[Normal] Episodic stuff! The title's kinda fun to play with, too. Friendship is Benefits, example.
Author: Cascore
Description: Friendship is very many things. Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they explore the ins and outs of their relationship via misadventures ranging from the small to the larger than life!
Friendship is... Laughter
Friendship is... Mysterious
Friendship is... Respect
Friendship is... Life Changing (New!)
Alternate Tags: Main Cast, Misadventures, Friendship, Episodic, Music
First. This story is rather interesting, cant wait for more. And yes, I can read that fast
ReplyDeleteI like this. The focus was not on Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, but Spike who was only being assisted by Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteI hope the rest follow a similar theme where each Pony Element helps someone else find their own inner Friendship element.
That was a very cute story and I really enjoyed it. :3
ReplyDeleteHad a read of this, loved it. Made me laugh many times.
ReplyDeletePutting in the little notation to see it as an episode helped you a lot, as I did try to invision my own expressions and animations naturally while reading. (the music helped)
This story was very sweet and fun, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteART CREDIT!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my God, like actually, oh my Trollestia and Luna.
ReplyDeleteThis is what every Normal Fanfic should be like.
The way this is written makes it easily possible to convert it into a script. Hell, I actually thought Lauren Faust was pitching in at some points. Great job writing this. It definitely had the feel of a real FiM Episode, which I think all of us really need right about now, and the next day, and the next day.....
Keep it up! I was very entertained by this. One thing I think it was missing though was Twilight's Letter to Celestia about friendship. THEN you should send this to the writers of the show.
I very much enjoyed it and a nice touch with the music, it made the reading experience interesting and different.
ReplyDelete"A steady diet of lucky charms."
ReplyDeleteThat part made me smile.
I do like these stories. For me, the music adds a while lot to the experience, and makes this unique among fanfics. I found myself trying to "fade into" the next song as I read, to accentuate the mood.
5 stars, cause it's just so fun to read.
A miserable pile of joy!
ReplyDelete/castlevania reference deployed
Oh, that second chapter was such a nice story. It made me feel warm all over. x3 Thanks for writing it.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's wise to bet on crazy or like Sherlock holmes says "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
ReplyDeleteReally nice choices of the music though the rain one should have been a bit more stormy feeling.
#1 A nice bit I could see as an episode.
ReplyDelete#2 OK this is interesting and the solution is...bah? But the, bu, tibat, ta, gah, wha? Did NOT see that coming.
He was awfully benevolent for a leprepony.
ReplyDeleteThese are really cute stories. Definately, worth the read.
ReplyDeleteThese stories were very good, and very reminicent of the show. The music was a unique touch. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteUmm... I can't enter the third chapter, it says something about needing permission.
ReplyDeleteReally? I know I accidentally sent the link for the story before making it open for public viewing in the options, but I changed it so anyone with the link should be able to view it. I've changed it again so anyone on the web can see it now. If that doesn't fix the problem, then I dunno what's going on. I even checked to see if the link was any different after changing it to public viewing, and it's exactly the same, so...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm the anon who mentioned the problem here, it now works.
Another amazing chapter delivered. Great work!
ReplyDeleteThird chapter was entertaining. I am not sure how Rarity can take over from Rainbow entirely.Her weather patrol duties would be impossible to fulfil, I don't think that ever gets addressed. However, who cares, I enjoyed the read. Looking forward to the next chapter. Story. Whatever ^^
ReplyDeleteI just finished Laughter and i must say... BRAVO! BRAVO ENCORE!! I love it! Why didnt i click on those music links?! Those are awesome! Onto Mysterious!
ReplyDelete-The Obsessor
I seriously LOL'd at the Mario and Luigi music cue. too funny@!@!
ReplyDelete-The Obsessor
I love these because of the music links, they get you immersed in the story
ReplyDeleteJust finished "Respect" and I think that and Laughter should be episodes some day! You should seriously send these to them! The music was almost spot on as well! I mean, SERIOUSLY DUDE, YOU ROCK! WOOHOO!
ReplyDelete-The Obsessor
Yes, Yes.....YES!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't even say how awesome you are anymore, because this goes way beyond that! I've always wanted to read/watch a Rarity/Rainbow Dash episode, and now I have it! Keep it up, I love your writing
Great stories, and great music links (I played all of these games...). I hope you write some more of these!
ReplyDelete"I thought all panthers were pink"
ReplyDelete“Oh, no. There's no such thing as a pink panther”
Okay, that made me laugh (I love the movies and the cartoons it spawned)
“Yay! I love,” she paused and stroked her paint whiskers, “mysteries!”
ReplyDeleteYou just know she actually does ^^ I laughed.
Pink Panther reference is win. X3
ReplyDeleteAnd hey, a story that makes me not dislike Trixie. :D
This chapter was the best one yet! I even cried a little <.<
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see Pinkie Panther in an actual episode. That was hilarious.
Friendship is...Life Changing! That one sounds like it could actually pass for a real episode! In fact, I could almost imagine a big gaudy crowd song musical number as the pony gang gets to the circus, all about the circus, called "At The Circus"! And "Pinkie Panther"...where's Henry Mancini when ya need him?
ReplyDeleteThe amount of visuals one can garner from the circus descriptions is great. Also a more realised return of Trixie that feels more natural rather than the "forced" sadness you often see. Great job! I am seriously loving this "series", almost like a Season 1.5.
ReplyDeleteI really like how you link the music to the stories. Makes them all the more real.
ReplyDelete4.9? That would make this a 6 star, wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteThe latest update ("Life Changing") is I think my favorite so far. I really liked your interpretation of Trixie here, and think that this would make for a very satisfying return for her if this were an episode in season 2. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen anyone emulate the style and tone of the show as perfectly as this. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteExcellent work, sir. Please continue it. :)
Absolutely brilliant, all of them! I loved Life-changing the most. You could have easily called it Forgiveness. It had a wonderful balance of comedy and character development. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteTo the Anon who mentioned the musical number: I was actually on the verge of trying that (with just Pinkie singing, though, as she invited all of the friends and they arrived), but ended up scrapping the idea. As much as I would like to make lyrics, I just can't think of a feasible way to incorporate them into the story while still getting in description and flowing with the music. It'd just be a mess. x.x I'm glad you pictured a number there, though, because if I could've, I would've.
ReplyDeleteTo everyone else: Thank you so much for the awesome comments! It really brings a smile to this brony's face, and I hope I can keep entertaining you as I jot down more ideas!
This most recent chapter gives the best send off to Trixie. The story just gets better the longer it goes. :)
ReplyDeleteNo such thing as a Pink Panther. I love it.
ReplyDeleteWow you just get better and better with each story. As someone else said it is just like reading a season 1.5.
ReplyDeleteThe latest chapter is fantastic! It feels just like an episode should - is Cascore secretly a writer for the show? We can but hope. The use of music cues is something I haven't seen before, but they are perfectly judged.
ReplyDeleteFriendship Is... an excellent series of short stories.
ReplyDeleteGoodness! A Trixie character interpretation that makes me not hate her. Marvelous!
ReplyDeleteProfessor Spike and Pinkie Panther NEEDS to be canon.
Perfectly visualised Trixie's little *head poke* out of the bush at the end. I d'awwd a little, though I was kind of hoping for a proper reconciliation with AJ, Dash and Rarity at the end.
Truly excellent work, well done.
I noticed the Chuck Norris reference in part 2.
ReplyDeleteGreat fic overall, looking forward to this.
Please tell me this is being continued.
ReplyDeleteVery sweet and Pinkie panther was very awesome! I especially liked the latest story as it felt very true to the characters and the benny hill bit was cute too.
ReplyDeleteThe longer these things get, they closer they get to being suitable for an animated theatrical release rather than an episode.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a complaint. Absolutely make more of these. I've read a lot of great stories, but these really do feel just like season 2 already started. If only! Oh frabjous day, calloo callay!
All of these were wonderful but the one that really got me was Life Changing. I really did enjoy the comedy with Pinkie and Spike, mustache, Pinkie Panther, hiding, Scooby Doo door chase (Though I thought it could have gone on a bit longer and been a bit more zany), it was great. I like how it wasn't obvious where the story was going from the outset until Trixie showed up. I loved the part where Twilight volunteered for the magic act, it was very well done and when Trixie revealed her feelings to Twilight brought tears to my eyes (Though allot of these Pony stories do, I'll admit), and as someone else said, the part at the end was so much like an episode that I could visualize it in my head. Something to note, after going through the episode of Boast Busters again I noticed that it was the main cast to throw the first punch so to speak, when she first opens up she was doing what I'd expect a magician to do, sure they were right about her being a braggart but it ties in with how in your story they jumped to conclusions. I kind of wish Snips and Snails would get more flak though, it was them who attempted to even get an Ursa Major into the town to begin with, I like the two but it wasn't Trixie that caused that fiasco.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your next story.
Just wanna say that these are THE best fanfics on this site!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work man! ^^
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ReplyDeleteI adore this fanfic. I'm afraid to read the last story currently up because then I'll have to wait for more...