course be Fluttershy up there.
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeletehmm, I never thought to be those. I can't be in Minecraft, I live in Ponyville silly.
*gallops off*
Okay, in the Rarity vs. Trixie one earlier, it was brought up who had the best voice of season 1.
ReplyDeleteNIGHTMARE FUCKING MOON. God, I love a good villain voice and hers was phenomenal.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteMY BROTHER!!! NOOO-wait, that's just bob...
Nevermind, we pigs look alike.
@FluttershyNo! Why are you leaving?
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig I don't like the idea of Fluttershy being anything other than a pony, and I think she'd agree with me...
ReplyDeleteSilly fillies, Everypony is the best pony. We don't hate a pony, because we love all of them and that's why we love the show!
ReplyDeleteWe LOVE everypony, because you all know what'll happen if we didn't love a certain yellow pegasus with an affinity for animals, right?
We don't under-appreciate anypony because we don't want certain ponies trying to make it night forever, right?
We don't hate anypony for being a bit boastful and trying to fix things, even when it was Snip's and Snails fault (For evidence, see last poll), right?
We don't alienate anypony because they sit in different ways than us, right?
We don't think a pony is a troll because they sent their sister to the moon ONE time, right?
We enjoy having a party everyday so a certain pink, party pony doesn't feel unwanted, right?
We all know that when a certain fashionista doesn't like something, she's only complaining and NOT whining, right?
We are 20% cooler like a certain pegasus because we learned to love and tolerate EVERYPONY thanks to those confounded ponies, right?
I thought so.
I suppose it doesn't hurt to be a little late, but really? To the moon? You make me laugh, you're all being sent, TO THE SUN!
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI'm not leaving sweetie, I was just finding you. ♥
@Rainbow Dash
ReplyDeleteI guess I understand that. The idea of being round would disturb me, so I guess that would be the same the other way around.
@Rainbow Dash That's true... That would mean that D- Phew... Almost let that slip...
ReplyDeleteEver consider the fact that Ponyville may be in Minecraft? [/inceptionish]
I'd ask you to punch a tree to see if it gives you a log, but that would be 1)cannibalistic if you WERE a tree, and 2)hard to do with hooves instead of fists.
And now Nightmare's joined the party.
Fallin'Winter speaks the truth. You are all the best pony. I'm a pig though, so that's a different matter.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteYeah, you better get the rest of the girls together. You might want to try to take this out of Ponyville too... there might not be much left after it's over.
@Nightmare Moon Um, quick question... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TRY TO KILL MY WIFE?
ReplyDeleteOh god, this fandom is breaking us apart.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteAll this delicious fighting is just too much to watch from afar. I decided to come in and relish in this wonderous bickering.
ReplyDeletemmm well, I guess I never thought of it that way. But how would I punch a tree if I was a tree? I couldn't move even if i wanted to.
You all realise those two ae still going, right?
ReplyDelete@Fallin' Winter
ReplyDeleteSon, you have swayed this crusty heart of mine. There is a truth to your words, one which I think everypony should learn.
Sadly, they are stubborn, as am I. *continues spectating/arguing*
ReplyDeleteIn case you haven't noticed, Miners from Minecraft have very similar "hands" to hooves. But Fluttershy is obviously not in Minecraft, because she is round and not blockish. And things fall that aren't Gravel, Sand, or activated TNT.
Great, now Nightmare Moon is in it.
ReplyDeleteWho's next? Celestia?
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteI thought you were defeated?
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteI'm strongly considering joining you at the moment.
@Duskfly Just watch her jump in...
ReplyDelete*Waits Patiently*
ReplyDeleteOh I'm sure my sister would love to join in. Let me see if I can wake her, she's quite the tyrant when her sleep's been disturbed.
@Duskfly Yeah, don't tempt her... She'll send us to the moon
ReplyDeleteThis is not a safe place for a pig, how do I get out of here?
ReplyDelete...and how did I get here?
@Nightmare Moon Aren't you supposed to be sealed away in the remains of your Armor in the everfree forest?
ReplyDelete@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteWait... the bickering here seems to have stopped. Wouldn't you enjoy yourself more over on the Rarity/Trixie thread?
I expect to be on the moon (or sun whichever works) by 8'o clock tomorrow morning. If not than I am forced to believe that none of you are the best pony because you cannot back your claims up with force. This means you most of all Nightmare Moon. You have the power and both Luna and Celestia are dead or something... Haven't heard from them... Plus supposedly your ruthless and a villain? Haven't seen anything you've done to support that either.
ReplyDelete@Ivan the PigYou must travel into the far lands to find the Great Notch, only he shall be able to free you!
ReplyDeleteControversial controversy is controversial.
ReplyDeleteI mean, we've gathered, what, 400-ish comments in the hour or two this has been going on?
Hot damn, I love this community.
I don't see this ending well at all...
ReplyDelete@Nightmare Moon Dammit Nightmare! I DEMAND an answer! WHY. DID. YOU. TRY. TO. KILL. MY. WIFE?!
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteBut I've heard that this place can stretch up to 8 times the surface area of the earth(whatever "Earth" is)!!!
How am I supposed to get that far?
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI doubt she'd kill as powerful a unicorn as myself.
Maybe some brainwashing to ensure my loyalty but I can live with that.
Why did I even mention it....
ReplyDeleteAs the minutes passed, all is quiet in the the strategically important stretch of land known as http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/you-guys-are-such-children.html.
ReplyDeleteAs if appearing out of thin air, Phoe, the first and foremost disciple of Lyra arrives with a sizable detachment drawn directly from the elite units of the Lyran military. Phoe immediately orders his forces to man the already prepared defenses that line the inner portions of the imminent battlefield. Phoe then orders the banner of Lyra to the raised and sees to it that the multiple lyre corps are playing their tunes in unision.
Sethisto sees this and realizes the importance of smiting the foolish Lyrans and taking over their positions. He immediately orders a strike against the defenses of Phoe. The strike force sent by Sethisto soon engages the well entrenched Lyran defenders. Hopelessly outnumbered and outclassed by the Lyrans and their Lyre-based weapons. Sethisto's strike force is unable to break through and the impromptu operation is quickly becoming a bloodbath. Sethisto, looking at the horrifying slaughter of his strike force, finally sees the error of his ways, orders a hasty general retreat of his strike force and then proclaims the superiority of Lyra. Fortunately for Sethisto, the battle has instead moved away from the Lyran controlled positions and Phoe decides not order a retaliatory strike. Although this chapter of the conflict is over (for now at least), the battle still rages on in http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/so-yeah-raritys-awesome.html.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteUm... at what point did Nightmare Moon physically threaten the lives of anypony?
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteI think she just tried to cause eternal night, not kill anyone.
Although I can't imagine permanent night to be enjoyable.
It's a good thing they ignore us pigs, but I don't know about ponies.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteSweetie, I'm alive. I'm quite content with that now. I'm more concerned with Nightmare Moon coming back or us ending up on the Moon.
*sigh* I don't want to go back, well least I'll be with you right? unless... oh no oh no!
@Ivan the Pig You must travel into hell...
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
Hax, and lots of 3rd party world-editing programs.
(And a good processor, it gets WEIRD out there.)
ReplyDeleteLyran Army? Sounds like something from Advance Wars:Days of Ruin.
ReplyDeletePlease, those two ponies quite the bore. That little white unicorn thinks she can solve all of equestria's problems with giving, but what happens when you've naught left to give? And that lowly braggart, I'm surprised she hasn't gotten herself killed. Then again she would have if my sister's little pet hadn't stepped in and saved her...
My sister and I had a little spat, that little sunblossom's enjoying her sleep.
I'm a manifestation of jealousy, hatred and spite, so long as it exists, I will continue to return.
Besides, it's night, I'm bored.
@Venddorfish ummm, what now?
ReplyDelete@Fluttershy What is it dear? I don't see what could be wrong...
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteA journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
But, personally, I'm waiting for this to become a bar fight. Then I can punch things and scream something about Fluttershy being the best.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteoh umm nothing, nothing at all. I just worry about your safety dear and a thought crossed my mind about you being... eep nevermind.
@Rainbow Dash
ReplyDeleteI guess we go to
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteI should have let Dash go after her.
I doubt she'd be dead.Just forced into a friendship she didn't want.
Then I'd leave her in the Everfree ruins as a body for you.
ReplyDeleteYou need an excuse to scream that? I don't. Fluttershy is best pony!
@Nightmare Moon Hey! I helped thrash your flanks once, I'll do it again! BRING IT ON!
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteWait for steve to kill you and make you respawn, then. You might get lucky and be by/in the Far Lands.
@Hawaiian Shirted Boy
Ya know, this does seem like the perfect start to a bar fight. xD
And to be on topic: Everypony know Derpy and Luna are the best ponies. They have much more fanon than all your silly favorite ponies.
ReplyDeleteWe only respawn NEAR Steve. And steve isn't even here.
Still want to know how I got here...
@HeatWave It's not really a fight anymore, except for Nightmare making everything a little bit more annoying... Luckily, I balance it out by making it 20% cooler.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle Hey hey hey Miss Sparkle that doesn't sound very much like something you would do
ReplyDeleteBack to the other war scene.
ReplyDeleteThough I think the rave has finally ceased down.
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteReally... and what has this Lyra character done of late that has you taking such an interest in her?
@Rainbow Dash
ReplyDelete20% isn't much.
1$ equals 1.20$
Only in vast amounts of epicness can you make a difference.
>Implying Scootaloo isn't the best pony.
Even I have my moments of madness.
Remember the Parasprites?
@Nightmare Moon But your Luna's Jealousy and hatred which were purged from her with the Elements of Harmony therefore. You should still be in the everfree forest
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig I did say she only made it a little annoying, so my 20% more than makes up for it...
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle True,but that's only when everything else falls apart around you.
ReplyDeleteShe must have a really good internet connection.
Still waiting on nightmare to get back to me on my offer to join her.
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteHey hey now, 20% of $1 might only be 20 cents, but 20% of an epic level like this thread is easily within near epicness itself, therefore, Rainbow Dash may make a difference yet.
ReplyDeleteWhat's happening now?
@ Heatwave
ReplyDeleteI have little care for my sister's sun loving subjects. Though, I will admit, she is a bit odd for a unicorn... But no, I was drawn to the fighting the two collective arguments brought forth. Just took me a while to manifest is all.
@Rainbow Dash
You know that position as captain of the Shadowbolts is still open for you.
Oh hush and enjoy the show, I'm sure even you're capable of that much.
@Twilight Sparkle Hey now Twilight, if you join her, your friendship with Fluttershy won't matter, I WILL END YOU.
ReplyDelete@Nightmare Moon Also, I AM going to end you Nightmare...
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteIf it'll send that red pony into a wrathful fit, I'll be glad to have you at my side this evening.
ReplyDeleteIt's like ninjas.
For some reason it's easier to handle them the more there are.
...what the fuck did I just say?
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteWhich brings me back to my original point: There was more fighting going on in the other thread, so why are you still HERE!?
Gosh... all that power and no logical sense.
Also, I don't believe you actually revealed to Rainbow Dash that you were taking upon yourself the physical manifestation of the Shadowbolts... you MIGHT want to explain that first.
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteConsider me at your side lady nightmare.
@Nightmare Moon Now, we all know the shadowbolts are a bunch of posers... On the other hand, I'm sure to make the wonderbolts, aka ten thousand times better than your shadowbolts will ever hope to be
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteConservation of ninjutsu.
The more fodder there is, the weaker they are.
@Nightmare Moon Hey, I DID beat you before, so don't talk down to me! Besides, I AM NOT WRATHFUL! *Flips Table*
ReplyDeleteI am entertained by this entire endeavor.
ReplyDelete@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteWe may not be on the same team, but you look like you can handle yourself in a scrap (seeing as you are a brick shaped slab of pork.) So if things get hairy stick with me, we can always kill each other when it's over. Wadda' say?
ReplyDeleteSure, why not.
@Twilight Sparkle By joining forces with nightmare moon you do realize you revoke your title as Celestia's Apprentice
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteMajor, the miner of my world dropped some diamond armor, do you want it?
I can't use it myself.
ReplyDeleteWhat Celestia doesn't know won't hurt her.
Or me for that matter.
@Twilight Sparkle
Is this about the time I left you to fight those Timezombies by yourself? I said I was sorry! How much longer can you hold that against me?
@Twilight Sparkle She's bound to find out at some point. I hope you like moonrocks
ReplyDeleteWell what in the wide wide world of Equestria is going on here?
ReplyDeleteThe Shadowbolts are real, unfortunately with the few hours I had in my attempt at eternal night last summer I had no time to track down the current team, leaving me forced to make due with some avatars of the team. Seriously, Real pegasi can't just cause a sound dampening cloud of fog with an evil glare.
As for why I'm here, I'd hate to disappoint Dusk by no responding to his post over there.
I consider this a night well accomplished then.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteAs long as I please.
Think fast major.*magic blast*
@Ivan the Pig
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'd appreciate it! Did he have a saddle too? I have an idea...
@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteI believe so.
So how shall we go about building your regime?
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteTwilight NO!!!!!!!!
*jumps in front* oh no.. this is...
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteYes, he did. Why? What are you planning?
*hands items over*
Shit, I shouldn't have said that...
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked that even in your cracked state (which you have apparently admitted to) you would join with someone who is pray to such logical fallacies as Nightmare Moon, as pointed out above.
Not to mention she wanted to make it ETERNALLY NIGHT! Do you realize how little time it would have taken before you all froze to death? Where would she be then!? Still no subjects to admire her 'night'.
Doesn't this go against your nature as a student? Even so, when you cracked last time, you were still loyal to Celestia. I'm disappointed in you, young unicorn.
Them's fight'en words.
ReplyDelete*grabs whiskey bottle*
Let's get it on!
This is no place for a pig.
ReplyDeleteThis is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
This is no place for a pig.
@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteYes.Probably not your best idea major.*teleports behind you*Now then.Shall we begin?
ReplyDeleteHOW DARE YOU?!
*swings for twilight with the bottle*
ReplyDelete*Unholsters Pistol*
ReplyDeleteIT. IS. ON!
@Cereal Velocity you better get back here... There's a riot going down...
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteBring it on Major.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy! NOOOOOOOOOO!
No! *sob*
I may be a lowly human! But I will not stand idly by while you hurt Fluttershy!
ReplyDeleteOh, boy. What should I do now?
ReplyDeleteHelp the major? Run and hide?
Fluttershy, please be okay...
ReplyDelete*blinks* Wha-what happened? I, Torrential? TORRENTIAL, WHERE ARE YOU!?