I hope you are enjoying your pointlessly temporary lives this fine morning.
Unfortunately, it seems everypony around here has forgotten the most important day of the year; my birthday.
Each and every day, I, your benevolent overlord, raise and lower the very thing that keeps your despicable little hooves from turning into cute little pony popsicles. I do very much enjoy popsicles, especially cute pony shaped ones, but for the sake of my loyal followers, I endlessly sacrifice my enjoyment for the betterment of a bunch of thankless world consuming foals.
And don't even THINK about pulling the "but Luna could do it too!" card. Do you HONESTLY believe that little tyrant wouldn't backstab you the second she got the chance? I see her lurking in the shadows behind my throne...with that conniving look on her face. She's just waiting for the perfect time to pounce and bring back that ridiculous "eternal night" she kept blabbering about a thousand years ago. The crying and "but Cele! I'm So lonely!" is all an act!
I hope you are all happy. I think I'll go on a murdering rampage. It has been SO long since I have done something fun like that, and it's not like you wont repopulate like a bunch of dirty little rabbits anyway.
Your Benevolent Overlord and Stewardess of the Sun
Princess Celestia
PS - I have promoted Sethisto to Captain of everything in my absence.Princess Celestia
Robot Voice
Happy Birthday Celestia! Now make it stop being so hot!
ReplyDeleteGLaDOS much?
ReplyDeleteOh ha ha... Another "CELESTIA IS TRYANT LOLOLOLOL" post. Don't you see? Your eviling up my perfect little world! *Sobs in corner*
ReplyDeleteWell, its also winter here... Damn you Entitled northern hemisphere dwellers!
But Luna could do it better!
ReplyDeleteso is it today
ReplyDeleteYou're running out of stuff to post, aren't you?
ReplyDeleteYou mean I pulled it off? I'msohappy.
Looks I need to start that Pony Dieties church, rule, and web page very soon. Also I know i'll be adding Princess Celestia to my summer equinox rites. Hail Celestia! Now please don't fricasee me O.o
ReplyDeleteUm... Happy Birthday? Alright NOW... to prepare for Luna's birthday.
ReplyDeleteOh you.
ReplyDeleteBut really now, being a Kiwi-brony, we're actually celebrating WINTER solstice here in upside-down land, so I guess it's, uh, Winter Moon celebration?
Brb watching Luna raise the moon.
(Hmmm, I missed my chance to head up to Vancouver B.C. and partake in the riots after game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals...)
ReplyDeleteOh great and powerful... wait, that phrase belongs to somebody else, let me start again, please.
Oh magnificently radiant and powerful overlord, Princess Celestia. Can I please lend a hand, or are you wanting to do all of the slaughtering and maiming yourself? I can understand the need to cut loose, so if you have it covered, that's cool. I'll just do my best to hunker down keep out of your way.
However, if you _do_ want some assistance, well, you are who you are, so you should know how to get in touch with me.
Your humble follower,
Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking that.
First off, happy birthday.
ReplyDeleteSecond, i like your speech. (as Mush says, that was very familiar to a GLaDOS speech, well done in pulling it off).
I'm now very scared of getting on your bad side. Please don't send me to the sun
For the New Lunar Republic!
ReplyDeleteWhy is this labelled 'non-fanfiction'?
ReplyDeleteWe have been celebrating all morning
Ain't Celestia just awesome? \^3^/
ReplyDeleteSo Luna isn't really lonely......
ReplyDelete......who would've thunk it.
Oh no...*sigh*...
ReplyDeleteCan we please, please, please have just one day where Tia isn't the villain, just one day? For those who find the character interesting as portrayed in the series it's starting to get more than a little depressing. Just one day? Please?
(Waits for Torrential Rains, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkles to show up)
ReplyDeleteBecause it's not a fan-fiction...it's a blogpost from our tyrannical yet loving Princess Celestia. :3
PS: Luna - I have the explo...I mean...cake you ordered - See me in the usual place to pick it up!
Viva le Revo...I mean...almighty princess Celestia! <3~
You'd far threatening, if wasn't already blackmailing you with this footage. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/170/f/2/shake_dat_flank_by_johnjoseco-d3jbr8i.gif
ReplyDeleteWe didn't forget your birthday, We just haven't seen the sun over here in 5 days. I though you took you took a trip to the beach and haven't come back yet.
ReplyDelete....Not that we didn't miss you or anything, Your Highness.
I couldn't help but laugh at this, and also at the fact that I stayed up all night.
ReplyDeleteI remembered! Please don't kill me!
ReplyDeleteDon't we all love Celestia? xD
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, our beloved leader! plz don't sent us to the moon...
Now I have a favor to ask, you see I live in Greece and it's a little hot here this time of the year, so you know, maybe you could...
ReplyDeleteI actually read that in her normal voice. And then hearing it sounded like GLaDOS, I went to read it again in her voice. I've input the data into the machines and the results are: They would make great friends.
ReplyDelete@Desert Rose
ReplyDeleteI Wish i got to see the sun rise somewhere near the the Equator. The equatorial line has the most gorgeous sunrises and sunsets
But sadly there is not a longest day or night; 12 hours of daylight followed by 12 hours of night
I love you Luna!
ReplyDelete...Yeah, I know what I said! What are you gonna do, send me to the moon? Haha! That's re--wait.. what? The sun!? But.. AH! HOT HOT HOT! I'm sorry..! Please princess, spare me!
Celestia, take this lemons back! Or I´m going to burn your castle down! WITH THE LEMONS!
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong of me to think that Celestia looks... sexy in that pic?
ReplyDeleteOh i like it warm but Happy Birthday anyway Princess Celestia! And please don't burn all the ponys here because if you do i would be all alone.
ReplyDeleteOh, come on, Celestia.
ReplyDeleteYou used to be cool.
I really like these images..
ReplyDeleteIs that wrong of me?
GZ on the promotion Sethisto!
ReplyDeleteNow you're the boss!
For the New Lunar Republic!
ReplyDelete@Rubidia Kiwi bronys UNITE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe is sexy in that pic. Happy birthday Celestia and Happy Sun Celebration everypony.
ReplyDeleteWhy so mean? Don't you know that I love you? D:
ReplyDeleteMay I get a tl;dr version?
ReplyDeleteoh god another new zealander!
I stayed up for your glorious sunrise but the local weather ponies had a storm planned for the day.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, Happy Birthday Celestia!
@Anonymous; @Rubidia
Celestia, it's not that we don't love you, it's that I hate heat.
I'm still waiting for that tl;dr version
ReplyDeleteI'll let some highfalutin' royal pain tell me what ta do when I'm dead and buried. Til' then, an't gonna happen. So bring it on!
ReplyDeleteWatched the sun rise on my front porch after staying up for 36 hours just to celebrate the summer sun celebration. Feels good bro, but damn am i tired...
ReplyDeleteWill there be.... cake?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday my eternal Empress, you have raised a magnificent sun over here. Many drinks shall thus be raised in your honor this fine day. Assuming you are, in your great wisdom, willing to spare this always humble and loyal city?
ReplyDelete@VenddorfishYou can't be serious. It's three paragraphs. Just read it.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean forgot your birthday? My insomnia (and excitement) has kept me up all night in anticipation for this event. For being a benevolent overlord, you sure jump to conclusions rather haphazardly. And might I suggest you start with Antarctica for your murderous killing rampage spree of doom? Those lazy penguins have had it coming!
ReplyDeleteAh, happy birthday inedeed Celestia! 15 minutes till you raise the moon for my part o' the world. Maybe you can clear up some of this rain along with it.
ReplyDeleteOf course we didnt' forget, your majesty...
ReplyDeleteSUUURPRIIISE! =D *Streamers burst*
Happy B day and cheers, to our beloved Princes!
All hail Celestia our beloved queed and rightfull ruler of all Equestria !
ReplyDelete>New Zealand.
First of all, Happy Bday!!^^
ReplyDeleteAnd yea.. pls don't kill us =D
just sayin'! *hands gift*
So, Luna is the Starscream to Celestia's Megatron? Here I thought palace life was boring.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I'll never get a tl;dr version, until after this comment anyways. I guess I'm going to read whatever Celery Stick has to say.
ReplyDeleteYour birthday...it matters... because of multiple forces within the star system err how does this relate to you- anyways, irrelevant comments, irrelevant comments, irrel... who the hell is Luna? Is it a cat? Idle threat, further irrelevance, delusion that you rule over us. Sethistho
I finally found the tl;dr version:
The Great and Powerful Trixie attempting spy
ReplyDeleteHappy new year everypony!
ReplyDeleteTakes notes on how to be evil and wonders if everyone else still wonders why an evil monster camps in a pony blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of tyrants Celestia's fans, she's so cute when she's trolling and or affably evil.
Happy Birthday! You know we're friends. And friendship is 2 pals munching on a well-cooked face together.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best and hopefully you don't kill m-ALL GLORY TO CELESTIA!
*clap* *clap* *clap*
But silliness aside, how's everypony's winter/summer solstice thus far? I'm personally enjoying taking a night off study and just chillax under Luna's moon.
Princess Luna Will Sooner or later Take over the Responsibility, I mean She really will. All Ponies Hail Luna!
ReplyDeleteI still love you Celly :3
ReplyDeletehappy birthday *laugh nervously*
*is banned to the moon*
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! You know we're friends. And friendship is 2 pals munching on a well-cooked face together.
I wish you the best and hopefully you don't kill m-ALL GLORY TO CELESTIA!
*clop* *clop* *clop*
Ah' fixed it for you
Thankyou, Celestia, for granting we antipodean bronies a reprieve from your merciless orb this day.
ReplyDelete(Enjoying the night so far ;) )
ReplyDeleteThanks for the longest day of the year, Princess. After the War Games against the carrier ESS Blueblood, I plan on, with your permission, conducting a flyover of Canterlot in your honor with my squadron, the 351st "GTPlaneters". We salute you on this day, and are proud to serve in the Navy of her Royal Majesty, Celestia.
Lt. Blue Angel
VF-351 "GTPlaneters"
Her Majesty's Carrier ESS Luna
Oh, Celestia, who could forget the first day of summer?! Come on, I know your better and kinder than this.
ReplyDeleteAlso, will Luna and you please make up already? There is an equal amount of room for both of you. (And the freak weather doesn't help either.)
ReplyDeleteTHE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC RULES! *runs with and old-fashioned homemade "bomb" then trips, revealing it to be toilet paper rolls and string* Um, oops?
ReplyDeleteToo busy enjoying the night to care about the day.
ReplyDeleteINB4 banishment.
ReplyDeleteIf they get to roleplay, I do too. ;3
My smoke alarm starting chirping at 6 a.m., complaining of a low battery, and it took me nearly an hour to get it to stop.
ReplyDeleteIt was obviously sent by Celestia to make sure I had full time to worship he--I mean, celebrate the day!
Well, I'm not on the moon, so that's all to the good. Happy Summer Sun Celebration everyone!
ReplyDeleteUmm... I'm... ya know... Kinda in the southern hemisphere. And... Ya know... REALLY WISHING IT WERE SUMMER. So... ya know...
ReplyDeleteSux 2 be U guys
My mistress and oveerlord of all that exists...
ReplyDeleteTyrannical has 2 n's in it.
Forgot to say. Happy southern hemisphere B-day Luna!
ReplyDeleteI know it's you, Sethisto. You can't fool me! Her Benevolence would never say such things.
ReplyDeleteShe still loves you, of course. That is, despite your senseless defiance.
ReplyDeleteLuna could do it SOOOOO much better!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't miss your birthday anyway, hot, humid and I think I got allergies from it.
CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS ORBITAL HUG BOMBARDIERS, YAAAAAAAAAH! *hotdrops onto Celly's position and hugs the love and toleration out of the mad goddess.*
Well, seeing as it's the middle of winter where I am, it must be the Winter Solstice.
ReplyDeleteHappy Reverse Birthday Luna!
Pretty sad how Celestia tries her best to stay close with her peop- I mean ponies, and instead she's apparently a troll and a tyrant.
ReplyDeleteFOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC!!! Luna is indeed best pony. And I'm also wearing a special suit that makes it so I can't be sent to the sun!
ReplyDelete*get's sent to the moon*
Yes! Just as I, uh, I mean NO!!! Now I'm all alone!
*Sees Luna*. squee! ^3^
I didn't like the sun anyway!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why I stayed up all night today. Happy birthday Celestia! *Hugs*
ReplyDeleteHeil Luna *stands proud*
ReplyDeleteI for one praise our Alicorn Overlord.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
*smiles nervously*
Happy Birthday Celestia.You don't look a day over 1000.
ReplyDelete*Fluttershy cheer* Way to go, Sethisto! Good joke!
ReplyDeleteOh Celly, and here I thought you would forget today was your special day. Here I was hoping that I wouldn't have to crash your party again. Last year was simply so much fun.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what dear sister. When you're not looking, when your back is turned, those shadows in the dark.
They whisper, they talk.
Don't blink Celestia, blink and your whole world will crumble before you can say "Elements of Harmony"
:/ Luna's way hotter than you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Celestia!
ReplyDeleteI still like the moon more, though...
Oh look, ANOTHER post idiotically misinterpreting Celestia's character. Maybe it wasn't funny from the first time to the five hundredth, but surely THIS time it'll be worth a laugh, right?
ReplyDeleteI think Celestia has just become my waifu. <3
ReplyDeleteUmm That is, if it's okay with her, of course. She's da boss...
"Your Benevolent Overlord and Stewardess of the Sun" - Your BOSS, right? (Seth's promotion notwithstanding.)
ReplyDeleteBrothers of the Celestian Republic! We have let a spy into our midst! Our glorious, benevolent and generous Princess is not this commanding voice we view on our computer screens!
ReplyDeleteThis is not the Princess we have come to know and love! This is an agent of the Lunar Resistance, aiming to spread messages of lies and slander among everypony in our ranks!
We must remember this: Our wondrous face of leadership, the omnipotent Princess Celestia and her benevolent sister Luna will never stoop to assaulting her own followers!
actually, i remembered
ReplyDeleteno really, i did
Happy Birthday, Princess... in my defense I did just get up. Thank you for making the sun rise every day, we appreciate it. But if it could be less hot, that'd be awesome.
ReplyDelete"ANOTHER post idiotically misinterpreting Celestia's character. "
ReplyDeleteDo you mean "ironically misinterpreting"??? I understand if you don't like these kind of running jokes but no-one is "idiotically misinterpreting" the characters. And I don't think anyone really, actually, truly thinks Celestia is a tyrant...because they know she's just a cartoon magic unicorn. Alicorn, sorry.
Happy Birthday, O Magnificent Ruler.
Happy Birthday my Overlord and wonderful Princess! I just got up to see the beautiful sun rising above the horizon. Please, enjoy your birthday, and don't kill us all :'D
ReplyDeleteHappy BDay there Tia. Sorry. I was late with my present, it was an awfully long run ponyville to canterlot but I did my absolute best not to be late. Imhope you like it, it took an long time to decide what to get ( ^_^; ). Just couldn't decide what would be best to give an incredible Princess such as yourself...
ReplyDeleteNow... Please don't hurt me and direct me to Luna so I can hide behind her till... You cool off a little... /run
It's Celestia's longest day on the northern hemisphere, and Luna's longest night on the southern hemisphere, don't forget that!
ReplyDeleteDecember 22nd has it reversed.
Happy first day of summer everyone!
ReplyDeleteI see Luna is using Celestia's account and trying to ruin the benevolent princess' good image.
ReplyDeleteAll hail Princess Celestia!
...But... It's WINTER Solstice today DDDDDD8
ReplyDeleteLies and slander... Ms.Luna would NEVER do anything of the such!
Please don't spread such obvious lies and try to slander the gentle and kind name of our dear and beloved Princess Luna!
Happy birthday Princes Celestia. May your beauty and grace rain forever. I know you are not really a tyrannical despot, there are just a lot of hatters out there.
ReplyDeleteTrixie, why are you posting as Celestia? :U You'll confuse people that way.
ReplyDeleteOn a related note, ALL HAIL PRINCESS CELESTIA!
ReplyDeleteYes, so many of us hatters, and we're MAD!!!
May the shroud of the moon guide us
ReplyDeleteDown with Celestia!
ReplyDeleteWe hate you Celestia!
Lunar Resistance will win
WTF? Spaaaaaaaaaaace, Hi Luna, Hi Wheatley.
DAMN Cele, you scary!
ReplyDeletePlease don't kill anyone important.
But I'm not a pony. :C In fact the Everfree Forest runs on its own clock whether you're there or not.
ReplyDeleteAll hail our beloved and beautiful Princess!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday your majesty! And thank you for not sending me to the
sun and for not going on a rampage in my home-town! :D
From your loyal subject in The Fillyppines
White Choco
No, really, in all honesty...Have a great day, Celly!
ReplyDelete@Star Gazer
ReplyDeleteI never said Princess Luna, the young and generous princess of the night, would ever do such a dastardly deed. She is in alliance with our great and benevolent ruler of all, Princess Celestia.
Our wondrous figures of leadership, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, will forever live in harmony, as it was in the beginning.
The filthy lies and slander spread in this article were done by the evil extremist group of Nightmare Moon WORSHIPPERS, the Lunar Resistance! They have written this article in an attempt to shame our glorious leader, Princess Celestia, and continue with their goal to convert our princess of the night back to her evil, twisted form, Nightmare Moon!
We, the brothers of the Celestian Republic, must band together and protect not only our homeland, but our two glorious Princesses, Luna and Celestia! Their image shall forever lead this planet of Equestria into a new and profiatable age!
We must stop these CULTIST Nightmare Moon followers, the LUNAR RESISTANCE, if we are to sleep safely in our beds, brothers! We do not believe the young and kind Princess Luna is responsible for these hideous treasonous crimes, Star Gazer!
The Lunar Republic, and their filthy desire for Equestria to be cast into darkness, is RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TREASON AGAINST OUR GREAT AND GENEROUS LEADERS, AND MUST BE PUNISHED FOR THEIR DEEDS!
Praise to the glory of Celestia.
ReplyDeleteWait so on the first birthday she bothers to come to in a 1000 years, yeah she was on the moon but she could have at least sent a card, she tries to take over Equestria? Wow Luna not cool.
ReplyDeleteAll hail the Evil Tyrant Overlord! May Evil always find a way!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous You have it wrong, brother! Our wise and glorious leader, Princess Celestia, is not a warlord, nor a tyrant!
ReplyDeleteYou have merely succumbed to the lies and slander of the Lunar republic, that group of filth that support Nightmare Moon! this hideous post was written by one of their operatives! Brother, please see the difference!
Down with Celestia! All hail Princess Luna!
ReplyDelete*banished to the moon*
Down with Celestia! All hail Princess Luna!
21st Already? Where does time go?!
ReplyDeleteNos es Novus Luna Republic - nocturnio suppresio aeternum!
ReplyDeleteSo that would make Sethisto...
ReplyDelete...the Captain of her Heart?
Happy birthday, Celestia! I hope you get everything you've ever wished for...? *cringes*
ReplyDeletewell.. we are fucked.
ReplyDelete*pops up with a cake in the shape of the sun*
ReplyDeleten.n Happy Birthday, Celly!
Now if you'll stop bein' so silly and threatening to murder everyone (I know you won't, cause if you wanted to you would of already).
And have some cake! :3
Well excuuuuse me, Princess. It's not my fault I can't function without sleep.
ReplyDeleteBut for the record, my internal clock did wake me up at 5:55 AM, but I couldn't see the sunrise from my bedroom window, so I just flopped back into bed.
ReplyDeleteSome members of the Lunar Republic, such as me, only wish to give Luna proper recognition, and show that the two benevolent, beautiful, regal sisters are equal, and that neither Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna is greater or more powerful than the other. I believe that Nightmare Moon's return was a terrible incident that was result or the fact that nopony fully appreciated the fact that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are equals, and they deserve equal respect. In fact, I will no longer be a part of the Lunar Republic, which was based on these very ideals, but has changed since then. I will form a new order, based on the ideals I have mentioned here. This new order shall be known as the Lunar Sun Alliance. We shall appreciate the two Princesses equally and respectively.
ReplyDeleteAll hail our eternal overlord! Spreading the light, ONE NATON AT A TIME
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Celestia! Your sister may have more fanboys, but you'll always be the best pony to me.
ReplyDeletePlease don't murder me.
Am I the only one who hates this "Celestia is a tyrannical dictator" thing. It just feels so wrong. It makes me sad :(
ReplyDeleteIs it too late to beg for forgiveness?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday and Best Wishes to our tyra-wonderful and glorious leader! Princess Celestia! Though I must ask, oh great and powerful one, will you please be so kind as to spare some of your precious time on this most special of days to raise the sun where I live? After you’ve finished all your merciless slaughter of course. I’m cold and my hooves are wet. Long live Princess Celestia!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Princess! We wub woo!
ReplyDeleteCelestia kill them all! MUAHAHAHAHA-
ReplyDeleteAhem, excuse me. But THIS is why your mai waifu
Happy birthday Celest, but... An in-character blog post with not a single RP? Really? All I get is slander and a fight between two extremist groups with no consideration for the ponies not on a side or who are okay with how things are? What a drag.
ReplyDelete...Ah whatever. I'll just go back to manipulating both groups in my quest to get Phoe and Cereal to take Celestia's and Luna's places, respectively. DOWN WITH BOTH TYRANTS! UP WITH PRINCESS PHOE AND PRINCE CEREAL! Seth can keep his current job I guess.
ReplyDeletenope i hate it too your not alone
*Yatter-Moon was reading an article about Celestia's birthday and read the message about how Luna is going to overrun her.* "I think celestia is lying about Luna. But..." *She reads about the murdering rampage* "I must stop her before she kills us all!"
You put SETH in charge!?!? That idiot's favorite poni is TRIXIE!!! Cereal or Phoe should be in charge! At least their favorite poni isn't some stupid braggart!
ReplyDeletebut, um, whatever you want to do is fine...
please don't banish me...
Happy Birthday, your forgiving, overloudness!
ReplyDeleteJeez, not again. Come on Celestia, you can't kill us all.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday, Your Benevolent Overlord and Stewardess, Princess Celestia, just don't eat me, right?
ReplyDeleteAnd this is why we don't post pictures of Luna getting all the hugs. Someone took it a tad too serious. *Cough* >_>
ReplyDeleteinb4 the moon banner comes back.
ReplyDeleteI dunno what's funnier the post or the fact you were so elaborate as to make an account for celly!
ReplyDeleteOh, it is that time of year, isn't it? Happy Litha, everypony!
ReplyDeleteIt's Celestia's Birthday? Will their be cake?
ReplyDelete*looks around panic-stricken*
ReplyDelete...But.. .. It's WINTER Solstice!
*parties with Luna all alone* 8(
What? But Celestia I didn't forget! I even wrote the Equestrian National Anthem in honor of today!
ReplyDeleteLuna rocks thanks for the moon Luna.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Celestia!!
ReplyDeleteOh! I do enjoy a good birthday massacre. Happy Birthday Celestia and please, have a bloody good time rampaging through Equestria! ^_^
ReplyDelete*blows a Raspberry at Celestia* sure you say Luna will turn on us but we won't know till she give her a chance. Go ahead turn the sun off.
ReplyDelete*puts on an extra long scarf and fuzzy hat*
Dear Princess Celestia,
ReplyDeleteSince you sent us to the moon, I've learned a valuable lesson. You are a bitch. Who deserves to be banished to the moon for all of eternity. I intend to do so with the help of your sister, "The Little Tyrant". So good luck beating us, we did it once, we can do it again.
Oh dammit, why so much shit there!?
ReplyDelete@S.Aura Knight
ReplyDeleteAw, I'm sorry
Didn't catch it in time
I promise if Celestia isn't just spouting off crap like she usually is, we'll make sure to get there in time!
ReplyDeleteomigosh we're famous yay!
OI! Wing-pony-boy! Oi'z the Big Bozz ov da Evul Sunz. My boyz fallow ME! You wantz ta be da Big Boss ov da Sunz, youz got ta foight ME for da title! Ov karse, dere'z no way sumun so non-orky cud beat ME! Come foind me on the plains of armor-geddon! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
ReplyDelete-Big Boss Gorchomp 'Ardbiter, Evul Sunz leader.
i was here =D
ReplyDeletehappy sumeeer..
and happy birtd day celestia.. :V
If ponies know my name, this could be a problem...
I wonder if the name Charlie Escobez is available...
ReplyDeleteAnd of course you're famous, you're one of the Mane Six.
I'm surprised anypony remembered MY name.
no someday Fluttershy will take over cause we have to love her!!!
ReplyDelete(and Luna)
ReplyDeleteIt's true...
ReplyDelete*tilts head* I don't want that much power. I'm very happy with what I have now. I couldn't ask for more
Never eat anything the space core makes, consequences ensue
ReplyDeleteI love trollestia posts. Don't ever change, Seth.
I am too!
Actually our minecraft server is having a big event where people have to find the elements of harmony.
ReplyDeletelink is here. Oh and mylittleminecraft.com renamed to brohoof.com
ReplyDeleteOh, you too? Well then... welcome to out small club.
Too bad the guy who rules over the site supports this droll and primitive joke as well. He never posted something canon wise regarding Celestia.
Brazil here..
ReplyDelete..first day of winter..
We had the longest night down hear in NZ last night=]
ReplyDelete@Torrential Rains
ReplyDeleteHeehee aww its okay Torrential, we can hold a big party so everyone can learn your new fake name. You and Fluttershy are so cute!
[BTW I may have accidentally become Pinkie when T.O. Brony wasn't on as much, apologies for any confusion]
For the Solar Empire!
ReplyDelete@Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeleteOkay Pinkie, and make sure to bring some more of those special muffins! They're delicious!
@Sir Leadhead
You want a head full of lead?
Walk into Stalliongrad saying that.
"Murdering rampage"? Seriously? Equestria Daily is taking this thing of Celestia being a tyrannical princess too serious.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Princess Celestia!
ReplyDeleteOur "Benevolent" Overlord and Stewardess of the Sun
*please don't banish me, or put me in a dungeon, or banish me and put me in a dungeon in the place you banish me... or kill me.
@Matheus Filipe
ReplyDeleteSir, I think you have it wrong.
YOU'RE taking Equestria Daily too seriously.
Well, well, well... Those whispering shadows seem to have grown faster than I could've ever expected, from one wishing my own demise no less.
ReplyDeleteMy dear sister, it would seem, you blinked.
Calm down big sis. Don't get too big for your britches. <3
ReplyDelete@Nightmare Moon
ReplyDeleteMother fu-
And I was having a nice day too!
I'm not sure what's better -- the stupid awesome comment thread, or "I think I'll go on a murdering rampage."
ReplyDeleteKill us, and the Magic of Friendship will revive us fully.
ReplyDeleteThere's really no point of killing us, really. =3
Dumb evil Celestia. All glory to our immortal and BENEVOLENT sun princess!
ReplyDeleteCan we have blog posts where Celestia ain't evil?
Hooray! I fully support Celestias right to fun!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Princess!
ReplyDeleteAm i late? Please dont burn or banish me.