• Poetry Compilation

    Poetry time! I have no clue what to classify this as, and I usually turn single poetry submissions down (so don't send yours!) but this is a full on compilation! 

    The entire set can be found at this Google Document Link.

    This has been building up for a while across two threads, one from each of the pain pony image boards.  You can find those in the links below!

    Fimchan Poetry Thread
    Ponychan Poetry Thread

    12 kommentaari:

    1. Hm... Rhymefriend, maybe? Don't read much poetry, this should be interesting.

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. @Tast

      Actually, they're all mine. You can check the threads.

    4. No $%#& ? That's an awful lot of poetry coming from one person. I can barely pronounce the word "sonnet" without getting a headache, much less create one. By Rhymefriend, I was suggesting that Seth handle poetry like art (if this receives enough positive feedback) in the drawfriend aspect.

      While I can't understand most of your poetry's deeper meanings, (curse my shallow reading) I think you're pretty good. Now, to finish reading :p

    5. I guess it's not harmful, so I am going to leave my own compilation of Haikus right here


      Despite the "Mature" warning, the Haikus are 100% Safe for work.

    6. *sigh* Us British bronies never get anything good :/

    7. @James Corck

      I like those... if I may make a suggestion, why not turn those haikus into a bigger poem ? As in, a collection of haikus to make one larger poem.

      I've done it a number of times, and I might do one a pony one in future.

    8. JEFFERSON! Whats the meaning of this!>!

    9. Cool, glad this got put up here Iris. I said what I needed to say in your poetry threads.

    10. I think you meant main pony boards Seth, unless you really think they're pains.

    11. I wonder if my muse would consider returning with the prospect of writing about ponies. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

    12. @Anonymous

      I thought the same too before I started writing. Now I'm writing a non-MLP related science fictions tory, but I couldn't without at least putting the effort to "write" something.

      Give it a try. It won't hurt. And the threads are always there.
