Have some news! It's a bit short today, so hopefully the epic level Trixie makes up for it.
Twilight Sparkle Cosplay
Angband "Roguelike" RPG Seeking Testers and Coders!
This one might be a bit more niche than what most of you are used to. It kind of reminds me of Dwarf Fortress from the screenshots. A brony going by the name of Natron77 is modifying a game called "Angband" to include ponies. His new offshoot "Anquestria" is currently in testing phase, but he could use a bit of help getting everything else up and running. If you are interested, check out the blog listed here!
PMV Suggestion Contest
Another contest thing has popped up, this time it's a bit different considering the guy is only taking suggestions, not actual pmv's. He wants good character/music combos, and is offering a 10 dollar steam game to the winner. If you are interested in giving it a shot, head over to the page here. He does require you to subscribe and post your idea in the comments though!
FiM Android Soundboard Makes it's Way to the Marketplace
I think the topic says it all! This is primarily to allow the creator to auto-update it with new stuff, so If you have already downloaded it, it's highly suggested that you delete the current version and download the market place one.
A few more MMO Guilds are looking for new members.
World of Warcaft / Garona Server / Guild Name: Knights of Luna (would be about 20% cooler if it was The Lunar Republic just sayin) / Message Averna, Morianda, or Saios for an invite!
APB Reloaded / Joker Server (Us East Coast) / Guild Name: Brony Brotherhood / Message MyLittleGangster for an invite!
THQ Darksiders Facebook Page Posts Ponies!
You know, I really did enjoy the first game. Something about that Zelda vibe... It would be way cooler with ponies though. Maybe they will get the hint? You can find the wall post here!
Friendship is Magic Speed Quiz
How awesome are you at the tiny details of Friendship is Magic? Apparently I'm terrible at it, but maybe you will have better luck than I did! You can find the quiz here! (What ARE the names of Pinkie Pie's inanimate friends anyway? All I know is Rocky! )
Today's Big Thing Rolls with Ponies as it's June 29th Feature
I don't know much about the site, but apparently Fluttershy Screaming is the opening now! That's a plus in my book. You can find it here!
Equestria Daily News
Blogger is having some posting issues right now. I can't edit/post anything more than once without resetting my cache/cookies. Hopefully this doesn't lead into anything terrible. They are rolling out a new publisher thing soon, so I'm assuming this is all related to that. If horse apples hit the fan tomorrow, at least you will be informed!
And that is all for the night! Yay~
91 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaNot first
VastaKustutaToday's Big Thing pretty much posts one cool video a day, I think. People usually end up there through Stumbleupon. So much bass @.@
VastaKustutaAngquestria looks pretty cool. I've been a fan of roguelikes since I discovered Nethack last year. I can't help but wonder if this is less violent than Nethack, though. In that game, you're basically supposed to kill everything that nibbles your shoe (til ants eat your face off). Maybe I'll try it out, though I would make an awful tester. It's like I subconsciously avoid glitches, even in beta testing (I am scared of them).
Oh, and that Twilight cosplay is amazing awesome awesomazing. And pretty great.
I Don't mind the tails on the cosplays...but ears >.<?! cmon what the hell
VastaKustutaGot 45/60 at the quiz. Need to study moar.
VastaKustutaI typed Manehatten into that damn thing 10 times. Turns out it's spelled ManehattAn. =/
VastaKustutaGot 51/60 on the quiz. Nice. But how could I forget about Canterlot? X_X
VastaKustutaHehe, I'm the first comment on the page. :D It surprised me at first as I actually thought the Bronies page posted it...then I realized the Darksiders page posted it! 0_0
VastaKustutaEr, just to clarify, 'the page' as in the Darksiders post on Facebook.
VastaKustutaI managed 46/50, but I blame not getting Winona, Owlowicious, Manehatten, and Accordion on spelling issues.
VastaKustutaThe other ones I missed were Sir Lints-A-Lot, Art of the Dress (DUH! I'm an idiot), Banjo, Look Before You Sleep, all of the voice actresses, and lots of control and screaming and hollering (drew a blank there for some reason)
I think if it wasn't 5:45am and I hadn't been up all night I could have gotten all but the voice actresses.
Ugh, I got 35 but I could've gotten 45+ if I could actually put names to the images I kept conjuring up. Why the heck did I keep trying to call Gummy "Bitey"? Also, I'm pretty sure it's LOSS of control, not lots of control, but whatever.
VastaKustuta52/60 on the speed quiz. Missed Sir Lints-a-lot, one of Pinkie's instruments, blanked on two non-speaking-appearance Dash episodes, and totally blanked on the voice actors (though I'd have gotten Tara Strong and Tabitha St. Germain eventually).
VastaKustutaAnd wasted a couple minutes trying to figure out what spelling of "Owlowiscious" it would accept.
I took the quiz. 57 out of 60 right!
VastaKustutaDamn that owl. Hard to spell. :(
I got only 40 out of 60 right! Well, at least I can write Owlowiscious without looking it up~
VastaKustutaI always though she said "Loss of control" too, since that would make a little more sense.
Finally, watching each episode at least 3 times pays off :D
VastaKustutaI was thinking of making a quiz exactly like this, and then this one pops up. Freaky.
>___< i was derp at the quiz!!! I got 20 out of 60 the first try TOTAL BRAIN FART!!!
VastaKustutaWow that quiz was surprisingly fun. The only answers that I missed were three of the voice actresses and three of Pinkie Pie's instruments. So I guess I got 54/60 then? I didn't score myself. And that freaking owl, I spent about a minute frantically typing in her name time after time, and then finally I got it. All I could remember was the spelling was ridiculous.
VastaKustutaAnyways, kind of a slow news day today huh? Although waking up to that animation was amazing.
That was fun. More early-morning quizzes plox.
VastaKustutaThat quiz had a fantastic blend of difficult and simple questions. Although, I also recall hearing "loss of control," not "lots of control." I got 59/60 on the quiz -- I hate tambourines now.
VastaKustutaDoes anyone know how many bonus instruments there are? I found the unidentified wind instrument and maracas.
44/60 on the quiz for me. Stupid words and their spellings!
VastaKustutaI missed out on two of the voice actors, and unfortunately, I'd never seen any Yakety Sax so I was unable to answer the last question at all. But not too shabby, if I do say so myself.
A Quiz?
VastaKustutaugh... lets get this over with..
The Speed Quiz was a lot of fun, too bad I missed some of my points for not knowing how to exactly write stuff. (Especially some Pet names like Raritys Cat or the Owl)
VastaKustutaAnd I have no idea about musical instruments.
VastaKustuta49/60 and I would've had one more if I knew how to spell the darned owl's name.
I missed Sir Lints-a-lot, Twilight Flopple, Aaaaapleloosa, Cloudsdale, Art of the Dress (I felt silly for forgetting that one), Tamborines, all the actors except for Tara Strong, and Lots of control.
Not bad if I do say so myself. Tons of fun.
Also, it's a bit too easy to cheat on the episode questions because you can just type "episode #" over and over until it fills out. I used it like 3 times after filling most of them out already before I realized that you could cheat like that. -.-
That test... Knowing the answers isn't the enemy, spelling is.
VastaKustutaWow, one day in and you've already broken the 'Luna is the Nightly Roundup mascot'.
VastaKustutaWell done Seth.
57 of 60.
VastaKustutaThe only voice actress I could remember was Tara Strong @_@
Though I felt like a BAMF when I got the spelling for "Owlowiscious" right on my... fourth or fifth try.
I got 58/60 on the quiz. Missed tambourines and, even though I misspelled it several times, could not get accordion.
VastaKustutaTested Anquestria. It's still your typical roguelike where everything tries to kill you; I was posioned and confused to death :(. Monsters are still to be on the theme, but shopkeepers, races and some mechanics are done. No bugs seems to be checked for, but stuff that has been missed or overlooked during ponyfication. Maybe some feedback and balance issues to be discussed when the heavy work on uniques, artifacts and spells start.
VastaKustuta51/60 for the quiz. Missed two of Pinkies instruments, three of the voice actors, Spike's nickname for Rarity, the second Yakety Sax episode and two of the episodes with no speaking lines for RD. Not a bad job, especially since I've only seen each episode (barring the first two) once.
VastaKustutaOnce stuck you cant move on in the quiz :/
VastaKustuta45/60. Need to watch more pony.
VastaKustutaThat quiz was pretty fun. I finished with a minute left, but I did cheat. Specifically, I looked up the spelling of Owlowiscious, and the voice actors, and once I noticed that it said numbering the episodes was kosher I just did that in order for the Rainbow Dash question.
VastaKustutaGeez that was stressful, I finished it with 15 seconds to go -.-
Took me ten tries to get "Owlowiscious" right, and I kept thinking that a trombone was one of the instruments Pinkie plays.
56/60 on the speed quiz. The questions were a bit too comfortable, until I hit the few questions I'd never get. I missed two voice actresses (Rarity's, Pinkie/Fluttershy's [I'm so ashamed]) and two instruments (Tambourines, Banjo).
VastaKustutaI must applaud the quiz author for accepting the spelling "Owloysius". Come on, the name's not THAT hard to spell. :P
VastaKustuta... Guess it's time to measure the voice actors' names.
The hell did Spike say "Twilight Flopple" at any time in Bridle Gossip? I call shenanigans!
VastaKustutathe speed quiz is a little off. some answers are supposed to be Art of the dress and Loss of control!!
VastaKustutaI remembered Fillydelphia and Trottingham but not Aaaaaapleloosa. wat.
VastaKustuta60/60! WHEW. Pinkie's instruments almost got me. They really did. Stupid "harmonica"
VastaKustuta52/60, not too shabby.
VastaKustuta...better study moar pony.
I got 49 on the quiz. how could I forget banjo D:
VastaKustutaThough I couldn't remember what Spike called Twilight in Bridle Gossip. All I heard when I watched it was "Twilight ggrrrgple!"
@Anonymous But you forget that those were just names they said.
VastaKustutaAnd yeah at first fillydelphia was the first one on my mind.
57/60, I missed Tara Strong, Pinkie's VA, and Banjo.
VastaKustutaI got 50 on the quiz. I would have gotten 53, but I didn't know how to spell "accordion," "Winona," or "Owlowiscious."
VastaKustuta44/60 on the test, why did they not list philomena under pets?
VastaKustutaHold on... isn't an element of a good cheer LOSS of control? I thought the whole idea was to get Fluttershy to cheer wildly...
VastaKustutaThanks for the feedback.
As you saw, death comes quick in Angband, and that is still true in Anquestria. I can tweak that if the community wants, and there's always the cheat menu option to have death not be permanent.
For anyone else interested in Anquestria, try it out! No need to go into as a "tester". Just play the game, since I made it for the community.
58/60, but I kinda cheated by spamming the word "episode" followed by a number to get some of the ones I'd forgotten :/
VastaKustutaFun test! I got 22/60 on my first try, 33/60 2nd try, 30/60 on my third try. I wasted a lot of time with spelling and figuring out that the reason I couldn't skip to the next question was because the quiz engine filled in the appropriate fields no matter what order you answered in.
VastaKustutaHow could I have forgotten the Tamborines and Art of the Dress?!
I like the Cosplay. Much better than the furry suits we got a couple days ago. Bad Memories.
VastaKustuta52/60. Would've had 54 if I'd read the instructions and realized I could've just put numbers in for the episodes. I knew exactly which number episode the CMC did the talent show in, but I couldn't remember the freaking name. And then there was the two parts of the pilot (which I've always just called "the pilot"), and a couple of Pinkie's instruments. And Manehattan, which I just completely blanked on.
VastaKustutaThe quiz accepted Aloysius for the owl o_0
VastaKustutaI got like 39/60... I gotta study MOAR PONY.
OK, got 50/60 on the quiz. Mostly because I couldn't spell cymbals, Owlowiscious, name any voice actor besides Tara Strong, and didn't remember that Bird in the Hoof had Yakkity Sax.
VastaKustuta57/60, the only voice actress I could remember was Tara Strong.
VastaKustutaThe quiz needs some editing. I got a lot of answers wrong because of spelling. Like owlicious.
VastaKustutaStupid spelling. Stupid OWL
VastaKustutaStill, 50/60 is close enough xD
32/60, I blame my inability to spell. Also I spent a minute and a half trying to figure out how to spell Soarin'. Still fun though.
VastaKustuta49/60. My biggest faults were the voice actresses and the episodes without Rainbow Dash. But I'm proud that I got all the cities plus Fillydelphia.
VastaKustutaI got 48 out of 60 on the quiz, but that's partly because I wasn't sure how to spell some of them.
VastaKustutaI'd say that's not bad, considering that it's been a little while since I've last actually seen an episode.
I only missed 1 or 2 in about 7 categories.
Twilight Sparkle cosplayer... yeah I'd tap that.
VastaKustutaAs a longtime Moria fan, I'd briefly considered making a MLP roguelike, but I knew I'd never finish it. Glad to see one! Can't play yet (need source!)
VastaKustutashow off :p i can't spell Owlowiscious for the life of me.
Man, I feel like such a non-fan for only getting 31/60. I felt super proud of myself till I saw all the 45+'s on here. T.T
VastaKustuta@T.O. Brony
VastaKustutaHe says it right after he tells the mane six that's he's going to stay behind while they go to confront Zecora for a cure.
Oh yeah, 51/60 for my quiz score. Though I did look up the spelling for the owl. And for some reason it wouldn't accept my spelling of accordion.
VastaKustutaI typed the names of the episodes though.
53/60. Took me literally forever to remember Opal's name. Got Twilight's Owl after 30 misspellings. Didn't know any of the voice actors except for Tara Strong, and knew all of the instruments except for Tambourines, Cymbals, and the banjo. I friggin' forgot about Art of the Dress as the third song with all of the mane cast. >< Oh well. I surprised my self by managing to get three bonus items: Spike as a pet, and maracas and trombone as bonus instruments.
VastaKustuta58/60. Oh, tamborines and Andrea Libman, why do I not remember you?
VastaKustutaGot 32/60
VastaKustutaAnyone else try Spike and Philomena for pets?
Got 53/60. Ah well.
VastaKustutaI forgot Tambourines and Cymbals.
I didn't know any of the voice actors except Tara Strong.
It took me five minutes of altering "Madame de Flour" then I just put in "Flour" and proceeded to facepalm.
Spike is not a pet and maracas are dangerous.
I got a 59 out of 60 on the quiz! The only one I missed was Banjo in Pinkie's Instruments Section. And even then, I remembered Trombone, Maracas, and Recorder (labeled unidentified woodwind instrument by the quiz).
VastaKustuta...My god. I know this show Too well...
55 out of 60! I couldnt remember Andrea Libman.. she has a hard name.. plus pinkies instruments were banjo and tamborines which i couldnt comprehend at all. look before you sleep was difficult to remember no rainbow dash... maybe because it was a sleepover/girly type one, lol.
VastaKustutaI want Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom as the next PMV so badly. ;___;
VastaKustuta>testing comments on new layout for mobiles
VastaKustutaDon't mind me
I scores a 53 myself. Glad to see that I'm not the only one who failed at the tambourines. And apparently I should pay attention to the credits, since I had a complete blank on the names of the voice actresses. I liked how it put up, but didn't give you points for, close but no cigar answers (like Fillydelphia and Hoofington in the city list, and all the other instruments gathered but not used by Pinkie Pie).
VastaKustuta59/60, but only because I spelled Cymbols wrong. :(
VastaKustutaI can't be the only one who thinks Trixie looks awfully like Marisa (Touhou) in that picture.
VastaKustuta49/60. Missed... the voice actresses, Mr. Turnip, Pinkie's tambourines, Twilight Flopple, two cities (Appleloosa and Cloudsdale, of all the ones to forget...), and two of the non-RD episodes.
VastaKustutaI fail. :/
thats funny, the yakety sax question really isn't that hard
My brain has abandoned me!!! How the hell do you spell Madame le Fleur????!?!?
VastaKustuta31/60. Sadpony. D:
VastaKustutaI'm not very good at paying attention to details. adfa
Just to get it right: Dwarf Fortress looks a lot like Angband. Not the other way around <3 they're completely different, though.
VastaKustuta60/60 on the quiz.
VastaKustuta*cue success kid picture*
VastaKustutaYou're never on just one question. You just type any answer, for any question, and it'll fill in the appropriate field.
Madame La Flour (just typing in flour would be acceptable) -- Fleur is french, you see. I mean, yes, 'Madame La' is french, but Pinkie definitely uses the english version of 'flour'. 'Fleur' is pronounced a bit like 'fluhr', whilst 'flour' is pronounced the exact same way as 'flower'.
VastaKustutaBut i only watched the whole season ONCE~!!~!~!
VastaKustutaForgot Banjos (idiot...).
Also two more instruments but I don't know how to spell them so that I can't help, no excuse.
Totally forgot Ashleigh Ball's name :(
Couldn't recall Tara Strong, I was so mad at me for that lol.
Oh yeah and 1 episode from the 5 where RD ddoesn't have a speaking appearance.
Guess if I have 2 more mins I would recall Tara and the extra episode. So that would mean...56.
Maybe I watch MLP too much.
I retook the speed quiz.
VastaKustutaBy the way, there are at least 3 "easter egg" answers.