This will probably spark a bit of controversy. The original title was...interesting. I've rolled the dice before though (Luna X OChuman for example!). As long as it's really well written (And this one defenitely is), I don't see a reason not to give it a shot.... That and the self insert isn't decked out with a six pack, pheromones that attract ponies, and lightning controlling powers. (You guys send the strangest things sometimes..)
Author: ButterscotchSundae
Description: When English teacher Connie Hayden is told by a mysterious new friend that there is a way to travel from the human world to Equestria, she doesn't believe her. But what if the legend of Pinkamena is true?Deviant Art
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 1
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 2
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 3
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 4
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 5 (New!)
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria Part 6 (New!)
Additional Tags: pinkie pie human in equestria erotic implied-clop
78 kommentaari:
I don't know whether I should read it or not... I love a good satire but...
VastaKustutahuh wha... whats goin on......what evers goin on knock it off
VastaKustutaEverytime I see "Butterscotch" I keep thinking to genderswapped Fluttershhy... you're no genderswapped Fluttershy -.=.-
VastaKustutai was thinkin more of genderswapped pinkie pie >.>
VastaKustuta"That and the self insert isn't decked out with a six pack, pheromones that attract ponies, and lightning controlling powers."
VastaKustutaAre you fucking serious?
That is the most retarded thing I have ever read.
Now, to stay relevant, this story has a pretty awesome beginning to start with. I mean, it's borderline human clopfic the first chapter, BUT APPARENTLY it'll be more pony-saucy in later chapters. And my God, do I love me a good satire~
read it back on DA when BSS posted it. Very entertaining read.
VastaKustutaBah, the pheromones thing was supposed to be a running gag. You shoulda read the rest of the story first. The other stuff wasn't me though, I swear.
VastaKustutaIt had me at Twilowicious. XD Can't WAIT for the next one!
VastaKustutaEh, I tried to read it, but it really didn't hold my interest at all. :/
VastaKustutaI just knew there would be a Candyman moment at the end and I still grinned like a mother fucker when it happened
VastaKustutagreat! now write one about madmax, I want to rage even more
VastaKustutaThe more of Butterscotch's stuff you've read the more of a mindfuck this story is.
VastaKustutaI love it.
^ True story
VastaKustutaI'd read this earlier, and I am TOTALLY looking forward to the continuation. I mean, really; a clopfic writer in the world they use as material for said clopfics. The possibilities are ENDLESS.
VastaKustutaThis... yeah, basically this.
This is a funny as fuck story. It's not even strict parody yet, but it's amazing.
She still hasn't gotten back to me on if that's her real name.
It ends TOO early!
VastaKustutaNo. You don't.
Lets get this straight....we ARE going to get that Twilowicious fic...right?
VastaKustutaIs this a true story Buttersc0tch?
VastaKustutaShe's stated in the comments on her DA that no, it isn't her real name.
And that's when a giant fucking Jack Chick showed up.
VastaKustuta>Green eyes
VastaKustuta>Cold skin
Dude, you just banged Nightmare Moon!
b ^_^ d
...Villainous. Typography fail.
VastaKustutaYeah, your definitely gonna get controversy somewhere.
VastaKustutaI saw...
HOORAY! I'm Not the only Australian MLP: FiM Fan!
Heck yeah, I like where this is going so far! As I said on dA, I can't wait for more! :D
VastaKustutaAlso, when can we expect "Twi-light To-Who", anyway? XP
...Where can I read the fic with the guy with the six pack, Pony Pheramones, and lightning powers? :D
VastaKustutaNo but seriously, where? I love reading quality fanfiction as much as the next guy, but it's the seriously bad stuff that gets the most lulz outta me.
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaWhat is this? And why can't I stop reading it?
Yours truly,
A concerned Brony.
...I'm not sure how to feel about loving the shit out of this story.
VastaKustutaWhere iz part 2!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!? WHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!
VastaKustutaPheromones... it was a joke that ran trough most of my story. Ponies kept hitting on my character, and he was freaked out by it. I posted it on my DA page, and a few other sites that don't use double standards to pick their posts. Look up "Angst Much" by Drax99, it gets rave reviews everywhere else. (woohoo, i show up on page 1 of a google search too!)
VastaKustutaTwilight and Owlisious...
VastaKustutaHold on, I need to clean out my brain. Great story BTW.
Hope to god whoever wrote this shit doesn't own any pets. For the pets' sake.
VastaKustutaAgreed! Those are really funny.
"That and the self insert isn't decked out with a six pack, pheromones that attract ponies, and lightning controlling powers. (You guys send the strangest things sometimes..) "
VastaKustutaSeth: Trying having been in fanfic for 18 years, through half a dozen fandoms. At some point, someone can post the nuttiest SI and you just go, "that AGAIN?"
This story is madness and I love every bit of it.
VastaKustutathis is what i needed to read today
VastaKustutaThat was hilarious.
VastaKustutaOkay, so I can now keep track of the number of authors who's interpretations of Pinkie Pie do not piss me off:
Butterscotch Sundae and Ebonmane.
Pinkie in this chapter was hilarious. Especially in her lack of believing anything. Contuba. Oh god.
"It was getting hot for some reason!"
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear God Scotch! I thought you'd given up on this story! ^_^
VastaKustuta403 Forbidden
VastaKustutaWhat is this I don't even
That was hilarious.
VastaKustutaOkay, so I can now keep track of the number of authors who's interpretations of Pinkie Pie do not piss me off:
Butterscotch Sundae and Ebonmane.
Pinkie in this chapter was hilarious. Especially in her lack of believing anything. Contuba. Oh god.
"That and the self insert isn't decked out with a six pack, pheromones that attract ponies, and lightning controlling powers. (You guys send the strangest things sometimes..) "
VastaKustutaSeth: Trying having been in fanfic for 18 years, through half a dozen fandoms. At some point, someone can post the nuttiest SI and you just go, "that AGAIN?"
"the self insert isn't decked out with a six pack, pheromones that attract ponies, AND lightning controlling powers"
VastaKustutaNAND logic gate = anything other than all of the conditions is fair game
My vote is for the pheromones and the lightning powers.
Why can't I read the first chapter?
VastaKustutaWait, I've never even read part one...
I want to go to Equestria...
VastaKustutaButterscotchSundae? She should kill yourself. do this fandom a favor. Should be trampled to death by ponies
VastaKustutaOh geez... Butterscotch.
VastaKustutaTo read it or not to read it...
I'm so reading it.
I love the portrayal of Pinkie Pie in part 2. Really captures the essence of the party animal.
VastaKustutaAnother entertaining Butterscotch story! Looking forward to more, I was smiling the entire chapter! She writes Pinkie so well.
VastaKustutaFINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear God Scotch! I thought you'd given up on this story! ^_^
VastaKustuta@Anonymous NO YOU
VastaKustutaOhhhh my!
VastaKustutaThat 3rd link you posted is the broken.
That will be a 5 cent consulting Fee.
This isn't my kind of fic. Whatsoever.
VastaKustutaSo why do I love it?
Certainly the best human-in-Equestria story, probably because it doesn't take itself seriously and Connie's just a human and nothing more.
VastaKustutaCrusades indeed.
Lol. If Luna thinks the Crusades were bad I can only imagine and hope you mention the World Wars to her, if only to see the shock and awe of her my your gooooood. X3 Keep up the good work can't wait til next installment.
VastaKustutaWould I still enjoy the clopfic satire part even if I generally stay away from clopfics?
VastaKustutaI am enjoying this way, way too much! I eagerly look forward to each new chapter.
VastaKustutaRegarding Chapter 3:
I love the imagery you have created for the moon. You have exceptional skill at creating this cartoon-like, color-saturated alternate reality. Gold and silver dunes. Moonflowers. I adore the fact that the moon is utterly unlike our real moon but rather a place out of pure fantasy.
The descriptions of the world, such as the extremely layered tastes, is rich and beautiful.
"Wait, I'm making sense? Oh no! Don't tell me I'm losing my Pinkie Pie Powers!" That sort of strange self-awareness from Pinkie Pie is gleefully surprising.
The way Pinkie Pie "crashed" the party was amazing. I was a little worried for them.
Extra-Equestrials. Perfection!
Having Rainbow Dash be intimidating in person was a really nice move. (I'm also rooting for the implied Dash/Spitfire paring here!)
Crusades? Wow, it has been a while! This upcoming tea party will be very interesting.
Love the occasional dissonance between the reality Connie is experiencing and the fan-built concepts, as exemplified by Pinkie Pie not knowing "Octavia".
On a very similar note, I also really enjoy how Connie is having to struggle with what preconceptions about humans she should correct and what she should just go with. Dirt, indeed! Her little near-slips are telling.
I must admit, I spent time on the way to work last night thinking of how I would try to explain human's "magic" to a skeptical and insightful Twilight Sparkle.
It is a wonderful move to have the ponies find the way human skin feels to be as pleasant and exotic as we imagine they must feel.
Time with the bucks was nicely done. I liked the interplay between Big Mac and Soarin. Particularly: "Please don't do that, Soarin," and Big Mac looking out for his sister's heart.
Can't wait for the next part!
Two Part 3s?
VastaKustutaFantasizing about Pinkie and ponies in general? Fine, some of us do that, makes the story interesting. Soarin crushin on you, whatever not the mane six so no big deal I guess. Luna (and this sentence might contain some hyperbole) volunteering for sloppy make-outs? Umm....
VastaKustuta... o.O
And I was just about to read the next part...
Someone please tell me this doesn't happen.
Need to remember.... lighting controlling powers.. not good. certianly not good...
VastaKustutaCan't go wrong with a little Butterscotch. I mentioned you in my report on My Little Pony, by the way.
VastaKustutaA self insert doesn't have to be totally strong or sexy or whatever, they can be completely wimpy & useless & still be a Mary sue. Not saying that's the case here, I'm just disagreeing a little bit with Seth. Just saying. :P
VastaKustutaHio590 is being quite hyperbolic, I'm afraid.
Don't ever let anyone tell you what to read or what not to read, Banannagram. Better to just read it and make your own mind up!
@Butterscotch I'm still not going to read it, because when I stopped for fear that that would happen, I realized this wasn't my thing. No offense, but I'm now avoiding anything with the label "Butterscotch".
VastaKustutaAnd no one here thinks any less of you.
Not all subject matter is for everyone, no matter how incredibly well written it is.
I know I am guilty of this myself. I hate seeing evil versions of the Mane 6 or Princesses. I also don't read fics in which anypony is raped.
But to each their own.
VastaKustutaIt's your decision and also your loss, Banannagram. You should really rely on your own opinion and not be swayed by people. I'd also say I don't always write erotic fiction (I'm actually best known for my non-clopfic work!), but that would obviously be a waste of time.
Anyway, good luck to you in all that you do! :D
VastaKustutaSorry, didn't mean to make you lose a potential reader.
Good fic!!! Really enjoying it so far!!
VastaKustutaLuna volunteering for sloppy make-outs? That's why I read it in the first place! :P
it needs moar updates! I can't read it if it isn't there you know...
VastaKustutaLink to part 5 is broken (points at , which is a 404). Correct link is
VastaKustutaOMG IT UPDATED! yay!
VastaKustutaWell now it's just getting silly isn't it
VastaKustutaAnyone else getting a 403?