Yay! Luna is officially a character of the show now!
But Celestia is still pink!
Confound this pink Celestia!
I guess this was found on an E-bay outside the US. Hasbro is so sneaky with their toys!
Here is the thread on MLP Arena.
Thanks to slinkyjeff and everyone else for the heads up!
I'm going back to bed.
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117 kommentaari:
VastaKustutathe second picture is of the styling size versions, it's 3 seperate toys, the normal size Luna and Celestia set, a Luna fashion styling pony, and a celestia fashion styling pony.
VastaKustutathe ponies in the second picture look a little close... maybe a bit too close...
VastaKustutaOh god what did they do to Luna...
VastaKustutaThat... Is not Luna...
VastaKustutatook 'em long enough!
VastaKustutawhat's the world come to? Celestia's pink and Luna is PURPLE!
VastaKustutaIt's a better Luna than I would expect with the way Hasbro likes to design their toys.
VastaKustutawhy is Luna so small and why is Celestia PINK? can't they see how they look like? meeeeh =.=
VastaKustutaWhile it looks nothing like Luna, I am still stoked as hell that Hasbro are recognising her. Yaaaaaay :) :) :)
So close.. yet so far..
VastaKustutaI can deal with a pink Celestia as long as I get Luna.
VastaKustutaWell, it doesn't look too bad... maybe recolor it a bit, do something with the hair and most importantly add a little abacus. Then we have a real Luna :)
VastaKustutaI like the way the head of the full sized Celestia looks, a lot less creepy then the usual bubble head. I hope they try to take their toys in that design direction.
VastaKustutaTHAT IS NOT LUNA Jezuz
VastaKustutaWhat's Next? Turn Nightmare Moon into PINK???!!
I Might as well wait for a custom made pony and then buy it from him/her
VastaKustutaI demand a luna toy with an abacus.
YaY 4 Luna! Can't wait for some decent ones to start coming out. I got the gift set which isn't that bad beside Pink Celestia and Spike is on all four. Also Wish applejack had her hat. Come on Hasbro I know you know this fan base exist so start making some cooler ones. Ones that look like their from the show.
VastaKustutaWell, it's not perfect, but I think I would buy it anyways were I to see it in a store. Confound these ponies.
@Xeonneo I seconded that
VastaKustutaOh god, make show accurate toys, Hasbro. Please.
VastaKustutaThis Luna model looks just horrible and why.jpg is Celestia still pink...
VastaKustutaSrsly Hasbro, are you even trying?
Words cannot describe the rage that is quickly building up inside me, and no amount of ponies will fix it.
VastaKustutaWTH that doesnt even look like luna damn it Hasbro!
VastaKustutaOk for real can hasbro make a pony that's not wall eyed? Is she Luna or Derpy for christ's sake. Also WHY THE FUCK IS CELESTIA STILL PINK!! HAAAASSSBRROOOOOOOOOOOOO
VastaKustutaHasbro will never learn :(
VastaKustutaThey do the same fault every time.
They keep recycling their old designs in favor to reduce their production costs dramatically and piss off fans of the show. This is one example why I haven't got any MLP:FiM toys yet. I want simply a 100% show accurate figure.
For some reason it took me until the Luna toy to fully realize how terrible the body structure is.
VastaKustutaYou know...as much as I love the show, I don't think I'll ever buy the toys.
VastaKustutaPartially because I'd feel the need to justify it to the cashier, partially because I need the money for other random stuff like Snickers bars, but mostly because those little dead-eyed plastic things scare the living crap out of me.
VastaKustuta100% accurate?
Heck, I'd settle for 20% more accurate than what they have now.
She looks...
VastaKustutaBad =(
VastaKustutaOh thank god I'm not alone. I bought a Applejack, and I'm terrified to go to sleep now.
hasbro, I am disappoint
VastaKustutaGAAAH! That is NOT Luna! Obviously, Nightmare Moon has returned, and has taken this misshapen, crudely-formed body as her vessel to wreak chaos and destruction on Equestria!
VastaKustuta...Either that, or Hasbro SERIOUSLY needs to double-check these toys before they go trying to sell them!
...Close enough, shutupandtakemymoney.jpg
VastaKustutalol i troll u
VastaKustutaNot the best Luna in the world but...it's Hasbro. I'm just shocked that they actually made a toy of her in the first place. YAY! I could deal with this, it's better than having no Luna!
VastaKustutaI really don't understand why Celestia's still pink though. I want to know what they thought when they did this.
VastaKustutaWhy are you so...meh..
I actually like the tall Celestia, except that she's pink!
All of my hate.
VastaKustutaThe fact that Hasbro EVEN made a Luna toy I guess shows that they are listening to us...
VastaKustutaThat has to be one of the least accurate pony toys ever.
VastaKustutaITT: enraged fanboys
VastaKustutaIt should have come bundled with an abacus
VastaKustuta>The single most wanted canon character finally gets a toy, done in the exact same style as all the other toys,
VastaKustuta>"It's not good enough"
There is just no pleasing you, is there?
Hasbro =/= The Hub
VastaKustutanow we know
VastaKustutaLauren Faust herself said (I don't have a link, but you can probably find it if you dig) that it's the toy buyers fault...
Big toy stores like Toys'R'Us have buyers that decide what to buy and stock and what not. According to Lauren, stupid decisions like this happen because the buyer says something like "Hmm, I'll order 2000 units, but if you make it pink I'll order 25,000 units."
So of course Hasbro wants to sell more so they change the color to pink, which costs almost nothing to do once the molds are done.
It's stupid, it's annoying, but that's business for you. I can so totally see this happening too. I wish they'd make at least a few white ones just for us fans who want show accurate toys though. :P
Looks pretty awful.
VastaKustutaOkay, I'll admit that Chibi-Celestia is pretty darn cute. As for Luna herself, although her coat colour is pretty good, the mane thing that bugs me is her hair; she loses a lot without the light blue. The lack of necklace, tiara and properly shaped muzzle/horn just make the whole thing very "meh."
VastaKustutaHere's hoping they release another one of these beautiful babies; http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4112/5084089780_1f60e52202.jpg With everyone's favorite moon-princess extraordinaire.
And that, my bronies, is why we old timer collectors call this company "Hasbroken." ;)
VastaKustutaOh Celestia, all my preys are going to you: Make it to appear in my city!
I mean the second picture toys, where Celestia is small.
In the first toy set it's not Luna, It's recolored Derpy XD
Part of me wants this toy, the other part is saying you are loopy enough as it is.
VastaKustutaCelestia is pink (terrible). They did manage to almost get the hair perfect (suprising). She IS really close to being perfectly on model with the show too (although not in the second pic).
VastaKustutaLuna has no breastplate or grieves (terrible). She's the wrong hair AND body color (terrible). She is still the pre-G4ish looking not on show model (terrible).
I say we raid the Hasbro company building, and force them to make us show accurate toys!
VastaKustutathe toys aren't that bad I don't get what everyone is bitching about...
VastaKustutasure its not 100% but how often are toys less than 200$ models super accurate.
ive seen the g3 toys and own 20+ g4 and I don't get why everyone keeps saying there so alike because the aren't!
now don't get me wrong pink Celestia is bullshit but that's not even Hasbro that's the stores that buy them telling them they will buy more if they make it pink.
seriously look at Hasbros Celestia demo it looked great but those fuckers at target/wall mart ect fucked shit up...
I think you guys expect a bit much from 5/10$ toys.
honestly im happy they even made a luna at all!
The toy looks nothing like Luna... =[
VastaKustutaOn the bright side, they now have a Luna toy to promote. So that means we could be seeing a lot more Luna in season 2, right?
I haven't been one in the past to rag on Hasbro for their toys, but damn...
VastaKustutaI am disappointed that Luna seems to use the generic pony template instead of having something unique.
but why is Celestia sill pink D:
VastaKustutaguys here's it plain and simple they're not selling toys to +21 aged bros, there selling to little girls who couldn't give 2 hooves about how it looks compared to the show. As long as it appeals to the (target) demographic and to the store selling the product Hasbro will make the toys however they want. There's a method to their madness.
VastaKustutaWell, at least she's the right color...I think...
VastaKustutaI like how Luna's eyes point in different directions...
VastaKustutaThese toy threads are always divided into two main groups...
VastaKustutaThe first are toy collectors, and fans of the first show who are upset that people are upset. They have good points that Hasbro can save a ton of money, still sell OODLES of toys, and stick with simpler models. This caters to the actual target demo (little girls), and loyal collectors of all types who are willing to repaint/custom to get what they want.
The second group are people who have no interest in toy collecting, and have only been fans of the franchise at all for less than a year. I am one of these. I think Hasbro would do well to at least make an ATTEMPT to cater to this market, and perhaps charge a bit more for the extra detail/new molds the toys would require. I could see myself paying up to $50 for the Luna/Celestia pair if they were at least 90% show model accurate (I realize it'll never be PERFECT).
Hasbro just needs to put a little less than 99% of its pony-product eggs in their old basket, and start using the nice new basket they got as an unexpected gift from Lauren Faust many months ago.
Pink Celestia has grown on me. And they got Luna's color right!
VastaKustutaNow if only they'd make them a little less bubbleheaded, I might actually buy some. On that note, Princess Celestia is looking pretty graceful. Maybe I should pick up one of her toys.
VastaKustutaYay :3
Yay, Luna! Cool to see they made one. I think I want it.
VastaKustutaWaiting for someone to suggest this: Pony modding.
VastaKustutaI remember back in the 90s when case modding was still pretty obscure and really just a hobbyist thing.
Buy these ponies, and recolor them. The question is: how? Without making them look obviously painted-over.
im gonna have to buy that 2nd luna even though i think it looks bad and i hate the giant size of the fashion ponies.
VastaKustutaHow can they expect to fool people into buying a pink Celestia when there's a white Celestia right on the box?
Don't know if I want, but it's LUNA!
VastaKustutaIf I get it, will have to go all handybrony and airbrush Celestia the right color.
To be honest, Celestia's main body outline on the show is pink, so they are a little justified. A little. If they used a pearly paint that looks white or pink depending on the angle, that might have worked better, but these are children's toys first and collectibles second. I don't know how safe a paint like that would be for a child.
VastaKustutaAnd if you think both Luna and Celestia's colors are that bad, just paint them. Look at how many custom tutorials there are. At least Hasbro /tries/ to give us Luna. They could have completely forgotten about her merchandise-wise, but they did manage to give us an attempt at her.
If this pops up anywhere near where I live, I'll buy them and paint them so they look better, then put them on my shelf next to the mane cast and SB. We've wanted her for a while, and we can't look a gift horse in the mouth.
VastaKustutaWould've been nice if she got her own mold to reflect her unique height and shape, but when it comes to Hasbro, you take what you get and hope they do it again better later.
Simply put, Hasbro has probably found that girls toys sell better in colors than in white, and decided that making her pink was the closest compromise they could get away with while appeasing the stockholders and corporate buyers.
VastaKustutaAre the toys really hard to make? Would just somebrony do what hasbro has failed (ignore) to accomplish for our requests?
VastaKustutaSeriously, since the show started and stuff, the toys do not even resemble their cartoon counterparts. Heads to big (disproportional) for their bodies no to mention their facial features.
Hasbro just deformed my favorite pony.
VastaKustutaSeriously requesting a proper Luna toy.
This is the best so far X3 if only Celestia wasn't pink but hey! Luna toy! That means Hasbro sees future in ponies that haven't been around for more than one episode.
VastaKustutaI am here awaiting for Derpy Hooves and Photo Finish.
Hey everypony, see the sticker on the front of the box? "Canterlot: Only at Target."
VastaKustutaMy guess is that this is from a forthcoming series of toys exclusive to Target. Collectors of other Hasbro toy lines know that, with rare exceptions, store exclusives tend to be half-flanked repaints using existing molds, as this Luna appears to be. Perhaps when there is a wide-release version, she will get her own unique body mold as Celestia does. I think Luna will play heavily into Hasbro's plans for season 2, and that these dolls are more of a sneak preview of what's coming than all we're going to get.
And even if this is it, isn't a crappy Luna toy better than no Luna toy at all?
I think this Luna looks pretty close to the real Luna. :| Why's everyone else having problems with it?
VastaKustutaSo are the ones in the top pic customs or official? The in-box Luna's eyes are weird.
VastaKustutaOk Hasbro, now you've done it...you just broke poor Luna. As if she's already had enough problems.
At least they got her name right...they didn't call her...Princess Selena *shudders*
VastaKustutaHow come in one picture, Clesetia is tall and Luna has shorter wings, and in the others they're normal-pony sized with with longer wings???
VastaKustutaP.S. Everyone, I'd buy them. Luna isn't that bad, in fact, you're over reacting unless you're just being sarcastic. If Clesetia was white, than it would be better. I love them!
VastaKustutaThey're different toys, as pointed out in the 3rd comment down. The 2nd picture is of the Fashion Style Celestia & Luna.
'bout fuckin time.
VastaKustuta@ a href #c1992463670517329070 >Xeonneo /a>
VastaKustutaI've seen a mini abacus (it was a keychain). Might be just the right size.
The box says 'Target Exclusive'... hrm. Wonder if they'll come to local target stores.
VastaKustutaSorry for Capslock, but this had to be said.
I love the styling size ponies enough, I'd get them!
VastaKustutaAnd remember, the styling size ponies come with accessories that are not pictured here... for all we know they may come with show-accurate, or at least character-appropriate stuff. :D
I love the fact that they came out with Luna, but like many here I don't like the recycled G3.5 design. Hasbro, I am disappoint.
VastaKustutaFan of the Show, Hasbro's Toy Designs, Not so much. Could've put Luna's Cartoon Depiction on the Box along with Celestia, but at least, the Incorrect Color 'PURPLE' More closely Resembles Luna than Celestia's 'PINK!' >_>
VastaKustutaJust came back from an emergency trip to Target. They don't have the new ponies there 'yet'. They did have a weird 'Pinkie Pie' bubble machine thing.
VastaKustutaI wouldn't exactly trust a photo's exact color rendition of Luna -- some colors just 'photograph weird' and it also depends on the lighting.
VastaKustutaOH! So true, at this rate the Wonderbolts will never see the light of day!
Ya know, if they took a closer look at demographics all over the internet they´d understand that Rainbow Dash is an incredibly popular character. If I had the $$$$ I´d be starting selling T-shirts on Hot Topics and such and kiss Hello Kitty´s ass goodbye.
Damn you Hasbro, if you´re gonna do something amazing bring back the vintage ponies from G1 like u did with the 1982 special edition that featured Minty.
FANALLY!!!!!!!! i might actually buy this one just cause luna is so awesome. i love You luna!
VastaKustutaWhat is this and where is luna?
VastaKustutaLet's get two things straight here.
VastaKustutaHasbro and The Hub are different people. The people who made the Equestria Girls commercial was The Hub, and as you know, they don't make the toys. Hasbro does, so for all we know, Hasbro doesn't know anything at all about us bronies.
Hasbro doesn't make any money from when somebody actually buys a toy, the store does. They make money when a STORE(WalMart, Target ect.) buys them to sell to their customers. As little as Hasbro might listen to our requests, the stores come first. If The stores won't buy a model because of the color (using Celestia toy as an example) and will buy more if it was pink, then Hasbro will have to make those changes. You can argue that you can buy toys directly form Hasbro and not from a store, but they aren't going to make a toy unless they can widely distribute them.
Am I saying they shouldn't listen to our requests? Of course not, but you must understand why certain things are done and not rage at Hasbro. You can hope and pray for accurate toys, but don't go expecting them and rage when they don't come.
I feel obligated to make a "What the fuck is this shit?" comment. This isn't the FiM Luna, this is just them reselling an old toy trying to pass it off as something original. They're not doing a damn thing but repackaging their old crap. This is a straight up slap to the face of the consumer that they would presume anyone to be that stupid.
VastaKustuta@claustrophobicvampire Actually, they never discontinued their G4 series, they're packaged in along with FiM merch.
VastaKustutaHas anyone else seen the booklet that comes with the 5 pack? It's just a really messed up version of the first two episodes where Nightmare Moon is just Nightmare, Twilight is just introduced to her friends by Applejack, not every element is tested, and worst of all, they changed Princess Luna to Princess Selene. It's really just awful. It's an insult to cronies everywhere.
VastaKustutaIs this true? Is this REALLY TRUE?!
ha ha ha ha luna's got her derp face on ha ha ha
VastaKustutaI have that Luna...But not the one with the neon pink winged Celestia!Got them today! They are next to me right now!
VastaKustutaWHY IS CELESTIA PINK!!!! Someone needs to tell me why Celestia's Pink! She's white damn it!
VastaKustutaDamn it Hasbro! You can get so many more people buying your toys if you didn't half-ass them like you do. You're sabotaging your efforts here.
Unless she magically becomes pink in the season two premiere, this is inexcusable.
I don't like how the sisters look. They need to look like this http://deekary.deviantart.com/art/V2-Custom-Princess-Celestia-214661659?q=gallery%3Adeekary%2F31768396&qo=4 and this http://deekary.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Luna-255802017?q=gallery%3Adeekary%2F30457274&qo=0
VastaKustutaThis DA person customized the toys herself and they are beautiful
My kid would love to have that toy. I'll probably buy one for her.
VastaKustutatoy stores
Why is celestia still pink ill tell you why, its cause the market tried pink and white and it seems small kids, girls and such not, Liked the Pink colored Celestia over the show accurate white one, which i find to be kinda stupid but im not the marketing masses am I xD
VastaKustutaBut.. I WANT IT NAAAAOOOOW!!
VastaKustutaCan anyone tell me how to turn a brown horse figurine into a princess Luna? My sister would like one but my family doesn't have enough money to buy a regular princess luna. Can anyone tell me how to with paper and minimum tape/glue?
VastaKustutaLOL, I have this pack :3 In fact they're on my desk right now!
VastaKustutado they still sell them?