• PMV: Reading Rainboom / Staring at the Sun / More Ponycraft

    This is a mix of PMV's and a tour of Ponycraft.net.

    It's a pretty entertaining server if you ever have that urge to join in on one of the huge minecraft brony communities!

    I guess #1 was inevitable..

    1.) Reading Rainboom
    2.) Staring at the Sun
    3.) Ponycraft.net

    21 kommentaari:

    1. "I guess #1 was inevitable.."

      Except you already posted it this morning.

    2. Ponycraft at the end...

      Hidden dungeon under the bakery... My God....

    3. Um... didn't you post Reading Rainboom earlier today?

      Not that it doesn't deserve two posts... but The Ultimare Foaldown of Ultimane Despony deserves it even more.

    4. @Brian

      Dang, I wanted to point that out!

      Sethisto, I award you no points, and may Celestia have mercy on your soul.

    5. Wow Frostbite you're right, I wanna join that just to check it out XD

    6. Seriously? Must we always reference Cupcakes?

    7. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    8. @ToonNinja
      It's inevitable, I'm afraid.

      Agreed, "Ultimare Foaldown" was legit in every sense of the word.

      .........I forget. Carry on.

    9. Lol the local Pinkie Pie hated the dungeon under SCC
      in ponycraft.

    10. Twice the publicity will do wonders for that first video. Wish I had that kind of luck.

    11. The funny thing is the Reading Rainboom thing was almost shot for shot with something I was working on.

    12. @Quicksilver
      Ditto, I had just started working on it as well, but this person has better quality clips then I do also now I can be lazy and not do it :P

    13. 1. Was already posted?
      2. Awesome.
      3. Cool, I suppose. Although I refuse to buy into the Micecraft hype. The Pinkie Dungeon was a nice touch.

    14. Its not surprising that pinkie pie has a secret dungeon. cause if she does not have any one to party with she captures ponies and force them to party.

    15. I'd naver have thought I could be featured in two posts at once, in a way I'm flattered XD but yeah, Seth, make sure errors like this don't get repeated :p

      #2 Was very well lip-synched and very entertaining, but Pinkie Pie has more angry stares than that. I think the clip repetition detracts some from it.

      #3 I didn't get the most part. Ok, it's a minecraft server, that ones were Ponyville and Fillydelphia, there was a cool FS at one point, but half the vid was "Watch me doing ccol things like jumping off roofs ot fighting giant zombies". Not that Idon't appreciate doing things like that (I have Move+ too) but it felt out of place in a pony server showcase. The server is quite well done tho.

    16. @Tosxychor I think the music on #3 was supposed to be an Inception Refference. Great movie btw.

    17. Too bad most of the Ponycraft video is just the recorder jumping around.

    18. @Tosxychor
      I think #2's stare was a reference to the lyrics

      "but i wont be burned by the reflection of the fire in your eyes as your staring at the sun"

      i think the clip repetition was just to symbolize the "fire in your eyes" part and not meant as an angry stare.

    19. FUCK. Cupcakes reference #932145323 and counting.

    20. Ponycraft should have ended with pinkie pie looking at the recorder when they opened the way to the dungeon... With a cupcake in her hand.
