• Nightly Roundup #6

    Lyra edition!  Because Lyra is amazing!

    All news after the break!

    World of Tanks Brony Clan
    Another Clan has popped up, this time in World of Tanks.   There aren't any requirements to join, so if you are interested you can find the clan link at their section of the site: 20th Equestria Royal Armored Division. 

    They are also looking for someone to set up their website and create a logo. Those poeple can contact Blueblood if they are interested. 

    Ponychan Donation
    Over on Ponychan, they are once again spreading that Love and Friendship bug around.  Apparently there are websites that donate to various causes with just a simple click of a link.

    If you are interested in joining in, you can find the Ponychan thread here, Or go directly to one of the donation sites below!

    Poetry Compilation
    I am not really sure what to do with poetry and stuff!  On one hand it is artistic, on the other, allowing it would be a massive headache since most of it is really easy to write.  These guys had the right idea, introducing a massive compilation of Poetry and short fanworks in one big easy to read google document for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing.  You can find it here!

    World of Warcraft Guild
    The WoW Brony guild is seeking new members.  It's still over on Arathor server Alliance side with the name "Friendship is Magic".  If you are interested in joining up, message Bastiat, Friendman, Carmody, or Rainbowcrash for more information.  

    Transformice Brony Tribe Room
    I hope you guys aren't sick of all the clan/guild plugs in this news update!  Maybe I should have just spun them off into another post... Oh well!   
    Another group of bronies is building up a clan in Transformice (The game with the new pony hair unlockables) If you are interested, join the "Pony" room over at the Transformice website

    MLP Facebook Page Plugs the Wired Interview!
    It sure is nice to see so much love for bronies lately.  Season 2 can't come soon enough. You can find the wall update here!

    Project Poni Fanimation
    The team over at Project Pony is looking for a few voice actors to help out with their fan cartoon.  They are currently rolling with a team of seven, and all of the important rolls are filled, so they definitely have the numbers to back something up.  If you are interested in auditioning, toss an email to ProjectPoni@yahoo.com.  The all slots EXCEPT for Pinkie, Fluttershy, and an Un-named pony are currently open.

    Massive Pony Image Collection
    Someone over on Ponychan has uploaded their fully sorted pony collection for everyone to download.  It is currently sitting at around 1.6gb, so it should give anyone who hasn't already devoted an entire subsection of their hard drive to pony a leg up.  You can find the entire thing in This Thread.

    Super Fluttershy Land 2

    Another crazy game mod is in the works, this time adding Fluttershy, Luna, and Pinkie Pie to the classic Super Mario 2 for the gameboy. 

    It's still a work in progress, but expect an update and youtube videos in the near future. 

    FiM Dating Sim Update
    The team working on the FiM dating sim would like to let everyone know that a three different versions of the game with be available:

    1.) Humans with full rule 34
    2.) Ponies with full rule 34
    3.) Ponies, completely clean with no 34.

    They would also like to let everyone know that everypony will make an appearance in some form.  That's a lot of pony to handle! Hope they can pull it off! Not that iId play the 34 version or anything... 

    My Little Magic the Gathering Update and Missing Links!
    Earlier I posted this thread but completely forgot the link. I tend to do this a lot, but the amount of things I need to post/update/fix/file on this site usually forces me to either rush, or fall behind.  

    If it does happen, feel free to yell at me in E-mail  

    The post is now updated with the full 62 card DA page, so head over there if you want to check them out!   If only for the awesome flavor text. 

    And that is all for tonight.  Pretty massive update, sorry it's so late... It took a while to compile this one.  I'm sure there are a few typos, but I'm really tired and still have to add the entire day to the sidebar/schedule tomorrow morning, so forgive me on those!

    75 kommentaari:

    1. lyra's a blank flank? maybe she rubbed it off sitting on the couch for so long. also, first.

    2. Wait, rule 34 in the dating sim, I have a lot to think about.

    3. "Ponies with full rule 34" WTF 4chan O_o" ?!

    4. Yeah...if I even do give it a try, i'm not touching the rule 34 version.

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. Well since (if memory serves) 34 percent of people answered 'Clopclopclop', those 34'd versions are gonna get a workout.

    7. "2.) Ponies with full rule 34"

      I, err... clopclopclopclopclopclopclop!

    8. No problems with rule34 ponies... there's some pretty good stuff out there.

      Also WoT yay.

      Totally unrelated, but I've just noticed that's my Lyra cutie mark vector up there in the banner...

      It's been up there for 3 days and I only just saw it. -_-

    9. @Pinkie_Pie_fan471
      Agree'd. I hoped there wouldn't be a rule 34 version at all - a simple flash game /like/ a sim-date where you get to interract with the ponies would be fun. Why can't you just be 'best friends' instead of date? Sim-BFF!

    10. Oh hey, 34.

      Hah. I totally didn't notice that. Was that the actual percent, or has my memory gone?

    11. "Lyra edition! Because Lyra is amazing!"
      I would deny this, but i can't. Why? Because truer words have never been spoken.

    12. @Delta Pangaea
      It was 34%, I found that to be hilarious.

    13. Ponies, what server you are play? ( WoT )

    14. Psh, rule 34 dating sim? That's disgusting.

      *dating sims are released*

      Me: Okay, time to play some nice, clean-

      *five minutes later*

      Me: *clopclopclopclopclopclopclopclop*

    15. Why not Humans without Rule 34?

    16. Ooh a pony WOT clan. Aaahhh, It's only on the North American server and I am stuck on the European server.

    17. Poetry, Transformice and Fluttershy in mario land 2? This news is all very interesting as is the screenshot for Fluttershy Land 2. Looks good except for the fact that only the evil enchantress that is Fluttershy would stomp a goomba.

      Well I've had my more then my fair share of three pages worth of daily news of pony Pownyage.

      Has there ever been a Gilda banner?

      This message brought to you by NEIGH, Necessary Evil Incorporated for Gallantry and Heroes. Latest top customer: Trixie, buy our brand of evil today. We're having a half-off sale on Tyrant Mode Celestia Clones.

    18. So the WOT clan is american only? Bah, im stuck @ euro server :(

    19. Well, we have MyLittlePony Clan in Bloodline Champions, so if any of You bronies play that game, just ask FluttershyPony (account name) to join you up (we are grades 16-24) :P.

    20. @ Anonymous

      If there is any on the European server, I am Shanaar.

    21. Ponies with rule 34 in the dating sim? Count me in!

    22. @Anonymous Anonymous asking about what server we play on on World of Tanks, were playing on the U.S. server(not sure if theres more than one lol :P just if there is ill find out XD) but yeah...

    23. I think playing the Dating sim with r34 on would shame me too much, I meen, Fic is one thing, you can skim past it, and usually you can avoid alot of the explicit stuff, or just ignore it, but a sex dating sim? I wouldn't be able to look at ponies the same

    24. >Dating sim.
      Fucking lol.

      >Rule 34

    25. Looked at the M:TG cards... I think the Cupcakes card (yes it's a shoutout to that fanfic) is a little overpowered, but not terribly so. Just the fact that cards with similar converted mana costs like Dark Banishing couldn't target black creatures and didn't gain you life.

      Hooded Zecora should be Green or white. Black as a color has always had ABSOLUTELY NO WAY OF DESTROYING ENCHANTMENTS.

      Winter Wrap-up Cloud Drill should be rare instead of uncommon, it's just too good as an uncommon.

      Gilda, Enraged needs to be nerfed or have it's rarity bumped up to Mythic Rare along with a higher Converted Mana Cost... or keep the mana cost, remove Haste from her abilities, and make that activated ability that tap her to use it in addition to it's other costs.

      Baked Bads: A MORE SPLASHABLE VERSION OF DAMNATION IS A DANGEROUS THING!! (even though creatures with regeneration can be saved from a food poisoning death.)

      Too many of the cards have effects that should never be played on cards of that color... and a number of them are over powered.

    26. Hey, guys. AtticusJ (Pinkie_Floyd) of the WoTs server here. We're on the North American since almost all of our members are based in North America. We gotta few international guys who use it as well, so we're not completely U.S. However, if anyone knows any ways we could possibly open it up to the European and Russian server users, that'd be great to know! We'd love to welcome in and battle with all the bronies we can!

    27. Lawl, WoTs server? I meant to save ERAD clan. My bad. No wanting of confusions.

    28. Hmmm...World of Tanks. I've been thinking of giving that game a try...

      -completely ignores r34 dating sim news-

    29. As far as I know, it is impossible for me to play on the NA server. Maybe we could make a 20th Equestria Royal Armoured Division on the EU server and maybe share a website for the clan. Then those on the NA server can join the NA one and on the EU the EU one and we could still hang out, but not in the game.

    30. @Shanaar

      That would be a wonderful idea if there's no other way. I'll take it up with our Commander. Some of the others from our server suggested this, but in keeping unique using another number designation. But we can clear all that up when it comes.

    31. Welp, there's my 4th of July planned out.
      1. Hang giant Lyra banners everywhere.
      2. Pony shot glasses with pony drinking games.
      3. Play dating sim with bets on monies.

      ...And then everyone that attended were bronies. The end.

      Now if I could just find an alcohol-related Lyra picture for the banners.

    32. @AtticusJ

      That's what I know at least. The number designation, I thought so to. Then we got the 20th for the NA and something else for the EU. Maybe also something for the RU, but I don't know any.

      Unfortunately I don't know any one on the EU server so we should look around for some more.

      My email is shanaarwot@gmail.com if anything come's out of it. Don't know any other way for contact at the moment beside the comments here.

    33. Doesn't anyone else find it sad, that Ponies start to become more Rule 34? I always tried to keep everything around ponies clean, with shipping being the only exception.

    34. @Shiko

      Nothing escapes Rule 34, though... fortunately or unfortunately, according to individual perception xD

    35. Oh man, that WoW guild is tempting, since I'd love to start playing Alliance side for real again, and a Brony guild would be a super fun way to get back into it.

      But I just finished a server transfer and have been putting a lot of work into it so that I can raid with friends.

      Maybe I'll roll an alt on Arathor just to see what's up over there, though.

    36. If someone decides to create a clan on EU server then call me up in game..

      My nick there is Scootaloo, and i have like 1k battles played ;)

    37. You should probably add a comment on the fundraising box to people to take off their ad-block for that site. Since it'll be TAKING money from them if you use it while surfing there :(

    38. @Shiko
      Rule 34, by definition, has to exist for everything. I've seen Rule 34 for washing machines. But just because it is there doesn't mean you have to look at it. That why there is going to be a clean version. Seems to me that the creator is trying to keep everyone happy.

    39. @Clairwil

      Added you and yes I love my M5.
      I still miss my Sherman. dmn reboot.

    40. Praying that the dating-sim group finishes the clean version first, and then adds the other things later as a sort of bonus-set, other wise they might get too bogged down in asset creation to ever finish the game. And it's a game I reaaaally really want to play.

    41. Hey guys this is Rainbowcrash from the WoW Brony guild over on Arathor. Just wanted to say that we would love to have any and all ponies interested come check us out. We have a few dedicated people ATM, but it's tough getting the word spread to get people interested. Come send me a whisper or an in-game mail for any and all information. We may not have a lot of people right now, but you gotta start somewhere and the few of us that are there are pretty active.

    42. Everypony will make an appearence? Does that include Trixie? Please tell me that includes Trixie.

    43. I'm gonna laugh if Apple Bloom and Angel Bunny are still in there. I don't even wanna know how Rule 34 would work there....

    44. A 34 version you say? Age and legality be damned, this sounds like an afternoon spent well!

    45. >full 34 pony version
      you guys do realize these are ponies right? Horses?

      I seriously hope you guys don't do this

    46. ooooo an amazing set of updates :D bring on season 2 xD

    47. Where is our 11 million banner????

    48. If anyone is planning on voice acting for project poni. Correction, pinkie pie, fluttershy, and the unanounced pony (who is not trixie XD) Are taken, everything else is... open!

    49. I hope we won't miss a chance to use the word "cavalry" in the name if we are ever going to create Euro WoT clan:) IE. "1st Equestrian Armored Cavalry Brigade [PONY]"

      For that matter we can as well get a public channel going - I just started "Pony" on EU WoT server, let's see if anyone will show up:)

    50. I thought all dating sims were Rule 34? You guys are surprised by this? At least what I remember from Newgrounds like 6 years ago, any dating sims I came across was fairly pornographic. That was sorta the point.

    51. "Ponies with full rule 34"
      The fuck?

    52. How I read the dating sim update:
      "Lets see... an update for the dating sim, that's nice..."
      >ponies...rule 34
      "I'm okay with this."

    53. Ponies having sex is canon, deal with it 8)

      I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't be okay with something someone else is playing. Note how the rule34 people tend to be tolerant of the clean version but the other end of the spectrum tends to have very little tolerance for the rule34 end. So which end is really more in tune with the show's theme of love and tolerance? :p

    54. Hah. Pony dating sim with full Rule 34... donotwant.jpg

      Just keep it away from the Hub and Hasbro people, and we should be safe. I'm not going to judge my fellow bronies on their, err, tastes. But we need to keep a clean image on the whole, especially on this site.

    55. Is it just me or does Lyra look like she's shaking her booty at some colt?

    56. No way I´m going to try the rule 34 version!

    57. Can we stop this whole rule 34 discussion. It is starting to get pretty creepy.

      On another note, there is a pony channel open in the EU server of WOT. We need more people, so we can start a Clan there.

    58. @ActionScripter9109
      Agreed. A clean image would be best for this site. I don't mind saucy pictures all that much, but just thinking of a dating R34 game with ponies existing makes me shudder a little.

    59. Ahahaha, the chance for a clean image has long passed.
      This site is already way past the point where you could show it to "normal" people.

    60. @Anonymous
      Explain because besides the two boarder-line clop fics that have been posted and those occasional saucy pics the site is relatively normal. Plus, the site has already been shown to many normal people through Wired, indirectly through CNN, and Time so those sites still believe the site is normal enough to show to their readers.

    61. CNN and Time don't really care what people think about ponies, the link is just a curiosity.

      If you try to introduce relatives and friends to ponies it's already an uphill battle because it's My Little Pony, if they aren't "internet-hardened" the last thing you want to do is point them at a site where they stumble across grimdark shipping fics and saucy pony pics (just a reminder, these are sexualised pictures of cartoon horses).

      Seriously, look at this from an outside perspective.

    62. @shanaar
      what's the EU pony channel called?
      I would have liked to join the clan but oh well, at least I contribute to the pony tank skins on the forums.

    63. I find your lack of cutiemark disturbing, Lyra.

      But whatever, I think I'll give a try ro both poni versions, there's multiple paths to take IIRC so what better way :)

      The poetry doc was lovable, I think a bunch of others will spring up soon.

      And the Wired article was *SO AWESOME* /)^3^(\

    64. @Anonymous

      Wait there are? Where can I find them.

      It's called pony. Lindil_ is hosting the channel at the moment but isn't there at the moment.

    65. @AnonymousIf you add a glass of wine to a barrel of sewage, you get a barrel of sewage. If you add a glass of sewage to a barrel of wine, you get a barrel of sewage.

    66. I started the Bronies group on freerice. For some reason, when I earned 17,000 grains, it completely deleted my total. Not sure what's going on there, but thanks for the link and support.

    67. @Rainbow Dash *gasp* an imponyator! Who are you and where did you come from?

    68. all slots EXCEPT for Pinkie, Fluttershy, and an Un-named pony are currently taken.

      You've gotta be kidding me right, those 3 are TAKEN. everypony else is open! get it right boi!

    69. @Rainbow Dash

      My name on freerice is rainbow dash. Not trying to impersonate anyone. http://freerice.com/users/rainbow-dash

    70. I object strongly to the notion that poetry is easy to write. Crappy poetry can be banged out in ten minutes; great poetry takes days to iron out. 'S why I prefer not to mess with it too much, and especially not write it around pre-existing material.

    71. Rule 34 needs to die a painful death. I wish they'd just make the sim without that.

    72. @Poetry Compilation
      Convert them into MLP friendly songs!

    73. @Aquaman52

      To be perfectly honest, what we were doing was just messing around.

      Quick and dirty stuff. Like bar-songs, ect. It was for good fun, but epic poetry is something completely different. This was just for fun.

    74. The Magic set is currently imbalanced, out of color characterization and slightly overpowered. The wording needs work too. I reviewed it on his DA and wrote my pointers so he, with all the feedback, hopefully fixes it.

    75. Wow this really boosted the recruitments the Clan got! In about 2 weeks we'll have enough force to invade!
