Have you ever been browsing a thread on Ponychan and went, "wow! I really like all the images in this thread! I wish I had a script that I could point the board moniker and thread ID to and have it download all of the images in the thread for me, with built-in duplicate image protection and automatic file extension checking!"
Well, for one, that's a very specific thing you just thought to yourself. Second, such a thing now exists.
It comes in Windows, OS X, and Linux flavors.
Feckin saved.
ReplyDeletenot to spoil the fun or the good work somepony did but this works pretty good too: http://sites.google.com/site/chanthreadwatch/
ReplyDeletebut i'll definitely check it out :)
Life = complete
ReplyDeleteThats exactly what I said
>PonyCrawler.exe icon = Pic of Derpy
ReplyDeleteFucking lol'd
>it comes in OS X
ReplyDeleteThis is too good to be true!
So Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, Cereal, but my desires are usually narrowed down like that. :P
ReplyDeleteFinally I can steal all the OCs MWHAHAHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteOh God, why didn't I come up with this idea? :D I recently made one for 4chan :p
ReplyDeleteAppreciation threads will now be doubly-loved!
ReplyDeleteLETS DDOS!
ReplyDeleteOh I was just having that exact thought last night for like the umpteenth time,
ReplyDeleteSomeone should make a program that sorts all the ponies into their own folder.
ReplyDeleteHere I was using DownThemAll! on firefox :O
ReplyDeleteThis is so much more focused, and doesn't require I switch over from Chrome to Firefox to browse ponychan. Awesome.
straightfoward, effective, and innovative; nice!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I was in serious need of reaction pics
ReplyDeleteThere goes Ponychan's bandwidth.
ReplyDeletedownload it all
So what does "include sub folders" do?
ReplyDeleteI thought only linux users with neckbeards used .bash
ReplyDeleteI dont have a neckbeard so I dont know were to start since I never have used bash shell.
>Download program
>Select /pic/
>Manually cancel at 3000 images downloaded
thank you, i am now downloading /oat/.......... omg ponys
ReplyDeleteI thought DownThemAll was common knownledge.
i download 7500 photos wiht this program and the program continius...... is a dream!!!
ReplyDeletewget anyone?
ReplyDeleteIs there one of these made just for 4chan?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf you have to use a bash-shell, just open a terminal and run "bash scriptname" and it should work out for you. If you still encounter problems visit #brony-dev@irc.geekshed.net or send an e-mail to klaxa@derpymail.com
holy crap, it's like you're psychic or something!
ReplyDelete>downloaded faster than you can say lemons
*looks at 3 fresh out of box blank 2 Terabyte external drives*
ReplyDeleteI wonder...
*downloads all of /all/*
Thanks :D!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't work for me. I select a thread ID, I select a dest. Folder, I select the board and it just says "Done!".
ReplyDelete@adam1111Yes, it broke due to changes on Ponychan. Windows version is fixed and online (same link as before). Just redownload it and it should work again.
ReplyDeleteSince I don't have anypony who could compile for MacOS at the moment and the bash script was written by somepony else, these will still be affected.