I still need to do everything else so this will be a bit brief.
At The Gala Singing Project Seeks More
Another one of those "pile 50 people into 1 song and pray it sounds good" projects is under way, this time with At The Gala as the focus.
If you want to join in on the festivities, you can find the ponychan thread here for all the information you could possibly want about it.
Two Inch 4pack Pony Set Finally For Sale Online, Minus Ridiculous Prices
These have been up on amazon for a while for 20 bucks, but a website called Entertainment Earth finally has them available for a reasonable price.
These things are probably the most show accurate toys out there, but they are very small, coming in at just under 2 inches in height.
You can find them here for $10.50!
Whining Confirmed as the Most Annoying Sound Ever, Rarity Beyond Pleased
Rarity's super secret ultimate weapon has been scientifically proven to be the most powerful ability in known to man or ponykind! Who would have thought that the fashionista would surpass even the supreme sun goddess and her sister in terms of raw ability? You can find the article here!
Pony Cupcakes and More!
This team of bronies has been hard at work at creating just about everything pony related. One of their most recent concoctions is a whole slew of cupcakes with everything from Cutie Marks to Derpy Hooves. You can find all of their creations here! And the person that submitted all of these asked me to give a shout out to her best brony Kaji, wishing them a happy birthday! I'm pretty sure you guys have the cake covered, now go hit up the official party guide to really make it kick ass.
Another Brony Forums
A Group from one of the FiM pony steam groups has set up a forum, and is looking for people to join in. You can find it here!
Shutterfly Escapes From the Depths of Hell!
BREAKING NEWS: Shutterfly, the mythological abomination of death and destruction, has recently been spotted creeping around Ponyville. It is highly suggested that you avoid it at all costs! The creature has been known to mercilessly slaughter innocent ponies, with seemingly no instinctual reasoning to back it up. It just enjoys it!
You can find real life footage of the beast here!
El Goonish Shive Plugs Ponies
Another web comic has joined the herd, sadly it's only in the blurb below the actual comic strip. You can find it here!
Equestria Daily News
I have cleaned up the 600 random emails in the other box, and hopefully dug through most of the important replies. If I missed yours, feel free to let me know. Pre-reader stories are again back on track, sorry about the wait. Tomorrow might be a bit more fanfic heavy than normal, but that's what happens when they build up!
And that is all for tonight;s roundup! A short one, I know, but I have a lot of stuff to do now that I'm done fixing the email problems!
53 kommentaari:
it's really late. i should go to sleep.
VastaKustutaor is it really early? huh.
It was when El Goonish Shive first referenced Pinkie Pie a week or so ago that I found out about the ponies - or more accurately, the latest cartoons. I'd seen the actual ponies in the shop and bemoaned that they weren't as good as the art on the boxes. I'm not new to My Little Pony - I've been collecting on and off for years.
VastaKustutaThank you very much Seth; you have permanently burned Shutterfly in my retinas
I don't think I'll be able to sleep in weeks...
VastaKustutaegs plugged ponies a while before that.
In Australia the Two Inch 4pack Pony Set is available at Myers for $10. Aren't these the same ponies as the blind surprise packs?
VastaKustuta>4-pack figurines at a reasonable price
Strangely adorable.
hot dog! i ordered those Figures the second i saw that! my first MLP:FiM merch!
VastaKustutaI don't read EGS sketches - and I did say Pinkie Pie Specifically. http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2011-06-03
okay, it was more like 2 weeks ago
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaYes whining is the most annoying sound. I thought this was common knowledge.
VastaKustutaAnd my tube ponies shipped from EE 3 days ago. yay
Thanks for the awesome work as always Seth! and yay for fanfic heavy day, lots of reading to do ^^
VastaKustutaSlow news tonight.
Also, a random fact: Shutterfly is also the name of a pretty big photo/card printing site if anyone didn't know.
i just browsed their merch and saw this.
hasbro... what's your damage?
Heya, I'm the brony who made the forum you posted. I can't believe we got featured (even though there's not really any information about us except we're from a steam group) on here. It means a lot to me, Seth.
VastaKustutaAnyways, continue what you were doing; I have web development to do!
~Twilight Sparkle. Webmaster of Canterlot.
Sleep? Sleep is for the weak. ALL DAY EVERY DAY. WOO-HOO.
VastaKustuta... So tired.
As much as I would love to read this article, I'm going to go rewatch Meet the Medic for about the 6th time.
VastaKustutaShutterfly make me fear for my eye. It could fly into me and blind me forever, then how will I watch the next season? For the monsters they come up with that is.
VastaKustutaShutterfly is freaky.
Also El Goonish... yeah I'm interested in where that bridge happens to be located so I can place a jalepeno bomb near it and spice thigns up a bit.
The 'Emails' thing is why Pinkie Pool took so long to taco and enchilada us to death with cutsy partying violence.
Ponypack lacks my two favorite ponies of the mane-six.
VastaKustutaPonypack costs $30 to ship to UK.
(Considers buying it anyway).
Why does everyone think Shutterfly will be hostile? What if she still retains her personally and the like? How would you react, then?
VastaKustutaReally really late....
VastaKustutaOh wait, it's 13:00 PM...
No, seriously, the pony communities are growing.
-Today theinternet, tomorrow the world-
VastaKustutaWe hope to become pretty big as well! Soon, we'll take over the world!
Ooh those figures can be shipped worldwide. Now, do I wait and see if they eventually come to the UK or do I just spend my £20 right now and wait a month for delivery... Descisions, descisions.
VastaKustutaShutterfly is strangely addicting - which confirms that FS can never be not adoreable reagardless her form !
VastaKustutaWhere is "Meet the medic" news? :3
VastaKustutaI'm just glad we finally had a nightly roundup without us being bashed in another news show/article.
VastaKustutaand as for meet the medic who made Applejack Engie? we need Fluttershy medic D:<
VastaKustutaAs an alternative, you can ask PinFilly (pony pin order's gal--google it) to see what shipping to the UK is. She's picked me up one of these 4-packs recently. I'd give her a shout
is the page you want
I wonder how much of tax payers money they had to spend to find out whining was the most annoying sound ever...why would you even need to find that out?
VastaKustutaBut I like Rarities whining and her hooves moved so cutely.
VastaKustutaThe El Goonish Shive news is a bit old. The creator has done quite a few pieces of pony fan art. This is from his deviantart account http://danshive.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3cguf7 and this is from the comic's sketchbook http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook/?date=2011-02-22
VastaKustuta>el goonish shive
Didn't know that tube set existed, been jaded by all the not-show-accurate toys Hasbro has released so stopped looking.
VastaKustutaWell, I've been wanting show accurate toys, so, I put my money where my mouth is. First piece of MLP:FIM merchandise I've ordered.
VastaKustutaSomeone made Pony-themed cupcakes before me?!
(scratches off of list)
For Shutterfly, it could have been worse. Angel could have been the first test subject that was turned inside out.
VastaKustutaWait.. I can order these ponies? While living in Europe?
VastaKustutaFUCK YES!
Wow, actual pony figures that look like they are based of the current show! ME GUSTA
VastaKustutaAlso, Hasbro certainly seems to think Pinkie is best pony, what with them stamping her on all the products. I couldn't agree more!
That Pony pack may be distinctly Fluttershy-less, but they still look pretty cool. Time to finally get into buying pony merch...
VastaKustutaHasn't anyone noticed that it's possible that Valve referenced ponies?
VastaKustuta"Team Fortress 2 is now free, Forever"
VastaKustutaForever is a pretty common word, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Submit the Pony pack for Amazon price match! If enough of us do it they'll price match! (free shipping)
Toys Toys Toys! Time to break out my credit card.
VastaKustutaRarity: "But I thought you wanted Whining!?"
There is no escape from Shuttrefly.
It really is only a matter of time before ponies take over the world.
Update to the Pony Pack story above: Probably because they realized they have competition, Amazon has dropped its prices on the Pony Packs. The customer wins again!
VastaKustutaOops, belay my last. I was looking at the wrong item.
VastaKustutaAs for El Goonish Shive, I know Dan IRL (we were in the same art classes), and he got me into ponies MONTHS ago. He is the sole reason to how I was exposed to ponies. I also have his beanbag chair...
VastaKustutaI love how over half that site's pony items are "temporarily out of stock" LOL
VastaKustutanow if only I had $15
The Pony pack is pretty close to what I've been wanting, but where are Applejack and Fluttershy?
VastaKustutaOh so THIS is why my vid got a sudden wave of views and hilarious comments... XoD
VastaKustuta... I'm confused as to why it's rated so high, though; I really didn't put all that much effort into it... :oP
I would say something about that whining thing, but I cant help but relize that rarity's whining is boner induci- WHAT?!
VastaKustutaIt was when El Goonish Shive first plugged the show back in February that I started getting interested in ponies.
VastaKustutaI saw that, and thought it was awesome that one of my favorite comic strips became one of the herd (even if it doesn't really invade the strip)
@The Dread Pirate Roberts Could you please update the information on our website? The brony forum, I mean. There's a lot more to it.
VastaKustutaWe're basically a community for artwork, and general MLP: FiM discussion. We're going to have an art gallery and video gallery soon. I just think it'd be nice of you to update it for me.
Thank you! I hope you consider it!
Not horrible, but not good. Bill Clinton on My Little Pony: