The TF2 thing is another "series" possibility. If a few more pop up I'll spin it off into it's own thread like Luna the Lonely Astronaut.
Also another awesome movie trailer, and some Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical stuff.
1.)My Little Fortress - Friendship is Sapping Sentries EP01: Spy steals Soldiers intelligence
2.) Legend of the Wonderbolts
3.) I've Got a Theory
The second vid was epic . . . . . There needs to be a MLP movie based on them . . Cmon the wonderbolts are FANTASTIC. I wonder if there are any fics based on the Wonderbolts themselve . . Or mainly Spitfires team. . . Soarin too, he likes pie so hes ok in my book. without any of the mane cast .. . . . uhm maybe Twilight . . . .and Rainbow . . . cant have the Bolts without Dashie. An i just like reading about Twilight.
28 kommentaari:
Bunnies! Bunnies, it must be bunnies!
VastaKustuta...or maybe midgets...
Second one gave me MAJOR goosebumps.
VastaKustutaOh, man, these were great.
VastaKustutaEspecially "Legend of the Wonderbolts". I still have goosebumps.
VastaKustutaOF COURSE
Angel Bunny, we're on to you!
VastaKustuta1. Meh...
VastaKustuta2. Wow... That was very beautiful!
3. @.@ Freakin' bunnies man...
@ 1st one:
VastaKustutaHee hee.
Fucking bunnies.
VastaKustutaAnd that second one was amazing.
These are all awesome.
VastaKustutaI love TF2 as much as the next PC owner, but that video needed some improvement.
VastaKustutaI am sorely distressed that there was no clip on an angry Angel Bunny in "I have a theory."
VastaKustutaNumber 3...
Whoever made Legend of the Wonderbolts earns 50 internets.
VastaKustutaLove the Buffy one. Sad about the lack of Angel in there,though.
VastaKustutaThe second one just blew me the hell away.
VastaKustuta2 and 3 were just awesome though 3 was awesome before it had ponies
VastaKustutaCan my ears be deceiving me? A Buffy/MLP crossover video? My two favorite fandoms.
VastaKustutaMy life is complete.
VastaKustutaI'm certain he had his own spin-off at that point and simply couldn't be bothered.
VastaKustutaI can't tell if you're being really clever with that reply or if you misunderstood...
Twilight = Spy
VastaKustutaApplejack = Engineer
Rainbow Dash = Scout
Rarity = Sniper
Fluttershy = Pyro
Pinkie Pie = Heavy
Applebloom = Soldier
Scootaloo = Medic
Sweetie Bell = Demoman
Celestia = Announcer ("A friendship has been detected!")
Oh mah sweet, sweet Luna! The Legend of the Wonderbolts makes me want to watch the movie now and pretend they're all ponies and not owls.
VastaKustutaOh man, I just nostalgia'd all over the keyboard on vid 3...I mean, it's my fave episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And ponies.
VastaKustutaThat's just awesome. XD
The second vid was epic . . . . . There needs to be a MLP movie based on them . . Cmon the wonderbolts are FANTASTIC. I wonder if there are any fics based on the Wonderbolts themselve . . Or mainly Spitfires team. . . Soarin too, he likes pie so hes ok in my book. without any of the mane cast .. . . . uhm maybe Twilight . . . .and Rainbow . . . cant have the Bolts without Dashie. An i just like reading about Twilight.
VastaKustutaSecond one was spectacular. Also, thank you, maker of the third, for reminding me that season 6 had one good episode. Well done.
VastaKustutaNumber two should be a real movie.
VastaKustutaGah, that was brilliant!!!
VastaKustutaIt makes me want to watch that movie even more! (the 2nd one)
Pinkie Pie/Anya? YES.