[[Normal][Crossover] "Mulder, I don't believe that talking ponies are trying to take over the earth." *45 minutes later...*
Author: Viv the Feline
Description: On the trail of a centuries-old pattern of mysterious disappearances, Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are whisked away to a strange new universe. Adjusting to their new surroundings, they must figure out who has brought them here, and why.
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 1
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 2
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 3
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 4
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 5
The Poseidon Project: Chapter 6 (New!)
Additional Tags: Long, X-Files, Sci-fi, Paranormal, Investigation.
Aaannnnd, that's another checkmark on the list of things to cross with Ponies.
ReplyDeleteNice atmosphere!
i for one welcome our new pony overlords
ReplyDeleteCorrection! Not horses, Ponies.
ReplyDeleteBefore I read this, I just wanna say. X FILES? What's next? DMC? Supernatural? Bio shock? God Hand? Goodfellas? I fucking love this fandom!
ReplyDeleteNeeds art, pronto.
ReplyDeleteMulder in a red Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants. That was something I never wanted to imagine. Great work! Five stars.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note: I'm still waiting for someone to start ponifying classic literature. Somepony already got the ball rolling with that picture of The Scarlet Cutie Mark, but why stop there?
ReplyDeleteAlso, this story is VERY fun so far. Looking forward to the continuation!
This is just.. I don't even know how to explain this. For some reason this is the most ridiculous crossover so far to me, and it's executed so perfectly that it works; and does so INCREDIBLY well. I just love it to bits and bits :D
ReplyDeleteAs an X-Files fan, I am in awe of the author's ability to replicate the feel of the show. And then, suddenly, pony.
I had a dream a few weeks ago that indeed, ponies were taking over, and they were not the loving and tolerating kind of ponies, either.
ReplyDeleteBlasphemy! The only unloving and intolerant ponies I can think of are miniature horses in real life. No seriously, those little fuckers bite hard.
Love this story! Shame it could never be an episode.
ReplyDelete...Or could it?
AAAAAAAGH!! Why did you stop so soon?! You little tease! We haven't even seen the ponies yet!
ReplyDeleteHurry! Moar! Before I explode... and then explode again!
No, but seriously, nice work. :)
X-File/MLP. Not obvious, but highly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteWith all these crossovers, I'm still shocked that the inevitable 'MLP:FiM/Community' crossover hasn't happened yet.
"Troy and Abed in EQUEEEEEESTRIA!"
*Read till end of chapter 2*
ReplyDeleteOh Author, you little tease. If I give you five stars will you write faster?
One thing I'd suggest, tweak how you're using line breaks. Right now, it seems random (in relation to the plot) or mathematical (every so-and-so number of lines or paragraphs). It might be for readability sake only but I was thinking it was actual action separators. And you might want to just add a blank line after every paragraph.
ReplyDeleteAnother mechanical thing: when a new person starts talking, separate it out into a new line. It spreads the page out, true, but it adds to readability. Like, tons. Please, do it.
Mulder's excuse in Chapter 2. Paper checking doesn't require staying aboard the vessel, though paper-checking+vacation might have been more believable. And I'm pretty sure the US Coast Guard/Port Authority of the city takes care of that, not the FBI (unless there is a criminal investigation, in which case the FBI might be called in to support Coast Guard activities).
I don't remember Mulder being a food-a-holic in the show, though I stopped watching a couple seasons in. So far, it seems implied but maybe I'm just hungry.
Something to note: Cruise ships are big. BIG BIG BIG. Even hurricane-strength wind tends not to jostle them much, though wave actions can be harsher. Still, it's rare for big ships like that to have the violent motion you depict. Though if the ship was being lifted into the sky, than yes, violent motion ahoy, to use an overused nautical term.
All in all, a nice little romp. One crossover I hadn't expected to find but I have no idea why. I'd like to see more, especially Skully's reaction to magic. Don't let my nitpickings dissuade you from continuing, though PLEASE work on line separators and streamlining the conversations.
The more random the crossover, the better. Never been a huge fan on X-Files but I'm liking this story. Just wish there was more :P
ReplyDeleteI don't usually like the Pony Crossover stuff. Hell, I don't like the X-Files. Only the amazing writeup made me read it, and I am glad I did, or perhaps not, because now I require more. MORE I SAID!
ReplyDeleteI was a huge fan of X-Files back in the day - it was the first fandom where I really got into fanfic, though mostly as a reader - so I'm tickled pink to see this crossover. We want more!
ReplyDeleteOh lol I hope this X-Files/MLP crossover I'm working on will still be an original idea! *checks EqD today*
Anyways good job bro :D can't wait for more
Never paid much attention to the X-Files. Still writing is okay and story is entertaining.
Pedant mode on:
"galleon" for a vessel of the Royal Navy circa 1790? No. The Galleon type vessel had long since become obsolete, and while the terminology was still used rather anachronistically for certain Spanish merchant vessels, it was no longer used for any type of serious warship. You're looking for Ship of the Line; Man of War; Frigate or something between 1st rate (100 gun) and 6th rate (20 gun frigate).
End pedant mode...
This is seriously the most ludicrous crossover I have ever witnessed. I don't even know if I can read it, it's just so ludicrous.
ReplyDeleteWELP, this is an instant read for me.
X-Files, an old favorite of mine. So far the story looks well planned, and the dialogue if quite fitting. The next chapter will really tell, as you transition from X-Files-proper to the actual crossover elements.
ReplyDeleteMy only criticism would be to suggest that you break up your paragraphs and not stream separate lines of dialogue.
ReplyDeleteDunno. Compared to stuff I've seen X-Files crossed over with, this is downright reasonable and straightforward!
This is shaping up quite nicely, I can't wait to see what happens next. I do hope that both Mulder and Scully won't be boring old earth ponies, it'd be quite intriguing to see them having to adapt to unicorn magic or pegasus wings.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Thank you for the advice. My friend proof-reading it suggested fixing the line breaks, but I was unsure how to go about it. Also, I've admittedly never been on a cruise ship, so all the stuff I used was based on very basic research (I know absolutely nothing about size, building materials, where records would actually be kept, etc.)
ReplyDelete@Escrime: Thank you for clarifying that for me. Again, I only did basic research concerning Royal Navy ships in the 18th century, but I did come across both 'galleon' and 'ship of the line'. I'll make the corrections now.
Thank you all so much for reading! The next chapter should be done in the next couple of days.
Confound these ponies, they drive me to fanfic! Even if I've only read this, Cupcakes and "The Sun is Tired"...
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, I'm looking forward to Part 3.
Oh geez. This has so much nostalgia for me, being a long-time X-Files fan and reader of X-Files fanfics (mostly written by my mother, I am sorry to admit). This is a great ominous setup in the first chapter (and I love the title). The second chapter was a little slower, but...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for more.
@ToonNinjamaybe I should go for "War of the Words", or "Starship Troopers"? Or better yet, "Dragon Riders of Pern" series XD
ReplyDeleteoooh this is goood i really haven't watched X-Files but this is good where did Mulder and Scully end up can't wait for more keep it up
ReplyDeleteDang it! It ends just when it gets to the good part.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the reason behind the disappearances.
Nice update, the story is looking really good so far.
ReplyDeleteAnd the adventure continues, with Scully just as stubbornly cynical as ever. Seriously, did she EVER believe what Mulder was talking before the halfway marker? You'd think by the third season or so she'd catch on that these things can— and will— happen.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Mulder the Pegasus had GOT to get some sunflower seeds. :P
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, this is a hilarious crossover. As if the Simpsons wasn't enough of a strain on poor Scully!
The pink one knows more than she says. She'll put you in trances...Sorry. I got Twin Peaks flashbacks and I've never seen the show.
ReplyDeleteI shouldn't have seen the youtube video "A look on how ponies think," before looking at the story. I blame the G-Man.
ReplyDeleteShe should have figured it out by the third EPISODE!
Anypony and Everypony instead of anyone and everyone?
ReplyDeleteAlso I was hoping they wouldn't turn into ponies. :|
Oh well.
Line breaks.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Yes, it stretches the page out but it's SO much easier to read!
X-Files as ponies, eh, not expecting that really but since there were so many disappearances in the past and no humans remain in Equestria, I should have guessed. Electromagnetism is a flimsy excuse for levitation but Skully would probably latch onto something she could understand. Though, to be honest, it's all magic until someone explains it, then it's science.
Poor Rarity, she gets so little screen time in these fics, though GOOD CHOICE on her being the one to find them. She is rather in character, though she would probably have said 'You're awake! How grand.' or the like. Still, nitpick and not at all worth editing for. Rest of it is spot on. I'm looking forward to more. Also, deadpan Skully is the BEST Skully. *bouncing energetic Pinkie Pie* *deadpan response from Skully*
And then Mulder was a green pony, this got to be amazing xD
ReplyDeleteDespite Scully's disdain for pony naming conventions I'm sure she and Twilight are going to get along. I mean, as soon as Scully get's it into her head that "magic" in this setting follows actual rules I'm sure she'll accept it. Twilight Sparkle uses a specialized science she calls magic, and like Scully she has little use for superstitious nonsense.
ReplyDelete>disdain for superstition
ReplyDelete>automatic belief in prophecy in the first episode
You know, I never did quite get that.
But yeah, seriously, I dug the fuck out of the Pinkie-Scully contrast you had going there for a little bit.
Scully and Twilight Sparkle...oh man, I sense friendship in the making. Two scientists, both level-headed and rational/logical minded. Yeah, this will be a fun story to read
ReplyDeleteI do like the color choice you gave for Mulder, though I wasn't expecting it. When I think of it...green and aliens...Mulder and UFOs...it all fits. Great first 3 chapters here, looking forward to what awaits our two favorite FBI agents.
"Scully, we're not in Florida anymore."
ReplyDeleteYou know, I don't care if this is a goofy setup or what, this is a lot of damn fun. I cannot stop smiling as I read, and I can't wait to see where this goes!
One question: What color is Scully? I'm not sure if I glanced over it or if it just wasn't mentioned.
One suggestion: Remember that Mulder's a bit of a wiseass. Seeing Scully in such obvious disbelief of her surroundings, he's got to have a little fun at her expense.
Scully's coat is a peach colour.
ReplyDeleteNeed MOAR of this brony, it's just too delicious. I only casually watched X Files when it was on over a decade ago - thanks for making me feel old - you've hooked me with this; bravo!
There's more, right? There has to be more! Where is it? Where are you hiding the rest?
ReplyDeleteC'mon, gimme, gimme, gimme!
Ok, some constructive feedback. Never was a real fan of the show, got to silly for me, but this seems to be fun. Didn't think it would be this much fun, actually, or I would have read the story earlier.
You've got great characterization. Only unbelievable thing is that Pinkie hasn't somehow given the game away by saying something completely innocent except that it's not when put into context. Because that really is her schtick. Hope you do something with her in there.
"Dichromatic Wormholes and the Blue/Orange Contrast"
Need moar. Now.
ReplyDeleteJeez this is awesome! I'm a big fan of the X-files so this is a huge treat for me. I can't wait for more of this!! Seriously...please give me more! D:
ReplyDeleteNice portal reference at the beginning of part 4.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, this is pretty much the only fanfic I read. Awesome stuff.
Wait, *Mankind's* Missing Mythologies? Shouldn't that be, uh, something pony-related instead?
ReplyDeletePatience, my friend. The answer to your question will be answered in due time. Meaning next chapter.
4th wall and Portal reference paired up in an X-Files crossover fic?
ReplyDeleteChapter 4 is beyond awesome :D
MLP meets the X-Files? Dear lord, what next? How long before we get "MLP meets the Diniverse Justice League"? We could have Nightmare Moon actually be the Ponyverse version of Parallax, and she mind controls/possesses someone like Supes, and the ponies have to rescue him, and... XD
ReplyDelete@VivI figured it might be something like that, actually. Now I can't wait for the next chapter!
ReplyDeleteAs a biiig X-Files fan, I am amazed so far!! Love how the author captured every little detail of Mulder and Scully characters.... the show in general!! Keep it up, I want moooore XD, lol!
ReplyDeleteIt's a great story but some times I find it hard to tell who is speaking. Try ending sections of speech with a 'Said Twilight' for example
ReplyDeleteExposition Ahoy! Convoluted but I've seen worse from professional writers doing official crossovers so I'll give you a pass.
ReplyDeleteSooo much exposition. Still an interesting enough read. (tho I have to agree that your dialogue could really use more consistent tagging)
ReplyDeleteTrust me Scully, you both would probably be happier in Equestria.
ReplyDeleteGood work so far! I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!
One of the first crossover stories I've completed, and it was AWESOME. Great job Viv!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool conclusion, great job.
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome conclusion to the story... But you leave it open to individual "mission" style stories to follow...
ReplyDeletePLEASE tell me you will continue with more stories about the mysterious ponies from other worlds stranded in Equestria? PLEEEEEEEASE!!!!
Thank you all so much for reading! This story was a great deal of fun to write.
That's the plan. Mulder and Scully aren't finished in Equestria by a long shot :)
ReplyDeleteI really liked this story. A lot. Right up until the end. That last chapter was just... weak.
There were a ton of plot conveniences and contrivances, some of which amounted to just pulling things out of the ass. Scully is the FIRST human to transform into a unicorn? Really? And Celestia JUST came up wit this spell? And Scully Happened to pull it off even though, until two days ago she didn't even believe in magic and would have a hard time using such a complex spell? And the rift just HAPPENED to fall upon Florida?
And why did it end so fast? That last chapter seemed like it was just rushing to a conclusion. Look, if you got sick of writing the story I understand, but it would've been more appropriate to just let it drop rather than half-ass it. What about the new Ponies? It would've been cool to see them rounding up all of them and finding a way to send them home, meeting new characters from vastly different lands and cultures.
THere were just so many ways this could have gone that would have been so much better and so much neater than just wrapping it all up so quickly. What if, say, Twilight and Celestia got sucked into the portal and had to find a way back to Equestria with the help of the agents? What if Mulder and Scully got back but in a twist of fate, found they were still ponified and had to find a way to change back? What if we went with what was advertised on the page?! That the ponies are actually trying to take over the world? That would have been a neat twist too!
I'm sorry. I don't mean to come across as mean or anything it's just... I'm very disappointed in this ending. This was one of my fave stories here on Equestria Daily and this ending was just so bad it sort of undermined the rest. I'm afraid I'll have to alter my five star rating down to two stars...
I will say that the end chapter was weak, but... that ending I was like O.O If you can pull that off, it would be amazing.
ReplyDeleteMy eyes are still wide, I never expected something like that.
ReplyDeleteYOU DIDN'T.
I know you didn't.
You took me by surprise there.
I began to recognize it.
Can you pull that off?!
great story so the agent's are going to be staying in equestria for now to help out wonder who got pulled in equestria and what crossover characters will show up hope to see a sequel to this story soon
I am curious, though, as to how the rift has managed to add an additional world to its reality warping.
... Who the hell is this Kvothe that people keep talking about?
ReplyDelete*One Wikipedia search later*
... Huh, the protagonist of a fantasy series I've never heard of.
Well, to echo some of the other sentiments, this entire sixth chapter just felt rushed. I get the impression that you had an idea for a sequel and got so enthused to hint at it and get to it that you tied up this story very abruptly. I like the idea of two agents working for Celestia to help track down bizarre events in Equestria due to the dimensional weakness. As a framing device, it can justify any number of crossovers to fit into a series.
But as mentioned, the last chapter felt a bit hurried. Perhaps you could rewrite it, draw it out more and build up more?
I assume you'll write more stories in this series, and I'll keep an eye open for them simply because this story had such a strong opening and second act. Maybe experience will allow for a much stronger ending in the next story.
How did Mulder pay for the donuts?
ReplyDeleteEchoing the feelings that this was too rushed along to hint at the possibility of sequels.
ReplyDeleteAlso I have no idea who the last pony is and I'm afraid the following crossover will be less obvious because whatever it is is less well known than X-Files.
Why did i neglect reading this untill now? now i cant put it down!!
ReplyDelete@Shellsh0cker The sequel's out now, it's called The Wise Man's Fear
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, more Poseidon Project! I think there were only three chapters last time I was here, I've got some catching up to do!
ReplyDeleteThe Blue/Orange contrast. WOW.
One thing I'm having trouble with, you have a tendency to have one character speak and then another do something else, making it seem as though they're the one speaking. Keeping dialogue tags out is good, but you need to cluster same-character action and dialogue in the same paragraph. It's very confusing.
Hooray for sunflower seeds. You are a true Phile. And I love that these events are being tied into the Nightmare Moon fiasco. Onward!
Wait, also Dr. Whooves, what. Despite my trepidation that this chapter seems to consist of nothing but the book so far, the explanations for things like Earth mythology are awesome, and the tension regarding Nightmare Moon is excellent. To chapter 6!
Wait, final chapter what. Hmm, would the two of them really kneel before royalty? That's not something they're really used to.
And Trollestia is still trollin'. And poor Mulder is completely useless.
This is so short! It feels more like a prelude than anything, because there's very little conflict, if any. I was hoping for some kind of mystery to be solved, other than just "Can we get home?" And I have never heard of the Kingkiller Chronicle, so that ending was totally lost on me.
For the most part this was pretty fun, but in the end, I feel a bit let down.
To all my readers, I would like to offer an apology. I made the mistake of trying to juggle too many things at once and continue writing the 6th chapter at the same time. Evidently, it didn't work. So, in order to make amends, I will be rewriting Chapter 6 before moving on to the next story.
ReplyDeleteHowever, since my current all-day rehearsals are definitely not conducive to my ability to write well, the rewrite probably won't be done for a month or so.
Again, I apologize for rushing the 6th chapter. It was not fair for you all to have to read half-assed work.
weare can I find the sequel at
ReplyDeleteI did not feel this story was rushed, it clipped along at a good pace for the light reading it was. Not overburdened with excessive detail or dialogue.
ReplyDeleteMy only issues would be that it lacked the air of mystery of a traditional X-File. Also somewhat missing the sense of wonder most human in equestria stories impart at first contact. (Pretty much the main reason I live crossovers).
Also you really really need to overhaul your paragraph format. I mean badly. I am literally rating this a single star lower for this issue alone. It was that confusing, jarring, immersion breaking and sloppy. Character 2's reaction to character 1's dialogue should come after a paragraph break. Always.
@Anonymous The Diniverse idea: I hope so!