• Story: And Then... Then She Exploded!... TWICE!!!

    [Comedy] I read two paragraphs and was hooked for the rest of it -Pre Reader ME

    Authors: Cogs, Mimezinga
    Editor: Nukeiffum
    Description: After another fiction where Rainbow Dash gets killed, she decides to take the whole thing in her hooves and show how it's done.
    And Then... Then She Exploded!... TWICE!!!

    Additional Tags: Short, comedy, metastory, rainbow dash, collaboration


    1. HA! Very very nice. I loved it, especially the reference to my own fic ^-^ Great job, bronies.

    2. This is a thing of brilliance.

      I may print this out and carry it with me everywhere. I want my brony friends to see this too.

    3. OK, maybe the emoticon doesn't say everything. But seriously, I giggled incessantly. It was that good. :D

    4. That was hilarious, and finally, a fic where Dash doesn't die or get....

      Well damn.

      Made me laugh, 5/5

      A bit short, though.

    5. "And you cast mass planet resurrect while wearing dragon plate armor and you know you can't cast anything with that on you."

      The Fluttershy part was amazing...

    6. Loved the Fluttershy bit.

      So very meta, but so very hilarious. ;)

    7. Nice use of cross references, well done indeed. ^^

    8. Very fuuny. It's nice to see a good meta story.

    9. That was funny, even if I didn't get the references.

    10. Yum...that's some good meta!

      Possibly the funniest thing to come out of this is the notion that background Ponies are writing fic about the Mane Cast. They ARE all pretty famous in their own ways, after all.

      The mental picture of the spectators to this or that episode running off to ship/kill/aggrandize in text over what they saw is HILARIOUS.

    11. It is kind of amazing how Dashie is at once the fandom punching bag and its shipping bicycle.

      Anyways, loved the meta-ness, Fluttershy's part was hilarious!

    12. Metafanfic at its silliest and finest!

    13. >_o Oooo-kaay.... nice attempt Dashie... I guess.

      LOL. I wonder else Fluttershy has a freaky knowledge of? Hmm...

    14. At first I was expecting a borderline homophobic "Dash isn't gay!" type anti-shipping parody, but instead you played it nicely down the middle and managed to satirise the egotistical Dash we all know and love in a good-natured way. Well done.

      And somehow, if any pony was going to write fanfiction about herself..it WOULD be Dash.

      And I can totally imagine her writing terrible adventure stories where she saves Applejack from being pony-napped on every page.

    15. Even Dash can't write a Dash fic that she doesn't die in.

      This was fantastic. A little short, but fantastic nonetheless.

    16. A very short, yet a good and fun read.

      So what happens when Dash throws down the gauntlet of fanficition? Apparently more mary-sueness and in-continuities than one can shake a stick at.

      But if she's 'not into fillies' why is she always making Applejack the damsel?

      Maybe with the help of Grammar Nazi Twilight she'll manage to churn out something halfway descent, a pity we never saw Rarity's opinion.

    17. The "Art Of The Dress" reference of Fluttershy was a nice touch. X3

    18. Just once I would like to see Dash crushing hard on a good guy pony. I need a really awesome shipfic for the awesomest pony that has her truly infatuated over some new guy pony that is just as cool as her.

    19. Short, sweet, superb, and sensational!

    20. The Fluttershy part was awesome. Who knew she was so into DnD? Also, I loved how Rainbow Dash didn't say she wasn't gay, rather than she wouldn't admit it or confess it to Apple Jack.

    21. Fluttershy's DnD-based outburst was great. Loved the whole concept.

    22. Wait... did... did you reference Interdimensional?

      Why the hell would you do that?

    23. @Anonymous

      As cool as her? Not possible.

    24. brony-shipping anonymous: one reason filly-loving Dash is so popular is that any "male" shipping would face two really difficult problems:

      1. A male pony shipped with Dash would never be be "good enough for her" in the eyes of fans. Worse, if he was described as being as awesome as Dash he'd almost certainly be an annoying self-insert mary sue type jerk.

      2. Some male fans don't want to imagine Dash with another colt ("she's mai waifu!!" etc lolz) but are ok with a filly because "well, if she's gay she'd never be interested in me anyway, but at least I can imagine her with another cute pony".

      ...and that's how Equestria Daily was made!

    25. Poor, poor Rainbow Dash. Literature is just not her thing even if she's trying to prove herself. XD
      Gotta love that Fluttershy moment!

    26. LOL that fluttershy part was awesome! i applaud you man :3

    27. very funny and wonderfully meta - but it just seemed to stop.

      **list of possible jokes/sub plots removed 'TL:DR'**

      Overall a 3/5
      what was there was good comedy.

      Just wayyy too short to simply be "leave me wanting more"!

    28. ....what?

    29. Fantastic story
      Really funny and the length was perfect
      I LOVE IT

    30. fanfics within a fanfic?

    31. I thought it was hilarious. And I say that as one of the anons who's been bitching about Dash dying all the time!

      Meta-humor done right.

    32. @Anonymous

      to the anon who said somethin about a dash-on-guy shipping. a friend of mine is writing a rainbow/mac shipping. its looking really good. no dying broken wings or death and supper cute

    33. @Anonymous That... explains so much. Thanks for that.

    34. *Throws his hooves in the air.*

      Bronies like it! Excellent!


      AND THEN...


    36. Hi there.

      First of all, thank you for the strong feedback and the comments.

      Now I must say this: I totally love sad stories, but I'm almost sure that after some really good sad, you need at least some relief. Especially when they are good.

      About the lenght of the story I can just say that it seemed quite forced to make it longer.


    37. About Rainbow Dash dying in so many fanfics (often in a flying accident) -- here's what I'd say to her:

      Dashie, you're a stunt-flyer and fiercely competitive -- Sonic Rainboom, remember? We call this "pushing the envelope", driving yourself to see how far your wings can perform. (We use machines to fly, but aerial performance is still aerial performance.) Our flyers have a saying: "There are old flyers and bold flyers, but there are no old, bold flyers." Pushing the envelope is risky, and there's always a chance those risks are going to get you.

    38. Continuing from the above:

      And have you seen what some of these fanfics do to Rarity? Making her into a monster? A monster who kills Pinkie and other ponies to make a flesh-golem Prince Charming? Murdering her little sister for annoying her -- not in a fit of rage, but slowly and deliberately, making sure Sweetie Belle knows what's coming?

    39. =) clearly I'm the minority, this is good.

      looking forward to seeing what you bring next! - never force length after all quality > quantity!

      **changed to 5 stars ** GL on 5-6 stars!

    40. Darn, it feels like it ends too soon. But this was hilarious. Twilight Sparkle is the best editor ever. If nothing else, this has inspired me to take a swing at metafiction.

    41. This was a brilliant read, very fun from start to finish. It makes me feel for Dash, so many times I am told about those errors XD I am not sure about the Fire Spitting Hydra though >_>

      This gets my 5 stars!

    42. Oh god, I'm so totally Twilight here... I've never met a fic I couldn't criticize! XD

    43. I'll be honest...RD simply can't be controlled when you're writing for her. Even SHE can't do it. I keep running into situations where "Okay, if I let her just get away with this, all the lesson-learning to this point just gets thrown out the window..."

    44. Why isn't this listed as a 6-star yet? It's one of the only DashFics with any respect for her character, and it also parodies all the DashFics that do terrible things to Dash. That unto itself is brilliant.

      Although now I feel bad for what happened to Rainbow Dash in my WIP Gridmark...

    45. ...Now I want a vorpal horseshoe of returning. Just because nobody will ever see it coming. Knowing that it's Luna's favored weapon just makes it that much cooler (+20%).

    46. Well order up another bucket of twice exploding awsome.

      Keep it up... as an old school D&Der I saw FS's Rant rather good.

    47. "And then... you exploded.
      ...Yeah, that was kind of weird..."

      "...but then you exploded again. You REALLY need to stop doing that..."

      Pegasus would be proud of RD's fictional fanfic.

    48. It says part 1.
      I demand part 2.

    49. All I can say is poor Rainbow Dash.

    50. Okay, we got Rainbow Dash writing a fanfic about herself. How about similar stories from the rest of the mane cast?

      Pinkie Pie writing something about herself and RD after she finds "Cupcakes", for instance; or Rarity deciding to set everybrony straight after reading some of her fics ("They made me a VAMPIRE? And living in a CAVE?"), Twilight trying to write an /accurate/ version of events, including the real Celestia ("She is NOT Trollestia the Impaler! And all these references are wrong!")... really, you could do a whole series based on this.

      I love this story!

    51. Google Docs Error...


    52. My response to the first paragraph: I see what you did there.

      My response to next few paragraphs: See above ^^

      My response to the whole story: *mouth wide open with fits of giggles interspersed*

    53. Wow, how did I miss this story? Thank you, TVTropes!

      falls over laughing

    54. This was great. Short, but very readable. I have no crits. I particularly liked the part where Twilight pointed out how horrible Dash's grammar was. The ending was also rather amusing. Good work.
