I kind of cheated today; you'll see this image again in the actual gallery. I don't mean for it to look like I'm playing favorites (I'm not), I just really like the sketchy look for these posts, and I fail hard at image searches. Especially after a week of not sleeping due to this event. I think I might be too heavily invested in it for my own good. Oh well! My body can take the hit in the name of ponies. That pillow pile, though. So tempttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- an hour later - Wha huh? Oh. Right. Where was I? It's been another extremely enthusiastic day for responses. 199 sleepers and dreamers. Remember once again, submission guidelines and... um... stuff. Man those pillows look nice. Don't they? Wow those are nice pillows. Scoot over, Fluttershy.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony with bedmane. All those sleepy ponies just woke up. Were they tossing and turning? Fighting off a bad hangover? Just escaped from the Grand Galloping Gala? I bet there's all sorts of interesting stories you could tell with a simple little theme like that...
So as it turns out you guys are like 15 steps ahead of me. I keep trying to be clever with these themes, and you just keep stepping it up and up and up to exceed my expectations. Perhaps befitting of a day so chock full of Inception references, my mind is nothing but powder. Also, as I've now gotten like... 7 or 8 requests for references on how to draw me as a pony (I've been asked this so many times in so many different contexts, is that weird?), just draw a nice plain white pegasus. The lead-in image from yesterday's gallery works as a reference. Go nuts. Or don't. Something. I don't make sense anymore. Enter Sandman below...
-edit- Don't let all the "I'm tired" comments fool you, I'm still having so much fun working with this event. You're all the bestest students a Blogprincess could ask for. Celestia made me amend my title before she would let me come down from the moon. Meanie.
1) By Ethrx (Much better. Learn to flatter the right overlord for the right situation.)
2) By Anakah
3) By Moogie
4) By DJ Rainbow Dash (When I call you Derpy, I mean it with all the love in my heart. You know that... right?)
5) By eariesmile
6) By Milk (HAHAHA, X-Ponies! Welcome to derp!)
7) By ChaosDrop
8) By Zu Kraze
9) By Tanman (Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker references. Why not?)
10) By PandaRoux
11) By Thanqol
12) By Mellowbloom (This is the best origin story for Vinyl Scratch ever.)
13) By Infinity Dash
14) By Fish0and0chips
15) By blindferret (You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling)
16) By Smock
17) By ParallaxMLP (This has all sorts of interesting implications.)
18) By Stabbercube
19) By FrostV952
20) By Emerald Dust
21) By Tarynsgate
22) By Damian Foxx
23) By Inspiration
24) By Twilight360
25) By Francis lead_hooves Romero
26) By Konig (They fly so high, nearly reach the sky, then like my dreams they...)
27) By Alleen
28) By c0sm0
29) By A. Bernard
30) By Nido Media (Madmax reference at 9 o'clock!)
31) By Partition
32) By midnightshadow
33) By Oghma
34) By Knightly (D'aww, the little queen of evil is sleeping.)
35) By Squidbombed
36) By Eliwood10
37) By Sherlock Hooves (Remember, kids! Good hygiene starts with a positive mindset!)
38) By FoxOfWar
39) By Natry
40) By Pony Stark (I was having the strangest dream...)
41) By Dragon Rage
42) By Shinmera (Dreaming of muffins.)
43) By Don_ko (This is absurdly adorable.)
44) By Mister Bristle
45) By Mr. Wonko
46) By Lorina
47) By Gadget
48) By Goldfish (Dreams feel real when we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange)
49) By niki
50) By PenguinPlayer
51) By Doc Steedly
52) By Supersheep64
53) By rich-tea (If we are gonna perform inception then we need imagination.)
54) By MSLynk
55) By Circuit Mane (This pony is having confusing dreams.)
56) By loveapplemint
57) By Pineapple Skitter
58) By Quantum
59) By PonyLover (I don't remember any more Inception quotes.)
60) By Brongaar
61) By Bravura (<3)
62) By Chromadancer
63) By Doctor Whoof Fanatic
64) By EpsillonXD
65) By Erthilo
66) By Lancer5317
67) By Shiko
68) By Evisk (Damn it, Cobb.)
69) By Amehdaus (Warning. High levels of sauce detected. Also Blueblood.)
Linked for potential objectionability.
70) By Shockwave
71) By EssAeEm
72) By Ori
73) By Chris
74) By Dangereaux (Apparently this is the best dream ever.)
75) By Da Chi (*applause*)
76) By Mere Jump
77) By Easteu
78) By Blueberry Muffin
79) By unholyhen
80) By Moongaze (H-how did)
81) By Spark (you guys)
82) By Kitty Tail (do this? o.o)
83)By Quill (My mind is blown.)
84) By Invidlord
85) By Nullh
86) By loz
87) By Paintroller and Becky
88) By Kitsune
89) By Jdan-S
90) By Tarragon
91) By Cammy (Somepony's little sister drew this. I'm not crushing her dream by cutting it.)
92) By Roper
93) By Ash (Arg! My brain!)
94) By ecmc1093
95) By Rachel
96) By Spiritofthwwolf
97) By scio
98) By The Obsessor
99) By Buddy Vox
100) By Illumina
101) By Ego (...Never ever stop drawing fillies. You hear me?)
102) By PinkiePied
103) By Andï
104) By Zach (First she has to learn her special talent doesn't involve sewing.)
105) By Rai-dash
106) By Trot Pilgrim
107) By Omega RKB
108) By lolstaz
109) By DCPIP (Am I Derpy dreaming on a cloud? Or am I... Derpy... daydreamig I)
110) By Starlight Bolt
111) By DarkMemories
112) By Condor
113) By Gear X. Machina (...Damn. We should have let her win.)
114) By Tam
115) By DiZaster321
116) By The Flying Tomato
117) By badzerg
118) By Fetchbeer
119) By Pegasus Leo
120) By Latverian_Ponyfan_2993
121) By Djrk16 (Well duh, Twilight. She wanted her little sister back.)
122) By Alipes
123) By Prismatic Pretzel
124) By Infinity
125) By kits (The idea of shared dreams is so romantic. *sigh*)
126) By Relias
127) By Ricky
128) By Sapphire
129) By BronyQuest (Twilight, you so adorkable.)
130) By Atlur
131) By rkr7
132) By Riokenn
133) By Professor Basil (Title: The Persistence of Muffins)
134) By Goggle Sparks
135) By MasterofRoku
136) By Mournblade (...Arg!)
137) By Lucky
138) By Shake
139) By Kelz
140) By Kt Kat (I can't decide if the dream or the dreamer is cuter.)
141) By Uncle Leo
142) By Issy
143) By Fox E: (Yup. Still terrifying. And I'm not even a unicorn.)
144) By Destroyerbaby
145) By Coquette
146) By Canadian Bacon
147) By Panda_Instinct
148) By AlterForm (You can find a version of this with creator commentary on the artist's DA page. User name AltrForm.)
149) By Silver Shine (I like this one. I like this one a lot.)
150) By Rydel
151) By ProjectFreeism
152) By usernr333
153) By Drilltooth
154) By Aeiou (Oh, Applejack. You really need a therapist.)
155) By Syggie
156) By Immersa
157) By Tenchi Outsuno (Calling it now, this is Seth's favorite.)
158) By toonboy92484
159) By Macon Mixx
160) By James Lyons
161) By Filiecs
162) By redcladhero (...Oh dear. Lyra, what have you been up to?)
163) By Frith
164) By Muffinsforever (No, Pinkie Cobb. We've gone deep enough. Where am I? Where's my totem?)
165) By CreatorOfPony
166) By 4Tens
167) By Arion
168) By Virga Rainboom (Well... that was unexpected.)
169) By A Terrible Person
170) By Periphery (GASP!)
171) By DessertFox
172) By SiuiS
173) By Alleydodger
174) By Rraden
175) By TopoCruz
176) By TapeDiggity (Why do all these ponies dream about work? That's not healthy, Rarity.)
177) By Lunawings
178) By Liska (This? This is beautiful.)
179) By Phantom G
180) By Saphin
181) By StarStep
182) By Starlite
183) By Kooldude
184) By zorg
185) By The Recliner (Gilda as the Tin Man? Fantastic.)
186) By Neoridgeback
187) By 8ftmetalhead
188) By k9saurus (Nyan nyan nyan derp hao nyan)
189) By K9saurus
190) By djTeka
191) By Entropy (Repeating this thought. Shared dreams. So romantic. <3)
192) By nuclearsuplexattack
193) By Spurs
194) By Leaf Growth
195) By DJ RBDash

196) By Eeful
197) By Thattagen
198) By Avohkah Tamer
199) By Lunchmonkey
200) By Luna

201) By Strawberry Spice

Molto Bene
ReplyDelete192 here. One of these days I will submit before the 11th hour.
ReplyDelete198. BARELY made it in. Thank you so much, Phoe, for putting it up!
ReplyDelete#175 here.
ReplyDeleteI like it but I don't. =/
One day, I will submit during DAYLIGHT.
193 Here. I feel pretty good about how this one turned out. I'm getting faster it looks like.
ReplyDelete187 - Did it in the past hour, after writing up my network and system admin log book due at 12 am (in 5 hours) tonight.
ReplyDeleteI am LOVING this event. Seriously awesome, I FINALLY have the motivation (and damnit, I WANT to keep drawing now. Love you phoe and seth, the pair of you :)
WTF #9?!
ReplyDelete36 here. I see I'm not the only one to think of doing Derpy dreaming of muffins :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome. #98. woot! I think i'll do... Rarity and twilight next. :D
ReplyDeleteThe obsessor
Brilliant collection again (I need to find new superlatives!) Many a lol was had at these. I think 140 is my favourite.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, what is a bedmane?
ReplyDeleteCan someone translate this to german or describe it?
By dream bigger, I could not. I was out of paper and imagination.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous above me
ReplyDeleteBedmane (or bedhead, in our speak) is what our hair (mane in this case) looks like after waking up. It's usually messy and out of place.
164 Lol Phoe, you so crazy.
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome =P, it makes me sad that I probably can't turn something in for the next part, cuz I'll be in a car for 5 hours during my drawing time; and I had a good idea to D:
91's amazing for a little girl...
ReplyDelete#4! and a Phoe comment! wooo!
ReplyDeletealso 195, we need to talk...
31 today, I desperately hoped someone would have the idea to use their submission to link to another, but #s 80 - 83 were a real treat!
ReplyDeleteUpdated mine (#198) a tiny bit: I fixed the background to how I had planned it beforehand (but didn't have time to implement before uploading). Thumbnail won't update, so if anypony wants to see the slightly updated version with the awesome background, click it!
ReplyDelete#20 here. This is pretty much the greatest event ever; I'll be sure to keep participating. Thank you so much for giving us all the chance to improve our drawing skills.
ReplyDeleteDarn finals, made me forget to send my enterie. It had Ponies and the dark lord Cthulth.
ReplyDelete104, 124, and 178 are my favorites this round!
ReplyDeleteWell done everypony! keep drawing!
And Applejack doesn't need a therapist Phoe!
I feel like an idiot. I asked in the comment for the submission if digital and color were legal. Obviously they are. :P
ReplyDelete#6 Reporting in!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you got the joke, Phoe!
Oh-so many of these are amazing!
I have a slight idea for this theme.
Let's see how many attempts it takes me to actually pull it off.
These are so nice, I feel bad that I didn't get one done today >.<
ReplyDelete#134 reporting in.
ReplyDeleteUsing SAI for lining color for the first time and it turns out better than I expected.
I will submit my next drawing soon, but the day after tomorrow I might not be able to. I will be away from Bangkok for 2 days and a night though I hope for a miracle on day 9 myself. let see how it turn out, i suppose :3
Funny, 109 is just like the other idea I had in mind. Except I was going to cheat and rotate the original image around to make both sides of the dream loop identical.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! 75? How the heck did I end up submitting in the first hundred?
ReplyDeleteI like all the creative dreamers here! You really did awesome.
Some I gotta point out though, 122 (Best dream ever) has Big Mac in a dress. Nuff said
54 has the best looking sleeping pony of the whole bunch
and yeah, Seth is gonna be all over 157
#195 here!
ReplyDeleteI ran out of time, so I couldn't color it like my other ones. I really need to stop passing out when I need to do stuff!
Nanashi is actually a character originating from a dream (the non-pony version). I dreamed of her, then drew her, then eventually added her to my story. Also, the included passage is an excerpt from the story itself. So here we have a dream dreaming of a dream, and fiction dreaming of fiction. I don't expect anyone to get it, but at least no one else had the same idea!
Also, there are some amazing entries tonight. You guys are so awesome.
I'm 141, I'm just happy to be included.
ReplyDeletestill colouring mine!
Rarity and Blueblood! each time the pictures are getting saucier... D:
ReplyDeleteI got #1, i stay up way to late
ReplyDelete#130 and #138 are so priceless for Me! <3
ReplyDelete12 here :3 Can't believe I got a little note :D
ReplyDeleteLOL @ #69 [get it, 69? -nudge-]
ReplyDeleteand woah, #80-83 must have been planned.
So after a bad evening, the combination of getting a 'saucy' tag and being number 69 just made my anger at a frustrating night melt. I am left with the biggest smile on my face and the whole day is worthwhile.
ReplyDelete52 here (Seriously? How did I get 52?). This was fun, might end up doing it again. Nice quick pony sketch.
ReplyDeleteLast time I was 39, now I'm 49 xD Must be getting slower
ReplyDelete#21 here! Wow, pillowmountain Fluttershy :DDDDDD *incredibly happy*
ReplyDeleteMy fave this time around is no. #89 and #133..UBOOAAAAAAA
#191 here (Got and comment, yay!)
ReplyDeleteI totally overestimated my abilities on this one. I wasn't able to work fast enough to tidy the line art, scan the lineart, tidy the beizers or colour the drawing. I plan to fix and finish it though, but I wanted to get SOMETHING submitted here in time.
I absolutely adore 52 and 104. they are definitely being kept tabbed for a good while.
"oh hello, this is the part where I lecture you."
"I'm willing to forgive your inadequacies for friendship, you monster."
#38 here - I admit, I had way too much fun with this. Just a FYI, the image was heavily inspired by David Jordan's "Sun Goes Down", which is a catchy song and it hits Luna pretty well <3
ReplyDeleteAnd yea, I couldn't resist drawing more of the cutesy Moon Princess.
Great haul this time, people! Some very creative ideas, and just beautiful pictures alltogether. Big props to #80-83 for the idea ;)
Keep it coming people, checking these out has become my favourite thing to do on daily basis! (Well, aside from drawing next day's theme, anyway *sheepish grin*)
at first I cried (4), and then I laughed (60, and a ton of others), and then I wanted a moon pie (113).
ReplyDeleteHey I was #52.
#179 here. I'm glad I made it on time. Had to rush it near the end where I wish I could of tweaked mine a bit.
ReplyDeleteGranted was a bit restricted since I wanted to draw something based on today and the last 2 days. XD
ReplyDeleteSorry, got the number wrong. 54.
ReplyDeleteThats ok
Dreamtruder Pinkie everywhere.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm definitely joining in on this now. I have no excuse to not have a drawing submitted after today.
ReplyDelete#63 here! Considering I did it in about an hour,I'm proud of my entry. All the others are great and original too!
ReplyDeleteHaha, 42. Looks like I got the best number!
ReplyDelete#94 here.
ReplyDeleteThis one was a bit tough for me if I'm honest.
only 4 inception jokes? i am dissapoint
ReplyDelete#125 here. I love the Pinkie breaks into dreams idea soo much I don't even mind that #43 is way nicer than anything I'll ever draw!
ReplyDeleteThis new one will be hard. I hope my ide pays oof!
#102 reporting in
ReplyDeleteits not finished but little by little im getting it done
#71 checking in (weird, that's the second time I've gotten that number)
ReplyDeleteI didn't have as much time as I would have liked to work on my drawing today, but I still think it came out alright, especially considering it was my first time drawing Apple Bloom as well as my first time drawing any pony lying down. I love that this event keeps finding new ways to stretch me as an artist. Thanks for all your hard work, Phoe, and I hope you get some rest soon. Keep up the great art, everpony!
#73, My first time drawing Ponies and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Thank you Phoe for giving me some motivation (its been a while since I’ve actually drawn anything).
ReplyDeleteSome great entries, 36, 61, 63, 92, 157 + 178, are my personal favourites.
#27 today.
ReplyDeleteLooks like #130 had the same idea that I did, except they did it better. >.<
Couldn't figure out how to do a tentacle-mane any justice...
Whooo! I got a Phoe comment. <3 (#40)
ReplyDeleteSo today I have to draw Rarity with Bed-Head? Uugghh...like her hair wasn't hard enough... ¬_¬
I think my over-all favs in this batch are 33, 34 and 43. Nightmare Derpy, the muffins must FLOW!
Can't wait to see all the Bed-Mane pics tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSuccess ^^
Alipes/#122 reporting in! Today's picture was a lot of fun, just because that's the sort of crazy dream I would have, including giant Trixie Dragon and Princess Big Mac.
ReplyDeleteThe quality of all these entrees keeps getting better, good job everyone!
#51 popping in before i have to go to work *sigh*
ReplyDeleteTHere we alot more of Twilight posted than i thought would be. ahahaha I happy with how her body turned out on my pic but . . . . but i cannot pinpoint whats off about her head >.< any insight ponies? anywho i was a bit surprised how close in pose mine and #13 were LOL Im going to be at work today . . . ill try to think of something i can try to sketch down for bedmane . . . .
This was a fun one. i enjoyed ALOT of the pics posted . . . these are a great way to wake up with a smile to start the day. Hmm nice bowel of cereal, happy pony pics, sure makes this disgruntled pony happy and giddy for a rough day. BUT then agaaaaiin, ponies make me happy all the time anyway . . . . .
80 - 83, I say CONSPIRACY!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I drew 104. I hope her cutie mark is somewhat similar to that when she finally gets it.
105 reporting in. Tiredness affects my drawing skills :/
ReplyDelete99 today.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit surprised there weren't a few more scary ones. Guess I'm just a sucker for the PSYCHOlogical.
Herp derp.
~Buddy Vox
#151 here.
ReplyDeleteVery happy with the way this turned out; It was my first time using SAI and my new tablet.
107 here! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteI need to get faster at making these, it's taking me until around 2 am in the morning my time to finish them...
#89 and #29
I didn't actually watch Inception fully so I couldn't guess if there were any references
but most of the drawings are adorable X3
Ah well, too late on this one.
ReplyDeleteSo much for "Dancing With Myself" Blueblood.
41 here. Completely forgot to draw Lyra's cutie mark. Ah well...
ReplyDeleteTwo Homestuck references? In my ponies?
ReplyDelete#118 You made my day.
ReplyDeleteRoseluck needs more love.
D: mine didn't get posted today. not mad just like to know why...
ReplyDelete-140 here-
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I submitted something yesterday, took me forever to uh, dream something up and thought I wouldn't make it! Who -wouldn't- wanna protect Fluttershy? XD
Already got my sketch going for tonight though :D
Wow, my mind blew so often this morning. Everyone did a great job by splattering my walls with my brain. I thought it was the end of me when I saw number 80-81-82-83.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm a big fan of Yume Nikke. Why didn't I think of that earlier! Bravo to #89 and #29.
On of my submissions finally got a little comment from Phoe: I succeeded at winning the mission! Though, I forgot Twilight's cutie marks... I always forget SOMETHING!
ReplyDeleteAt least I already have an idea in mind for today's.
Phoe is right, hygiene is key!
ReplyDelete#143, inspired by Prismatic Pretzel's post from yesterday. I'm pretty sure drawing this makes me a terrible pony, but I couldn't help myself. At least we have Sherlock Hooves to lighten up Colgate's dreams. =D
Though I'm not sure which is scarier, horn rot or my marker coloring.
ps. moar moonpies
Wait, "enter sandman"?
ReplyDeleteEXIT LIGHT!
I'm #178. :) Put up a higher res version on my DA: http://fav.me/d3hxnw8
ReplyDeleteI got a comment? Neat.
ReplyDelete#149 here~ I seem to be getting my submissions in earlier and earlier. I'm a little saddened at the lack of Caramel going around. Though, with all the other great backgrounders, I can't say i'm surprised. I'm loving this event, and look forward to tomorrow. Keep up the good work everypony :D
@BronyQuestI know how you feel, same goes for me. I forgot to tuck Angel Bunny under the wing.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I don't think I ever got yours. Maybe the submission thingy errored, or I might have accidentally deleted it when clearing a duplicate entry or something. I'm looking but I can't seem to find any trace of it from my end. Sorry you got skipped. I hate missing entries and I really work my tail off trying to make sure it doesn't happen. Unfortunately I'm only one pony.
DAT #16
ReplyDeleteILY, SMOCK <3
36 - neat perspective
ReplyDelete43 - awesome lines, and adorable, and pinkie pie breaking yet another reality barrier, ftw
80 - Adorable in the way a pile of sleeping puppies or kittens is adorable. My one request: that we get another of these where it's all pegasus ponies!
99 - An excellent expression, and an interesting idea in terms of character. Poor Pinkie...
178 - Creative way of demonstrating the theme, and yes, beautiful
#125 again.
ReplyDeleteThanks Phoe! I agree, shared dreams are adorable.
So if dream Pinkie Pie were to look at the reader, would that be breaking the 4th wall? The 5th wall? The 8th wall? Pinkie, please stop trying to shatter my mind...
43: Hehehe. Wingboner.
ReplyDelete75: *Slowclap*
88: Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical astronomic ceremony!
149: Go for it, Caramel. Chase your dreams!
185: "Oh, uh, um...~roar. I-if, that's okay, I mean...eep."
ReplyDeleteCan Luna see our dreams?!
I gotta be more careful...
#121 is starting to grow on me, the more I think about it, the more the show's canon looks like a Dr. Whoof + Celestia [trollestia?] behind-the-scenes thing.
ReplyDeleteBroke here, posting on behave of the artist of 91. If you don't mind, go ahead and change the name to Cammy, as all her future submissions will be under that name.
ReplyDeletethanks for looking at least :D
any one of a million things could have gone wrong there... oh well theres always todays thingy
Oh, boo. It doesn't link to the full image.
ReplyDeleteThe deed is done, sir. Looking forward to seeing more work from her!
I apologize, your highness. Something about Blogger seems to hate animations. I laughed, if it's any consolation.
@Doc Steedly
ReplyDeleteThe lower jaw is too blocky, the bridge from the nose should only be one line, and her horn is rather pointy, but you might have wanted that.
Those are what I thought was "off" about her head.
#186 here
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say I was rushed last night as my laptop decide to down load that infamous window update that has caused alot of computers to go into the repetitive boot try to configure update, fail and revert to boot down, and repeat the process until I got it to boot in safe mode at around 2:30 am est just giving me barely enough time to draw and submit. LET THE SPIKE DREAM I SAY!
Well, #149 stole my heart. Brilliant idea.
ReplyDeleteRequesting fic.
111 here. What an awesome number. xD
ReplyDeleteAnyways, glad to see that first, I actually got it done today, and second that no one else had my exact idea (and pun!). I am blown away by the other artists though; mine looks crappy in comparison to some of these.
I really wish I had a good photo-editing program and/or a tablet now...
Does nopony understand that horses stand while sleeping??
ReplyDeletexD Great job, all of you!
My favorites were 40 and 196
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily. I live next to an equestrian center and I frequently see the horses napping on their stomachs, or even laying on their sides. Sometimes they look dead when they do this :o
#135 here.
ReplyDeleteOriginally I was going to draw Twilight or Fluttershy dreaming. But I decided to use Derpy for this one. Today's challenge should be easy since all I got to do is draw her mane messed up.
Consider me impressed at #80-83.
Oh and #34 is pretty cute too.
@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteI would hope you are not a terrible pony or I would probably terrible and I really don't want to have to eat 40 cakes.
Anyway I am glad that there were people that liked my drawing or that the horror of the concept burned itself into the mind tormenting with visions of pain and bad hygiene. Either one is fine.
Also that bit from 80 to 83 was rather a neat idea.
@Avohkah Tamer
ReplyDeleteYou're a member of BZP right?
Maybe I soon try to draw ponies and upload here.
ReplyDelete#112 here.
ReplyDeleteAhh, good, if there weren't at least three Inception references I would have been disappointed in you all.
And that 80-83 series was epic :D
ReplyDeleteDie Sorte Haar die man direkt nach dem Aufwachen hat.
167 here, everypony's look great!!!
ReplyDeletei love 178 so much but what happened to derpy's regular wings?