• Story: The Cutie Mark Clash (Update Part 9!)

    [Normal][Crossover] Semi Street-fighter crossover time!

    Author: Captain Gamer
    Description: A fighting tournament comes to Ponyville! Can our favorite ponies go for broke, or will they have to go home and be family mares?
    All Links After the Break! 

    Deviant Art
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 1
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 2
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 3
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 4
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 5

    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 6
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 7
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 8
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 9  (New!)

    Google Documents
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 1
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 2
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 3
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 4 
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 5 
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 6
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 7
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 8
    The Cutie Mark Clash Part 9 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Long, Action, Crossoverish, Street Fighter, Speculation

    68 kommentaari:

    1. Great!A pony fighter!But WHO will be Akuma?

    2. The SVC picture is great. For some some bizarre reason, I can actually see Trixie as Kyo.

    3. FADC UPPERCUT AC FLASH FIREBALL WAR FLASH GUILE WINS! If you understood that, you're as big a SF fan as me.

    4. Guile has ta be played by Rainbow Dash.
      Go home and be a family pony.

    5. appropriate that this comes out on the last day of CEO. I would have like to see the story done in MvC3 style though. Friendship Factor, Twilight Sparkle going Dark Twilight with 5 meters, Bionic Arm would be Sonic Rainboom, and team Derpy performing DHC glitches somehow

    6. Dat fucking writefag12. juuni 2011, kell 11:33

      Is it just me, but could Pinkie Pie be the next Yuri-Han?

    7. Apparently Trixie has seen Battlefield: Earth.

    8. OMG I LOL'D at the part where they had the Guile character, Gil and how his music went with everything. I also loved the small Kung-Pow reference with gopher-chucks.

    9. (90% same as the FFN review)
      Yes, everything goes with Guile theme.

      This is quite amusing and had much of what I enjoy. Out of series references, in-jokes, quirky character interactions, humor with hints of upcoming action.

      I expect at least one "TOASTY!" reference during a Pinkie Pie fight. Yes, different fighting franchise, but how can you not? Fluttershy should also have a rather amusing ANIMALITY! Actually, while we're at it, we finally meet Dash's father and he's a Heihachi expy. There's just so much silly stuff you can potentially do with generic fighting game craziness.

      Two amusing fights to start things off, though. T-T is only natural. The other fight before it was much more surprising, and I top my hat to you for pulling it off as you did.

      I rather like where this story is going and hope to see it continue.

    10. The only thing this needs now is a human in the mix. Maybe a ninja or something. With just ponies, it's all kicking and magic. At least weapons?

    11. I lost when he brought up Guile's Theme.

    12. This is extraordinarily silly. I approve completely.

      The one complaint I have is that I utterly failed to catch on to the "Gil" bit at first because of course I immediately started thinking of this bloke:


    13. 44% cooler....you win just for that.

    14. I can't wait tosee more of this.

    15. @Paperpony Did not expect to see the name CEO appear in any capacity on ED. Good shit.

    16. Hayley is excellently written.

    17. Big Mac is a pretty cool guy, beats up sister and doesn't afraid of anything. can't wait for more!

    18. All of the fights in this were amazing!

    19. It would be interesting for fights to be like Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, with the special bars. For example, Fluttershy. Not the greatest fighter, but once she gets a full 5 bars, she shouts YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME! and goes into Flutterrage mode, which gives her an immense power boost.

    20. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    21. @Paperpony & @Anonymous

      The MvC3 idea is pretty neat, but I'll say it up front that the mechanics and mental cinematography are all Street Fighter IV... unless otherwise stated. It helps that at the time of writing the CMClash that I was playing the 3D edition and thus had SSFIV on the brain. Who knows... maybe as time passes, I'll find a reason to whip out the MvC3 references.


      I love these long comments. I'm always on the lookout for suggestions and references I can be making! I dare say this could be a community summer project since I'm open to suggestions. I'm glad the Apple family fight time went over well! It was my first fight and I was nervous about the quality.


      Thank you! I didn't know if the rambling would be appreciated, but I guess something went right.

      Thank-you to everybrony in general for the positive reception! More coming your way, sooner rather than later.

    22. @Soarin'

      I had such little faith in my ability to write fight scenes that I almost took the route of 'use your imagination but here's who won.' But I knew I couldn't do that to you all.

      ... Double post! :D *Banned from the comments on my own story* (Not doing it again)

    23. Why do I hear KOF 96 "Esaka" when I read this?


    24. Sorry for the double post.

      A "Get over here!" would be great if AJ lassoes someone and yanks them close. Like MK's Scorpion.

      Just saying.

    25. I think twilight should have done much easier in that battle, considering SHE'S THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC.

      I like to think twilight being secretly really good, and just dominating

      Or that might just be my favorite pony beig her that wants her to pwn

    26. Luna doing the Raging Demon on the Shadohoof Doll made my day. Since she's being pursued by Shadohoof, doesn't that make her Ryu? Shadohoof wanting to capture her to harness her Nightmare-no-Hadou? Something along those lines? Are we going to see pony M. Bison?
      Does that mean Celestia...

      "My Faithful student Twilight, DIE ONE THOUSAND DEATHS!"

    27. Who is Rarity's costume a reference to? I would've thought her Vega/Balrog with her obsession of beauty and reluctance to fight directly (hence the claw).

      These fight scenes are really good, and Luna's fight seemed especially done as an actual Street Fighter match. I recognized the focus attack crumple-tatsumaki-shoryuken combo in there.

    28. This chapter was really fun. I loved how Pinkie gave a disclaimer to the audience.

    29. @Anonymous She is the pony ersatz of El Fuerte, the Luchador with three 4-point stars on his mask. In other words, crazy close to her cutie mark.

      Also, not expecting Luna to be Akuma. If anything, I would have expected her to be an ersatz of Rose, what with the whole illusions/psychic deal and a move called Soul Satellites. I mean, the Moon is the ULTIMATE satellite.

    30. Wow, this site is behind. The FF.net update was posted a week ago...

      Interesting story. I'm usually not big on SF crossovers, but I absolutely love the in-world explanation of how the arenas and 'clashes' happen. Hopefully this is stay as lighthearted as it's been.

    31. @Anonymous & @kriss1989

      Directly speaking, Rarity's outfit is actually a reference to La Mariposa of Dead or Alive fame. However, Rarity in general will be the vessel for all luchador references in the Cutie Mark Clash. A Flying Giga Buster is practically guaranteed.


      Actually, the lateness was my bad. I didn't get the memo that Seth's email borked and he had to switch. So I sent one to the old email and waited a week before somebody else told me he switched. The wait time between getting queued up and getting posted is about 24-36 hours, which is pretty amazing considering all the submissions this site gets daily. Hourly, even.

      *Hides my notes for the grimdark chapter* >w>

    32. Well, sir, you've managed to severely confuse me.

      I really didn't like this story. It bothered me so much I got halfway through the second chapter and was incapable of continuing.

      ...But it was very VERY well written and you should be proud.

      Never before have I come across such a phenomenon where I read a story that is so well done and yet I have so intensely disliked it.

      Let me put it like this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your story. Everything is written well. Events progress nicely. Plot elements are introduced well, are explained nicely, and new characters are well written and characterized.

      For the most part, the same can be said of all the regular ponies. I'm on the fence about Rarity and Big Macintosh. Frankly, Rarity's reason for joining the contest seemed a bit contrived, and Big Macintosh came across as nothing more than an absolute jerk, even though the writing seemed to indicate that we were meant to be siding with him.

      But otherwise, there's a good sense of atmosphere, event progression, character development, plot, and so on and so forth.

      Which brings me to my own confusion as to why this story made me so angry and distressed by what I was reading that I felt like I wanted to blow up. There is honestly no reason I should dislike this story with such intensity at all.

      I suppose what really bugs me is that, as good as it is, it just feels... wrong to me. And of course, this can only be chalked up to personal opinion of what I personally feel the ponies should be. (There's a reason why I never read anything labeled grimdark.) It just feels wrong to me that so many ponies and characters that are so good together in bonds of love and friendship should be so on board with kicking the living crap out of each other. It feels wrong that Big Macintosh should be able to kick the crap out of his sister, feel no shame, and have it written in such a way that we're supposed to think Applejack is the one at fault. It feels wrong that nobody even considers how badly hurt somepony could get... perhaps even a death could occur since it's impossible to take into account EVERY variable, but nobody takes that to mind. It feels wrong that nobody stops to even think for a second that maybe this fighting, while all with the intention of good fun, could put horrible and irreparable strains on their friendships, as was plainly seen with Big Mac and AJ. It feels wrong that nobody even stops to consider that it all could end in disaster. And yet, I, the reader, am supposed to be fully on board with what's going on.

      But that's just it. These are all my own PERSONAL opinions. This is what just feels wrong to me. I can't ACTUALLY say that anybody really and truly breaks character (though perhaps some of them bend it). I can't say that there's anything wrong atmosphere or plotwise. I can't say the fight scenes aren't written well, because they're brilliant.

      I'm not so arrogant to say this is a "bad story" simply because it happened to strike a random nerve I didn't even know I had. On the contrary, it's a very good story. I just really, REALLY didn't like it.

      Still I have to reccommend it because it was very well done, and judging by the other comments, there's obviously an extensive audience for it. So bravo I guess. You've created an excellent fanfic.

      The star system here is insufficient because while I really didn't like the story, it was still very well done, so I'm going to instead give this fanfiction an A+

      Keep up the good work and keep writing it. Just don't expect me to be reading any more. Still, you have enough of an audience now that my sorry and confused opinion shouldn't be a burden :)

    33. Wow, just when I thought it couldn't get any better. This fic is totally awesome. I can hardly get over that fact that Dragonshy is one of Luna favorites. 5/5

    34. @Anonymous

      It's too bad that you posted this as anonymous. You sound like a fun person to hang out with and talk to about ponies and fan fiction!

      Your comment is more valuable than you probably think. I treasure all constructive criticism, and this is as constructive as it gets.

      I don't need to defend my work since you clearly have a grasp on what it's all about. Yes, it's a genre piece and the point is to have the ponies in a tournament-fighting situation. I tried my best to have the reasons come off as genuine and true to both FiM and genre logic, but I suppose if you're just not for it on a fundamental level, that's just how it is.

      On some level, you're right. The concept of the ponies throwing down IS a bit far from what we know of them. And the fact that I pass it off as being as benign as the Iron Pony competition probably doesn't help the desensitization.

      However, we both know that something by a brony with this much detail and heart can't be that malicious. The intended demographic seems to pick up on that, which is good. You saw it another way, and you have every right to voice it. You're not trolling or naysaying. You're providing a very legitimate alternate perspective with no harm done or intended, and that makes your opinion as valid as any other.

      Since you didn't get past AJ/BM, I'll give you the skinny on later happenings. I do throw in the occasional 'consequences' angle in the story, and let Pinkie Pie break the fourth wall to directly give a PSA to the readers, so it's not like I'm COMPLETELY disregarding the carnage.

      As for Big Macintosh being a jerk, that's just a matter of being at the start of the story. In the third chapter he already expresses his remorse for what happened. Having that part of the chapter be difficult to read was on purpose. His callousness is chalked up to some fanon that I have cooked up and will be unfolding as the story goes on.

      I completely know where you're coming from. Do you remember "The Midnight Run"? If not, search it up. That was a fic that gave me SERIOUS heeby-jeebies when I started it. I stuck with it and appreciated it for what it was.

      Of course, I'll end by asking that you don't give up on it so quickly. If you want, I can alert you to when something happens that makes this situation seem more 'right.' If that just can't happen, no ill will either way.

      Confused as your opinion may be, I wouldn't call it 'sorry.' You said your piece and gave me a lot to think about. I'll take you up on your encouragement, and I'll even take what I will from your criticism. I can't please everybody, but my work can always be more well-rounded.


    35. Part 4 :

      >larger than the Crusaers
      >turned around. "Cruaders!
      -2 Small errors

      ... also, I was kinda confused (in a good way) by Pinky Pie in her fight (especially the begining, with the cupcakes) ;). I guess THAT isn't really a surprise. :D ...

      >Pinkie looked at her hooves, astonished. "I can end world hunger...!"
      -The most hilarious realisation of ''what just happened ?'' award goes to... : ---Pinky Pie !---

      >"I guess fashion bests partying this time, dear."
      -Boooo-urn. Pinky Pie's Ultimate Random Quantum Powers should totally have won this. :)

    36. I'm not normally a fighting game fan. But throw ponies into the mix... and you've got me watching. Applejack VS Spitfire? Totally on-board that. I can only hope that AJ and Big Mac can make up at the end.

    37. @Captain Gamer Ah thank you for that. I'm not a DOA fan, or a Soul Caliber fan, or much of a MK fan...actually SF and Teken are the only fighting series I really play. Recently picked up KoF and am starting to get into that. But yeah, I only pick up on the SF references, even ones that were apparently an accident. As for the Flying Giga Buster...it never impressed me much. I always preferred Ultra Spark. It's flashier as all heck, is fast, has good range, and is easier to hit with compared to the more tricky Flying Giga Buster. Just throwing my two cents on which move we might see.

    38. OMG.

      It just hit me.

      Another name for a buffalo is...


      Well-played, Captain Gamer.

    39. This fic is delightfully meta. I lol'd hard when AJ messed up the fatality.

    40. NO! Do DBZ instead! I wanna see Twilight do a Kamehameha!

    41. needs a cyborg pony with laser blades named fillygore.


    42. oh yeah and don't forget eye beams too

      i mean he already has a ponytail, it's basically canon

    43. "Dances Without Shame" :D
      That one killed me!

    44. I like how Ditzy seems to be fairly connected to whoever's organizing this thing; the thing is that her off-hand comment about being careful how injuries are treated makes me wonder if her wandering eye is somehow connected to the last tournament.

    45. "Your move, creeps!"

      Is Gallanthad serving the Public Trust, Protecting the Innocent, and Upholding the Law in Equestria?

      (Ah, the arcades... )

    46. So what are the chances that Hayley turns out to be Akuma? I'm saying pretty high...

    47. My god............

      just started reading chapter 6



    48. So, Zecora did Kirny's final smash?
      This is a cookie. Take it, and taste your delicious amazingness.

    49. Oh dear. Looks like Trixie has plans for the CMC. Is it wrong that part of me hopes it involves a tattoo machine?

    50. I love this. Keep it up!

      But you know what this story needs now?


    51. Seeing the CMC on their power trip, fighting clashes purely for the magic the Hoof of War grants them, I couldn't help wondering if Akuma was started down his dark path for similar reasons. What might the CMC have become if Trixie hadn't distracted them with her 'CMC stage magicians'idea?

    52. @Rocket to Insanity

      After watching a YouTube video: How to win at Street Fighter IV Forever, it has to be done.


      *Nomnomnom* I feel appreciated. ^_^


      I'd say having Akuma down the bad path has alreaedy been averted in light of Luna finding friends.

    53. And now the promise of the original image has come to pass. I LOVE Kyo's style. Especially the explosion grapple. I have KOd so many noobs with that.

      Also, thank you Pinkie for fixing the cliffhanger, although we did get another one.

      Also MAD DRUNK ON POWER CMC! I was NOT expecting that.

    54. I was looking at the matchup sheet when i saw something AWESOME!!
      The character 'Abacus' is in this... :D
      He/She/It has won one fight against 'Agents'...
      ... But... c'mon.... ABACUS!!! WOOO

    55. Just finished all Seven chapters so far and all I can say are these things:

      + Very Entertaining
      + Pinkie = Dan = Too awesome for words
      + Nice throwout to Evo 2k11 in chapter 7


    57. I'm still waiting on that Bionic Hoof.

    58. Now all we need is for somepony to go 'Bloody Roar' on us and I think we'll have covered everything relevant.

    59. WOW ................ too much awesome here




      and a honest to God

      POWERSTONE!!! reference

      Soarin is a Perfect " Falcon"

      To those who don't know what power stone is LOOK IT UP

    60. You'll notice that Ditzy is still talking about the importance of first aid in Chapter Eight; while the author seems to have yet to decide which character she'll be, he did allude to the fact that her day job is plenty hazardous enough what with all the insane places mailponies have to go (like in the story The Mail Always Gets Through) so she'd need to know how to take care of herself. (Five bucks says that when she saw the chocolate rain in Episode One of Season Two, she'd channeled Maxwell Smart and said "The old 'eldritch abomination summoning chocolate rain' trick; that's the third time that's happened to me this year.")

    61. Love it so far. Hope it updates more often than it did before I started reading XD

    62. How dare you make Blueblood fight like Dudley. I like Dudley damnit.

    63. Poor CMC, they just can't catch a break, can they.

    64. What the FUCK? Dudley is blueblood?!?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The character I main is a British gentleman, not an asshole to mares! I hope you plan on having him grow up a bit, because honestly he would have been more of a balrog than Dudley in his current state...
