Yeah, that looks about right. I swear I never used to be this tired at 3 AM. Am I getting old? Or maybe it's just because it's been more than a week at this point. Are you getting tired too, everypony? I wouldn't blame you if you were; this is a lot of work to keep up with! But even if you're feeling down, let's keep going forward together, ok? If you're feeling a little drained at this point I understand, but you're all doing so amazingly so far, and I know you have it in you to keep going. I believe in you! Just like I believe these 189 bushy maned ponies are some of the cutest things I've ever laid eyes on. Er... not accounting for filly night just a few days back. Look, you guys make a ton of cute art, ok?
Here is your daily link to the submission page, along with a brief reminder that if you can't get it to function properly after several tries, please feel free to send it along to [email protected]. It will knock your entry down to the bottom, but at least it'll be there, right? A second bit of clarification, as I'm getting more comments about being confused by this. The deadline is Midnight at Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -7).
The Theme of the Day
Draw two(!) ponies making music. And also one of the ponies should be using a string instrument that's smaller than a double bass and similar to a harp and she should have a mint colored coat and... ok, I'm kidding. Or am I? Yes. But... anyway. Two ponies. Music. Orchestral ponies on parade. Or maybe shipping central. We're being extra ambitious today because it's the weekend. Whee!
Tonight's one of those nights where I don't think I have a whole lot left to say tonight that wouldn't just be keeping you away from seeing all these lovely ponies. The quality of the ideas and execution is as stellar as ever. I do want to apologize if it seems like my commentary kind of peters out as the submissions tick on tonight. I heard some things that kind of shook me up a bit most of the way through sorting, and I'm having difficulty cracking jokes right now. Things will be better tomorrow, I promise! The morning after...
1) By Makkon
2) By Ethrx
3) By Moogie
4) By Goldfish
5) By Anakah
6) By Lacrox
7) By ChaosDrop
8) By PandaRoux
9) By zomgitsalaura
10) By Emerald Dust (Quelle horreur!)
11) By Pterosaur (You know Dash, that is a very good question.)
12) By Fish0and0chips
13) By Doc New!FillySAOwk
14) By Euro
15) By FoxOfWar
16) By FrostV952
17) By Mellowbloom (>Implying Scratch can't handle her liquor)
18) By Kjh242
19) By Daniel (danis2005)
20) By Gig
21) By Twilight360
22) By Doombah
23) By Konig (The artist reports - sexy vectors = sextors)
24) By blindferret
25) By Magnet (Derpy, what are you doing? That's not where the bed goes.)
26) By Milk (I think if I woke up in the morning with an alligator in my hair I would be upset.)
27) By Lorina
28) By Tarynsgate (Somehow she's even cuter with the frazzled mane.)
29) By Sherlock Hooves (Those oranges will get you f--ked up.)
30) By Xeonneo`
31) By Atlur
32) By Blueberry Muffin
33) By Stabbercube
34) By MHPayne
35) By RexNinja
36) By Family Man
37) By Knightly
38) By Shiver (Seriously, look at her. She's so grumpy and cute.)
39) By MHPayne
40) By Inspiration (What are YOU looking at!?)
41) By Mockingbird
42) By Partition
43) By Invidlord (There's something about the silver mane that looks nice on Celly.)
44) By EssAeEm
45) By Damian Foxx
46) By Dragon Rage
47) By Easteu
48) By Kitty Tail (Look at that! How did she not win that poll!? I ask you!)
49) By Facelessguru
50) By Chris
51) By Goggle Sparks
52) By Starlight Spark
53) By PenguinPlayer
54) By LoomX (Derpy beore her morning muffin.)
55) By Nido Media
56) By Tabs
57) By Prison (Every teacher's nightmare: a workday.)
58) By Cammy
59) By Quantum
60) By MasterofRoku
61) By Mere Jump (What a night that must have been.)
62) By Moabite
63) By kits
64) By Bananizen
65) By Thattagen (Thanks for explaining the joke, Pinkie.)
66) By rich-tea
67) By A Terrible Person
68) By Sneo (Me too.)
69) By Dangereaux
70) By Crimson Risk
71) By lead_hooves
72) By Ori (Nani ga deru kana?)
73) By Eliwood10
74) By Nullh
75) By ParallaxMLP
76) By Lunar Apologist (Looks like Luna slept well.)
77) By Djrk16
78) By Lancer5317
79) By loz
80) By Chromadancer
81) By ClearSkies
82) By Chriss
83) By Smock (Taking the obvious joke to the next level.)
84) By Kitsune
85) By Amehdaus
86) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
87) By Natry
88) By Doc Steadly
89) By PinkamenaPie (Potentially interesting fic material here.)
90) By Rraden
91) By Syggie (I hate it when that happens!)
92) By Erthilo (The true face of Trollestia.)
93) By The Obsessor
94) By Tanman
95) By Sorekey (Another one of these and I will pop.)
96) By Pony Stark
97) By Paintroller
98) By Ambrose
99) By Omega RKB
100) By Tarragon
101) By Lolstaz
102) By Shockwave
103) By Starlight Bolt
104) By Quill
105) By Silver Shine
106) By Miyajima (*kaboom*)
107) By Alipes
108) By Illumina
109) By Tenchi Outsuno (Sleepy Luna is best Luna.)
110) By Infinity
111) By Rachel (This is both hilarious and oddly attractive at the same time.)
112) By Squidbombed
113) By Gear X. Machina (Oh yes!)
114) By Kt Kat
115) By usernr333
116) By scio (Taking the obvious joke to the even nexter level.)
117) By Taco Bandit
118) By Hakys
119) By Saphin
120) By RaspleZS (...Goodnight, everypony!)
121) By Leaf Growth
122) By Windfall
123) By Haafiz
124) By auiumn
125) By Luna
126) By Sali (Just remember that this is a bad dream, ok?)
127) By Sali (See, she woke up.)
128) By Frith
129) By Coquette
130) By Neoridgeback
131) By Prismatic Pretzel
132) By Buddy Vox
133) By Macon Mixx
134) By Flaskgarg
135) By Alleen
136) By Starlite
137) By Darren Geoberos Castillo
138) By Fox E:
139) By Canadian Bacon
140) By Condor
141) By Rydel
142) By unholyhen (Whahuh?)
143) By Fickle (I'm told Zecora is at fault here.)
144) By PinkiePied
145) By Relias
146) By Zach (Brushie brushie brushie?)
147) By Ginzaa
148) By Drilltooth
149) By Uncle Leo
150) By Spurs (Uh oh.)
151) By TopoCruz
152) By toonboy92484
153) By SiuiS (That looks like me... h-hey!)
154) By Circuit Mane
155) By Panda_Instinct
156) By Virga Rainboom
157) By StarStep
158) By FroggyFran
159) By Immersa (This is the wisest report Twilght would ever write.)
160) By TapeDiggity
161) By Muffinsforever
162) By Da Chi
163) By Kooldude
164) By Riokenn
165) By Pacce
166) By DJ Rainbow Dash
167) By Foxdeimos
168) By Alleydodger
169) By Eeful
170) By Arion
171) By Kelz
172) By ThunderThorn
173) By The Recliner
174) By Periphery
175) By Filiecs
176) By 8ftmetalhead (And it looks like somepony is.)
177) By nuclearsuplexattack (I like the liquidy look of her hair.)
178) By Passer Palmatum
179) By Fetchbeer
180) By Entropy (This is how good romance works. Everything is subtly implied. 5 stars.)
181) By djTeka
182) By Mr. Wonko
183) By DJ RBDash

184) By Mr. Paulsen
185) By Shiko

186) By SpiritofthwWolf

187) By StarSongPony

188) By Avohkah Tamer
189) By VeoBandit
89 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI see some interesting stories here. Keep it up!
#144 reporting in
VastaKustutalooks like im going to have to take a break from requiem for a pony for this theme
Mines not there : < I sent it and 11:45 is that to late?
VastaKustutaTT_TT Im a sad pony...
#71 and #177 are too friggin' adorable.
VastaKustutaWhat's going on in 134? I'm scared.
VastaKustuta#73 here. thought I'd try gradients instead of cel shading today. On a side note, somepony has been uploading my submissions to ponibooru >.> Not that I mind :)
VastaKustutaDarnit, mine didn't go through... I had no time left, so I just threw this down on paper in about 5 minutes and scanned it as-is. The anatomy is horrifying.
#166 in.
VastaKustutaSome of these were pretty fantastic. I had to facehoof at the bad puns though. I hope that fad dies out.
#172 here, though I'm just realizing how cylindrical Twilight looks in it.
VastaKustuta#95 is my favorite.
VastaKustutaI don't have it. Resend, please.
@Avohkah Tamer
VastaKustutaI spoke too soon! I fixed the contrast though, so click through my image (#188) or my link in the above post to see the slightly better-looking scan.
I really wanted to participate today. I had such a good idea that tied in perfectly with my submission from yesterday! But, alas, I didn't get the chance to work on it for as long as I would have liked, so it didn't turn out nearly as well as I had planned.
VastaKustutaI'll just have to make up for it with today's piece.
Hehe, so much hair!.
VastaKustuta#35 - Groovy!
Luna in #109!
#120 checking in.
VastaKustutaHuzzah! I made Phoe groan!
#86 reminds me of my days at art school
VastaKustuta#124 Her hair Reminds me of the Lenningrad Cowboys.
VastaKustutaOk I just emailed it to you : )
#120 made me laugh.
VastaKustuta146 here, finally contributing to the weirdness of the "brushie" fad. (I honestly don't "get" it, but it was at least fun to lampshade it.)
VastaKustutaAlso 180 is beautiful. Props to the artist.
#98 here, my first training ground sub! Coloring Rarity's hair ended up much too hard for me...for today anyway.
VastaKustuta#189 Yay Its there now, Thank you Phoe!
VastaKustutaIt's what I do. *flies away*
#76 reporting in!
VastaKustutaAlso, AWESOME job, everyone! There's some really talented and clever work in here. I really liked #95 and #111 (RD waking up with Rarity hair made me giggle).
Wow, all of these are really awesome... I even got a Phoe comment (#10)! Turns out that's all I ever wanted out of life.
VastaKustutaI think #43 is really clever. Face it, Celestia; you're thousands of years old. Time to call yourself a queen.
I made #134
VastaKustutaI am So proud...
I need to learn how to color things in photoshop.
178: Dat implied rarishy
VastaKustutaSome pretty good insights here. ...and bad puns, but that's to be expected by now.
VastaKustutaLoved every single Celestia/Luna "bed hair", somehow them being so powerful makes bad hair days even more amusing. And it seems you really don't want to talk with Celly before she gets her morning coffee. Unless you like being in the moon.
Also, it seems Twilight has really been around last night.
And *sigh* also, you guys are rapidly turning me into a Lyra fan. Curse you!
VastaKustutaNeeds more...elbowgrease~
#65 here! I had to be quick, so I went with a half-colored pun! Originally, it was just gonna be Twilight going "wtf" until I added mini-Pinkie. How did she get so small? Rule of Funny.
VastaKustutaCould be better >.<
Some amazing entries as always tonight, though.
#63 reporting in.
VastaKustutaI love the tiny little dream-figments in mine.
Dash looks less than pleased. Silly Dashie--Pinkie is obviously you waifu
>Two ponies 'making music' O.o; r34-bait @Phoe?
I expect lots of Scratch/Octavia pictures to add to my collection
VastaKustutaI am unable to confirm or deny these rumors at this time.
... =D
#11 here.
VastaKustutaA lot of these make me smile :3 I pry won't be doing to many of these, since all I seem to be spittin out is some rather horrid doodles and I know I can do much better XP
aww well, it still give me an excuse to draw even more ponies. More ponies in fishnets that is. c:<
#126 & 127 reporting here! (Thanks Princess Phoe... n.n) The first one was kind of a left over from yesterday and the second one I rushed to finish. (I didn't realize that it was... midnight California time... not midnight Atlanta time... XD) Oh well...
VastaKustutaI usually don't do Grimdark stuff... but it was scratching... in my head! ;o;
Anyway, my thoughts:
#12 - Oh Pinkie Pie... you so silly.... *gulp*
#20 - Hudda hudda hoo.
#26 - She's so... natural.
#38 - Squeee! :3
#40 - Ho shi-
#54 - Derphead. XD
#69 - I like this. The style is very natural.
#76 - Damn... that's sexy.
#85 - All that late night sewing. I love the outlines in pencil and the curls are marvelous.
#103 - Most awesome bedmane ever.
#111 - And she likes to keep it that way, apparently.
#115 - Awww.... ;o; (Inks are amazing on this one. The line weight especially.)
#130 - I lol'ed
#177 - My heart... it melted... so... adorable...
#186 - I think you're pretty just like that, AJ... :3
Heehee #25 this time ^^
VastaKustutaLols at #146 :D
Time to draw moar XD
#78 was my favorite.
VastaKustutaNewbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 9
VastaKustutaGrounds: Day 9
Day 9
Can anypony count to the number J? *raises hand for high-fives, hoping somepony gets the reference*
I say. That is clearly Luna's sex hair in #76.
VastaKustuta@ a href #c854791521609093156 >Anonymous /a> Pageviews; ninemillion.
VastaKustutaPonies keep me up every night, too.
VastaKustuta#17 here... and Phoe, have you seen the Hangover 2? A bit more that liquor goes down them...
VastaKustutaAw c'mon, I submitted my picture twice and sent Phoe an email >:P
VastaKustutaHere's #190 for posterity: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/img0012ly.jpg/
18 woo!
VastaKustutaAlso, I'm surprised it took until 25 to see that most obvious of puns.
#86 reporting in before SAT testing...haha. That was the inspiration for my piece.
VastaKustuta#4 here, damn am I fast... #180 is my favorite, I love the subtlety!
VastaKustuta#1 reporting.
VastaKustutaHow'd I get at the top of the list? Not complaining, that's awesome :)
I can't believe I didn't yawn once while looking through all these. I passed on this one but some good stuff in there!
VastaKustuta132 today.
VastaKustutaI was so rushed, I'm not really happy with it. Oh, well. Have Sweetie Bell trapped in her hair.
~Buddy Vox
#88 here
VastaKustutaI expected to see more Trixies . . . I was more than satisifued at how many of Twilight i found> I swear tho ( not literally O.o ) i was happy with my submission until i seen alot of these ( great job everypony ) now im kicking myself knowing i coulda done better or been more creative *sigh*
I dont know, alot of these were hilarious . . . i really liked #156, its not funny . . . its just my fav :3 #92 was adorably funny. and now im late for work yet again . . . i really need to stop looking here in the morning *coolface.jpg*
VastaKustutaApplejack needs to stick to applejack for liquor
That can't be health when you live in a tree...
Yay at making ponies groan with puns.
VastaKustutaTwo ponies making music, huh? As if there weren't more than enough shipping with this last batch. Oh well.
69 dudes!
VastaKustutaBut in all seriousness, I should probably think about maybe putting in some backgrounds instead of these colored gradients.
I love the style of 156, and Applejack is so huggably adorable on 186!
VastaKustutaMine's 114. Twas fun to draw.
#49 here
VastaKustutajust kinda doodled cuz i didn't think any of it on it's own really stood out (then again it was all pretty cliched to begin with) no idea what im doing for todays but ill figure something out
thanks again phoe for putting up with all of us :D
Number 30 here. I love how that turned out. That's gonna be my OC.
VastaKustutaAfter all that secret brush fun on ponibooru this made me lol.
#44 Checking in.
VastaKustutaThis was my first time drawing Angel and I love the way he turned out. Fluttershy looks a little wonky now that I see her posted, though. Oh, well.
Yay, number 99!
VastaKustutaTWO ponies?! I'm so slow I can barely get one done before 4 hours before the deadline (about 4 am for me)! I'm going to have to skip sleep tonight and stay up until the deadline to get this done aren't I?
#6 Reporting In.
VastaKustutaI got title image...you like me, you really, really like me!
@ a href #c1081072503271163331 >Phoe /a>
VastaKustutaThough seriously. How far is too far on these? I don't want my 'art' banished to the moon or anything. Not that I'm planning anything like that yet.
Or ever.
>mfw day 10 is "Gimma 'dat r34"
@Doc Steedly
I know what you mean about being happy until you see everypony elses' drawings. Day 3-8 it seemed like somepony was always doing the same exact poses/ideas as me only about 10x better =/
#38 I love you. Seriously.
#49 That ship is almost as awesome as the SS PinkieDash. :3
#54 o.O; Remind me to wait until afternoon to go to he post office
#73 XD Trollestia trolled
#79 How is this not canon? Love teh eye work.
#113 hehehe
#180 >implying so much. I love it
Tired? I gave-up sleeping a week ago, all in the name of pony!
VastaKustutaHungry, yes. I've been more involved in drawing than anything else.
I skipped everything to do nothing but draw yesterday.
I'm just thankful I'm not inspired to do more than a five-pony band today.
Whoa! Great job everypony! A lot of dawww and laughs here. 117 here. Did my kinda late then usual. Well good luck on today theme Bronies.
VastaKustutaIt's too bad I couldn't make it in time.
VastaKustutaThat means one less Lyra for Phoe!
I'll do my best to make up for it today~
#72 here. Hehehe..I'm glad Phoe got the GG reference.
VastaKustutaHeh, I just listened to a duet between a harp and a cello. Was that post about drawing ponies playing music based off it or what?
VastaKustutaSo many of these are fantastic, waking up to great art in the morning is always a treat.
VastaKustuta#138 on the other hand came out awful. x__x It's supposed to be Colgate flossing her horn after waking up from a nightmare caused by <s>pretzels</s> her mom warning her of horn rot.
I struggled ~so hard~ with this one. I've never drawn before this week so most of the time I don't know wtf I'm doing, and trying to figure out how perspective works, even with refs, is like *??*
Ran out of time [started late + too much of this and this], so I decided to just submit the concept sketch, complete with missing cutie mark and Colgate's arm coming out of the mirror.
Gonna start using viewpoints ~other~ than straight profile from now on. Now if only they made those little poseable wooden stick dudes, but shaped like a pony...
178 here. It seems like the art and humor keeps getting better as time goes on.
VastaKustutaBed mane is hard to draw! Favorite hairstyles in this one were 15 (poofy!), 26 (fits the cartoon style), 48 (flattened and lopsided), 67 (physics-defying), 85 (matte and disheveled), 93 (cartoony again), and 109 (puffy).
12 - The horror!
43 - lol @ old grey Celestia
78 needs to be an episode
92 - d'aww
95 - is too pretty to be bedmane
111 - Rainbow Dash hates G3.5 with a passion.
114 - I like how the hair is wrapped around Spike
189 - nice transition
Oh, and yes, but it's open to alternative interpretations.
Anypony else having trouble using the submit form? I keep getting told that an error occurred making the thumbnail? Should I just email Phoe directly?
VastaKustutaThe line is the same as it's always been on this site - nothing explicitly and graphically pornographic. Mostly this means depictions of sex; things that might otherwise lead to sex tend to be accepted, and (not so) secretly quite a hit.
Of course, the saucier it gets the more likely there are to be ponies who don't appreciate it, and to that end I'll be switching anything that marches up to "the line" and gives it a little poke will get linked instead of thumb nail'd. And that's the long and short of it I guess.
I'd never make a topic that requires potentially objectionable material as a necessity, but I do enjoy me some cuddling ponies.
By the way guys, there's a hidden third interpretation to today's topic. Try and find it, I dare you! =D
VastaKustutaSometimes it happens with the site that makes the thumb nails. Just keep trying, or if you get too annoyed, send it to me.
@Kits That happened twice for me this time. I used a different image host and the problem went away.
VastaKustutaomg, 146 had me laughing so hard... >_>
VastaKustuta38. Lyra does actually look really cute with bedmane lol.
48. This makes her super cute :3. Lyra woo
55. I swear, this makes me want to see a Pony with an Afro styled mane. I also want a pony based off of Snoozer from Hamtaro >_>. The Pony that's never awake lol.
65. This got me laughing too, mini pinkie is cute pinkie XD
79. I like this, I won't be surprised if it had much effect on her in a negative manor anyway lol
92. Cute!
114. Hahaha, Spike what you be doing to Twilight in her sleep!
140. Yes! Afro dash!
163. :D!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaCrap. That's what that button does.
VastaKustuta189 is ad'awwwwable
Thank you Emerald Dust, your entry (#10) gave me a nice laugh :)
VastaKustutaOh brother. Couldn't draw two ponies today, though I guess it's the fact that it's saturday n' I have friends over(not ashamed of drawing ponies, just a lot of other things to do, heh)...
VastaKustutaI had the idea of Lyra and Octavia singing *majorly* off-note to the song "Sun Goes Down" by David Jordan. Feel free to "borrow" it if you want ;)
all these are so incredible =D
VastaKustuta#40 checking in! :)
VastaKustutaI think I'll pass this one. Too exited trying to make a pony plushie. :D
Time to start on today's entry. I know EXACTLY what I'm drawing, and i don't care if anyone else has the same idea because it's AWESOME.
VastaKustuta29 - Sherlok Hooves, are you a dane? "To not be completely orangefree" means to be drunk in danish xD
VastaKustutaYEah im not going to get to it . . . i got a Rarity idea floating in my head . . . . a major thanks to The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle . . . . . and as some may have seen with my rbd inspired from party of none . . . . once i get an idea i work with it. unfortunately i havent actually had time to finsh all the pics i have been doodling . . . . i may take some time off of certain topics to do some coloring or get some help with backgrounds and finish what i started ( im a stickler about not finishing something i started ) that and im writing a story too . . . gotta lot on my plate . . . 4 pics to line and color, one to draw right now, an absolutely horrid try at a story . . . that thanks to some insight i THINK i can fix. I already started the second chapter . . . i want to get feed back on that . . . anywho sorry for not partaking in this excersise of two ponies and music ( cant wait to see them tomorrow ) but i have a RARITY to draw ( even if i dont draw soo well. If i get it done ill submit a link in cmment tomorrow for anyone who is intereested in looksee'n
VastaKustutaG'night and G'day yall
#11 fukken saved. Awesome job on the wings, there.
VastaKustuta#109 is way too good for this event
VastaKustuta...ugh... daily deadline is loosing me a lot of sleep... ...losing sleep is lowering quality of work... ...I can see why over 100 people have already dropped out...
VastaKustuta#60 checking in.
VastaKustutaI'm not too suprised that I got into the single digits since submitted my pic around 6. I wish I had more time to add stuff to the picture but sabbath was coming up.
@OmegaRKB You and me both, so tired that my eyes aren't blinking at the same time anymore, but I'm still not done yet. =X MUST FINISH AAAAAAAA
VastaKustutaGot mine in before 10! woo!
VastaKustutanow let's hope it looks as good in 2 hours as I thought it looked now.
Don't think I'll be able to do one tonight since I arrived at my house near midnight EST.
VastaKustutaI'll probably come up with a colored picture to make up for it.
i liked #44 and #163 their both super cute, and i love 163's dialog, i can actually hear apple jack and big mac having that conversation. in #44 angel was too cute