• Story: Sweet Apple Capers


    Author: The RPGenius
    Description: Pinkie Pie wants some apple strudel, and by Celestia, she's gonna get it!
    Sweet Apple Capers

    Additional Tags: none


    1. First, needs more cupcakes.

    2. I assume she's going to ask Applejack for some "help"?

    3. Pinkie Pie as Wile E. Coyote? YES.

    4. That was the most hilarious and in-character story about Pinkie Pie I ever read. If you ever need to restore your faith in a sweet and cheery Pinkie after reading Cupcakes, I direct you here.

    5. It's... it's so perfect. So beautiful. They should have sent a poet.

    6. Oh, there it goes!

      As someone who constantly struggles with writing Pinkie, I find myself extremely jealous of her portrayal here, and made sure to continuously pester Genius with this sentiment during every stage of critique!

      ...ahem, yes. Anyway, it's definitely worth the read, if I do say so myself ^^;

    7. Well shoot! Ah like how at the end thar she though' gummy could send them letters like spike with his magic fire. Pinkie pie will never learn.

    8. You say that comedy isn't your thing? Well, you could have fooled me. I literally laughed out loud several times while reading this story. Well done sir, well done.

    9. Aaaand now I'm hungry.

    10. This...this is now canon, no doubt in my mind. That was hilarious.

    11. It's official- Pinkie Pie is a Looney Toon.

    12. Oh gosh. This would make for an epic Pinkie-Pie episode

    13. It's like I'm reading a Looney Tunes cartoon, starring Pinkie Pie. This is absolute brilliance, sir. Good on ya.

    14. She's the Wile E. Coyote of My Little Pony. And Winona is the roadrunner, but she never said "meep meep".

    15. This needs to be an episode. FUND IT

    16. Amazing. I needed a good laugh... The tone is spot-on for a Pinkie Pie story, and I would love to see this become canon. Also, it made me hungry.

    17. Okay, I have to review this. I am not even halfway through the fic and I am in total agreement with the others above me thus far.

      This is absolutely perfect. I can completely imagine this being a canonical episode in the series.

      Your name does you justice, because this is absolutely nothing short of genius.

      +6 Stars and 1 Favorite.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. ... My god... I think you've pretty much come as close to capturing the mental processes of Pinkie Pie that a mere mortal could possible manage on their own without their minds fraying due to exposure...

      A wonderous effort, and a true delight to read. I am humbled, good sir, at your prowess.

    20. Actually, when I was writing this, my thoughts for Pinkie and Winona's Looney Tunes homage was that it would be more along the lines of Sam and Ralph than Wile E. and Roadrunner...not that there's much difference at times, heh. Still, I always liked Sam and Ralph and the fact that at the end of the day they were so civil to one another, even if Wile E. and Roadrunner are more immediately memorable.

      Anyways, thanks for all the generously positive comments so far! Hearing comments about it seeming genuinely like an episode is very gratifying, since I was really trying to make it seem as authentically such as possible (part of the Looney Tunes homage moments, along with the reference to aspects of Ancient Greece, come from this idea, since MLPFiM is always doing that).

      And Krizak, a Contact quote? You flatter me most excessively!

    21. Oh, and RPGenius, I also got a "Ralph and Sam" vibe from Pinkie and Winona. The only thing missing would be if lunch rolled around and the two took a lunch break before returning to Pinkie getting shoved into the mud.

    22. What the hell


      Siege Tower


      oh my what

      5 stars you may has it

    23. One of the best stories I've read - very well written and of course, a very classic vibe to it. Looney Tunes was in my head yes, but MLP no doubt. And you captured Pinkie Pie very well!

    24. This story was just plain awesome! Somepony from studio B hire him as a story writer!

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. HAHAHA. I loved this story SOOO much, and I laughed so hard I cried multiple times. XD

      This is one of those stories that NEEDS to be an episode.

    27. This was really hilarious. Great use of Winona, and Pinkie's antics were appropriately scatterbrained!

    28. Pinkie Pie, you are so Random! Delightfully wacky and a beautiful homage to classic looney toons. 5 stars

    29. Have I just read a Looney Toons episode in MLP?


    30. Barely a paragraph went by when I wasn't laughing. That was a masterfully done piece. Superlative work!

    31. Absolutely hilarious! Barkus Aurelius, the Archimedes reference, etc etc. Very well-done, 5 stars.

    32. Wow, that was a really top-notch piece of writing. Not just fanfic, but every detail, bit of character involvement and dialogue was just sooooooooo flanking fun. Pinkie Pie was so delightful to read in this, it was just playing like a reel through my head. And I loved how it sort of picked up from the Parasprite incident.

      Fantastic work, seriously continue writing works such as these.

    33. Its rare for a straight comedy to be the kind of thing you could make an episode out of, but I think you've cracked it with this one.

    34. I laughed at Twilight's peer review so hard, my face is sore. With that said, I shall now finish this masterpiece.

    35. lol I could actually see her going to the ditch and rolling in it at that one point because 'it just didn't feel like a proper failure without that part.' Seriously, I saw in my mind Pinky flying off, landing, walking over to the ditch, jumping in, rolling back and forth, standing up, and leaving. Fully animated, in color, with sound effects. That was just brilliant.

    36. You got pinkie pie just right. This is hilarious.

      5 stars. An excellent read.

    37. there's a point when you can have too many alliterations and you've clearly passed it

      10/10 would alliterate again

    38. Really funny; well worth five stars! Full of the sort of toony insanity Pinkie Pie is made for, but matched by the softer gags that fit MLP. The many references ("Eureka!") add to the stream of hilarity and Pinkie's own ridiculous thought processes. The pauses for the "peer review" and the random "tree names" ... one can only imagine the lunacy that has piled up over the years in Pinkie's "meticulous" record keeping.

    39. Twilight's peer-review! LMcutie-markO!!!

      You sir, are a genius!

    40. Pinkie Pie's dedication to a single ideal from the outset is so totally her.

      Rarity's not a werewolf? Wait, I think you need to write this story, too! That blew me away! I am laughing for real right now. Pinkie Pie AWAY!

      You break into a first-person narration in the middle, and it REALLY broke the story for me, threw me completely out of it. I mean, I understand why you did it, I just don't think it was appropriate. This is the only downside to this story.

      The rivalry between Pinkie and Winona is comic gold. Pinkie's plans are comic gold. Pinkie's LOGIC is comic gold. "ThoroughFred Astaire" is kind of painful, but I say this only as an Astaire fan. There's really too much to list as far as "what was funny in this story" goes.

      You say humor is not your forte, but I disagree. At the very least, you write a DAMNED good Pinkie Pie. (And a perfect Fluttershy!) Sometimes, that's all you need.


    41. That. . . was the most canon Pinkie Pie I have ever seen in a fanfic. Congrats.

      You sure do know her character.

    42. Echoing the sentiment that this really, really, REALLY could be an actual episode of the show. The plotline, the characterization and the outright silliness of it all come together wonderfully.

    43. With the SOLE exception of the first person break, this was perfect. Pinkie Pie is the hardest character for me to grasp.

      For the first person tidbit you have, you can fix it easily just saying that it was entirely lost on Pinkie Pie. She dents the fourth wall enough on her own without the author rapping on it too.

      Other than that, I laughed. That's actually quite an achievement.

    44. Kept me laughing, even as exterminators tore my place to pieces looking for bed bugs. That's a feat worthy of five stars if I ever saw one!

    45. I have nothing to add that haven't already been said about this amazing fanfic. I just want to say that I loved it from beginning to end,laughed until my sides hurt and then some more.
      6 Stars, would read again!

    46. I finally got around to reading this, and man am I glad I did. You really nailed the Loony-Toons vibe that Pinkie gives off in the show. I can't say enough good things about this story.

    47. Thank you all very much for the feedback. It's extremely gratifying to know that you all enjoyed this story as much as I hoped you would, and that I managed to portray the characters and feel of the show authentically. Thank you for reading!

    48. That was a fun read.

      Thanks! :D

    49. >I’d never get anything done around the farm if I wasn’t patient and didn’t stick to it

      -Apparently AJ doesn't know the subtle difference between *patience* and *persistence* ?

      Lack of patience leads to rash actions (like RD does sometimes) and too much of persistence leads to stubbornness (like AJ sometime does).

    50. I have read a lot of stories and am not very picky, but honestly, I'm on the fence about this one. There are some parts that were really funny and rang home, but other parts like Fluttershy felt out of character. I still have to give you props for the reference to Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    51. I think my head exploded from the sheer zaniness of this story! I think it actually exploded!

      To some of the names of those trees Pinkie listed:

      Dwight K. Root - "The Office" reference FTW!

      Sap Brannigan - Shut up and take my internets!

      It's been said already that this whole story felt like a Looney Toons episode.

      All that was missing at the end, to prolong the reference, was Pinkie saying: "That's all folks!"

      My god, Pinkie's wackiness was so awesome and crazy I was actually scared of her for a bit! But in a good way, don't worry!

      Was the Siege Tower part supposed to be a LOTR reference? Because that's what I got from that.

    52. When the siege tower was being built, I was thinking Pinkie was building some kind of Trojan Horse.
      Siege tower works too.

    53. Man, I could imagine many parts actually animated, with the voices, color, music and all. It felt THAT much like an episode. Far as i'm concerned, this is canon.

    54. @Anonymous

      I thought she was building a giant robot actually ...

    55. it was the siege tower cover in construction paper that did it for me. Great stuff!

      You say you don't write comedy but honestly if i laughed any harder i think i might have broken something.i'm almost afraid to read your sadfics in case i become permanently sad XD

    56. Best comedy fanfiction i have ever read.

    57. Pure genius. Felt like classic Looney Tunes.

    58. This fic was brilliant, I especially loved the invisible ink and cyber-pony plans.

    59. This was awesome. Also, the author has an absolutely amazing ability for amusing alliteration.

    60. After reading this, there was an ad for apple strudel in the ad bar, which i find it as a funny coincidence. 6/5 star for you good sir!

    61. I laughed all the way through this. Brilliant, simply brilliant. My head is full of apples.

    62. I read this after going over some of the heavier dark and sad fics, and it was just what I needed! Comedy gold. You've earned yourself five stars, but only because five is the limit.

    63. 1) You saved Pinkie Pie's Image for me from after reading Cupcakes *shiver* (Never again...)

      2) This would be awesome if it were made into an episode, I could literally imagine the entire thing as one.

      3) Twilight's peer review was hilarious XD

      5/5 my good sir

      PS Siege Tower FTW

    64. Kimba the White LionAugust 13, 2011 at 2:04 PM

      I just want to say that this is my favorite piece of fanfiction ever (that I can read under 8 hours). Thank you for writing this.

    65. Magnificent! Truly a masterpiece of literary craftsmanship. I also notably enjoyed your ability to take any pair of words that are naturally alliterated and come up with about four more words to turn it into a most tongue-twisting phrase if ever I read one. Well done!

    66. Curse you!

      This (awesome) fanfic is making me want some apple strudel. And I HATE apple strudel Dx

      This was fantastic! 6 stars!

    67. This story resembled Wolf and Sheepdog. Ralf E. Wolf is Pinkie Pie.


      I enjoyed the resemblance. This was a fun read; I actually laughed out loud (I rarely do when reading fanfic) when Pinkie Pie conspired to create a death machine, and the next scene was (spoilers, can't talk here).

      A bit of constructive criticism: Some of the times when you used the same letter to start a series of words, I found them to be forced.
      Don't stop doing them though. They're hard to make, but when placed at the right time, they're fun, and they add to the writing.

    68. It was creative. But at times it represented PP as less of a ditz and more of an idiot . . . I didn't like that.

    69. Description of apple strudel was a little too good... I would now annihilate the world for a taste.

      10:54pm NZDST....

      Uh oh.

    70. By the end of this, I was half expecting Pinkie Pie to up and decide that she'd lost her craving for strudel. 6 stars, and I am bookmarking this!
