• Nightly Roundup #4

    Time for Nightly Roundup #4!  Hopefully these are informative for everyone!

    All news after the break! 

    Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Deck 2

    Another Yu-Gi-Oh deck has popped up! Another huge of completely different cards.  I'm pretty sure the Trixie one is at least 20% more epic than the other deck, though I'm pretty sure the Great and Powerful Trixie would turn the creator into a pile of pudding at being considered a "beast". You can find the cards HERE

    Apparently these guys know eachother in real life, and these are decks they use to compete with one another.  Still waiting on that magic card deck!  It better be balanced and awesome!

    Pony Fanimation
    The Bronytoons project is looking for more people to help out with their fan animation project, namely Flash animators/editors, Storyboarders, and Concept Artists.  They ask that the following information be sent to this email if you plan on applying:
    The Position you would like to apply for in the subject.
    Past projects you have worked on
    Reasons why you would like to help out

    Brony Mumble Singalong
    40 bronies got togeather in mumble and sang Winter Wrap Up and At the Gala.  It's absolutely awful, but its good for a laugh or two!  You can find both embeds...here!

    Pony Ages Deciphered
    Through a huge amount of numbers and calculations that went way over my head, some bronies over on ponychan have determined the ages of the Mane 6.
    You can find the Thread Here
    And an interesting screencap of one of their breakthroughs Here.

    Lyra Time
    Phoe has requested that Lyra take over Equestria Daily for a while, so Lyra it is!

    Meetup Post Updates
    The Meetup post has had a bunch of additions since it was last hovering at the top of the page! If you guys are interested, go check those out here!

    11 million hits!

    Yah, slow news day.  I  didn't get the massive flood of emails I usually do.  I actually had time to cook food for once.  I haven't cooked food in forever.  Not that I want emails to stop or anything.  I love that grind mode thing that happens when I throw on an awesome pony remix and lay waste to my inbox.

    Pinkie's Lie for example.  For some reason the way her voice is twisted impresses the hell out of me.

    47 kommentaari:

    1. Winter Wrap up, i'm the pony shouting

      i feel proud

    2. .. Filly2 Is not ammused.

    3. @Anonymous

      No pony cares about Filly2.


    5. Because Lyra is obviously the best banner pony ever.

    6. yea singing that songs was pretty funny :D we singed art of dress before while

    7. Applejack is 10 years old? wat?
      Don't those ponies live exactly as long as humans? She's about 18

    8. That is the best banner ever. I was getting tired of the old one

    9. I love these nightly roundups!

    10. Damn this 4:00-2:00 summer sleeping schedule.

    11. Oh God that's how I must sound when I sing along to the songs D: It's still funny though, in a sad, embarrassing kind of way. Plus, I'm totally disregarded the age thing, in my mind the mane 6 are 18-21 human/pony years. Also, that banner is awesome. Furthermore, these roundups are awesome. Finally, why does 11 million seem so underwhelming?

    12. It should be noted that horses grow in a different fashion than humans and the correlation is not linear (like x pony years = y human years). Equines are born with a high level of maturity and grow slower as years go, almost without a growth spout. They reach puberty at 2 years, and adulthood at 5 years.

      The following calculator is based on the Equine-Human Maturity Evaluation.

      Anyway, this explains perfectly how sentient "young adult" ponies are still learning social concepts and act immature: they may grow physically faster, but at cognitive level they grow at much slightly faster than humans pace. 10 years of effective experiences trapped in a body that is biologically 30! Thankfully, ponies live simple lives and don't need years of study (unless they are mages, of course :P)

    13. @Basharoonskis

      Probably coz I'm in my mid 20s, but in my head the mane cast has always been somewhere between 18-25, simply coz sometimes they act like teenagers but on the other hand in moments they act much older.

      As for the 11 mill, once we broke 10 mill I think a 1 mill isn't such an huge step anymore, I bet we will make a big thing of 15 mill, then 20, etc. That's how it goes everywhere.

      Btw, Lyra Banner rulz !!!

    14. @ProfesorRod
      Ponies in real life don't talk, so they don't have to age in the show like in real life. For me, the thought that Applejack may be 10 years old ruins her iamge to me.

    15. @ProfesorRod

      Hmmm, didn't know that, thanks for the link. :)

    16. Anyone that votes below 5 stars is a neighsayer!

    17. Problem with the 'breakthrough'. It uses word of Faust a lot, but she has also said that Fall Weather Friends only aired after Winter Wrap Up because they thought of it after, and that canonically, Fall Weather Friends was the Fall before Winter Wrap Up.

      Therefore that breakthrough in the screencap is false.

    18. I don't really buy the whole cartoon animals age at the rate of their real life counterparts deal. There is a disconnect between physical and mental maturity compared to us, yes, but that doesn't mean they age exactly like a real horse does.

    19. I changed my vote from 5 stars to 4 stars just to screw with Seth

    20. Humans live longer than monkeys. MLPonies live longer than real world ponies. Plus, they have magic to extend their lifespan.

    21. I think the ponies live as long or longer than humans. They don't age at the same rate as real ponies, because they are magical talking ponies. Also Cheerilee was a teenager in the 80's and going by the 10 = 35 ratio she'd be like 85, Granny Smith's age, instead of 40.

    22. Is this the winter wharblegarble from the twenty-six episode mare-athon on Filly's channel...?

      No, no it isn't. It's a different one.

    23. @Scorch_Mechanic

      No, it was done tonight while I cowered in the FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE so I didn't have to listen to it. There's one more, by the way. Solo WWU by LunaFTW.


    24. That entire age thread is... yeah. They're trying to use grade school math to answer concepts outside of math, and the entire thread needs... work, haha. As an example, the assumption that Ponyville is less than a thousand years old based on a single off-hand comment, I mean, there's just as much (if not more) reason to expect it to be a festival created to honour the towns origins, etc etc etc.

    25. equestria lyra. i am ok with this, FOREVER

    26. So thats what bronies sound like when we sing. My sister is right, We really can't hit the high notes.

    27. Trying to assign real-world ages to cartoon animals is always a pretty silly endeavor, but then again there have been no less than three serious analyses on how a Sonic Rainboom works so I guess it's to be expected that there would be waaaaay too much effort put into it.

      Now if someone tries to calculate exactly how much energy Princess Celestia expends raising and lowering the sun every day, then it's officially gone too far.

      Also, judging from the banner I think Lyra's annoyed that getting top billing doesn't include free refills.


      Oh God, Winter Wharrgarbl has me in stitches right now.

    29. ...y'know, when I wrote Lion King fics, I actually used to bother trying to figure out what the realistic ages of the characters were. And then I got here and saw everyone being so anthro (and being magic), and I said, "You know what? Fuck it. I'm using human ages."

      Now I feel guilty. Bastards.

    30. Not sure whether it was noticed, but in that post, for the meetup post update, you accidentally linked the "t" as well.

    31. I think that age thing is defeated by its own logic. To justify Applejacks age difference with Big Mac, they state that she is a year younger than the other main cast. Then they use it to place Applejack in the only safe year, which would push all the other main cast out of the Young Adult range.

    32. Nah. Disregarding the age calculations; they base it on the huge, huge assumption that ponies age like they do their non-sapient, non-magical counterparts.
      I don't see any problem with applying Occam's razor here and going with human aging.

    33. I can't believe someone actually submitted our mumble songs to ED. Something this bad should probably be banned under the Geneva Conventions.

    34. Too many questionable assumptions made in the age posts for me to accept them.

    35. So where's the link to the Yu-Gi-Oh deck? One picture =/= one deck.

    36. @Firleycat I can sing high noted to an extent but I can't hit mid-range tones and so then I'm a laughable baritone :C I'm sure somewhere there must be a countertenor bronie that can sing Art of the Dress in the right pitch.
      @chinlamp I'm sure Word of Faust has something to say about maturity grow of magical talking ponies. But yeah, the math is off. We need more input before we can figure it out, if not an official statement.
      @Anonymous Silly anon. You only have to calculate how much energy you have to expend to make the world go round, which depends on how much Equestria weights, it's internal structure, etc :3

    37. Kill me, I'm a PONY12. juuni 2011, kell 12:34

      Psh, when I eventually get around to writing my own MLP fiction, I'm going to just create a parallel universe so I can dictate characters, locations, politics, technology, and all that stuff without worrying about completely effing up in regards to later canon revelations. Of course, I'll try to stick as close to accepted canon as possible, but I won't need to break my back for it (though I'll probably need to see a chiropractor afterwards)

      Therefore, no need to make assumptions about age information from the show; it's automatically right in my universe (different basic atomic make-ups and all that).

      No, I don't know why I posted this.

    38. Big Mac's hooves aren't "shorn bare", he's a Draft Horse, (notice his short tail and hooves) it's just common with that breed of horse. But that's a minor detail.
      Awesome theories though!

    39. @Anonymous

      In human years she's supposed to be 35.

    40. You forgot a link on the Yu-Gi-Oh deck cards 2.

    41. ...you know what, I'm not going to suffer the aneyurism of trying to read that thread or trying to apply LOGIC to a group of MAGICAL TALKING PONIES. When I write my fanfic, I'll just give them my own ages...

    42. ... I like how they used logic to find the ages of the ponies, but couldn't we just ask Lauren about it? Or am I being a complete idiot and they already asked that? Also, people obviously aren't realizing that they are going by HORSE age, and not HUMAN age. 10 years old for a horse is about 30 for a human. It kinda fits, but I still like to think of them as human ages personally.


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