Sadly this one is a bit short. I think today was primarily major news. Not a whole lot of minor.
Lets do it!
Friendship is Magic Subtitled In Japanese
A Japanese website has subtitles up for Friendship is Magic. I'm pretty sure our favorite little equines would explode in Japan. They already have the bulging anime eyes. All we need now is a 15 year old pony with spiky hair, a bad-ass attitude, and the ability to commune with an inner demon that allows transformations to various states of power levels throughout 300 episodes. I'd be all over that crap!
Fallout Equestria Audiobooks
Scorch_Mechanic over at the forum is hard at work converting every single chapter of Fallout Equestria into audio book versions. I have added his progress so far to the Fallout Equestria post for those of you who are interested. Currently the first 5 chapters and prologue are both complete. The forums appear to require a login to access the threads, but you can find the actual post here once you create an account!
German Pony Forum
Lots of foreign news tonight! Our bro's over in Germany have started up a discussion forum for all things pony! You can find it here!
Vector Lab Deviant Art Group
Do you need ridiculously high resolution pony images for various projects?! Well I do! All the time! And what better place to find them than the Vector Lab DA group? You can find it here!
Rules of the Bronynet

There are some pretty funny ones in there. He also did specific pony descriptions, but for the sake of not turning this into Nightly Roundup: Controversy Edition #18, I'll let you guys go dig that up on your own...
Equestria Daily News
Beta Blog
Some of you have stumbled upon my old movie blog-converted EQD beta blog. Right now I am testing out a new layout for this site. The recent posts on the right side will be dropped to the bottom (a lot of the bigger blogs to this, and I can see why). It's also only going to have one side bar, allowing for larger body posts.
I think in general this should un-clutter things. I'm also stealing an idea from my new bro fanfic site (that I'll link when it's ready) and messing with a top banner bar. Right now I just have a large black band up there for measuring purposes, the final will most likely be a image of cloudsdale that I can change out depending on the current EQD theme.
The main thing I want feedback on here is the layout. Do you guys like having the bigger blog posts and archives at the bottom? This will allow me much more flexibility for embeds, and cooler side bar buttons that aren't scrunched together in an attempt to fit.
Anyway you can find the beta blog here! (and yes, I realize the top black spot is overlapping the text. I ran out of time while measuring it. This site takes too much work!)
Artist Training Ground Comes to a Close
Wow, a month already? This pony hiatus is FLYING by. I'd like to thank everyone for participating. I'm still amazed that we stayed over 100 entries every night for 30 days straight! That's nuts!
I'd also like to thank Calamari for the awesome submission website. That dude saved our asses hardcore. It wouldn't have been the same without him.
And of course Phoe for hosting it. I completely obliterated her sleep schedule with this event. Sorry :3
We will probably be hosting more stuff similar to this in the future. But for now, get some rest! You earned it!
That's all for tonight! Off to organize the sidebar and schedule the morning!
Lyra headers are best headers.
ReplyDeleteI totally blame Phoe for my current Lyra obsession.
Anyone recognize the building in the header?
ReplyDeleteBrohoof. You are a pony of taste and class. I look forward to sitting down and sharing some narcotics laced tea.
ReplyDeleteThat just made my day.
Awesome! Party of one is winning!
ReplyDeleteQuite so. Would you one cube or two?
Rules of bronynet are pretty cool, but green text is unreadable.
ReplyDeleteLovin' the "rules of the bronynet" thing.
ReplyDeleteThere's always good news here isn't there. Also herro, herro japonies! No wait, that was just awful I apologize profusely.
ReplyDeleteAlso has there ever been any really horrible news here? Aside from my friend Gojira owing me five bucks and a free round trip ticket to monster island.
Rules to the bronynet are simple and none of them say I can't drop a few ketchup grenade onto some pony for fun. (I wonder if they have hot carrots with buns and relish for that sort of attack plan? Maybe I should go with my meatless chili-zooka.)
Other than that Fallout Equestria is still going strong as being a great stroke of genius. Now it's to the point that it's getting royal treatment.
The new Layout is nice
ReplyDeleteAlthough What bothers me is the sidebar. I mean When You scroll down you will eventually find a large blank space in the sidebar which could be used for some.... well stuff that you use.. Well if You are planning to use that Empty Space then all is fine then..
Haha. Rules of Bronynet GENIUS!
I always see bronies purposely pestering people with ponies. (Oh god, the alliteration) I love ponies, and it's not right that they hate on us, but I don't like to see bronies reply with "screw you". I just seems to go against these brony rules. Plus, "Love and tolerate the shit out of you"? That ring any bells?
ReplyDeleteThe other layout seems not bad, but at the moment there are no ads on the page. I guess there will be again? I specifically excluded equestriadaily from adblockplus, because the ads here are pretty non-invasive and to support the page. However, if the new page receives additional ads, maybe some news on top and a poll somewhere, it might become a bit overloaded and the already big header might be all you can see without scrolling down.
ReplyDeleteMore space for blog posts doesn't seem immediately necessary for me, but I don't know how often you ran into problems with this small layout we have at the moment. The archives at the bottom are ok, it makes it faster to find an old news / fanfic / whatever post. The disadvantage is, if you want to go to older posts, the link is harder to find, since it is no longer directly at the bottom.
In the end, I think the cons of the new layout outweigh the pros slightly, but not by much. Would like to see the same page, but with ads enabled to get a better picture.
Yay, shorter posts mean I can comment on most of the news! I hope Japan gets behind this, there's a lot of artistic talent over there and that would do a lot of good for this already artistically gifted community.
ReplyDeleteThe fallout Equestria audio book thing is mighty impressive, I'm still really surprised that an OC heavy story can have so many amazing fans.
Go Germany bronies and vector bronies!
Rules of the bronynet gave me some good laughs, and it all makes perfect sense.
And finally, the most important news article of the day, serving it up Sethisto's way, bop! Anyways, I believe you should do whatever you think expands the site for the better Seth, I do agree that the side bar is a little cluttered and since the chat is moved, shifting everything to the bottom to make it more organized is a great idea. Plus, seeing a site evolve, especially one I love as much as this, is always good fun and a breath of fresh air, i would welcome the change personally.
I love the look of hte beta site. :)
ReplyDeleteOne of my biggest problems with ED is that when I load a new page--especially the main page, not a post--my computer laaaaaaags for a few moments while it struggles to catch up with everything. I can only think that cutting down on the number of side bar links will help~ (and my computer is no slouch, either!)
Past that, it looks neater, cleaner and about 20% cooler then the current site :) I like the increased width and think this change can only be positive :D
I hope MLP gets big in Japan, then we might have some doujinshi, h or non-h.
ReplyDeleteHey there Seth!
ReplyDeleteI am personally happy with the blog how it is now, but I am sure any changes you have in mind are good for it. Although, putting links and accesses on the bottom of the page doesn't sound completely useful for me. How about on the top?
though, I just noticed the archives at the bottom... don't much like that :/ Maybe those could go on a separate page? "catch up" or "recent archives" ... I don't think many people will scroll down that far, and the 'not always equal' sides would personally annoy me XD
ReplyDeleteoh yeah and another thing...
ReplyDeleteThe Poll should have a Permanent Position. Well I know that Sometimes This Can't be Avoided but lets just say the main polls get to have a Permanent Place while extra things like voting on Trixie or Rarity go Somewhere else or just below the main Poll. Heck why not? if There are so many Polls why not use that Empty Space for Polls with the Main Poll being at the Top of all the Other Polls?
Don't Get me Wrong I'm not saying you should Fill that Blank Space with all sorts of things. The Empty Space just Bugs me thats all.
Rules of The Bronynet = Delicious!
ReplyDelete46 <3
ReplyDeleteThe ads will be the same for the most part. It will be your typical top bar/side bar. I'm pretty much just copying all the basic template web comics/other fansites use.
And thanks for keeping adblock disabled! It does help. I drop my hours at work to have more time with this site, so every bit is good. I stick strictly to google ads, which are probably the friendliest ads on the internet, so they should always be safe/avoid annoyingness.
The rules of Bronynet have become law! The internet will never be the same!
ReplyDelete@Ethereal Zephyros
ReplyDeleteThe main reason I avoid polls is due to performance decreases. They take a long time to load every time you refresh the page.
If MLP gets big in Japan, I predict more Touhou x MLP fanworks popping up. Hell yes.
ReplyDelete@Grey Acumen
ReplyDeleteNo dumb Trollestia jokes/references? I love you.
I'm not sure how many people are affected by this, but I'm forced by my antiquated hardware to use a screen resolution of 1024x768: too small for the current EQ (basically, the right side bar is mostly cut-off for me unless I scroll to the right). If one of the sidebars is to disappear, maybe some of the newly-won space could be used to make the site fit better?
ReplyDeleteHave you tried ctrl+mousewheel to zoom out a bit? It should fit better with one or 2 zooms.
not liking the beta. current layout is much more clear and friendly...
ReplyDeleteif ponies get big in japan OH GOD tentacles will find their way to the fanart ><
ReplyDeleteEverything needs more Lyra.
ReplyDeletePhoe has opened my eyes to that fact.
ReplyDeleteI know, that works fine. I'm just uncommonly lazy and don't want to adjust the zoom level every time I come and go to/from EQ ;).
I'll manage, though, as long as the new layout isn't even wider than it is now (which it doesn't look like it is).
Well I don't know if I can follow 45, cause when I play horror games/mods, I play the most disturbing ones, Like Afraid Of Monsters, and soon Cry Of Fear.
ReplyDeleteKind of hard to laugh at eyeless, bloody twitchers that gurgle and run at the speed of sound without any footstep noise, in pitch black.
I don't like the main content being off-center.
ReplyDeleteAnd having the recent posts links be that far on the bottom is tantamount to removing them. And they're too useful to be removed IMHO. You have what is essentially functionality overlap with the popular/recent posts. So I think you should choose one and stick with it. Or maybe merge them. Categories are already on top so maybe popular posts are enough, but frankly I never use popular posts at all and I always use recent posts because it allows you to see much more relevant content and helps make sure you didn't miss any important posts in the main body.
So essentially what I'd suggest is get rid of popular, merge categories and recent posts into the sidebar and have all the other stuff on the other side so you can have all the useful stuff on top where it's needed and all the content stretching down into the "scroll area" where you'll reach it naturally by reading on.
Black header looks weird.
That's an awesome internet rule list right there.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sounds like FiM is getting spread to many different languages (German, Japanese). This is good. Bronyism is going global.
Also, sad that artist training is over, but I had a great time, improved alot, and am not planning to go anywhere.
A slight correction is needed.
ReplyDelete34) ...Sorry.
But whatever you wann do is fine.
^ Samefriend here. To clarify because I think I worded it bad; content gets pushed off the main page fast and the long lists on the front page provided by recent posts help you get a much better overview right from the front page so you don't miss anything.
ReplyDeleteI also think wider paragraphs are overrated, sometimes youtube videos have a hard time fitting I guess, but there is such a thing as too wide for comfort IMHO, and the beta blog is playing with that boundary.
>changes to site?
ReplyDelete>ZOMG 2 newsfeeds plz; one for recurring posts and one for brand new stuff.
ReplyDeleteSorry to disappoint, but Rule 16 actually is specifically referencing the Trollestia memes, I just chose to be more subtle about it.
Also, hopefully Sethisto wont find the pony commentary of the rules too controversial to at lest link to in the comments.
Obviously if there is any controversy, it should be kept to the comments on the image page and not burden Equestria Daily with them.
@Grey Acumen
ReplyDeleteComments are fine. I passed them around to a few people and the general consensus was not to post anything but the rules
@Gozer the Equestrian
ReplyDelete...I swear I've seen that before, somewhere. Can't think of where. My initial thought was "Black Fortress from Krull", then "Angband or Minas Morgul from LOTR/Silmarillion" but all of those are wrong as far as Google Image Search can tell.
.. That sounds like a terrible anime >.>
ReplyDeleteWhat browser do you use? Equestria Daily loads really quick for me and I don't have the fastest PC. However, with Internet Explorer the page was a lot worse. I usually use chrome, but in this case firefox 5 seemed the fastest.
Oh and the Blogger line at the top will be removed, won't it?
About those commentaries: MLP is close to Christianity???
ReplyDeleteYou best be trollin', Celestia...
Kill the gays (sorry Dashie)
Kill "witches" (sorry Twilight)
Kill everyone in your enemy's town except the virgin girls who are to be kept as slaves
Everyone who isn't part of your religion deserves, really deserves, to suffer in hell.
I'll stick with friendship instead thanks.
@Gozer the Equestrian
ReplyDeleteThat picture is based on one of the posters made for the anime Macross II : Lovers Again, which goes by the name "Robotech" in the USA. The "building" is the crashlanded Macross (SDF-1) spaceship, in it's attack mode.
You'd have to know the 80's anime to get that picture, even though Macross has got some newer series too.
You'll find the original poster if you go to google image search and type Macross II Lovers Again. The colours are unmistakeable.
@Anon 5:17: You really don't know anything about Christianity, do you? Don't forget: tolerance.
ReplyDeleteJudging from the color of the first two rules, I'm going to guess Grey Acumen believes Rarity to be the best pony.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought my project was going to be in the nightly roundup.
So happy Rules 34 and 35 are rated G... not to mention so very, very true.
ReplyDelete@anon 5:46
ReplyDeleteBecause the show seems to take place in the past, he is probably referring to the more violent times in Christianity's history that also occurred in the past, such as the Crusades.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help but notice there wasn't a "If there's pony of it, some f***er will corrupt it and make 34 of it" or something along those lines.
The 'Christianity' namedrop in Grey Acumen's post was clearly author appeal. It apparently has a very positive meaning to him, enough so that he included it despite acknowledging that said inclusion would be controversial. Let him have that.
ReplyDeleteThe rules and the commentary are both excellent.
ReplyDeleteIf you read the commentary, there's a lengthy explanation of why rule 34 (and other forms of fan work) are a good thing.
Nice pony rules. Rule #7 is my favorite. How else can we explain Cupcakes and all the shipping?
ReplyDeleteEven though I've only participated in 3 training ground days, I've noted a HUGE improvement since my first submission when I tried drawing today. So yeah, I'm glad we had that newbie artist training ground activity.
ReplyDelete@ anon 5:46
ReplyDeleteAre you saying in Christianity nobody goes to hell??
What I said was all direct from the Bible. The god of the bible specifically commands rape torture and genocide. It really does.
If Christians these days don't follow the Bible, good, I'm glad.
I like this current layout just fine. The beta seems kinda... off.. to me.
ReplyDeleteHow on earth did you even manage to start a religious fight here?
ReplyDeleteThe alternate (beta) blog layout is about 20% cooler. (Sorry, had to do it!)j
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, though, it's a very clean layout, and I'm looking forward to seeing it implemented.
Oh nice. Japony is getting hits by the aftershocks of friendship~ Link to the site that has the subtitles for those that also know japanesse?
Disregard partially sauce request, I found it at niconicodouga. Darn, those subs are really kanji heavy and pass so fast @_@
Also, have some ponified animu :3
@BluMeino Hey nows. Just 'cause most of us don't have a condensed population doesn't mean we can't do something similar.
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea what I have in store for those vectors...
ReplyDeleteI love religious extremes!
ReplyDeleteEspecially outdated ones!
@Anonymous 5:17AM
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about original Christianity that was introduced by Jesus, (so make sure your references are from New Testament, not Old) not the ways that it has been abused and warped in order to persecute others since then. Obviously this isn't the place for debating Religion though.
You should check a little more carefully. Background bar color is coat color, text color is eye color, and numbers are hair color (except for Spike, where I use belly scale color) So rules 1 & 2 are Celestia, simply because they are the first rules.
Twilight is actually my favorite Pony, though I do have soft spots for all the others... except Rainbow Dash. No offense, I just generally find her to be the most thoughtless out of all the ponies. I suppose that might be part of what her fans find charming, but I don't like it at all.
@Star Whistle
Thank you, and yes. I know many people haven't always been dealt good cards for the representatives of the christian faith they've had to deal with, but everyone I know takes "love the sinner, hate the sin" fully to heart.
And please keep in mind, I don't SUPPORT Rule34, I'm just pointing out why Bronies taking an aggressive against it will only hurt the community in the long run.
I really hope you're agreeing with the commentary attached to that rule and not just the rule by itself.
@Anonymous 5:17 AM
ReplyDeleteJesus taught about love and tolerance above all else. He accepted sinners that believed in him and in God. If Jesus were to look at this show and its message, he would commend it.
The pure basis of Christianity is love and tolerance. Love and tolerance for everyone, but not for sin and evil. It's what I follow, though I can diverge from that at times. If you ignore the higher religious architecture and focused on Jesus' teachings, you would see that.
Sorry for this, but I had to throw that out there.
Also, I approve of these new rules.
"A Japanese website"?
ReplyDeletePonies on Nico Nico Douga?
Welcoming Japan to the herd right now.