• Story: Trixie's Inferno (Update Chapter 3!)

    [Crossover][Grimdark] Dante's Inferno with the Greatest and Most Powerful Pony in all of Equestria? I'm pretty sure Satan is bucked.

    Author: Ghost of Perdition
    Description: After suffering a humiliating humbling in Ponyville, The Great and Powerful Trixie finds herself lost deep within Everfree Forest. However, to escape this fate, she must learn to confront the demons within, and ultimately Hell itself.
    Trixie's Inferno (New Chapter 3!)

    Additional Tags: Pony Hell, Religious Controversy, Inferno, Damnation, TRIXIE

    33 kommentaari:

    1. Erm....

      I kinda feel bad at chuckling a little when I saw the 'religious controversy' tag. Was kinda randomly out there lol

      Will comment on story soon...

    2. my interest is piqued

    3. What is this...
      I must read it now!

    4. O_O I wonder if Trixie'll learn anything from this... I doubt it but... Guess I'll read and find out.

      Also, why doesn't it have a Grimdark tag? In the original Inferno there was imagery of torture and blood almost every canto...

    5. A Dante's Inferno crossover with ponies....this has peaked my interest.

    6. I'm not a huge fan of first person, but the first chapter is interesting and I'll be looking forward to more.

    7. Yes... Most definatly deserves a Grimdark tag. Just as gut-wrentchingly horrifying as the real Inferno, so far at least.

    8. INB4 religious debate

    9. Please, PLEASE can we not have a religious debate over a story that is a crossover between an epic poem and a show about ponies for little girls...

    10. Well I haven't read it yet, but the fact that the author's name is Ghost of Perdition has convinced me to.

    11. Oh come on1!!

      I was just thinking about how a Dante's Inferno crossover would work just last week!!!

      Can't wait to read it.

    12. This should probably have a grimdark tab... Yanno, with the horrific imagery and all.

      Also, Pleaase no religious flamewars. That sort of thing never stays civil...

    13. Trixie's Inferno?

      Well it's not like that can be alternatively read as...

      TRIXIE'S SMOKING HOT! (A story with that title would be more towards a parody comedy stylings)

    14. Burn baby burn

      Trixie inferno

      Burn that pony down

    15. Check out my review on Fanfiction.net Its under Mr. Anonymous!

    16. @Anonymous
      Frankly, I found that Tag funny too ;) ...in fact, even thought I was gonna read it anyway (I read ALL, minus 1or2 occasionally, stories), the Tag caugh my interest even more. ;)

      But really... It's probably just a safety-measure, because the word ''Hell'' is there. Some people can be ''damn'' touchy...

      Right... On we go ! (and now I have the song ''Highway to Hell'' in my head)

    17. I cannot wait to read more of Trixie's time...IN HELL!

      Still you keep to the spirit of the epic and have piqued my interest as to how Trixie reacts to the Inferno. Also find it amusing how Virgil goes from "ye old pony" to sounding more...modern, I suppose.

      Keep it up.

    18. So am I the second person here to actually read it? I know that personally I don't like most (75%) of crossovers on their face, but wtf I see literally 0 things here that have to do with Trixie's personality, and 0 things that have to with ponies.

      And a crossover is one thing, but none of the pony lore (godesses)has been resolved with this "real world" lore. I'm confused, and haven't seen any relatable characters.

    19. >Though we were virtuous in our lives, we did not accept The One as well. So, our punishment is denial into Paradise."
      >"That doesn't sound very fair.

      -Aaaaaaaand this is why I do not appreciate Religious stuff, in general... Makes you want to 'punch' the god(s), for their incredible stupidity and haughtiness (seems like a default trait of character for them)...

      Anyway... to Part 2...

    20. Haven't read it yet, but I just gotta say Trixie looks stoned as f*ck in that pic. Maybe that's what she trips to.

    21. I find ironic is that is it just me or has anyone else actually read Dante's Inferno before. If you haven't then you should, it's up there with Beowolf in my opinon.

    22. wow oh wow this is done pretty good, not to short nor long, i find this to be a good read, i read The Divine Comedy and played dantes inferno and this plays well intergrating both, im also wondering if your gunna do purgatory & paradise but im guessing itd take waaaaay to long and just finish with the 9 circles of hell

      why do people have to get butt hurt with religion? if you hate so much why do you even care as to just talk bout how "stupid" it is, if you hate, leave it, no need to talk about it, im christian and im not iffened in the least bit, just suck it up and read the fanfic

      now that thats outta the way, 5-STARS congrats! cant wait for part 4

    23. oh and +plays Johnny Cash - Burning Ring of Fire+

    24. "Played Dante's inferno"


    25. All the people calling it Dante's inferno you are wrong. It is called the divine comedy so calling it Dante's inferno while claiming you read it makes you look foolish.

    26. @Anonymous

      Actually the cantica on hell is called Inferno (hell in Italian). The other two canticas being Purgatorio and Paradiso.

    27. Hmm.... This is pretty good stuff. As a BIG fan of the original comedy, it's quite cool to see that even the more subtler aspects of the comedy are being incorporated (Liking the double meaning when Virgil tells Trixie to "watch her step" in the 4th circle. Greed should be good considering Trixie's tendencies...)

      While I was pretty impressed with the first 2 sections, I couldn't really see how it had to do with ponies or MLP in general and seemed a bit like a transcription of the original (with a few pony words thrown in).

      The third one really sold it for me, though. I'm pretty intrigued by the whole Pony/Human thing and this presents a pretty interesting avenue of exposition. I look forward to seeing how humans play into the later part of the story!

    28. Part 3 :

      >Earth finished its transformation into what we now call Equestria
      -From the series, Equestria is the name of the pony ''Kingdom'', not the planet. Just saying.

      >Everything you see now is all thanks to her. This event, which started life all over again was dubbed The Big Bang.
      -...well, I suppose those ponies don't know yet that ''The Big Bang'' theory is about the Universe, and not just a single planet... A ''micro'' Big Bang, maybe (solar system : scale).

      >Cerberus, the great worm.
      -Isn't 'Cerberus' a 3-headed dog guarding the -Gates- of Hell (Tartarus), to prevent souls from leaving/escaping ?

      >Its only as simple as the soul wishes it to be. If one were to truly wish to ascend, then one would do good deeds and live a good life.
      -But if you don't believe in the One (even if you didn't know It existed in the first place), then you are booted out of Paradise and forbidden access...
      (see part 1 : >Though we were virtuous in our lives, we did not accept The One as well. So, our punishment is denial into Paradise.")
      Fair ? What's that word ?

    29. Dat fucking writefag7. juuli 2011, kell 16:07

      I just started reading the Inferno. I dislike the way of how Dante puts every kind of drive to live for as sin, and awww gawd, how he wallows in...whatever poets are supposed to wallow in.

    30. Trixie: these foals are here so that they could DIE.

      Me: No! WE were here so that we could claim Princess Celestia's promise land.

      Trixie: Did you really think that these... HERETICS would be worth a Canterlotian life?!

    31. many months later... STILL NO UPDATE!
      I hate browsing through my backlogs and seeing a fic I actually liked get tossed aside... FINISH THIS ALREADY! D:<

      Jeez, I mean surely you can come up with something for GREED that would actually relate to Trixie in the next one no? not need give up! TRY HARDER! be a bit more creative with the crossover too, make it exactly like the game only far more censored and it just becomes dull and a simple scarefest for Trixie. Yes, add some PLOT, and no we're past LUST chapter I mean actual story development!

      You did great the first 2 and started losing me in the 3rd. REDEEM THY SELF WITH A GREAT 4TH CHAPTER RETURN!

      >Loves Trixie related stories
