• Temporarity Moved the IRC embed

    I removed the embed at the bottom of the page.  It really killed overall performance of the site, especially on mobile browsers.

    The New (Temporary and Very Ghetto) embed is below. It's literally just pasted into the html tab of blogger.  I'm not sure if my domain allows me to create actual side pages.  Still figuring it out!

    New chat Embed is HERE!

    This chat is hosted on IRC though of course.  You can find the information for that after the break if you haven't used it already.

    Right, I should totally be asleep right now! Off to read Ballad of Twilight Sparkle and pass out. 

    Actually that Rarity pun in the subject line looks way less cool than I thought it would.  I'm keeping it anyway though.

    For MIRC

    /server irc.lightirc.com
    /join #EquestriaDaily

    The channels are:

    /join #EquestriaDaily (PG Chat)
    /join #EquestriaAfterDark (Adult Chat - no rules aside from no spamming)
    /join #EquestriaDailyRP (Roleplaying)

    19 kommentaari:

    1. Can't you just add small javascript link or button to the main page that opens the chat in an overlay, e.g. a simple div? This would make it both easily accessible and easy on the resources because it only loaded when explicitly requested.

    2. Thank you, that embed was killing my feeble system.

    3. It's like 20% smoother now, thank you!!!

    4. I have to admit the new chat window was growing on me. And then you move it? Well, at least, I'll be able to have the main page available when I chat.

    5. Woah
      The site is so much quicker now.
      You should just put it in a side page or something

    6. THANK YOU.

      I have mIRC and AndorIRC anyway, so the embed was a little superfluous for me.

    7. Good change. Now the page is done loading in ten seconds flat!

      Anyone using the chat regularly should probably look into standalone IRC clients anyway, when possible.

      Oh, and I kinda like that pun...

    8. @Anonymous
      Ten seconds? What are you running, 56k?

    9. >mfw i noticed temporarity AFTER seth pointed it out :|

    10. Definitely needs to be moved, my poor netbook suffers on every page load with the chat at the bottom.

    11. Thank you. I like checking this from my droid, and the chat applet KILLS the loading time. Badly.

    12. Of *course* temporarity is cool. How could Best Pony not be cool?

    13. Thanks for letting us know, I was like "Where chat go?!"

    14. The real chat is derpyhooves.com/chat

    15. Check out the****HorseMingle.Com ******,Sign up free there! You can find the people you like there! you can also get their location and photos and videos by chatting with them!

    16. So... how long is "temporarily" again?
