[Normal] I'd like to think this is how Luna reminisces about these particular events. Huzzah for origin stories!
Author: DeadManSleeping
Description: The long version of the story told in the opening of the pilot episode.All Links after the Break!
An Old Mare's Tale Part 1
An Old Mare's Tale Part 2
An Old Mare's Tale Part 3
An Old Mare's Tale Part 4
An Old Mare's Tale Part 5
An Old Mare's Tale Part 6
An Old Mare's Tale Part 7
An Old Mare's Tale Part 8
An Old Mare's Tale Part 9
An Old Mare's Tale Part 10
An Old Mare's Tale Part 11
An Old Mare's Tale Part 12
An Old Mare's Tale Part 13
An Old Mare's Tale Part 14
An Old Mare's Tale Part 15
An Old Mare's Tale Part 16
An Old Mare's Tale Part 17
An Old Mare's Tale Part 18
An Old Mare's Tale Part 19
An Old Mare's Tale Part 20 (New!)
Additional Tags: Long, Origin Story, Adventure, Epic
No! I'm writing this exact same story. (serves me right for putting this off). Oh well. Just like AJ & RD I must compete. Though this time the prize is to win the hearts and minds of our fellow Bronys!
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ReplyDeleteHate to tell you, but I'm pretty sure there are at least three or four different versions of this particular story already written, even without this one. It's kind of an obvious gap to fill-in, after all.
This story is pretty good, it looks like it's only going to go another part or two. Will be interesting to see how it finishes up.
DAMN IT! I dislike it when I story I am reading leaves a chapter on a clifhanger! I am really liking this story, bravo.
ReplyDeleteOh well new story to monitor. The characterizations are ectremely well done btw ;)
Is it bad that I thought The Room and thought, "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART EQUESTIA!"
ReplyDeleteBut . . but . . WHERE'S THE REST D: D: D:
ReplyDeleteVery, very well written. I'd be surprised if this didn't get six stars :D
I know I'm going to lose the fight, but still, I, Nightmare Moon, approve of this story. Certainly is an interesting spin on my past.
ReplyDeleteAfter thinking about it a while, I have decided that there is one small problem I have with this story. In casting Linda's transformation as a sort of Jekyll and Hyde thing brought about by casting a spell Luna was not prepared for, I feel it undercuts the tragedy of the thing a little bit. After all, the way the show put it was that Luna basically "went postal" after feeling she'd gotten the short end of the stick as far as public opinion went. It seems to take away from it a little by just having be a magical accident.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, there is certainly room for alternate interpretations of events, and other stories go this one is pretty well written.
(Yes, there are typos. I blame the voice recognition system that I have to use to type due to this broken arm I'm having surgery for on Tuesday. It's not as if Twilight Sparkle's version of "Dragon NaturallySpeaking" is exactly bug-free, either.)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great story. I'm really liking the whole "Ascension" thing. Can't wait for the next part and/or the conclusion.
ReplyDeleteI do get kinda confused in some long dialogue parts, though. Sometimes it seems unclear who is speaking and who is reacting to the speaking.
Still, with as high-quality as the other 99% of this story is it's a small quip.
Well, darn. I'm working on a simmilar story.
ReplyDeleteWhile very little focus was actually on Luna for most of the story, it is still fan-freaking-tastic! I was engaged the entire time reading this, never once loosing interest. 5/5 from me.
ReplyDeleteThat feeling you get when the scroll bar gets smaller and smaller when you first open a good fanfic? Feels good, bro!
ReplyDeleteHmm. Darn... You use some of the exact same elements of my fic in progress in your last chapter (8):P If I ever finish it, you'll just have to take my word that I am not copying you :P
ReplyDeleteAnyway, nice chapter. Enjoyed it.
What Kujiiro said. The lack of Luna's point of view in places doesn't dampen the quality of the story at all though, so it's still awesomes.
ReplyDeleteThis has been mentioned before, but I too think that Luna's transformation seemed too abrupt. The "magical accident" thing didn't seem very well described to me either, and on the whole her transformation just didn't have the impact it should have. Other than that, though, I've been really enjoying the story.
ReplyDeleteI really like this story so far, and despite a few and far between grammatical errors, it is well written. I like how time was made to really flesh out the supporting cast and create complex relationships in such a short time, Flash Burn in particular. Do I detect the possibility of a new romance interest, Or is it just wishful thinking? Anyway, I digress. Looking forward to future updates!
ReplyDeleteI like this story. Right now I'm too tired to elaborate much on that, just thought you might like to know you have yet another reader.
ReplyDeleteSame here the story is pretty good so far. I'm looking forward to more.
ReplyDeleteOooh, intrigue and politics.
ReplyDeleteMy kind of read.
Where is the button to subscribe to these fictions?!
ReplyDeleteExcellent. Love it.
ReplyDelete"The Princess has taken the Prophet to be her eternal bride!"
I really like this story. It has exactly the style of shipping I like; subordinate to the story and mostly implied.
ReplyDeleteThe actual reason I started reading this story (I went through all the chapters in one go) is to see if it was anything like my fic would be. The posts themselves didn't spur my interests for some reason. Maybe it was the picture, maybe the content, I don't really know what/how things influence my subconscious.
I'm glad that I did, and I will keep a look out for any updates.
I also took way to long to notice; Shimmerdust = Pinkie Pie.
Hmm... Someone should jump ahead to modern times, Twilight and Luna travel back to Everfree castle and Luna can reminisce about the past. Maybe, once the castle fell into disrepair, not all of the ponies within truly left. I feel an adventure shipping story coming around from someone! (I cant write a story... so its not me)
ReplyDeleteI'm loving all the characters, each one has their own personality and is well developed. I'm really loving this, though the description kinda kept me away from this for a while. I'm glad I've started reading. (Twilight = Twilight, I wonder how Luna will explain that to Twilight XD)
Oh, and another tag that should go in there under Misc tags is Light Shipping. Theres quite alot of it really, just very light.
ReplyDeleteGroza you were awesome D: D: D:
I find myself getting giddy as a school pony every time I see that this has been updated.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I demand a sad tag for Groza. She was cool.
groza died. shit.
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic. it's great to see a different generation of the elements of harmony that aren't complete clones of the current. 5/5
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought this was going to be too short to really get any good development going. Then I thought it was going to be waaay too long to stay good, but I was wrong. The pacing is just right and I stay glued to the screen every time I read.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the above anon in that it's quite refreshing to see new interpretations of the elements.
gah hurry up and update this story.
ReplyDeleteDamn, this story seems to have dropped into fic limbo. How unfortunate. I've been intently following it since it's first chapter. I would say that this and "The Lingering Nightmare" are the stories that have kept me a devout pony fiction fan these last few months. Good character development, interesting plot, decent humor, etc. If only there were more stories like this to distract me from the fact that this one is dead. I hope I'm wrong, but 2 months is about the time it takes for me to give up hope for future updates. Unfortunate indeed.
ReplyDeleteI really hope this didn't get abandoned.
ReplyDeleteCome on now, this is a good story. There are plenty of mediocre ones out there that could be abandoned first.
ReplyDeleteNow Old Mare's Tale, I command you to LIVE!
Holy crap, it's an update. Huzzah!