This one is going to be a bit less...wordy. I'm doing this in "grind mode", where I play music and just blow through things! I'm tired!
Anyway on with the news!
Popular Podcasts Discuss Ponies
We sure do spread...everywhere! A few different podcasts have jumped on the bandwagon. You can find them both below
Pony Tote Bags

Friendship is Magic Episode One Hits 1,000,000 Views
The headline says it all. That is probably terrible journalism, but I'm not going to worry about that right now! You can find the video here!
Ponies in Latin America
It looks commercials for pony toys outside the english speaking countries are starting to pop up. This was actually sent to me a while back, but I wasn't really sure what to do with it, so hooray for Nightly Roundups! The video can be found here! Admin is Now Celestia
Looks like her reign has spread outside of Equestria! Celestia is now the admin for They get a whole boatload more pageviews than this site, so I'm assuming that's a pretty big deal! You can find the profile here!
Bronies Ranked in the Top 10 WTF Facebook Pages by Smosh recently ran a Facebook Ranking post, and right at the top is our beloved bronies forever group. Considering their youtube channel has over 2.5 MILLION subscribers, I'm pretty sure this will help spread the pony a bit! And before you head over there thinking of the site as an anti-pony propaganda spewing machine... check out their derpy hooves compilation. (Their comments are so covered in spam it's almost scary!)
Pony Flash Game Seeking Female Voice Actors
The pony flash game I linked a few days ago got a massive surge of male voice actor offers, but very few female. If any of you ladies out there think you have what it takes to emulate the ponies of the show, you might want to give them a helping hoof!
Celestia Radio Fanfic Contest
The Celestia Radio fanfiction reading contest ends in 2 weeks (On July 5th), you can find the information on that here!
Light and Dark Pony RPG
Another pony RPG creator is looking for assistance with converting one of his current projects into a pony version. If you have any skills in mapping, spriting, or simply building scripts for spells/skills, and want to help out, head over to this thread!
Another Web Comic Gone Pony!
Three Panel Soul has joined the brony league, with a situation most of us have probably gone through already. You can find the page here!
Equestria Daily News
Madmax Themed Training Grounds
The Madmax event was a huge success. I didn't think we would get anywhere near the surge of OVERLY CUTE Madmax ponies that we did. If you hit up her Fimchan thread, it looks like she really appreciates it!
Site Optimization Stuff
I changed the images on the site around a bit, hopefully this speeds things up some.
I had some other things, but I'm literally falling asleep right now and can't remember them.
And that is it for tonight's Nightly Roundup! Hopefully tomorrow I won't do this at 4:00 AM!
give me some news i can use let me smile for awhile for the madness has taken its toll
ReplyDelete4 A.M on the West coast...6 A.M on the East coast. These past few days I've actually woken up reading the Nightly Round up. More like, morning round up for me I guess.
ReplyDeleteThat one video have a million hits? Counting the other videos on youtube and on the Hub, we must have more viewers than most small countries.
ReplyDeleteAll day and all night the ponies roll; changing the world for the better.
ReplyDeleteWe could call them Fillie's or Mares, it's kind difficult to think of a name for them seeing as the show was made with a female audience in mind. We should post this question on ponychan, that way, we can let them dicide. for they have shown us that they are more than capable then figuring stuff like this out.
ReplyDeleteI think we could just declare "brony" a gender-neutral term. It seems the easiest thing to do. And hooray this time it's a webcomic that I actually read that's gone pony.
ReplyDeleteSrsly Sethisto, take a break some time; I'm sure most of us won't mind. Your wellbeing is more important than our momentary enjoyment. I know I could survive a day without EqD.
ReplyDeleteThatGuy's podcast only starts to matter at 49 minutes in.
ReplyDeleteI second this. A day without pony is preferable to you burning out and then there being NO pony.
Could you optimize it a little more, the lag is almost more evil than I am... then again I'm only supposedly evil so thats not very hard to do.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah it is a bit faster for the popularity this site has, I'm getting ridiculously active everytime I look at my frequented sites bar next to 'Lets Play' searches on youtube and Google searches for 'Pinkie Pie' and 'Derpy Hooves as a Seperate character from Ditzy Doo'.
The web comic is funny as it is serious.
Has anyone seen 'Heart of Darkness' for the playstation? I need to use the game disc to open a black hole to another world.
Also take a day off once a week and label it no pony day to give yourself a much needed break. You already have enough on your plate sethisto.
ReplyDeleteI third this. I'm sure we can entertain ourselves for a while. Get some proper rest. :P
So who else ended up watching the first episode again because of this?
ReplyDelete DO have a look at this video my fellow bronies. U WONT REGRET IT
ReplyDelete^ It's vanilla Equestria girls guys
ReplyDeleteBut Seth, if you need it, do take a break. I won't mind so much, for one, if it's for your own good.
Also, LegendaryFrog's mention of ponies is 62+ minutes in.
ReplyDeleteTo get rid of insomnia there's two options...
ReplyDeleteSleeping Pills
Or survive 24Hours till like 10:00PM
Is that... /GASP/ THAT GUY WITH THE GLASSES? They finally mentioned us? YES.
ReplyDeleteI liked the second podcast. They did put MLP in a good stage light (even if it was random), and I appreciate them for that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes Seth, do take some rest. I need to continue on my fanfic anyways, and everyone else can go a couple of hours, even a day without some pony news. Go have fun with sleep :)
I see brony as a gender-neutral term, but if you really need to need to confirm your lack of a y-chromosome, how about bronette?
ReplyDeleteAnd Seth, nopony will thank you for burning yourself out. Take a break, even if you don't desperately need to; we can handle a lull in poni for a while, (some of us, myself included, actually need one) and you do so much for us already.
Take a break man, we have shown we can survive without new pony.
ReplyDeleteWould anypony mind a villainess with a Minnesota Accent?
ReplyDeleteI'm tempted to give them my sister's email.
Or just plain Brony.
More polls! Polls about female brony monikers!
ReplyDeleteI've always thought Brony was male, and femmes called themselves Ponys, pehaps Fillies or MLP fans. They've been around for ages, have their own conventions and such, they probably have a name for themselves already.
ReplyDeleteCertainly something that should be asked on one of "their" boards, as someone said, pretty sure they can figure it out.
Two additional podcasts that have discussed MLP..
ReplyDeleteGreatest Movie EVER!
and Destroy All Podcasts DX
Though in further reading on the comments, neither one is very nice regarding the surrounding fandom. So, uh, grain of salt or two.
ReplyDeleteI thought Brony stopped being gender-related a while ago. I've certainly meant every gender when I've said Brony.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I think it's easiest that we just decide that "Brony" isn't gender specific. It encompasses all the fans, leaves no one out. Because I don't see the point in differentiating "Oh you're a female fan."
ReplyDeleteLegendary Frog is still alive and active? I'm surprised.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'd like to think that brony is neutral gender, but given its roots (bro+pony) it isn't, aside from the sheer shock factor that it points to the male fans of my little pony. Bronette misses the pony root (and sounds like brunette) but with fillies I'm okay, it's playful. Dunno girls. Perhaps it's better if you help on deciding the name.
@Chef Sandy
ReplyDeleteThe TGWTG podcast wasn't nice or not-nice, just...confused, mainly. And that's fine as far as I'm concerned. If you don't see what makes a show appealing, that's just individual tastes.
If you then go on to imply the people who DO like the show are somehow lesser human beings, well, that's where most of the media coverage (and in general, most of the internet when it comes to any show) goes off the rails.
Hmmm, Bronies is bro+ponies, so that's out, and Fillies sounds juvenile. And yes, I've had this discussion/thought before, what DO we call female fans? I mean, Bronies might work when addressing the community as a whole, but we really need a female version.
ReplyDeleteOn the ThatGuyWithGlasses podcast
ReplyDeleteGoto the 49 minute mark.
You're welcome. I had to listen to the entire 49 minutes before ponies.
Not that it wasn't entertaining.
I'm a female and I like brony as a gender-neutral term. It's strongly associated with our particular fandom, and I think that's more important than creating a binary. For example, Plus, when bronies get shoutouts, or brony merch shows up, then one term includes all of us who self-identify that way. Plus a binary wouldn't cover everyone anyway, considering there has to be genderqueer or androgynous bronies out there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Fight4Kills and Destroyerbaby.
ReplyDeleteA gender neutral term is best.
It's not good to divide the fandom by gender lines anyway. We're all MLP:FIM fans, that's what matters.
You need to make sure you get enough sleep and at the proper time.
ReplyDeleteThat's 10:00 PM here in INdonesia.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen this yet?
ugh..that TGWTG podcast...
ReplyDeleteI didn't laugh a single time and i was bored to death... I stopped after 35 minutes of that, because the stupid thing wouldn't let me skip any of it, ponies or not, it's just not worth it.
The Transmission Awesome take on the show was, was awesome.
ReplyDeleteThose guys always make me laugh, and their take on MLPFiM was hilarious. They mostly poked fun at each other and made sexual jokes, but it was good to see them having fun with it. And two of them seemed to know a lot of the show. Sometimes the internet happily surprises me <3
female Bronies are Bronies ... it may be a brotherhood, but its hardly loving and tolerating if you discriminate by sex or age ...
ReplyDeleteA Bronie is anyone who will stand up and be counted as a fan of the show!
Honestly Seth I'm disappointed you would think anything else!
ReplyDeleteFunnyjunk is like the obnoxious, unfunny little brother of 4chan.
ReplyDeleteThe world knows us collectively as Bronies, and I'm honestly sometimes offended when Bronies seem to think female Bronies need a separate name or aren't Bronies because MLP was originally created with females in mind. Not all of us Female Bronies were into the Franchise at the beginning anyway. Brony should be gender neutral. I see Brony as a term that means that you are simply a fan of the G4 MLP show/toys/art/fanfics/what have you. I've never seen it as a specfically male term. The media just turns it into a male term because of the prefix "bro" which they see as male, as well as the fact that there is no shock factor in females likeing MLP. The media lives off of the shock factor.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the consensus, I will call myself a Brony, despite being female. I suppose I wouldn't mind being called a Filly by fellow Bronies, as long as it doesn't override being a Brony.
Seth you should definitely run a poll about the proper terminology for female bronies - I always thought of "brony" as a gender neutral term. But, a poll would answer the question once and for all.
ReplyDeleteAlso: TAKE A BREAK, SETHISTO!!! You deserve it! :D
We're Sonys! ;)
ReplyDelete/b/ = /b/ro = bro + pony = brony
ReplyDeleteThe only reason you shouldn't call yourself a brony is if you aren't a /b/ro.
On behalf of the human population with vaginas I will go ahead and say we're cool with being bronies.
ReplyDeleteThe guys who like this show are bucking gender division, we ladies should too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we need a Poll or something.
Female bronies are just bronies. Why the need to separate?
ReplyDeletePretty soon Seth will be on Easter Standard time.
ReplyDeleteBronies are bronies, I see no need to separate fans by gender. "Brony" may have started out as masculine but at this point, I think it has evolved to be gender neutral. It just works so well as a name for fans, I don't see any name for female bronies being anything but clunky in comparison.
ReplyDeleteBrony also has nothing except MLP associated with it. Ponies/fillies are horse terms and have been so for a long, long time. Calling female fans ponies or fillies just sounds... silly to me.
Even if there was a consensus of what to call female fans, I would still be calling myself a brony. I like the term, how it rolls off the tongue, and am tired of always being told to act/be more "feminine" and liked how there was no feminine version of brony.
I'm kinda bummed that some fellow bronies think us women need our own term. If a woman wants to identify herself using a feminine moniker, that should be up to individuals to decide on. Myself and others are more than happy to call ourselves bronies and see no point drawing such an arbitrary line in the sand, so to speak.
TL;DR: brony fits the fandom perfectly regardless of gender. Not everything needs to be divided as male/female and this community is about love, tolerance, and acceptance. Why bring gender up when it doesn't need to be?
I think it had to do with people automatically assuming that the MLP craze on the internet was restricted to males, especially considering "brony"
ReplyDeleteimplies maleness.
Some female fans felt left out, because they were fans too. Even if FIM was for "girls," teenage and adult females watching the show is still not of the original demographic, which was younger girls.
Anyway, if everyone just uses brony as a gender neutral term, that would help to solve that problem and would be best.
Seth, seriously, TAKE A GODDAMN BREAK FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE every once in a while, all this pony aint gonna be worth it if you burn yourself out and end up 10 feet under is it? And as for Madmax, Im hoping we hear some news about how she's fairing at the moment, even if its just one of her friends posting to say she's alright, and Im not even asking for the reason she's suddenly gone MIA, just an update to say that she's alright, since we bronies gonna look out for each other after all, and Bronies = Gender Neutral, nuf said.
ReplyDeleteBronies are gender neutral! I take it to mean brotherhood in the family sense. Or something like that.
ReplyDeleteLike people have said already, bronies are bronies, regardless of gender.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's no good when it gets there. They literally have NOTHING to say about the show. Even the guy who watched 4 episodes doesn't really have much to say about it.
@Chef Sandy
ReplyDeleteOh Luna, those Destroy all podcasts guys are jerks. I want to love and tolerate them, but I just can't...
I second and/or third, or however much was already there.... the poll
ReplyDeletemy vote is for Brony as the term for both male and female fans.
Men and women are all Bronies. Don't draw any lines between us.
ReplyDelete (dear Celestia that's a long file name)
ReplyDeleteHow much longer must we wait until Doug Walker gives in and reviews MLP:FIM? (If he hasn't been requested to do it at least once then I will be dissapoint.)
@Star Winged Brit
ReplyDeleteWhy would you want him to review it?
Doesn't he bash everything in his reviews?
Why would you force someone to review the show? let them discover it on their own. We can be patient.
ReplyDelete...At least, I hope we can be patient.
Three panel soul is down. Is this a result of Bronyflood?
ReplyDeleteIf so, man, wonder what'll happen to youtube as soon as someone uploads S2E1.
I'm a huge fan of LegendaryFrog and TGWTG. Just really honored that they both mentioned us.
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't we want him to review it. Even Zero Punctuation makes some positive reviews on games like Amnesia or Minecraft.
For Bronies, of course we all know that the term is gender-neutral. Females can be called 'bros', too. But people outside the fandom are TOTALLY going to know that immediately. When you see the word 'bro', you usually first think of a bunch of guys. When people see the work 'bronies' they're gonna think about brownies first, and then reseach what it REALLY means, and then they're gonna think we're all a bunch oaf guys and there are no girl bronies.
(Oh god there's too much typos to leave that alone. Gonna retype just the last paragraph.)
ReplyDeleteFor Bronies, of course we all know that the term is gender-neutral. Females can be called 'bros', too. But people outside the fandom are TOTALLY going to know that immediately.
When you see the word 'bro', you usually first think of a bunch of guys. When people see the word 'bronies', they're gonna think about brownies first, and then reseach where the word ACTUALLY came from, then they're gonna think we're all a bunch of guys and there are no girl bronies.
But then again, the majority of us really are male according to the surveys, so I guess calling all of us BROnies probably isn't all that wrong.
As a female fan of MLP:FiM, I'll probably be in the minority for saying I don't like the term Brony, mostly because I detest most Bros. And while the term as applied to the fandom at large is fun, we (myself and other female fans around me, as well as even male fans that don't like the Bro thing), have been using the term Fan Filly. All in all though Brony is gender neutral, and if a fan doesn't like the term, for gender reasons, or any other reason, there are other reason, I think Fan Filly is an acceptable alternative.
ReplyDeleteTl;dr: Brony is gender neutral. If you don't like it, filly, or fan filly is an alternative. Call yourself what you like.
ReplyDelete... Also, we have a FAQ page, after all.
I've always kind of thought bronies were guys but I don't have any problem calling girls bronies. I vote neutral.
ReplyDeleteI never cared about the faq page until you linked me there.
ReplyDeleteBronies is a gender neutral term, who cares.
ReplyDeleteif Brony works for me, it can work for the rest of the girls.
ReplyDeleteThough I think Brony is gender-neutral, it MIGHT be nice to have a word for female MLP fans... I'm on the fence on this dilemma, honestly.
ReplyDeleteEither-or! I'm a Brony until someone comes up with something else that wows me.