I can't wait until Derpy and Luna come back during season two as the grown up equivalents of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, or Snips and Snails.... Wont THAT be hilarious!
Inb4 Trixie won't appear at all in season two, there I saved you the trouble of typing it.
Confound these bronies.... Trixie is sad now. She doesn't even boast anymore.
Anyway next poll, also found at the same spot: Which episode turned you into a brony?
106 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta>Spitfire got more votes than Scratch, Octavia, Lyra and Doctor Whoof
VastaKustuta>So much more okay with this
Trixie won't appear at all in season two
Trixie better be in season 2.
VastaKustuta>Big Mac getting votes
At least Trixie was third place was worried there for a bit.
VastaKustutaColgate needs moar luv
VastaKustutaWhilst Luna is my favorite as well, the lack of votes for BigMac and Spitfire hurt me a bit :<
VastaKustutaif they don't have trixie next season as Twilight's rival under Luna's tutelage, they will seriously be missing a great chance for a funny episode.
VastaKustutaPersonally I feel Luna shouldn't have been in this poll simply because she was in the other one.
VastaKustutaIt was Spike that got me attached actually ^_^ I <3 chibi dwagons.
VastaKustutaSeth, fellow fan of Twilight and The Great and Powerful Trixie, I deeply understand you, bro.
VastaKustutawait no trixie in season 2 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
VastaKustutaNo one loves non non ;w;
VastaKustutaTrixie will be in season 2. I am 100% sure of it.
VastaKustutaI wonder about Gilda though... Doubtful.
And Little Strongheart would be epic, but what are the chances of that?
What episode made me a fan of this show?
VastaKustutaWell, it went sort of like this:
I watched the first episode.
Then I watched the second episode.
Then I watched the third.
Then I had to sleep because it was getting early in the morning.
Then I watched the rest of them up to episode 16.
And then waited each Friday.
So I guess I vote for the first episode?
Unsurprisingly, Sapphire Shores comes in dead last.
VastaKustutaAnd I'm impressed with Spitfire getting 200+ votes.
For Zecora so little love was shown,
VastaKustutaI wish to see her and hear more of her vocal tone.
I voted for Princess Celestia the Light Bringer and Life Giver personally. But hey if you felt that some less perfect pony was better, who am I to judge your heresy?
VastaKustutaatleast luna beat celestia
VastaKustutaI'm probably going to be the lone vote for "Over a Barrel" in this poll. It happened to be the first episode I saw. No fault of my own.
VastaKustutaI am quite anxious and at the same time fearful of the return of the Moon Princess in season 2.
VastaKustutaAnxious in that she's my favorite, can't explain it, she just is. Think it's the, "I messed up, please don't hate me." angle of it. Fearful in that they will completely mess up her character compared to the fandom depiction of her.
TLDR: I for one welcome our new Lunar overlord's return.
Is there any way -- any way at all -- to make the polls allow multiple answers? :U
VastaKustutawow, seth, profoundly pissed much?
VastaKustutaLuna forever!
my brony-dom came about from lots of little thing from ep 1 and 2 but twi's line "tell me she's not..." sealed the deal.
Also "Best Night Ever" is missing a letter at the end of its poll entry.
VastaKustutaFall Weather Friends
VastaKustutaWas I happy to see that my favorite stallion, who was excluded from the first poll in place of some lesser lights, come in fourth in this poll?
That sucks tho I voted for Colgate, I still think trixe deserves a part in season two.
VastaKustutaLuna isn't a really a back ground character as she vanished after ep2.
My favorites...
>Everypony else.
I keep forgetting to actually vote in these polls. They're over before I realize they're even there.
VastaKustutaSeth, watch Trixie become Luna's studient and become a rival to Twilight in Season 2...
VastaKustutaBut yeah, My favorite pony got #1 last time, and my #2 Pony got #1 this time. Go Fluttershy and Luna <3.
>Trollestia has more votes than Octavia
VastaKustutaEqD, I am disappoint.
I picked Episode 1 for the new poll, but actually a YTP is what turned me into a brony.
VastaKustuta"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic provides a realistic representation of life in Ponyville"
I can't believe Celestia is so low on this list. How disappointing.
VastaKustutaThe Solar Deliberative must take action.
I would be fine with never seeing Trixie again.
VastaKustutaAnyway, I think it would be more interesting to have a poll about characters that actually did something in the show, and not the ones who barely exist in anything more than fanon.
I don't know about being Luna's student, but I really hope she comes back as Twi's rival in S2. I voted for Trixie, but right away I knew Luna would win.
VastaKustuta@ a href #c3375315619397532405 >Anonymous /a>
VastaKustutaBut.. We already had a poll about the mane six, it was the one right before this. This is literally a list of everypony else in the show.... I don`t get what you mean.
what can we say? Fanfics have made Luna into pure awesomeness. And Ditzy? She's, well, Ditzy. People lOve her. Not sure why, but they do.
VastaKustutaYAY for Spitfire, she does have some great admiring fans n.n Thats who i picked . . . . Something about the firery mane and tail . . . she has a ver y warm smile to boot. *dashiewubbyface.jpg*
VastaKustutaI agree with some guy above.
VastaKustutaZecora does need more love.
On the poll I say 'twas the first episode.
To say anything else would be a total load.
No Roseluck? Wut.
VastaKustutaPoor Zecora ;_; Kinda glad Luna won, though...
Spitfire and Soarin are amazing but I like Luna too ; P
VastaKustutaPfffft. You guys are all nuts. Come on, Lyra. Let's go get ice cream.
VastaKustutaI'm obviously loyal to Luna, but Celestia is easily my second favorite character. She's brilliantly voiced and written.
VastaKustutaI think that you need to have more specific polls:
-Background characters
-Secondary characters (which have an official name and lines)
VastaKustutaDitto here, fuck her :p
Aaanyway, for the eps, it really varies. I first watched the beginning of the first episode, stopped before the end, but couldn't keep Twilight voice (especially her part in Fluttershy's intro dialog) out of my head, which pushed me to watch it again later that day.
By the third episode, when the benny hill part started, that's where I became a full brony.
Well, I voted for Lyra, who got a whopping ZERO lines, so... Meh...
VastaKustutaConcerning the next poll, I ended up doing the idiot's method and just chose the first episode title that caught my eye as the most interesting at first, and watched Swarm of the Century as my gateway into Brony-hood.
VastaKustutaWas hooked off of watching that one episode, then proceeded to watch the rest in chronological order.
What!? Braeburn isn't a side pony! Braeburn is best pony!
VastaKustutaWell of course Luna won.
I watched them in order, so voted for the first episode. I found out about ponies from TF2 sprays
VastaKustutaMine too, had to be the episode with the single worst musical number however.
> The Best Night Eve
VastaKustutaSECRET EPISODE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
I don't know if this has been said already but at some point in the future could we do a favorite episode poll?
VastaKustutaI was a late bloomer to FiM. I came in sometime in March ( currently episode at the time was 20, Green isn't your color ) but I watched them from Episode 1 to 20 instead from start to finish so I wouldn't get caught up and wondering on what the heck as going on.
VastaKustutaYAY! Luna is the best!
VastaKustutaThe next poll should be which mane six pony is your favorite.
VastaKustutaLet's see, I caught "Green Isn't Your Color" on the HUB after some joke on MemeBase. Enjoyed it.
VastaKustutaSo went to youtube started watching from Episode 1.
Was fully hooked with 'Pinkie Le Pew' bouncing after Rainbow Dash in "Griffon the Brush-Off".
But I think I went full Brony with "Winter Wrap Up" (the point it went from 'fun show' to 'must have a pony figure!')
Trixie is 3rd thingsWentBetterThanExpected.png
VastaKustutaNone of the above, as far as the poll was concerned. I was converted over to the herd by FluttershyElsa's videos. Wewt.
VastaKustutaNo, we haven't had a poll about the mane six. The last poll had (almost) EVERYPONY, and this one had all the secondary/background characters.
To answer your question, I'd have to say... oh.. SONIC RAINBOOM and Over a Barrel.
VastaKustuta-the Obsessor
Something smells like fudged results...
VastaKustutaI don't care what the poll says.
VastaKustutaPhoto Finish than all of yalls!
The Great and Powerful Trixie does not look amused.
VastaKustutaWhich isn't my problem, because I voted for Big Mac.
VastaKustutaFOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!
@Delta Pangaea
VastaKustutaZecora has not gotten, does not get, nor will EVER get much love because of her awful, awful, AWFUL hair. Seriously. Even punk rock has all but abandoned the mohawk at this point.
Unless we can *brushie, brushie* you will get no *lovey, lovey*
No love for Scratch. :(
VastaKustutaWhy do I always go for the barely canon characters with little to no characterization? Answer: because it makes it that much easier to ship them with Dash.
Re new poll: The Rarity episodes. She had been one of my least favorite, but those songs... and her little temper tantrums... >.>
VastaKustutaOld poll: Goooo Derpy!
Poor Scratch, I really hoped she'd win.
VastaKustutaI picked "Ticket Master" because the first two episodes didn't do anything for me (and going completly Sailor Moon at the end was lame) but Ticket Master was where it started getting good.
Buuut, it's not how I got into the show, that would be the "My Little Pony Epic" PMV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irQ_d78feMA . Someone linked to it on FA and I ended up playing it over and over and over, etc.
Awwww, I thought Lyra would win. Disapointment.
VastaKustutaU mad Seth?
VastaKustutau mad cuz Derpy and Luna stylin' on you?
VastaKustutaWhen I saw Trixie's name in all caps I kept imagining Seth calmly listing every pony then screaming TRIXIE!!!! While a stage explodes behind him and a guitar solo plays.
VastaKustutaI'm so, so sorry, TGAPT! I voted for you! You're still great AND powerful, they just don't know it yet!
VastaKustutaYay!!1 Luna!!! <3
VastaKustutaThat poll result was entirely your fault Seth.
VastaKustutaI just realized what pony TRIXIE was as you misspelled her name horribly. Nopony knew who the hell that was because they were looking for The Great and Powerful Trixie!
(I voted for derpy)
I didn't vote because I couldn't decide between Spitfire and Scratch.
VastaKustutaAs for which episode turned my into a brony... I don't know. It wasn't a single episode. It was more of a process. I downloaded the first 10 episodes from TPB and just started watching. I had great fun and when I watched Swarm of the Century (the last episode I downloaded) I just knew I should get the other 5 episodes that were available at the time. I don't know which episode made me a brony. All I know is that I started watching from the first episode and never stopped until I reached the last one I had on my computer.
nooooooooooo Trixie will be in season 2 she must be !!!!!
VastaKustutaTrixie should be happy she got as much as she did after being such a bloated braggart. Octavia, Lyra, and Spitfire all deserve more.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous I happened upon a YTP featuring Fluttershy and found Dragonshy first, that got me hooked. Fluttershy was my favorite until I saw Sonic Rainboom, after that RD took the lead.
VastaKustutaI watched episode one just to know what the fuss was about. Then that mighty cliffhanger at the end of it compelled me to watch episode two. I think Pinkie Pie's "It was under eee~heee" is what then made me a Brony ^^
VastaKustutaAlso yay Derpy!
i didn't vote because i don't see linky :\
VastaKustutaI remember back when I was first introduced to the series via Dragonshy, I liked the episode, but wasn't blown away, so I just filed it away in the back of my mind.
VastaKustutaThen a few weeks later, I made a completely unrelated trip over to /b/, saw the /b/ronies, was a troll for a few days (while being confused as to why I was saving some pony pics) until I saw a few people saying Dragonshy was the worst episode to start with (there were only like 10 episodes at the time. Before there were CMC episodes, Dragonshy probably was)
The next friday, I decide to give it another go. That week's episode was Winter Wrap-Up.
When is one a Brony?
VastaKustutaI found no sharp devide, and thus I have trouble naming an episode as the turning point.
While I don't care that much about losing Trixie, I do feel that for the type of show MLP is, even the background characters should be somewhat recurring.
VastaKustutaMaybe not Gilda, as she is a bitch. Trixie is also a bitch, but she's narcissistic too. That gives her seniority.
I didn't vote because I couldn't choose.
VastaKustutaThey're all great.
I Enjoyed DragonShy even tho it was a Fluttershy episode the others still appeared
VastaKustutaWhat i really enjoyed was the Charlie's Angels Montage
Imagine Kick Buttowski + Ponies...
But they pretty much already did that in the last episode at the beginning of it
Just watch it
Would love a sideseries or spinoff show where it's more action oriented >:)
While I watched the first episode and kinda liked it, the second one made me go "wait, what?! This is the second episode and the plot is over???" And I was not further thrilled by this. I kept watching though and was surprised to find it got better and didn't jump the shark. Though after ticket master I was just about ready to lose my interest and drop it.
VastaKustutaBut by this point I had grown a liking for Rainbow and was starting to get the notion that Sonic Rainboom was about something really cool Rainbow related. So while I kept watching it chronologically, strictly speaking the episode that turned me brony was Sonic Rainboom, even before I watched it or knew what it was about.
No GaPTrixie? T_T
VastaKustutaWell, I found MLPFiM off of Adamwestslapdog's channel's favorites. I had NO idea what is was and clicked on the first episode. I made it all the way to the theme song before turning it off in fear... Weeks later I saw he Favorited the episode where it shows how everypony in the mane six got their cutie marks and I suffered through that. By the end of it I wasn't as freaked out as I was in the beginning, so I watched the episodes in order. Right about the episode Winter Wrap Up was where I learned I was a Brony. :D
K when i first watched DragonShy i was like...Perfect Material For Parodies
VastaKustutaI Found out about FIM the cool way via PONYCRAFT 2 and was like wtf they nuts xD? What i enjoyed was how the sync worked perfectly i watched the Parodies for like 2 days and i must tell you...if MLP didn't have parodies i wouldn't be interrested in it
But there's one episode which parodies itself...
And that would be Briddle Gossip
I Really wasn't expecting FlutterShy to have a black mans voice and even more hear it for 30 seconds singing Smooth Jazz in Pinkie's WIP Song for Zecora
EuroBeat Brony & DJ-PON3 shown me how the Fandom actually has professionals making videos on it, Giggle At The Ghosty + Technoz was awesome
VastaKustutaMy conversion process.
VastaKustuta1. Browse comments on articles on The Onion AV Club
2. Someone posts as Fluttershy
3. Have no idea what that's from, but lots of other people seem to know about it.
4. Gather it's from My Little Pony, but really like the design, so:
5. Type 'Fluttershy' into youtube
6. See the clip where Twilight meets Fluttershy for first time
7. Raise eyebrow
8. Check a second clip where Fluttershy schools Rarity on sewing.
9. Escalate eyebrow
10. Watch Suited for Success
11. Observe slow collapse of own life
@Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaDash, you're entitled to be in love with yourself, but I love Fluttershy, she is mai waifu. See what I did there? If you're my friend, of course you did.
My conversion process :
VastaKustuta1. PONIES !!!
2. Ponies ponies ponies.
3. Gosh, they're so cute.
4. Wait, why didn't I join instead of just faving pictures on DevArt ?
5. BRONIES !!!
No love for Photo Finish? DX She's my favorite minor character ever!
VastaKustutaAnyways, the episode that got me into it was the first one I saw, The Ticket Master. As for my brother, I'm pretty sure it was Over a Barrel.
You know...all of these background and secondary ponies are amazing, like Lyra and of course The Great and Powerful Trixie, but...
VastaKustutaEh, its kinda like that survey that was recently posted here asking "Do you consider yourself normal?"
Just like "normal" everypony is going to have a slightly different personal definition of the word "Brony", and thus a different criteria for the episode that "made" them one.
Some might qualify it as the first episode they saw, some might say it was the episode that made them want to watch ALL the others, and still others might define it as what episode first got them to come to a dedicated fansite like Equestria Daily, etc, etc....
don't be mad at me.
VastaKustutatrixie is my second favorite.
Luna's just my first and I really hope they bring trixie back for the second season.
Poor Great and Powerful Trixie. D: She's my second favourite, after Nightmare Moon.
VastaKustutaVoted for Spitfire, cause if you leading the best flight group, you totaly deserve some fanship.
VastaKustutaWish i could vote for some others as well...
Derpy won my vote, though I am kicking myself for not voting Octavia.
VastaKustutaYou should sort them.
Big Mac
Cheerilee, mostly due to the school picture of her
Doctor Whooves
Doctor Whooves! D:
VastaKustutaChange celestia to TROLLESTIA FTW. Trollestia votes>everyone else