• Nightly Roundup #7

    If I get one Lyra image a day, I can make her the mascot of this.

    Otherwise it's defaulting to the Trixie, who is already the technical blog mascot.  The choice is yours artists!

    Anyway on with the news! After the break of course.

    Brony Corrects the Physics Presentation

    Those crazy physicists, they are all out to get eachother!  I'm surprised Steven Hawking is still alive with how cutthroat that career is!  This brony picked apart Physics Brony's presentation and corrected all of the little errors with cold, hard, scientific revisions.  You can find the Google Document filled with all modifications here!

    Ponies Invading Various Radio Stations
    The Wired.com article seems to have had an effect on radio stations across the country.  That or it's just easy to rip on.  Various DJ's have jumped at the opportunity to laugh at the brony armada, using all sorts of made up facts and jargon to back up their wild claims.  I guess they are pretty desperate now that the internet is so much more...convenient... than radio.  You can find the stations linked below!

    Preston and Steve in Fillydelphia
    Alice 109.5's Slacker Steve
    Dave and Chuck: The Freak (Who apparently ripped us pretty hard) Check out the newest podcast on their mane page and fast forward to 40:25

    1080p Season 1 Torrent Collection
    Mentos's HD Pony collection is now available via massive torrent.  Thanks to Alexstraza for the upload! You can find that here!

    Awesome German Rainbow Dash Cosplay

    Another crazy cosplay has shown up.  She definitely does a good job of pulling off Rainbow Dash.  Apparently her name is Ankin, and this all took place during the Dokomi 2011 Anime/Manga convention ins Germany.  Why can't we have cool names like that?  

    MTG Card set #2!
    Another set of MTG cards has popped up for those of you who weren't satisfied with the last one (Even though it has way cooler flavor text!)  You can find the new cards here!

    MLP Theme converted to Klingon

    I'm pretty sure we have remixed it with pretty much everything else, so why not?  A few bronies over on Ponychan have transformed the MLP theme into the...complex... Klingon language.  Trekkies everywhere would be proud.

    Now someone needs to sing this and upload it to youtube for tomorrow's news post! We can't leave this unused!

    You can find the post here!

    World of Tanks EU Clan
    For those of you in last night's thread complaining about a lack of EU presence in World of Tanks, fear not!  A brony by the name of Pawel has set up a chat channel over there, simply named "Pony" to gauge interest on how many people would be up for joining a FiM clan.

    Least I Could Do Comic Artist Goes Pony
    I think pretty much every comic artist on the internet has hit this point.  It's pretty unavoidable.  He hasn't dropped an actual pony comic yet, but at least he is sporting a pony avatar.  I have been told that this comic is pretty NSFW, so read at your own peril!  You can find it here!

    New Merch Poll! 
    A new poll can be found at the bottom right of the blog.  This one will deal with what kind of merch you have bought for ponies so far.  Maybe Hasbro can check it out and give us some official stuff or something, if the saucy images haven't scared them away already.  

    And that is it for tonight's roundup.  Now I get to go through the long process of filing the entire day into the side bar! hooray.

    230 kommentaari:

    1. I wonder how much of the world we have taken over.

    2. Least I Could Do?

      You better hide that from /co/.

    3. My roommate hates ponies but loves Least I Could Do.

      Tomorrow's gonna be a fun day.

    4. @Anonymous

      At least 20% everyone should know that. Now to go buy out every bakery in existence and rename them all Sugarcube Corner.

    5. Now I remember why I hate talk radio...
      They just...talk...about really stupid things...
      And it's annoying!


    7. We should love and tolerate the s**t out of that 'The Freak' show. But they redeemed themselves by playing Equestria Girls.

    8. You know, I wouldn't be as offended by Dave and Chuck's assessment of the trend if the whole thing didn't manage to throw in hobophobic comments and accuse us all of being pedophiles.

      Anybody who IS into this stuff in secret is doing it because of judgmental jerks like that.

    9. I would love to love and tolerate the crap out of that DJ till he died of happyness at what he was missing.

    10. What the guy above said, but still that is what we look like to closed minded buffoons who fail to actually research.

    11. I hope Dave and Chuck realize what they've unleashed...

    12. for the poll.. id buy like... EVERYTHING ON THERE if they were; 1. available near me(in hawaii >_> lol) 2. looked a lil more accurate(in terms of hair(the molded one :D n accurate cutie marks...)
      Shirts i'd buy... but actually.. im gonna buy one tomorrow lol :P(online) Giant Wall Pony(point me in the direction to get one please :3) Blind Bags(once available in hawaii ima buy like over ninethousand of them... just saiyin :P and uh.. yeah

      TL;DR id buy more ofthem if they were more readily available to purchase!

    13. I thought the dave and chuck show was actually pretty funny until that one caller started throwing around the 'queer' and pedophile comments and they laughed it up.

      Whatever I guess.

    14. The link to the corrected physics seems to be broken.

    15. The Freak radio really annoyed me because they were basically calling us closet pedophiles for liking a cartoon show.

      It's so sad seeing gender roles being used as ammunition against a person's hobbies or interests.

    16. Holy crap... i have never heard bigger douchebags then this dave and chuck. the callers too. it's like 4chan with audio... which probably means they will end up loving it too.

    17. To spare you the pain of actually listening to the radio shows...

      1) The hosts read the first few unflattering sentences of the Wired article, but one of them pipes up and says he actually watched an episode ("Over a Barrel") and the "subject matter was surprisingly grown up." The others agree that they might have to check it out.

      2) One of the hosts barely knows what My Little Pony is, so the annoying one has to explain it loudly. The whole tone of it is "Man, that sure is weird."

      3) This really is the worst of the bunch. They apparently have the entire Wired article at hand, but they skip over the parts that explain the phenomenon and just go "I don't get it." On top of that, they constantly refer to it as a "new bro trend" (*twitch*). Then, their callers call in and make gay and pedophile jokes. One heck of a kneejerk reaction.

    18. First link doesn't seem to work (It just redirects to blogger.com).

    19. those guys on taht Pod cast have absolutely no CLUE what they have unleashed yet do they

    20. >call bronies the fall of civilization

      >laugh at homophobic comments from caller while also agreeing to accusations


    21. Took place during Dokomi 2012? Really?

    22. 1:33 Anon again

      >judge Allen on looks about who he is

      I think that is the biggest fall of humanity that they are supporting

    23. yay! I lurves the LICD comic.

    24. bah, what bugs me the most is when people say it is an ironic thing... it isn't. wired at least got that part right in that it WAS about sincerity, comparing it to glee's popularity die to its sincerity.

    25. I suppose we are going to have to get used to this. I am slightly offended (I didn't watch the worst one, couldn't get it to go to the right time and I don't want to hear their whole show). Hopefully they'll all be bigger people and apologize. I have not revealed myself except to a couple of people, and this is why. Regardless, as a group, we'll probably have to always take it in stride. What we are doing now is okay, perhaps a little spamy, but at least we aren't resorting to their same tactics.

    26. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
      Dave and Chuck have listeners?

    27. Physics rebuttal leads to blogger dashboard.

    28. After listening to these, the only thing I heard? Good news! How so you may ask? Well it is simple really - if loving and tolerating overcame the hordes of /b/tards, the manestream media is pretty much powerless! The more they mock to cover up their fear, ignorance and mistrust, the stronger the Brony cause grows. Pinkie Pie grins everyone!!! The Herd is on the march!!!!

    29. The only bad publicity is no publicity.

    30. Ah, looks like the news post has been cleaned up a little. Try those links again!

    31. I think Dave and Chuck called "4chan" "four-chin"...and I agree with Andrew, I hope idiots like this don't belittle too many people who like the show.

    32. eh... Haters gonna hate... Ponies gonna pwn. :D

    33. I wrote up a wall of love and tolerance on Dave and Chuck's page, but it was three times longer than Facebook would allow :( I had to trim it down.

      But I think I still got the core message across. To any brony who goes there, just remember not to rise to the bait. Love and tolerate. Everyone will see the error of their ways when our supreme overlord Princess Celestia rises to power and takes over the world.

    34. The Freak callers are just just some big jealous judgmental jealous-jealousy-pants that will never know the true magic of friendship. Oh well~

      Preston and Steve, on the other hoof, seems like they are on brony phase #1

    35. So.... I'm guessing Dave and Chuck don't realize that a chunk of people who are Bronies, are anons..... I guess he forgot what happened to Sony.....

      You know, listening to this it reminds me of every homophobe I have ever encountered, and when you actually think about it, the majority of them who are against anything as a "Socially acceptable male stereotype", are actually homosexuals themselves who are too afraid to come out into a world were there is all this hate for someone being different. They bash it so that others would believe that they are not something they seem to hate. I believe that Dave and Chuck need to be loved and tolerated the shit out of so that they can come out and accept their homosexuality in a group who can accept them for who they are.

    36. And, just remember guys, Love and Tolerate. When Princess Celestia takes over, she will banish them, and then put them in jail in the place where she banished them.

    37. Yeah, I only left a picture and a comment telling one dude not to take the hate so far, but still, it does annoy me. Oh well...

    38. What's happening on "the freak"'s Facebook page is a thing of beauty.
      I'm so proud to be a brony at times like this.

    39. The latest set of Magic cards are a lot better than the last batch. I also like the fact that Scootaloo is creature type Chicken.

    40. The Alice 109.5 one was pretty good. That third talk show sucked though.

    41. @Anonymous

      Yep. There's a bit of defensiveness lurking about, but it's mostly just bronies trying to chill the hate down a bit.

      This fandom rocks.

    42. On another topic,

      That's a really great Lyra pic.

    43. dude... their facebook page.. is so beautiful.. i love you bronies so much <3 lol (i posted a pic on there with RD saying "NEED MOAR PONY" :D

      Princess Celestia would be proud. ^.^

    45. I must friend everypony who's posting there. You guys are all awesome.

      And yeah, Lyra's adorable. I like to imagine that's her dress for hers and Bon-Bon's wedding.

    46. Why rename the original filenames for the torrent? *shakes head*

    47. @Kinklo Brony who are you? im Aaron posting random crap(i posted Bridle Gossip's Friendship report) lol

    48. Hum... I really cannot vote on this pole yet as the merchandise I'm hoping gets created that I would by hasn't been made yet.

    49. @Nick
      Feel free to add me, everypony.

    50. @SonicRainboom93 Just changed my pic to match the one on here. Esteban.

    51. I love tonight. I get on Facebook to love and tolerate, and one of my friends from high school starts talking to me on chat. Thirty minutes later, he's watched the first episode and we're talking about our favorite ponies.

      Dave and Chuck have actually done a lot of good for our fandom.

    52. HA HA! This was HILARIOUS! That gave me a good laugh, especially the last one.


    53. @Kinklo kk accepted the friend request lol... dude... this is lulz

    54. i am really having trouble loving and tolerate the third radio station
      i am really angry

    55. Posting as Josh Rushing over there.

    56. @mariomarc Fellow brony, just check out their facebook page :D we've already dominated that place with love lol

    57. @mariomarc

      Yep. Anger won't change their opinions. If you can't bring yourself to love and tolerate, just laugh and make them disappear :)

    58. i think most of y'all are right. Dave and chuck might have unwittingly given us publicity... but by whats happening now we are giving THEM publicity.

    59. Eh...honestly, it's good venting. Didn't have the best day on top of that podcast, so i'm just leaving a few friendly comments.

    60. @Anonymous

      We might be giving them publicity, but oh well. Like Pinkie_Pie_fan said, it's good venting, and it's not hateful in any way. People are going to see all of us being loving and tolerating or laughing our asses off, and some of them are going to say "You know what? Dave and Chuck are douchebags. These bronies are cool."

      Bam. New bronies.

    61. So far I have 2 McDonalds toys and 3 Brush-ables.

      I want more in the future though! Especially apparel and stuff :3

    62. I haven't been able to buy anything :(

      None of the stores around where I live have FiM toys. But I'm in the city for the summer, so by Celestia I'll buy some before I go.

    63. I haven't been able to buy anything...simply because my dad's line of thinking would fall in line with the 3rd podcast. My mom knows about my brony status though.

    64. I bought the big set with Celestia and stuff because it was the only one that actually looked similar to the show. I also tried to convert the cashier. :P

    65. @Anonymous

      EPIC. Did you succeed? And that sucks, Pinkie. I dunno how my dad would react, really, but I'm sure it wouldn't be favorable.

    66. @Nick
      Not sure. He said he'd watch it but I don't know if he ever did. :/
      I'd say probably.

    67. @the radio bit

      Yeah, I had a run in with that just yesterday morning, in real life.

      On the way to school, our bus always plays this 'whatevers been popular for five seconds' radio station I don't much care for. Anyway, they do their banter thing like any station. That morning, Bronies came up in conversation because the hosts had read that wired article.

      Well, I was fully expecting them to make jokes and brace for it. What i was not expecting, was for these jokes to continue and become gradually more meanspirited. It got to the point of the female cohost who was really aggressive doing such jokes as "Guys buying my little pony merchandise - Pedophile alert" and all sorts of totally unfounded and rude remarks.

      My excitement at hearing about Bronies in real life instantly evaporated.

      Had they even watched the show?
      Had they EVER met a brony?

      However, I thankfully managed to catch myself mid-rage and not get vindictive about it, as any brony should.

      Still, I find it really funny that we, who are essentially one of the most harmless and positive social phenomena around, can garner so much hate. Sure, i expect some people to look on us as wierd, but i never understand how they can be so very abrasive and agitated by such a nice thing.

      It's like Gilda yelling at Fluttershy....its just awful

    68. Molded figurines only.

    69. @RandomjackMan, that's rough to hear it in public. How did the people on the bus react?

    70. The radios pretty much background noise, I didn't notice any reactions.

      Had anyone been looking at ME, they would have seen a serious face.

    71. No! NO! Blog mascot must be TWILIGHT! Because I dont think that any other pony would have read this blog anyway.

      Also, Twilight is best pony.

      And yes, that is how I spell Pinkie Pie.

    72. >Someone insults ponies
      >Gain 5 new Facebook friends
      Man I love you guys.

    73. Well, that last radio show is on air now.

      313-298-7999 or 519-792-5000

      I'll just leave this here. Make sure to tell them to check their facebook page.

    74. OMG! Listening to the third one so far, and I lold at one of their callers. This is all rolling off my back, rude as it is.

      Right after they play equestria girls, this one guy calls all "have you heard of 4chan? Its this really creepy place on the internet...."

      ^anyone else reminded of Steffon? "The internets hottest club is 4chan"

    75. Jesus, i double facepalmed at the guy who calls and says "actually brony is spelled q-u-e-e-r"

      I don't dislike country people (see Applejack), but rednecks are a different story.

    76. @Randomjack

      Shitsux. I'm perfectly fine with folks not liking the show, and even making jokes about bronies; I make offensive jokes myself, just as long as my audience knows I'm joking and don't mean it.

      But that's just rude and stupid. Don't give up hope, though, because I was very much like those folks before I got into the show. Now I'm an entirely different person. You never know who could end up being a brony.

    77. @Nick

      Exactly. The best thing for us all to do is react calmly and in our true nature. Sometimes people just need to be shown a little kindness :)

    78. LOLOLOL


    79. Did anypony get any pics of the wall before they started deleting everything?

    80. Okay they appear to have locked their page or something. It's time to start calling.

      313-298-7999 or 519-792-5000

    81. LOL Kinklo.. that was fun :P

      They turned the wall off and are deleting all pony posts

    82. oh well, twas fun while it lasted

    83. They are also blocking anyone from posting on older posts. XD

    84. LOL they werent offended but they had a good laugh

    85. What they sayin?! I cant listen due to being in the UK

    86. Oh no.... theyre going to retaliate against Anons.... XD

    87. Retaliate? With all 5 of their listeners? Fuck I'm scared.

    88. Funny how they blocked me from posting and I wasn't even spamming. I was actually posting legit points. Just shows how little they actually care about being intelligent and accurate.

    89. Hey, wouldn't it be interesting to see who'd vote for 'nothing' in the poll?

    90. LOL the were like "I say we retaliate... nah lol enjoy your day" blah blah haha

    91. lol. They blocked anyone who was a brony from posting on the wall. U can "re-like" but cant post.

      I find it funny they deleted 90% of our posts before they said to check their FB.

    92. LOL if they check all our stuff is gone! ;_;

    93. ah well, was fun bronys. gained like, 6 friends too. xD Im going to turn this live crap off, if anyone has the willpower to sit through more of that crap, tell meh what u hear.

    94. Now they are saying ponies are sexual

    95. haha, people are STILL uploading images onto there wall, even if they get some of us, theres way more then just a few Bronies on facebook afterall, and they brought this upon themselves as well by hatin on the Ponies, hate on us, and we'll Love and Tolerate the shit outta ya till the day you die, FOOOOOOOOOOREVEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!

    96. I sense a disturbance in the force!

    97. Slacker and Steve are actually kind of fun :) I like the way they themselves start feeling self conscious about their masculinity while discussing it ^^ It doesn't last forever on the topic of Bronies though, but it is fun to hear them actually concede about girly things and such.

    98. I sent them an email, since I don't have a phone to call them with.


      First off, I'd like to express my unhappiness that you deleted my posts when I was actually trying to make legit points rather than just ponyspamming. But whatever. I'll not worry about that.

      As far as the entire thing, yeah. Lots of them were being immature, and the whole thing was very bad form on the community's part. That said, you can't even pretend you didn't provoke it; not saying I agree with what they did, since I said from the beginning that it was bad for PR, but you didn't even give the community a damn chance. I can understand being skeptical, but you made pedo comments and gay comments, and I can understand that they get pretty upset at it all.

      Now that we've got my stance on their actions out of the way, let's get to my stance on your bit about us. The most untrue thing you said (aside from insinuating pedophilia and such) was that this is in the same vein as 'Bros icing bros' and such, as well as the caller saying bronies like the show because it's ironic. That's just stupid and untrue. But anyway, that's not what offended me. What offended me the most was really the fact that you based your opinion of Luke Allen on nothing but his appearance, as well as the fact that you seemed to have the entire article sitting in front of you and instead of reading it, just saying "I don't get it." If you don't get it, then do a little research. Don't just ask people you know won't like the thing what they think; ask both sides and formulate an educated opinion.

      Now, I'll go ahead and say I don't know much about you or your radio show, but you really just came off as assholes who didn't know what they were talking about. I'm fine with assholes, so long as they know what they're talking about. I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you're going to rip on a show, or anything for that matter, please take the time to do a bit of research and base your opinion on more than just gender stereotypes.

      In closing, I'd like to apologize for the actions of the bronies who assaulted your board. I was among them, and I could have done more to discourage this, and so I apologize for myself to. But again, I must stress that you did kind of bring it upon yourself, regardless of if it was mature or not. I'd appreciate if you could possibly mention this over the air, just to give the fandom a bit more of a fair representation, and I'd appreciate it even more if you could actually give the show a chance. If nothing else, though, I'd definitely like to get a reply just so I know that you got this and read it.

      Nick Potter


      Hope it achieves something.

    99. The pony physics is awesome. I would encourage everyone to read it. I can't understand half of it, but it's still very interesting.

    100. @Derptastic
      As a /b/rony, I feel the need to reply, as not all of us are like that. To correct the situation, most oldfags accepted ponies, while the younger ones spammed just about anything they could upload in every thread. Maybe two /b/ronies replied, but other than some interesting conversation with Wastelander, we tolerated the living shit out of the spammers. Something new for /b/, to say the least. In fact, most /b/ronies were former newfags from the first two habbo raids.
      This show changed the unlikeliest of places. Even if it truly wasn't all that much.
      So whenever people hear I'm from /b/, I simply tell them "it's okay, I'm just going to love & tolerate the living fuck out of you."

      Heresay, TO BRONIES!

    101. *applause* Well said, Nick, well said...

    102. Yeah...I kinda think I may have gotten out of hand as well...that Joakim guy has a point, as do you Nick.

    103. Meh, it's all good, as long as we all walk away having learned a lesson.

      We should all write "Dear Princess Sethisto" letters about the lesson we learned out of this and send them in. Maybe they'll get published.

    104. And perhaps state a solid number of rules on how to deal with situations like this? xD

    105. We got one of their viewers backing us up. lol

    106. Joakim had really well thought out points, I agree.

    107. Do tell Kinklo :O

    108. I'll be honest I fear the day Bubba Clem (aka Bubba the Love Sponge) catches wind of this. I like his show I try to listen to it everyday but I know damn well he will most likely rip us a new one. That show doesn't hold much back if anything it will be an interesting experience.

      Another Nationally syndicated radio show I listen to that I hope doesn't catch wind of this is Lex and Terry. Actually I'm not so much worried about Lex and Terry it's their listeners. They take a rather large amount of phone calls during their show so yeah.

    109. lol, They deleted her post.

      She said, even though the brony community spammed the wall, they were the ones who started the fire and should probly give an apology to the brony community.

    110. yeah, it was fun while it lasted but I do agree that it got a lil bit out of hand after a while, but still pretty fun regardless, all I did was post a video link to Winter Wrap Up (the song not the episode) then 2 minutes later, blocked and video deleted lol, but I was just gonna link the music for em to see just how awesome Daniel Ingram's songs are

    111. (Thats not exact, but her main point.)

    112. Well, regardless, I think we should be the better ponies and apologize ourselves as well. Too bad most of us are unable to post our apologies on their page >_>

      In other news, my letter to Princess Sethisto has been written. Send it? Y/N

    113. Someone, a second ago, also posted a link to why people like MLP FIM. and they just deleted that too. xD

    114. Yeah, we're not getting an apology...but honestly, we kinda...made this bigger than it may have needed to be. I'm sure we're not first community they've talked about, and we kinda took it poorly...still upset about that pedo comment though.

    115. @Nick

      ... I say...

      .... yay~

    116. @NickI walk away knowing I won't do this again, so yes.

    117. Emailed it to him :D

      Dear Princess Sethisto,

      Today, I didn't exactly learn a new lesson about friendship. Instead, I sort of relearned one I already knew, and I feel a bit bad for having forgotten it in the first place: everypony's opinions are going to differ from your own, and while it's perfectly fine to defend your views, you should always make sure to stick to your values and not leave them behind to try and change somepony else's opinion. Oftentimes, you just end up making yourself and all your friends look bad.

      Your faithful student,
      Nick Potter

    118. Huh. In addition, I recieved a reply to my email to Dave and Chuck.

      "No worries man it's all good.
      All the best,

      Not sure what to make of this.

    119. @Nick HAHAHAHAHAHA +5 Poninets to you good Colt

    120. I think it means we're cool. The brony community and them, I mean.

    121. I hope so. It would be awesome if they mentioned it on the air, but if not we'll just have to try and interpret it ourselves.

    122. @Nick Prolly just them sayin they didnt take it the wrong way, cos if they wanted too they REALLY could have flamed us on there show, but they didnt in the end, so like they said, it's all good

    123. @Nick. Epic letter to seth.

      And for the reply.


      100 bison dollars for you! =D

    124. Thanks, folks. I'll be awake and listening to their show until it ends, so if they make any more mention of it I'll be sure to update everypony.

    125. @Kinklo Someone needs to put an ACTUAL Bison from teh show on that :P

    126. I'm also still listening in. (mostly out of boredom though...I should go to bed soon, going to IHOP in the morning)

    127. Ye know...i just love it...How it's ok when women watch supposedly men/boys's shows, but it's not when men watch supposedly girls shows...

    128. Speaking of having translated the theme tune into Klingon, I can translate the entire episode "Look Before you Sleep" into Tamarian.

      Wait for it...

      Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

    129. This is why I stopped listening to any radio station that has call-in discussions. Any sort of meaningful discussion will just descend into bashing one group regardless of weather or not they had it coming. The other two radio shows were at least a little open minded about us. The last one was just hate in audio form.

    130. Sent em an email. Not as long as yours Nick, but I think its the same point. (Im not good at essays)

      Also, made this, if anyone wants to use it. They like it. xD


    131. I think that what happened today was a must. Old habits are hard to let go of, as seen from what happened in Dave and Chuck's FB page, and I think this test helped us see the best way to deal with something like that. I'm at least proud that this was still handled with at least a level of control. Lots of bronies may be disappoint, but I'm still proud the idea of love and tolerance was raised in the end.

      Let's just learn from mistakes and carry on. Second Season is in the go, after all 8D

    132. @Kinklo

      Good. Maybe if enough people email them with a good message like that, they'll say something about the positive side of our fandom.


      Basically. We pretty much just lived through a real life FiM episode. We were presented with a dilemma, we reacted wrongly, realized what we did wrong and learned from our mistakes. I'm proud of everypony on this page, as you've all learned a wonderful lesson. I hope we practice it now that we've learned it :D

    133. @Nick

      I think the picture might do well too.

    134. Yeah, I like that picture. But yeah, hopefully we take this to heart, and if a situation like this arises again, we handle it differently. I know I contributed my share to the problem.

    135. You guys should all write letters to Princess Sethisto. I'm sure he'd be proud of everypony here.

      Plus, I just like calling him that :P

    136. lol Nick.. O Y U SO SILLY lol xD but yeah... wait.. are we seriously gonna write him letters in the format n everything? be like "Dear Princess Sethisto... blah blah... Your Faithful Student ________"? on what we learned? XD haha

    137. @SonicRainboom93

      I did. It was quite fun. And silly, yes. Just like Applejack!

    138. Dear Princess Sethisto,

      Today I was listening to Johnny Cash's songs, and one stuck out in particular after this sticky situation passed.

      I hung my head.

      Your faithful student,
      A sorry brony~

    139. Yay! Maybe we'll get our own blog post!

    140. uhh i wanna share what i sent to his email but where do i put it? D: its erally long and has a story in it LOL

    141. maybe it'll be shared later on? or is it okay to put it on here?

    142. Fuck.

      That Wired article killed us. Just completely killed us. That was easily the worst thing to ever happen to our fandom.



    143. @Anonymous

      I definitely wouldn't say that. It was honestly a good article, which is better than I had dared hope when I first went to read it. The main thing it's done that leads to "bad" things is bring us to the public eye, which was going to happen eventually.

      Best it happened through a good article than through a something that would be designed to make us look bad.

    144. That physics "paper" is worthy of the Annals of Improbable Research.

    145. I love how Dave and Chuck are ripping on bronies and then the one guy confesses to having been in a Care Bear-themed guild in World of Warcraft.

    146. Can somebody link Lauren to those radio interviews? I'd LOVE to see her straighten those guys out.

    147. Wtf? If someone ws suggesting I'm a pedophile/homosexual because of what I like to watch or do on a public radio station here in Finland I would sue them for slander...and I'm pretty certain I would win too.

      Does this fall under the freedom of speech in the US?

    148. Some people just don't understand how masculine Friendship is Magic is.

    149. @Finnish brony
      Näinhän se teoriassa menisi.

      Ei ketään voi tuomita sen perusteella että katsoo tytöille suunnattua piirrettyä.

    150. I've come to expect the queer jokes and douche bags. Dave & Chuck crossed the line when they insulted Daniel Ingram! And how they hay are Carebears more tolerable than MLP? At least MLP has decent writing...

    151. Well, this was bound to happen sooner or later. Lets face it, our fandom is an unusual story to most people, and for a talk show that essentially sounds like its format is banter form the 8th grade kids in the back of the bus this is expected. Every nerd group gets made fun of by ignorant idiots and I think the fact that we've been very 'underground' till the Wired article didn't give the community as a whole a chance to thicken our skins. I don't approve of the raid overall, but I don't think it did any true damage; after all, I'm pretty sure anyone who listens to that show and is a fan on Facebook is already of the same mindset as the hosts. Honestly, a little part of me approved of the raid, due to the truly ignorant and hateful accusations that all bronies are homosexuals (as if it's a bad thing) and pedophiles (and the implied belief that the two always go hand-in-hand. Grr.). Ultimately I think we need to learn from this experience: never again stoop to the hater's level, never again forget what we did, and never forget what we stand for.

      Love, tolerance, and friendship guys and gals!

    152. The link to the theme in Klingon is broken for me and the Ponychan thread 404'ed :(

    153. @Anonymous Honestly, I think these must be the same guys who made the Sammich joke popular... Just disgusts me...

    154. Cody MacArthur Fett15. juuni 2011, kell 09:12

      There was a quote by Gandhi that I believe applies to the recent situation greatly: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

      Calm, reasoned, and well spoken discourse shall be the method by which this fandom shall secure its peace and enhance its economy of influence. It shall be a difficult struggle though, both against the forces that would seek to delegitimize us from the outside, and against the demons of hatred and anger that lurk in every single one of us. Many a time have commentators on this very blog expressed hatred and derision of people for the most frivolous of matters -- such as expressing a liking of anthropomorphic animals, or creating costumes based on the characters depicted in the original property, or people simply expressing their differing social status -- and it would be a great shame indeed if people were to give into their dark desires, and in so doing condemn us all to the same societal gutter that has consumed so many others.

    155. That channel on WOT is pretty cool.

    156. Does anyone know what codec the video for the torrent is in? I already have season 1 in 720p but it's encoded in h264, which doesn't play nice with my video editor.

    157. Awww, I missed a pony raid? Damn, after listening to those radio shows I was all ready to love and tolerate the shit outta some haters.

      Oh well, there's always more haters to be converted.

    158. Ok, so I just want to say that I was the brony who first pointed out the Dave and Chuck bit. Please everypony, make sure you do not go on their FB page and post. It's only creating more drama. I'm really proud of the bronies who wrote in with kind words and polite statements, but many were very, very rude. So please, I ask all of you to just ignore them. We've made our point.


    160. I like how people always claim its pedo or gay related but you can watch the show with out even seeing or interacting with any 'little girls' or 'hot guys'.

      Its just a 20-something minute cartoon. Big deal.

    161. Haha, that physics report was awesome. The butterflies in Equestria are to be feared! xD

    162. The only logical reaction to Dave and Chuck is love and toleration. Simply tell them how much you love them, tolerate their podcasts and they'll slowly destroy themselves in disbelief.

    163. The klingon post is broken.

    164. Oh come on, ya'll's (double ' ftw) got my post deleted. And yes, I posted on their wall before it was cool to!

      It speaks volumes about contemporary American society when simply enjoying something can be unquestioningly described as causing "the decline of society". If anything, this morning show and the people who are calling in are showing the decline of our society; a society with a growing lack of tolerance for others. It takes a different kind of person to make fun of people with autism on the radio. Now I am sure that this misunderstanding was caused by a lack of research, but it is fairly obvious that is not a great defense. If I listened to this morning show I would cease listening after this, regardless of whether or not I watched Friendship is Magic. If other listeners do any research into the article that you are discussing I am sure I would not be the only one. I recommend research in the future.

      With that unpleasantness out of the way, I personally do not know any fans who enjoy the show in an attempt to simply be "edgy" or "ironic"; everyone I know enjoys the show because it is entertaining, well written, and nicely animated. When I first heard of the show I too was skeptical and assumed it was some new fad from 4chan that everyone else was hopping on and I refused to watch the show on principle. However, when I eventually caved and starting watching I did not receive typical children's programming (read: dumbed down) as I expected to; I found a genuinely enjoyable show that had likable characters with flaws, a fun setting and solid, albeit predictable plots (but then what plots are not predictable these days?). Likable, relatable characters are becoming increasingly rare in modern television which is currently plagued by Mary Sues (can Gibbs from NCIS do anything wrong?) and is a breath of fresh air.

      If it seems pathetic to you that I, a 20 year old marketing major, enjoy My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, then I do not know what to tell you other than to be more open minded. It may seem deplorable to you, but I am not going to apologize for liking what I like. However, if you want to continue belittling us then more power to you. Who am I to disrespect your opinion?

    165. "I don't think there's any bronies listening to this show."

      No, Dave and Chuck, because WE have good taste.

      Your show stopped amusing me when I turned 15. Ughhhh.

      Just another reason I hate being from Detroit.

    166. Sadly, I missed this raid when it first came out, but after reading all the comments here, I just want to give a big cheer to all of you who overreacted and then learned from it. This show, My Little Pony, is a constant reminder that we need to temper our anger and reach out to those who hate us with friendship. With the guidance of Twilight Sparkle and the lessons we've relearned in this show, we can find immunity from hate through love. It can be easy to overreact, but I'm proud of the way this fanbase has collectively learned its lesson, and we now collectively vow never to be spammers or trolls again. For some unknown reason, people like to hate and make fun of people they dont understand, and we will be facing these attacks again and again, but if we have truly learned our lesson, and i think we have, we will triumph and take over the world. We will bring in a massive culture shift to a culture that values other people's lives as much as you'd value your own, and one where we respect our differences rather than hating them. With the massive display of learning that's taken place here, I truly believe we can do this, and leave our mark on the world in a truly positive way.

    167. Fortunately the hate was spread on the radio, so nobody cared. No point in trying to deal with them, as anybody who would accuse others of pedophilia can't be reasoned with. As Faust would say, these people are "intolerant A-holes" so we should probably just leave it at that.

      I know I don't make a habit of shouting into a-holes. It just makes you look like a weirdo.

    168. What did they say about Daniel Ingram?

    169. Am I the only one who was sitting there laughing at the homophobic and pedophile jokes? Seriously, it felt like I was being roasted. I think they were funny as hell, despite the massive ignorance behind them.

      On another note, I like how they call us the downfall of civilization, when all we are doing is enjoying a damn tv show and being friendly and sincere to one another. If anyone is the downfall of society, it's THEM for being so hateful, prejudice, and insulting to fellow human beings because of their homophobia and ignorance. But hey, even THAT is ironically funny, and I laughed at that as well.

    170. Please unsuscribe of their channel Wall.
      We are not getting an apology, so deal with it.

      My recommendation is to MAKE a Public Letter for all of those shows and try to post it in some news source stuff with our Fandom completely explainted and detailed.

      Please do not respond to the Trolls, do not feed the trolls. We must be better than them and show who we are, tolerate all the sh!t they throw at us.

      -Brony Community on Facebook/Twitter.

    171. Enough of this Dave and Chuck stuff. The other stuff in this post is totally getting ignored because of it, and some of it is really cool!

    172. Holy shit. I just noticed that German RD is posing with Dante. That made me smile. :)

    173. Where still searching for other EU WOT players. Come and check out the pony channel.

    174. Regarding the Radio station, I shamelessly quote myself:

      Here's how I see it: like it or not, we're a subculture now. As we've seen in the past few weeks, the media has turned its lens toward us more and more. This is a critical time for any fandom; how we respond to criticism now will shape the public's image of us.

      If we ignore it, they think that we think liking FiM is something to be ashamed of, and they'll be right.

      If we respond with insults, we prove that we're no more mature than they are.

      If we respond with intelligent, well-constructed arguments, we can prove that liking FiM is no different than liking any other show. That just because a show is for girls doesn't make it less valid.
      It's a stereotype that Lauren has fought hard to eliminate. I think we owe it to her to fight just as hard. *heroic music plays as a Canadian flag appears in the background* So that our children don't have to grow up in a world defined by outdated gender stereotypes.
      *gets down from soapbox*

    175. @Andrew

      Aren't you scared of hobos?


    176. @Anonymous

      So, can we go ahead with my idea and write a public letter to all those shows and just post it in a good news source?

      Or has anybody got a better idea how to deal with this, i say ignore the trolls but respond as collective with a letter.


    177. I do think that the Brony Storms are something that has to stop. Some of you may be from/b/ or whatever but just mindlessly spamming pony pictures along with mindless dribble on makes us look like immature ignoramuses. However if we take a logical approach in response it can do wonders for the fandom. That and not everyone is going to like the show we all have to understand that can't force them to watch it. If they bring up good arguments on why they don't like the show fine let them be.

    178. @Bronies

      A public letter would be cool and all, but who would write it? Where would we post it? If we just threw it up here on EqD, only the bronies would see it, so we need to find a good place to get it some attention.

      I'm all for the idea, so long as we've got it thought out.

    179. I'm not giving any attention to the jackasses that make us look bad!

    180. When it's obviously not true of course.

    181. Is that really okay? I think they will unfortunately continue to think lowly of us if we turn the other cheek...?

      Best to deal with this quick'n simple like. Apologise first and whatnot.
