• Poll Results: Who Was To Blame During Boast Busters?

    This one was way less fun with Snips and Snails, just sayin.  I totally ended it early.

    Anyway next poll will be...interesting.  It's going to be a "you can select multiple answers" style poll.

    You can find it on the bottom right, as always.

    40 kommentaari:

    1. Bronies why u no like Snips n Snails?

    2. I was always amazed at the fact that Snips and Snails even made it back to Ponyville alive.

    3. To be honest, I'm starting to find Snails kind of adorable. Snips still looks like he could oink, though.

    4. I think the Poll needs disambiguation, Seth; Does reading fanfiction count as being involved in it?
      What about listening to Pony Music or watching PMVs?

    5. 3rd from bottom... Laughing... So hard...

    6. Also, "I work on the show: 1".
      Wait, WHAT?

    7. This is a wonderful example of how every vote counts. 14 votes were the difference between 2nd and 3rd place.

    8. @ Peabnuts123

      If you use it, then you are involved!

    9. Read through options.."yea that applies."
      Get to clop clop clop....grin...CLICK
      Confound these ponies! They drive me to...well, you know.

    10. haha I'm going to be curious as to how many choose the clop option as a joke and how many are serious

    11. @Wheelworld

      Snips and Snails are all-around unpleasant. (Voice, personality, intellect.) Hopefully they'll grow out of it, but right now they're about as annoying as Twist.

    12. Is the poll just a clever ploy to make people feel guilty about paraspriting off this site instead of giving back to the community?

      .... because if it is you got me ;_;

    13. I'm one of those who voted everypony.

      Trixie bragged, three of the mane cast were putting down her bragging even if it's part of her way of making a living and Snips and Snails were impressionable little guys, but they were still very much where most of the blame belongs. They all had a part in it somewhere.

      Let's see for the newest poll.

      Fanfiction- Though poorly fleshed out, I mostly write and get ignored because of many inane reasons involving perfection being needed.
      PMV's- know a guy who made one but it doesn't seem to be popular.
      Community events- Equestria Daily fanfiction events.
      Art- I wonder if motivational posters and spotting split second anomalies in the animation is considering an art.
      Music- Why is this here unless it means not a PMV and just music, technically PMV has the word music in it so it counts all the same.
      Other- I'm the necessary evil nuisance as a non negotiable contract that I pop up from time to time to be annoying. Also mostly to get myself beat up by heroic ponies but that's what NEIGH is for. (Necessary Evil Incorporated for Galantry and Heroes, we take knocks and die for your evil slaying crusading needs. NEIGH has a good life insurance plan should you survive being bucked around. Also Ponies are eighty percent less likely to kill us monsters, which is why Equestria is a nice place to live.)

      Well I'm done making another inane post. I'm going to talk to Hedric the Hydra about giving him a fifth head to work with.

    14. I don't think its quite fair to put full blame on the fillies. I mean stupid kids are gonna be stupid kids, but they can't be solely responsible for that mess.

      But then most people have a hate on for Snips and Snails. So once they were added I could tell where that pole was gonna go.

    15. Gabriel / Panda_Instinct8. juuni 2011, kell 05:54

      There should be an option about "I help spreading MLP:FIM where it hasn't reached yet"

    16. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    17. I am going to assume for the new poll, that watching pmvs, reading fanfiction ect. ect. counts as taking part in it, not just creating them

    18. @Kjh242
      Working on show: 7

      Yeah, I'm not so surprised about that.

    19. You forgot toy collecting and customization!

    20. Clop Clop Clop.

    21. You left out an option for people who purchase toys.

    22. "I work on the show": 9

      1st, I hope that is real and not paraspriting because that would be just awesome, but then again *looks to 3rd to bottom option" 36%... I don't think I would want anyone on the show see that, even if the people are serious or not.

    23. @Anonymous Oh we, err I mean they are definitely serious. *awkward grin* (:D

    24. Community Events: Brony movie night.


    25. I call shenanigans, it was obviously Trixie's fault. >_>

    26. I blame Snips and Snails myself, but it's not entirely their fault. Trixie was the one who gloated saying, "I'm an Ursa Major beating machine!" but she ran off screaming once she saw an Ursa MINOR.

    27. "*Clop Clop Clop*"

      Best poll option ever.

    28. Kill me, I'm a PONY8. juuni 2011, kell 10:45

      I think S&S were chosen by a lot of people for lulz, not because they really thought they were to blame.


    29. I don't mind snails personally. Snips voice is a little annoying though.

    30. Next poll: Which mane six pony is your favorite! I can see the flame wars now...

      Getting back to the current poll; *clop clop clop*

    31. When I suggested the poll, I was thinking more along the lines of, "how much of Trixie's attitude during her performance was the fault of the mane cast's comments versus being pure Trixie." Snips and Snails wouldn't have entered the picture at all. But, this poll was interesting, too.

    32. Wait... So at least 35 of the people who work on the show follows Equestria Daily?

    33. I voted that is was everyone's fault.

      Trixie could be blamed for her bragging about defeating the Ursa, the mane cast could be blamed for exacerbating the whole situation by heckling and pushing Trixie (seriously, what were they trying to accomplish there?), Spike could be blamed for confronting Snips and Snails and putting the idea of proving that Trixie was the best in their heads (and he was being kind of a jerk trying to push Twilight to do something she didn't want to do), and finally Snips and Snails for leading the Ursa into town (being children shouldn't excuse incredibly dangerous behavior like that, especially if it could get others hurt).

      The only pony that probably couldn't have any blame is Twilight. It's not her responsibility to prove Trixie wrong, even if Spike thought it was, and she took the mature approach of just staying out of the whole thing until it got dangerous and she had to intervene.

      ... but then that's just my opinion.

    34. I agree with the 'it's everyone's fault' option.

      The mane cast was being rude but Trixie went way over the top in dealing with them. She didn't ask them to be quiet or to leave.

      Twilight should've put a stop to it there, not because it's her job to show up Trixie, but because you should stand up for your friends.

      Spike exacerbated things and Snips and Snails may be kids but they know the Ursa was dangerous and brought one to Ponyville anyway.

      So yeah everyone had a role there.

    35. I hate it when fans of a character ignore the obvious just to make them look better. Would Snips and Snails have gotten the Ursa if Trixie hadn't boasted? No.

      On the other hand, I may be taking this a bit too seriously. ^_^;

    36. I know it is most likely waaaay to much work, or possibly not even something the poll system is capable of tracking, but I'd love to see some stats of how much some options overlapped. For example, what percentage of the people who picked fanfiction also picked artwork? How big of an overlap is there in the music and PMV selections? How many people went out of their way just to click every single choice (my personal belief on why there are so many votes for 'I work on the show').

    37. Kill me, I'm a PONY8. juuni 2011, kell 17:59

      The new one needs a "Polls" option just so you could call people liars when it doesn't have 100%

    38. Ooooh. I thought the *clopclopclop* option meant clapping like a retarded seal at the shows.

    39. Trixie is the blame.
      She even indirectly got they ursa minor ot attack town(Snips and snails thought she could defeat).

    40. @Anonymous That may be true, but Spike ultimately gave them the idea.
