• Speedfic Challenge Reminder: 24 Hours Remain

    Just a quick reminder for everyone planning on participating in the Speedfic Challenge:

    It will start in exactly 24 hours from this post.

    Are you ready? Got your writing caps on? Warming up those fingers? I want to see some fabulous entries. Knock my horseshoes off, and maybe we can make this a recurring thing.

    Also, it looks like B wins the poll. We will use prompt B. What's prompt B, Cereal? Oh, yeah. You have to write a story about- ah! You thought you were being clever there just now. I'm onto your tricks. You'll find out in twenty four hours.

    40 kommentaari:

    1. Not to sound bitter, but this warrants one of the prime time posts?

    2. ^ Slow news day. ^

    3. Dawn of the Final Day

      24 hours remain

    4. Goodie. So it starts 9AM local time here. Heh heh.

    5. Though my writing skills are terrible, I'll still be taking part in this community event. I encourage all who are free to give it a try.

    6. I was wondering what that poll was for.

    7. Shit, I think I gotta work...

    8. Wait nevermind, I fail at time zones. Let's do this.

    9. Aw man, I won't be able to do this! Why do I have to be busy during the few hours this is taking place?

    10. Noooooo! Damn, this is going to happen at 22:00 here.

      Ah, well, i-it's not l-like I wanted to participate or a-anything. I just wanted to train my skills, that's it.

    11. Hmmm... what time would this be for me?

    12. I may very well try this
      it might get me out of my procrastination spree

    13. So, for those who don't use the same time as the blog, it will start 8 PM central time, 9 PM Eastern.

    14. Bet it involves Trixie in some way...

    15. SO its gonna start at 9 PM for me?

      No problem! Lets do this!

    16. I'm nervous because I have to do this all in one very fast go.

      Plus punctuation is my biggest problem, grammar however isn't as much.

      I've already set up a document in preparation labeled Speedfic Challenge in Fanfiction.net I'm waiting for the subject matter and then I'll try for at least three thousand words which I can do in under an hour.

      I probably won't make it, but I will at least have tried pending the constant blackouts and internet going down around here quite often. (I really dislike technology gremlins.) I only hope I'm lucky enough to not have the power to my base go out.

    17. just thought i'd inform you that yall are getting 10 page hits every 2. some really tiny number seconds.... at that rate you will hit 200million in the next 3 weeks hooray mathematics

    18. I'm wondering if the picture of Rarity might be a clue as to what the theme will be for the challenge.

    19. I'll be ready. Never done a speedfic and my writing speed is atrocious at best, so we'll see what happens.

      It'll be exciting.

    20. Let's see, starts at around 8 for me, ends at 10... Yeah I think I can do this.

      Can't wait to see what the prompt will be, kinda hoping for Trixie in some way, otherwise I'll have to find some way to include her anyway. :P


    22. Knowing Seth, these were the choices:

      A - Trixie
      B - Trixie
      C - Twixie!

    23. Of course, since it's Cereal's gig, we're probably safe... for now.

    24. And now for a moment of never-explained pegasus.

      LET'S DO THIS!

    25. Write a fanfic in 2 hours?
      Challenge accepted.

    26. Oh good, it starts at 2 in the morning for me... yay timezones :'(

      ...and why bees? I was hoping to right about the sea...

    27. He wouldn't tell me the choices this time around.

      It probably has something to do with Rarity, and Plot.

    28. There are few things to aim for in a fiction in a speed challenge.

      Length. (How fast you can write.)

      Grammar. (How well you write under pressure.)

      Originality. (Who can be the biggest wild card with their writing.)

      Special Objectives. (Making what we have to write about actually matter to the story as a whole. Which means not dropping 'poll option B' after two sentences or so about it and then carrying on.)

      If the special objective is 'write something with Pinkie Pie', I'm set. Also if it's 'Write something where a pony dies' happens to come up as well. Both of these are not mutually exclusive.

      Can I ask what kind of goals you guys are aiming for? If, it's not to much trouble.

      Mine are originality and length.

    29. I'll be traveling, so I'm not gonna be able to start this until maybe 75 minutes after it's posted. I guess this counts as hard mode.

    30. @Anonymous

      Way to go. Now I'm going to stay up all night imagining various prompts that could involve Rarity.

      Here's hoping it's just "Ship Rarity with somepony". That seems easy.

    31. @Anonymous

      Someone got the reference.

      Also, I never said the prompt had to do with Rarity.

    32. Junkyard wars pony edition.

    33. @ D. Shadows

      > If the special objective is 'write something with Pinkie Pie', I'm set. Also if it's 'Write something where a pony dies' happens to come up as well. Both of these are not mutually exclusive.


    34. I doubt that I broke rules 1 and 2 by voting for, you know.

    35. Sir Peppermint Jam24. juuni 2011, kell 22:36

      I am SO ready for this. I spent the past week thinking of random ideas and timing how fast I could write a coherent story. No pressure for me here. I may not win, (Celestia knows that there are better writers than me) but I'm gonna do my best. Wait...can you even win at this?

    36. 9PM Eastern? I can probably do 9PM Eastern.

    37. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate, as I will not have an internet connection at the time of the event. Curses! Writing is the one thing I seem to be any good at in this fandom!

      Ah well, I'm sure I'll enjoy the entries.

    38. Oh great, it starts at TWO IN THE MORNING.
