• PMV: Ghost Riders In The Sky / The Pinkining / Aint no Rest for the Wicked

    1.) Ghost Riders In The Sky
    2.) The Pinkining
    3.) Aint no Rest for the Wicked

    27 kommentaari:

    1. I love the second one- I cracked up at the Rainbow Dash part XD But it's really dramatic. :D The third was average, as was the first. bronies are really getting out there XD

    2. Oh, my brother is going to love Ain't no rest for the wicked. Cage the Elephant is one of his favorite bands I think.

    3. A crossover fic has gotta be done of #1. It...just needs to be!

    4. In all seriousness, Nick Cage probably would take the roll of Twilight Sparkle if they made a FiM movie

    5. aint no rest for the ponies...

    6. Yep, my brother liked the 3rd one. Good job man!!!

    7. All of these were really well made! I really liked the song choices. Go Ghost Rider!

    8. #3 just reminds me that we need the entire borderlands crew as ponies.

    9. @Anonymous
      Second. That's one of my favorite games.

    10. The second one was amazing.

      The third one was average, but awesome purely because of the BGM. That song is my drug.

    11. Oh, The Pinkening gave me flashbacks from the book... Danny going outside to play on the playground while his parents were asleep... Him entering the concrete tunnel through a tunnel under the snow... Him realizing that if the snow caved in he would die, and the cracking of the leaves as the little girl who broke her neck's ghost crawled toward him... And of course the chase scene with the bush animals, hunting him like a zebra... Nightmare fuel... *Goes to find his copy of The Shining so that he can reread it while imagining every character as a pony*

    12. 1. Fair, although I believe the song used is a cover, and I don't like that cover.
      2. HAHA, FANTASTIC! Love that movie, and Pinkie makes for a great psychopath.
      3. Nice. Good song, well made PMV.

    13. You know... all the psycho pinkie videos and horror crossovers does make me wonder how the MLP team is gonna handle halloween...

      I think alot of people would like to see how they'd make a pony episode with a more sinister theme...

      Like for example for a whole episode they need to stop ghosts from wreaking havoc around town...
      Then BWAHAHAHA! We find out that the mysterious hermit who had met beforehand (and thought completely harmless) was controlling the ghosts all along, simply causing a distraction so he could carry out some nefarious plan unopposed! >:3

    14. Liked the first, I am always a sucker for Ghost riders in any form.

      2nd was cool.

      3rd was a bit Meh but still enjoyable.

    15. Anyone have any recommendations for how I should improve? (I made No Rest for the Ponies)It's one of my first PMVs so I've still got plenty to learn.

    16. #3 just made me picture Borderlands Ponies. Ponylands.

    17. Everytime I hear that song, I laugh because Cage the Elephant think they're a real band.

    18. @Anonymous
      It better be a cover, since the original dates to the days before electric guitars! Yeah, I didn't like this version either. There's something lonesome and spooky about this song played only on acoustic instruments.

    19. @SkyrimOrBust
      I think the song itself is kind of a problem, in this case. The show is pretty light on scenes of ponies interacting with money, and otherwise it doesn't seem to have much to do with the song.
      The video is technically proficient and your lipsync is decent (though not fantastic). It's just that the images neither match nor subvert the song, which leaves one with the impression that it's just a series of random clips set to music.

    20. @LordOfTheWrongs

      I felt the same about the song, the thing is it was a request and therefore I was stuck. :P

      Also the sync was better, but WMM bugged the video twice (pretty visible if you know what to look for) and that threw off a 30-second portion of the video.

    21. @Poker Face
      The 1st isnt referencing ghost rider, the original song has been out for around 70 years, way before ghost rider

    22. I saw the samurai swords, then i saw "the pinkining" and i thought...HIGHLANDER EPIC. However the shining was just as AWESOME! So nice job...someone make a highlander mlp

    23. I can't believe this...I watched the third video here on ED, then I went to its YT-page to look at the comments and get told that it isn't available in my country anymore. After what couldn't have been more than 3 minutes! Other videos with the song are still accessible for me, why not this? God, how I hate this...

    24. @Anonymous


    25. YIPPEE YI-
      Fluttershy: yay!
