• Super Dash Game

    Another game featuring Rainbow Dash! I don't think I've seen a game where she isn't the main character. Oh, wait, we did have Collect Cupcakes, Lick Ponies. And that playable demo of that pony game with the awesome hair physics. Does the Desktop Ponies app count as a game?

    Anyway, after the break you can find a video of the game in action.

    You can download it here.

    46 kommentaari:

    1. @SomeFrenchBrony You are a faggo- d'awwww.

    2. @SomeFrenchBrony You are a faggo- d'awwww.

    3. @Anonymous

      inb4 you're such a hater and i'm free to post whatever I want and I forgot to say that the game need more developement.

    4. In this comment sections: The opposite of Friendship and Tolerance

      In response to the game, I might DL it, but the gameplay video looks really laggy. Is that because of his computer or recorder?

    5. i don't understand the point of this game

    6. lol guys, enough arguing about the game and get on topic XD

    7. Fawkes/MissingUsername25. juuni 2011, kell 11:08

      This looks pretty sweet.

    8. Horrible demo, no offence BUT CMON! xD ''Fighting Is Magic'' Is the only Good one which actually pays homage to the Show's animation ;D and i see that it's actually about ponies, and don't ask myself what the shit is this suppose to be? until i check out the description ;D

    9. TBH it looks pretty boring. I hope this is just like the alpha or something because as it is it's not too great.

    10. After the intro the game looks awful boring. The music doesn't help either to counter my first impression.

    11. sorry but winter wrap up isnt the right soundtrack for a rainbow dash game

    12. It's just his alpha, no worries. It will be better!

    13. Yeah it's just the alpha version guys, no need to be a douche.
      It still needs lots of improvement but at least it's a start. The more games the better!

    14. That pic.

      I have no mouth and I must scream.

    15. Replace Winter Wrap Up with a hard rock cover of any FiM song.

    16. Why bother releasing a video to show off how underdeveloped and downright grating your game currently is?
      Wait until it's actually decently impressive before you start trying to build hype.

    17. Another bullet hell game in the works? I think this is the first side-scrolling bullet hell pony game, so hey.

      What's with all the hate for someone who's just making and sharing pony? Who cares if it's unfinished pony? It's pony!

    18. guys its cool if you don't like it but there is no reason to be mean

      maybe instead of being dbags you could offer constructive criticism that would help him make it better?

    19. Epic wallpaper.

    20. Ok, you know what this needs? Rotate the action by 90 degrees, and make it lead on from that intro, chasing down vertically. Add a fast track (perhaps Eurobeat Brony?), speed the game up massively, and have a gradually accelerating Dash trying to catch Rarity. Make the obstacles slow you a fraction each, and have a big fat timer counting down to... collision point for Rarity.

    21. I think wwu is unfitting and hope its just a place holder. (if not I hope you consider changing it)

      The thing seems terribly laggy and I really hope its the video not the game itself because if it is that needs to be fixed before this is even close to ready.
      Lag aside the whole thing seemed slow paced for rainbow (especially after the rainboom into scene) ether dash needs to go faster or the enemies do.

      It has potential but this is far from ready I hope you keep it up and make the whole thing 20%cooler!

    22. meh it looks okay but i don't think i'll try it out.

    23. @SomeFrenchBrony
      Perhaps you misunderstood. I meant "inb4 someone else calls you a faggot". It seemed to long to type at the time, but it appears I wasn't being too clear on what I meant. I apologize for the misunderstanding. You are incorrect on one note, however. You can't post whatever you like. One example of this is CP.

    24. I thought they weren't gonna post any more download games here, after the whole Luna fiasco?

    25. Winter Wrap-Up as BGM? Really?

    26. VERY EARLY ALPHA STAGE, and its laggy because of the recorder, the gameplay is rather smooth...FRAPs doesnt detect it so I had to deal with a suckish desktop recording software program.

      Lots of stuff is planned for this, including possibly having a online multiplayer version, story mode, and multiple levels with different backgrounds and such...if you visit the site and read up on it instead of just watching the video and commenting you'd already know this. :D

    27. FYI Im not building hype at all, nor trying too, all Im aiming for is to get input from the community on what you all would like to see, since theres nothing really there that means the game can basically be built by the community. Enemies? Bosses? Power-ups? If you guys built a game like this what would you add?

      The background music is temporary and can easily be changed by the user, and the coding isnt 100% optimized yet either...like I said, Im just looking for feedback, not hype. :)

    28. @YappySounds like a great idea for a minigame :D

    29. @==Maverick== RPG elements are generally pretty cool. What exactly is average gameplay supposed to be like?

    30. It's rough, but has potential.

    31. You can't sell this if THIS is Alpha...
      Look at Notch he sold his Minecraft in Alpha =))

    32. *Dramatic intro* HOLD ON RARITY I'MA COMING!
      -WWU music-


    33. @Anonymous

      ack, i've fixed that pic xD
      he must've grabbed the old version off my Da http://zomgitsalaura.deviantart.com/art/Pony-butt-211386959

    34. @Anonymous

      I know...haha, WWU is just a placeholder, its the only pony mp3 I had downloaded at the time, since then Ive acquired about 10 more, along with a lot of custom music...Ill be sending messages out to the owners asking if I could use them in the game.

      Normal gameplay...SHOULD be, more or less increasing difficult gameplay in different environments, like the old SMB but with MLP, youll start in 1-1, go to 1-4, with each stage covering a certain amount of distance with increased difficulty....Stage 2-1 to 2-4 will be harder and have a different background and music to it, as well as different enemies.

      There will more then likely be support for online multiplayer where players compete in racing brackets, but doing data xfers online is still fairly new to me, we'll see how it goes. :)

      Thanks for the support and feedback, it means a lot to me :D

    35. Super Mario Brothers? Isn't that a little bit... unambitious?
      I mean, I know it's a classic, but it's over 25 years old. Kind of outdated to use as a basis for a game. But I guess that's your prerogative.

    36. I used SMB as a explanation of how the levels will work, not how the game will be played out...every game that increases difficulty as it progresses uses the SMB idealogy...take Left 4 Dead for example...5 campaigns, 4-5 maps each could be put as 1-1 to 1-5 all the way up to 5-1 to 5.5, was just using it as an example.

      Ive replaced Winter Wrap Up with Gimme RD, found here

    37. The controls are pretty stiff.
      Here is a tip for you.

      Create Boolean variables: UP,DOWN,LEFT, and RIGHT

      on keyDown event set the respective variables to true.
      on keyup event set the respective variables to false.

      in your main game loop put
      IF UP then
      rainbowdash.top = rainbowDash.top -1
      end if
      IF DOWN then
      rainbowdash.top = rainbowDash.top +1
      END IF
      IF LEFT then
      rainbowdash.left = rainbowDash.left -1
      END IF
      IF RIGHT then
      rainbowdash.left = rainbowDash.left +1
      End if

      Of course the much neater way is that you could put all of this in a subroutine and call that from your game loop.

      This should fix the stiff controls in your game.

    38. Nice plot there.

    39. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    40. @Anonymous
      Thank you, will this be more responsive then using the KeyDown for the entire script? I also need to figure out a way to remove the key delay, any help would be greatly appreciated, you can reach me via my youtube, you'll get credited with any help you can offer. :D

      This is my first attempt at an actual game, all my other programs is stuff like data management and stuff, so this is way off the beaten path for me...lol

      and the "Nice plot there" post, its an alpha, meaning there is no plot yet, just the rough foundation that the game is built upon. :)

    41. Major performance update and difficulties are much harder

    42. The haters dont belong on a pony site. friendship is magic, remember? Why isn't that obvious among pony people?

      suggestions for game:
      add highscores table
      control player with arrow keys instead of letters

