Well everypony, it's that time. This is your graduation ceremony. I'd lead you in a round of our alma mater, but I don't know the words and the tune is kind of lousy. I think the administration kind of botched it. Plus I really don't want tonight to be so super serious, which is why I ran with the image you see above instead of any of the man, many others that are, in the words of Hoity Toity, "absolutely amazing". This is a happy, silly event about happy silly ponies. Lots of ponies. So many ponies. How many ponies, Phoe? 227 of them. You all really went all-out for the final examination; we haven't had quite this many in a long time! That makes the final tally of images for the Newbie Artist Training Grounds... *drum roll* 5673 images! You're amazing. You're wonderful. I cannot sing your praises highly enough.
Tonight there are no submission guidelines for me to link. I'm not going to remind you about my e-mail, either, although I hope by this point you all remember it. And even though the event is over, if there's something you think I can help with, it's still ok to contact me there. But this is still the submission guidelines paragraph, so tonight I want to use it to thank Calamari for creating the page we've been using all this time. I would have melted under waves of enthusiasm but for him reaching out a tentacle and pulling me out of the quicksand. He's not the only brony who offered this kind of solution, but he did act swiftly and on his own initiative, and we owe him a gigantic thank you. So here it is!
Jeez, no theme of the day, either. This is getting kind of depressing. Not gonna cry. I swear I'm not gonna... ahem. Actually, I do have something pretty exciting to share with all you alumni. Hyper dedicated student Nullh, known for sketching ponies through such trials as a stag party, a museum, and a plane ride home has also created an Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group where you can keep in touch with your fellow artists and share new pieces that you draw on your own initiative. They've also already begun the work of sorting through all the themes and organizing galleries, so stop on by and help them out!
And now, finally... I want to talk about you. All of you, whether you submitted 1 entry or 30, or even if you just stopped by to leave a comment for an artist you thought did a neat job once. If you did even that seemingly tiny thing, you helped to foster the spirit and the energy that kept this event alive all the way through to the end. I've gotten a ton of messages today thanking me for this event, but I was really only one piece of the equation. Without your hard work and enthusiasm, this would have been a flop. I'm just a cheerleader. I'm your cheerleader (and I always will be), but without you I would be dancing in an empty stadium. And as beautiful of an image/metaphor as that might be, we were here to help foster some artistic talent. And we've done that, thanks to all of you. You are so amazing, so wonderful. I am more proud of you than I have been of any group I've had the pleasure to be a part of in a long, long, time. So congratulations, everypony. It's time for a well deserved break. Relax a little, be proud of yourselves, and stay tuned. We have some wonderful events planned for you coming just around the corner...
It's taken me an hour just to write that paragraph. I can't even see what I'm writing through all the tears. I knew this would happen. I'm such a silly pony, and so very proud of you. Enjoy tonight's gallery, it's a doozy!
1) By Manga Meister (Yay cartoons!)
2) By Manga Meister
3) By Manga Meister
4) By cosmeon (They can can, can you can can?)
5) By Several Alpacas (I missed the bedmane jokes. Scratch looks cute with straight hair.)
6) By BananaMangos
7) By Spaerk
8) By Emerald Dust (Spread your little wings, and fly away, fly away, far away~)
9) By Avnas Ishtaroth
10) By Mandy Tise and Jenbun Spahging (I would totally publish it, but they don't make books with spines that big. No really, I checked.)
11) By ChaosDrop (Back to where it all began...)
12) By Nimble Haste (There is wisdom contained herein. And possibly mispronounciations.)
13) By Syggie (Looking much more confident with those fillies!)
14) By Mooke
15) By Mooke (Much much later, the mast of the Pinko would snap off and kill an inconsolable Jason. Nostalgia!)
16) By DarkKnightWolf2011
17) By DCPIP (That's cheating, Applebloom.)
18) By Jaimers (It's not a Training Grounds post if my head doesn't hurt!)
19) By Lucky Charm (Sorry, Lauren Faust said no.)
20) By Lunar Apologist (I am thrilled beyond measure to have played some small role in helping you find a place among this community.)
21) By Kooldude
22) By Colin (Dashie looking mighty... suspicious. Wonder what's to the left?)
23) By Gig (And on only three sheets of paper! Feeling the burn?)
24) By Quint-t-W (Well, he <i>is</i> The Doctor...)
25) By Quint-t-W (You tell 'em, Applejack!)
26) By Fadri (Dashie's reaction largely mirrors mine when reading a recipe for the first time. 'Oh no it's impossible!')
27) By EssAeEm (Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a two dollar banana.)
28) By DarkKnightWolf2011
29) By Doppelgänger (Considering the circumstances that seems like an odd request.)
30) By harley
31) By Mihaaaa (Don't cry, Celly...)
32) By D4SHTH3R4INB0W (Just look at him win.)
34) By mmelvin420 (If I ever get arrested it's going to be too tempting to use that line.)
35) By Tarynsgate (Bellydancing ponies!)
36) By Goggle Sparks
37) By Goggle Sparks
38) By Goggle Sparks (And thanks to you as well for participating. You've really improved!)
39) By RoyKirbs (I dislike Monopony because there is no element of strategy. Unless you're good at setting dice, but then you should play Craps.)
40) By tmaster
41) By Spurs
42) By Invidlord (Lookin' mighty cute, Standing Twilight.)
43) By A.Q. Nichols (That is seriously badass.)
44) By Bravura (I will treasure this forever.)
45) By Smock (And <i>that</i>, little ones, is how you earn a cutie mark.)
46) By DB (I can't think of a good song joke right now.)
47) By Snap77 (Now that's a heck of a slumber party.)
48) By Philith (So darned inconvenient.)
49) By DarkKnightWolf2011 (It's no wonder you love drawing Octavia: she's an awesome and classy filly.)
50) By Partition (Congratulations, everypony!)
51) By Bl3berry Muffin (Seeing it side by side like that is pretty incredible.)
52) By Paintroller
53) By Amehdaus (Wow, look at those strawberries!)
54) By Farvei (In answer to your question, yes. I spend a ton of time agonizing over what I should actually cram into this space. It's hard!)
55) By loz (Who's a little pony? You is!)
56) By Tabs (A-and on this, the last day... uh... I, uh... y-yeah.)
57) By Invidlord (Well said.)
58) By Fribox (Your first submission? Better late than never I guess!)
59) By Delta Pangaea (Dedicated to everypony who missed a day for any reason.)
60) By WoefulWriters
61) By DaVca (I feel like there is a story behind this but I am afraid to ask it.)
62) By toonboy92484
63) By Nullh (I'm going to go find a park so I can pose in it like that.)
64) By 20percentcooler
65) By rabidcow147 (Back to the pony, Samurai J-- wait, doesn't rhyme. Shoot.)
66) By Miyajima (That's an awesome cake.)
67) By GonzaHerMeg
68) By Caron
69) By 041744 (Y'know, most of the guys who tried this did a couple of combo ponies...)
70) By midnight shadow (Aw, I hate being a cube.)
71) By Saphin (All themes present and accounted for!)
72) By Thanqol (Take note, because this is frankly the best dating advice you're ever going to get.)
73) By DJ Rainbow Dash (D'awww.)
74) By Glaber (Jebus, talk about going old school...)
75) By PrincessSpartana (All the ponies in this event are CRAZY!)
76) By Infinity
77) By Rainbow Derpy
78) By Dr. Trotson
79) By Mere Jump (I like sleepy Fluttershy the most in this picture.)
80) By Your mother
81) By Puffy
82) By Ori (Trixie with Blade.)
83) By NonoPony (Wait, but what are they fighting over?)
84) By Uncle Leo
85) By EssAeEm (Where's that Citizen Kane .gif when you need it?)
86) By Randomjack
87) By Interrobang Pie (Makes sense to me.)
88) By FLASKGARG (Consider yourself all caught up! Here's your diploma.)
89) By FLASKGARG (Artist requesting a color job,)
90) By Mr.Wrann
91) By rich-tea (This made me smile.)
92) By Jdan-S (Crisp and clean and beautiful.)
93) By Erthilo (Clap, clap, clap for you!)
94) By Mr.Paulsen (In answer to your question, Octavia is a wonderful pony. Her only real problem is that she isn't Lyra.)
95) By Mr.Paulsen
96) By Argembarger (Yay!)
97) By Mr.Paulsen
98) By Ambrose
99) By Immersa (Angryshy.)
100) By EssAeEm (You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this. Also, thank you for making a papercraft Phoe. Totally cool!)
101) By Chris (I'm happy that you got so much from the event. If it helps, I've been tearing up all day, too.)
102) By Chromadancer (Congratulations!)
103) By Chromadancer
104) By Relias (The banana makes her 20% greater and more powerful.)
105) By Alipes (I guarantee you Seth loves this.)
106) By Vergioso
107) By Sherlock Hooves (Please tell me there's no counterspell. Squee!)
108) By TensaiOni
109) By Pony Stark (It's very very true.)
110) By Muffinsforever
111) By blasthemis
112) By Zumi10 (All caught up, friend!)
113) By Dangereaux (You do really amazing color work.)
114) By Atlur (30 ponies! Collect them all!)
115) By otherunicorn
116) By Amy (Please tell me I never made an Assassin's Steed joke already. Please.)
117) By Shiver (Thank you very much for participating. Rarity is pleased.)
118) By zorg
119) By Windfall (Don't get too down on yourself; you <i>can</i> draw. We'll see each other again, my faithful student, this is not goodbye.)
120) By Mistal
121) By Djrk16
122) By MHPayne (...Goodnight, everypony!)
123) By Tenchi Outsuno (Maximum doodles.)
124) By Passer Palmatum (I'm not a Hufflepuff? Zzzzzzzzz)
125) By Neoridgeback (Why <i>is</i> the rum always gone?)
126) By Relias (In regard to your comment, you will be happy to know I do infact have Megaman 9 and 10, and will be playing them soonish, just not as part of my relaxation marathon. Thanks for the image!)

127) By Relias
128) By Landmine
129) By David Anakah McGee
130) By Kelz (There is so much amazing going on in here. Look at the bottom left, for instance. =D)
131) By Foxtrot (Poor Twilight.)
132) By Starlite (Coooomiiiiiing~)
133) By MasterofRoku (I was about to complain about her lack of wings. And then I saw them. Whoops.)
134) By HyperMark (After all that, how could I not leave you a comment? Thanks so much for hanging out with us and sharing your work!)
135) By Philith (I hate Monopony so much. Every game is like this.)
136) By harley (Can't banish Pinkie! Probably.)
137) By Da Chi
138) By EvilMan
139) By Shockwave (You're welcome. Thank you for the kind words.)
140) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (Are you going to be keeping this up on your own time?)
141) By Eliwood10 (Make-up complete, extra credit received. Graduating with honors, sir!)
142) By Colaz
143) By kits (This is precisely why I lifted the usual 3-per limit! Fillyshy is as adorable as ever.)
144) By kits
145) By kits (That video is awesome.)
146) By Frith (Do iiiit.)
147) By Erica C
148) By Kt Kat (Fluttershy looking spectacular.)
149) By Frith (You had to make my eyeballs explode one more time.)
150) By kits
151) By Kits (It's kind of funny watching your mind snap as these went on.)
152) By kits
153) By kits
154) By kits
155) By Frith (Have fun car shopping!)
156) By Miguel. i am tired
157) By RaspleZS (Alicorn gasp!)
158) By Starlight Bolt (Friendship!)
159) By RaspleZS (The most interesting pony in the world.)
160) By Natry
161) By fetchbeer (Oh gods, I've been reduced to space filler!)
162) By Albert (Scootaloo? Hey! Listen!)
163) By Tenchi Outsuno (Getting saucy up in here!)
164) By ASGallardo (But that's how it was supposed to look!)
165) By ASGallardo
166) By Aku (The many faces of Twilight Sparkle.)
167) By Riokenn
168) By QuickSticks45 (Don't worry, she sleeps like this all the time.)
169) By A Terrible Person
170) By codemanj94 (Come on guys, really?)
171) By Zarcophagus
172) By Horizon Bound (For somepony who didn't find this until late, you're sure knowledgable about your ATG memes!)
173) By Horizon Bound (One more for the road, baby!)
174) By Circuit Mane (Massively smoother and more confident.)
175) By Easteu (Holy hell on toast, dude.)
176) By The Recliner (It's too heavy!)
177) By Panda_Instinct
178) By Thattagen
179) By yiKOmega
180) By nuclearsuplexattack
181) By Buddy Vox
182) By Fox E:
183) By Fox E:
184) By Croop
185) By Croop
186) By DJ RBDash

187) By Hiro

188) By Pageturner

189) By Pageturner

190) By PaintSplash

191) By Rydel

192) By Virga Rainboom

193) By Leaf Growth
194) By LifeSequenceBreak
195) By yiKOmega
196) By Virga Rainboom
197) By Prismatic Pretzel
198) By Prismatic Pretzel
199) By Coat Rack
200) By FoxOfWar
201) By 8ftmetalhead
202) By PinkamenaPie
203) By Silent Oink
204) By Randomjack
205) By Sapphire
206) By Scootaleo
207) By 8ftmetalhead
208) By Zach
209) By Madtaz64
210) By Muffinsforever
211) By djTeka
212) By Jeff
213) By Jeff
214) By Liska
215) By StarStep (Hahahahaha, fantastic! You rock so much.)
216) By Drilltooth
217) By Black Tea
218) By Black Tea
219) By DI-FL
220) By Black Tea
221) By ShoeboxWarrior
222) By Black Tea
223) By McGack
224) By Periphery
225) By RToasts

226) By Ego (...you picked a hell of a way to end this, girl.)
227) By DI-FL (This is as emotionally powerful as anything I've seen. Thanks for submitting it. Seriously, thank you.)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWe love you Phoe!
ReplyDeleteAlso #22 here.
It's been great, everypony!
ReplyDelete#199: THIS is why you don't wait till 11:45 to draw something up, you make horrible things in MSPaint and TRY to make them look bad. I REALLY should have done my Derpy as Demyx pic, but I was to busy packing to go to a camp, so..... *deep inhale* ..yay...
ReplyDeleteI feel it bears repeating what I said in my comments to Phoe here.
ReplyDeleteI had a hundred different ideas floating around in my head for this entry, but in the end, I decided to go back to basics. This is Theme 1, a pony standing, the one theme I missed drawing for in this event. In the end, the drive for completion won out. It did, however, give me an opportunity to go back and draw the best pony.
Thank you so much for hosting this event, Phoe. You really are a hero setting all this up and running it. Somewhere in between the lack of sleep, the terrible ideas, the failures, the successes, and the puns, I had a lot of fun, and got a little better at drawing to boot! Enjoy your well-deserved rest after this is all over.
Thank you once again for all you've done to help and encourage us, Phoe. You rock.
Reporting In! YAY! Got all themes in! ALL THEMES EVERYWHERE
@Phoe. My mind is fine. Really. Yes Pinkie, it is. No I don't need a muffin or a cookie. STOP BAKING.
Youtube link from Pony's Making Music image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g_LD0MJQAs
Improved Tab (Still WIP):
Use Fluttershy now
400 bpm
Pinao at http://distoorted.livejournal.com/3251.html
w b q m w b ,,,,,,,,
q m b n q m ,,,,,,,,
w b q m w b ,,,,,,,,
q m b n q m ,,,,,,,,
bbw w b b b w w byt u x w x y t5 y 5tyt c e t c iu t uiu t q t q t t uiu t bbw w b b b w w byt u x w x y t5 y 5tyt c e t c iu t uiu t q t q t t uiu b w t b w t b w t b w t b w tyu x b w x b w x b w x e x 5 x 5yue c m e c m e c m 5 c t c u c uiu t z b q z b q z b i z u z t z uiu t (bt) w t (bt) w t (bt) w t (bt) w t (bt) w (te) yc (xy) n m (xy) n m (xy) n m (xy) e x (5y) x (5u) yue (ct) m e (ct) m e (ct) m e (ct) t c (tu) c y uiu t (zt) b q (zt) b q (zt) bi (zt) b u z t b y uiu t (bt)wtbwt(bt)wtbwt(bt)wtwbw(bt)wtbw (btt) wt (bu) wtw (xy)nwxnw(xy)nwxnw(xy)wnxn (wy)xnwxn(wy) xnw (nu) wn,
210 Last minute, due to proxy madness
ReplyDeleteThat's my real drawing
110 (whats with that?) is just to do those themes I didn't complete =(
Thank you guys so much, I skipped the quckfic competition just to get these looking pretty good. I wanted old school, straight up pencil drawing, cuz it's nostalgic, like the first day, remember that?
I'm sad that it's over, but we had lots of fun, and I know somebrony is gonna come up with some other crazy idea.
Thanks again guys (I thank too much >.< )
so fadri sent his submission
ReplyDeletehe's one of my favorite artists also this was very fun everybrony even if i only participated once meh
I would watch the hell outta #2.
ReplyDelete@Phoe Thanks for running this it was fun.
ReplyDelete#141 reporting in one last time.
ReplyDeleteFantastic job, everypony! It's been a real treat watching you all develop as artists over the past month :)
there was a LOT of good stuff over the past 30 days and it was quite amazing to watch. I hope another event like this does happen, it's cool to see the community's creativity.
ReplyDeleteAlso #90 here: I think it came out pretty good for literally my second day since I started drawing ponies.
64 here.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all who made this possible, its been epic to see all these drawings, and it makes me want to improve even more!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I feel so much regret. I could of been a part of this if I'd only forced myself to sit down and focus on it, but oh well, there's little use crying over spilled milk. Hopefully if some time opens up for me in the coming months, I'll take part in it on my own, one day at a time. :)
ReplyDeleteA few more on the way! I'm waiting on followup submissions from a couple artists, then it's back to spamming updates! I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY YOU GUYS, WHY WOULD I NEED SLEEP?
ReplyDeleteSo many ponies. I wish I had the stamina to do one for everyday, and I feel so bad at having missed out on so much. But still... all the artwork this even has inspired has been amazing!
ReplyDeleteMaybe next time I'll be able to do a picture in less than three hours too. XD
[This portion removed for being too sappy.]
Come back soon, Phoe! We love you! :3
#206. Oh wow, it managed to get in at the last minute. I was worried when I saw the update right after I posted.
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone's curious, this idea came to me when ponies and Legend of Mana collided in my head. The idea's for a whole mod with this as a prologue of sorts.
I'm going to bed now, leaving for Schlitterbahn at 7am.
Well done everyone, you've all done an amazing job today, here's to all of you! Keep up with it, and be ready for the next drawing event!
ReplyDeleteFuuuuuu I missed the update! ;___;
ReplyDeleteI just sent my last one in.
#87 now - my old house number. I uploaded a properly-sized Mega Man 11 plot here: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/176/e/5/mega_man_11_plot_revealed_by_interrobangpie-d3jzmxt.png
ReplyDeleteThis was absolutely great fun, even if I joined in half-way and only did a selection of the events. It's what really got me into a brony community, and that's one community I never thought I'd ever join. I've loved every minute of it (especially when people get annoyed over my newfound love!)
I'm hoping you'll do something similar to this in the future cause it's great and easy and fun to do.
I'd like to do a similar thing for fanfics in order to improve my creative writing, but you need to organise Europe-friendly times!!
This event was awesome. And now I can draw.
ReplyDeleteYay for getting in early and timezones! :3
Thank choo phoez.
love number 128, i wouldn't have put the flamethrowers on the hooves, but still a cool drawing.
ReplyDeleteOh man I didn't even realize it was the last day! Im glad I went all out tonight trying to draw everything. Thank You for your tireless efforts and great themes and comments Phoe. I am really going to miss this. Not going to cry. Oh who am I kidding. Thanks again Phoe and all the amazing artists who made me laugh, cry, daww and otherwise. Fantastic job everypony.
ReplyDeleteAw damn it's already over, I didn't have a lot of time but I still feel bad for only submitting a few images :<
ReplyDeleteBut I am glad the rest of you really enjoyed the event and managed to keep up, I've seen about every submission and it got a lot of laughs and d'awws out of me, well done everypony ^^
And thanks to Phoe of course, for placing the buttload of images to the site for a month long!
#71 (Saphin) here
ReplyDeleteNow what am I going to stay up till 3:00AM for?
le sigh
to anypony interested all my ATG can be found on my deviantArt page as well.
I need to find something new to fill my drawing ponies time with...
Ugh, I'm so late today. I hope Phoe still puts it up for me. I spent the entire day putting a final picture together, and not only am I half an hour late, but I still didn't finish everything I wanted to do with it.
ReplyDeleteThis was so much fun Phoe :D hope you do this again, after you've recovered of course ^-^ lots of great artists there was :D keep up the great drawings fellow ponies/bronies <3
ReplyDelete#172/173 Here. This was a lot of fun. Thanks Phoe for all your hard work and inspiration to draw. Everypony did a great job, whether it was 1 submission or 30 days worth.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little sad to see it over, but I'll keep drawing because I remember how much fun it can be again.
It was fun, keep my goal of being in the first 30 though out the entire event.
ReplyDeleteTill Next Time.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. I'm F5ing like mad! I'm all crazy. And crazy excited!
I'll be up untilzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
#70 reporting in!
ReplyDeleteyay! so much win!
...except the ponies being mean to rarity. you're bad and you should feel bad.
honestly, thank you everypony who helped make this event awesome - blog princess phoe, calamari with the submission form, every entry everywhere...
I hope every budding artist can look back at today's entry, and their first, and say "yeah, you know what? I got better".
I sure did!
I was number 50 today, just checking in to say, EVERYPONY WINS, HOORAY!
ReplyDelete#140 today. It's been a wild ride, but this has been great fun. I think I'm going to be doing through withdrawal for a few days not having 100+ new pony drawings to look at. >.> Yea, I know I could just go out to ponybooru or something like that, but it won't have the same community feeling. Looks like it might be time to make a deviant art account to join the alumni group with. <.<
ReplyDelete@Phoe Yea, I'm probably going to keep going. Aside from probably going through pony drawing withdrawal, the cogs are a turning, my mind isn't going to let it go now. Anyway, definitely need to say thanks to you for running the event. There's been few other things in recent memory to get my creativity revving like this and being able to see over 100 other takes on the same theme has been very inspirational.
I somehow managed to cram every theme AND some exposition onto one page (good thing I'm as organized as Twilight). I had to draw a lot of the stuff kind of small and mix several themes onto one pony, so things may be tough to see. If anyone's as OCD as me and wants a listing of the first panel in which a pony fulfills each theme, ask no further: http://no-contest.shorturl.com/mlp_day30_full_theme_listing.jpg
I guess I'll also shamelessly plug my quick list of the order of all the pages one last time too: http://no-contest.shorturl.com/mlp_comic_listing.htm
The best thing about this event is that it got me out of my drawing funk. It's been ages since I got to draw cartoons. Doodling cartoon characters like Hey Arnold is how I got started as an artist. I just finished my major in studio fine art, and I had a pretty miserable time of it. It's like, the fun was just gone. But now, I don't think I can ever go back to drawing anything else again. I love cartoons sooooo much!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not good, but I'm better. That was the point, right?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it-- I wish I had been around for the first 26 days!
(And thank you, P, for staying up until Midnight+. And for all the rest. the others say it better, but I think we all feel about the same way. One of those feelings is respect toward you, and respected is one of the best feelings a pony can have.)
#157 & 159, standing by. (How 'bout that, somepony [Starlight Bolt] sneaked in between entries. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
ReplyDeleteWell, nothing else to do (other than work on my Fanfics and finally read some more of others')...
I'm gonna do it all over on my own! Theme/day by theme/day. (If I'm s-m-r-t I'll do more than one picture a day, too!)
Thanks again, Phoe! And Sethisto & Cereal! And Calamari (forgot you in the picture itself, sorry!)!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I got better... but I can say I got faster, took me like 2 hours on 2 ponies and 3 hours fixing them in GIMP, now it take 1 hour for 3 ponies in weird poses and 2-3 hours to edit them AND a background.
Look at 226, you guys. Freaking 226. Holy crap.
Holy Crap!
Thanks Fox-E!
ReplyDeleteThat's..... just wow.
Holy hay. o___o
ReplyDelete...is #46 a picture of https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nkHN1lPLDSMZMBogM60w1dP4w9cEzXflDH3qqilTc-o/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CISy7aUH ?
ReplyDeleteyou know what? I'll just...pretend it is. :D
Sorry for the double post
ReplyDeleteBut DAMN @Phoe re:226
Stupid Browser, froze up.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, #133 here.
I'm glad that we reached the 200 mark on the final day. I'm proud that I got to participate in this event and I had so much fun doing this thing.I'd like to thank Phoe for setting up this challenge. There's so much stuff I want to comment on but I'll do that after I get some rest.
Don't forget Pinkie was delivering a plate of chicken wings to somepony. It fits with the 'draw a pony with wings theme'.
stupid hosting site.
ReplyDelete...that is GORGEOUS.
Damn, I'm not gonna lie, this is an amazing accomplishment, here's to more great Idea's like this!
ReplyDeleteDat 226 o.o
ReplyDeleteWe need moar of such things!
ReplyDelete...I think that counts as getting better.
I think I spent as much time on my final entry as I did on my first "draw a pony standing" one.
I'm not going to stop, I'm going to keep drawing.
Sorry, guys and gals. I've been meaning to comment and support and cheer you all on all the bedamned time, and haven't managed to take the few minutes out of every day to do so. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeletePlease, though: there's one more person cheering every single one of you on. You've improved by leaps and bounds and it's been amazing to watch you grow.
And now it's over. And I think I have to cry.
I guess I'll report in by number too. 169 here. And wow. I actually cried happy tears as I was looking through these final sumbissions... and I NEVER cry. Since I didn't say it before: Fellow artists, I love every single one of you. You are amazing too.
ReplyDeleteWow you're at it everypony, 219+227. Cheese and rice, we are ending this event on some power chords. We're past notes. Am I making sense? It's almost 4 in the morning, which usually means no. Don't care!
ReplyDeleteSo deliriously happy about how this last night has gone. You are all the best. I love you.
ehehe, 116 here~ Assassin's Steed. ffff-/dies
ReplyDeleteEven though I found this event when it was winding down, I still had an awesome time. I hope I can make it all the way through next time around. Awesome job to everypony and special thanks to Phoe for making it all happen. :D
Thanks Phoe, the NATG was an awesome experience, even though I participated in the last 4 days. I just wish I participated earlier. Thank you.
ReplyDelete#200 here. I had this grand idea, and then I messed it up by using my Saturday to something completely other than drawing. So a quickie sketch is what we have. And now I'm groaning 'cause I forgot to draw Octavia in that.
ReplyDeleteAnyway: Thank You everypony. This has been the best event ever. Prodding an artist to draw every day causes painful but delightfully productive end results.
Friendship and Drawing are Magic. Yes.
Hi everypony! It has been a lot of fun watching you grow in your art and inspirational to see your creativity. I wish I could have communicated with you all more often as I see a lot of interesting ponies that I am sure would be fun to get to know better. We already have our love of ponies and art in common.
ReplyDeleteI'm single, and love most equines. I like long trots on the beach, giraffe, dolphins and dreaming about Rainbow Dash. Occasionally I go wild and have barley mixed with alfalfa. ;)
I have rarely put so much effort into something in my entire life as I have during this event. I have drawn more in the last 30 days than I have in the last 3 years, easily.
Many thanks to our Great and Powerful Princess Phoe, Calamari, Cereal, and of course the "Cubist Pony behind the Curtain" Sethisto! Equestria Daily is an oasis of pony joy in a desert of Internet dross. And many thanks to you, the hooved artists that made this such an interesting journey.
I am going to spend tomorrow, uhm today, going through all these wonderful images and I am going to do my best to comment, not sure if I can manage all of them, but I am certainly going to mention my favorites.
Now what do I do with my life? Thank Celestia that I have all the episodes to watch!
"Come on, Dashie, Let's go watch "Winter Wrap-up" again. Yeah, I'm crying! What of it? Yes, you can eat the top popcorn and I'll eat the gabagey stuff with the un-popped kernels at the bottom, but you get them next time!"
Thanks all. Ponies!
All of you did absolutely fantastic!
ReplyDeletetime for sleep.
ReplyDeleteNow that NATG is over, I can stop doing stupid things like microwaving soup in a cup.
Oh. And I can read fanfics again
And write some
But I want to keep drawing
Maybe 1/3days?
One last time, cause I'm a whore, kitsuneymg.deviantart.com
oh and http://flankbook.com/sys/members/kits/
Join flankbook. If I get ~10 messages about it, I'll make a NATG alumni group there too
I wasn't involved in this.
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm the worst artist EVER.
But you know what would be cool?
A newbie fanfic writer (or whatever you want to call them) training grounds!
These pictures are so amazing by the way.
Any chance we can see another one of these month long events in the future? I missed out on this one =(
ReplyDeleteI... just, wow. The very first image is an awesome mesh of three of the best cartoons on TV right now (well, I'll forgive you for not including Gumball), and it stays just as awesome throughout the entirety. You guys have all improved so, so much, and so have I, even -- I had no idea I would have even near as much as I did during this event, I just wanted it as a reason to motivate myself. And that I did. I stuck with it, to the very end, and for my efforts I actually have people who like things I've done FOR this event and find them clever, I've had stuff in more than one drawfriend thread, I have a stupid Muscleman from Regular Show pony that has over 80 favorites on deviantart, I have people who actually think I'm already worthy of calling myself a "guy who makes fanart" at least though I have a hard time even believing that... and it's only gonna get better and better from here.
ReplyDeleteI have loved every moment of this event, even if it's been really hard sometimes. I love all you guys I've shared it with, and I love the unreal number of absolutely amazing pony art we've all put out due to it. I love you, Phoe. I love the people I've met due to this event, and I love the people I don't even know at all, but have seen improve day by day, I love the people who started out just as terrible at art as me but have become as good as or even better than me in the duration of the event, I love the people who tried their best no matter what or how lacking in skill they thought they were, I love the artists who were already accomplished but decided to plug in some absolutely awesome, fun-to-look-at pictures throughout the event. I love everything about this community about dumb ponies and I love all of you. <3
I look forward to whatever you guys have in store. This is just the best community anyone could ever ask for.
Ha, great pictures as always. Now I wish my browser wouldn't break half of them that I need to click on them manually.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a wild ride, ponies.
*sigh* Such a wonderful collection.
ReplyDeleteMy favorites(if I remember correctly) are:
#89: .... that acutally is probably from my inner perv... didn't know the pony virus hit him too.... disturbing...
#108: OMG! Blues Bronys!!! I love those guys! I have there Soundtrack and there Movie! Freaking Epic Movie =D
#208: ... you can't get more epic then Back to the Future, and then you throw in Ponys... and you somehow did... so freaking wonderful!!!
Well, that was fun... I didn't enter anything in this one cuase I only discovred this site like... a week ago... but you know what... I might enter the next one =)
@Phoe 226... I, um...
ReplyDeleteWow. If I wasn't positively floating by this event anyway, that comic finally would'a done it.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have to ask, is there a fic or something involved with #227, because that stuff is INTENSE. o___o;
Many many additional thanks for running this event Phoe. I've certainly noticed a large improvement in my pony drawing abilities. And it's been great fun :D .
ReplyDelete16, 28, and 49 here,
ReplyDeleteGreat Job everypony! :)
#9 here. I love #67! One of my favourite games!
ReplyDelete#115 here. I only discovered this site towards the end of the NATG. I hadn't drawn a pony in 10 years. Well, it was fun. Thanks all.
ReplyDeleteThanks to this challenge I now draw as a hobby. Thanks for making it happen Phoe! I wouldn't have discovered the joys of a pencil if it wasn't for you :)
ReplyDelete#226. Swell. More tears. Great work, By Ego! Tears and goose bumps. Go for it, Twilight!
#175 here. I only wish I could do better for this special day. Still I do belive that I improved a lot since the begining.
ReplyDeleteI'm speechless... all these submissions are fantastic. Guys, you outdone yourselves, it was a great pleasure to be in this event with all of you. Thank you everypony.
Start day: 2
Pictures total: 25
Days missed: 5 (1, 5, 10 ,12, 18)
Amounts of fun had: Immense
this was a ton of fun, even tho I only made two. I'll be sure to do more on the next one... or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI only participated twice, under the name "Daichi", but I still found it interesting.
ReplyDeleteIf there's ever another Newbie Artist Training Ground event, I might participate again. Preferably from Day ONE and not, like, Day 20 or something. xD
Oh, and I would play the shit out of #178.
ReplyDeletemissed this training grounds until the middle, and then i didn't want to do all that catch up drawing.
well, hopefully there'll be another one between season 2 and 3. i'll make sure to draw for that one from the very beginning.
#59 Here!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was worried I wouldn't get to say that.
I stayed up from 3AM to 7AM to do that whole thing, and I died shortly thereafter. Also, I am Determinator'd to complete all these themes anyway.
Anyone catch my stupid little reference?
Is it ok if I've never participated to these events, and yet I'm so frikkin' sad it hurts? :'(
ReplyDeleteIt ended?!
ReplyDeleteAnd I JUST got a tablet and software. :'(
I am sad pony now....
This was a ton of fun, regardless of the fact that I only contributed with a couple (thanks to the NATG schedule clashing with my own), and of course, a big heartfelt thanks to Phoe for all her work. We all love you!
ReplyDeleteBig congratulations to everyone who took part, you've made such great progress since the beginning. Thanks to you all, as well!
Welp, guess that's it! Unfortunately I ran out of time and only managed to finish my submission halfway through, didn't get to submit anything this time around. Really disappointed that I couldn't contribute more.
Hope we can do another thing like this soon. :)
ReplyDeleteWe actually have a fanfic writer training grounds, of a sort, over at ponychan.
The current thread is http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/22797.html
knock yerself out!
Maybe one day, I will shed my fears and lost focus for another chance to draw, and to love what is drawn. Many congrats to the artists of this wonderful thing.
ReplyDeleteFUCK YEA. WE DID IT!~
So many awesome entries tonight.
ReplyDeleteDrawfriend tomorrow is going to take FOREVERRRR
You guys rock! Stay tunes, we might do something similiar after a break!
#178 today, and for the last time. I pondered for half the day which theme I wanted to do, then it was obvious. CROSSOVER. I never got the chance to do a Touhou crossover on crossover day. So then here it is! I did everything I could to make it as amazing as possible, but I ran out of time and couldn't add color and shading and effects and danmaku and explosions. I promise a finished version will be up soon, though!
ReplyDeleteAs for everypony else...wow. Incredible. Every single drawing here is simply incredible. From side-by-side comparisons, to hilarious and touching comics, to heartfelt messages, to pure concentrated awesomeness, to insane combination themes. You guys are amazing.
Ah, but I am so sad it's over. The late nights, rushing to finish my latest submission, whether it be a messy sketch or a quick lineart or a full-blown color production...I will miss that feeling. The elation of seeing my hard work among hundreds of others, and finding my number in the comments, I'll miss that too! Most of all, though, I'll miss seeing everypony improve alongside me.
This summer, I've drawn more than I have in the past year or two. In addition, I learned more about computer art than I ever would have on my own.
Thank you, Phoe, and everyone else. This summer I'll forever remember as the summer I drew an entire herd of ponies. Though, it seems miniscule when the other FIVE THOUSAND are considered. My God...
This past month has been mad, and to say I've loved every minute would be a lie, but the results were always fun and the satisfaction of seeing people looking at my pictures and getting to see what everyone else had come up with has made it more than worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteThanks again Phoe, this whole thing has been a game changer for me. I've begun to think about drawing again for the first time in a long while. Had an amazing time and made some great friends in the brony community along the way!
Also, cheers for pimping the DevArt group. People are trickling in and the gallery is filling up with SO MUCH AWESOME PONY! If you're wanting to join or just submit your work, don't worry about the fact that it asks you for a comment. We'll let you in whichever way :)
Finally, nice work everypony. Checking in day after day and seeing people making brilliant pictures, great jokes, cool stories or just seeing people try their hand at something they've never done has a huge rush. I love the brony community, and seeing events like this take off makes me even more proud to be a part of it. Thank you all so much for trying xD
I'm off now to catch up on all the sleep I've missed for the past month.
@A1CZERO Allow me to pimp the DeviantArt group to you then! After the furore of getting set up is out of the way, I know we'd love to have new pony artists learning the ropes (bondage pun off) with us!
ReplyDelete204 here.
ReplyDeleteI remember when I first heard about this event. I skimmed a few and looked at all the amazing ponies. It took at least a week of pondering before the urge finally grew enough that one Thursday I went for it and drew a mostly traced mythical Applejack.
After that, I couldn't stop. Despite the awful timing of this event (smack in the middle of my exam weeks, the one time i have other uses for that 3 hours of the day), I made sure not to miss a single day from 14 on.
I'm so very glad I did. I've always vaguely dabbled in the more traditional art stuff (I do filmmaking avidly, but that's not quite the same), but never really gone for it. Certainly never spent 2-4 hours every day on it. I've lost alot of sleep and probably a few math marks, but I don't regret it even slightly. I feel I've improved, not only in my pony drawing, but in art period, in idea generation, and in resolve - it takes quite the battle against my arch-nemesis procrastination.
I am going to miss going through hundreds of pictures every day. Each new submission list involved the clever, the evocative, and the hilarious. You guys are a joy to draw with. Thanks, all of you, for everything.
As for the future...I'm not sure yet. Although I'm going to scale back, it's pretty counter-intuitive to go cold turkey on the drawing now...maybe I'll start working on more elaborate things and take my time more. I'm definitely sticking around this site either way, and joining that DA group.
Cheers, and as one of the pics put so well - Stay drawing, my friends.
If only we could have hit over six thousand images and maybe we could have made number 10 actually happen. Then again being free and already on the internet it's just a shoddily made cover from us, but the point of the concept did get across at least.
ReplyDeleteNow I have to decide if I want to bother fixing the problems in mine. Much of it looks crappy because I was trying to do everything as quickly as possible. I didn't have time to make faces and perspectives look right, had to stop at recognizable. I don't understand how it always ends up taking like an hour to vectorize one sketched pony.
ReplyDeletePlus I didn't have time for Spike at all, so Twilight is staring off into emtpy space where he was supposed to be. And Pinkie was supposed to have different poses in the first three panels, and I had to leave out one panel entirely, where she was going to be drawing.
At this point, I don't know if I even like it anymore. Not sure it's worth putting the effort in to fix it, now that I can take my time.
And then it was seriously a bad idea to do that original sketch on a single 9x7 inch piece of paper. So hard to give proper details in such small drawings. Rarity and Fluttershy were both like 3/4 of an inch tall.
Anyway, despite trying to do too much every day the entire last week, this has been fun. I've drawn more in the last month than the entire rest of my life. Of course I'm talking so long that probably nobody is even going to read all this anyway. Sorry about that.
OMG 208 is so win
ReplyDeleteIt's been very exciting to watch everypony improve themselves. I just wish I'd had a scanner to share my work, too!
ReplyDeleteGood work, everypony, and thanks for sharing your hard work!
Thanks so much! I just hope there are more events like this one. As soon as I get used to drawing on this tablet I'll be ready for them!
Thank you #9, thats yet another warhammer/Pony crossover, I'm quite entertained.
ReplyDeleteHey, I liked it! Though I did wonder where Spike had gotten to. Artists have a terrible habit of being too critical of themselves (for good reason; they know every mistake they made!). Anywho, you can learn from every mistake you make~
For one last time, #131
ReplyDeleteI'd missed a couple of good potential themes due to work, so I tossed a couple of them together for one last *yay*!
Thanks go out to all the ponies and bronies that made this fun and awesome. And to Phoe for putting up with extra doses of our insanity for a whole month.
#182 + #183 today. Both were rushed (omg so much poni), but I'm still very happy with how they came out.
ReplyDelete#182, Cereal is taking the EqD crew + Calamari on vacation using his rocket gyrobowl. Seth's fabulous Easteu–style hair isn't being whipped out of shape because he's oh–so–pretty, the wind just couldn't stand to muss it up any.
#183 contains just a few of the amazing ponies seen in this event. Or in some cases, their comic characters. Or more specifically, that trio of unterminating talent that takes the trophy for creating contiguous comics for the entirety of the event.
Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi, MHPayne and badzerg, you guys kick so much flank I don't even know what to say other than I enjoyed the hell out of your comics.
Ego, you're also incredible, but you already knew that. I'm saying it again anyway because you're incredible. Also, your hat is plain and servicable, a model of fashion if ever there was one.
Kits (MY GOD HIS EAR WTF SCANNER?) is awesome and inspirational, and likes posing like Rainbow Dash because he's bare minimum 20% better at pencils than I am.
BronyQuest is also awesome, and I want to be able to rapid–vector–color like he can. Plus his stuff is funny. I drew him as a guard cause his name implies that he routinely goes on dangerous quests for the good of all bronies. Also I like drawing guard armour.
#20 gets the biggest /agree from me. I first found this site when the Training Ground event was just starting up, and were it not for Phoe & Co., I would've turned around and left out of disinterest, and probably never have gotten into the pony community in general.
So this whole event has been pretty life–altering for me, cliché as it sounds, but there you go.
Comments–only list because the +fav list was too big. 4Kb post size limit my tail.
#18: I see what you did there, and oh did I laugh. Very nie!
#45: 110% how I feel.
#56: Ten kinds of awesome.
#57: This should've been the very last image posted, would've been A+ Perfection. Still great on its own ofc.
#64: I really like this.
#71: > Phoe's fw every night.
#85: I love these Pinkie Pie cutouts, so awesome.
#87: And then at the end of Cupcakes, Rainbow Dash's head pops off and bounces around on a spring.
#92: I want this as a stained glass window. Seriously, dang.
#93: This is not only cool, but looks cool too. You are cool.
#101: this, tbh
#104: Most adorable Derpy ever.
#105: Brilliant and awesome!
#110: I got a good laugh out of this.
#113: Great on its own, but the sunglasses just complete it.
#122: Best end to a comic ever.
#128: yes!
#130: I don't even know what to say to this, it's too amusing.
#135: Excellently hilarious!
#146: This is becoming a poster in my kitchen.
#155: I dunno what it is, but it looks like some kind of crystal pony golem, which is of course radical.
#158: This is also adorable.
#167: y halo thar new tf2 spray
#175: This is cool, especially love the cape, and the sword, and the, uh...everything, really.
#189: Now, does this make your computer 20% cooler?
#197: Woah! Nice!
#206: All I can think of is Nightmare Moon going "Surprise! :awesome:" at the end.
#208: This is like the best thing I've seen all day. I love you.
#212: Great perspective, so much cooler than it was in the show.
#215: I can't express how neat this is, but it's very very neat.
#223: ahahaha!
#226: Always thought something like this is what happened.
#219 + #227: This is win, would definitely read a fic about it.
#Wall of Kits: Jesus fuck my eye christ, man! Cannot be more impressed, seriously, D= face in real life. Also, ROCKET HOOVES YEAH!
lawl, two hours to go through all this art and write this post, and I miss a typo. Sleep? What's that?
ReplyDelete#18 is very nice, not nie.
To the moon with words, I'm going to bed. x___x Confound you artists, you drive me to stay up until 5:00 A.M.
(worth it!)
#20, reporting in for the last time :(
ReplyDeleteHard as this was sometimes, I would not have traded the experience for anything. I loved being a part of this - a showcase of so very many talented artists, producing work every night. I hope I get to see more of all of your works in the future :)
And thank you, Phoe. You may claim to just be our cheerleader; but without you, none of this would have happened. Thank you so much for providing us this training ground to grow :)
Everypony, you make me proud to be part of such a talented and amazing community. Keep up the good work, and I'll see you all on the flipside.
Eminem... ain't black.
ReplyDelete#160 here. I'm a natural lurker, but thanks to this event, I got to join in with the rest of the community...yay!
When you play Monopoly, do you do trading? i believe its in the rules, and with trading there's less relying on luck, and more trying to screw over the other players by asking insane trades for the properties they need and everyone refusing to trade because they're holding grudges.
#4 reporting here! :D And yes they Can Can!
ReplyDeleteThis feels like the end of a beautiful era. You all worked so hard on these, I'm sure, and even though I can't express my gratitude enough for being able to follow the training grounds and watch some of you grow as artists, I hope you can take my heartfelt thanks anyway.
ReplyDeleteThis was an amazing journey even for us onlookers. All of you deserve a round of applause, and you do as well, Phoe. I love you all. ♥
@Fox E: Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have time to contribute a pic this time - i hope you host another one of these sometime, Phoe. You are one awesome bondage-loving pony! But in the meantime, take a well-earned rest and sit on a bench the way a pony would.
ReplyDelete121 reporting in. Managed to cram all 29 (I think I mistyped in my comments during submit) themes in there-so many ponies did it better but it was fulfilling. So a couple days back I said I would comment on everyone's on the last day. Here goes (sorry for any typos-too tired to edit) *DEEP BREATH*
ReplyDelete1 Haha Derpy fits perfectly with Adventure Time
2 I love this one so much. Two of my favorite things. Ponies AND Batman
3 Well done. Three cartoons-all matched very well
4 Can-can cutie mark crusaders go!
5 Hehe I love the squinting without the glasses
6 Beautiful Rarity (is that redundant?)
7 This is a very nice Luna-she looks worried, is that star bed-head?
8 Everytime a bell rings a newbie gets it’s wings
9 I actually said “Whoooa” out loud
10 I would SOOO buy that
11 Aww so cute
12 What a sweet tribute to our wonderful master of ceremonies
13 Ooo I like the before and after
14 So THAT’s what’s been happening to all my buildings
15 I am so confused but yet I love it so much
16 Nice choice of cutie mark
17 Very cute
18 Wait….what? O_o
19 Aww but I LIKE Seaponies
20 Beautiful picture and beautiful sentiment
21 Hehe, love the launch start
22 Lookin good
23 Hurray! Man you pumped through those! My favorite is your Vinyl Scratch
24 Well, he’s the Doctor-and it’s Sonic ;)
25 Thank you cute Apple Jack, I will remember your wise words
26 Hehe oh the cupcake song
27 I almost peed I laughed so hard
28 Stand tall, Pinkie!
29 I….wha…it was COLONEL MUSTARD!
30 Haha I like the pogo
31 How can these pictures still always make me teary-eyed?
32 bwaaahahahahahaha hehehehehe
33 snrk lol
34 I was quietly reading along, and then my mind melted
35 I wonder what her cutie mark would be
36 Yay for improvement! Gotta love those ponies that stick it out with you until the end
37 Beware the fluttershy
38 /waves!
39 Somehow I think the pony of the left has the advantage
40 Oooo handsome prince pony
41 awwww
42 Standing like a boss
43 epic-that is all
44 How have you made such a huge head SOOOO adorable!?
45 I know the feeling >_< Congrats on making it so far!!
46 Very classy, I love it. Then again I think I love most all Rarity pictures ;)
47 Oh, Celly, you tyrannical leader you
48 Again? I think you have redefined the nature of the universe Pinkie
49 Very pretty-the windy look works well for her
50 Wonderful! Haha nice Derpy at the top there
51 Amazing! And I bet Derpy is happy to have a muffin ;)
52 Oh wow! So pretty!
53 I am moved to saw “aw” and “???” simultaneously
54 Oooo Luna gets to be white. Also this is amazing
55 Hehe this reminds me of Harold and the Purple Crayon
56 Aw poor Seth. His box is not sauce
57 Very nicely done
58 Better late than never!
59 Hehe I love the achievements
60 I am a little terrified that that pony has a skull
61 on crutches and still so cute
62 With the power of Light bulbs!
63 For some reason I really like the sun
64 Dash looks awesome as always
65 I’ll be back back to the past pon-urai Jack. Yeah ok that is a tough one. This looks awesome!
66 I’d eat that
67 omg I want her name to be Natasha so bad
68 I never knew a pony could pull of a fur lined jacket so well
69 I take my hat off to you. Very nicely done-also the monocle on the reading one is my favorite part of this picture
70 Hehehehe boxes
71 Wonderful! I love that so many artists are doing them all. Challenge ACCEPTED! Beautifully done
72 There are two of us in this room laughing out loud
73 Cute cutie mark
74 I keep hearing the Space Invaders theme
75 w00t mark another one down for the complete set! Liking the sponge bob pony
76 I am so sad and so inspired at the same time. I hope she gets he cutie mark soon.
77 Fly, Pinkie, fly!
78 Faster than a speeding robin
79 Lovely combination of themes. Fluttershy-why are you so wonderful?
80 Now the real question is, is it filled with Greek ponies?
I hope another one of these will happen sooner or later. I've been lurking and keeping up with these. There's great improvement here! Everyone did a great job!
ReplyDeleteSo spiffy~
81 =D
ReplyDelete82 wonderfully drawn but I am saddened that she is all cut up
83 Omg FIREshy!
84 Riding hood is my favorite
85 She’s out!
86 Silly, Twilight, you should really learn to believe Pinkie Pie
87 Androids dream of electric fluttershy? Also my brain just exploded in a good way
88 HAHAHA the pony building…something is awesome
89 Oh dear
90 Muffin!!
91 Very sweet (= Oh no my responses are getting smaller. I’m getting tired
92 Oh wow, this should be a poster. I would buy it
93 Lovely! Watch out, Applejack! Also the Derpy space muffin made me happy
94 Balancing a bed is pretty impressive
95 An ON OFF switch! So THAT’S how she does it!
96 It’s true. Also…watch out for Sweeny Rarity there
97 Whoooa trampoline on the ceiling
98 Nice weighted lines
99 hehehehehe
100 aww. Sleep well, Phoe (=
101 =’) happy tears
102 Wow! You’ve improved a lot! Congrats to everypony!
103 Hehe cute
104 Perfect.
105 I love this almost more than words
106 Hehe cute filly
107 Tiny ponies!!
108 OMG YES!!!! Changing background now
109 Indeed it is!
110 watch out for Fluttershy! Rarity’s face cracks me up
111 What a lucky happenstance
112 Whew! Good job catching up!
113 The sunglasses at night make her that much cooler
114 This is beautiful line art and a wonderful representation of all the themes. I’ve been staring at it for like five minutes.
115 Veeeery nice
116 Hehe Assassin’s Steed
117 Rarity always brings the awesome
118 She seems so happy with her bladed weapon
119 awwww
120 Very nice pony armor
121 See I should have broken it down into days like this-would have made more sense. Awesome job!
122 She would make a wonderful Ent
123 She’s so cuuuuute!
124 Absolutely wonderful. I love her first pose.
125 This freaks me out just a little. Very Jack Sparrow looking
126 She says jump, we jump…or rather, we make ponies jump =p
127 She says jump, we jump…or rather, we make ponies jump =p
128 That is one epic pony
129 Very cute. Looks like it could be an illustration for a children’s book.
130 Only Pinkie could roast marshmallows on the sun. And maybe Derpy
131 Hahaha very nice
132 I love the last burst of Lyras. Enjoy your night, Phoe.
133 Ba dum CH!
134 Great job! It looks awesome and you pounded through a lot. Sleep well!
135 Celestia WOULD be the little money man on the front
136 I believe in Pinkie Pie
137 /salute Will do! Just as soon as I finish commenting on everypony’s drawing
138 Nice atmosphere
139 High hoof!
140 Oh dear. Scar-reality Twilight is a little scary
141 What lovely lines! The last one made me smile. Indeed, thank you, Phoe! I’ll keep saying this throughout the comments
142 /rocks out
143 Iron artists indeed
144 heh heh nice plot
145 Uh oh I think Rarity is rubbing off on Fluttershy
146 Awesome
147 Hehe, it suits you, Derpy
148 Beautiful. I love the hair especially
149 These are always trippy to look at
150 No! not GREEN hair!
151 Sweetie Belle just made my night
152 Hahahaha Time paradox
153 She is dancing with a vengence there. Almost done! You can do it!
154 Pinkie pie should have run the Death Star
155 These were always trippy too.
156 Cute Fluttershy. Sleep well!
157 That is why the Egyptians were so advanced!
158 The power of Friendship made that TV work, anything is possible ;)
159 Please draw responsibly
160 heh heh heh, nooo I’ve never done this to a roommate nope
161 This is fantastic. There are so many of these pictures I want as posters.
ReplyDelete162 It’s ok, just lock her up for a few years and she’ll be able to handle it just fine
163 Oh my. The horns….where is the magic….oh wait >_<
164 Good job, Derpy!
165 I lolled =D
166 Wow! Very well done
167 teehee
168 Nooo! Rarity!
169 Well said
171 Yay! Everyone together at the end. You can do it, Rarity
172 Why did the 300 pony amuse me so much?
173 saucy
174 Well done! Congrats on reaching the end!!
175 WOW! This is beautiful!
176 omg knife eyes
177 Black Smith Cutie Mark Crusaders!
178 Whoa that made me dizzy. Well done
179 Go, Derpy, go!
180 They love you, Twi, they really love you!
181 The expressions on all your ponies are fantastic
182 Mane cast, ba dum ch
183 Yay! We love them all
184 Color wheel to the rescue!
185 Intense
186 hahahaha
187 O_O Poor ponies!
188 I love the paper cut outs!
189 I would so do this is if….I was that creative
190 TWO forward facing ponies? I’m impressed. They’re so hard to draw (or that might just be me)
192 I really should look back at the rope trick day
193 Wow, that is a lot of work. Amazing job!
194 ….off a cliff….uh oh
195 Duuude, they need to bring the Giraffe into the show
196 Perhaps it was Fluttershy all along?
197 I want to win a Spartan themed hat….
198 F is for Filly
199 Poor pony, he looks tired
200 What pretty ponies!
201 Perhaps it is an alternate dimension!
202 Ooo Will-o-the-wisps?
203 How delightfully blasé Lyra seems to find this
204 Do the Travolta!
205 That is one snazzy outfit
206 Oh my. But I’m glad to see another good NightMare moon story before the end
207 She is indeed
208 I laughed WAY too loud for 2:30 at night when I read this
209 Woo! Awesome getting them all in there
210 Smash that alarm clock up good. No one wake her for at least a week
211 Poor Rarity is having a tough night
212 I would be pretty amazed too, Twilight
213 Dream on, Spike
214 Hehe I love the armored tail
215 I totally just sang along with the song as I scrolled through these. VERY impressive
216 Watch out! That is one dangerous pony!
218 Cute stand
219 Heavy O-o
220 Curse you Will Smith! Actually, no, I like Will Smith
221 This is mine
222 aw, it’s ok Applejack. I am sure your Apples are better
223 We can all do it!
224 Cute! Very clever
225 Ba dum ch. Love all the cameos in the audience
226 I am in tears. I need to read that again. Please hold.
227 Very emotional
This is on five pages in word. I am so very tired. I now must post this.
Below are my highest recommendations. Good job, everypony!
...I'll be honest, at 51 I almost broke down and cried. This was a great event, I hope it comes back at one point. 215 was amazing too. Just amazing improvement, I wish I had participated more, but I simply didn't have the time.
ReplyDelete@ShoeboxWarrior That's awesome. You're <s>crazy</s> awesome.
ReplyDelete#8 here.
ReplyDeleteOh well. What can I say. What can I say that hasn't been said already...? Probably nothing. So maybe I won't say much.
I think it's incredible how many people actually managed to draw those all-themes-in-one pictures. I can only imagine how much work and effort they must have put into that... Then again, no, I can't even imagine that. It must be a lot, though. A whole lot.
Of course, I don't mean to imply that anyone might not have done their best during this last month. We all worked very hard, and got things done. And if I've ever learned anything about life, then it's that it can be extremely difficult to actually get things done... but this was easier, thanks to the very inspiring environment and the great community here.
I'm also very glad to see how the recurring themes came to a close, the continuing comics and countless references. Sure, it's a sad thing that the event is over for now, but it's like a journey coming to an end; it means that we have arrived somewhere. Wherever that may be, it's up to us to figure this out. This does feel rather rewarding, in my opinion.
Favorites for today... no. No favorites. All of these are wonderful, and everyone did their best to make this event as much fun as possible, and everyone succeeded. Each day a new success, sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger, but always a success.
There isn't much else left to say.
Thank you, Phoe.
Thank you, Calamari.
Thank you, Seth.
Thank you, Cereal.
Thank you, everyone who participated.
Thank you, everyone who commented.
Oh, and thank you, ShoeboxWarrior, for having written a comment for every single picture today, apparently. That's quite something.
Anyway... We had some great times here, didn't we? This event was certainly something that I'll always recall fondly. Good memories are rare enough to come by, so thank you all once again for this one.
... please be well.
ReplyDeleteThank you guys, for all the amazing pictures and the fun.
MHPayne 122) could we possibly see all of your entries uploaded as one massive storyboard, please, please, please?
I'm 48 and 135. I'm glad they were well received. They took me most of yesterday to draw and color.
ReplyDelete34. Witty :3
69. My Little Advant Calender
93. Why to store all of Big Macintosh's hard cider of course.
179. 6_9
195. Careful rarity. judging by the cutie mark I'd say she is a distant relative of Celestia
51 here. It's really amazing how much this NATG helped me out becoming a better artist. The Derpy on the left side is the first pony I have ever drawn and also the first ugly fake vector I ever did. After a month I'm finally able to do decent looking artwork, which I never thought I could do. I also found a new hobby for myself.
ReplyDeleteSo thank you so much, Equestria Daily and thank you, Phoe. I love you guys. <3
#3 F U too you poor excuse for a cartoon.
ReplyDelete#27/85/100 checking in. I was a busy bee for the last day. I've had #27 in my head for a while but kept putting it off for one reason or another, so better late than never. It' so random, but I love how it turned out. For #85 I wanted to combine drawing, paper cut-outs, and my three favorite ponies together into one big piece for the last day. And #100 is my way of saying thanks to Phoe for everything she's done to make all of this happen. I hope we all enjoy our well deserved rest after this busy 30 days of drawing.
ReplyDeleteSome of my favorites for this last batch are #17, 26, 43, 46, 57, 63, 92, 104, 117, 124, 125, 188, 195, 208, 213, and 226. That's a lot a favorites, but there's a lot of drawings to choose from. Thanks Phoe for being such a great and dedicated cheerleader to all of us newbie artists, thanks Seth, Cereal, and Calamari for your roles in making this event happen, and congrats to everypony who participated! It's been fun, and I hope we get to do this again sometime... after we've gotten all caught up on our sleep, that is.
Oops dozed off.
ReplyDeleteLastly a VERY special thanks to Phoe who worked so hard for and with all of us for varying degrees of time over the past 30 days (especially those of us who submit late -shame- sorry). This was a wonderful and motivating event that pushed me to start drawing again. My nights will feel empty for a while without that mad dash to the finish. I hope to see all of you and all or your wonderful art again soon!
Sleep well everypony!
#32 & #33 here =3
ReplyDeleteIm glad, i had soemone comment about my charlie and my eminem ^^ and well... he commented on every picture
anyway it may be over BUT WE AINT GUNNA STOP DRAWIN
Wish I'd realized earlier that yesterday was the last day—I'd have actually drawn something instead of doing nothing the entire day.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to everyone else, and thank you Phoe for running this. Even though I don't feel like I was getting any better at drawing, it was still fun to take part in the event and I really regret missing as many days as I did.
Ah well. The event's over, so that's less time spent drawing and/or fretting over not drawing and more time I can spend writing instead.
I missed a bunch at the end due to long working hours, but I had to at least throw in a comment. I will do my best to keep drawing and improving. Thank you Phoe for being teh awesomes!
ReplyDeleteAlso #208 made me LOL. Keep it up everypony!
All of you are amazing beyond words. It was a pleasure to even just sit back and watch!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely participating next time!
(#109 here)So much Pony. Sad to see it all come to an end. Everyone did a great job, I loved seeing all the other newbies work along-side my own. It showed me that I shouldn't feel bad if I can't get the drawings to look stellar, because I'm not the only one on my level. :3
ReplyDeleteKeep drawing Bronies, get better every day! I've learned so much these past weeks, and I plan to practice sketching at least 15 minutes every day from here on out thanks to this event.
ReplyDeleteThe whole comic is filed under Just Another Day in Ponyville. As Fluttershy would say, "I love everything!" It's been more fun than a barrel of ponies!
Actually, it's been exactly as much fun as a barrel of ponies...
Urrgh... If I didn't feel like a train hit me I'd have participated ;_; trust me to get ill on the last day of the artist's training day. Thanks phoe for keeping us going and motivating us to draw. I see a lot of people have improved on their drawing skills thanks to you ^_^ looking forward to the next one (hopefully the next one doesn't cut into your sleeping schedule). Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take some ibuprofen and sleep D:
ReplyDeleteMy bronies, I am proud.
ReplyDeleteI only regret not being able to make it past Day 10 due to the lack of inspiration. I'm pathetic...
Sad face! I wasn't able to get my submission done last night. Entirely too busy to finish it. T_T I still plan on finishing it, I'm just sad that I missed the deadline. Forgive me Phoe, I have failed you! D:
ReplyDelete(I feel like I'm cheating for copy-pasting a previous comment of mine...and, for some reason which I'll assume to be the youtube link I was trying to post before, I tried to post this twice already. Oh, well...)
ReplyDeleteFinally, the end, eh...? I'll really miss this event...
When I read about this last day, I thought that, even if I couldn't participate, I could at least see how much progress I made through my picutres... and... I am really pleased with myself! From the "pony standing" in my notebook, to the "ponies cooking" in my papers... I can feel and see how much I have improved! Even from the "ponies in space(bar)", the first one I submitted, I can see it!
Thanks, Phoe, for allowing this event to happen! And encouraging each one of us, no matter how bad our pictures were! And, as someone mentioned up there, Calamari for saving Phoe a lot of trouble with the submission page (I feel bad for not recognizing you for your work before... >_<)! Otherwise, I don't think I'd ever try to draw anything... much less show up here...
I'd list my favourites, but I'm not in the right emotional state for this... sorry, everyone...
Also, a warning: don't try reading this while listening to "Reset" (the Okami ending)... just... don't... *sob*
#113 here.
ReplyDeleteThe ending just sort of creeped up didn't it. I didn't even realize this was the last until I woke up this morning, turned on my computer, looked at equestria daily, took a long draw on my cup of mint tea, and promptly spat it all over my computer screen, incredulously exclaiming "IT'S OVER?". Now I'm glad I decided to go all out on this one. This has been great fun everyone. I laughed, I cried, I lost 10 pounds. Everyone here did absolutely magnificent work, and I hope that all we've learned here will follow us through the rest of our lives as we close this small chapter. Special thanks to you Phoe for staying up late to respond to our pieces, as well as getting the submission guidelines to us every day.
Now onto some favorites
(in no particular order)
#226 Words cannot describe just how excellent this is!
#202 Fantastic atmosphere
#195 I laughed
#2 This immediately wins, because The Goddamn Batman!
#20 too true
#17 I have a soft spot for Apple Bloom, were it not for her presence is Episode 1, I'd have shut myself out to the series and never looked back.
#114 Fantastic compilation
#179 Oh Derpy, you so crazy
#27 Clever, very clever!
#124 I... can't... stop... laughing
#167 Zis is Scout, Rainbows make me cry!
#112 Here. This event must have been the best idea ever. I looked forward to seeing all the great art in these posts every day. I hope this can happen again sometime. Thank you, Phoe! You're awesome!!!
ReplyDelete#54 here! Thanks for everything!
ReplyDeleteHey guys Manga Mesiter here im elated to here you guys like my art frankly i was debating on wether to do this or not but i did ^.^ thanks guys.
ReplyDelete13- I love how you improved with dynamic posing and so many other little subtle things! There is so much involved with making an awesome drawing, no matter how simple!
ReplyDelete18- Great pun XD
25- Aw, Applejack! *hugs*
46- Simply love this!
55- this is wonderful!
92- lovely lovely lines!
96- Yes. Yes indeed!
105- I love how you took the time to design unique cloaks and hats. Well done!
124- Love the dramatic and not so dramatic posing!
135-"Rarity is destined to be the rock" Perhaps the funniest line I have come across the whole event! I love this whole picture. I think the mane 6 would run into catastrophic disaster no matter what boardgame they tried to play. o.o
208- Epic!! No other way to describe this.
213- Awww. *splodes from sweetness*
215- Woah! Awesome concept :D Wish I had the patience for laying out somethin like that. :)
Today, I drew EPIC FLUTTERSHY(148) Although she pales in comparison to many of the other submissions here! I can't believe I made it through every day. I have been working on drawing for almost 18 years and if you're an artist worth your salt, you never stop improving or evolving! This event has meant a lot to me and I'm overjoyed to see it has touched so many others! The joy of drawing is something that nobody can take away, a joy that can be attained with nothing more than pencil and paper(things that are practically free in this day and age) I hope everypony has enjoyed enriching this part of themselves as much as I have mine. Its an amazing thing!
I really wished I could have participated in this final training ground, but I was running around all day yesterday and had to go to a family get-together that I really couldn't say no to and got home real late(1 am @_@).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I had this awesome revision of my first entree(the evil twin one), Moonbow Rush soaring through the night sky with an evil smirk on her face. Oh well...
I'm so happy I was able to contribute to these posts! If it weren't for the NATGs, I wouldn't have motivation to draw(which is my biggest problem as an artist)and I've learned a lot through these events. So I'd like to thank ED, for rekindling my passion to draw and bring me a little step closer to becoming a better artist :) I'm gonna miss these ;_;
#81 here. This was great fun and seeing all these different artists' pictures was an excellent experience.Thanks Phoe!!!
ReplyDelete#161 here,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I said you were space filler Phoe! Can I say instead that Lyra was going to be right beside you in the image but got kidnapped by a bunch of wild monkeys, and now they have to go rescue her?
This has been such a wonderful event, even if I feel so exhausted now because of it. Now to just keep on drawing ponies.
Great job everypony!
Starts whistling We'll Meet Again.
ReplyDeleteOh wait.
Congrats to everyone that submitted throughout the month. I only had time for two day (hehe oops), but it was still fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm literally crying. Both in depression and frustration. I was too scared to post any for this wonderful event and now it has slipped by me...Curse my cowardice and indecicivness...
ReplyDelete98 here. Wow, so many, too many to comment on! I think I was really close to never participating in this whole thing, and I'm so glad I did. See you all in the Alumni group!
ReplyDeleteDI-FL here. (219 and 227) I went through hell to get these drawings up. But god damnit, it was worth it! (fun fact: I fell in a lake because of this comic)
ReplyDeleteI'll admit, the training grounds was gruelling on my mind, especially being around exam times! I don't think I've ever drawn this much in a long time (possibly in my life!) I counted about 28 pages I've drawn on for this event. I've hated every minute of dragging myself through the process of inking, and colouring, and dealing with a craptastic computer. But at the end of the day, when the image was finally submitted, I felt like a grand.
Even if I did feel stressed at every moment, I feel like I've really learned a lot. I've become more confident, and allow for more simplifications, and allow little mistakes to slip. (Even if there are a shittonne)
Today's submissions were the best yet. One that really stands out in my mind, is 54. (Damn, those chess pieces are awesome!) It's not a favourite, though. I can't pick favourites tonight. Not only were they all freaking great, but it's hard, being the end of the event and all.
Thank you, EqD staff. Thank you, fellow artists. Thank you, all who commented. Thank you, all who supported.
This has been an awesome, albeit stressful, chapter in my life, that I'm not soon going to forget. I really hope that I get to see all you guys around, and in the alumni group.
P.S. To all of you who are asking if the submission is based on a fanfic, it's, unfortunately, not... I might try to find the time to write it, however.
Awwwww...it's over?
ReplyDeleteWell I never did submit anything (which I do regret), but I have enjoyed looking through the images. Good job everypony!
And thank you Phoe for doing all of this. *salutes*
why cant my brain hold all this pony?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, what are we gonna go with all these pics?
#58 here.
ReplyDeleteI have done 3 others, but never got them scanned.
I'm really glad to have been part of this, even just one submission. This was a fantastic event and was put together so well. Thanks everypony-else and a big thanks to calamari for his script and making this happen.
I just want you all to know I looked at all these while listening to this
Made it all the more epic.
Thanks everypony involved!
Passer Palmatum here. So this is the end of the training grounds. I'm sure it's not gonna be the end of drawing ponies for many of us, but it will be different without the daily themed post to bring things together.
ReplyDeleteLots of complex submissions today. I can tell many people went all out on this one. I wish I could comment on everything (Shoebox). But 227 is a lot of comments to make. Here are my favorites.
17 has a nice sense of depth from the shading
18 O U
20 You're an "aspiring" artist?
27 Pfffhahaha
52 That is an awesome picture frame. (The picture is nice too.)
56 Wow, uh... I need a moment...
59 Aw. Go for it!
61 That's what happens when ponies use ladders that were designed for humans. They break their legs and have to use crutches that were designed for humans.
82 That's quite a pose
85 Still enjoying the cutouts
92 Elegant
101 Princess ^-^
114 They're all in one scene AND in order?
135 Hahaha
143 Ugh, this is so boring! Huge PNGs take forever to download!
166 The different styles are a neat trick
179 looks good with color
195 Nice linework
208 This is awesome. I like the art style.
219 and 227 Wow story
226 is amazing
I just had one comment I felt like making: #1. Why isn't this crossover done more?
ReplyDeleteThey're both fantastic cartoons, and both have worlds poorly described enough that it wouldn't be hard to explain a crossover involving them. Some great fanfic potential there.
That aside, lots of fantastic entries.. man. I regret not being more involved in this. I was only involved in half the days, and it would've been more if I hadn't missed a couple just because I didn't feel up to drawing. ah well, too late for regrets.
I think I'll go on now and submit my 16 entries to my scraps in DA, and try to add them to that group.
#73 here
ReplyDeleteTo really get the full impact of this piece, see the comparison photo here.
Mad props to everyone who did all 30 days in one go. I know how hard that is.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, my submission didn't get posted, so here's a link:
ReplyDeletere: Size of png
I just upload whatever my scanner gives me ^.^;
Been doing that for most of the event. I'm sorry I bored you..
Too much great stuff today! It took me hours to look through it all. Like many, I posted three entries today and I took the opportunity to make-up for the day I missed (I slept through the deadline for day one).
ReplyDeleteManga Meister's cartoon/comic book crossovers starts it all in style. #1, 2 & 3 (Adventure Time, Batman and Sponge Bob
11 by ChaosDrop (Pink pony with a balloon in a dreamy grey landscape that has a 3-D feel)
32 by D4SHTH3R4INB0W (happy Charlie Sheen pony getting his nicotine fix. I bet he lost his tail while freebasing)
45 by Smock (neat three panel visual commentary on how work tends to be further from finished the closer you get to the deadline)
54 by Farvei (head to head in some far recess, princess vs princess in a game of chess)
55 by Loz (that pony she's drawing is about to spring to life. Yes, I'm jelly)
85 by EssAeEm (Pinkie got out! Again. And that's how Equestria was made from the ashes of our civilization)
92 by Jdan-S (Art Nouveau of the mane six in a helix pattern. High class)
114 By Altur (all 30 days, in a single pane, interactive, inked and in perspective)
188 by Pageturner (OMG, Fluttershy and Twilight got out too! And either they're playing invisible chess or they're waiting for Pinkie Pie to get back from Equestria with the pieces)
200 by FoxOfWar (Five favorite ponies bowing a thank you. Way cute)
212 by Jeff (neat angle of Twilight watching Princess Celestia raising the sun on Summer Sun Celebration day, in coloured pencils)
FLASKGARG You wanted a color job?
@Kits Oops. I actually made some edits to that, but forgot to copy them into the form before submitting my comment. Imagine me saying that in a Scootaloo voice. Also, I enjoyed your creative interpretation of Rainbow Dash's brief door scene.
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOoooOOooOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOooo I wanted to join but I never had time T_T
ReplyDeletePleeeaaaase tell me there will be another one soon!
/Scoot is definitely my fav non mane character.
lolol rape face! Not sure why, but my submissions didn't get posted in the same order I clicked submit. Yay race conditions! As you can see from Phoe's comment, I started losing my mind after ~7 hours of pony.
Still haven't found it. Pinkie might have taken it. CURSE YOU PINKIE!
I would normally start going through and commenting on these. I'm just completely burned out. I've completed two Herculean tasks this weekend already. I need a break (still has one more to do: Download eveything submitted for AotD: stupid slow DSL)
Join the deviant art group, we're accepting everypony and will accept submissions for old themes/days
Everypony should join the DA group! Our group would immediately become GIGANTIC!
gogogo! It's easy!
2 people talked about my charlie sheen without me saying anything NEW RECORD im so happy =3
Holy hoosaphajuicafitz Philith!
ReplyDeleteThat is amazing!
It was such a pleasure drawing with you all. Everyone did an amazing job, and I saw some serious improvement. This was a great experience, and I hope we can do it again some time soon.
ReplyDeleteWell, not so soon that we need to wake Phoe for it.
>mfw yesterday was the last day of ATG D:
ReplyDeleteI was too busy at BroNYCon to draw anything yesterday D: D: D: D:
ReplyDeleteHi, T,
Don't feel too bad. Keep looking at EqD for future drawing events, which I seriously believe will happen. You can join the DA Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group. It looks as if we will be having all the images over there and many of the artists along with resubmissions of the themes we had here and comments on each pony's work. You can practice over there while waiting for the EqD official fun!
@MHPayne Oh sweet, thanks! I remember you posted that in an earlier thread, but I couldn't remember where and it's been driving me crazy ever since. 100% awesome.
ReplyDelete@Kt Kat Are you joking? Your Fluttershy is stupendous, like something you'd see in a calendar or something.
@Flaskgarg @Philith That's awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like it.
I lol'd so damn hard at 104. The banana did it, I think. :D
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this entire event was awesome. I never submitted anything(I have the artistic ability of a garden hose), but I greatly enjoyed everything posted. Can't wait until the next one, lol!
This is probably the 31st time I've said it for this event, but you guys fucking rule. I've checked it every day, and the quality and cleverness of so, so many of the pictures every day has been absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if anyone's gonna read this post, given how late in the day it is, but a possible idea for anyone who wants to keep on improving before the next event, whatever it may be:
Why not put up a theme every Sunday, but give a week to complete it? That way it's less intense, but everyone feeling inspired by the 30 day training grounds can spend some time making a more detailed picture, with a more relaxed deadline. And there shouldn't be more submissions per week than you'd get per day for the ATG, so it wouldn't even be that overwhelming to load onto ED.
Just a thought, I'd love to see what some of you guys come up with given a little more time per entry.
@Tears of a valedictorian
ReplyDeleteThis is probably exactly what we are going to do in the Deviant Art group.
Wait, so this it the end? I thought it was going to keep on going. I didn't get to do nearly enough of these... D: Nooooooooooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteDaw, ended.
ReplyDeletecue blubberface
damnit guys...I'm tearing up. I never tear up.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't able to submit anything to this, but yet I feel proud. Proud of you guys. Proud to be part of this community.
You are all amazing. Never stop.
Noooooooo it can't be over!!!! ={
ReplyDeleteThat's great, will you all be posting to ED after a deadline?
I'm so glad the Newbie Artist Training Ground alumni have a group now. Over the last month, I've become accustomed to daily pony, so if y'all could produce 150-300 awesome/heartbreaking/funny/epic/cute pony images per day, that would really help me out a lot.
I was too tired to get through all of these last night, but now that I have, I think #208 was my favorite of the bunch. Back to the Future seems very appropriate for the last day.
ReplyDeleteAnd, by the way, holy crap #226 fits so perfectly with what I was trying to do back on the crying theme. Except where Ego did it with dialogue, I was trying to imply it through imagery. So much of that is just I wanted my picture to say though: "No one ever wanted Luna/Nightmare to be banished, so it was a source of deep sadness for everyone. And so the "powers that be" so the speak, decided it was time to release her, hopeful that maybe she could finally be restored to who she used to be." Really, really hard to say all that without words, though, in a single picture, so I don't think it was as evident as I'd hoped. Ego even started that comic with that same line about the stars aiding her escape. In my mind, any time I see this comic, I'm going to end up envisioning my crying picture as the first panel, it just fits so well as an accidental companion piece.
@tears of a valedictorian
ReplyDeleteI guess we could do massive dumps to EqD after we complete a theme
or on a weekly basis
Tracking that will be HARD though
You could just join DA and 'watch' the group. You'd get pony as it's added that way.
#101 here.
ReplyDeleteFantastic work everypony. Sadly, I normally don’t get much time to look through the ATG galleries in depth (to much time spent drawing for Phoe) but tonight I have a list of my favourites to share with everypony.
First, a special mention to Lunar Apologist (#20) and Muffins forever (#210) both of you managed to convey exactly how I feel about this event and the fact that it is ending. Great work guys.
My other favourites,
#89 (SAVED ha-ha)
#143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 (Great Job Kits)
#226 (Awesome work Ego)
#219 + 227 (one of the best pieces of this entire event DI-FL, well done)
Finally I want to say thank you to everypony who took part in this event you have inspired, motivated and awed me in more ways than I can mention, and thanks to the blogponies of equestria daily (especially the lovely Phoe) for this wonderful event. You have all helped to remind me of how much I love to draw, hope to draw with you all again soon. Chris
ReplyDeleteI'll do that. Confound these ponies, they drive me to join deviantart.
@Tears of a valedictorian
ReplyDeleteWell, make mine those words.
104 is so freaking awesome
ReplyDelete#42 (Perfectly, #42 is Twilight) and #57 reporting!
ReplyDeleteThis has been so much fun to participate in, both doing my own drawings, and seeing everything everypony else has made, I've gotten so involved from doing this, and just wanted to say my thanks to Phoe and everypony else!
Favorites of the day (imho)
#2 - Dash seems like she'd be a perfect Robin
#11 - This is... WoW
#17 - What if she got a drawing Cutie mark from drawing a Cutie Mark?
#20 - Wow... I don't think I could have expressed it anymore perfectly, Lunar Apologist has echoed my own feelings on this event better then I ever could.
#24 - "Yes indeed Ms. Sparkle, now if you please, stand aside, I've a universe to save!"
#26 - I don't know why everyone is so afraid of that fanfic if that's all it is!
#54 - The eternal game of... wait, Is Celestia playing as black?
#76 - Her band hangs out with Pinkamena's party goers on their off days.
#85 - I'm suddenly obsessed with 4th-wall breaking pictures of Pinkie Pie... so Awesome!
#104 - That expression... I laughed so hard!
#113 - It's true, that shading is amazing, and the poses rock the big screen.
#135 - This is every game of Monopony I've ever played.
#158 - What is that pony watching with the TV unplugged?
#169 - Tis true
#189 - What my desk will look like in... oh wait, it already does...
#208 - "Although we still have them." Twilight is excited about her discovery of Time Travel, but remains pragmatic about the reality of the situation.
#226 - You win everything. Forever. Love the use of the manes to keep the flow of the comic panels going.
...So today was Equestria Daily's last day for the Newbie Artist Training Grounds. I kind of wish I could of participated more than I had, but I stink at drawing Poni. Still though, it makes me sad... ...For now, great job everypony -- I hope we can all do this again soon. Look how much we've all grown! ^^
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long, frustrating at times, and fun journey to draw something new almost every day. Thank you Phoe for hosting this event!
ReplyDeleteWow, finally got enough time to view all the pictures and read all the comments today. I leave for half a day and the place goes nuts! Of course, that's why I love you guys. :D
ReplyDelete@Fox E:
Wow... thanks Fox E, I'm really honoured to be included in a meta picture like that. I'm glad I made such an impression on you. *sappy grin*
To all the artist, moderators, commenters and enthusiasts, thank you for participating :D! *Bro-hoof*
ReplyDeleteI already know I'm going to miss the feel of waking up in the morning, rushing to my computer to see all the hard work everypony put together, and seeing the new topic, to ponder throughout the day how to pull it off as best I could.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if I necessarily got better as the days went on, but it's definitely got me into a groove of wanting to draw more than I ever have. If I could just find a program to stick to, or get a style down, though.
So many favorites from this whole event, let alone this one posting. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everypony who participated in any way. All these drawings have me inspired to do better.
Also, absolutely must thank Phoe (soooo much) for dealing with all this pony, even with my lateness included, too. I work better under pressure, the daily topics were a help.
Can't wait until there's another event like this one, though the break will be appreciated. Now that anypony can get TF2, I can get around to some shooting around late night with some new brony friends!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for commenting, even on my boring drawing!
I want to join the chorus, encouraging folks to join the DeviantArt group. Thanks for setting it up, Nullh!
Pony Saboteur?
And a Phoe comment! /)o3o(\ Awesome! I'm glad this event happened, really helped bring out my creativity!
I love all of these, I refuse to choose favorites.
@ShoeboxWarrior Who would not want to win a spartan themed hat.
ReplyDelete#155 fucking osom.
ReplyDeleteso, when the next event???
#192 & 196 on the "Last Day", Runner.
ReplyDelete*Quickly brushes out mane and tail, stands squarely on all four hooves, and takes a deep breath*
Okay, ponies, I'm proud of you. You are all looking very well groomed for our final and have done fine work. Let's see what we have that catches my eye.
*Walks down the line as if at a military inspection. Lip quivering while passing particularly poignant or beautiful entries*
2: Dash looks particularly proud. An excellent Rainbow (Robin) for Batman.
3: Good crossover of Sponge & Pinkie. I would love to hear PP sing the FUN song Plankton version!
6: I like Rarity's expression in this. All calm, concentrated, and aloof while learning a new stitch.
7: Well drawn and dramatic Nightmare Moon, but I really wonder what she is looking at off frame to have that expression!?
8: Fly away little ponies artists. I'm getting teary again.
9: Not being a gamer certainly makes a pony miss out on a lot of hilarity, I am sure.
10: Fun idea of the NATG book.
11: I like incorporating your first day image with a final redo.
15: You have to be presented with "the most esoteric crossover of Pinkie Pie to date" award! That huge ol' FiM all seeing eyeball would be enough to scare off any enemy and large enough to see through any weather.
17: Okay, I can't resist the cute. I tried. I failed. Applebloom crayoning her cutiemark.
18: Standee Twi vs 3d Twi? Not sure, but I agree with Phoe, it makes my head hurt.
20: Lyra and Octavia in the spotlight. Cried at this last night. Tearing up now. Well drawn and poignant. Thanks Lunar, and I agree with your sentiments.
25: You tell me, Applejack!
26: Ah, the old "lead us to believe that Dashie is reading the ill-conceived "Cupcakes" when in reality she is reading "Cupcakes the Cookbook" trick". 3rd time I fell for that this month.
29: "No, just a wild stab in the dark which is incidentally what you'll be getting if you don't start being a bit more helpful." I guess she needs the lights on so she can do her Academy Award winning dying scene.
31: Regally high res version of Princess Celestia. Lovely. Crying Celly is sexy Celly, for some reason. Great vector art, Mihaaa!
36-38: All themes by Goggle Sparks. Fun little ponies!
40: Interesting interplay w/ AJ, Black Stallion and 'Tia. Must be a fanfic because there certainly must be a back story.
44: D'awww Lyra!
45: I like this one. I feel like I have earned my cutie mark as well after the NATG grind. I am curious as to why you went from colored and complex to simple and pencil instead of the other way around as you progressed. Going back to basics, or fleeing from the fact that it is ending, perhaps?
46: Rarity on Piano played by Spike who is smoking, of course. Nice feel to this one. It makes me want to watch "Casablanca" or some such B&W Bogart movie, but with ponies!
48: So Pinkie Pie is ultimately God? Incidentally, good kick Twi!
50: Interesting Twilight design and I like Tiny ?Derpy? looking down off her cloud. I like this and I am just trying to be cute by going on with; She seems to be using a searchlight to focus her magic to write "Success" in the sky. (Thanks, Twi (and Partition, of course)) One lead goes to her horn, the other appears to disappear somewhere near her left cutiemark. Equiring minds want to know where it plugs in?
51: Practice is good. I still love Derpy and do too! Twice as much.
52: I really like this portrait of Filly Luna with the clouds and stars.
53: Tied up and rump-high Twilight all cute and helpless is a good thing. Butt, just look at those strawberries!
Darn it. I'm going to have to go into "top 10% mode" if I am going to manage to get to sleep earlier than I have been during "The Event" (This event, NATG, not the stupid series)
55: Double D'awww
ReplyDelete56: All good. I think I need a bottle of Phoe sauce. Lyra is a little more butch than I thought she would be.
57: Sadly, "That's all folks"
59: I'm uplifted, but not really sure what it all means. But I like it.
66: See, proof, my sweet Twilight CAN cook!
72: And why couldn't you have given me this dating advice back when there was some hope left?
75: Made me smile. Thanks.
76: I wish I was raised with rocks. We only had gravel when I was a foal.
79: I like Dash all Trixied out, eating fruit, thankfully bound and cute with her sword.
83: I sure hope that Dash comes to her senses. Make love, not war, you ponies. Nice image though.
85: I still love these cut-out pinkies.
86: That is because Twi is a thinking pony's pony.
90: I want a muffin! I want to eat muffins with Derpy. WAHHAAAWWW!! (I know this is not Derpy, but I suddenly got teary eyed and wanted to hug a Derpy, and a muffin. I want a hug-able muffin)
92: How can they all be that cute, classy and sexy all at once even without their cutiemarks? I'm in love with the curves of Twi's plot. Delightful example of simplistic loveliness. One of my favorites for the whole NATG. Thanks!
100: Sleep little Phoe, you deserve it. Nice.
101: *more sighs* I'm happy too after having those same experiences during NATG.
102: That is some great progress! Good stuff. Keep drawing!
103: Make the cute stop! AHHH! And she is HUGE! Cute and HUGE across my screen. Wait, no, strike that. The cute must go on forever! Ponies! She is adorable. Nice, clean and cute.
*shrugs* Why fight it. "Sleep causes cancer. Everyone knows that." It is so weird to be up at my normal panic time for submissions and not be drawing furiously or researching a pony or pose. *sigh* I do miss it, but at least I get to look at all these nice ponies.
104: Laughs and spends $2 for another banana.
105: All Trixie, all the time. The Trixie Network.
107: I like tiny ponies, too, but I prefer "just right size" Twilight. More to cuddle and love. She is a tiny, cute, but knowledgeable filly in this. Watch out.
110: Punch the seapony again, Flutter!
111: Aww, poor hungry pony faced with tiny fruit. No wonder it is free.
There is still so many nice ponies! I'm sure I'm hours late and dollars short on these comments, but now I have to finish up.
113, 114 too good. hideously jealous, 117, 119, 131 'tia's rough!, 132 uhm. me too?, 144 PLOT!,
ReplyDelete163: *WHINNIES* Twi and Twixie = heaven.
165: *smiles* You're welcome my pony cetaceans.
166: All Twi Fun
169: Phoe is indeed a hero. Nice.
168 & 170: (I do like Phoe's: Come on guys, really?) I have to admit that when I saw Rarity in "Sonic Rainboom" only the 3rd episode I had seen, I wanted to see her hang, but she turns out to be a caring pony. Now that I only have 3 episodes left to watch, and I have been putting it off because then I have to new pony, I see that she loves her friends and I think a lot of that nonsense is her protective shell.
179: Dramatically cool Derpy!
192: (Mine) I think Phoe looks quite nice in this! So there!
195: I love the cute giraffe! And I would seriously consider taking advantage of Rarity in the situation. Just sayin'. *smiles*
196: (Mine) And I like this one, too! ;p
200: nice sentiment. I concur!
202: I really like the feel of this, but I'm not sure what is going on. It is beautiful.
203: *smiles* Lyra, I think that you guys are making her incredibly attractive to me.
208: Spectacular! I hope this is an on going comic.
226: Ego, of course. So good. More teariness early this morning. Go Twi, go!
219 & 227: I have not had the strength to read this yet, and early this morning I was confused as to how the panels ran, but the effort and emotion that I got out of it is impressive. I will read it carefully in a day or two when my emo meter has recharged. Thanks.
And at 227: Last entry. Appropriate.
Some of the larger files I have to wait to look at tomorrow. Sorry if I did not mention yours, there were so many good ones I was trying to just concentrate on the ones that "spoke" to me.
This is the time that I would be uploading another entry today, and I am teary again. I got 8 hours sleep today. It does not help the weepiness yet. Why!? Emotions are so strange.
Thanks, everypony! Take care! Trot over to http://mlp-atg-alumni.deviantart.com/ to continue the joy! I'll be there, and if that scares you away..., uhm, I won't be there.
Is there a list of all the themes somewhere? I'd like to draw all of the ones I missed.
Also, head to the DA page and join up!
Finally finished #178! You can find the finished version HERE and it is AMAZING.