• Story: Silent Assassin - The Final Word

    [Crossover][Grimdark] A Pony Hitman crossover, who would have thought?

    Author: Lios
    Description: One might think that not many people in Equestria have need of getting someone "removed." None know the contrary to that better than the greatest assassin in the world, known only as "47."
    Silent Assassin - The Final Word

    Additional Tags: Violence, Stealth, Murder, Assassination

    19 kommentaari:

    1. Pinkamina Diane Pie15. juuni 2011, kell 23:11

      Sounds pretty good to me.

    2. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    3. *Sees Pinkiamina Diane Pie*

      ..........Okay WHAT THE FU-Ah forget it.

      I'm starting to wonder if Ponies taking over the world is such a good idea....

    4. That was better than I expected a hitman/pony fic to be like. Good job, looking forward to more.

    5. Huh, I appear to have been included in this story.

      In a very nasty way.

      I approve. Wholeheartedly.

    6. @Ivan2294
      If you mean the picture, it is Fluttershy, not Pinkie Pie.

    7. Great story.

      Oh hey look new banner. Happy Luna Night everpony.

    8. @Anonymous

      I mean the person who made the first comment.

    9. Pinkamina Diane Pie15. juuni 2011, kell 23:44


      I was being sarcastic. Sadly though, I have not yet found a way to type sarcastically. But the picture is good, if kinda creepy.

    10. I'm in too, and I seem to have quite the malicious streak!

    11. Good story. Punctuation's a little sketchy at times, but it never becomes a major issue.

    12. Quick question before I read this, is Agent 47 in this? Because that would be pretty damn cool.

    13. @Rick

      Of course! What kind of Hitman crossover would this be if he weren't?

    14. Ok so normally I wouldn't read a grimdark-tagged story, but this one kinda seemed possibly interesting...

      ...and I guess it was. But I don't really feel it's much of an MLP fanfiction. With very few changes one could write the story and have it apply to humans. None of the canon characters are here (outside of one /possible/ hidden one), and hell the fact that the protagonist and his victims were all male made it even more detached.

      It's not a bad story, and while it's better than many so-called fanfics I've seen where it's an original piece masquerading as one (plus of course, it's still a fic for Hitman, I would wager)....I dunno.

    15. @Melodia

      I've been thinking if this fic gets popular enough I'll make future 'missions' involving canon characters, with obvious targets such as Blueblood and Gilda.

    16. I would have thought he'd have a bar code cutie mark...

    17. the estate of the late, lamented midnight shadow wish to offer their condolences to you, the reader, for the sheer amount of awesome you'll never, ever read due to this foul, heinous crime.

      *stirring music*

    18. wtf is the picture a crossover with?
