• Official MLP Convention

    The official My Little Pony convention is coming up!

    This actually happens every year, but obviously our crazy community wasn't around a year ago to invade it!

    The big thing about this convention in particular is the fact that actual Hasbo/MLP employees will be there.  These are the people that control the toys we see on store shelves, and the ones we need to convince into releasing stuff we would actually be interested in throwing our money at.

    It will have a huge G1 presence;  they were here first, so it's sort of inevitable.  If you do plan on attending, try to be respectful :p.  Us newbies may not understand the appeal of the older toys, but they do have a relatively big following.  Even nightmare fuel Pinkie Pie is well loved in some circles.

    Anyway, if you are interested in checking it out, all details are listed below!

    When: July 8th and 9th
    Where: Pawtucket, Rhode Island - Hasbro Headquarters
    How Much does it cost?: Tickets are 20$
    Where can I get more information?: http://www.mylittleponycon.com/home

    UPDATE: Apparently this is primarily fan run, and the hasbro employees are only guests.  I guess it's considered rude to bother them about toys, so keep that to a minimum too!

    151 kommentaari:

    1. The great brony invasion of 2011?

    2. I would go since it is a half hour away (considered a day trip in Rhode Island) but I am going to be gone that week :(

    3. lol i can see it now
      hasbro stock rises 10 fold
      theres 1000s who show up and over run the place

    4. Sure hope they have DVDs / Blu-Rays of season 1 in the works...

    5. They won't stand a chance. Our raw numbers will overwhelm them.

    6. Seriously, if ever there was a time for some bronies to get together ahead of time, do some serious prep work, and make a concerted and intelligent presentation so that we can get the toys we want, this is it.

      If only I wasn't 3,000 miles away :(

    7. Rhode Island?? Gorramit, why does it have to be so far away?

    8. I hope this goes terribly wrong in the worst possible way. With stories of the most horrible fan-rage. Considering someone dressed in a creepy rainbow dash costume to make requests of hasbro reps at Botcon (each brand is handled by totally different groups, so asking at a Transformers convention doesn't really do anything), I'm sure it will.

    9. Why the hell would you hope for something like that to happen?

    10. Maybe now people will actually notice us Rhode Island bronies, Rhode Island is only like the Hasbro capital of the world

    11. @Anonymous
      Sounds like someone has some unresolved con issues.

    12. Never have I wished harder for a driver's license than I am now. It's a two hour drive, not too bad... but how do I explain it to my parents?

    13. If only I wasn't in the deep South... T.T

    14. Hmm. I live about 45 minutes away. Seriously considering going. Wonder if we can influence them to start making G4 stuff. It will also be nice to see how many other bronies are in RI :)

    15. Sadly I live in Wisconsin. And even if I lived closer, I still don't have any of the time necessary to do something like this... however much I really REALLY want to.

    16. Agreed on the "respect the older generation's fans" point. Looking at the Fair site, they're who drives this event year after year.

      So, to all bronies attending, PLEASE be respectful to them and Hasbro reps (especially the reps, if you're gonna push for merch).

      You're gonna represent the G4 Brony community; do it proper. Love and Tolerance.

      SIDE NOTE: most of the fan vendors and and activities are probably gonna be geared to G1 fans, so don't (visibly) get your panties in a bunch if there's not a lot of G4 there besides the new merch preview from Hasbro.

    17. All those passive Pony collectors are going to be in for a surprise when a flood of males in their 20s show up at this thing.

    18. This is a great opportunity for bronies to show Hasbro that we are here, we are many, and we are interested in the show and their products.

      If you're going, strive to make a good impression and show that we are an audience valuable enough for them to invest in and cater to!

    19. I'm the above douchey anon. To clarify (and this probably doesn't make me come off as any less of an a-hole), as a fan of transformers, the infighting between people who are fans of the shows from different generations is hilarious. Lots of "I was here first and that means I'm better than you" attitudes. The idea of a bunch of women who grew up in the 80s yelling at early-20s guys for liking something similar is such a bizarre mental image. So yeah, I'm pretty much a jerk that's easily amused.

    20. I wanna see pictures of pony cosplayers and ponies trotting around holding the fan-made plushies.

      That way, Hasbro reps will see them and think 'Why aren't we making plushies/costumes like those?

      Then again, they've been seeing custom ponies for years, so they probably won't even care.

    21. I'd love to see a video of a single brony standing on a chair in the convention hall and belting out the line "Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays!" to see what happens.

    22. I'd love to go if it weren't 3000 miles away ._. one day when travel is cheap and instant I will come on over. *Shudders at the thought of G1 Pinkie pie*. I'd love to see the cosplayers though, so someone get photos for us unfortunate bronies who are geologically deprived of pony.

    23. I lack the skills and the resources, and I live too far away to do this...

      But _if_ I could go, here would be my dream scenario for what my 'outfit' would be:

      Make a large Derpy Hooves plushie, (2 ft. tall or so). Make a hat/helmet that could support it above your head, preferably a foot above or so. Proceed to then spend the duration of the convention walking around with a cross-eyed pegasus flying above you. Bonus points for having muffins and a mail bag on your person.

    24. Rhode Island? Silly Hasbro, that's not how you spell Southern California! No, seriously, west coast bronies need love too!

    25. *thousands of bronies appear*
      Con Directors: We were not prepared...

    26. I live on LI and I could probably take the ferry over from Port Jeff. Very interesting news, not sure if I should/can go, though. Chances are I'll have plans with the family or be busy with life in general :/

    27. It was nice knowing you all.

    28. Know what I call a fan of the older MLP shows?
      Brony from another Pony

    29. I dont think I can go. Its to far of a drive! However, this should be like stickied to the top to let other bronies know. This is important INFOMATION!

    30. Post pics if you happen to go. FL doesn't get's much love these days.

    31. I expect to hear on the news on July 10th that a civil war broke out during the convention and the entire city burned down.

      Because while I've never gone to a convention myself, I have been told stories about what happened at some of the Star Trek conventions my father used to go to in the late 80's, so I can at least somewhat concur with what the above Anon is saying.

    32. Nate here. Holey crap! That's probably like not even 20 mins from my house! I didn't even know the Hasbro HQ was in RI! Yes yes yes yes!!! If I don't have school, I am SOOOOOO there!

    33. Now we can really show that My Little Pony is no longer for older fan-collectors or little girls who just want a cute toy, but for enthusiastic young people who can appreciate a well-done cartoon.

      Be sure to thank Hasbro for letting Lauren produce FiM!

      And be open-minded and respectful of other fans who may not "get" the brony fandom.

    34. The Midwest is lacking the brony love also :(

    35. Any news on the US blind bag G4 ponies being available there? I heard something about them being released on July 8th to the U.S.? (Not sure if true?)

    36. @Anonymous
      Aw, but you're sick with a terrible cough, red eyes and you've been throwing-up all morning.
      You're in no condition to go to school.

      Dr. Luna prescribes a day at Pony Con.
      And plenty of petty pink ponies prancing playfully.

    37. ok, seriously guys, don't crash this. This is not for you guys, this is for the older collector community, and the Hasbro staff attending are there as guests, and it's really really rude to harass them about the toys when they're there to enjoy themselves. Hasbro is not going to release stuff for bronies. It's not going to happen, EVER. We're not as big as we seem to think we are, this is a company that makes billions in profits worldwide, they don't need advice from a bunch of random 20-something dudes who know nothing about how toys are made.

      I can not stress this enough:

      DO NOT GO TO THIS, THIS IS NOT FOR BRONIES. The only thing harassing Hasbro staff at this will accomplish is make them even less likely to pay attention to use.


      It's not their fault; toy retailers forced it.

    39. I'm not sure Rhode Island is big enough to support us.

    40. Judging by the tendency of a collected group of bronies to go into full-on zombie horde mode whenever anyone challenges them, this convention could very well end in bloodshed.

      From what I've read on the Internet, the fans of the G1 ponies hate us all. I almost wish I could go to this thing, just so I could see the unimaginable levels of RAEG that'll flood the entire building. XD

    41. WOOT! An in real life brony raid! We're certainly going to startle some parents who may be attending with their children, hohohoho.

    42. Everyone bring muffins. Give them out free to everyone. Bronies will be loved forever.

    43. Agreeing with cherrybomb0388.

      Not for bronies.

      It's run by volunteers and Hasbro was kind enough to let them hold this year's fair at their HQ.

      Check out the "About Us" page.

    44. Estimating they'll have four to eight times the attendance that they expected.

    45. Don't crash it you guys. If something does go down it could leave a baaaaaaadd mark for the Fandom So please behave yourselves

    46. I would consider visiting, but Mapquest currently puts me at about 2900 miles away. I just don't have the resources to make that trip.

    47. Are you suggesting that the 80s ponies aren't cute?

    48. tbh this shouldn't have been posted. It's gonna cause more trouble then it should.

    49. >was the one who tipped Seth off about this

      Maybe one of us should e-mail the organizers to see if us G4 bronies would be welcome there. I'd hate to be the cause of a massive riot of it happens.

    50. If people do go to the convention they should just chill with the G1 fans, make some new friends and thank the Hasbro employees there for helping make G4 so awesome. After all, this sounds mainly like a G1 event so we should be low key as we are new comers to the scene. I would go and check things out, but like others here it is simply too far away for me to attend.

    51. Good idea, nuke, about asking if bronies are welcome.

      Apparently, they have a thread on mlparena for official discussion, but I can't access it without an account.

    52. Well, there's kinda a continent between me and Rhode Island, but even if I could go, I'm not sure I would, because this doesn't really seem geared even remotely towards bronies. Still, I'm sure there's going to be a HUGE brony presence there, and I'm going to laugh at the stories when they start showing up.

    53. Oh, wow, that's just in the next town over. Awesome. Too bad I hate conventions of any kind.

      Whooo, lookit me, flaunting my proximity to an event a lot of you would kill to go to, and then brushing it off out of disinterest.

    54. Check out their schedule of events: CLICK!

      Sounds like this is a VERY low-key (small), G1-run-and-oriented convention. Not gonna be "wild" like the anime conventions bronies have been gathering at.

    55. Completely Unrelated Comment:

      Since Hasbro makes Mr. Potato Head would that mean, in the extremely unlikely chance that they'll make another Toy Story, there's a chance there could be MLP characters in it?

    56. Doomwad, I'd just go for the tour of the Hasbro factory and pony vendors. Report to us your findings!

    57. @ Anonymous

      Yeah, nothing good at all can come from this.

    58. @Anon Completely Unrelated:

      doubt it. Pixar probably had to ask Hasbro for permission to use the Mr. (and Mrs.) Potato Head image, and pay for it. doubt they'd do it for ponies unless it was integral to their plot.

    59. Pawtucket, RI....I feel like there should be a mandatory Family Guy reference in there somewhere.

    60. I'm sending a message to the people who run the con right now. I'll post it in the comments when I'm through.

    61. @Anon who replied to me:

      But I've already done that, thanks to the robotics team I was on at Davies. Which you guys totally wouldn't get because it's a Rhode Island thing. Hell yeah, local references.

    62. Dang it, I'm 15 and over 3000 miles away from Rhode Island. Can't afford a plane ticket and can't drive (as if I'd be insane enough to drive that far).

      Sounds pretty interesting though, and I'd love to see some feedback from other bronies who do attend!

    63. Ohh... Has somesort of Pandora's box been opened here?

      Can't really weigh on the pros and cons of going there being that I live across the ocean, but guys what ever you do, please don't give us Bronies bad reputation. Since we're very new on this pony scheme and do not fit into the old fanbase, any negative image of us can be quite harmful, especially in the eyes of Hasbro. But then again any positive rep would really help if we ever were to be getting any proper merchandise... Just behave.

    64. @WhatPayne

      You've inspired me to go. Naked. Painted pink with a tattoo of Pinkie's cutie mark on my ass.

    65. @Doomwad765


    66. I sent this to them:

      Hello there. I am a fan who got introduced to MLP through G4, as part of the fanbase known as "Bronies." Word of this convention has gotten out and a good amount of us are excited about the convention, but I am worried that us G4 fans might not be welcome. I understand that the primary audience of this convention has been with MLP since G1, and some of us Bronies express distaste over pre-G4 generations of MLP, creating a source of conflict between the older and newer fans. Because of this, I am respectfully asking for the permission of the older fanbase for Bronies to attend. I will understand perfectly if you deny us access to this convention. However, if there's anything G4 has taught us, Friendship is Magic, and love and tolerance can go a long way. If you deem it fit to allow Bronies into your convention, we will do our best to respect the differences between the older and newer fanbase and conduct ourselves appropriately.

      Sincerly, a brony.

      I'll post up their reply whenever they send it, but for now I'm heading out to bed.


    68. To say Bronies shouldn't go to this convention is like saying fans of Beast Wars/Beast Machines shouldn't go to Botcon. As long as they behave themselves, I'm sure it would be fine for Bronies to go. I'm sure many of us have been to our fair share of conventions and know how to act. We have seen and experienced weeaboos and real life internet trolls so the last thing we want is to be pony weeaboos. I have been to my share of Anime and Comic/Sci-fi conventions and I have seen the worst of fandom. I know it takes one a-hole to ruin everything so I say to those who are going police yourselves. Show the G1,2, and 3 communities that we know how to act in public, and if you see someone acting a fool form a united front and show that the majority of our community isn't like that. God knows the other communities have their divas and they know how to deal with them too.
      In closing I say to all Bronies who are going to go like it or not you are representing all of us and it is up to you to make us proud by being on your best behavior, for lack of a better phrase be The Elements of Harmony.

      that is all.

    69. Wait, THATS the Mr potato head factory? Next time my Grandpa wants to take me on a tour there I AM GOING!

    70. Why is it that the G1 and G4 fans seem to hate each other? o.o Aren't we all technically fans of the same thing? Forgive me for being naiive, but I just don't understand...

    71. When the Pony Civil War starts, can I join? I mean, I'm a part of the herd; just because the first shots of the war are going to be fired in Rhode Island doesn't mean we can't escalate things a little, right?

      Remember, love hurts. ;-)

    72. It gives me no end of amusement to think of G1 fans viewing us the same way old /b/tards view new /b/tards aka newfoals.

      "MLP used to be good." "MLP was NEVER good."

    73. @MistytailBecause the majority of G4 fans are/were channers, and before G4 would troll and raid and harass the G1 fan site relentlessly. 4chan has a bad reputation, and it's a label that's still stuck to bronies, and isn't going away any time soon.

    74. I was actually a fan of older gens before I saw FIM.

    75. @ Mistytail

      Its complicated. Part of it stems from elitism on the part of some G1 fans because they think they are the only true fans of MLP because they've been there the longest.
      The other part of it is the contempt that some G4 fans have towards all MLP stuff made prior to FiM.

      There's more to it than that (the 4Chan association FiM will always carry certainly doesn't help matters), but that is the general problem. It isn't anywhere near the majority feeling in either fanbases; but as has been said above, it only takes a single asshole to completely ruin an event like this.

    76. The big contrast to old Pony fans and Bronies is that old Pony fans are fans of the Toys while Bronies are fans of the cartoon. Odds are that many of the old pony fans never gave a toss about any of the previous generations Toons and they'll continue that trend with Friendship is Magic. I'll bet that a lot of them don't like the new show or it's toys because the FiM ponies don't look anything like real ponies (which is why sister flat-out refuses to watch it) and this all speculation based on limited info and I'm going to stop here.

    77. @ppl saying don't go just because until g4 we weren't fans

      why the fuck cant we go!?

      just because it was only g1/3.5 before doesn't mean we don't have a right to go to the same thing they do for the same toy line

      its not mlp g1 exclusive they will defiantly have things from there newest line and we are fans of that line with this in mind we have every right to go to this if we feel we want to!

      that said please for the love of god don't leave a bad impression by starting a fight with some little girl over a toy or getting creepy and showing up in a fur-suit or some shit like that...

      this isnt just old mlp fans this is for any mlp fans!
      we have a duty to show our suport for the show.
      we also have a duty to leave a good impression.
      don't fuck this up

    78. @DarthRainbow

      here's the thing: This convention IS for the old fans. this is not a hasbro run convention, this is a fan run convention, hasbro doesn't have to show up, they're there as guest, and there won't be much G4, because that's not what all the collectors and customizer, who are the main group coming to the convention, are interested in. there won't be new G4 stuff, because this isn't Toy Fair, this will be people talking about and selling older generation ponies.

    79. I don't get this G1/G4 hate. I'm a fan of both generations and there are many people like me out there. There are people who redesign the G1 ponies in the G4 style. FiM is a better show overall, but G1 was actually not that bad (most of the time.) Maybe I have to turn in my Brony card for this, but that's how I am.

      I'd actually be more concerned about the G1 fans getting hot under the collar. After the 25 year anniversaries for G.I. Joe and the Transformers, MLP has been swept under the rug. They might be out for the Hasbro execs even more than the G4 fans.

    80. @cherrybomb0388

      *I am sick and tired so if there is epic errors or I come off as an impatient asshole I apologize but I cant proof good right now*

      At no point dos it say g1 only it is for MY LITTLE PONY meaning any and all my little pony.

      g4 wont be nonexistent and we have just as much a right to talk about g4 ponies as the others do to talk about g1.
      g4 is the current line but g1/3 have been mostly discontinued so if anything g4 fans have more of a right to be there because they have interest in toys that are actually being made!
      (older fans can like g4 aswell as g1 anyways)

      Am I saying we should act like assholes NO.
      Am I saying we should pretend we are somehow better than g1 fans NO.

      However I am saying that ANY fan should have a right to choose to go to this if he or she feels like it because its for MY LITTLE PONY fans

      Show me a sign that says no g4 fans and I will take back my statement but until then im dismissing any talk about g4 fans not being able to go to a event that will have g1 fans as rambling about >I liked mlp before it was cool

    81. @Anonymous


      I wasn't a mlp fan at all until October but have gone back and watched older gens and i have grown to like g1 and 2 93/3.5 still suck imo)

    82. OK I fail at English

      -going to bed now

    83. And you announce us just 1 day ahead because we obviously can plan everything in 12 hours or so-.-???...Seriously why couldn't you post this 1 week ago


      Each year, hundreds of My Little Pony collectors come from all across the globe to meet others who share their interest over the course of several fun-filled days. This annual gathering is the world's largest celebration of everything MLP and brings collectors, friends, and fanatics from all over the world together for a weekend of pony fun!

      >This annual gathering is the world's largest celebration of everything MLP

      >everything MLP

      I think its safe to say G4 is OK sense it falls under everything MLP.

    85. @Mr.Brony


      that's next month...

    86. @DarthRainbow

      Like I said, this convention isn't about the current toy line. it's about the old ones, because those are the ones the collectors and customizers care about. I will repeat myself. This is not a Toy Fair, and this is not Hasbro run. This is a small convention run by the people at MLPArena.com. It's a private convention, and while they will likely welcome you, if you act a fool they can and will toss you out. There will not be anything we haven't already seen toy-wise there, and it will be almost exclusively G1, G2, and G3. This convention has nothing to do with the show, it's all about the old toys. It is not about the current line.

    87. >Rhode Island



    88. Okay, great, this is a FAR better venue to ask about MLP toys than Botcon. Whoever pulled that stunt should feel bad. >=T

      Though I kinda hope someone in a TF costume comes to ask about TF: Prime toys or something. =P

      But not really, because I know better.

    89. maybe I could go in my Spy costume

    90. I'll be there in spirit... Maybe I'll be able to go next year!

    91. Admit it Seth, you were paid off by G1 fans to only post this once the convention was half over to keep the bronies from awesomeing up the place too much! Conspiracy!!! SHENANIGANS!!! SHENANIGANS!!!

      I live a half-hour away. I was just in Pawtucket last Thursday for a Pawsox game for crying out loud. BUT, I already have plans for tomorrow, and I'd be a giant douche if I flaked on them.

      WELL, I guess I'll just look on the bright side, and say there's now a whole 364 days ahead that I can use to plan for attending the 2012 convention!

    92. Soooo...are we going to beat them with a stick until they agree to make a white celestia toy?

    93. @Anon

      Dude, it's in July.

      You have a whole month.

    94. @heartbeatpony


      This cannot be said enough: It's NOT HASBRO'S FAULT that the Celestia toys are pink. the toy stores practically forced them to by saying they would order more Celestia toys to sell if they were pink.

    95. I'm pretty confident that there will be G4 stuff. I found out about the con through my neighbor who works for the marketing at Hasbro -- specifically MLP:FiM --(when I found out I friended her on facebook -- best decision ever cause she posts promotion stuff all the time about the show.)

      And as stated before as long as people are respectful and polite it is all good.

      Just don't go in thinking it's going to be anything like an anime or comic convention, cause it's not like one of those.

    96. Nightmare fuel Pinkie Pie? o.o

    97. Check out this pic from the MLP:FiM wiki: CLICK!

      Its caption is: "Fully-sculpted prototypes from the 2010 Toy Fair (Celestia is white and everyone else's colors are more subdued/on-model)"

      The Toy Fair is a business convention for toy manufacturers to showcase their products to toy distributors (toy stores) in hopes that the distributors will agree to sell their products.

      That 2010 Toy Fair is probably when and where Hasbro was told to change Celestia's color to pink, because distributors think that pink will sell better to girls than white, and they could care less about the popularity of the show among an audience that the toy's not intended for and how much said audience cares about show accuracy.

      tl;dr It's still not Hasbro's fault, and Celestia may never be white because of toy stores' small-mindedness. /IMO

    98. @Anonymous

      I'd buy those. Heck, I won't die a happy brony if I don't get to see a white Celestia!

    99. This is really something for the fans who buy/sell the old g1 pony stuff. It's supposed to be for everyone, and seams very small scale.

      Still, It would be interesting if we Bronies got together with our Friendship is magic toy and started playing Dungeons and Dragons or something similar using the dolls. Or singing the songs. Or just showing that we now have some fresh blood to the franchise.

    100. @AnonymousThat Celestia is GORGEOUS!

    101. "Costume Contest: New this year is our My Little Pony themed costume contest. Attendees are invited to dress in a costume inspired by a My Little Pony character from any generation. Please keep in mind that costumes should be tasteful as children will be present. This is a family event."

      Now we're sure to see MLP cosplayers.

    102. I live in East Greenwich, RI. I don't have my own car, and my parents will NEVER let me borrow it for a reason they think is so childish and girly. If I was older, had my own place and car, I WOULD GO. IT AINT FAIR!!!!!

    103. @Anonymous

      Oh. Well, it's not MY fault that June and July both start with "J" and have four letters and I jump to conclusions without reading things thoroughly!

      Well...maybe that last one is my fault...

    104. As part of the older and, for lack of a better term "more female" MLP collecting community, I can say the idea that G1 fans "hate" G4 fans is overblown. The MLP community has always had room for people who are only fans of one generation, even the less popular generation like G2 or G3.5. (Not that many people liked the latter, ha ha!) As long as bronies are respectful and don't roam around going "LOOK AT THE UGLY G1 PONIES ON DISPLAY, HURR HURR", everything will be fine.

      I'm also completely BAFFLED at this rumor that G1 fans hate the FIM cartoon. Everyone loves the cartoon and most people like the toys.

    105. While I wasn't much of a fan for G1... I fucking loved the movie as a child. Don't ask why, I don't remember, but the movie and maybe an episode or something that was on the rental shelves was cool.

      Anyways, being a fan of the entire series or not, they shouldn't discourage others from attending. New Bronies do the same damn things as the older generation lovers, we make toys, art, community, etc.

      Fact is if someone is acting like an ass on either side, both sides should convince them to stop.

    106. Now that I think about it. This may be quiet the stretch! Bronies, please. For LUNA SAKE(HAHA NOT CELESTRIA) Behave... Or get sent to the SUN!

    107. Too bad I live in Sweden. :(
      No! :O
      Correct that: It's too bad this convention isn't taking place in Sweden.

    108. Haaaa, the older generations don't like us. Sad. Reminds me of Linkin Park's separation of old fans and new fans.

      What we need is a Brony Convention.

    109. Hmmm, the original MLP creator. Wonder what she thinks of FiM.

    110. arrives* Yeah! i love Ponies!

      they notice my age and gender, they despise bronies, "tell me son, which gen is your favorite?"

      me; you mean theres more than one?

      *wakes up in dumpster*

    111. Y'know, I have to say I don't see the animosity against G1. I mean I watched a few episodes of it and --while it is definitely not as awesome as MLP:FiM-- it has it's quirks and I can see liking it in a quaint way. I didn't get into it personally but I think I can see why they would.

      My only gripe is there are so many characters in G1's cartoon that it is hard to identify with them like we can here with our small cast of great ponies who feel like real people (in pony form).

      It was like the prototype to MLP:FiM, and even if you don't like it, we should at least have a little respect for it and the fans of it.

    112. @Kujiiro

      Bronycon? Yes, something like that needs to happen for sure.

    113. >MLP Convention
      >Pawtucket, RI

      >Same weekend as Connecticon
      GOD DAMN IT D:

    114. I think that every brony and their mom (figure of speech) should come and bring all their videogames and artwork and clop fics and make that convention a total g4 bronifest, whilst totally excluding all the g1 fans from everything until they've properly converted to bronidom.

      Usurp the shit outta that convention, I say, and make us bronies 'herd'!

    115. The convention is not just for the old Generations of ponies, it's for all, even G4. I'm pretty sure noone would have anything against Bronies showing up, the problem is just that it "may" be boring for them, as G4 will probably only be a small part of it.
      The convention is more interesting for people who like my little pony in general, especially the toys. The cartoons aren't that important to most collectors (even though FiM IS awesome, I love it). So yeah...it might still be fun if bronies bring "a new wind" into this. ^^

    116. Could this be the next E3?

    117. I'd say the smart thing to do is for Bronies to go to this Con and respectfully stir up interest in FiM from the G1 to G3.5 fans. Talk to them, see why they love the previous generations of MLP, and ask them if they've seen FiM. If they love the previous generations because of collecting the toys, whip out your laptop and show them all the show accurate FiM custom stuff Bronies have made such as those awesome plushes, clay figures, and reworked g3 toys to look show accurate G4. If they love the previous cartoon series, show them some episodes of FiM or Fan art from Bronies. The point is to get them also interested in FiM to where they'll either start watching it themselves, or would want to collect new show accurate toys of FiM.

      Heck, maybe some Bronies should set up a booth there and just have episodes playing on laptops or whatever to promote Bronies, our websites, and to talk to anybody who has questions about FiM. If there's no G4 presence, maybe we should make our own....that way if any Bronies do go, there'll be other Bronies there they can hang out with and talk to. It would suck if Bronies show up, there's no G4 presence, they get bored and leave feeling they've wasted time & didn't fit in.

      Oh and if anybody does actually go, take pictures and report back to us what it was like.

    118. @BlitzWing00

      As a brony who was a collector first, I can tell you that yes, the members of the collector community all very aware of the love for FiM, as well as the awesome stuff the Brony movement has created. While not every collector is into FiM, many are!

      I see no need for bronies to come and make a scene at Pony Fair. Us collectors have made some pretty spiffy stuff, too - the same kind of stuff you guys have made: customs, clay figures, etc. We're not completely talentless and uncreative ;) We were making customs before they were "cool"!

      Trust me, we want accurate toys. We want GOOD toys. There's more overlap between the collector and brony communities than you think. You don't need to take it upon yourselves to convert the "non-believers" ;)

      Pony Fair is definitely more toy-oriented, because My Little Pony was first and foremost, a toy. I think you should have faith in the collecting community (as we are not all G1 purists). Personally I'm hoping to sell off a large chunk of my G3 collection there so I have the funds to buy G4s and new custom supplies! Being able to sell directly to your customer base without having to deal with shipping costs is pretty appealing. There's going to be a lot of toy trading going on.

      If you're interested in seeing many of the older toys as well as fanworks and customs based on ALL generations, come to Pony Fair. If you want to meet fans of My Little Pony in general, come to Pony Fair. Otherwise, it might be better to stay home.

      (Before you think I'm too crotchety, while I do have a ticket for Pony Fair, I'm totally going to a brony meet, too!)

      Just my 2 cents.

    119. @BlitzWing00

      As a brony who was a collector first, I can tell you that yes, the members of the collector community all very aware of the love for FiM, as well as the awesome stuff the Brony movement has created. While not every collector is into FiM, many are!

      I see no need for bronies to come and make a scene at Pony Fair. Us collectors have made some pretty spiffy stuff, too - the same kind of stuff you guys have made: customs, clay figures, etc. We're not completely talentless and uncreative ;) We were making customs before they were "cool"!

      Trust me, we want accurate toys. We want GOOD toys. There's more overlap between the collector and brony communities than you think. You don't need to take it upon yourselves to convert the "non-believers" ;)

      Pony Fair is definitely more toy-oriented, because My Little Pony was first and foremost, a toy. I think you should have faith in the collecting community (as we are not all G1 purists). Personally I'm hoping to sell off a large chunk of my G3 collection there so I have the funds to buy G4s and new custom supplies! Being able to sell directly to your customer base without having to deal with shipping costs is pretty appealing. There's going to be a lot of toy trading going on.

      If you're interested in seeing many of the older toys as well as fanworks and customs based on ALL generations, come to Pony Fair. If you want to meet fans of My Little Pony in general, come to Pony Fair. Otherwise, it might be better to stay home.

      (Before you think I'm too crotchety, while I do have a ticket for Pony Fair, I'm totally going to a brony meet, too!)

      Just my 2 cents.

      Oh wait its JULY 8 and 9 not June lol >.>

    121. Daamn I hate living in Europe...

    122. Well, I sent Seth an email about this and then it shows up on ED like, 3 hours later. :) I have a friend who works at Hasbro and he mentioned it to me, so I checked it out.

      I grew up about 15 minutes from the Hasbro HQ and I currently live about 20 minutes away in Massachusetts. This is right in my backyard (if you think globally).

      I plan on attending this. Even if I got for just one day, it's something fun and will help broaden my MLP horizon. I watched G1 when it was on (30 years old here) and I enjoyed it well enough. Never really watched the other generations and then became a Brony in January.

      I think the most i'll rep G4 is my two cutie mark pins that I got from Pony Orders (RD and Fluttershy) and maybe i'll have all of my New Artist entries in a bag with me.

      I think we should have a G4 meetup to be completely honest. It doesn't have to be a big thing, we don't have to sing songs or anything like that. We can just chill out and talk about the show. Maybe some passersby will get interested and we can tell them about G4 if they aren't familiar with it.

      We're the new kids on the block (minus the awesome choreography), so we should be slightly cautious and not put ourselves too much out there. We are a part of the fan base, that's for sure and i'm sure real MLP fans will be delighted to see the tradition continuing albeit slightly weird with bronies. :)

      Looking at the schedule, there isn't a whole lot of time, but i'm thinking that Saturday during the lunch break or right after it would be a good time for a G4 meetup. We can chill, get some pics and have a good time. The Hasbro Q&A is at 1pm, and it would be cool if the bronies could all sit together for that.

      I love being a brony and I love FiM. As it's been stated before, it only takes one drop of ink to ruin the glass of milk. If you plan on attending this, PLEASE don't be crazy. I think that this is a place where you may actually come to respect the fandom of the older generations and learn more about them. We probably have more in common than you think.

      I think that's about it for me. Thanks for reading if you have done so. :)

      There seems to be some interest in this, and I don't want to be the only brony there...so we need to do something about making a meetup happen. Would Ponychan be the best place for that or what? I'm not entirely sure. :/

      Cave Johnson. We're done here.

    123. Crap, seems kinda far for a canadian...

      That's too bad, I'm curious to see the toys' evolution! Heck, probably would've brought one or two!

    124. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    125. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    126. Deleted to condense.

      Hmm...I went to the one in 2008 in Providence. If you are NOT a fan of the classic ponies, and just want to troll you might not want to attend. I personally did not have a great deal of fun at the MLP fair for a number of reasons (most of them centered around the Hasbro tour, and the company I was with) But the people were for the most part, really nice. At least the vendors were.

      This one, however, might be interesting due to the dynamics of watching some of the more overly humorless old school pony fans grimly trying to love and tolerate the shit out of the crazier bronies.

      NOTE to above, I am a full fledged fan of the new show who is also a long-term collector. I promise that all g1 collectors are not lame. Not even 90% of them are lame (I mean have you SEEN Woosie's customs? if not, google them, ASAP), It's just the other maybe 10% of the totally uptight collectors (about evenly split into the overly-sensitive fluttershy-like collectors, and , well, the jerks who always have to have it their way make the rest of us look ridiculous. But that's maybe 25 people making everyone else look like jackasses.

    127. I am a fan of all generations of MLP. I grew up watching the movies and collecting the toys. Majority of the 'old' fans LOVE the new series. I personally really enjoy all the attention MLP is getting. It's great having new toys to collect. I will also be attending the Fair.

      While I don't think there will be much G4 merch, Hasbro employees will be there to answer some questions. And there will be lots of customs and lots of fanart to view.

      Coming from the other side of this, I'm trying to get my fellow fans to be open minded and welcome EVERYONE into the MLP herd.
      While it sounds cheesy, both groups really need to practice what the ponies preach.

      So here's hoping for a great MLP Fair and new friendships!!!

    128. @BlitzWing00

      "I'd say the smart thing to do is for Bronies to go to this Con and respectfully stir up interest in FiM from the G1 to G3.5 fans."

      Oh, brony . . . I appreciate the sentiment, but MLP collectors were eagerly awaiting FIM's pilot episode before 4chan even knew FIM even existed. The first person to upload episodes to YouTube (PensivePine/PensivePony) is a traditional pony fan. Most MLP collectors love FIM. And if you think about, this makes sense since Lauren Faust herself is a fan of G1 toys.

      So you will not draw any ire from going to the pony convention as a FIM fan. No one is going to stare at you like you have two heads when you say you like Fluttershy, and if you work "20% cooler" into a remark people will smile at the joke.

      Just understand the Pony Fair is about the ENTIRE PONY LEGACY, not SOLELY about FIM. (For example, the exclusive Fair pony is almost sure to be in a G3 mold.) Also, the atmosphere isn't going to be the same as at a huge anime convention, it's going to be more low-key and personable. If you take the Fair for what it is, rather than trying to "invade" and make it what you want it to be, you'll have a good time and maybe make some new friends.

      Friendship makes it all complete!

    129. Got a reply back, here it is:

      Hi [name redacted],

      The My Little Pony Fair is intended for My Little Pony Fans of all generations (including G4). Most of the vendor booths will have G1, G2, and G3 merchandise for sale since there have been very few G4 toy items released. There may be some G4 fan art or items. The Hasbro Q & A session will mostly focus on FIM and the related toy line since that is Hasbro's current focus, but questions are collected and submitted to Hasbro before the convention.

      The Fair staff has no issue with G4 Fans attending the Fair since they are pony fans. We just ask that the "Bronies" act respectfully to others while at the event and remember that the Fair is intended as a family event. Please dress and act in a way that others will not find offensive. This includes rude comments to others and excessively rowdy behavior. We are all out to have a good time, but it needs to have limits. There will be security present and the Fair staff reserves the right to ask attendees to leave at any time.

      If you have any additional questions about the Fair, please feel free to contact me.

      Summer Hayes
      2011 My Little Pony Fair Coordinator

      tl;dr it's cool for us to show up yo.

    130. I know one vendor there will be selling G4 art!

    131. Let´s just wish it doesn´t become another 'At the Gala' moment. :3

    132. Good cherrybomb0388, good attempt. However I've become immune to trolls so you don't change anything. You neither made me mad, nor discouraged me about going to the con. Still, it was a nice try.

    133. This is so crazy to me. I never knew there was any kind of problem between collectors and Bronies. I recently found this site and the art and some of the news is just great! I'm a G1 collector from childhood, but I also love G3 and really really love G4. FiM is the first pony series I've actually enjoyed watching. I LOVE it! And as a member of the other pony communities, I hadn't heard anything about animosity between pony fans. I guess I assumed everyone was friendly to each other. We all love ponies, right? Shame on any collectors or fans who can't handle other people liking something(?). I am all for Bronies going to the pony fair - there will be a lot of single ladies there too, don't forget. :) It could be nice to have a more 50/50 mix of the sexes. Like other people have said, though, this isn't like a comic or anime con. I think of it more as a giant meet. Lots of trading and getting to know other fans.

    134. Damn me being in California! i wanted to go as Big Macintosh.

    135. Wish I could go, but live nowhere near Rhode Island. Need moar pony in Chicago!

    136. Is there anyway you can get DJ Amaya to perform his viral hit of MLP Winter Wrap up that is on his official website and his YouTube channel/DJAMAYAOFFICIALLIVES sites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E80LeGAE0cQ His EMAIL is djamaya2006@yahoo.com to see if he is going to be free for this. It would be so cool to have him there.

    137. I won't be going to MLP fair due to connecitcon, but please bronies keep us abreast of any announcements of FIM merch and stuff.

    138. Prepare yourself, this will be long but hopefully helpful.

      I've been collecting MLP toys and merch for 13 years and I absolutely LOVE FiM and everything related to it! G4s have a dedicated section in my pony room and it's growing. Yes, a whole room in my house is filled with MLPs from ALL gens. As others have mentioned, most of the older collectors adore the G4s and the FiM series.

      I think a lot of this tension and perceived animosity stems from each side wanting to be taken seriously and given respect. Neither group is "better" than the other, just different in the way they express their pony love! The main focus may not be on the same gen but it's still MLP.

      Here's what I see...a bunch of Bronys saying older collectors and old MLP suxxors! Yet you would be hard pressed to find any old collectors saying FiM and G4 stink in such a harsh attacking manner. Some may not like the toys but I haven't seen them trolling around trying to spoil other people's enjoyment of them. Criticism of Brony expression stems mostly from concern over the appropriateness of certain fan sites/art/fic for younger audiences and those with sensitivities towards mature adult themes...ie sex and violence.

      This fair is in fact a huge toy collector meet. Most activities are geared toward that audience. This is not an anime convention or comicon and the tone is pretty low key. Will people be cosplaying? Sure! Will they be hooting and hollering and being rowdy? Likely not. This event has been happening annually since 2004 and smaller pony meets have been happening for many years before (my first meet was in 2000). Bronys are certainly welcome but as mentioned, you might be a bit bored.

      For those of you wanting to crash the party, consider this. Think about how you Bronys feel when some idiotic, narrow minded, self proclaimed "real man" with too much testosterone comes along and bashes you all for liking FiM. Worse, some trolls come around and THREATEN you guys. It's been scary right? Bronys have already been having meetups and posting security out of fear of one of these idiots actually trying to make good on their threats. It blows big time. You wonder wtf is wrong with them? You aren't hurting anyone right?

      Now, think about some of the above comments. Some are coming across just as asinine and insensitive and down right threatening. Really? You guys should know better. Older collectors are afraid Bronys will be mean and disruptive, that's all. Come play nice and they will be thrilled to have you there.

      I have been amazed at how organized you Bronys have become in such a short time and I think you are an amazing bunch! You bring a totally new perspective to the MLP fan community. Fantastic enthusiasm and wow, you guys know how to be productive! I would love to meet you!

      Just remember...

      Arguing's not the way--
      Hey, come on and play!
      It's a shiny new day,
      So what do ya say?

      You gotta share, you gotta care
      It's the right thing to do.

    139. Sorry if I mispelled Brony in plural, maybe you spell it "Bronies". My bad. No offense!

    140. So, I decided to take a few minutes and write up a blog post about what to expect at the MLP Convention if you are a brony and whether it'd be for you. Just trying to give you some idea of if it'd be worth the trip.


    141. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    142. I live like 20 minutes away, so I'm definitely showing up! And on my birthday too.

    143. "The big contrast to old Pony fans and Bronies is that old Pony fans are fans of the Toys while Bronies are fans of the cartoon. Odds are that many of the old pony fans never gave a toss about any of the previous generations Toons and they'll continue that trend with Friendship is Magic. I'll bet that a lot of them don't like the new show or it's toys because the FiM ponies don't look anything like real ponies (which is why sister flat-out refuses to watch it) and this all speculation based on limited info and I'm going to stop here."

      Well, Anonymous, I'll confirm this for you with at least one more besides your sister. I'm a G1 die-hard fan who barely paid attention to the old cartoon. I loved MLP because they were beautiful (same reason I love horses), and because they were sweet, kind, and gentle. I dispise the G4 line because the style of them goes against everything I loved in my ponies. As far as I am concerned, they are not MLP.

      I didn't care for the G2 line because they didn't look like ponies. G3 was better, but still not as pretty as G1 ponies. But G4... from the moment I saw the things, I thought they looked like powerpuff girls, a show I always hated the animation of. And then surprise when I found out who drew them.

      I have seen the new cartoon a bit. It's cute. If the art was up to par (my opinion I know) I would probably like it ok. But it's still not MLP. MLP are not supposed to have attitudes.

      I'm really not mad at you guys for liking it, only at hasbro for letting it go out like that.

      btw, Pinkie Pie is not G1 :p

      Tootles all. *waves* :)

    144. Maybe we need a Brony Fair for JUST FiM? I'd pay for a ticket.

    145. CARPOOL!

      I'm in central MA and thinking about driving down to check it out. If there's anyone else in, or on the way from, the Worcester area then I'll definitely go. Shoot me email at "M8R-prgce41" at "mailinator-dot-com"

    146. Where is the best place to stay up to date with these conventions?
