• Story: Doctor Whoof (Update: Story 3, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )

    [Sci-Fi][Crossover][Shipping][Sad] I hope you were in the mood for some Doctor Whoof, cause this one is a doozy. And due to it's length, It's that "hang out at the top over night" story that Fallout Equestria usually steals!

    Author: TheGoldenCrowbar
    Description: The tenth Doctor has fallen through a gap in the universe into Equestria, along with some of his fiercest nemeses. He acquires the aide of some new and interesting friends in a small town known as Ponyville. Can he stop these horrifying creatures and find his way back to his own place and time?
    All Chapters + Story 3 Below! 

    Doctor Whoof Episode 1
    Doctor Whoof Episode 2
    Doctor Whoof Episode 3
    Doctor Whoof Episode 4
    Doctor Whoof Episode 5
    Doctor Whoof Episode 6
    Doctor Whoof Episode 7
    Doctor Whoof Episode 8
    Doctor Whoof Episode 9
    Doctor Whoof Episode 10 Part 1
    Doctor Whoof Episode 10 Part 2

    Additional Tags: Sci Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel, Aliens

    [Sad][Sci-Fi][Crossover][Shipping]Story 2

    Author: TheGoldenCrowbar
    Description: Sequel to Doctor Whoof. The Doctor has found a way back into the ponyverse with Amy and Rory, and even more danger awaits everypony!
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 2
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 3 

    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pony Part 4
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pony Part 5
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pony Part 6
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 7
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 8 
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 9 
    Doctor Whoof: The Tales of Pond Part 10

    Additional Tags: Sci Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel, Aliens, Amy, Rory Pond, Everypony

    This is a continuation of the first story series.

    Death to the Doctor Part 1
    Death to the Doctor Part 2
    Death to the Doctor Part 3
    Death to the Doctor Part 4
    Death to the Doctor Part 5

    Description: It's been about two thousand years since the Doctor has last visited Equestria, and nobody remembers him since. Now a new organization, Torchwood, attempts to control a rift in space and time situated near the planet NE1753, directly above the colony of New Equestria. Devious aliens, threatening artifacts, and all sorts of strange things assault the Torchwood team. Can these ponies discover the past of the Torchwood Organization while trying to save everypony else?
    Torchwood: New Equestria Files Part 1 (New!)
    Torchwood: New Equestria Files Part 2 (New!)

    Torchwood: New Equestria Files Part 3 (New!)

    Torchwood: New Equestria Files Part 4 (New!)

    Torchwood: New Equestria Files Part 5 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Iris, Spade, Mercury, Nightingale, Socks, Spiny Dave, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel, Aliens, Torchwood

    37 kommentaari:

    1. What the random 11 chapters of Dr.Whoof getting dumped at once?


    2. Y'know, Whooves has spoiled any other Dr Who for me.

      I can never see the man without wondering what he's doing as a human.

    3. ooooh an other Doctor Whoof story! And it's long! Allons-y!

    4. Well there goes my sleep and plans for tomorrow

    5. never seen doctor who so meh ill still read it though

    6. @Anonymous

      Artist was pretty much confining his story to Deviantart, but then I told him to put it here (after some slight changes of course!)



    8. Theres something about the writing style I don't like, but overall its OK. And it left off at a great part.

    9. Best. Doctor Whoof Story. Ever. Five stars!

    10. Mmmm... It moves fast. Very fast. Too fast for that matter.

      I got about halfway through the first "episode" when suddenly what I realized what was supposed to be one of those "heavy" Doctor Who scenes had suddenly popped up. When Twilight is speaking to the Doctor about all the things he's seen and how old he is, yadda yadda, I realized that this was supposed to be one of the heavy, dramatic scenes, but I was still reading it in David Tennant's "freaking out" voice. You, know, when he's grabbing his hair, pacing around frantically, mumbling words at 90 miles an hour... And I realized that I was getting no emotional weight from ANY of this. It was turning into a gigantic 10th Doctor Freakout, with everything just moving way too fast.

      And character reactions move super fast as well. HOW long had Twilight been with the Doctor when she told him "he was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen?" like... 30 minutes? Fluttershy seemed pretty quick to follow a strange pony into a cramped Blue box. The Doctor seemed pretty quick to adjust to his new form. And just how fast can Rarity alter a suit from a human fit to fit a pony?! That couldn't have been more than a third of a page between taking it back to her shop and bringing it back to the Doctor!

      I have NEVER seen a story move so fast. Even stories like "Interdimensional" took more time than this.

    11. Continued from above Review ^

      Now to be fair, I could easily be jumping to conclusions when I say this, and other viewers shouldn't take this review as fact or let it color their perceptions. These are really just first impressions after reading a good ways into the first "episode." For all I know at this point it gets WAY better after this, and believe me, I'm going to go back and read into it more. This is just to let the author know my first impression, and give a few tips as to how he may better improve roping readers in.

      Alright, back to reading. I may post another, full review when I'm done.

    12. Thank goodness someone was able to write me some constructive criticism. I have left the Doctor Whoof saga open to anyone who has suggestions on improvements an/or other things to make it so that the story is one that is enjoyable and written well enough to be understood.

      Hopefully in the end my version of Doctor Whoof will be without flaw.

    13. Hehe, maybe my criticisms on DA weren't exactly the best when it came to overall storyline! I'm more concerned with keeping the characters IC unless the story calls for it, and my active imagination just kinda filled in the gaps when it came to time.

      My only retort, Anon at 4:06-4:10, is that in your second paragraph they trust the Doctor much too quickly. I think this can be explained by the fact that the Doctor just DOES that in the show, I mean, just look at the first five minutes of 90% his companions: they trust him almost immediately for no other discernible reason other than he is just that good.

      The other thing you said was that he adjusted too quickly to his new form. While I feel it necessary to state that we're talking about an alien who, on nearly a dozen occasions has transformed his body, going from humanoid to pony is a bit more of a stretch. So I'll give you that.

      The one with the suit is a bit silly, IMO. Rarity has MAGIC (ooooohhh) on her side, and most likely already had some suits on hand that were of a similar design.

    14. Didn't the 11th doctor celebrate his 903rd birthday in the opening of the sixth season? Yet you state that it is right after the titanic episode, in the fourth season.

      Plot hole!

    15. It's a running gag that the doctor has never been very honest about his own age, stating in the very beginning that it was around 650, and over the last few regenerations has stopped increasing his age at the 900s-950s. The specific age varies, but either he doesn't know it himself, or he's lying. A lot.

    16. @Anonymous

      Not a plot hole. This story does indeed take place before the fourth series, but if you remember from the End of Time, the Doctor tells Wilfred Mott that he is nine hundred and six. hence where I got the age from. Though if the difference might just be the Doctor lying or some discrepancy in the writing, I don't honestly know

    17. PART 2. FUCK YER.

    18. @Delta Pangaea

      Hes not a human either... =/

    19. I started watching the tv series because of DR Whooves.

    20. No more chapters makes zeb516 go something something

    21. @zeb516

      They just haven't been posted. They're being updated on my Deviant Art page. I'm already on Episode 7 of The Tales of Pond.

    22. @Delta Pangaea

      FOOOL. He isn't human.
      You forget, humans look like Time Lords, not the other way around.

    23. need part 8 of the second story I WANT TO KNOW WHAT SHE HAD DONE =D

    24. For any people who really liked the Doctor Whoof saga that I have written there is a version on Lulu that you can buy, be it hardcover or PDF


      Mind you, I make no profit from this, all of the cash you pay is simply for Lulu's services.

    25. @TheGoldenCrowbar

      May as well use google docs.
      its a good service because i like to download the files in PDF Format


      I was drinking milk when I read this line, and barely avoided spitting it out from laughter.

      Keep up the good work!

    27. Hmm, dunno why it says Death to The Doctor is a continuation of the first series, it's a continuation of the second series. Anyway, they're all posted for y'all to enjoy.

    28. @TheGoldenCrowbar
      I kinda want to buy it just to have something pony/Doctor related on my bookshelf :P

    29. @Anonymous

      Well, nobody's stopping you. I'm glad that you wish to purchase it, though. Also, for those of you who want just a bit of extra Doctor Whoof there's a new Director's Cut edition of the book that contains an extra afterword, concept sketches, and a whole lost episode that was never posted!


    30. I just read the first chapter.
      Spot on, really. Fantastic.

      It runs like a My Little Pony episode, where the plot does move along quite quickly. And the character of the Doctor? Perfect.

    31. CONFOUND YOU DEVIANT ART! i swear its always forbidden, "one does not simply walk into DeviantArt"

    32. post a google docs version please...ill give a 5-Star rating hmmm hmmmm

      Oh Defective Dalek, you left a Dalek shaped hole in my heart. You will be missed.

    34. Damm, I can't read the Torchwood files. Make into Google docs please?

    35. I loved this Doctor Whooves series! [spoilers ahead]

      The whole thing with the alternate Doctor and his five chapters was so well done.

      I especially loved how it as all wrapped up with him leaving Equestria... and his dialogue with Luna. It just seemed right for him to leave Equestria like that.

    36. This is my favourite! Doctor Who AND ponies?! Lol i read this so many times over and im finally commenting MONTHS afterward. Lol again.

    37. Love this story. It has changed the way I see things from now on. Thx.
