ON WITH THE NEWS! After the break.
Ponies take over Blistered Thumbs
More hostile takeover of gaming websites has commenced by our favorite little equines. The Blistered Thumbs Community Podcast now sports a pony logo, complete with really bad OC ponies and re-cutiemarked mane cast! You can find that here!
The Internet Rates MLP
We might get a whole pile of hate from 40+ year olds who recently signed up for "the twitter" and just completed begining typing 101, but among our generation, we sure are positive!
Friendship is magic pretty much dominates the internet. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Merch Mall Updates
The Custom Pony Merch Mall has been updated with a whole pile of new shops. Everything from keychains to hoodies are now available for purchase. As always, you can find that here!
June/July Meetup Post Updates
Along with the Custom Pony Merch Mall, the Brony Meetup post has had around 6 new additions since it last graced the front page. If you are interested in meeting other bronies in your area in a big group setting where awkwardness is at least 40% diminished, this is the place to plan it. As always, additional events are always welcome, feel free to follow the instructions in the post on how to submit your event. You can find the post here!
Brony Movie Night Facebook Page
For those that partake in the weekly Brony Movie Nights over at Bronystate, you might want to consider subscribing to the new Facebook Page. The guy leading it has also opened up an email that you can subscribe to for weekly updates on what's playing. Simply send an email to Bronystate@gmail.com to be added to the list.
Brony Village in Poland
I wonder if FiM has even spread there yet?
Another READ poster invades a library!
Neighsayers who hate on the Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle and her beautifully charismatic visage need not apply. This poster easily converts Babysitters-Club readers into full on ,doctorate level. Shakespearean researchers in less than 3 weeks. Every library needs this supreme overlord of knowledge to guide them down a path of enlightenment.
Another Webcomic Converts to Ponies
Does Not Play Well With Others is yet another webcomic fallen victim to the pony craze. Their recent comic can be found here, with all of its Dr. Whoof references and colorful equine shenanigans.
Ponychan Kid's Mother Throws Away Rarity

You can find the thread here!
Bronies at Valve
Apparently Valve is suffering the same fate as Riot Games. Various employees are sporting pony avatars, and their Official Tech Support steam group has adopted a Gorden Freemane avatar. For every negative press release we get, two major entertainment hubs convert to ponydom. I love the internet.
More Woodwork Ponies
The guy who created the woodwork Lyra and Bonbon toys has completed the Mane 6!
You can find individual images of all of them at his shutterfly site here!
And that is it for tonight's news post! Hopefully It was enlightening and at least 20% less drama filled as the last 5. We got that out of our system earlier right?
Bronies in the gaming industry? This is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have the gaming industry on our side than the press. At least we respect the gaming industry.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love these nightly roundups.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your hard work!
Wow, the one about Rarity getting thrown away is just soul crushing :(
ReplyDeleteIn the comic previous to the one linked to, the name of the boat is the HMS Rainbow Dash.
ReplyDeleteRiot Games are pony?! Where'd I miss that! Elaborate plz
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the Valve news, here's some related pony news concerning employees BurtonJ and Robin Walker himself.
ReplyDeleteThis was in a chat with one of the official TF2 wiki folk.
BurtonJ: I'm super interesting
BurtonJ: i like turtles
RJ: Oh yeah?
RJ: Like, real turtles?
BurtonJ: and ponies
and this was during an open mic TF2 game with Robin Walker.
Guy over mic: So Robin, I think everyone wants to know this. Do you like ponies?
Robin: Who doesn't
I want to narrate my reply to this, so I can warm up to keep up writing "The Regal Dream".
ReplyDeleteWith a thundering clash, the good news crushed the bad news mercilessly. Many had doubts of its power, but the unstoppable combined powers of friendship, tolerance and awesomeness left no trace of those who dared insult the beloved fandom. Only the sound of joy could be heard after such victory.
We are going to be up, down, up, down, all the time. But seeing how this fandom is built and how many good hearted people are here, we are in no means of fading.
meh, rarity... nothing of value was lost.
ReplyDeletesure are a lack of comments when there's not some media thingy up there.
How about you stop posting stuff that will obviously cause drama?
ReplyDeleteImageboards and other communities will find drama inducing stuff by themselves anyway, at least spare those who do not visit those sites from all the rage/drama.
In before: "Where's the fun in that?"
Drama is no fun.
^stop making drama about there being no drama!
ReplyDeleteI know a brony who works on bioshock infinite as well-being :)
ReplyDeletehe was actually converted by an email thread at work with the physics presentation, and he is working on converting more!
ReplyDeleteI report on everything.
@Anonymous that happens on the nom nom nom servers 100th scrim, he went onto the server as a way of saying grats and did a bit of Q&A in the process and then went on to animate them with his valve rake launcha :P
ReplyDeleteInitiating Twilight processors...
Also, the webcomic appears to have had two other pony comics before the one currently up there, this one and the one after:
Well everything is okay here.
ReplyDeleteE3 wasn't all to terribly interesting this year if your a gamer.
If you speak different languages translate your stories that other language.
Unfortunately I only know two languages, english and the 'chthulu screaming monster of horror' dialect which scares people for some reason.
In any case cheerio I can't wait till July comes around, my birthday is coming up and despite how lonely most of my days usually are at least people make a better effort with trying to kill me on my special day.
Of course getting a sword through the eye is not a fun present, I will try to visit Equestria Daily on that day if I'm not on the end of some crusaders sword by another time travel mishap by the end of said day.
Also thanks for the reminder Display Name, that comic was indeed memorable 'clap clap clap'.
Valve bronies were already confirmed, but seeing further evidence just makes my night.
I can't wait for the pony references in new Valve games, if we ever see one again.
ReplyDeletethis is a great day for all of us!
ReplyDeleteValve bronies... This requires M. Bison's YESH! YESH! Looking forward to maybe a few easter eggs like a Celestia OBEY poster in their next game. Now I've just got to wait for the pony friendship to dock here in Britain and watch the world convert to Bronies. Plus I want to live in Brony now.
ReplyDeleteOh, Valve
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd turn eventually
Also, I am so getting me one of those READ posters to put up in our library
Valve probably saw all the TF2-pony crossovers and was like.. "Oh hey, people aren't shipping the Medic and Heavy AS much lately, they're drawing these cute ponies, let's find out why!" and then it went from there..
ReplyDeleteSweet Celestia, those woodcrafts are adorable.
ReplyDeleteI just wanna point out that in the previous page of the comic, the ships is names "HMS Rainbow Dash." Yeah.
ReplyDeleteAlso this is a nice break from silly media rage RAAAAGE.
OMG The World is being taken over 100% by PONIES!
ReplyDeleteQuick how do i leave my mark in history xD?
Meanwhile at Valve, Gaben prepares to release Episode Three with a very very SPECIAL surprise. Remember the Borealis? Remember when Wheatley mentioned that Pony Farm?
ReplyDeleteHeh @ the village in my country.. :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of haters, there's a radio broadcast on YouTube that slams us pretty hard. By some 98X radio or something...
ReplyDeleteNot all 40 something guys are to be dreaded. I am 47. I've been into MLP for about 12-13 years. The latest are the best, of course!
ReplyDeleteso what the difference in the rating of MLP here and the one here: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/pony-google-autocomplete.html ??
ReplyDeleteI like how the wikipedia article about brony :
ReplyDelete"The village has a population of 80. It is 20% cooler then all other Polish villages, and was built in ten seconds flat."
@Anonymousyes we know. they are beneath contempt or acknowledgement.
ReplyDeleteThattagen said...
ReplyDeleteI just wanna point out that in the previous page of the comic, the ships is names "HMS Rainbow Dash."
Hey, everyone loves shipping with Dashie.
ReplyDeleteOh my god, totally snorted at that.
"The village has a population of 80. It is 20% cooler then all other Polish villages, and was built in ten seconds flat."
ReplyDeleteI love it when people mess with wikipedia, though that might be true for all I know.
Poland can into My Pony Pony.
ReplyDeleteOh Sethisto, you give me the daily smiles. Thanks for all the hard work!
ReplyDeleteIs Brony going to be next Danzig/Gdansk on wikipedia? With tons of bronies vandalising the page, it could be. Silly Poles.
ReplyDeleteAs for that village in Poland its name is actual Polish word. "Brony" is plural form of "brona" with means either
ReplyDeleteharrow or portcullis.
You'd be surprised, but here in Poland we've got quite many bronies. It may not be very popular, but I know there is a couple of MLP fans in my town.
There was actually a Bungie Forum Ninja that had a Derpy avatar for Coup and joined the MLP B.net group, but has left and taken it off. Probably didn't like the attention of coupsters.
ReplyDeleteValve being partly Brony is really cool, though.
Oh God. Lol at Valve employees. I will die a happy man if Gaben comes out as a brony. He would be a real life Pinkie Pie!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso yeah WHERES OUR HATS!?!?!
It's like the black plague. Only happier, and less... fatal.
ReplyDeleteThat was a terrible simile, but bronydom is spreading, sooner or later the media will have to give up trying to smear us.
I am genuinely shocked about the mother that threw away Rarity.
ReplyDeleteAlso, after seeing bronies at Valve, I still hope the will make a TF2/Pony crossover, even if I know they won't (at least I have googles that almost look like the Wonderbolts': http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Planeswalker_Goggles >blue Skin)
I'd pay so much money for a Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash hair-hat in TF2.
ReplyDeleteSethisto said:
ReplyDelete"That side bar on the right that no one uses just took 2 hours to file away into the archives, I deserve it. "
Awr, ce n'est pas vrai, Sethisto. I use that more than the top bar.
No dis'n the side bar. I use it as a quick way to go back to posts I've replied on. I rely on the search field when I can't find what I'm looking for in the side bar.
ReplyDelete@Otherunicorn 40 somethings represent! Is 40 like the new 30 now? I don't Tweet and I get much joy out of weirding people at work with my pages of pony art in my sketch book. There's a Rainbow Dash and a Pinkie Pie in my department and I think they still don't grok it when I call them by their pony names. X^D
ReplyDeleteoh heck yes xD
"We might get a whole pile of hate from 40+ year olds"
ReplyDeleteNo hate from this 40 year old, I love the show.
This might make a good poll, what are the ages of the bronies?
Oh, btw, sidebar rocks.
I don't have to worry about my mom throwing my ponies out, she likes using them to mess with my dad cause it bothers him that I watch the show.
ReplyDelete@Sun Ray
ReplyDeleteUhmmm, it's just a toy, dude, no reason for violence.
god bless valve and the brony community! I'll buy some valve games to support them
ReplyDeleteHeh, the more that mainstream media tries to rag on a popular thing, the more the Internet as a whole embraces it. Some things never change I guess.
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty neat library display too, wonder where it's located at? I live near Wooster, Ohio and did a double take when I noticed the poster hanging up in the library there.
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ReplyDelete"stab her in the face while she sleeps.." Laughed so damn hard! XD
ReplyDeleteYou know what would be fun to do to that mom who threw away rarity?
ReplyDeleteDoing what hogwarts did when harry's uncle threw out his obsession letter. Except with ponies instead of letters and owls.
yes...yes slowly taking over the internet 2 gaming websites at a time
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get one of those Twilight Sparkle posters? Being an avid reader, I NEED one!
ReplyDeleteI am sad pony, as I put up a Twilight poster at my library and when I went back a couple days later, hoping to take a picture, it had been taken down. I must try again.
ReplyDeleteDrama? What drama? Maybe I should read comments more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good post mate!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUh...Seth? I think that "What Does the Internet Think?" thing may have been slightly shopped.
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm putting in the exact same words on the site right now, and it won't give me any result at all.
ReplyDeleteOkay, actually, it's not giving me anything for Facebook either...
I think the problem's on my end. Carry on.
i really like the Cave Johnson avatar
ReplyDeleteBronies, the good times are far from over.
ReplyDeleteWait, did anypony else pick up on that if you flip the sh with the fl in shutterfly, you get fluttershy? Weird... o.O
ReplyDeletePhase one of pony take over is near complete. It's almost time for phase two......what's phase to again?
ReplyDeleteYes invade Poland and then maybe in Poland will be more brony events. Because in Poland bronies are small group of people.
ReplyDeletePoland? It's been a while since I played Risk. Wouldn't it be easier to take over South America and build up your pony army there?
ReplyDeleteCharacter manes for the classes possible....
Rainbow dash hair for scout
Big Mac hair for heavy
Pinkie pie hair for pyro
Applejack themed hair for engie
Zecora styled hair for demo
Maybe... /sniff maybe...
@Star Gazer
ReplyDeleteI swore long ago that I would never buy TF2 stuff, just wait for it to drop.
But damnit, if this ever did come out I'd have to break that promise!!!
"Ponychan Kid's Mother Throws Away Rarity"
ReplyDeleteThat's the kind of headline I'd expect to find in a Sim City newspaper.
Seriously, that kid who got his Rarity thrown out is such a whiner. Just dig it out or buy a new one. He could also just confront his mom about it instead of using those juvenile revenge schemes a bunch of 13 year-olds are posting. A bunch of idiots, truly.
ReplyDeleteThe webcomic has so many MLP: FiM references it's so funny when you read it as a brony, there's one where one of the characters is dreaming and she dreams that Dr. Hooves has come to take her away to Equestria!
ReplyDelete@Charlie PieChellpony and PotatOS with slowclap processor included, hillarious XD
ReplyDeleteI can confirm the whatdoestheinternetthink thing and I even pitted it against some stuff.
The internet is 100% positive on the subject of my little pony friendship is magic. Positive 100% 72,201,017 results
Even the internet is not quite sure about pokémon. Positive 36.6% 474,600,153 results Don't care 26% 338,100,035 results
The internet is mainly negative on the subject of furry. Negative 50.6% 120,501,319 results
Even the internet is not quite sure about harry potter. Negative 39.4% 350,182,214 results Don't care 23.2% 205,900,869 results
Also, you will be glad:
The internet is mainly positive on the subject of the great and powerful trixie with 60.6% positive
Too bad that:
The internet is 100% positive on the subject of twilight sparkle
That's mai waifu for you :D
ReplyDeleteOf course, no one likes pokemon!
ReplyDeleteWell... at least I do.
Valve has been turned?!
Haters are going to hate, but they can't hate forever. Eventually their curiosity with get the better of them. They will watch the show and love the pony. Everything is better with pony. A couple of bad news reports will not keep us down. We just need to continue to do what we have always done. Be happy and positive and spread the joy of MLP: FiM.
ReplyDeleteSad to hear about the one guy and what his mother did to his Rarity brushable. He should use this as a opportunity to introduce his mother to the show. When she learns just how great the show is she will probably apologize and buy a whole set of dolls (for herself, hahaha).
Ponies taking over Valve means ponies taking over the world!
ReplyDeleteNext up, a official MLP steam group (if one or more don't already exist).
ReplyDeleteI recently changed my Steam profile to a pony-themed one that also reflects my love for weather (storm chaser and meteorology graduate student here). It's still pretty plain, but if you want to check it out, I can post my Steam name.
-Site Newcomer.
According to 'what does the internet think?', My Little Pony is better than sex.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous It's in southwest AZ. My friend sent the picture in but I work there. It didn't turn out quite how I planned but I had a lot of fun doing it anyway.