• Story: Happy Birthday, Fizzypop!

    [Sad] "One of the best stories about an OC pony I've ever read".-Pre Reader #6

    "It's technically not an OC pony, dude"-Seth

    Author: ItsTheWhinyGuys
    Description: It’s Fizzypop’s birthday! She’s worked so hard on her party, and she just can’t wait for all of her friends to show up and celebrate it with her!
    Google Documents
    Happy Birthday, Fizzypop!

    Deviant Art
    Happu Birthday, Fizzypop!

    Additional Tags: Hasbro recolor

    Alternate Ending by Lurks-no-More

    53 kommentaari:

    1. Suddenly, I'm reminded of this.


    2. Yeah, it's not an OC. I have a G3 Fizzy Pop.

    3. G3, isn't that when they all looked like mutant dinosaurs which had been beaten with sacks full of potatoes?

    4. ^ Nope. It's G3,5.
      G3 is pretty nice and popular and stuff

    5. It was actually a pretty nice story, heck it was even a fun recolor of "Party of One." :D

    6. So at first I was like, I've seen Party of One to know how this ends up. Then towards the end I was like, you soulless monster. But at the end I was like d'awwwww.

    7. Wow, I'm impressed. That was actually really good. The ending was really sweet as well.

    8. Really good story. Great use of the whole "recolor of Pinkie Pie" (and on so many levels) and great job characterizing Fizzypop's friends. The ending made me happy too, I was beginning to worry it would end on a completely grimdark note.

    9. It's pre Gen IV, what I assume is an original personality for that pony and it's based on ugly toys. That's close enough to OC for me.

      Still, love this one. It came so far from the first draft. Cheers!

    10. Hmm, quite improved over the version I read. Good work.

    11. Loved it. You can feel something coming, because there's something horribly unsettling about Fizzypop's "friends", but can't be sure what it is. And then the reveal...and then the end, which was adorable.

    12. So, quick question:
      Are Shell-Belle, Flippty Flop, Strawberry Reef, etc. also Hasbro recolors?

    13. At first I was all like D:
      But then I was like :DDDD

      Cause Pinkie Pie makes everything better. <3

      Loved the story, though. Very nicely written.

    14. Awww. That was good stuff, all in all. Good characterizations, nice ending. Props!

    15. Really great story! Fizzypop's characterization was great, and the ending was just... perfect. :D

    16. Most of the way through the story I expected the conceit to be that they all came at 11 PM rather than 11 AM. I was totally thrown when we found out that they were all hallucinations! I really like it when I read it, but then I was thinking about it later:

      If she can hallucinate entire lives and friendships for these ponies, clear out to one of them owning a business, why can't she hallucinate a party with them? o.O

    17. @Macon

      She doesn't control the hallucinations, they control her.

    18. My one complaint with it was the accent on the Applejack one, I think it was Strawberry Reef (but I could be wrong), that was annoying to read.

      However, other than that, I liked this quite a bit. It was an interesting take on the recolors.

    19. That ending...

      I'm in tears. An excellent story, all around. Wouldn't change a damn thing.

    20. This fanfic was AWESOME! 5 stars all the way. At first I was like "I wonder where this is going?" Then I was like "Oh no." Then I was like "OMG YES!"

    21. I must say, I didn't see the whole hallucination thing coming.
      As someone who has thrown more than one party to which no one showed up, I really felt for the little filly.

    22. Pinkie Pie will never interrupt your forever alone moment.


    23. @Dashukta

      Well, no, her friends aren't Hasbro recolors(at least, not yet); however, they were sold with Fizzypop in G3.

    24. Great story all around.

      Gotta admit, though, this one made me cry. At least it had a happy ending for once. FAR too many of these would end before Pinkie showed up.

    25. I . . . wow. No, the ending was not enough to make up for that twist. I think I'll be depressed for the next few hours . . . :/

    26. Aww, poor Fizzy Pop! At least things worked out for her. Hehe, nice job using all the glitter ponies there.

    27. That's no OC...That's a MoTHAFUCKING Pinkie Pie! with a slight recolor

    28. Oh man, this had me crying. But yay! Pinkie Pie to the rescue!

    29. Very nice ending :)

    30. Good heavens that was heart wrenching. Not ashamed to say that I was in tears too. Thank goodness for Pinkie Pie.

    31. Amazing story, probably the best I've ever read, but I can't help but notice one thing.

      All of the letters come back in the mail, and she even counts them. Soooo, how did Pinkie Pie get one? I suppose it can be explained away with the hallucinations, or a letter fell out of an envelope (which I could totally see a mail-mare like Derpy not noticing), but I just couldn't help but get hung up on it. Nothing a little edit couldn't fix.

      Excellent story all around, certainly worth 5 Stars!

    32. @Trekkie7 Her first set of invitations were lost in the wind. She made a second set. I'm assuming Pinkie got one of the first ones.

      I must say, I was struggling to read this story. It was that right amount of sad that I didn't want to continue reading and make myself sad. I'm glad the ending was what it was.

      5 Stars

    33. @ShadowFox04 Ah! How could I have missed something so obvious! Thanks for catching that for me, now I feel a bit silly :P

    34. I Dawwwed

      Now I want a fizzy pop toy

      Thats a blind bag pony right?

    35. lol, it was so predictable (especially the last part) but sweet nonetheless!

    36. @Sethisto

      Yup, she's from the blind bags. When do we get those again? :/

    37. This was an amazing story. I read it while it was still in progress and thought the ending was a little too dark. I'm glad the new ending was a lot happier than the previous one.
      And since no one has done it...Fizzypop is my waifu.

    38. I kinda saw the twist coming when her "Friends" first appeared, but that made the tension and sadness of it all that much more powerful. There was a kind of creepiness to the flashbacks with her friends that made it seem very un-real, which was to the story's benifet. With every memory that passed by your suspicions increase and increase until it all bubbles over in the climax. That was some brilliant writing, 5/5 stars.

      @Above Anon

      What was the originol ending?

    39. Lol. I have the Fizzypop G3 pony toy! She's sitting on a table next to my windowsill!

    40. ^^^ waifu... really? I'm trying very hard to come up with a less crude way to express it... here: "Don't get with the crazy girl."

      I think she couldn't conjure up her imaginary friends for the party because deep down she knows she's makingit up, and she's subconsciously punishing herself by failing to pretend them into existence at the most painful time.

    41. How can anypony be sure that Pinkie Pie is real?

      Wow! That's about all I can say. I wasn't too interested in this, but I'm glad I stuck around for that ending; it turned a 3.5 star story in a 5-star story.

      Also, I'm really glad those names are from G3, because they're terrible and I'd hate to think you came up with them.

    42. @Asgard314

      It more or less used to end right before Pinkie came; I was going to do that part as a separate optional epilogue, but I'm glad I did it this way.

    43. @Present Perfect

      You can be sure 'cuz I'll say it here: she's real. I don't want to be THAT cruel to poor Fizzy...

      And yeah, seriously! Sometimes you gotta wonder what Hasbro's thinking. I mean, Flippity Flop? Wth?

    44. Great, touching story. I was strongly reminded of A Beautiful Mind.

    45. @ItsTheWhinyGuys

      I really liked Flippity's characterization, though. We need more beach bum ponies!

    46. I know this story is tagged as complete, but I'd die for a condinutaion of it, I want to see Fizzypop get the help she needs. Even with the Pinky rescue her life is just so... tragic, it's unbearable.

    47. Saw the surprise coming quite early in the story, but that's cuz I love these kinds of stories. Very well done on the emotion and characters too, I was kinda welling up during some parts.

    48. I saw where this was going after the third flashback, but the saddening realization really hits home when you find out how delusional Fizzy Pop really is.

      Five stars to you.

    49. Wow. Didn't see that coming. A pony crazy enough to hallucinate months of friendship with non-existent ponies is probably crazier than Pinkie.

      As for Pinkie showing up at the end, that seems so in-character for her. I really can picture her having an invitation landing in her food, then her taking off halfway round the world just to attend the party.
