[Adventure][Shipping] Hey there, fillies and colts. I've got a treat for you. It might look a little long, but don't be daunted: this one is very, very good...
Author: Raz_Fox
Description: Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts, to a show like no other! While I see you shaking your heads, expecting the usual fare - romance, adventure, and brightly-colored ponies - I assure you that these can be obtained from any half-bit dreadful or wandering showpony. I can see that you are an audience that demands - neigh, deserves! - more, and more you shall have! Star-crossed lovers, daring apple-fights, imprisoned beauties, and stories within stories - all of this you shall have! For tonight, by royal commission, we bring you a tale so shocking, so daring, that we must ask fillies of weak constitution to leave the audience! For, once the doors close, there can be no leaving this Misted Stage!
Misted Stage: Chapters 1-3
Misted Stage: Chapters 4-6
Misted Stage: Chapter 7
Additional Tags: Arabian Nights, Metafiction, Phoe-Approved, Alternate Universe, The Play's The Thing
ohhhh party time excellent
I thought there was a scantily clad Trixie dressed as a persian in this story?! You lie Phoe!
ReplyDelete*looks at picture*
ReplyDelete"dat apple orchard"
> so shocking, so daring, that we must ask fillies of weak constitution to leave the audience
ReplyDeleteI read that in Plankton's voice...
Curse you spongebob!
ReplyDeleteNo, you inferred it when I said it featured Trixie as the leader of a Persian acting troop! Don't put words in my mouth.
This is in the top percentile of Pony-based Arabian Nights stories and Pony-based Arabian Nights story by-products. Masterfully done, sir. Masterfully done.
ReplyDeleteMasterfully done, good sir. But then, you already knew I liked it.
ReplyDeleteLet a wave of Braeburn/Dash fics come from this!
I've only faintly heard of, but never read/watched Arabian Nights (whatever medium it's in). But this sounds like a good story, so I'll go at it anyway.
ReplyDeleteSo much love for this story <3 <3 <3
ReplyDelete@Thanqol High praise to be sure... But... Is that exactly a crowded field?
ReplyDelete...So, I now ship Braenbow Dash. <3
ReplyDeleteThis was perfect. I... I'm gonna go reread it becuase the only part I disliked was the part where it ended.
This was the best thing. Ever.
ReplyDeleteAnd all I want is a sequel. Guess I can never be satisfied, huh?
My heart totally grew 3-4 sizes at the ending for some reason. Brae/Dash OTP? Just maybe.
Wow. That was absolutely fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI have so many great things to say about this, but my head is spinning far too quickly to make sense of it all.
I think I just read a crossover between My Little Pony and Arabian Nights with Doctor Who sprinkled in, and it was the best thing I've read since... since.... Can I even finish that sentence?
You did it all right. Congratulations. Or, rather, bravo. Yes, that seems proper.
As far as I can tell it has way too little to do with the series apart from the names of characters.
ReplyDeleteVery well written, almost flawless. It is a bit confusing at times, but that's just me. I like how it all fits together perfectly.
ReplyDeleteAt the end, I found myself wanting more. I'd literally sell my soul for a continuation.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely flawless. I want, neigh, I NEED more. The end was very fitting but it really left me wanting to see things play out. Oh well, either way. This was brilliant.
ReplyDelete@Sethisto: Well, there is a scantily clad Derpy dressed as a persian in this story, if that makes any difference.
ReplyDelete@Darthbobcat: I think that I'm the first person ever to write Braenbow Dash. So, I would be rather happy if more started appearing.
@Everypony else: Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad that you're enjoying it, and I'm afraid that I don't have any plans for a sequel.
...If this gets six stars I will squeal like Rainbow Dash. Seriously.
No plans for a sequel? Awwwwwww... :(
ReplyDeleteIf you need me, I'll be crying in a corner. Alone.
Wow, you know you have a problem when you're still hoping for a sequel after the author himself says "No sequel" :P Confound you for making me love this.
^ The above Anon sums up my feelings relatively well. lol
ReplyDeleteWell... That was different. I understand it is inspired by something, I don't have a clue what. Still, read the whole thing, so I guess that means I liked it :P
ReplyDeleteAs a full-time lurker on the OotS forums I saw the title and knew i had to read it.
ReplyDeleteThis was incredible. It's rare that a story captures my heart and imagination like this. And BraeDash? I'd have never thought of that XD Also props for Phoe Bondage XP
I would've liked to know exactly what happened with Tirak though. And why do I get the feeling that Pinkie was ultimately behind everything?
Anyway, grats on an awesome story Raz_Fox.
@Anonymous "And why do I get the feeling that Pinkie was ultimately behind everything?"
ReplyDeleteBecause she was.
Thank you for your kind words, sir!
@ a href #c6307100821518149812 >Raz_Fox /a> "Because she was."
ReplyDeleteHaha! Knew it :P
And you are welcome. I will recommend this fic to my friends ;)
Got any more stories in the works?
ReplyDeleteWhoa, thanks. It's great to know that my work's good enough to get recommended to others.
Yes, I'm still writing fics. If you can't wait, I've already got two stories entitled Bright New Days and All Hallow's Night on here.[/shamelessplug]
That was amazing. At the end of chapter 6, it seemed like it could have just ended. I thought, surely, chapter 7 could only tie up too many loose ends and wreck the beautiful arc of story that had led me there. I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good writing!
I believe my authority allows me to officially call you a Gentleman and a Scholar, Raz_Fox.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very well done story. Every moment of it was entertaining in some way or another. Witty writing all the way through, great characterization, excellent pacing and dialogue. It seems like an all around success on everything you've tried to accomplish. Not only that, but Breaburn and Dr. Whooves are some of my favorite ponies/characters based on characters from other shows ever.
I salute you, and extend to you the offer of a snow cone, should we ever meet in real life. Keep up the good work.
Five stars from me. The characterization of many of the characters was a little less detailed than necessary to convey their ideas, and I'm not super on board with shipping, but I liked what was done with Braeburn and Whooves, and in the end I think the rather epic story made up the difference.
Ahaha very cool stuff. I found it a little difficult at times just because they were established characters and I dunno if they quite fit with how I might picture them so mighta been better with OC's (Hide me before the mob comes!) Thankfully that's a minor beef and doesn't detract from it at all.
ReplyDeleteF elt a bit jerky in spots. Ditzy's accent for one seemed to crop up oddly and the speaking styles for some ponies were so different that it was sometime a shock when they started speaking and it was unexpected. Just hard to follow the dialogue in spots.
That all said none of that detracts from what a great story this is and definitely deserves praise and effusive joy.
ReplyDeleteWere they brought into some sort of alternate reality to be part of a play? Also, were Whooves and Pinkie the only who knew (with Whooves getting headaches from breaking 4th wall and in the ending)
That was WEIRD as heck. And I loved it. Ditzy and Flutteryshy were adorable.
ReplyDeleteIt confused me
ReplyDeleteThis was a lot fun to read being a Thespian at my high school.
ReplyDeleteThat was great. It confused me some, except it wasn't a bad kind of confusion.
ReplyDelete...The only reason I understood what was going on was because I know you, Razzy. This story was so you it was ridiculous. Never stop, pal. ^^
ReplyDeleteThat was spectacular. The alternate universe setting was good enough that I wouldn't mind reading more stories in that world, and the characters were perfect. Not to mention the plot was just awesome! I pretty much loved everything about it, and this may be one of the best fics I've read in months. Excellent work.
ReplyDeleteI really loved this fic. Anyone know how I would go about finding more from this author?
ReplyDeleteI love this story, and I feel it's so underrated. The first pony fiction I read from beginning to end, and still my favorite to this day.