I'm scheduled for a ton of hours this week at work. Be prepared for typos abound as I post everything in a daze! As always, feel free to email me when you see me completely butcher the spelling on something or forget to add a page break.
Onward to the news! I don't really have time for anything crazy on this one, so apologies if it's a bit boring. It still gets the information across though.
Finnish Pony Forum
For all of you Finnish bronies out there, a forum has been set up to discuss all things FiM! You can find it here!
German Pony Opening Redone
CrimsonxStudio over on Youtube has redone the FiM German opening with some fan dubs of their own! You can find it here! Which one do you guys think is better?
Ponies Invade:
This very brief section (again, sorry! I'm really backed up from work) will be dedicated to ponies invading various websites!
Zelda Universe
Via a Ponified version of the new Skyward Sword's main villian.
Huffington Post
Plugging the Wu-Tang video from a while back.
Podcasts Mentioning Ponies
Two podcasts have recently added ponies to their discussion lineups. You can find both below!
The Geek Report (Using the the second best pony as a picture!)
The Fwooshcast
Custom Pony Necklaces

Rainbow Dash can be found here!
Rarity can be found here! (For sale apparently)
Papa Gino's Joins the Celestial Dictatorship

A Brony working at Papa Gino's has modified the sign to be at least 20% cooler and sell at least 300% more pizza. Keep up the good work!
Minecraft Humanized Pony Skins
Never was a fan of humanized pony, but I guess it fits considering minecraft characters are shaped like that by default! You can find them all at the links below!
Dave and Chuck Convert More to the Herd

Equestria Daily News
Fluttershy is the best pony. This has been confirmed with actual science. Unfortunately I need to wait a week before I can publish the results, but you trust me right?
Equestria Daily Winter Wrap Up Parody
Someone wrote a parody of Equestria Daily as a whole, following the tune of winter wrap up! You can find that here!
And that is it! Now off to organize that monster of a side bar... I really need an automated way to do this.
ReplyDeleteWow, brohoof to the kid to write an apology letter to her. Much respect for'm!
ReplyDeleteDude that Pizza sign is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThat Brony convert who posted on DA made me smile. It's awesome to see a repentant parasprite learning to embrace love and tolerance.
ReplyDeleteAlright now we just need a sung version of those lyrics for some kind of anniversery or something.
ReplyDeleteDA apology made me smile, another good note to add to today's score.
ReplyDeleteThe Opening Song Link is broken D:
ReplyDeleteYeah, sure Fluttershy is the best pony, after Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Derpy Hooves.
ReplyDeleteI suddenly find myself ok with bad press now.
ReplyDeleteWhere is that Papa Gino's? :p
ReplyDeleteI think this is somewhat related to the conversion:
Yes! It has been done. Fluttershy is the best pony, confirmed and validated by none other than Sethistro!
ReplyDeleteI'm disappointed in apology brony's friends for allowing a radio show to tell them how to think. At least he learned from his mistake and will hopefully be able to apply it to future scenarios. Even if he didn't like the show, I'd still be proud of him for deciding of his own accord whether or not he enjoys something by giving it a chance; instead of blindly following someone else's misinformed opinion bandwagon.
ReplyDelete"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
ReplyDeleteQuick heads up- The Geek Report was pretty damn positive! Some fun in there, too. May check them out!
ReplyDeleteTypos, such as calling it 'Nightly Update' instead of 'Nightly Roundup'? :D
ReplyDeleteYou don't need science to know Fluttershy is best pony.
ReplyDeleteBut but.... there's also http://northpole.fi/poni/ for finnish bronies. Atleast that's what I more frequently use
ReplyDeleteFluttershy is the best pony.. I KNEW IT! Rule 244, I love you..
ReplyDeleteOK, yeah... Anyone here female and have a good voice? I want that parody on my PMP (already have the original:)
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ReplyDeleteOh well, noone is perfect, at least Seth knows who the second best pony is.
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't suck at singing, I'd do the lyrics XP
ReplyDeleteSeriously, someone get on that, it is friggin' awesome, and I'm already singing it under my breath.
Need, well sung, mp3 version.
Yay good news! I love good news!
ReplyDeleteThat pizza sign made me crack up.
Also, that apology letter was pretty cool.
Listen to Fwooshcast, I had to fight long and hard to get them to talk about Ponies.
ReplyDeleteEquestria Daily Winter Wrap Up Parody IS AWESOME! we need to get the voice actors to sing this
ReplyDeleteThat letter kind of reminds me of myself before I joined the bandwangon.
ReplyDeleteI thought the show looked preety peculiar and frankly, dumb. But then my curiousity got the better of me, and I do not regret watching the show. (You guys probably don't want to hear th e whole story I'm just cutting it short.)
Why is it that the most popular pony (according to science) is the one pony I can't stand? :/
ReplyDeleteTwilight's summer job...
ReplyDeleteBet she wishes she were stuck in snow flake sorting and storing.
It makes me smile to see someone open up and apologize like that. It shows a higher level of maturity ^_^
ReplyDeleteWould you rather Twist be the popular pony? Seth can do that, you know... he just chooses to be merciful.
Fluttershy is the second best pony in my book. Rainbow Dash is 20% Cooler than Fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteQuick suggestion, Seth: Do you think you put a link to the speedfic event results on the top page like you do for the artist training grounds? The two events have a lot in common, but the speedfic event got pushed off the front page way too fast considering the HUGE volume of awesome content it produced.
ReplyDeleteThat Pizza Place is so awesome. If I saw that driving I'd very likely run in and talk ponies with somebody.
ReplyDeleteAlso that apology letter was really nice to hear. It's a relief to see people who heard about it through that radio show may have actually taken the time to watch it and see just why we love these ponies so much.
The pizza brony ROCKS!
ReplyDeleteSill fillies, that's not how you spell Twilight Sparkle.
ReplyDelete@ Kujiiro
ReplyDeleteI hate hearing Twist talk, it hurts my ears.
I personally think that Fluttershy is the best, but that's because, like her, I love animals (but unlike her, I don't give mice casts and a wheelchair. I'm also socially awkward on a level in between pre-friendship Twilight and Fluttershy. But like Fluttershy, if someone has something awesome like a cat (or in her case, a baby dragon), I have no problem talking to them.
So to sum it up, every one person becomes a Brony, two people are now MLP haters. Shut up about the 'there is no bad publicity' thing. You're just lying to yourselves.
ReplyDeletei stood out of my chair and clapped after reading that DA comment, good for him.
ReplyDeleteand that Pizza bronie deserves a mega brohoof.
There's no such thing as bad publicity. Not much else to say.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I ADORED that Nightly round-up parody! It's so well built around the 3 bloggers /)^ε^(\
@Dan Park Now now, my good man, no need to be bitter about it! It's best to keep on the positive side of things. I'm just sick and tired of all the negativity surrounding this shtick, but this just proves how people are capable of learning if they seek it.
ReplyDeletePublicity means they hear about us and it's inevitable that we're going to get bad press, but there's no need to cry about it or bemoan that fact. Been there done that and all. But at the same time, more people will be curious about the show.
Stay positive, fellow bronies! :D
Oh, we're mentioning podcasts that mention bronies now? 'Cause "A Couple of Cold Ones" over at Spill.com mentioned them a little while back. Somebody sent an email asking if they knew what the word "brony" meant and if they were fans of the show. They didn't, so they quickly dismissed the question. *shrugs*
ReplyDeleteI'm somewhat divided on the German intro remake. On the one hand, the voices are definitely more fitting. On the other, I can't understand them. Having taken three or four years of German in high school, I could get most of the official one, whereas I can only pick out a few words of the new one. How much of this is enunciation and how much is vocabulary I couldn't say. I realize that high school German-as-a-foreign-language isn't equivalent to German learned at home as a first language, but it's something to keep in mind.
Much as I'd like to see the crappy media representation be less crappy for us, the dA letter looks super fake...
ReplyDelete(German speaking Brony here)
ReplyDeleteI really dislike the German intro in both ways, the voices are way to childish and more in a to sweet way and also taking out the character uniqueness and style. Also the way Pony is pronounced in the opening sounds really weird in comparison to the US version. It also kinda sounds like its spoken by on person and not in a sound studio, i hope its done better in the series so we can affect more bronies, but also transition Lauren's spirit, so that children and their parents could watch the cartoon together as intended.
PS: i really like the Winter Wrap Up Parody <3
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEven though, this isn't related to the post i'm commenting on...
ReplyDeleteIn the newest poll, "Best Introductory Episode (Science Says these are the only ones!)", you can't vote for "The Mare In The Moon"! Why are you doing this???
I couldn't help but sing along with that Nightly Roundup! Need to have a vocalless version of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyrAkwJ6WsY&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_341009 and add some bronies to do the voice overs to match the ques when the ponies sing.
ReplyDeleteIn either case I found it to be an awesome parody I sing along with the Winter Wrapup theme XD
Even if it is fake, I don't think there's any harm in showing that we're a cool community who actually have a conscience and are kind online people. Even if he turns around and shows that he's fake, who cares? We'll take it in stride and shrug our shoulders. It's not as if we haven't dealt with parasprites maturely before.
ReplyDeleteLet's just spread the acceptance!
We already knew that Fluttershy was best pony... right?
ReplyDelete>>Worst Mane Pony
Choose 2
>How do we fit in without tumblr
ReplyDeleteI fucking died.
Hooray for Zelda Universe!
ReplyDeleteSeeing a troll apologize for being a troll, Now that is something you don't see very often.
ReplyDeleteBecause of Zelda universe, I'm going to hear all of Debbie's dialog with Rarity voice. Not the first time that happen, I played through New Vegas hearing Applejack's voice for the courier because of some fan art.
About the letter of apology, we call people like these who ripped on the fandom trolls and parasprites, and even the guy himself said he came to think of his friends as being shallow.
ReplyDeleteBut honestly now, before our first experience with the show, didn't most of us think the same thing? I don't think many people watched the first episode expecting to like it. I think we can afford more empathy to these people than to call them trolls, because a lot of us probably thought this brony stuff was crazy bull**** at some point too.
@Anonymous Exactly! Besides, he sent that apology to Lauren Faust herself!
ReplyDeleteThe Nightly Roundup: proving once again that it is quite literally impossible to hate this show once you have watched it.
ReplyDeleteI love this place.
Silly Sethisto! That's not how you spell Rainbow Dash. :D
ReplyDeleteOn bad publicity: bronydom could take a lesson from Christianity and realize that, if what you're doing is truly blameless, outside hatred only serves to make you stronger and spread the message faster. And so far it's working.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy!? That's not how you spell Trixie!
ReplyDeleteYay's all around!
ReplyDeleteFor the love of Celestia, can we PLEASE keep religion out of this? The last thing I need is a Christian trying to shove it down my thro--oh wait a seco...
I agree with @Anonymous. I can't say I personally went into MLP expecting it to be bad, but I know what it's like to be part of a group of friends who picks on things like that.
ReplyDeleteWhat bronies need to remember is that, in many places, there is a stigma attached to guys liking girly stuff. It's one thing to say to be true to yourself, and don't get me wrong, I do think that's important. But it's also worth remembering that everyone still has their social lives to consider, and it's hard to choose what type of community you live around, especially when you're sixteen.
It's also human to be dismissive of something you haven't tried yourself, especially if you're just going by the word of someone you generally respect. And in some cases, dismissal is not only human, but practically necessary for social survival. The friends mentioned in the apology letter sound like the type of guys who bond by picking on stuff. If you don't go along with that, you lose your friends; indeed, the one who wrote the apology letter is apparently already preparing to do that.
Speaking as someone who has had similar fallouts with friends over matters of being overly harsh to people who don't deserve it, I just want to say that it takes major guts to do something like that, and I'm proud of the guy for being willing to make that leap to stand up for himself and others. These might be the only friends this guy has, and they're not necessarily bad people, just typical teenagers who are letting cynicism and groupthink get the best of them. I hope the writer can find some people he's more comfortable hanging out with.
@Zelda Universe:
ReplyDeleteDebbie Pony is the best pony, since he is simply FABULOUS. More so then silly old Rarity. =P
Also, there is a sizable brony following on the site's forums, including some of the moderators. ^^
@Anonymous You have a really good point. That person does have major guts to stand up to their peers.
ReplyDeleteJust a note, though, after checking the poster's deviant art page, lovesherman is a female brony.
I think at this point, it's true that no matter what your gender, standing up to your peers takes major guts, period :)
Thanks for all the love on the Nightly Roundup song, bronies! It just popped into my head one morning a couple of Roundups ago and I literally had it finished in under 15 minutes after initial thought. I was actually a bit surprised nopony else had done it before, once I thought about it.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, yeah, a vocal version WOULD be awesome... and yes I can sing well, but I dunno if I'm the brony to do it.
I'll mull it over today and get back to you all. As always, if you want to contact me about it, simply click on the link in my name! Then send me a dA note, or comment in my profile, or something.
That DA apology was amazing and that brony has earned much respect from me, good job.
ReplyDeleteAt first, I was like the guy in the one post, when my friend mentioned the show and told me to watch it. After only a few seconds of episode 16 "The Sonic Rainboom" I was hooked. So, as a relatively new brony myself, I gladly welcome him to the herd.
ReplyDeleteIf anybody actually listened to the geek report one of the guys (a brony) said he used to work for NPR and that they're going to interview him this week.
ReplyDeleteOh nevermind. He was on the Bill clinton interview episode but they but him out.
ReplyDeleteWhoops. Guess my first comment about guy-directed social stigmas was irrelevant, ahah.
But yeah, that doesn't mean it was any easier for her to admit she liked the show, so it still stands as a praiseworthy achievement to me, for the same reasons mentioned.
I like "Nightly Round-up". Those lyrics are sweet. Anypony feel like recording that?
ReplyDeleteThe humanized mane 6 minecraft skins are awesome. Using the pinkie pie one now :).
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that basically means less than nothing at this point.
To the neighsayers who think the letter of apology is faked, here's the link to the actual comment.
There's a like between trolling, which sounds like what was happening there, and disinterest. Nobody says you have to like the show, but picking on the people who do like it for no good reason just makes you a jerk.
Given the amount of support the creators have shown for us, I wouldn't be surprised if somepony got them to do that.
Hah that Winter Wrapup parody is awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd definite bro points for the apology letter.
Sorry, line. There's a line between trolling and disinterest.
ReplyDeleteYou monster, how dare you, Rarity is the SECOND best!?
ReplyDeleteI'll findo you and kill you for this heresy!
Wait, the Geek Report is in the Twin Cities of Minnesota? Hopefully we'll get more bronies here in Minnesota now.
ReplyDeleteWhy is something on the Papa Geno's sign censored out?
ReplyDeleteThat apology letter. <3 That made me incredibly happy.
ReplyDeleteWhats that?
ReplyDelete'Fluttershy is best pony'?
Silly Sethisto, Thats not how you spell Pinkie Pie!
Although finnish forum for FiM is nice, I dislike traditional phpBB forum software. I prefer image boards as you can post quickly without logging in and thinking too much about your 'image'. That's why I dwell mostly at Northpole's /poni/ board.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI know, I'm Wartortle Triforce on ZU.
Dave and Chuck's uninformed bashing of FiM had more than one unintended affect for them:
No, Fluttershy is most certainly not the best pony, and the fact she's so overrated makes me like her even less!
ReplyDeletewhy is the last line of the sign censored?
ReplyDeletePinkcostar said...
ReplyDeleteWhats that?
'Fluttershy is best pony'?
Silly Sethisto, Thats not how you spell Pinkie Pie!
You may say that but i say seth knows PERFECTLY good what hes spelling except i noticed a few typos in LUNA
Thanks for posting that Finnish pony Forum, I just for some reason don't like to use imageboards that much, so it's nice to have another kind of place where to discuss ponies in Finnish ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm from MN and I never heard of this podcast before.
I would like to formally disagree.
ReplyDeleteOctavia has the best cutie mark.
And bugger if I wouldn't buy one with that on it.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy is overrated? I think your keyboard fucked up the spelling of Rainbow Dash
"I don't hang out with those friends anymore because they were just as shallow as I am."
ReplyDeleteCheck out the****HorseMingle.Com ******,Sign up free there! You can find the people you like there! you can also get their location and photos and videos by chatting with them!
ReplyDeletePink pony is best pony
ReplyDeleteThis only proves that just like Communism and Trolls, the best way to fight Ponies, is by ignoring them. Or give them money.
ReplyDeletejust to say this: there's this new development project in south New Jersey called Equestrian Estates "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!" (HuffytheMagicDragon)
ReplyDeleteFluttershy the best? NOOOOOOOOooooooooo!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI blame nerds and their inability to look pass moeblobs. Just ask one what they really like about her.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate her but some characters (Applejack, Twilight and Spike) needs more love.
ReplyDeleteI find that offensive, especially because I know exactly why I like Fluttershy best.
And with that...
ReplyDelete*Snaps action shut*
Seth has sealed his fate...
Lol what a frikkin puss that guy is. Yanks are so weird.