• Story: Silent Ponyville (Sidestory update 32!)

    [Crossover][Grimdark] Sounds like even the Pre-readers that have never played Silent Hill really liked this one.

    Author: Jake Heritagu
    Description: Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?
    All Chapters/Side Stories After The Break! 

    Silent Ponyville Entire Remastered Edition

    Deviant Art
    Silent Ponyville Part 1
    Silent Ponyville Part 2
    Silent Ponyville Part 3
    Silent Ponyville Part 4
    Silent Ponyville Part 5 

    Google Documents
    Silent Ponyville Part 1
    Silent Ponyville Part 2
    Silent Ponyville Part 3
    Silent Ponyville Part 4
    Silent Ponyville Part 5  

    Multiple Endings (Read after chapter 5!)
    Game Over
    It's Time to Get Baking
    It's a Twist
    The Truth
    A Party for Two Sisters
    More than Two Sisters

    Additional Tags: Horror, Silent Hill, Monsters, Psychological, Thriller

    [Light Grimdark] Side story!
    Description: Ever wonder what became of The Colt from Silent Ponyville? A short look into the mind of a Sociopath in his jail cell and why he's still alive.
    Google Documents
    I Met a God Today

    Deviant Art 
    I Met a God Today

    Additional Tags: Psychology, The Colt, Look into the mind, Drawings, Alone

    [Crossover][Grimdark][Shipping] Story #2!

    Description: It's been a month since Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started dating. Everything was going fine until Fluttershy started experiencing horrific nightmares that started keeping her up at night. Looking for answers, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie seek out Twilight. But when the three mares find themselves within the world of Silent Ponyville, will things turn out for the better? Or will things end in tragedy?
    Google Documents
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 1
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 2
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 3
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 4
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 5
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 6
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 7

    Deviant art
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 1
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 2
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 3
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 4
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 5
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 6
    Silent Ponyville 2 Part 7

    Ending 1: Game Over
    Ending 2: Something's Not Right Here
    Ending 3: That's Just How It Is
    Ending 4: Was it Inevitable?

    Expansion Ending 4: Was It Inevitable +?
    Ending 5: UFO
    Ending 6: Face Your Fears
    Ending 7: And Tjat's When the Meteor Hit

    Additional Tags: Horror, Silent Hill, Monsters, Psychological, Suspense, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle


    Author: Brony17
    Description: When Lance Strongshy's career is endangered due to relentless nightmares depriving him of sleep, his daughter Fluttershy once again overlooks the horrible past she suffered at his hoovess and enlists the help of her friends to cure him. But will the only fast enough solution actually save him, or destroy him?
    Silent Ponyville: Reunion (New Part 32)

    Additional Tags: Nightmare, Suppression, Memories, Tension, Surreal

    [Normal] (Takes place right after Silent Ponyville 2)

    Author: JakeHeritagu
    Description: Twilight Sparkle has been frustrated with her inability to figure out the inner working of a spell she discovered called the Mind Delve. When her annual evaluation suddenly springs up she finds an opportunity to travel to Canterlot to study this spell. But will she find all the answers she's looking for, and more importantly, will she like them?
    Study of the Mind Delve
    Study of the Mind Delve Part 2
    Study of the Mind Delve Part 3

    Additional Tags: History Behind a New Spell


    Author: Jake Heritagu
    Description: When Celestia leaves a cryptic message to Twilight about something being wrong with the town, Twilight is understandbly disturbed. However, trusting her teacher to handle the problem, she goes to sleep that night assured she can handle it. But when Twilight wakes up to a fog filled Ponyville with strange creatures out for her blood, will she be able to find her teacher and reverse the effect, or will Ponyville be doomed to be shrouded by this monster filled fog?
    Silent Ponyville 3 Prologue
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 1
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 2
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 3
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 4
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 5
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 6
    Silent Ponyville 3 Part 7 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Silent Ponyville strikes once more

    Description: Demitri Macabre, a serial killer who targets murders exclusively, finds himself in Ponyville after his last victim revealed that there may be a cannibal lurking in the quaint little town. However, when a visit to the library goes awry, he finds himself fighting for his life in a twisted version of the town shrouded in fog alongside the resident librarian, Twilight Sparkle. (An Alternate Universe taking place after Silent Ponyville 2)
    Silent Ponyville: Blood Chronicles (All Links)

    Additional Tags: Twilight, Pinkie Pie, OCs (Demitri, The Colt, Lance Strongshy, various minor characters) Complete Silent Ponyville torments a vigilante


    Author: CodyMau
    Description: Twilight's friends have been enduring nightmare related trauma's that she was able to cure with a spell, the only problem is no one will tell her what that spell did to help them. Curiosity always a driving force, she seeks to uncover the mystery. (Alternate Universe, takes place after Silent Ponyville 2)
    Silence of Ponyville

    Additional Tags: Silent Hill Mystery Loss Past


    Author: Laegreffon
    Description: Scootaloo is up to mischief as usual, alongside Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell in finding new ways to get their Cutie Marks. However, a chance encounter with a strange Pegasus causes strange things to occur. When she crashes her scooter and finds herself stuck in a fog filled Ponyville with this strange Pegasus, will Scootaloo be able to find her way home, or will her journey end in tragedy? (Takes place after Study of the Mind Delve)
    Silent Ponyville: Darkness Scoots

    Additional Tags: Scootaloo goes to Silent Ponyville

    Art Gallery

    540 kommentaari:

    1. I've been wondering when a Silent Hill crossover would happen.

    2. Silent hill is in Pinkies mind? hmmmm.

    3. Pinkie eh? This is gonna be double insanity with her involved.

      Omg what hasn't ponies been crossed with?

      Wait, nevermind, thought of it... (It better not ever happen >.< )

    4. Finally! I was waiting for someone to cross Silent Hill into MLP. I like how crossing into Silent!Ponyville was handled.

      Also, cupcakes for Cupcakes reference.

    5. Just about any one of the mane cast would have worked... they all have their inner demons... im curious to see how pinkies manifest themselves.. :)

    6. @Muffinsforever
      Jersey Shore?
      Oh dear Luna, if that happens...


    7. ...


    8. >Inb4 pyramid head.

    9. I'm actually kind of happy it was Pinkie instead of AB, Bloom couldn't really fit into the story that well. Anyways, I'm happy to see a Silent Hill/MLP crossover :)

    10. Not gonna spoil what happens but...

      Twilight, you fail... >.>

    11. @Asgard314

      At least she tried, right?

    12. Haven't read it yet, plan to when I get some free time tonight as Silent Hill is one of my favorite things.

      I was actually working on my own SH/MLP crossover and I still plan to finish it.

      Also when I read this, pyramid Head Pony better not show up. I'm one of those fans that hates when he is put into anything outside of SH2, the only place he belongs.

    13. @Anonymous

      Silent Hill is always in the mind. Really, it tends to be nowhere else. Well, except for the threshold of Hell, I mean.

    14. Looking very promising so far. Nice story buildup, you already set a good mood for your story! Wondering how it will work out further.
      (minor spoilers)
      Woo, lantern! Coming to think of it, there should be an Amnesia crossover.

    15. Oh god OH GOD!
      First a slenderman refrence,
      Then a cupcakes refrence which made my mouth taste like acid.
      THEN i think it is a refrence to the alan wake crossover.
      Then a refrence to amnesia the dark descent.
      I play too many horror games :i

    16. Pinkie's dialogue seemed to be a little, off-character near the end of her conversation with twilight, other than that this seems like an awesome start to some really bad stuff going down. Can't wait :D

    17. Silent Hill and ponies are my favorite things. Mr. Heratigu, you are an amazing person.

    18. @zeb516
      Too many horror games is never a problem. ^^ *brohoof for fellow horror game fanatic*


    19. @PterosaurPony

      Oh have no fear, I agree with this opinion that he doesn't make sense in any other game. So there won't be a Pyramid Head Pony. But there will still be plenty of monsters to come.

      Also I completely support you still working on your own Crossover. If there's anything I strongly believe in its that you can do the same idea as someone else, because you can do it differently enough to be of interest as well and I look forward to reading it.

      And thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! I'm so glad you're all enjoying it with how much I loved writing it. Chapter 2 should be ready soon so you guys can look forward to it ^^

    20. @Muffinsforever Just you wait.

      I have something I think you'll like.

    21. Can't wait for the next chapter!! wooo. But Im going to hold my vote!

    22. One of my favorite game series of all times has finally been been ponified!

      Now all I need is a No More Heroes crossover...

    23. Never played Silent Hill before, but this story has potential

    24. Silent Hill... I know those games. The hero defeat an Evil force. But the endings of those games...

      Being a Realist isn't always a good thing... I can already see a Top10 of how the author will finish this series...

      But, at the same time... reveling the *Story-that-shall-not-be-named* as nothing more but the nightmare that *It* is... kinda make me wonder if the author will go for... who know?... a non-depressing Ending ?


    25. MAKE SOME CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    26. This would get posted at 2 in the morning. You sick, evil bastards. :<

    27. so "Cupcakes" was just a dream? interesting...

    28. Yay, updates! :D Hoping to see some surreal stuff.

    29. Whyoh why do I let my self get caught up in these stories. Its a goodun but I am goona go read Luna Vs The Microwave again just so I can go to SLEEP.

    30. Yo, shake it... shake it shake it.(Mischief Makers style)

      Ah sirent hirr no uta, minna de utaou.

      Minna de, minna de. Utaimasyou.

      We'll start with Pinkie.

      You don't all have to sing.

      Pinkie, yeah. Pinkie, yeah.

      Honto ha yasashii obasan da.

      Okashi toka katte kererushi otoshidiama kurerushi.

      Dakedo ne... Okoru to kowai.

      (Somebody better get what I'm doing here)

      Sirent hirr no uta minna de utaou.

      Minna de, minna de. Utaimasyou.

      *I was going to add this to my cavalcade of ideas but someone already did it (obviously right here where the silent pony hill comments are) so I can't now, but nobody said I can't suggest a funny secondary ending to add to this which involve aliens.

      Also Muffinsforever this might partially answer your question.


      Just a bunch of random pony story Idea's I'm putting up, not writing them all the way out but there's a lot of stuff ponies have yet to crossover or parody with yet.

    31. Alright, armchair psychologists! Time to put our thinking caps on!

      As all diehard Silent Hill fans know, Silent Hill’s monsters are not MERELY monsters, as such, but are physical embodiments of personal psychological issues and fears… they are SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATIONS. Consider, just as an example, this excerpt describing “The Patient” monster, taken from the Silent Hill Wiki:




      The Patients are manifestations of Walter Sullivan's aversion to hospitals and the like, finding them terrifying as the Patients themselves are imposing. Also the bloodstains on their hospital gowns makes it seems as though they are bleeding from where their wombs should be, suggesting that they are a manifestation of Walter's hatred for his biological mother, as he seems to have taken both their lungs and wombs out.


      Now, traditionally, the monsters are ‘inspired’ from either the psyche of the main protagonist, (James from SH2, Heather from SH3,) or antagonist, (Alyssa from SH1, Walter from SH4.)
      So, now:

      1) Are the monsters of Silent Ponyville “based” off Pinkie Pie’s psyche, or those of some undetermined antagonist?

      2) What does each of the monsters “symbolize?”

      To date, we have…


      “Groaners”: The pony was barely a pony anymore. Its coat and mane was gone, replaced with the look of rotting flesh that was trying to live. One of its front legs was missing, there was a missing chunk of flesh from its back, its eyes looked like they had been gouged out, several teeth looked like they had been knocked out with the holes bleeding, and several lacerations covered its body.

      “White Fillies”: Writhing on the floor was what looked like the upper half of a hairless young filly, its white skin beginning to rot on its bone, its two front hooves grasping for land as it flailed on its back, its eyes covered by a white bandanna as its black mouth opened, a long tongue flickering out as it let outs its wailing cry.

      “Slender Pony”: It was a tall, slender pony that towered over her. It had no face; its skin clung to its face and body as if they were attached directly to its bones. It was pale, deathly pale, accentuated by the black suit and red tie it wore on its torso.


      And… begin!

    32. Bah! Beat me to it! Though I must admit you are heading in a much better direction then what I had in mind. Can't wait to read more!

    33. Pyramid Head Pony wouldn't make much sense anyway unless Pinkie killed somepony and I doubt Cupcakes is canon with this even though I haven't read your Silent Hill fic yet.

    34. I'll take a stab. Slender Pony seems to come out of some issue that hasn't been dealt with from her previous life on the rock farm, perhaps with her father. Authoritative, straight-laced and dark. Something along the lines of...maybe...leaving against her father's wishes and/or her father kicking her out angrily. Something like that.

    35. @ Louis

      Oh! Oh! I wanna take a crack at it! *Takes a deep breath*

      ...Oh wait, I'm the Author. I totally already know the answers and that'd be spoiler o3o. But yes you are VERY correct that I did in-fact base every monster encountered based on the 'psyche' of Pinkie Pie (Yes, these are being made from Pinkie). So I'm glad you're taking such a big dive/inspiring others to as well. I'd love to hear what people think the symbolism of each monster is before I reveal the truth of what I based them on (which won't be till after I complete the story ^^).


      I won't tell you if you're right or wrong, but your thinking is in the right place!

    36. @ Jake Heritagu

      No problem! I can sense how faithful you're being to the Silent Hill saga, right down to the sort of puzzles the game likes to throw at you! Since the whole "psychological embodiment" thing is one of the most fascinating aspects of the Silent Hill games, (don't you just LOVE how the town takes the effort of completely revamping itself for EACH INDIVIDUAL VICTIM, just to torture them better?) I figured I might as well call you out on it so our fellow bronies who are unfamiliar with Silent Hill can pick up on some of the nuances.

    37. Oh dammit man, now I want to make this into a game!

    38. @Kinoko: I'm not the only one wantin' that? *Fluttershy yay* Also note this is coming from somepony that has never played a Silent Hill game. Most of what I know of the games comes from Linkara.

    39. 'Where am I?'
      'Was I dreaming?'
      'Huh. Radio. What's going with that radio?'

      First off, I commend you making a crossover of my all time favorite saga with ponies.

      So far I'm liking the whole direction of the story and am curious to see how other characters fit into the whole scene. I am also curious of what atrocious deed Pinkie Pie committed to end up in Silent Ponyvile.

      You have to sprinkle in 'have you seen a little girl' SOMEWHERE. imo

      Good read. Hope ya continue to make more soon.

    40. >“Snow? But…But its summer…” Pinkie said in shock staring at the white spectacle.
      -Snow in Silent Hill ? Wait... Oh no... nonono...I hope the author didn't take the bad Silent Hill clone-reboot : Shattered Memories ...as inspiration.

    41. @Kinoko

      A game based on this would probably make me faint in joy. That's just levels beyond awesome I couldn't even comprehend hehe.


      Haha, you know what I originally wasn't going to. BUT I just thought of a place where I could fit that in~ So I shall now X3

      @ Nova

      Haven't played Shattered Memories, nor have I done too much research into it other then knowing its supposed to be a reboot of the first game, which I played the first game. So no, the first game is my biggest inspiration for writing this, with research from the other games.

    42. So, slender mane became Pinkie's pyramid head. What does slender mane/man symbolize though? pyramid head was unique, but unless that thing wasn't slender mane then I'm missing something behind it's story, or it's just a convenient thing to take up the role.

    43. Update it please, I want to know where you're going with this.


      With sprinkles?

    44. I've never played/watched Silent Hill, but I like where this is going. Got pretty creeped out by the 3rd part.

    45. I wonder if the "White Fillies" are supposed to be like the Grey Children from the first Silent Hill or the Slurpers from Silent Hill 3?

    46. *has the most horrified look on her face* CUPCAKES REFERENCES?!

      ... Yep, I won't be sleeping tonight.

    47. Pinkie Pie + "Cupcakes" Pinkie Pie = *head explodes*

      This fic is getting more and more enjoyable by the chapter!

    48. Still an incredible story but the "boss" battles seem to be similar to Silent Hill 2. The Slender Pony was like the first Pyramid Head fight in the apartment building and Cupcakes Pinkie felt like the Flesh Lips scene from the hospital

    49. I know that Louis is not going to reveal anything until the story's completely finished, but I'm gonna take a stab at the whole Pinkie's psyche thing about the Cupcakes Pinkie.

      I'm going to out on a major limb and speculate the the Other Pinkie represents either 1) anger due to how some ponies see her as a bit of a hyperactive nutjob (since the other Pinkie IS a nutjob) or 2)self-hatred of how she forces herself to be that happy-go-lucky ever-optimistic comic-relief character (she continues to sound happy, even when her patience wears thins and her dialogue become more and more twisted).

      On a side note, I'm not a hardcore fan a Silent Hill, but I do know that most (if not all) Silent Hill games have multiple endings. So now, I must ask. Will this story have multiple endings, like the video games? Either way, I'm still glad you're writing this.

    50. wow great use of cupcakes refernce in that last chapter
      and blending of silent hill into FiM as well
      you are quite the wordsmith

    51. This is not the kinda story I usally go for around here and I know that what I am about to say goes against the whole Silent hill theme but HELL YEAH! Pinkie killed Psyco Pinkie! I am looking forward on how this fleshes out.... but I DO have some very bad feelings about what is driving Pinkie Pie crazy.

    52. This has to be one of the most intriguing, psychological pieces I have read here. I can NOT wait for the rest of the chapters to arrive.

    53. i really like how this is going, uhm, but i don't get some of the comments. sorry ... i don't get why everyone gets worked up over Cupcakes. sure it was a gore-tastic slashfest and while i couldn't read it as humor (i thought it was well done, if over the top like crazy) it wasn't scary. at all.

      the story has some issues though. "She carefully pulled the key to [the] store out of her bag and placed it into the lock, the door unlocking." ok. repetition a bit. that's the only thing that leapt out at me as i read though. sorry ...

    54. @Minalkra

      Oh, please don't be sorry! Everyone has a different idea of what scary is. I personally didn't find Cupcakes scary either, maybe a little grotesque, but not scary. But I also understand what about it made it scary to people. And as for pointing out flaws in my story, thats ALSO okay! I appreciate any and all comments that help improve how my story is read to the people reading it! Even if its a nitpick like a missing word or repetition in a sentence. I have a proofreader whose supposed to catch this stuff, but he doesn't catch everything, so if you guys catch anything else please let me know and I'll gladly fix it! Your comments are very appreciated ^^

      @Everyone else

      I love how much you guys are enjoying the story! I'd love to comment to you guys all personally, but its really hard to not start divulging spoilers till the story is done! Once it is I'll be more then happy to chat it up with you guys, but for now understand I really love everything you guys have to say! And I read every single comment with love ^^

    55. Oh good grief this is good. Pinkie's fight with "herself" reminded me so much of a similar fight in Silent Hill 3, I heard the Unhappy Carousel music playing from Pinkie's phonograph all the way through that scene. Frigging epic.

    56. To comment on this chapter, I agree with third Anon above me's analysis of this manifestation. Pretty much what I was thinking.

      Ya know I'm no longer sure if what I thought about Slender Pony was totally on the ball, now that I've thought more about the White Fillies...

      The White Fillies seem to represent Pinkie's childhood, specifically the crushing depression, boredom and despair she must have felt being trapped in such desolation, not even realizing there must be something else, never knowing that she SHOULD look for something more.

      And now that I think a little more as I write this, Slender Pony could be a counterpart to the White Fillies, as in her domineering family before discovering partying.

      Alternatively SP could be a representation of the traumatic event you've hinted on in this chapter as well. Quite the head trip :D

    57. As a fan of Silent Hill 2 and someone that's only read cliff notes of "The Scottish Fanfic", I find this story absolutely fascinating. I have a few thoughts on the monsters, and the representation of Ponyville itself, as well.

      I believe that the Groaners represent Pinkie's fear of being alone, being the monsters that occupy Ponyville's otherwise empty streets. They cannot see and are crippled and slow, something that is essentially the opposite of Pinkie's normal bubbly self.

      The White Fillies likely represent, as stated before, Pinkie's crushingly depressing childhood. Being half a filly would be representative of this being the early half of her life.

      The Slender Pony represents the inescapable, oppressive authority of her parents, particularly her father. Having no face makes him mysterious and scary, a light in which she chooses not to see her father.

      Crazy Pinkie is a more direct representation of herself. Pinkie did something terrible...something so terrible that she erased it from her thoughts and even replaced some memories with new ones. And with the absence of her younger sister from the school picture, that leads me to believe that Pinkie at least WITNESSED something bad happening to her sister. Something that she feels she could have prevented.

      Ponyville being desolate and abandoned, along with the brutal death of Gummy, represents the need for Pinkie to abandon what she knows about the new life she's made for herself in Ponyville, demanding her to dive deeper into her mind and bring out the traumatic events from her early life.

    58. *read the first two chapters, will read the rest later*

      See, this is why I never played Silent Hill. I'm Faaaaaaar too big a wuss.

    59. Loved the violence with the fight in chapter 4.

    60. Alright slender pony your on at 5!
      Sirens at 5.5

    61. So when is Pinkie going to stick her hoof into a dark hole to get a key, or something else?

      Its in the Silent Hill series, so I could see it happening to Pinkie.

      Inb4 this happens

    62. >It was the key to Sugar Cube Corner.
      > I can’t believe I forgot to check on the store itself!
      -Wait... Pinky Pie lives in a loft JUST ABOVE Sugar Cube Corner (As stated by Faust)...
      She HAD to already have the key... How else would she had got access to her room ?

      >(from Ch.2) The door to her room in Sugar Cube Corner creaked open slowly as Pinkie pushed it.
      -Hum ? Hint-Hint ?

      From the design pictures of it (and from observation in the series), it has a Front and Back door, and no Exterior Stairs.
      Thus the stairs to her room MUST be located inside the bakery, meaning that she has the key already... no ?
      (In Episode 4, we can see a set of stairs behind the counter, when the Cakes get ready to leave.)


      >The other Pinkie Pie was still standing where she had been; the only difference now was that she was wearing a strange dress with wings…
      -Oh, come on ! *Boot to the Head x2*, with Onions.

      >She stared at the corpse that lay before her. She saw herself dead, killed by her own hoof.
      -And now there's a psychiatrist, somewhere in the world, hearing his pocket being filled with money.

    63. @Nova25

      ACK! Oh no! Someone caught my horrible derp that even I didn't realize till I finished chapter 5! XD

      I know, what caught me off guard was in Episode 25 was Rainbow Dash walks straight into Pinkie's Room from a door that looks like its on ground level. Upon researching this phenomenon after chapter 5, it appears theres a door on the third floor not visible from the normal outside pictures, meaning a pegasus could get inside that way.

      My only chance of redemption is saying she used a ladder and didn't even check sugar cube corner, just wanting to check her room and we all lived happily ever after ^^;

      The rest of your comments made me laugh though XD

    64. uuuuhhhh, The GDocs link leads to Deviant. -_-

    65. The DA and GoogleDoc links are flipped for chapter 5.

    66. @both Anonymous

      I let him know the errors, they'll hopefully be fixed soon ^^

    67. You sir.... are freaking good. Great story great endings (Ok so I skipped over the Game over, Bad ending, and Twist ending but anyways) now a while back somebody asked whats was wrong with Cupcakes and for me... I just HATE HATE HATE the sub genra of Torture Porn and I HATE^4 the villians of the pieces that much more. Having Not Crazy Pinkie kill Bug Nuts Crazy Pinkie (even if it was a dream thing whatzit) was just a really REALLY nifty thing for me.

    68. Hey Jake! This is a damn good read you have here. Fuckin' love it!
      Also, this looks like a 5-star with 50+ votes. That means... YOU HIT 6-STAR BRONY. CONGRATS!

    69. This was one of the best stories ever. I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure.

    70. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUDcSeUvkOw

    71. @Steel

      You should really give the twist ending a shot. It was almost certainly the best imo (it was at least the only one that could spawn its own sequel/follow-up).

    72. @Jake Heritagu
      Hummm... you know... the ''ladder excuse'' (later, ladder ;) ) could almost work.
      I mean, humm, well... maybe the front door's lock was broken and she used a ladder that was conveniently placed near ? Maybe the Front and Back door use 2 different keys ?
      (a bit far fetched, but, humm... You know, maybe it would be easier to just correct it, and not make something up to explain ? ;) Maybe, no ? )

      Also, yeah, about the Upper Door thing...
      It can easily be missed/confused with... I guess the door let her access to that tiny balcony near the top ? Useful for Pegasi too (makes you wonder about the heart shape in it, hmm ;) )


      Also... Try going back in time and kill yourself, then go back and explain this to a Quantum Physicist... Their head will explode twice! -Note: Bring an umbrella.

    73. Finished Chapter 5...unsure which alt ending to take, cause I know I'll end up comparing the rest to it...I'm sure they're all fantastic, but personal tastes and all...

      Let's go...UFO!

    74. Damn good ending, I'll write more tomorrow once I've slept on it. And I read every ending (it's not rocket science people).

    75. Holy crap, I'm excited to read this. Fo reals.

    76. umm was that a refernce to the white chamber???

    77. It's well written, and interesting. But the scene at the end with Bellamina just wrecked me. Even with the happy ending, the fact that the thing with Bellamina happened sucked all the joy out of it for me. It's just too crushingly sad.

      Not saying "hurr durr change it" or anything, just giving my opinion as a reader.

    78. Can the endings be reflected in google docs? I can't access the deviant art versions.

    79. I actually signed up for deviantart to read the endings. That should tell you all you need to know about what I thought of this. ::claps::

    80. @Anonymous

      Silent Ponyville Ending - Game Over: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1heA-kt75B1pC61vWojWM0YPslEEY2Hcc0t_U3Vc7URE/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIbyjeUN
      Silent Ponyville Ending - It's Time to Get Baking: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pc79FOeymgTIkO8vZxlVqycueCFrgnxmkEI1vSNCvJI/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLe2vesJ
      Silent Ponyville Ending - Its a Twist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLvsG2UWm_APYTn2gjwhbHBfJfDDpZcLyOemgWcbzZI/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIi0tMwK
      Silent Ponyville Ending - UFO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-dUuoteM8PkU3xR5B6ruHdzZ2aqwR1R9JMgvbqCWhus/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CP7urs0F
      Silent Ponyville Ending - The Truth: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uq_PcFpGt2L-p80ou4_j6Di-14TZ8tZr7OsBzupZAmA/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CP6YxPcH
      Silent Ponyville Ending - Sam: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P9UdI8BHDBz59cF88u-OiWWd2ybFKuckEo-zWb6Hx5g/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CN3AjoMG

      Its a bit messy, but I did e-mail him the links, but it was a LOT for him to update with. So I hope this helps ^^

    81. Game Over

      That Metal Gear Solid Refrence...

    82. Bravo.

      Loved the "Truth" and "Twist" endings. It's like something you'd see in an actual Silent Hill game. Well done. Well done!

    83. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    84. This was amazing. I played SH2 about the same time I got into ponies, and you took that to its epic logical conclusion. You even made me un-regret reading Cupcakes. 5 stars!

    85. @Ace2401

      Then my mission in life is complete ^^

    86. Damn good story guy..It kept me up i just HAD to read it untill the end..5/5 10/10 how ever you rate it it was great.

    87. This was one of the best fanfics I've ever read. 5 stars!

      Now there just needs to be a MLP/Amnesia crossover and my life will be complete. *hint hint*

    88. i liked it, even if it was messy. uhm, i wasn't expecting it to be done so soon, though. the crazy puzzles of the Silent Hill series were only lightly touched on, though, uhm, i guess you didn't want to draw it all out too much. i can respect that. i liked how you fit a Cupcakes shout out in there. and a NyanDash too.

      it wrapped up pretty quick at the end but that's probably just me. sorry ...

    89. sorry, i realized my messy comment could be misconstrued. i meant messy as in bloody, though it was with good purpose. i didn't mean your writing was messy. sorry ...

    90. Interesting that everything stemmed from the one incident, not from any various problems she might have had. And the monsters were, mostly, pretty literal to the event. I guess I was expecting a different kind of examination of Pinkie Pie, but this ending did work. Thanks for the story, it was very enjoyable.

    91. @Minalkra

      Well it WAS originally going to be longer, however as I was writing the longer content I couldn't help but realize that as I did, it wasn't a good read. It was very slow, disjointed, felt like the content was forced more then it was a natural flow to the narrative. I had more puzzles, but also realized that in a story like this, re-tracking your steps in the same area does not a good story flow make. In a video-game this works perfectly, but in a story you have to make some cuts in order for it to work just fine.

      And its alright, I'm just glad you enjoyed what you did of my story, thank you ^^


      Well, there's still a lot of symbolism if you think about it as I'll show you once I finish drawing the beastiary with all the symbolism reasons in it. But also remember that in the first game, all of the monster symbolism in that game were very direct references to Alessa's childhood in many different ways. It was Silent Hill 2 that was a lot more subtle with the symbolism and made you twist your brain to figure it out. But I also hope I captured that to an extent with the monsters here.

      Thank you for enjoying my story, I loved writing it ever-so-much ^^

    92. That was great. Really loved it.

    93. Dat fucking writefag28. juuni 2011, kell 17:16

      I bawwwed.

      Jolly good show.

      *I expected more DashiePie however >_>*

    94. Wow. This story was actually pretty good, the Sam ending was funny, especially the bit with the top hat and cane pyramid head.

    95. This...actually had the silent hill creepy feel to it. You win man, you win.

    96. Silent Hill + Ponies = Win

      This is now officially my favorite fanfic to date!



    98. One of the best fanfics I've ever read. Even has that episodic feel to it! :D

    99. Beautiful story. Especially the ending. Makes me wanna cry :') I can't wait to see the epilouge or conclusion/etc, :)

    100. This is now one of my favorite series on EqD, up there with Psychology, Progress, and such. This feels more like a Silent Hill story than half of the more recent Silent Hill games (and movie) have, from the setting being a landscape of torment tailored to its inhabitant, to the spectrum of endings. Would read again, and have sent the link to everypony I know.

    101. Crossover stories I havnt run across yet.
      Warhammer 40k ponies
      World War 2 ponies
      FEAR ponies
      Halo Ponies
      Assassin's creed ponies
      Mass Effect ponies
      Unreal Tournament ponies
      Elder Scrolls ponies
      Quake ponies
      Metro 2033 ponies
      Fatal Frame ponies
      Resident Evil ponies
      Horus Heresy ponies

      lol Thats all I can name now, but yes, theres alot :P

    102. When I read the "It's Time to get Baking" ending, I [i]squeed[/i].


    103. Holy crap. I'm starting to read Part 4. I LOVE this fanfic. Gives the suspension exactly like the game. I rated it 5 stars, but I couldn't help but notice how repetetive your description of Pinkie Pie's heartrate is. In the story, it keeps saying, "Her heart racing a mile a minute."
      I found that kinda annoying. Other than that,
      cool story bro.

    104. Hey, can we get a way to read the endings for those of us that aren't dA members?

    105. Silent Ponyville Ending - Game Over: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1heA-kt75B1pC61vWojWM0YPslEEY2Hcc0t_U3Vc7URE/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIbyjeUN

      Silent Ponyville Ending - It's Time to Get Baking: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pc79FOeymgTIkO8vZxlVqycueCFrgnxmkEI1vSNCvJI/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLe2vesJ

      Silent Ponyville Ending - Its a Twist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLvsG2UWm_APYTn2gjwhbHBfJfDDpZcLyOemgWcbzZI/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIi0tMwK

      Silent Ponyville Ending - UFO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-dUuoteM8PkU3xR5B6ruHdzZ2aqwR1R9JMgvbqCWhus/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CP7urs0F

      Silent Ponyville Ending - The Truth: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uq_PcFpGt2L-p80ou4_j6Di-14TZ8tZr7OsBzupZAmA/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CP6YxPcH

      Silent Ponyville Ending - Sam: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P9UdI8BHDBz59cF88u-OiWWd2ybFKuckEo-zWb6Hx5g/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CN3AjoMG

    106. That was... that was just AMAZING. You pulled this off spectacularly! I was supposed to go to bed a couple hours ago, but now I don't see the point since I would just be rehashing the story in my head!

      Since I love video game soundtracks (with Silent Hill being one of my favorites) I played a couple tracks from Shattered Memories in the background as I read. Most notably:

      While Pinkie Pie explored: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHBemS0JbXU&feature=related

      Alternate Ponyville scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YAr7oBtWRc&feature=related

      As Pinkie Pie recalls her memories and comes to terms:

      And of course, the epilogue:

      The music really heightened the mood for me; it was great! Once again, AMAZING WORK! B)

    107. Can someone tell me if this is finished or not? It says "UPDATE--COMPLETE" at the top, but it's labeled as "Incomplete", so...

    108. It's complete... guess they gotta fix that.

    109. WHAT? The endings are only on DeviantArt? And you need an account to read them?! Come on, that's just cruel.

    110. @Anonymous

      You should read the comments sometime XD

      I have google-doc versions posted just a few posts above yours, Sethisto only linked to the DA endings though lol

    111. Really beautiful endings... Especially the "It's a twist" one... That was sad...

      Now, a little afterthought I had after actually reading "Cupcakes" for the first time... THANK YOU FOR HAVING PINKIE BEAT THE EVERLOVING CRAP OUT OF EVIL PINKIE... That *naughty word* DESERVED it... Ok... Flashbacks are going away now... Calming down... -_-

      And the scenes featuring the odd colt were just gut-wrenchingly horrifying... You really felt scared for Pinkie and Bellamina...

    112. *starts reading*

      "...another night it was a faceless slender pony whose presence quaked her very being."

      ...Slender Mane?!


      *cocks shotgun*

    113. lol, I was actually reading The Colt's part in Patrick Stewart's voice. I've played Lords of Shadow too much.

    114. I wondered when I Met a God Today would be updated here...

      As for the Colt's punishment...




    115. @Anonymous

      Hmm. I read his voice as Hannibal Lecter's voice. It seems to mesh well with his dialog.

    116. That side story is powerful and eerie. I think I'm going to record it.

    117. ...executing someone who kills children and eats them...counts as murder? Hahahahahaha no.

    118. Well that was creepy.

    119. I wonder if Pinkie Pie will ever confront him.

    120. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    121. I Met a God Today :

      >Ever wonder what became of The Colt from Silent Ponyville?
      -Who ? No, really ?

      >I Met a God Today
      -His name was Steeeeeeeve.

      >They know I’ve strictly forbidden executions of anypony! Why would they ask me to make such an exception!?
      >it’s not just for his heinous crimes. He’s convicted of foalnapping, imprisonment, cruel and unusual torture, murder, cannibalism…
      -Considering *THIS* version of their Reality... Celestia lives in dream-world filled with marshmellows and rainbows apparently, to not allow it...

      >to kill him would make somepony else a murderer.
      -She REALLY has some weird twisted logic going on here ?

      >I want to keep this peace for as long as I can. Even if that means leaving some alive that would be better dead.
      -Yeaaaaaah... It's not like she could have him executed in Ultra-Top-Secret that no pony would EVER hear about, for probably centuries, or anything, right ?

      ... Not bad (story), but Celestia (herself, her character IN story) is (maybe it's just me) kinda acting a tad 'stupid' here ? She seems to go for illogical decisions and to forget obvious things she could do ...

    122. It doesn't seem strange to me that Equestria (even this version where someone like The Colt can exist) wouldn't practice capital punishment, people tend to forget that the majority of the world's nations are like that.

    123. Loved it. It's amazingly amazing and creepy. Loved the last three endings, Sam is my favorite though.

      Keep up the good work if you plan to any more ^^

    124. Jake, you are some sort of monster who has no soul, casually tormenting the innocent!


      Poking at the continuity by having sam and that epicly dashing ninja editor of his show up
      So I am totally with you on the Sam ending

    125. @Anonymous

      I do believe my comments have been Ninja'd :|

    126. Hmm... I wonder, will Silent Ponyville 2 count as an update to this story, or will it get a post of its own like Too Shy For A Rainbow?

    127. Oh noes! Fluttershy AND Rainbow Dash in Silent Ponyville! How cruel!

      *shuts up and reads story*

    128. >Deviant Art link reading "Part 2"


    129. @Anonymous

      He makes that error a lot, but we forgive him XD

    130. Umm... shouldn't there be a note saying that this is also a sequel to Too Shy For A Rainbow?

      That's sort of required to understand why Dash and Fluttershy are already dating...

    131. Hell yeah another silent ponyville.

    132. Oh god now I wanna play Silent Hill 2. Time to dig out the trusty old ps2.
      >Inb4 I play Fatal Frame 2 instead.

    133. So, now because of you and your stories Jake, Flutterdash is my OTP. And I'm not really into shipping, so yeah. +1 internet

    134. @Anonymous *wants to join you*

      *doesn't have Silent Hill 2*


      *goes to play Silent Hill 1 instead*

    135. Oh sh*t! I thought this story was finished and the drought of content had weaned me off of ponies! Thanks a lot (╬ಠ益ಠ )
      Let the nightmares begin! AGAIN! *starts reading* ಠ‿ಠ

    136. So far the 2nd story is awesome! I just hope that this time they make an actual part with an actual ending instead of 5 alternate endings.

    137. @Anonymous

      The canon ending for the first story is The Truth.

      This story will also have multiple endings. Why? Because multiple endings is Silent Hill tradition, I wouldn't be caught dead writing a Silent Hill-esque story without multiple endings.

    138. @Jake Heritagu

      So which did you like better? Silent Hill 1 or 2? Note that I'm not asking which is scarier, just which one do you think is the better overall experience?

    139. Overall? Silent Hill 2. While it wasn't scarier than 1 to me it actually did give me a few 'wtf?' moments as well as enjoying the whole mind-f*** experience deeper than 1. It also had more characters and a better story, so I have to say it was the better one ^_^

    140. I still need to play Silent Hill 1, but I think I agree. Silent Hill 2 is a work of art,. and well, Silent Hill 1's story starts out interesting, but then it sounds like it gets kinda silly.

      Also: Abstract Daddy. I mean, seriously, WTF!

    141. @Jake Heritagu When I read The Truth, I thought it was one of the alternate endings instead of the actual ending (canon ending as you called it). It was just that it was hard to tell that it was the actual ending. It was just listed randomly with the other ones. By the way, The Truth was my favorite ending out of all of them.

    142. > Twi: "When have you ever known me to mess up a spell...?
      >Pink: "...not in continuity..."

      OMG, What has this fandom done to Twilight's ability with magic? :P

      Although, she kinda borked the "mouse-to-horse" spell a little in "Best Night Ever"

    143. "Well…not in continuity…"
      Nice to see that, even with everything else, Pinkie's still Pinkie.

    144. Heh... Pinkie's going to need to be careful about how she guides the others around, or she might end up breaking the whole thing. I suspect she's aware of that though.

    145. Just FYI everyone, part 2 is up now. And it's fricking amazing.

    146. @Ace2401 *spit take*



      *darts off to read*

    147. So the first one was scary enough, why should I read the second story?


      I'll read it.

    148. DeviantArt is the same as Google Docs, both are Chapter 1, Seth. You need to update that thar real Chapter 2.

    149. Midnight Starlight28. juuli 2011, kell 23:10

      I'm itching to read more of Part 2. This is excellent!

    150. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_VheAwZBuQ

      *grabs popcorn*

    151. I'm very excited about this story, but it kind of dissapoints me that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash came along with Fluttershy.

      It would've been interesting on how she'd deal with all the trials alone.

    152. @Anonymous

      You should read part 2

      MOAR NOW!

    154. Can you please stop putting your fanfic on deviant art?

    155. @Anonymous

      It's where most of my fans are, plus I always provide google-docs versions for Equestria Daily.

      Chapter 2 is not DA exclusive (the link up there to DA is just chapter 1 reposted), there will be a Google Doc version for Equestria Daily soon.

    156. So we had a creepy horror story about Pinkie’s nightmares that were caused by a cannibalistic serial killer, followed by a cut innocent shipping story, followed by another creepy horror story? That’s strange but interesting.

      So what’s causing Fluttershy’s nightmares? I doubt that the colt ruined the childhood of every mane cast member or using evil slasher powers to torment people from inside his cell. So I’m making a wild guess and say that Fluttershy had a very abusive dad, who demanded her love will beating the poor filly senseless.

      Future more I’m hope that we will see Cupcakes Pinkie again. Sure there are in Fluttershy’s mind but Pinkie is there, too. Maybe her sheer presence unintentionally influences the dream. And Rainbow Dash is there, too. Yes it sounds cruel but it would be interesting to see how Fluttershy fights with Cupcakes Pinkie to save RD. Silent Hill had recurring bosses, right?

    157. I had a dream a few weeks ago;

      I was Twilight, and Rarity had apparently been experimenting with dream magic, contacted me through one, and noticed there was someone attacking people through overly vivid dreams to make them exhausted and worn out, and asked 'me' to see what I could do about it. I, in the real world, kept waking up because what "I" saw in the dreamtime really was overstimulating, but I kept falling back asleep into the dream, trying to work out all these kinds of puzzles and scenarios to break up the dreams.

      "I," Twilight, realized that it wasn't Rarity, but whoever was attacking that sent the message, and was able to start shunting out the dreams and finally stop them, as it seemed Fluttershy was nearly having anxiety attacks from it all, and Rarity was only the first victim.

    158. @Xuncu


      ...Jake, have you been stealing info from peoples' dreams again?!

      >inb4 "we must go deeper"

    159. Holy Celestia you're good at this. I'm going to go squat in that corner cowering now, okay I'm going now bye.

    160. i read silent ponyville 1 forever ago, then i read it again, and again... its so good, scary as hell, but good!
      and then a wild silent ponyville 2 apears on equestria daily!

      my reaction... ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh... and so on


    161. @Xuncu and NotAGoodUsername360


      @Unknown and Nitro

      Awwww, thank you! I'm glad to know my work is so well loved ^_^

    162. @Jake Heritagu O_O


      *downloads music*

      Thanks, I'd been meaning to download that...

      ...BTW, for some reason this makes me think of the entire Silent Ponyville continuity, or at very least Silent Ponyville 2... especially with Pinkie and Dash inside Fluttershy's mind... I can totally see various scenes from all those fanfics showing up when I hear it...


    163. I just finished reading the 1st one.

      I loved every minuet of it. My sister innocently snuck up on me and scared me, resulting in me instinctively punching her in the face o_o (It was during the part with The Faceless Colt in the school, no doubt) but apart from that it was fun. ^_^

      Loved the alternate endings, especially the easter-egg ones.

    164. Those of you worrying about Pinkie and Dash meeping up the Silent Hill Therapy (*shiver*) probably don't need to worry- the Hill seems quite capable of splitting the party when needed.

    165. Heh, for a second, I was thinking you were going the Amnesia route with the water. I'm personally glad you aren't. That part scared the SHIT out of me, and I ALREADY hate water xD

    166. @Anonymous

      "Just about any one of the mane cast would have worked..."

      Rarity: * Swimming in a river of mud* OMG!!! This is terrible for my hair!!! *Grabs onto something floating in the mud, realises it's a manikin wearing a fluorescent orange dress, screams, let's go, drowning in the mud* *Wakes up covered in sweat*

    167. The relationship between rainbow and fluttershy seems out of now where, but at least it isn't shipping as much as it is cute :3

    168. awesome! How the story went was incredible! Scary yet entertaining. Although I expected something like Pyramid Pony or pony head....well just saying what I taught that might come.

    169. @La Barata To this day I'm STILL stuck on that part, because I'm too scared to get off of my precious crate.

      I don't know what that invisible thing in the water is, but I do know that it kills me very quickly and that's frankly all I need to know.

    170. @Jake Heritagu Looks like you forgot something... *shrug*

    171. A big black dragon? Oh no, Deathwing from World of Ponycraft is now in Silent Hill!

      Is the mannequin monster a nod to the fact that Fluttershy has a surprising knowledge of fashion? Maybe fashion has something to do with the source of her nightmares? Just like the cupcakes in Pinkies nightmare.

      I also like it that RD’s words that gave Fluttershy to courage to fight back. That explains how the easily scared Fluttershy is able to face the horrors of Silent Hill with dying instantly. She gave her marefriend a promise and she’s going to keep it. Pity every monster who tries to lay it claws on Rainbow Dash.

      Speaking about her, I hope this wasn’t the last time we’ve seen Dash and Pinkie before the end of the story.

    172. @Not A Good Username 360

      Come on man! After the water part is when it starts getting good. Just run like heck and you might be fine, lol.

    173. @Ace2401 Mmmmmmm no.

      It wouldn't be so bad if every time I died the game would say something other than "STAY OUT OF THE WATER..." in the creepiest way possible.

      I'm staying safe on my crate and there is no force on earth that can coax me off of it.

      It's worse than the Submerged Castle in Pikmin 2 and that goddamned Waterwraith (who is for some reason much more terrifying to me than Pyramid Head), which I still avoid like the plague whenever I play that game...

    174. @NotAGoodUsername360

      Oh, come on man. You marathoned SH2 and you can't play Amnesia? Personally, Pyramid Head is the most terrifying figure I've ever seen. Except for maybe Cupcakes Pinkie. I dunno, I guess they're tied. Anyway, Amnesia is probably the scariest game ever, but the water part isn't that bad. Actually, that's a lie. Play the game anyway, it's awesome. Savescum your way through the worst parts if you have to.

    175. @Ace2401 No, not "can't". Just "won't".

      Not at 1AM, anyways. XD

      Still, I've seen pretty damn terrifying figures in my day. I am infinitely more scared of enemies that a)I can't see and b)I can't kill than anything else in video games.

      Pyramid Head only fulfills one of these conditions. Maybe if he showed up more often when I least expected it (like that one place in the Labyrinth) I'd be more scared of him, but as it is, he's not quite as horrifying to me...

    176. Well, I have to agree 1AM is not the best time to plat Amnesia, lol. And I saw him twice in the Labyrinth, you might have missed the second time. Which is way worse than first due to the lighting and camera angle in the first area he wanders around in.

      I personally think that Pyramid Head's appearance and actions are disturbing enough to overcome that first rule. I started playing Amnesia, played through Silent Hill 2 and read Cupcakes all in the same week, and Pyramid Head was the only one who made it into my dreams.

    177. While well written, it just doesn't seem right to have fluttershy have everything explained to her by pinkie. It just..Takes away from the thing that is silent hill, ones own self discovery into their own problems.

    178. @Anonymous

      Pinkie Pie is explaining what I would essentially call 'The Tutorial'. She can only explain so much. The rest (and this is even more true once they're separated) she has to find out for herself.

    179. @Ace2401 I dunno. I guess I just didn't feel there was any regularity to his appearances, so I wasn't really tense with anticipation when he shows up.

      Maybe a few more "out-of-NOWHERE" appearances like that hallway where Maria dies for the first time and on the roof of the hospital would've made him more terrifying to me.

      That, and maybe it has to do with the fact that his appearances aren't as alarming to me after playing Pikmin 2's "Submerged Castle" level. Its boss is invulnerable until you reach its lair, and it drops down if you take too long on a floor. The Silent Hill equivalent would be if Pyramid Head would frequently appear out of nowhere in the hallways when you least expect it, so you're always tense whenever you go through the halls because you know he could be in front or behind you at any moment and God help you if you don't know EXACTLY where you're going. And Pikmin 2 wasn't even supposed to be scary!

    180. @Not A Good Username 360

      There is a couple of out of nowhere places where he shows up in the labyrinth along side other enemies. I suppose I find him more disturbing than terrifying, and that sticks with me more.

    181. @Ace2401 I did say MORE out-of-nowhere places... like, maybe having him randomly spawn in the hallways instead of normal enemies occasionally.

      I dunno. I guess he looked more ludicrous than disturbing to me... *pony shrug*

    182. Well, anyway, you need to play Amnesia regardless. I'm sure you'll enjoy the prison area XD

    183. Ponyville 2 Part 1 :

      >“Please never forget…that I love you…” The older mare’s voice grew quiet with those words.
      -Memory collected : *This will serve later.*

      >“She’s Twilight, even if she can’t find an answer, she can ask Celestia!
      -That is, if she remembers to ! (I don't get the stories, where she never ask anything or never talk to the Princess and what's going on. She does it in the series, so why not in stories ?)
      -I hope she will tell Celestia, once this is over. 2 Bearers of the Elements having Mega-Nightmares is rather suspicious.

      >“I don’t know…but she just put off inviting us to a party for it.” >“…Wow…this IS serious.”
      -Indeed !

      >Pinkie put a hoof to her chin as she looked off to the side before mumbling under her breath, “Well…not in continuity…”
      -She can see through the Parallele Dimensions, with her Quantum Powers.

      >Ponyville had fallen into a thick fog.
      -Be it fog or slow-falling snow, it is always Silent.

      ... This is...an interesting start ...

      Ponyville 2 Part 2 :

      >“I’m not sure; it was like this for me too.” Pinkie said
      -She had snow, not fog ?

      >My hands are frozen, but they weren’t always this way.
      -Hands ? Did you meant hooves ? Or, must it be specifically this word.

      >Fluttershy slowly, but surely, fell asleep.
      -Sleeping in Silenthill ? I don't know... can she do that ?
      I never could in those games, from what I remember... and even then, sleeping might not be the best idea in a place like that ?

      Ponyville 2 Part 3 (DA) :

      >Outside of a door in a hallway in the house there were several moths flying outside the door.
      -Mmh ? Is it just me, or does this sentence isn't correctly made ?

      >the lantern hung just in front of her chest comfortably.
      -Must be a very tiny lanthern ?

      >If she was in a hospital, she was sure she could find all the supplies she'd need to take care of herself…
      -She doesn't wonder how she ''somehow'' managed to go from the ground of her house in 'Ponyvile', to an Hospital in the sky of 'Cloudsdale' ?

    184. >Part 3 labeled as Part 2

      XD do you just LOVE saying "Part 2", Seth?

    185. So... I guess Dash & Pinkie are kinda just...waiting around or something? I mean, From the way this is all playing out, I can't imagine that they'd be able to get around Ponyville due to pits being everywhere other than Fluttershy's home and Twilight's place. Atleast, That would likely be the case knowing how the puzzle elements of SH work. lol

      So, What ARE they doing? I'd initially guess that they've tried to break through the trap door, got nowhere, and then Dash off and plays the blame game with Pinkie. But then, What next? Do they venture off and get caught into their own maze of hazards eventually leading them to where Fluttershy is supposed to turn up? I mean, I can't imagine Dash simply just waiting in Twilight's library for Fluttershy to save herself, But I also can't imagine a whole lot of Ponyville is open to exploration given how SH just loves those WONDERFUL pits. I imagine that seeing as this was supposed to be Fluttershy's little "trial" that everything save for her home and Twilight's house is cut off. >_>

      Then again, I've only played SH2 up until the apartments (Where I got stuck.), And I only got up to the school in SH1. So, I wouldn't really know how the whole pit placement thing works. That, And it's not my fic. XD Good read so far, Though.

    186. @Anonymous
      About Pinky Pie and RD, and Fluttershy too, I have a theory (I always have a theory ;) ).

      For when Pinky Pie was alone, Silenthill adapted itself for her, and her alone. Focusing on her personal troubles.

      But here, we have 3 ponies instead of 1. Silenthill is still trying to focus on one pony, here it's Fluttershy and her nightmares, but with the other 2 around... 'It' cannot properly place Fluttershy where she should be (Cloudsdale).

      BUT! Silenthill is crafty... 'It' knew how to isolate them.

      Fluttershy's house is kinda a link between Ponyville (RD and Pinky Pie) and Cloudsdale (Fluttershy), so it allowed them access to this (previouslu inaccessible) part of Silenthill's Realm, just to be able to connect Cloudsdale to Ponyville throught Fluttersh's house.

      One ''trap'' later and Silenthill succesfully isolated the pony 'It' wanted, where 'It' wanted her... leaving the other 2 stranded in Ponyville.

      ...For future interactions between the 2 groups, I see 2 main possibilities :
      1) Having Fluttershy where 'It' wanted her to be, Cloudsdale, 'It' doesn't need Ponyville now... So, Pinky Pie and RD will essentially be maintained, suspended, 'Nowhere' while Fluttershy deal with her 'Nightmare'.
      2) Both towns still are, but Silenthill will relentlessly send creatures and monsters at Pinky Pie and RD, to try to eliminate the 2 undesirable intruders (as if they were 'parasites' in Its Realm)... while 'It' deals ''normally'' with Fluttershy.

    187. Some how I have a feeling I shouldn't have finished Silent Hill 2 so quick, cause after part 3 I want to play in again. Maybe I'll go for a different ending this time, not the, Leave ending for the fifteenth time. It seems to be the only one I know how to get.
      If I knew where I put my copy of the original Silent Hill I'd play that.

    188. @Nova25[>“I’m not sure; it was like this for me too.” Pinkie said
      -She had snow, not fog ?]
      I'm pretty sure she had fog at the beginning, when she had her map and couldn't see the buildings properly. The snow wasn't until later, I think.

      [>If she was in a hospital, she was sure she could find all the supplies she'd need to take care of herself…
      -She doesn't wonder how she ''somehow'' managed to go from the ground of her house in 'Ponyvile', to an Hospital in the sky of 'Cloudsdale' ?]
      That's not the kind of thing you'd think about if you were that close to death. Still, doesn't excuse her from not thinking about that in the first cloud house. :P
