• PMV: Beatles Part 2 / Depressed Ponies / P-Ville Rock

    My PMV folder is starting to look like the Fanfiction folder!

    1.) My Little Pony: The Beatles - Medley (part 2/3)
    2.) Sometimes My Little Pony Gets Depressed
    3.) P-Ville Rock (Anarchy PMV)


    1. Yes! Beatles music and ponies! My life is complete.

      The other ones are neat.

      And hopefully inb4 first.


    2. honestly, i'd prefer a rolling stones PMV medley

    3. Damn it! Someone did a beatles pmv before I could get my hoovies on it.

    4. More Beatles and ponies! More proof that ponies goes with anything and everything!

    5. The third one completely unnecessary. The other two, right on!

    6. About time someone made a Panty and Stocking PMV.

    7. 1. Don't care too much for the Beatles.
      2. Clever.
      3. Eww, autotune.

    8. >Twilight?
      >Don't tell me you're on a DIETO?

    9. I always thought Panty was Applejack and Stocking was Twilight! XD
      Personality wise, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie sorta fit better, though.

    10. A Shit load of PMVs are being created...But what happened to the catchy ones or the lip synced ones?

    11. Beatles are good with anything! Best band in the world ever!

    12. Wait, we came this far as a fandom without a D City Rock PMV? I'm amazed. I guess it's the disconnect between ponies and Panty & Stocking.

      "My name is Pinkie, the crazy party pony-and I'm not dumb!"

      "By the way my name is Twilight
      I can nurse a, bitchy Ursa
      And I've got a hard-horn for dusty books,
      Sparkle on in a fight"

      The PSwG lyrics were penned by a guy who doesn't know English and half of it is clopfic fodder. I can't even work with that!
