• Tee Shirt Design Contest

    A website called Welovefine.com is hosting a MLP Tee shirt design contest!  It looks like they also actually carry some MLP shirts if you look around their gallery.

    The rewards are...

    200$ Store credit for First place
    25$ Store credit for 4 runner ups

    If you are interested in joining, you can find the submission page and all additional rules here!

    Also Twilight Sparkle shirt, cause she is the best pony.  I'm pretty sure the people I know would think I love her a bit "too" much if I wore this one though! 

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Yeah, but they only cary the shirts in girls sizes. Come ON! Wake up and smell the new demographic...


      I got a few designs I would LOVE to submit!

    3. If you submit a design and are a dude include the fact that you are a dude in the email.

    4. We only have till Friday? That's not much time to get a design out.

    5. Man, their server is slow. I don't think it was ready for the flood of Brony that was just unleashed on it. Is this the first time we've farked a link?

    6. I kind of just want simple ones...

      Fluttershy - Yellow shirt ( match's her coat ) with cuttie mark in chest right side with maybe the "Um..." picture on the back.


      ^ This picture if you don't know what I ment by the um picture lol.

      This applies to all the other characters too honestly.. ( Derpy, Celestia, Pinkie, RD, AJ, Rarity, Twilight, Luna, ect. )

    7. Finally! Will absolutely buy a couple when the contest is over and the winning shirts are available!

    8. Simpler designs are probably best. Seriously, I'm not sure Duke Nukem himself could rock that Twilight Sparkle shirt without some hassling. Granted, Duke would probably knock their lights out and then make a sub-par game that doesn't live up to expectations, but most of us don't have that option.

    9. A confirmed shirt maker with Rarity's "Deal With It"? I must be dreaming!
      Would like to know the quality of the shirts before buying though...

    10. Pink pony is best pony.

    11. Basic tees with the characters and some minor background elements would be best, no need to be too fancy. That would include minor characters though- 80s Cheerilee, Derpy, Lyra, Trixie.

    12. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/chat/src/129908301826.jpg

      Gotta get a shirt to represent the bronies.

    13. It's funny, because I literally just finished a shirt design the other day. I was planning on making an online store later on, but for now, why not try this out?

    14. ugh, THOSE shirts again?

    15. Trixie will always be the best pony.

    16. Hm... unemployed and just got a new tablet... I think they will regret that you can submit unlimited designs xD

    17. Is there anywhere where shirt designers can post their competition entries; I would like to see other peoples' ideas.

    18. No 2XL? I am disappoint.

    19. Hmm, could be interesting...

    20. We should have a tread for this on friday, where everypony submits their designs as we did at the Training Grounds XD
