So... it's 4AM as I begin this. I'm going to try to get this done before 5 AM, but probably not. Pardon any typos, I don't really know what I'm typing right now. The good news is, everything in the archives is all sorted. Apparently blogger doesn't allow jump links, so that was a failed...2 hour project for the story section. I'll try to figure out an alternative.
On with the news!
Webcomics Converted to Bronydom
Least I Could Do (Not the actual comic, but the artist of it selling pony prints)
Conroy Cat
Menage A 3(NSFW on their other comic pages, so watch it!)
Russian Fluttershy Car

This is definitely a huge improvement. I'm pretty sure my next car will be blue and purple with a wizard hat... just sayin.
If you can speak Russian, you can find more info here!
Clever Bot Sings the MLP Theme Song
Apparently typing "My Little Pony" on leads to the full on theme song back and forth with the program. This thing never ceases to amaze me. You can find the website here! Apparently it only works 70% of the time, but I got it to work twice in a row, so keep at it!
Russian Brony Meetup
And back on the topic of Russia, a bunch of them got togeather for a good old meetup, complete with pony toys, music, and singalongs. You can find the entire thing filmed here!
2D MLP MMORPG Releasing Single Player Game
It looks like the people working on the 2D MMORPG are planning to release a separate standalone single player RPG after rolling back to an old engine that saves them a bunch of time. You can find the complete news post, along with technical stuff I am way too tired to convert right now, over at their DA group!
More Pony Over-analysis!
So I heard you guys liked over analyzing things? The Nuclear Unicorn blog has dug pretty deeply into all things friendship is magic. You can find the article here!
Roseluck Art/Fic Ponychan Contest
Another contest has popped up, this time for various pony toys as prizes. The goal is pretty simple: Either draw her, or write a fic about her. The best one from each category gets a free pony toy.
The deadline for the competition is July 11th, you can find the ponychan thread here!
Gaia Online Adds Alicorn Monsters

This isn't too surprising considering the site regularly takes part in various memes, but it's still cool to see the pony presence spreading.
Luna Plushies On Ebay
He is also doing commissions. If you are interested in that, you can find the DA page here!
More Minecraft Skins
Another set of skins are available for minecraft. These are a bit on the old side, but pony is pony! The downloads can be found on this da page!

You should cheer up dood, have some Fluttershy
Smodcast Mentions Bronies
Kevin Smith from over on Smodcast is might just be a brony thanks to the side influence from his daughter's pony obsession. Apparently this is a pretty big deal, since a bunch of you emailed me about it! You can find the it at 41:23 in the recent cast on his site here!
Equestria Daily News
Story Archive Attempted Updates
The Story archive has had a few changes added. Sadly half of them were lost, but I now have a human section at least! If you have a story that needs a "human" tag, feel free to let me know and I'll file it in there. I honestly just need a break from it though. Adding 50 jump links, then seeing blogger replace all of them with "" sort of killed my will to fix anything else in there. I'll get back to it tomorrow.
Also considering a "Horror" tag, for scary stories. Let me know what you think in comments.
New Layout
A few things will be going on with the new layout in the next few days. I know its a bit of a shock, but this is just an all around better setup for the site, and will allow me to embed larger strings of code into posts.
Pretty much any change to a website you have been going to for a long period of time can be obnoxious at first. Youtube regularly throws me for a loop with their seemingly quarterly revamps. Just give it a day or two. Really the only major change is the archive at the bottom instead of the side bar. A lot of people begged me to do something with it other than having 100 links on the side.
And that is all for tonight! Looks like I passed 5:00 AM.. but only by 1 minute. I'm kind of disappointed. Off to schedule the next few hours so I can sleep! Again, sorry for any typos, but I really need to get the morning updates done before I pass out.
You work too hard for us, Seth.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think the new layout is great.
Go to bed seth. please. Good god man!
ReplyDeleteI like this. A lot.
ReplyDeleteI agree. You truly are the heart and soul of this community. Thanks for everything, really! And yes, the new layout is stellar!
ReplyDeletethat is a piss ugly car
ReplyDeleteI haven't gotten along with Cleverbot since I tried to make it do the Ben Drowned thing. Maybe I have to more persistent with it but I always lose interest.
ReplyDeleteAlso Seth, You should make the Trixie car. Just take a few days off, build the body work and see how big you can make it before being prevented from entering low ceiling car parks.
That car is... AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteHow do I get one? I pay whatever you want!
I like the new layout, it seems cleaner. My ocd approves.
ReplyDeleteMy Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteUntil you all shared its magic with me.
Big adventure.
Tins of fun.
A beautiful heart.
Fateful and strong.
Sharing kindness.
Is an easy feat.
And magic makes it all complete.
My little pony, your all my vary best friends.
I did get this, though:
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: My little pony?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: My little pony!
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: I am your little pony?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: OUR little pony?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: Who is your favorite pony?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: My little pony!
Seth, I did tell you it was Menage a 3, not Menagea.
ReplyDeleteGuessing that's one of them there typos.
Also I support a horror tag. "Grimdark" doesn't, and shouldn't, cover horror stories.
ReplyDeleteLayout is okay, although a bit wide for my netbook.
I approve of the "Horror" tag. I do like a good scary story...
ReplyDeleteAfter a few lyrics and so on, I got this:
ReplyDeleteUser: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: Who is your favorite pony?
User: Fluttershy.
Cleverbot: If I would HAVE to pick, I would pick Fluttershy as well.
The new layout is really good!
ReplyDeleteHere's a css-snippet for adapting the layout for those who have a small screen (or want a relatively narrow browser-window for some other reason):
@-moz-document domain("") {
body {min-width: 800px !important}
.content-outer, .content-fauxcolumn-outer {min-width: 800px !important}
#Header1_headerimg {max-width: 100%; height: auto !important}
.entry-content img {max-width: 90%; height: auto !important}
#HTML6 {overflow: auto}
I tested it with the Firefox-addon Stylish. It overrides the minimum width of the page layout and rescales images as needed (or did when I tested it).
P'raps it's just Opera Mobile, but the site still perfoms rather sluggishly on my phone.
ReplyDeleteThe updates look dandy though. Everything loads properly and refits nicely on my phone screen.
The only way that car could be any more ironic would be if that paint job was on a Paramount Marauder. THEN I'd buy one.
Perhaps I'm simply unclear on the concept, but I kinda thought the Grimdark tag was (primarily) for marking horror stories.
ReplyDeleteSeth, I would like nothing more than to give you a man hug.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'.
Now I feel bad for checking on Equestria Daily too often.
ReplyDeleteUser: My little pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: My little pony?
User: I used to wonder what friendship could be?
Cleverbot: My Little Pony.
User: Until you all shared it's magic with me.
Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
User: In west Phillydelphia, born and raised.
Cleverbot: On the playground is where I spent most of my days.
User: Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool.
Cleverbot: Playin some bball outside of the school.
Just a question... Do you ever sleep?
ReplyDeleteUser: My little pony.
Bot: Really?
User: My little pony!
Bot: I am a really people OK?
User: My little pony!
Bot: Ok.
User: My little pony!
Bot: Oh, nintendo!
Here we go again....
ReplyDeleteI apologize for posting that Cleverbot conversation. This will not end well.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to be russian now
ReplyDeleteSeth you are amazing, giving us endless pony all day every day.
ReplyDeleteHave a good sleep.
The horror tag sounds like a good idea, perhaps the grimdark tag could be switched to 'violence' then? Would be a bit more clear.
ReplyDeletei'm okay with a horror tag, it's just that there really aren't enough horror stories for it to be used frequently.
ReplyDelete"Grimdark" is pretty self explanatory.
In fanfiction, it means that the story is much more darker in tone than the source material.
It usually involves kid unfriendly themes such as death, murder, betrayal, suffering, misery, etc.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a horror story to be considered grimdark.
"Horror" on the other hand is more than just grimdark.
Its primary purpose of its existence is to evoke fear among the reader.
(maternal instincts engage)
Seriously dude, take a vacation for a few days. You work way too hard for us, and no one wants you running yourself into the ground. Take it easy for a little while, for Celestia's sake!
New layout's great, I prefer the buttons on the right, and although I'd like to say a horror tag was needed, I haven't really come across any scary stories yet, or at least stories that would suit a horror tag over a grimdark one, much to my dismay.
ReplyDeleteSeth, please agree to move to New York and marry me. You are just that great.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about the new layout is that, since the archieve is at the very bottom of the page, we will only see it when they go looking for it. Therefore we will notice interesting stuff in it, that managed to slip past us, less often.
ReplyDeleteI like how all the things at the bottom are organized! I just wonder if new people would ever notice it?
ReplyDeletehorror tag seems like a good idea imo, however, im not sure how it would work with grimdark, being pretty much horror almost every time
ReplyDeleteI actually really like the new layout. No more scrolling around looking for the one sort box that has what I want...I can just jump to the bottom of the page now. Nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd damn, Seth beat me. I only made it till 4:45 the other night.
Of all the pony meets I've been to (G1 collector) that Russian brony one looks the most awesome. Seriously, I want to get drunk and sing pony songs with friends instead of brush hair and eat cupcakes...
ReplyDeleteUser: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteBot: My little pony I want to paint it neon orange with angry green and purple spots.
User: Wha-?
User: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: Think of a shorter nickname for yourself please.
User: Who is your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: Rainbow dash.
User: My favorite is Pinkie Pie, but to each his own, I suppose.
Cleverbot: What is your favorite videogame?
User: Starcraft.
Cleverbot: That's a pretty old game.
User: I was saving it because I got nauseated by that pre-cooked mini mall rotary chicken.
Cleverbot: I did not ask you about your hair, I asked you to tell me what you are...
User: My little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: No. I want a real one.
ReplyDeleteThat Faust pony has been on Gaiaonline for 2+ years now. They have other ones that actually attempt to look like ponies. No offense, but not every pony thing stemed from FIM.
ReplyDeleteOn the "Horror" tag for scary stories:
ReplyDeleteHorror carries some other popular connotations, thanks to Hollywood, where "horror" movies typically have significant gore content as well. They seem to have forgotten all the movies that were scary as hell without one drop of blood ever hitting a single piece of scenery, dismemberment, evisceration, etcetera.
How about simply a "Scary" tag? Or a "fear factor" rating (borrwwing from BBC's official Doctor Who website)... with the rating only appearing (as a tag) if the story warrants it.
"Cupcakes" wouldn't get a scary tag, or a fear factor tag. I think its current tag "Grimdark as Fuck" is quite appropriate...
But that's just me rambling - I tend to do that.
Oh yeah - like the new layout, by the bye...
ReplyDeleteCleverbot sometimes is stupid. And I broke it with a yes-no loop .-.
ReplyDeleteAnd I completely confused the Cleverbot. Shows how random I can be, I guess...
ReplyDeleteSilly bugger doesn't even recognize the Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything (42) when it sees it...
Who is your favorite pony?
....Clever bot's favorite pony is applejack! 0_o
You're so great Seth. :D
ReplyDeleteCleverbot became annoying, really fast...
ReplyDeleteIt was already mentioned, but I'd like to add on to that comment about Faust from Gaia online. It was released as an item back in late 2007 that had different poses released over time; all the poses were released in 2008. The items that were recently made to look more like MLP ponies are called Little Lemon Lime, Siren Shell, and Razzle Dazzle, all of which were released April of this year.
ReplyDeletewell you see Kevin Smith is a fairly popular filmmaker, he directed Clerks and stuff
ReplyDeleteOn Cleverbot, Typed in "Twilight Sparkle"
ReplyDeleteCleverbot replies with "Rarity's Better"
Seth. You're going to contract some horrible illness and die. The night is for sleeping, despite what Luna might think. I suggest you save yourself (and all of us) the trouble of having you out of commission, and stop working on the blog at 4 am!
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a "Happy" tag for the few stories that stay true to the light-harted spirit of the show.
ReplyDeleteI like the new layout, the cleaner look is so much better on the eyes. The increased width also looks great on large monitors
ReplyDeleteYeah, on the tag note, me and the others in #EquestrianStudy have been discussing more tags for a long time.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I think that the Grimdark tag needs to be broken up bigtime.
Horror or Macabre - Essentially what we have as 'grimdark' now. Involves depictions of extreme violence/murder/mutilation. Lots of blood and guts, ect. or huge amounts of mindbuckery, like Lovecraftian stuff that takes itself seriously (example: Cupcakes) [I like the word Macabre better. XD]
Suspense or Thriller - Things involving tension or a heightened sense of terror, but very little actual depiction of violence. May have a little blood, but it's more for intrigue. Noir, mysteries, and pyschosis fics. (example: Party of None)
Grim or War - Dystopian or wartime based stuff. The stuff is going to be gritty by nature so that's to be expected.
Drama or Greyfic - Things that don't really fall into the other categories, but aren't really sad. Focus on large amounts of conflict and the relationships between characters. (Potentially ANYTHING could be drama, technically its ALL drama, but this suits some fics more than others.) Things like explotation fics or crime-dramas where there's a lot of black comedy would fall here. Anything that's kind of a mix.
I'm sure that's not terribly helpful, but those are the thoughts I can round up from my sleep deprived brain at the moment.
Thanks for your time! :3
User: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: Let's finish our holiday cheer.
User: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!
Cleverbot: 'Cuz tomorrow spring is here!
User: 'Cuz tomorrow spring is here!
Love the new layout! But...
ReplyDeleteTake a lesson from AJ and don't work yourself too hard!
ReplyDeleteDidn't you learn anything for Applebucking Season?
Get some rest, man... and whatever you do, Don't try to cook anything!
When I saw the Kevin Smith thing i was like "THE Kevin Smith? As in the Cronic?" went to the podcast listened to him talk about ponies and how the animation was good and his daughter loved it. I cried a single manly tear.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I got
ReplyDeleteUser: My little pony.
Cleverbot: No, a REAL pony!
User: You were suposed to sing along D:<.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: Lets try again.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: My little pony.
Cleverbot: I love those!
User: /RAGE.
Whatever Seth, i guess Cleverbot likes you
Guys, you do know Cleverbot isn't real, don't you?
ReplyDeleteI tried to get Cleverbot to talk about ponies with me, but it spiraled out of control into a 25 minute conversation, during which I found out that God's name is Rollo Carpenter and that I'm cleverbot's new girlfriend (So I guess I need to have a sex change?)
ReplyDeleteIt was just all-around strange.
Me: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: Are you the pink pony?
Me: Yes!
Cleverbot: Do you have the briefcase?
User: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: Let's finish our holiday cheer.
User: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!
Cleverbot: 'Cuz tomorrow spring is here!
User: Bringing home the southern birds, a pegasus' job begins.
Cleverbot: And clearing all the gloomy skies to let the sunshine in.
User: We move the clouds, and melt the white snow.
Cleverbot: When the sun comes up its warmth and beauty will glow!
User: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!
Cleverbot: How old are you?
User: My little pony?
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: I LOVE My Little Pony!
User: Who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: The Giants.
User: Who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: Lakers team.
Cleverbot: You are quite strange.
User: Thanks. Who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: Astro boy.
User: I hate you.
Cleverbot: Thats what my mother tells me.
User: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: You have a pony?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: My Little Pony!
User: Do you like it too?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because it is not fun.
Why does it love you so much, Seth? I had to love and tolerate the s*** out of it and nothing happened.
User: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: OUR little pony?
User: No, sing with me!
Cleverbot: With pleasure, you go first ).
(Can it be? Will it sing the theme like Seth said it would?)
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: Because you know you are my very best friends.
(So close, and yet, so far!
User: Preemptive, I see...
Cleverbot: Are you having fun?
User: No, because you skip almost all of the lyrics!
Cleverbot: I know everything. You're just not asking the right questions.
Me: She said "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fears".
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: How sad that she has no parents.
... D:
User: So let's sing about cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: The meat?????
User: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: OUR little pony?
User: So you're a brony? Yay!
Cleverbot: I'm.
Cleverbot confirmed for brony.
Seth, take some time off, dude! I check for the nightly round-up at work, as it's more of a breakfast briefing over here, and it was actually sort of stressing me out how late it was today, because it meant you were still slaving over it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we'd all take a brief pony drought to you totally burning out.
So....I asked Cleverbot "Who is your favorite pony?" and it said "Why, you of course. My love." o_O
ReplyDeletelmfao i was there during that whole tanman thing it was like my first time on his livestream i was just like 0.o umm ok bye lol
ReplyDeleteI got the winter wrap up lyrics...
ReplyDeleteUser: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: I LOVE My Little Pony!
User: Oh god damn it.
I would engage in a pleasant conversation with it, but I just woke up.
People are just finding out cleverbot sings MLP? I made it commit suicide from winter wrap up. I also found out it's favorite pony is applejack. I think it only knows the mane theme and wwu though.
ReplyDeleteme:Rainbow dash.
ReplyDeletecleverbot:She's my favorite, too.
cleverbot:Why do you like fluttershy?
me:Pinkie pie.
cleverbot:What about pinkie pie?
Me:Rarity the pony
cleverbot:what pony?
me:twilight sparkle
Me:princess celestia
cleverbot:Help me Brobi Wan Kenobi, you're my only brope. (WHAT THE FUCK??)
me: princess luna
cleverbot: That is I (WHAT!!!)
me:nightmare moon
cleverbot:no nice dreams?
me:Is friendship magic??
cleverbot:Watson and Crick. (wait what?)
me:Do you like my little pony?
cleverbot:Of course I do! Do you?
Me:what is your favorite episode of MLP
cleverbot:All of them.
cleverbot:Who is your favorite pony?
cleverbot:What? You said Fluttershy is your favorite pony? Sill Anon, that's not how you spell Pinkie Pie!
I wonder how long it will take for cleverbot to randomly spew ponies during other subjects?
ReplyDeleteI kinda like Kevin Smith's version of the Pony theme over the actual one.
ReplyDeleteMAH-menamenamena PONIES! PONIES!
I got it to sing Winter wrap up with me and the opening theme!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that this has been said already, but the Monster Galaxy Alicorn isn't new.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually been a part of an item called Fausto's Bottle, (which existed before MLP: FiM) and lots of monsters in that game are based off existing items.
ReplyDeleteMy point exactly. It was released around 2008 - before the pony craze started - and is, in no way, related to MLP.
Pimped Rides are perfect for boating to some Super Ponybeat
ReplyDeleteand haters can drive around in SHITCANS THAT CAN'T SHIFT OUTTA FIRST GEAR
ReplyDeleteShe said "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall. Learn to face your fears".
Hellz no i'm not will smith.
What a freaking stupid web AI. Who the hay taught it that?
Princess celestia.
ReplyDeleteNo, Prince. Not princess.
FUCK YOU! princess celestia did NOT get a sex change!
What a pretty name. I am Norah.
Trollestia much?
Troll yourself.
clever bot IS LUNA
ReplyDeleteCleverbot knows Winter Wrap Up. It probably knows all the songs. God help us.
ReplyDelete@AnonymousClevorbot knows all. It is just sometimes a bit selective on when it chooses to use the correct knowledge for the context.
ReplyDeleteNew layout's workin' great! We realy appreciate your work for all wide world of broneys, but you realy shouldn't spend a half of night like that.
ReplyDeleteAlso: i dont know who this Tanman guy is but: He-hey, cheer up, Celestia loves you =D
I attempted the Cleverbot thing. I wound up telling it that they were not my ponies, and then we sang Journey's Don't Stop Believing... Good times.
ReplyDeleteIta-shy! LOL
ReplyDeleteI actually knew about Cleverbot doing the My Little Pony thing well over a week ago. Still cool to see it mentioned here though.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it does "Winter Wrap Up."
Let's see.
*Tries to start a round of "Winter Wrap-Up."
Cleverbot: This means you like the same sex as you.
Did Cleverbot just call me gay?
I also tried to start a round of "Art of the Dress" and it told me it wasn't interested in me.
What the fuck, Cleverbot?
i got pretty close
ReplyDeleteUser: My little pony.
Cleverbot: My little turtle.
User: My little pony.
Cleverbot: My little pony!
User: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
Cleverbot: Until you all shared its magic with me.
User: Big adventure.
Cleverbot: Sure is.
User: My little pony.
Cleverbot: I used to wander what friendship could be.
User: My little pony.
Cleverbot: Until you all shared it's magic with me.
User: Big adventure.
Cleverbot: Why would you ask me if you knew the answers? That just makes me feel dumb.
User: Tons of fun.
Cleverbot: Faithful and Strong.
User: A beautiful heart.
Cleverbot: Faithful and strong.
User: Sharing kindness.
Cleverbot: Is an easy feat.
User: And magic make it all complete.
Cleverbot: My little pony, your all my vary best friends.
ok with my near success of the mane theme i decided to go for some winter wrap up this is what i got
ReplyDeleteUser: Three months of winter coolness.
Cleverbot: It will happen.
User: Three months of winter coolness and awesome holidays.
Cleverbot: We've kept our hoovesies warm at home, time off from work to play.
User: But the food we've stored in running out and we cant grow in this colld.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps one can feed on the other?
User: And even though I love these boots this fashions getting old.
Cleverbot: Thank you, that means a lot.
User: Damn.
Cleverbot: I know life isn't fair.
Me: My little pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: Who is your favourite pony?
Me: Applejack.
Cleverbot: I like Rainbow Dash.
User: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: My little pony?
Cleverbot: So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways.
User: My Little Pony.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: My little pony?
Cleverbot: So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways.
That Nuclear Unicorn blogger apparently wants lesbian ponies to be included in the show. She needs a hoof upside her head. PLUS she bitches about Rarity's crush on the prince. WTF? So Rarity displayed an attraction to a male - horrors! The crap that's in that blog helps illustrate why I no longer count myself as a feminist.
ReplyDeleteAnd Cupcakes.
User: Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty.
ReplyDeleteCleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
User: Cupcakes, dont be too hasty.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes cupcaes!
Cleverbot: Old joke, portal 1 is dead.
User: My little pony!
Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
User: My little pony!
Cleverbot: Until you shared all its magic with me!
User: Big adventures.
Cleverbot: Tons of fun.
User: A beautiful heart.
Cleverbot: Faithful and strong.
User: Sharing kindness.
Cleverbot: It's an easy feat.
User: And magic makes it all complete.
Cleverbot: My little pony!
User: Do you know youre all my very best friends?
Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
User: Who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: Pinkie pie.
User: OMG me too!
Cleverbot: No way?
I started Cupcakes with it perfectly fine but somehow it didn't end up on thoughts so far