• Trixie Custom / Trixie bag!

    Custom of the best pony?


    She's missing her robe and wizard hat, but hey, it's still Trixie!

    You can find Autumnalone's DA here

    Also a Trixie Custom bag!

    You can find the DA for that here

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Silly Sethisto, that's not how you spell Pinkie Pie!

      Pretty well made custom though. Hair is a little long.

    2. Looks awesome. Now if only Hasbro would make an official one for us. Preferably a Styling size one with her hat and cape.

    3. Wow, she's pretty.

      Er... uh... sorry, Lyra, I wasn't... ah, crap.

    4. @Anonymous All the ponies of that model have hair that's too long

    5. Well well well, it seems The Great and Powerful Trixie is finally getting to be a star again! As it should be.

    6. @Anonymous

      Just cut some of it off :O!

    7. shutupandtakemymoney.jpg


    8. Ohhh!
      Autumnalone's Trixie is fantastic! Now somepony needs to sew her a tiny wizard hat and robe!

      @anon1: It's really hard to style show-accurately x_x Grump about it after you've tried it.

      Plus, long hair is fun to brush @_@

    9. Im sure its okay Phoe Lyra seems to be pretty laid back, she is after all the second greatest unicorn ever

    10. That's a really good Trixie! :D

    11. As soon as I saw this I knew this custom pony on another site I knew I'd see it here too.

      The Hasbro site sells blank ponies for coloring but are they G3 or G4 style?

    12. I'm not denying that this is awesome custom of Trixie, but she really does need the Cape & Hat to have the full G&P effect.

    13. Sorrowful, the blank ponies are G3. It would be awesome if they started selling blank G4s, though.

    14. I'm working on my own Trixie custom and just ordered the hair based on this model. I plan on staggering the colors to pattern it more like Trixie's hair, so we'll see how I measure up.
