For MIRC/IRC clients
/server irc.canternet.org
If you have any questions considering functionality of the chats, ask any of the on-duty mods (the ones with funny symbols in front of their names)
The channels short info:
#EquestriaDaily - The main channel and the front of the Ponychats, a general room for talking
everything pony... well, everything pony that is at least a little bit of PG as stated in the general
NOTE: DO NOT POST SPOILERS IN THIS CHANNEL. Episode discussion is disallowed until approximately six hours after an episode airs, in order to allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy an episode. POSTING SPOILERS WILL RESULT IN A BAN. If you want to discuss spoiler content, see #EquestriaSpoilers.
#EquestriaAfterDark - welcome to the dark side of ponydom. This channel disregards the PG
rule from General Rules, so pretty much everything can be posted here. From Grimdark to the
more "saucy" pony pictures and fiction. Only for mature audience!
#EquestriaDailyRP - Channel dedicated to roleplaying with ponies! So if you have an OC that
you want to immerse with or want to see the Mane Cast in action, this is the place for you. Our
staff will work hard on delivering a high quality experience for all of the willing players.
#EquestrianGamers - Equestrian Gamers is, well, a channel for reading poet-- Wait, wrong
script. Equestrian Gamers is a gaming channel for gamers talking about the games they enjoy, a
place to find others who play your favorite games, as well as a place to just sit and chat. We are a
mature channel, just don't bring anything really adult into it!
#EquestriaSpoilers - Channel dedicated to discussions of new episode filled with spoilers! This
room is usually busy right after and during a new episode airing, when too many too enthusiastic
bronies must share their excitement to others as soon as it is technically possible. Because of the
"no spoilers" policy in the other channels, this place was made.
#EquestriaTheater - Channel dedicated to discussion of episodes as they air. Not to be confused with #EquestriaSpoilers, as this channel is kept free of future episode spoilers!
#EquestriaDailyArt - A room dedicated to all of the ponies with a creative spark, be it drawing, painting, sculpture, customization, poetry or expressive dance (wild outdoor performance included!). Share your works here, await crits and comments and rejoice in some artsy brainstorming with others over here. Our mods will not be too harsh on the criticism, I swear.
#EquestrianStudy - The channel for aspiring writers, this is the place to discuss characterization, plot, world building, and all of the other facets of story telling. If you need assistance, constructive criticism, or just somewhere to bounce ideas, consider checking us out.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
171 kommentaari:
Wow, it's plopped over the sides of the page.
VastaKustutaI've seen no problems with it so far, great feature :D
VastaKustutaI am going to destroy everyone in this chat room. EVERYONE. Starting with YOU!
VastaKustutaDMN, break the browser, tables, anithing :(
VastaKustutaWish I didn't have to search for the embed chat every time I wanted to get to it. could you add a link to this page on the side over there (>) below the total page-views or above the popular posts?
VastaKustutaI second the motion!
We need a chat button accessible from the frontpage!
VastaKustuta^that. DO IT. NAO.
VastaKustutaAgreed. So very much.
VastaKustutaWell, I agree!
VastaKustutaI agree with those ponies.
VastaKustutaHere here! We need that button in the sidebar!
VastaKustutaI think seth has forgotten about this chat room.
VastaKustutaNevermind, he added a button.
VastaKustutait seems to work just fine for me ^_^
VastaKustutaIs this an IRC chat? Someone post the server details; I think I will just connect via mIRC.
VastaKustutaPower to the ponies! looks like we got what we always wanted guys :D
VastaKustuta@exakr: It's irc.geekshed.net
VastaKustuta#brony is also on that network, which is mostly random non-PG chat with other Bronies about Poni and other random junk.
Remove all bans for everyone pl0x
VastaKustutaLet's see if this can work out for me...
VastaKustutaDidn't notice this...
VastaKustutaHey, You said I would be unbanned in 24 hours but it's been 46 hours and 7 minutes, unban me. NOW.
VastaKustutadeez nigguhs be trollin.
VastaKustutaI'm having problems logging into the server, saying that my ISP was banned for something. I don't remember being banned at all.
VastaKustutaUhhhmmm. Doesn't work??? Keeps saying 'Disconnected from server' if I type anything in...
VastaKustuta@Anonymous try clearing your cache or by removing other tabs and such
VastaKustutaWhy, by Celestia's beard, am i disconnected from the server ?
VastaKustutaI love how no one talks :|
VastaKustuta:P yes, because we talk 24/7
Anyone else disconnected?
VastaKustutaEquinox.geekshed doesn't connect >_>
VastaKustutaYes flamerunner, I am having this problem too.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure what has happened with Equinox, but the chats are still up, if you use another IRC client join either Boomer or Intrepid as the server before Geekshed.net. As for the flash client here, i can't get it to connect at the moment, hope to find out more info soon.
VastaKustutawell thats annoying.
VastaKustutaCan't connect... Same here.
VastaKustutaIs da serber down?
VastaKustutano connecting BIGMACINTOSH IS PISSED
VastaKustutaThe system, is down, the system, is down...
Ok everypony, the flash client has been changed back so you should be able to connect once more from here.
VastaKustutaIt's back up! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaThis server isn't connecting! :\
VastaKustutaServer... it am down again?
VastaKustutadown again...
VastaKustutaIt's not accepting my password..
VastaKustutaMaybe you made a typo in registration process - it happens regulary.
VastaKustutaStats page to see how much people actually talk in here. How do you people manage to type over 100 lines every time I check?
VastaKustutaEverypony should join up, it would be much appreciated <3
I got Kicked because...."muffins!"?
VastaKustutaEverypony should join up, it would be much appreciated <3
I got Kicked because...."muffins!"?
Best thing to ever happen...
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Agree (:
VastaKustutaWe have :p
VastaKustutaUm... Hi?
VastaKustutaBy the way That was Wheatley_Core^ and this is Wheatley_Core. Everyone has been ping_timeoutted. The problem seems to be this: [17:23:06] Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.lightirc.com (port 843).
VastaKustutaUhm... whats up with the chat?! Broken?
VastaKustutahey. i got banned form equestria daily chat
VastaKustutaplz help me.
Is the IRC broken? I havn't been able to log into it sense last night.
VastaKustutaSO is the chat down or wut? OR do I have to install something to make it work again?
VastaKustutahow does one appeal the ban process? ive been banned from every lobby on this chat!
VastaKustutaShould work now.
VastaKustutanope, still banned...
VastaKustutaNinjapwny:Guess you need a new nick then...
VastaKustutatried that as well...i mustve REALLY pissed some mod off for this to happen, but i have no idea what it could be. i just need a way to appeal the ban or something...
VastaKustutaIs the chat down or what? :C
VastaKustutaSeemes that way.
VastaKustutaIt hasn't been working for me for like two days. What's the problem?
VastaKustutaYou want to talk?
Hit me - [email protected]
this thing... it dont work
VastaKustutaIs there any way to use the IRC chat o n an android phone? I can get the client to work, but I cant type anything in the chat boxes. Any fix?
VastaKustutaI haven't been able to connect to the server. What's going on?
VastaKustutai am now. pinkypielover
VastaKustutaThat is all.
Feels like im in a room, and everyone is talking to themselves, all at the same time, and if you try to talk to any one, or try to get someones attention, it either goes Flat and everyone shuts up until you have been scared away, or they ignore you and keep talking about what they are interested in anyhow.
VastaKustutaNot one of my best chat experiences especially when Im trying to connect with other bronies.
Finally, a place where EVERYPONY can hang out.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMaybe Roleplay isn't mah thing.
VastaKustuta"Never give-up! Never surrender! Never retreat! That's mine and Simon's fighting spirit!"
Fillies aren't giving up on finding something they're good at, and they're not giving-up on changing the world to be a better place. They may not be good at something right away, but they keep trying till they find a way that works with the skills they have.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's never on top.
VastaKustutaIt's not working for me, why?
VastaKustutalul i'm the newest failaddition
VastaKustutaEvery time I try this, it waits till I type something and then says "Flash policy problem" and disconnects me. I swear I'm competent. What is this I don't even.
VastaKustutaSOMEONE seems to have taken my name this leaves me very unhappy
VastaKustutaLet it be known now. AT 11:50am Central Time. The IRC Servers are Down. SETHISTO! Please Fix.
VastaKustuta:/ Chat down, I need my daily dose of Pony
VastaKustutaI'm not sure this is something Sethisto can fix. The entire lightirc.com website is down, and I don't think anyone knows why at this point. Hopefully it'll be up by either tomorrow morning or night, I had a question for you ponies.
dammit. gone for 3 days, and now i cannot get my pony chats.
VastaKustutaHark! It is I! Apparently the chat went down like immediately after I left. Once again, somehow, I crashed the chat. If you remember the first time, kudos to you!
VastaKustutaSeems broke? (Triximancer)
VastaKustutaquick, someone alert Sethisto!
VastaKustutaOh no no no. Back when I posted that, it said that the EQD servers were down... or something. I not really knowledgable in the world of IRC, but back then, it seemed a problem on EQD's side, not the acutal IRC chat side. But this problem seems way different from what happened that day. Perhaps they are rebooting their servers?
VastaKustutaOh no oh no oh no oh no oh noooo!
(looks at sun. Sun is ticking)
If I don't get onto Equestria Daily chat very soon I'm going to go *gasp*
This sucks.. It's down today.. I need to talk to everypony.
VastaKustutaSadface! I was supposed to find someone on here and finish work on an epic scifi "psychiatric therapy on the moon" fic!
VastaKustutaI guess it will be fixed when it is fixed and there's no point stressing about it...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIt looks to be more than just rebooting. Something happened on their side, that much we're sure of. But what...?
Hey you! Other side of the screen who looks after equestria daily! Theres something wrong with your chat!
VastaKustutaGave me this error:
Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.lightirc.com (port 843).
*Knocks on screen*
You got that :3
@Hyperali *shrugpony*
VastaKustutaSomething wrong with irc://irc.lightirc.com/ Not showing up
VastaKustutaHaving a problem with the chat. For the past hour or so I am unable to log in. It says I'm disconnected as soon as I connect. I end up being told "This name is already used" even I used a stupid giberish username to get in. I know I'm not banned but I don't know if my connection is being idiotic or if something happened to the chat.
VastaKustutaAnd now as I speak I am sent to the EQD chat only to be the only person there. Anyone having a similar problem?
Can't log in, it keeps giving
VastaKustutaFlash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.lightirc.com (port 843).
I'm getting the exact same problem.
VastaKustutaThis is really annoying. I get the same problems as listed a few comments above
VastaKustutaLooks like the IRC server is down /again/
VastaKustuta@Sundancer Get back on, it's working momentarily!
VastaKustutaAll problems will be deal within one or two days.
VastaKustutaStay tune.
I was banned for "malicious botware"?
You're not the only one, Phluorescent. I got that from both my own google username and one of the random 'user_####' names.
VastaKustutaSomethings probably broken or derped.
Either way I trust the mods will have it fixed.
I got banned too for "malicious botware" WTB?
VastaKustutaDid the Mods done something wrong or i?
Everything is fixed and working now :)
VastaKustutaWhat happened? We moved to a new network! Do not forget to Register your nick again. Enjoy!
Where'd #EquestrianStudy go?
VastaKustutaWell I don't know if it's just me but it wants me to install a Flash daemon again!
VastaKustutaSame here. Is it supposed to do that? Is it badness? Some sort of virus? Malware? I have an IPhone, so I can't get flash anyway, but I have never gotten this popup before, other than when Ive tried going on sites that clearly use flash. ( online games, etc. )
Hello! Sorry to be a bother but I have noticed a buggy thing. I'm a phone user and I realized that if you switch to the web version, every time you go to another page/post on the site, it switches back to mobile. I don't know the first thing about running a website, so I don't know if it is supposed to do this, but I just thought I might mention it. Thank you for your time!
Server crashed AGAIN. Crashed my computer too. You guys really need to keep those magnets away from the server.
VastaKustutaNot working...
VastaKustuta[22:44:55] Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.canternet.org (port 843).
wy no ponys respond to chat urg ill end up like pink at end of cupcakes
VastaKustutaYeah, not working for me either... what a shame... first time I finally found a commuity site for bronies :)
VastaKustutaI tried IRC but same issue.
Hmm, not sure if this will work, but you guys might be able to get in through an alternate chat. Here's the one I use whenever the embed's not working for me.
1. Click go. don't need to enter anything yet.
2. Select the Canternet tab in the top left corner.
3. Type /join #EquestriaDaily into the chat box at the bottom (not the one on the left)
4. You should be in the main chat now, but you're name will probably be something really weird. /nick yournickhere for a new one.
Hope that helps, but once again, no guarantees.
Also use a minimum of decent grammar, it angers the admin when you don't.
Oh no! The entire chat just crashed, I got banned!!?!?!
VastaKustutaDid someone send the chat to the moon? Getting a flash policy problem here and on other sites it says it can't find the host name or something similar to that.
VastaKustutahey everypony. its cuppycakes. sorry for going overboard with the on the moon stuff. i was hyper and didnt know it was annoying. can i come back please? i'm sorry :'(
VastaKustuta@Pinkie Pie you hate rainbow dash and that does not make me happy >:D
VastaKustutai love mlp fim
VastaKustuta@RainbowDash XD ha fail
VastaKustuta@RainbowDash * tf2 spy:what the matter?* *tf2: rainbow dash sucks!* * skywarp24: no! rainbow dash is good and best poney* *tf2 spy:hay rainbow dash fuck you give middle finger go to hell and take your sonic rainboom with you* *skywarp24 pulls out shotgun with rainbow dash's cutie mark on it8 *tf2 spy: oh shit* * pull trigger* *boom8 8 tf2 spy: X_X* *skywarp24: let this be a lesson to you anti brony of rainbow dash never ever flip her or you will answer to me* :D tf2 *sniper: the end* *skywarp24: rainbow dash is awesome*
VastaKustuta@Discord i hate you discord
VastaKustuta@Pinkie Pie pinkie pie is a party poney( still not as awesome as rainbow dash)
VastaKustuta@Pinkie Pie i hate you >:D
VastaKustutaWhy was i banned?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaderpybot is making me mad
VastaKustutathis sucks
VastaKustuta@Discord you suck you call yourself a villain i think nightmare moon is better than you
VastaKustutaWell this is odd. It's saying I'm banned from the #EquestriaDaily channel when I've never so much as said one word in there. I decided to venture in for the first time a few days ago, not much was going on so I left, and I come back today and I'm banned. Any way to undo this?
VastaKustutaIs the chat working for you guys?
VastaKustutaI wasn't working yesterday either when I stopped by. It'll log me in, then sit here forever: "[19:51:00] [NOTICE celestia.canternet.org]: *** Looking up your hostname...
VastaKustuta[19:51:00] [NOTICE celestia.canternet.org]: *** Skipping host resolution (disabled by server administrator)"
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@PourmeadrinkYeah, exactly what happens to me. Hm... I have friends here I wanna talk to...
VastaKustutaIs this still not working, or is it something on my end?
VastaKustutaYeeeah, is anypony else having problems connecting?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI miss my chat's.
VastaKustutaThis is a comment.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Lord of the Users
VastaKustutaImpossible. Utterly impossible.
Does anyone know how I can contact Friendly Uncle, the author of The Creature that came to Ponyville, besides fanfictionnet?
VastaKustutawhy i cannot get into the chat it just show me an error 2031
VastaKustutaHi! Let me share with you the first Colombian bronies site.
Hope to know and see that in Colombia there are also bronies.
Thanks for your attention!
VastaKustutaIt looks like the chat is completely broken... what's going on with the chat?! D:
VastaKustutaYou should add an Animation Group Chat.
VastaKustuta@Craigyas lol
VastaKustutaI love this chat!
VastaKustutaServers getting DDoS'd ):
"Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at irc.canternet.org (port 843)."
VastaKustutaI keep getting this problem in all of our computers.
Oh, it's under a DDoS attack. Just great..
VastaKustutaOh look. It's STILL under a DDoS attack. Just great.
VastaKustutaCanternet! Fix yo' stuff!
Oh look. It's STILL under a DDoS attack. Just great.
VastaKustutaCanternet! Fix yo' stuff!
all should go on ponychat irc.
VastaKustutaPeople hire out botnets for all kinds of things, one of them is DDosing. Now if the DDoS has been paid for, money well spent, ddosing a brony irc server seriously. Or if somone owns the botnet but it turning it on this IRC server, efforts well spent. Now if you will excuse me, I will go hang on one of the hundreds of pony forums out there.
VastaKustutaIt's not as easy as just finding a new forum. This is for many the only way to keep contact with the people they know in the chats. Some lack Skype possibly cannot even use it, some lack any sort of other ways of keeping in touch. There are plenty of reasons why this is the only way for them to keep in touch.
VastaKustutaHave you guys heard of the astronaut contest that AXE runs? I am from sweden so I am probably not your competition. Could you guys please take a moment and vote for me please? https://www2.axeapollo.com/sv_SE/337905/tobias-glans?image=0#.UVl0st6GoN0.twitter this is the link. Brohoof!
VastaKustutaSo I'm using my iPad, I've read the guide, but I am still confused. Do I need to get on a computer with flash drive to use the chat rooms?
VastaKustutaThanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with extra information? It is extremely helpful for me. videochat