Well we all know what that means...
The Great and Powerful News is after the break!
The Great and Powerful Trixie Reports on Fox News Reporting on Bronies
You can find these infidels lounging in their own feces-covered narration here at 1:20.
The Great and Powerful Trixie tops the Beathazard Leaderboards
Oh, and some other pony named Vinyl Scratch, but Trixie is pretty sure nopony cares about anyone so...average. You can find the Great and Powerful Trixie and her illustrious victory here!
Ponychan Science Experiment
Ok, that's enough of that Trixie stuff, I'm way too tired for that. Over on Ponychan they are conducting a scientific analysis to determine the best three episodes for turning people into bronies. If you are interested in helping out, you can find the Ponychan thread here!
Another Site Reports Ponies
You know, over the past few weeks we have been receiving a LOT of bad press. We need some good stuff every once in a while! Luckily this site has finally shown us in a positive light. Science Fiction from the Right Wing has released a relatively detailed article on all things brony. You can find it here!
Another Pony RP board
Another roleplaying board has popped up! If you are sick of your current board and need a fresh start, you can find Ponies of War here!
Steve and Preston Read a Brony Email on Air
The one radio station that didn't completely trash us received a few thank you letters from various bronies, and one in particular was actually read live. You can find the sound cloud of the reading here!
Tribute Album in the Works

If you are interested in helping him out, you can find the website for it here!
Rainbow Dash License Plate
I think I can let the image speak for itself! You crazy bronies and your merch!
If we ever do take over the world, I promise I'll create a man-made island in the shape of dash just for you.
Fluttershy and Derpy Plushies for Sale

If these two ponies aren't your thing, you might want to check out the artists DA page and possibly toss a suggestion for the next one!
New Layout Supervisor For FiM
I can't pretend to have any experience in animation at all, but hearing anyone being hired "for the next few months" involving season two gets me pretty excited. It's not that far away after all... Maybe one of you animation people can give us some kind of timeline on how far into a cartoon's creation process a Layout Supervisor is required for. Anyway you can find Jayson Thiessen's tweet here!
Escher's Hints For Writing Better Fiction
Similiar to Cereal's guides from a while back, another brony has stepped up to the fanfiction 101 white board to coach you would be writers in the fine art of throwing ponies into all sorts of dangerous and ridiculous situations. You can find the guide here!
MLP Essay Reading Video
Another brony has sucked up is pride and attempted to spread friendship to his peers in the form of a public speech about My Little Pony. The class reaction is, once again, priceless. You can find the full youtube video embedded below, and the Ponychan thread here!
And that is all for tonight! Hopefully you have found my nonsense insightful, and sorry about the Trixie, I had to do something ridiculous to take my mind off of how long this was inevitably going to take! I skipped proofreading this. I have too much to do still before I head to bed!
Oh and 12,000,000! Yay!
where are all the comments? slow night? or is everyone busy raiding once again?
ReplyDeleteWhere is our 12 million comic? Le sigh...
ReplyDeleteRemember ponychan: Seth was just joking, you don't go raid FOX2 now with "love and tolerance".
ReplyDeleteJust learn to ignore the haters if you react you will just make a fool out of yourselves and give them more ammo.
Happy 12 Million!!!!
ReplyDeleteFOX is just pulling shit out of their asses as usual, I have a fucking job.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell!? DAMN YOU FOOOOX NEEWWSSS!!!
ReplyDelete@ anon 3
ReplyDeleteHaters are one thing. if someone hates on 4chan or in a conversation face to face you can ignore. but this is MEDIA HATE! they are presenting us to THE WORLD as retarded manchildren.
o_o.... okay, big shocker that fox news is a fucking shit up... but really, are they just pulling ideas off the net and kind of thinking "Okay, how can we spin this to be the BANE OF LIFE!?" Theres no better way to put it than "What the hay!?"
ReplyDeleteAnon 3, theres a fucking limit to what people can deal with. This flat out smear campaign to the fandom, comparing us to a guy who goes on disability to act like a baby... this is too far
Must... remember... love and tolerance....
ReplyDeleteOh what a surprise, the show's on Fox, the station with a news crew infamous for leaping before they look.
Its ironic, because Fox news lowers peoples IQ. And yet they blame adults who watch MLP.
ReplyDeleteGrats on 12 million!
ReplyDeleteDisability!? baby-man!? and somehow we get lumped in with them? Have they split their bit or something? I work for a living as a postal carrier and i'm proud of the money i earn because it's an honest day's wage! I don't take disability to enjoy ponies! the ponies will still be there when i get off work! You can be sure that THIS brony has his priorities straight!
ReplyDeleteSo somepony topped the Beat Hazard leaderboards?
ReplyDeleteThat's about to change...
Haters gonna hate. Plus, it's Fox: who cares about that vapid shit anyway?
ReplyDeleteActually, that Fox News story deserves a response. The guy specifically said that Bronies are people who file for disability to stay home and watch ponies and discuss the show online - he's basically claiming the fandom engages in large-scale fraud. While not going full love-and-tolerate-the-crap-outta them, maybe we could send him or Fox News a letter saying he should back up his claim with some proof that it's actually happened, or retract his accusation.
ReplyDelete@MLP Essay Reading Video brony
ReplyDeleteyou just created 20 new bronies.. they just don't know it yet :D
Reads about it, sees it is FOX.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I not surprised?
But seriously, can any one please explain what is wrong with FOX? I live in Europe and even I know about them, while I can't even get them.
Remember fellow bronies! Giggle at Fox N- I mean the ghosties ;D Those comments were just weak shots.
ReplyDeleteIs THIS what Fox news is about? I don't watch it much at all, since I don't have the channel or anything, but from what I have seen, I am disappoint. Truly. I mean, I'm not surprised or anything, I've heard about them, but wth.
ReplyDeleteThis is downright ignorance/twisted. Great job on a media channel to not research things first. These guys ain't even professional.
It's not Fox News channel Fox News, it's a local Fox network station's news program.
ReplyDeleteEither way though, what the hell? We're filing for disability to watch TV? Do they even know how filing for disability works?
those better be bad star ratings for fox news and not for my awesome Trixie rp!
ReplyDeleteOh man, Republibot makes me want to follow their articles and whatnot. They are so full of awesomeness. Someone needs to - hell, I'm going to send them a thank you note for being such good sports and not just trying to get ratings and whatnot. They deserve it. Just oh man.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a fuck about Fox. Only retards watch it. And I'm a Republican.
ReplyDeleteDammit Fox, stop judging us just because a few of our "kind" (?) quit their jobs to get more pony. Some of the bronies have jobs too, you know. Heck, some are still studying.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't do much research, they didn't see the people who work hard all while enjoying ponies (like making a living with them) and not just feigning disability.
I think it's time bronydom tries to branch out. what we report on only reaches other bronies. We need hooves in other forms of media.
ReplyDeleteDo not fret, my little bronies. While this bad press has been giving us a bad name, there will be more people who will be curious as to what the big deal is. They will see the magic of friendship. Soon, they will all see the magic of friendship. Soon...
ReplyDeleteI seriously doubt people are filing for disability to stay home and post ponies. It's not a friggin' addiction. We aren't crackheads. They probably did absolutely NO research. They're probably going off of what they heard, which, again, paints us negatively. If we were such a bad thing, I don't think Lauren Faust would've paid attention to us, or try to paint us positively. At least the team working on the show appreciates us.
ReplyDelete>Actually, that Fox News story deserves a response.
ReplyDeleteNo it's not, can't you see this is what they want? If you don' react they will forget about the whole thing, but if you raid them with letters they will openly ridicule you. Do you want your overly-defensive letters read out loud on TV by this idiot while the dumb co-reporter bitch giggles like schoolgirl? Of course not!
They aren't going to believe you have a job, or you are not on welfare, they are not going to change their minds because they perfectly content with the bullshit they chose to believe.
Also FOX is only taken seriously by whacko ultra-conservative nut jobs.
>they are presenting us to THE WORLD as retarded manchildren.
Yet you guys hailed that damn Wired article which started it all.
I don't think ANYONE in this fandom lost their job because of PONIES, wow fox great reporting and factual evidence you have there.
ReplyDeleteHe blames the way things are on people who like a cartoon, not because everything is being misrepresented and made scary by the media.
ReplyDeleteFOX... wow... seriously?
ReplyDeleteFOX NEWS is without a doubt the most ignorant people ever!
Stop pulling news and facts out of your ass!
love and tolerance...
I'm usually better than this, but FOX NEWS just gotta be the biggest troll out there.
Grown men?
ReplyDeleteSo bronies are an all men's club now?
I think not.
Alright, Here is my solution for this fox news issue, I suggest that everyone whom saw that video and took offense (Like I know I did) find the local stations e-mail, and send the a very brony based love and tolerance e-mail stating how appalled we are they would slander our community in such a way without taking the time to actually research what it is. After all isn't that what the media is supposed to do in the first place? I say we very kindly explain to them that it was highly offensive and request that the man that was speaking apologize to us for his wrongful accusation.
ReplyDeleteYikes, that's "news clip" frustrated me more than anything has since I became a brony, but as a brony I just let it slide. I actually GOT a job just so I could live on my own and afford ponies. Kinda the opposite of what they said. Regardless, y'all are great and keep being great.
ReplyDeletePretty sure lots of different people watch their local Fox affiliate news program.
ReplyDeleteWell, Fox News pissed me off, but whatever. That other article was great, and exactly the type of publicity we need after all these railings we're getting from everyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to start arguing over whether we should take action against Fox or not, like some seem to be. I'm just going to urge everypony here to, if they ~do~ decide to do something, make it more thought out and eloquent than spamming poni or hate rants. If you want to tell them off, do so politely, firmly, and most importantly, make sure you don't do anything that could give them ammo against us.
Damn you FOX, you and your retarded ways...
ReplyDeletethey really aren't giving us a whole lot of merchandise to be spending money on...
ReplyDeleteIn time brony, In time.
I wish more "public" notions of our community were more unbiased. And if lady luck smiles, maybe even positive.
ReplyDeleteDoes Hasbro know about this? It can't be making them look good, and they're a bit bigger than we are.
ReplyDelete@Phoxxy Pwny™
ReplyDeleteHow about NO!?
@Phoxxy Pwny™
ReplyDeleteThat's such a bloody good idea, I'm going to copy and paste it myself so it's here twice.
Alright, Here is my solution for this fox news issue, I suggest that everyone whom saw that video and took offense (Like I know I did) find the local stations e-mail, and send the a very brony based love and tolerance e-mail stating how appalled we are they would slander our community in such a way without taking the time to actually research what it is. After all isn't that what the media is supposed to do in the first place? I say we very kindly explain to them that it was highly offensive and request that the man that was speaking apologize to us for his wrongful accusation.
This reminds me, i found somepony on Deviantart that got hired to work on the show.
ReplyDeleteFox doesn't work like that, they are like a retarded troll, If you give them a rise they'll keep coming at you. Just let it slide bronies, who gives a crap what >faux News says.
WE NEED A BRONIE IN THE MEDIA! the only way to control what gets reported is to report it yourself!
ReplyDeleteHeh..i live half way across the world from american and even i know about that particular news channel and its need to wallow in generated controversy and twisting of ideals and ideas.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, it wouldn't be a rise at this point. If we all go with Phoxxy's plan, it'll ideally just be a bunch of people emailing in politely reporting that they feel their program didn't sufficiently research the story they were commenting on and asking to rectify it.
It only becomes them getting a rise if we keep coming back after they fail to deliver. A single round of concerned emails won't hurt in the slightest, though.
ReplyDeleteWe've seen no backlash from the dave and chuck facebook raid... so i guess your right. if we do it with a touch of class this time what's the worst that could happen?
ReplyDeleteBut it wont just be nice emails, there will be butthurt people, just like the radio shows. This is >Fuax News they don't care, they just want ratings. The only way I can see us winning is if Hasbro steps in, which I doubt severely.
Granted, Dave and Chuck aren't as behemoth as Fox, but as you said: if we pull this off brony-style and don't let them rile us up, it'll be some good publicity.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't you just let it slide? You act like a bunch of high schoolers... oh wait...nevermind.
ReplyDeleteDon't feed the trolls, trolls are trolls whether they are on the internet or in the media.
i for one, welcome our new canadian overlords.
ReplyDeletealso, fox news = trollin. When we take over the internet, theyll realise what a force we are...
Although Fox news is not available in my country, the two or three you tube vidos I've watched so far (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUQYrdgIJuI or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=128IR21ZQa0) have let me know they're not what I'd exactly call acurate journalism.
ReplyDeleteAside form the letter thing, what I think we should do if things keep growing and bronies start being ocasionally featured in some other tv channels, is making sure we don't get bad press...
Canadian overlords would be sweet. We'd all be lumberjacks and chug maple syrup.
ReplyDeleteAnd who needs tanks when you have polar bear cavalry?
Fox is being intolerant to something they don't understand? HOW CAN THIS BE?!
ReplyDeleteBy writing them letters you will only produce even more bad press, don't you get it?
Well Fox News are Fox News so I couldn't care less. The article on Republibot, on the other hand, was very good. /Brohoof to them.
ReplyDeleteExactly, if we email them and state politely that we are displeased with the lack of research and terrible comparison they made they are bound to do something about it, I mean seriously calling us baby men? that is just outright rude even for a news show. If we get enough people to report and ask that we at least get some kind of apologetic response from that Dave Glover guy maybe we will be shown in a better light at least in one area. This bad light we are being shown in isn't going to change it self bronies.
Wait, My Little Pony is made in Canada...
ReplyDeleteGuys, I am sorry, but no matter what we will always be met with ridicule. It's how society works, we are labeled as "freaks" because we do not follow social norms. It's just how it's going to be. Writing Fox will not get us any good publicity, it will only make them ridicule us more. Just let it go.
Nigga you crazy!
but still, they are actually comparing groen obece man in diapers to bronies?
and i have yet to see one fucking person who has filed a disability claim.
but yet again its fox, they make more shit up than a sewer.
@Phoxxy Pwny™
ReplyDeleteJust what I was thinking... You can't let it go on it's own when it concerns you, and acting doesen't only involve unorganized self-harming action.
With things growing faster and faster all the time (even though the season is over) there's a chance of getting more people into the herd, but also the risk of receiving a bad name, what would really harm us in the long term.
ReplyDeleteThey can't let it go because I bet even in school they are/were always trying to get back on bullies which lead into more bullying but never mind, learning from their mistakes is hard.
I really don't see, how a few emails could do anything beside make the whole thing worse. As it is at the moment, those few who have seen this article and didn't know about ponies most likely won't even remember it after 5minutes.
ReplyDeleteI like how every single thing Fox said about us was either an outright fabrication or an over generalization.
ReplyDeleteOh well, even if people want to give up their jobs for ponies then let them give up their jobs for ponies. Doesn't make them any less of a person.
I like how fox "news" has nothing better to do than report (incorrectly I might add) on people happening to like a television show to the point they've created a fanbase. What's next, attacking the Final Fantasy fanbase? Learn to report the NEWS guys.
ReplyDeleteMy issue is that if he had said the part regarding going on disability to watch ponies about any individual brony (and assuming he was wrong - you can never be too sure...) it'd be slander, and he could get sued for it. Some organ of Fox News might be liable for it too. Saying it about the group may get him off the legal hook, but he should still be responsible for backing up what he said on the air, or admitting he made it up. I think an organized letter just laying out the facts, and then challenging him to put up or shut up, is likely to get a reaction, even if he just says he misspoke and them makes fun of us for liking what he doesn't like. At that point he's just trolling, but right now we should be bothered by the claim that we're committing fraud.
It's the accusation of us all being criminals that gets me, and that's what I think deserves a response.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to argue with them, I'm just going to sit back and let this blow up in our face again.
Wow, no wonder there hasn't been any good cartoons for girls in forever, if the freakin' news takes the attitude that you're "sick and twisted" for LIKING A TV SHOW. Meanwhile this is the same network that will show a naked fat man throwing up on himself and wrestling a giant chicken, or men 'swapping wives'. Real high-brow entertainment there, eh Fox?
ReplyDelete:I I'm Canadian and I'm not "grown" but still a brony.
ReplyDeleteThis is war.
Ignore those news people, it will do the fandom no good for them to have more excuses to shovel controversy and misdirection onto the issue.
ReplyDeleteThe show itself is so widespread and youtube is itself a great intorduction. People will watch it and see for themselves sooner or later.
So is this going to turn into a thing where we all turn on each other for reacting differently to this differently from each other?
ReplyDeleteI kind of agree with you, it just lasted about 10 seconds and anyone who saw it is probably going to forget about it soon anyways. Sending a letter would just provoke another biased and fabricated report about us.
Wow, Fox News posted on something that had the wrong information, bias and offensive. I've never seen that happen before.
ReplyDeleteI don't really care what Fox news say about anything. Of the few things I've seen them do, they often get things wrong or give a bias statement to make their stories sound better. The World Weakly News used to post more in depth reporting than Fox News does.
ReplyDeleteAnd you have your head in the clouds. They slandered everybody they hate and got away with it.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is some people react in an overly defensive manner, not everyone is going to write them a polite informative letter, a lot of bronies will send hateful, badly written rants which they can use against us.
Ignoring them is the best option.
I have a respectable job, I don't freak out and start jonesing if I can't have some pony time during work, or with family, or hanging out with friends, or what the hell ever. Sure there probably are some people in this fandom who take things a little too far, but I am sure the majority of us are letting this improve our lives, not wreck them! I live in New Zealand, so far away from Fox but I still hate them!
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying is that we JUST had this happen with the radio shows, and now were going to try and take on Fox? Fox just wants ratings, and they'll slander whoever to get them.
Sooo, you are suggesting rather than standing up and defending our name to these people we just sit back and let them slander us publicly? Alright then, that makes alot of sense but remember that whole "Haters gonna hate. Lol they are just trolling" It doesn't go the same way in the real world, letting Fox talking about Bronies this way can't go well for us, I personally feel we should act sooner than later before this does in fact blow up in our faces. But I guess that is just me, Regardless I will hold off on sending an e-mail requesting some kind of apology for what was sad on the show.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGuys, we're dealing with Fox here. They say stuff like this all the time. Anyone watching them on a regular basis is either resistant to it or is already lost to us, so just ignore it and it will go away soon enough.
ReplyDeleteso guys, how about that essay reading? i think it was pretty good.
ReplyDelete@Phoxxy Pwny™
ReplyDeleteI am saying it's not worth it, this isn't even Fox News, it's an affiliate in a small market with a bad camera man to boot. They wont remember this tomorrow so why bother.
Fox needs the shit loved and tolerated out of them...
wait... that sounds kind of wrong said like that...
anyway... I don't know a letter or correspondence would have any effect on Fox,(no matter how much this news segment outrages me), they have been peddling lies and slander out their closed minded asses for years, and I guarantee we wouldn't be the first to point out to them directly that they are not presenting accurate stories and need to change...
but they haven't changed yet and us kindly pointing out they need to extract head from ass, probably won't make them change or apologize either... they are Troll news afterall.
but i digress...
stay brony my friends, love and tolerance shall win the day.
@Phoxxy Pwny™
ReplyDeleteIt was 10 seconds. Everyone who watched it already forgot about it.
What do you expect, they will make a special, breaking news report apologizing us, this is FOX we are talking about, no one takes them seriously but right-wing nutjobs who would have hated the ponies anyway.
If you send them letters you are just giving them another excuse to ridicule us.
Why is this so hard to understand?
ReplyDeleteIt's worth noting (again) that this isn't Fox News, it's a local news program. This means that:
a) They're not as big and powerful as they're being made out to be.
b) They don't reach as many people, so it's less of a big deal than it's being made out to be
c) People here need to do their own research before accusing others of doing the same thing.
I'm not advocating one solution over another, I'm just saying that infighting doesn't do us any good.
ReplyDeletePardon me for getting offended over something I enjoy being publicly attacked and wanting to do something about it. For the sake of the show and fandom I will just leave the subject alone. Also, That essay reading was indeed epic.
You know, I think I might just try for a degree in journalism. It's always kind of interested me, and if I become a well known reporter, I can work to deliver truthful news brony-style.
ReplyDeleteI've still got my whole life ahead of me, you know? Why not dedicate it to stopping this kind of crap?
Hey, Seth? Escher's guide really should get its own post. And a permalink on the fanfic submission page!
ReplyDeleteIf you must make a response, please remember that you're representing us all. Don't do anything that would paint us in a bad light, and if there's even a shadow of doubt that it will, don't do it.
ReplyDeleteFriendship and tolerance.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFaux news is stupid. They gave My Little Pony a BAD NAME! D:
Too bad you are talking to a brick wall. I'm sure some fans already sent some hateful rants that douchebag can read out loud when they cover us in a full length feature, all this because of 10 seconds slandering and you guys can't take the slightest flak without going on some holy crusade.
If you weren't take this show and fandom seriously maybe others wouldn't see us as freaks.
Okay, so apparently it's not Fox News, it's a Fox affiliate channel, but damn, it looks like apparently even they are doing herpy derp segments on their shows.
ReplyDeleteso who exactly applied for disability for being a Brony? I reckon noone...
ReplyDeleteI've already learned firsthand that it isnt worth the time to email these type of people. Karma is a bitch so they'll get it in the end. Who knows, maybe a real news station will pick up a story about us and speak some truth.
ReplyDeleteMuch respect for that Preston and Steve show.
I love how people call Fox a bad news station, calling it a news station at all is giving it too much credit. Fox isn't really news, at least these days.
ReplyDeleteEverything on Fox is:
> Invite radical guest on
> Radical guest states radical beliefs with no support
> Newsanchor (usually a woman) nods and agrees without questioning the guest's beliefs or asking any hard questions
> Some mentally insane person has their own show (Bill'o'Reilly and Glen Beck are good examples)
> Person makes ridiculous assertions with no support
> Sometimes person invites a guest on the show and ignores their valid points and shouts over them
What we need is to get out there in the media. An article or news story somewhere respectable, made by bronies, for non-bronies. Somewhere visible for the general public, in defense of the brony-code.
ReplyDeleteBUT at the same time, let's look at where we're being slandered from. A radio station (I presume internet). What appeared to be a morning show type deal. These aren't exactly universal. If we were to get an article on a big time news show, and THAT was painting bronies as the next Hitler, then yes, we can get upset and respond PEACEFULLY and RESPECTFULLY, because that's the sort of coverage that lots of people will see.
We start over-reacting over small things, then we provide ammunition for larger scale stories against us, especially if we do things haphazardly. Then we are orchestrating our own demise. I don't want that.
Sit back and look at the long term, people. That's where this war must be fought.
Love and tolerance, everypony
ReplyDeleteIt's called "Faux" News for a reason. They're doing what they always do and making assumptions about things that they're too lazy and stupid to actually research
On a side note, though, that article on Republibot was really the exact opposite; very well researched and all that jazz.
Holy shit you guys calm down you guys its Fox. We all know Fox is garbage
ReplyDeleteHrm. I guess being slandered by a Fox-related "news" source really is a rite of passage for all emerging subcultures. Probably best to let it slide; No-one who wasn't already predisposed towards baseless hatred is going to believe this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteMore importantly: 12 million hits! Woo!
Also it's nice to hear that not all the media attention has been bad. Thanks for giving those examples there Seth.
lol I think fox just inadvertently declared war on friendship, love, tolerance, and rainbows.
ReplyDelete[Here comes a useless comment]
Its Fox...
Exscuse my language but
Ahem. Swearing is not very lady-like.
Also, has anypony actually filed for disability or is he just making shit up?
Hey Seth, I think many fic writers would be glad if you put Escher's hints for better fiction right together with Cereal's, like it's a sidestory, so we can have a solid archive for writing training, like we already have for drawing! ^^
ReplyDeleteQuoted for truth, btw. Picking our battles wisely is of absolute importance here. Protest major slights, ignore minor ones (like this one), and maintain civility in either case.
I'm not an optimistic person by nature, but I'm confident we'll get through this. If Bronidom can't, what group can?
I elect we firebomb Fox's headquarters.
ReplyDeleteToo harsh? Okay, I guess we could go with writing politely-worded letters again...
Why would you even link such obscene and tasteless bane of existence? Why is it that you feel that our ears even deserve to be subject to 1 millisecond of their horrible false "news-reporting"
ReplyDeleteMust... Love... and... TOLERATE... FOX NEWS...
ReplyDeleteLove and Tolerate the shit out of them.
Or beat the freaking shit out of them...
FOX news is not news. It's editorial opinion cleverly disguised to resemble a newscast in order to artificially inflate the credibility of the rubbish they spout. For myself, I plan to take the same action I do regarding everything else they say. I'm going to ignore the living hell out of them. They are the ultimate troll, and I refuse to take anything they say personally.
ReplyDeleteits fox news everypony. ignore them. everyone makes fun of them anyway. even fellow americans like the cast on shows such as SNL and even family guy which is on the FOX network. im pretty sure they are made fun of worse than we are. It was also only like a 5 second reference that no one will remember in a week or two. let it go...heh....fox news.
ReplyDeleteI doubt anyone will read my comment
ReplyDeleteand I've probably said rude comments in the past as Anonymous, because part of me still has some animosity towards this fandom and its male-dominated, double-standard and sometimes even closed-minded ways, (you can see why I'm still anon lol)
But Fox has gone TOO FAR THIS TIME. I haven't been this peeved since CNN made fun of Maid Cafe's!!
Also, I'm a girl, and I'm honestly getting FED THE FUCKING UP with every major news article acting like Bronies are male-exclusive. We need a new fucking nickname that's gender-fucking neutral, for the love of Celestia, PLEASE.
Besides, when has a Brony EVER quit his job to watch MLP?
We may have a Finnish Brony who legally changed his name to Rainbow -something- Dash, BUT COME ON PEOPLE!!
Re: Fox News
ReplyDeleteRemember a couple days ago some negative radio clips were posted? I listened to other parts of the "Dave and Chuck" radio show... those hosts are crude, uneducated, plebeian... and the Fox News hosts in today's clip aren't much better.
I'd much rather be who I am - an open-minded critical thinker - than fit into the lowest-common-denominator "sheep" who follow Fox News or "Dave and Chuck".
I have to agree that sending any letters/emails to that faux news thing is most likely a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteThough I do admit part of me is tempted to get as many of us to send the same letter/email reading simply:
"Loosing a viewer's trust is the best way to loose a viewer.
God this fandom's getting hilarious.
ReplyDeleteIt can get riled up to go troll some podunk Fox News affiliate for talking smack about the ponies, but then turn around and lack the balls to even walk into a Toys R Us and buy said pony merchandise without blushing or tripping over themselves in some long drawn out embarrassing story. Priceless.
I can't love fox news.. At least i can Tolerate their stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteI like how at the end of the clip it shows them laughing at black people. Real classy, FOX, real classy.
ReplyDeleteHeyy Anon, another female brony here!
I don't mind your animosity towards this fandom, although I do have to raise a point that the reason why many people mention how this is a male dominated fandom is because of the shock factor.
'Older males as fans of My Little Ponies? Isn't that, like, a show that had tea parties back in the day?'
Imagine the attention and coverage which would undoubtedly gather enough attention from people who are willing to laugh at such 'ridiculousness'.
Despite how it's seen as a male dominated fandom, I've never felt unwelcome from it at all... but that's just me and experiences vary!
Bronies getting mad over bad press? Welcome to the furry fandom, circa 2003. LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES, don't feed the trolls.
ReplyDelete@anonymous yea it is kinda funny how the internet's anonimity (or however it is spelled) makes people want to attack a major news corporation. (I use the word major loosely.)
ReplyDeletefox news gonna fox. everyone makes fun of them anyway. I for one am going to ignore it.
ReplyDeleteThink about it this way... you're name's Anon, my name's Anon. We're not embarrassed with posting stuff, but we'd be embarrassed as hell if we posted a picture of ourselves in here. Maybe along with our real names.
It's just how we humans react to such things - impersonal stuff such as writing letters and expressing ourselves through them is much easier than actually physically acting upon something we desire.
I still can't believe that they read my email on air. I could feel the blood rush to my face as I heard it. They did suggest I go on the show and that led to a restless night thinking about how it would go. I'm too shy and not caught up with the show to feel confident to talk about it...unless I get more support. :p
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWho's embarrassed? I post as "The Dread Pirate Roberts" just because my last name is Roberts, I spent 20 years in the Navy, and got tagged with that nickname back in "A" school (1992). I'm not the least bit embarrassed to be known for enjoying things I like. Yes, I don't like it when some ignorant yobbo looks at one or two fans that fit their image of a "drooling fanboy" or whatever, and then subsequently paints the entire fandom with the same brush. But being a brony of such advanced age (42, I think that might be a record) I can speak from a large pool of experience. My experience tells me this: People hate on you because they enjoy getting a rise out of you. It validates their own crummy existence. The best way I have found to deal with such people is to simply laugh them off. It makes THEM the joke, and drives them crazy. So, to sum up: "Giggle at the ghostly!"
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading my comment! <3
Still, I know that's just the shock factor out there, but it doesn't help when The Hub and even Hasbro cators to the male-side of fandom because it's just more marketable to target GUYS (their Periphery demographic in this case) than it is to target stuff at girls.
That's why you always see either "boy shows" or "gender-neutral" shows around here. (Dic entertainment even tried to make Card Captor Sakura more "gender neutral", because if it was "just for girls", people would think it was a piece of crap. And it worked, it became popular after that!)
That's also why you see Pixar making things like Cars, or movies about Old men, Robots & Cowboys =\
Plus when guys are like "lol this is a girls show?? absurd!" I know they're only joking, but that's kinda doing the opposite of what Lauren Faust had in mind...
But maybe I'm not much of an image-board person, so idk.
/off-topic rant
If you live in the UK you could get them for liable (and you would win) as UK liable laws are so tight it's easy to get people with them, and you can sue for liable anywhere in the world.
ReplyDeletei love you now dread pirate Roberts, true image of what this fandom is. YOU ROCK!
ReplyDeleteIs it even worth posting small-time stuff like this and bringing it more attention? If this was national Fox News it might be worth correcting them but having people from all over the world sending letters to every local station that says something negative doesn't exactly help make us not look obsessed.
ReplyDeleteIf you absolutely MUST write a letter to FOX, don't make a fool of your self. a simple "I am a Brony and I think you need to do more research." will be more than sufficient. If you put anything that can even REMOTELY be twisted into hate, they will take it and use it to vomit even more hate. The simple fact that you are all sending them letters at all could be enough.
ReplyDelete"Wow, we got over *insert large number* letters of hate-mail from those bronies. THEY BE CRAZY!"
it doesn't even matter what's in the letters, if they can twist it for a story they will, and hate is always more interesting than tolerance in the eyes of the media.
Ignore Fox, they're complete fucking mental retards, they even diss off Michio Kaku the only and smartest person to ever showcase on that show
ReplyDeleteIf you are gonna email them, then put a nice love and tolerance letter, it's a more subtle version to ''Fuck You''
^ exactly. if we make it a thing, it will become a thing. right now it is probably a story that everyone watched three nights ago and has already forgotten
ReplyDeleteAnd i meant @anonymous for my exactly comment
ReplyDeleteAll the 'bronies' I know are females so I guess I never had that vibe xD I don't know the gender of all the bronies online, too, since I look beyond what the gender is and more about how we're having fun.
I think that Hasbro knows that there are female bronies and they mostly cater to the internet itself. In my opinion, I still think Hasbro and the creators are still giddy male fans popped up; fascinated could be another word?
Still, it doesn't hurt to make us female 'bronies' known nonetheless! It's cool~
I'm just glad there is a show out there that helped me out of my funk. Watching so many cartoons with girly girls who care more about their figures - I'm still feeling refreshed that us tomboy girls who actually like sports are given attention to, so I'm cool with em' xD Like I said, it's all according to each and every individual's opinion and I won't hold your own opinions against you :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for talking it out with me, you sound cool ; w ; Sometimes I still feel like an outsider looking in, or I've been spoiled by mostly girl-dominated fandoms, I'm not exactly sure what it is.
I try to see passed gender, but it's hard sometimes. We finally get a western show that was made for girls, by girls, and then everyone's like "omg guys like it, this must be AMAZING!!"
I know that's not what happened, but I do wonder how many male fans got into the show simply because another male peer recommended it to them, as if a girl's opinion isn't valid OTL I know two guys who wouldn't even watch it 'til I told them that other guys were into it too. Sigh...
Sometimes I just get so frustrated I could kick something! *Fluttershy kick*
I dont think i heard anything about this either did the one "babyguy" on there have a legitimate mental disease? If he does then that actually does make me angry at them for reporting it. oh well...
ReplyDelete@ Other-other-female-Anonymous
ReplyDeleteHey, you sound cool too!
Sadly, I found that it's the usual case, but I've seen male fans begin to truly like what they're watching, enough to not care about how society views them, and I'm glad that the barriers between what shows males should watch and what shows females should watch is finally being broken down.
I don't hold it against the guys that they're dominating a female western show though :'D Pin it on personal opinion again, but as my male friends welcomed me into the Transformers fandom and X-men fandom, I will welcome them into the MLP fandom just the same.
That doesn't stop me from having my female friends and relatives watch this show - I truly urge them, but most of them are still stuck in the G1 generation and I'm not one to force xD
ReplyDeleteThe way I look at those hater, is with this question:
"When was the last time you got out of your house and did something to benefit someone else?"
Me? Yesterday I got up and went for an interview as a summer camp councilor at the YMCA. A job, I'm sure you're happy to hear, I secured. Now, obviously I will be paid, but I intend on making the summer as plesant as I can for the kids I'm working with the same ideals I gleaned from this show.
Of course, this job I'm using as padding for my resume, to show future employers that I have leadership skills and a desire to work.
Suck on it Fox News.
Suck it long. And suck it hard.
No one commented on the tribute album? Fox News, screw you and everything you stand for.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am the guy who thought up the idea for the album and we're moving smoothly. IF you want to have a part in it, visit the link!
ReplyDeleteTrue, when guys welcome you to your fandoms I can understand- maybe I'm just being hypocritical with my own double-standards?
I dunno- I hate to use this as an example- but y'know how if a white comic book character becomes black in a movie, it's okay, but when the opposite happens, it's kind of a big deal because of the bad stuff in the past and the amount of male whites who get cast in movies anyway?
I think my feelings are KINDA like that, but on a much, MUCH smaller scale XD;;; That's why I get defensive sometimes over the whole thing- I'm always thinking about "target demographics" and how the media castors to guys more than girls because they think it's more profitable :'D
And then there's how a lot of the fandom stems from 4chan- a crowd I would have never have even met otherwise...
But yeah~ I think the next time I see a fellow Brony make jokes about how "Manly" Friendship is Magic is, I'll try to develop an actual sense of humor :'D
Also for the record- I'm not a G1/2/3/3.5 fan at all XD;;;; I always thought the old toys were ugly, and I never watched the shows growing up because they just weren't around;;
@SethistoWhat are you talking about Seth? I love when you roleplay! Mmmmm~
ReplyDeleteI guess I've always seen it on another perspective~ like how it's okay for girls to watch manly shows but it's not okay for guys to watch shows that're meant for girls? xD
I think Hasbro hasn't completely gone off the rail as of yet! They're still catering to the target demographic, which is for little girls, yet I'm glad parents can still enjoy it nonetheless.
Well anyway, like I keep saying: it's just how each one of us rolls~ I'm a laid back type who just likes to have fun no matter what the source, so again - it all falls on personal opinion ;)
mkay~ sorry I keep feeling the need to explain myself;;;; I just don't wanna sound like a fun-hatin' stick in the mud or anything OTL
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, I better get going, I'm tired and I'ma likely to just keep going in circles ; w ; g'night <3
This is only going to get worse...
ReplyDeleteNah, it's cool! It's already normal for opinions to clash online, and man am I used to it - so I won't hold your opinions against you. Just givin my two cents xD
See ya'n have a good day.
In regards to the Fox News report, a lot of people, whether the source is reliable or otherwise, will largely make judgments based on first impressions. So, whether or not someone hates or loves Fox News, they will be forever jaded to the concept of bronies because their first exposure to our group was negative. And while I would very much like to give them a piece of my mind in a kind and respectful way, I imagine that attempting to contact them will only make matters worse. Just like those soldiers in the Middle East who were interviewed: only one out of the hundred plus soldiers that were interviewed was actually crying and frightened but guess which one the news station just happened to release. Fox News is in this way the very definition of a troll; they only seek to evoke a reaction and it is almost never a positive one (unless it's election time...). And so, to all of my bronies with their hearts brimming with good intentions wanting only to reach out and correct this attack on our culture, I say stay your hoof. We must choose our battles carefully and while we may one day be influential enough to take on the likes of Fox, today is not that day. Though, perhaps if we could elicit the aid of Anonymous...
ReplyDeleteI myself watch Fox News, and please excuse me if I'm incorrect about this, but I'm assuming that was an affiliate network. I don't get the hate against Fox News, but if you're going to rage against it, rage against this specific affiliate for not doing their job of researching. As for how you rage, please, do not send any hate mail, this only riles them up. Send a calm message, show that you're better than them.
ReplyDelete@Dusekkar You HONESTLY don't get the hate for Fox News? Oh boy.
ReplyDeleteI apologize if this ends up posting twice~
ReplyDeleteIn regards to e-mailing Fox about the terrible coverage, it won't accomplish anything. They'll either ignore it (the most likely thing) or they'll make fun of the e-mails. With all the unfair reporting they've done on pretty much every topic they've covered over the years, they likely get called out on making up stuff everyday, and if they haven't decided to mend their ways and become professional reporters at this point, they're not going to now. Whatever their goals are with their news shows, it's not reporting the news.
As for doing it to make a stand for bronyhood, I wouldn't do that, either. I don't see how e-mailing them could be seen as "making a stand" if it accomplishes nothing for the fandom. Simply put, Fox is not going to listen, and nobody else is going to see the e-mails. Even if anyone did their reaction would likely be "Wow, look at these two crazy groups going at it."
If you want to convince people that the fandom is an OK group of people, you have to talk to people who are on the fence and potentially willing to listen. Or, better yet, simply be a good person without hiding your brony status, showing that you can be cool and a pony fan, without going out of your way to try to change anyone's mind on the subject.
It's not "running away" to simply ignore Fox's comments. Running away would involve falling out of the fandom just because of the things Fox said about that fandom. I know I'M not planning on doing that.
I'm intrigued by the conversation above between (Anonymous) female fans. I admit, this show was recommended to me my a male friend (none of my female friends mentioned it). I definitely concur that popular media has an ugly habit of perpetuating gender stereotypes. Once in a great while something like MLP:FiM comes along which not only pokes holes in that wall, but smashes giant gaps in it. Think Germany taking down the Berlin Wall here. I think that's one reason this show receives so much attention, because it challenges traditional gender roles. Thanks to twenty years of naval service, I can certainly affirm that women are just as capable, just as dedicated and just as loyal as men. Congratulations on having the courage to be a fan in spite of the "male-dominated" fandom. "Male dominated" certainly doesn't mean "male-only".
ReplyDeleteGood lord at the starting bids for those plushies lol. Was considering to buy them too lol.
ReplyDeleteI can also dig that license plate, far out man, far out...
What the heck is a "Class D" brony? XD
ReplyDeleteALRIGHT, EVERYPONY! I have a plan!
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to get pictures of yourself with something pony-related, while in your work environment or dressed in your work attire (e.g. at a factory, or in your fireman's suit, etc.) We'll get a thread together on a chan or find a place to compile them. Let's see this guys reaction when he gets a portfolio of thousands of bronies leading stable lives.
the fact that fox news said we were bad is actually a good thing.
ReplyDeletepeople that sometimes tune in to watch fox news to laugh at the bullshit they pull will know we aren't manchildren like they say, which means more intelligent exposure (kinda)
and the people that take fox news seriously will stay the fuck away from us
its almost a win-win situation if you see it this way
@I have a plan
ReplyDeleteThis, so much this
ReplyDeleteFUCK Fox News.
I wonder how Lauren would respond to them?
Filing for disability, what the hell?
ReplyDelete@I have a plan
ReplyDeleteI do like this plan, having that website itself is a GREAT boost to our image.
Im for it.
@I have a plan
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect idea! I think it would do a fantastic job of prooving that we're just as normal as anyone else!
@ Fox News - I live in Europe, I have only heard about Fox News so far but it seems the rumours are true. That was so shockingly low-grade I don't even know what to say. People get payed to do this? Twisting things with no research so they can shock the viewers for better viewer statistics? Oh wait...yeah...bleh.
ReplyDeleteThere could be moments when I do believe we should stand up and let people know who we are but this is just...it doesn't even worth a response. Ignore. Period.
@Steve and Preston - I dont know you guys but you rock :)
@License Plate - Driving on a lousy monday morning just became 20% cooler?
@Escher - Thanks this will come handy :)
@Essay - Joys of tear in my eyes :) Brony pride ^-^
Alright, if we're all on board for this, I can start collecting photos, but we'll want to get exposure to everybody. That means ponychan, /co/ and /b/ (yes, all of them) and maybe something here on EqD. Now, if I'm going to get as many photos as I think I will, I won't be able to quality check them save a quick glance. So, refrain from shopping trollface.jpg somewhere (or do it, i don't care).
ReplyDeleteMake submissions to [email protected], subject line "Brony Photo"
(Sorry if this posts twice, blogger's known to be derpy)
Hmm..... I agree with many of the posters above. I, and from what I can tell, many others were offended by that program's blatant smearing, but sending emails wouldn't be the most constructive way to deal with it. We are simply not powerful enough to take on a Megastation like fox, and they would simply warp our words to paint us in an even WORSE way. However, something still should be done. We should indeed consider contacting hasbro with this issue to see if they will be willing to do this. We are their unofficial investors and consumers, and attacking us is also an attack on Hasbro, their product, and what it represents. Under the logic that if Fox attacks the main consumers of the franchise and turn off many more potential consumers to it, then I'm sure Hasbro won't just let it sit quietly. Even if all they care about is money (which could be argued), they could still potentially be losing money from this smear, and if there's anything corporations hate more than anything else, it's losing potential customers.
ReplyDeleteI know, it's a wall of text and a rant, but still, it is SOMETHING.
TL;DR- let's get big brother Hasbro to beat up that mean bully Fox.
"Fox News - We deceive, you believe."
ReplyDeleteOh boy, I am European and I've heard a lot of stuff about Fox. But THIS. I mean, srsly, I am speechless.
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely appalled that people will go so far to smear us. Honestly, I can live with those who think it's weird, or who misunderstand a bit, but having the audacity to outright lie about who we are, and being so horrifically wrong about it really sickens me. I am a perfectly normal individual who maintains his life outside of MLP, and lumping me and fellow bronies in with men who live like a baby is a real insult.
ReplyDeleteReally? Fox is saying we're filing for disability? REALLY?
ReplyDeleteGuys... we're starting to sound like the bad section of the furry fandom who feel the need to justify everything and take the bait like a bunch of dumb fish. We really need to just step back, take a deep breath, and consider just how this affects us (hint: it doesn't really). Everyone who is going to agree with this small affiliate is either going to already think this, or will just blow it off and forget about it almost instantly. If we keep trying to attack everyone who says something negative about us, we're going to end up EXACTLY like that bad percentage of furries who constantly get mocked, and I'm not sure anyone wants that.
ReplyDelete>random Fox affiliate news piece
ReplyDeleteNeeds moar randomly exploding vans.
Hasbro has no corporate interest in getting into a battle over words said by what is essentially a random idiot with a microphone. Especially when it's not even about them.
ReplyDeleteFor that matter, neither do we. Yes, it's infuriating that the guy's process was essentially: See bronies exist on another news site; make up utter lies about disabilities and staying home from work. It's disgusting, especially since there's been more people in service to their country alone to post about their career than anyone like that. But it's not worth writing to this guy about because he would never apologize for anything and might just keep making up more ****.
"Fox News reports on Bronies"
ReplyDeleteOh dear, here it comes . . . Wait a second, this isn't Fox News, what is this?
"KTVI in St. Louis"
That's it? A local channel in Missouri that happens to be owned by NewsCorp? Well that's not so bad, heck considering the segment was so short I doubt there's any reason to complain.
*reads comments*
I stand corrected. There is a reason to complain, and that reason is that the fandom here is too ignorant to know three very important things.
1. This was a local broadcast.
2. That wasn't Fox News' website, this is Fox News' website: http://www.foxnews.com/ : For goodness sake, they even have completely opposite color schemes, and the name is right there in top right corner.
3. Despite both being owned by NewsCorp and sharing a name Fox News and Fox Broadcasting are completely separate operations (and often don't get along well), and Fox News only interacts with local Fox Affiliate stations when there's a local story of national interest (like the recent tornadoes).
Those aren't hard things to grasp, so why in the world are the comments here wallowing in hatred for a party that isn't involved? It's stupid, contrary to the values we claim to hold dear, and it sets the bad example that we'll give in to our emotions at the drop of a hat.
And shame on you, Sethisto. It was likely because of your poorly worded and poorly researched news post that everyone got so whipped up into a frenzy. You're guilty of the very same thing all these radio and web people are.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is exactly why I stopped watching Fox News. "Fair and balanced" my arse.
@I have a plan
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I like this idea a lot, but let's make sure we send the pictures to the local station, not to Fox News.
We also might want to consider sending the pictures to Dave Glover himself through the 97.1 site. I really hope I can contribute to this. Just make sure you don't close submissions before next week, because that's when I start work.
And as it's been said before, don't raid Fox! We need to maintain our image.
ReplyDeleteHe does realize My Little Pony is made in Canada, right? :D
@Escher! Escher! EscherEscherEscher! This is about your writing guide.
ReplyDeleteI rather appreciate the effort you put into compiling that guide. Not that it does me any good, as I'm more of a graphical artist, but I genuinely appreciate the tone that you wrote it in.
I've read a lot of similar documents aimed at amateur writers because of another community I'm involved in, and they're usually savage. I've seen angry rants ride under the standard of helpful collective criticism. When I say the blurb on this article linking to your guide, I thought that I was about to read another. Fortunately, I was wrong. You taught through friendly eloquence, rather than aggressive mockery and shaming. Awesome!
I really hope people won't start trying to prove that FOX is blatantly lying about everything they claimed about the MLP community... it will only make matters worse, since FOX cannot be reasoned with, and will only drag us down even more.
ReplyDeleteGuys, let's be the bigger community and ignore this news station. They're not worth giving attention to >_>
ReplyDeleteHooo... I haven't been that mad since I started watching My Little Pony. Deep breath, let it go. I wanted to race at them with pony fury, but you guys are all right, that's not the right thing to do.
ReplyDeleteOh Fox, I love you and all you hate. Your hate feeds me, makes me want to love more, like a tree in the oxygen cycle.
ReplyDeleteAnd to be honest, if I could go on disability and talk about ponies, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Ponies. Yay!
Me when I woke up: "I hope the brony community is portrayed in a positive light by the media!" *sees fox news*
ReplyDelete... Fffffffuuuuuuuuuu....
@ I have a plan
Haha, stable, that's punny.
And I approve of that plan!
So Fox News makes a report that smears Bronies, why am I not surprised. Really we should just ignore them, they will just twist anything we say. Read the report from Repulibot.com that is far more accurate and positive of the show and the fandom.
ReplyDeleteA thank-you album is a great idea. The FiM crew worked hard on the show and they deserve all the appreciation they can get.
And another Brony makes a speech. Yet more people to add to the herd.
@female anon - if you believe that CCS got popular because of the more gender neutral Cardcaptors, our exposure to the fandoms are radically a odds. The real shoujo version is almost universally better regarded where I see on the net and rl. Also ,other than some cool but token thing, like the song, Hasbro firm markets MLP too the little girls, not the males. I mean, look at the official shirts! All in female shirt styles.
ReplyDeleteI also like how everyone is piling on fox news when Fox News is NOT the culprit here. It is a local Fox station.
And really, Fox News viewers are not welcome here? I think I have behaved, but thanks. So much for love and tolerance.
Eh, I don't think we should waste our energy on what idiots say. If we were to respond this way to any idiot it is possible that more idiots would join in or even worst turning idiots into bronies.
ReplyDeleteDo we really need these kind of people in this fandom?
Ok fair enough we love and tolerate the shit out of everyone.
ReplyDeleteBut honestly if you're going to pin the faults of a welfare scheme which has it's benefits and detriments on the fact that people aren't productive because of a fandom I think that's what you call just a teeny weeny bit of an over generalization?
I'm going to control myself to avoid saying let's get the bastards so let's be logical, calm, and lucid.
Anyone know's how to contact them via email or anything? A thousand bronies spamming their inboxes is sure to work.
ReplyDeleteEeee-nup, as many had already mentioned, that'd be a bad idea and they might troll more or laugh at us. Best to keep ourselves out of this and ignore the shit out of them now. They ain't worth our time-
@blackseven There's nothing wrong with holding a parent company responsible for an affiliate- that's the whole crux of the relationship. And FoxNEws watchers are of course welcome here, all people are, but people are going to be harsher towards a network that has not historically had a good reputation with honesty, love or tolerance.
ReplyDeleteokay, with all these kneejerk reactions, I think I ca see some good in this.
ReplyDeleteAny reporter with a shred or integrity can spot a massive kneejerk reaction a mile away. it's only a matter of time until one decides to actually research the show and not judge, and in the end we'll have a decent wave of positive press because the kneejerk reaction caught the attention of people who matter.
Okay, time to de-rail the newscast hate.
License Plate Brony up there is a good friend of mine, and I think that license plate is just made of win. I also take credit for (a) egging him on, and (b) taking the picture you see. ^_^
I think the idea of a tribute album has definite merit. For myself, I would love to hear some jazz renditions of the tunes, since jazz is my favorite.
Layout is fairly early in the animation process, and is mainly charged with translating the script/storyboard to the screen in a visual sense. He or she assists the Director with maintaining a consistent visual style (character , background and prop design excepted). So it means the episodes are probably written, but no actual animation or voice recording has occurred yet. Expect a late autumn launch, I think.
Escher has definitely written one of the better guides for fan-fic writing I've seen. I wrote a long time ago, and what Escher says definitely rings true. It's written in an easy-to-comprehend and engaging style, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone currently writing or considering writing a fan-fiction.
Okay, viscereal reactions and knee-jerk anger are done. This has a lot of better news in it than the Fox News affiliate stuff. FOCUS on the positive here, fillies and gentlecolts!
@landmearca: fair enough, but the parent company should be Fox Broadcasting Company or Fox Entertainment Group.Fox News has as much to do with this as FX or Fox Sports.
ReplyDeleteYeah, for some reason we rarely see knee-jerk reactions about license plates. Perhaps we'd all be a little calmer if that was our rant trigger.
ReplyDeleteWe've already started doing layout, and animation might have started (or will be very soon). One of the supervisors is leaving, so they just need a replacement.
ReplyDeleteI never watched FOX news before
ReplyDeleteThough this is a bit unrelated, I'm kinda upset about the first news [about the 30 year old guys who's being like a baby]
I know it's creepy, but do you really have to mention it multiple times? Aren't there any other words to describe it?
Sure, he's 30 years old yet plays in the crib and all, but that doesn't make him a total circus freak. Opinions are opinions, but that is just plain offensive
This... This is actually worth raiding for than that radio station. But as much as I like to do so, I'll regret it later on
Hopefully some bronies would explained them who we really are. I'm getting worried if it gets out of hand D:
i have a plan
but I work as a DJ do i just take a picture of myself next to the turntables,
also sethisto plz make a thing about this we need more exposure, if not for fox news, for other news, and ourselves really
Yeah, the fox thing just was so outright wrong they 1) clearly don't care about what they say and 2) don't care about what we will say.
ReplyDeleteAll they want to do was to associate 'different people' with things like disability and unemployment to get people more angry at the concept of social support by linking it to abuse and anti-social behaviour. It's what their audience wants to hear. "MY MONEY PAYS FOR THIS?! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!"
Just leave them to wallow in their own filth.
We require to convince some big, anti-fox news station or something to bring them down, i mean, i have never been more offended in my entire fucking life!
ReplyDeletedon't bother asking foxnews, they will ignore us even though we will prove ourselves right, last thing they would do is accept that they were idiots.
Pfahahahahahaha FOX News. Their local news aren't too bad where I live, but this is just silly. I'm sure anyone can see that this report is crazy inaccurate. Besides, it's FOX. Anything as off the wall as that is likely to be seen as inaccurate by the general public.
ReplyDeleteIt seems this fandom is in a strange period of good press/bad press. I think, by the end of the month, most of it will shift to good press. Or maybe by the time season 2 rolls out.
Speaking of good press, that other article was really well-done. Absolutely loved it.
@DaveGlover: NO U
ReplyDeleteWhy do I get the feeling none of this newfound media exposure is going to be good for business? This couldn't have come at a worse time. First the raccoons are back in the rafters, and now me and my crew are being called pedos and manchildren.
ReplyDeleteNow enough about that. That essay was damn fine, and I may check out that writing guide. I don't intend to write fanfiction, but I am a writer and I'm always open to any potentially useful advice.
Full time employed accountant and I now hate FOX news
ReplyDeleteyou know, while many episodes drew me to bronydom, what really solidified my place in this community was all of you guys. The acceptance, ideals, and creativity of this community, the fun loving feel and (often) passive reactions to negativity were really inspiring. In my mind this is still the best community i have ever been a part of.
ReplyDeleteI am a brony today not just because of the show, but because of my real favorite ponies, all of you.
so thanks for that.
remember everypony DONT FEED THE PARASPRITES!!!!!