I have awesome friends edition. Just when I thought I would never find a good sketch-style filly, here somepony swoops in and hands me this... made just for me! Yay! I hope everypony's taken their insulin, because there is some high level diabetes coming your way tonight. It's a colt-crazy, filly fantastic submission night. I am so amazingly impressed by the quality of your ideas and the productivity you guys are showing. We're six themes in and you're still going strong. 223 itty bitty ponies so far!
Here's your nightly reminder of the submission guidelines, the end results of which have been refined to a satiny smooth level. So good. As an extra special bonus for all of you guys interested in doing digital art, AlterForm has produced an Inkscape guide for drawing pony eyes, which I'm going to leave here for you to reference as you please. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony dreaming. What do I mean by that? Well hm, I wonder. On the one hoof, a pony in the act of dreaming would provide great practice for more position training and consideration of the effects of objects on anatomy. On the other hoof, I bet there are some fascinating things these ponies are actually dreaming of. Hm, hm, hm...
A quick round of applause to everypony for your very creative ideas. You managed to hit on just about every interpretation of the prompt I could think of, and then a few more that I hadn't even considered. Like gender bending. I giggled, I d'awwed, and I generally just loved the hell out of tonight's entries. I think you will, too. Step quietly now, and let's enter the nursery...
1) By Anakah
2) By Fickle (...Well. That happened fast.)
3) By Inkwell-Pony
4) By Luke Goldfain
5) By Lulubell
6) By ChaosDrop
7) By Inspiration
8) By Mellowbloom
9) By Trunksi (This is a pretty neat visual effect.)
10) By blindferret
11) By Damian Foxx (Mother, tell your fillies not to walk my way...)
12) By Fish0and0chips (I'm surprised nopony has written this story yet.)
13) By A. Bernard
14) By Saphin
15) By FrostV952
16) By Strawberry Spice
17) By Thanqol
18) By zomgitsalaura
19) By Stabbercube
20) By Partition
21) By Taco Bandit
22) By Lancer5317 (I think that's closer to 100%)
23) By Milk
24) By Tarynsgate
25) By Twilight360
26) By ClearSkies
27) By FoxOfWar (Luna wuvs her abacus)
28) By Lorina
29) By Hamcha
30) By Kitty Tail (That's right, Lyra. A whole banana!)
31) By Squidbombed (Poor little Celly needs a hug.)
32) By Sherbert Quillfeather
33) By RDash
34) By Alleen
35) By Gig
36) By Miyajima
37) By Auburn Pixel (But one pun, get another half off.)
38) By MHPayne
39) By PandaRoux
40) By Spark (Phoe/Lyra is the new Seth/Trixie)
41) By Smock (Don't worry, it's playing in my head too.)
42) By zorg
43) By Bravura (Can't you see I'm trying to express myself? Gawd!)

44) By Kyouhen
45) By rich-tea
46) By Swordplayer
47) By Syggie
48) By EssAeEm
49) By Shiko (It's sooooo truuuue!)
50) By Family Man
51) By Jimbo1023
52) By Nido Media
53) By Kitsune (Even from a young age, Hoity Toity knew exactly where his place in life was: at the top.)
54) By Mere Jump
55) By Eliwood10
56) By loz
57) By Kjh242
58) By Coquette
59) By Mister Bristle
60) By Mihaaaa (Filly Celestia is just so gosh darn huggable.)
61) By Goggle Sparks
62) By DB (In her memoirs, Trixie would note this as the moment that eventually spurred her on to true greatness.)
63) By Circuit Mane
64) By PenguinPlayer
65) By Noneko
66) By Knightly (Is that a filly Big Mac? Very interesting twist! =D)
67) By Frith
68) By Invidlord (Don't tell me ah cain't! Ah grew this moustache from sheer force of will!)
69) By Mockingbird
70) By Quill
71) By Twist
72) By Easteu (That's too damn bad, Blueblood.)
73) By Ori
74) By Moabite
75) By PinkamenaPie (I do believe that's all six themes so far in one image. Impressive!)
76) By Dragon Rage
77) By DJ Rainbow Dash
78) By Mr. Wonko (*slow clap*)
79) By Game Broth
80) By Amehdaus
81) By Chromadancer
82) By Lunar Apologist (Someday...)
83) By The Obsessor
84) By Poker Face
85) By Nullh (*ahem* eeeeeeeeeeeeee~)
86) By Shockwave
87) By Cybie
88) By Dangereaux (Sir, that is a pony as a Flyer. Do you think I don't know baseball from hockey?)
89) By Captain British
90) By Ricky (Why is her fabric on fire?)
91) By dhas
92) By Relias
93) By Erthilo
94) By Roper (I can't stay mad at that face.)
95) By Kits
96) By Bananizen
97) By Zork787
98) By Lunawings
99) By DDDchu
100) By Lyus
101) By Zach (Uh... guys?)
102) By Shiver
103) By redcladhero
104) By Andï (I really love the makeup/combo submissions. It's like getting an extra scoop of icecream on your waffle cone for free!)
105) By ecmc1093
106) By Infinity
107) By Farvei
108) By Immersa
109) By Sapphire
110) By Wisdom Thumbs
111) By VeoBandit
112) By UnintentionalRyhme
113) By Lolstaz
114) By unholyhen (Inside that box is the stuffed animal Luna would continue to treasure for more than a thousand years)
115) By kmmgreen5
116) By Tenchi Outsuno
117) By Muffinsforever (Brushie brushie brushie)
118) By Luna (Everypony love ma-- yeah, you're right. Too obvious. Neat picture though, huh?)
119) By Tanman
120) By badzerg
121) By Sherlock Hooves (The artist dedicates this picture to Cereal, because he loves OCs so much.)
122) By Fetchbeer
123) By toonboy92484
124) By Issy
125) By Windfall (Evidently they've been testing for Pinkie Sense for years.)
126) By PonyLover
127) By Omega RKB
128) By Konig
129) By Ego (All of my usual hyperbole and joking aside, this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.)
130) By Pegasus Leo
131) By Alipes
132) By 041744
133) By Latverian_Ponyfan_2993
134) By panda_instinct
135) By Leaf Growth
136) By The Flying Tomato
137) By Riokenn (If you spend your life afraid of the ground, you'll never see all the things it has to show you. And there are So Many Wonders...)
138) By Liska
139) By Paintroller
140) By Doc Steedly ( Doculean )
141) By DarthVader
142) By Afentis (I am reminded of my youth. Those things are heavy!)
143) By Gear X. Machina
144) By Mistal
145) By Moogie
146) By Drilltooth
147) By Sali
148) By Atlur (Wow, look at all that win.)
149) By T-Brony
150) By Fox E:
151) By Spiritofthwwolf (Prince Caelestis is badass.)
152) By Doombah
153) By PinkiePied (Octavia, west side ponies represent. What?)
154) By Spiritofthwwolf
155) By scio
156) By Lucky
157) By Rydel (Well, see, Equestria is like this horsey worsey... ball.)
158) By Haafiz
159) By DiZaster321
160) By Prismatic Pretzel (If I were a young unicorn, the idea of horn rot would terrify me.)
161) By ajremix
162) By Condor
163) By Zephire
164) By Canadian Bacon
165) By al03480049
166) By Buddy Vox
167) By rkr7
168) By Natry (That about covers the puns I initially had in mind, I guess.)
169) By Kt Kat
170) By Kelz
171) By Starlite (If I ever meet the author of that story, I'm going to hit him with a brick.)
172) By Da Chi (This, on the other hand, seems cute and should be encouraged.)
173) By ninjawarior
174) By BenaSPACE
175) By AlterForm (What does it say about me that I'm hungry now?)
176) By Portalsoup
177) By Facelessguru
178) By James Lyons
179) By MasterofRoku
180) By Arion
181) By Passer Palmatum
182) By The Recliner (A note to future newcomers: don't feel like you have to include all previous themes. That could get really hard!)
183) By Uncle Leo
184) By A Terrible Person (And this long line of puns... is all because of you,)
185) By Neoridgeback
186) By PonyDrawer
187) By Kooldude (And then little Scratch realized her life would be one of Scary Monsters and Nice Ponies.)
188) By Ethrx (Seth!? What did he ever do? ...Oh, right. Started this blog. Ehehe...)
189) By Taffy
190) By Starlight Bolt
191) By Silver Shine
192) By Pony Stark
193) By SiuiS
194) By Aeiou
195) By Avohkah Tamer (This artist and several others today admitted to breaking away from referencing templates and tutorials for the first time. I'm so proud of you!)
196) By Why485
197) By CreatorOfPony
198) By K9saurus
199) By fugue
200) By MetalPandora
201) By Rayn Shyu
202) By TopoCruz
203) By Professor Basil
204) By ThunderThorn (She's Celestia's faithful student for a reason.)
205) By 8ftmetalhead
206) By Alleydodger
207) By djTeka
208) By RaspleZS
209) By TapeDiggity
210) By nuclearsuplexattack
211) By Thattagen
212) By Xiagu (Passing along a fun fact: Granny Smith apples were named for Maria Ann Smith. Granny once was Annie!)
213) By Tarragon
214) By StarStep
215) By Ergnon
216) By m00finsan

217) By Pineapple Skitter

218) By StarSongPony

219) By Eeful
220) By Filiecs
221) By Spurs
222) By Lunchmonkey
223) By Periphery
ReplyDeleteI really need to give myself more time to work on these.
The next theme sounds interesting. I'm expecting to see some Inception there.
Oh my sweet Celestia #129 IS THE MOST BEST THING
ReplyDeleteI think i still need to make it more filly ish, this was a tough one.
Also @ 200 I <3 your derpy
Amazing entries
ReplyDeletesoo much daw
What, no good filly sketches?
I Dwaaed so hard
ReplyDelete#111 today, My OCD is pleased!
163 is adorable. dwaa little mac
I love how there is more then one gun themed pony!
#117 Brushie Brushie
ReplyDeleteLove it Phoe.
These are all so awesome, a few I had to stop on and contemplate the utter cuteness level. I wonder how many drawings of Inception, Cp, or ships I will see in the next one =P (by the way I am avoiding cp in mine)
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ReplyDelete@Doc New!Filly
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% correct.
221 here. I feel pretty good about this one today, despite the fact that I only gave it 3 hours instead of the 4-5 I normally do.
ReplyDelete#153 reporting in first time not using references (except for the colt shits hard 2 draw)
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much cuteness this site can take before it implodes from the super huge amount of Dawww.
ReplyDelete55! i got in early today.
ReplyDeleteI thought that no other piece of fanart could by cuter and more daww-worthy than that one of Applebloom sleeping in a basket of apples... but #129 proved me wrong.
First thing tomorrow morning I'm getting some insulin shots.
#209 here. Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that chose Zecora.
ReplyDeleteMy personal favorite has to be #111; I admire that ability to convey so much with so little.
Also, y'know, cuteness might've biased my decision slightly...
#204 here.
ReplyDeleteLooking through the list, once I saw 129, I was beset by HNGGGG.
ReplyDeleteI had about seven heart attacks from all the "D'awwwwww"
#119 is very good, Tan.
ReplyDelete#14 here, no templates! I think I'm drawing too much Applejack.
ReplyDeleteNah, that's crazy talk, you can never have too much Applejack!
#82 reporting in and OMIGOSH, this thread is unbelievably adorable! (129 especially tugged on the ol' heartstrings)
ReplyDeleteGood work, ponies!
#20 reporting in, just have to say that 129 was the most painful thing I've ever seen in ponydom. That one hit close to home and the artist gets a slowclap from me for choosing to share it. These are good tears, Ego. Thank you.
ReplyDelete#212. Not late this time! :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, I got a Phoe-comment! I could just squee!
11 - *audible gasp then squeeee*
28 - xD Dashie is not amused.
41 - *hums along*
47 - oh you. Doing my idea better than I did... QQ
85 - eeeeeeeeeeeee~
90 - dumb fabric.
158 - I can see the vibratey eyes now! :D Filly Twilight is best filly.
210 - Stop reading so much, Twilight! It's not good for your eyes!
i win the 'predict the next days topic with this days topic' award with 120 ~
ReplyDelete129 almost made me tear up. no joke.
ReplyDelete@Lunar Apologist
ReplyDeleteHahaha that one was epic i laughed so hard
#78 here. Yay, got a slow clap acknowledgement!
ReplyDeleteI could think of at least 2 more puns, but I guess two are enough.
28 is funny, I like that RD! :D
80 is one nice gun.
Nice idea, 101.
194 - So cute! :)
#2 here.
ReplyDeleteHee Hee... I feel so crafty... "Filly" cheese sandwich? Brilliant.
Woo! I'm number 172. Complete with a shout-out from Phoe!
ReplyDeleteAnypony who wants to write that story, you have my complete encouragement! That would be stellar!
As well. Number 129 made me smile. If that isn't drawfriend material I don't know what is
49, 60, 65, 66, Are probably my favorite picks from this day!
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad to see so many Apple family fillies and colts in this one!
8 was me :3 Some of these are just ridiculously cute. I'm gonna draw Scratch for todays again I think.
ReplyDeleteomg 223 is awful, lol. The message, not the drawing.
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it! :D
#163 here and hopefully making up for missing the past two days.
ReplyDeleteSo. Much. Cuteness. In. This. Post!
I literally squeed out loud at these. Well, until I hit #129. Then I just needed to suppress a tear at the end of it.
And I love #212. Young Granny Smith is so cute X3
Keep up the great work, everypony!
#147 today! n.n
ReplyDelete#129 is of course, so sweet, but that goes without saying.
I actually like #196 a lot. Very unique.
#68 Is that a Dr. McNinja Reference? :D?
ReplyDelete#129 That was such a sweet pic, I loved it and it tugged at my heart strings, Daaaawwwwww.
Great job everypony!
#211 here! The sketchout phase, which usually takes the longest, sorta just breezed by!
ReplyDeleteI went more for sadness than cuteness this time. This pony, Naire Solael, is an angel with inverted wings, so she's a "flightless abomination." Everything I draw about her is sad, and I plan to write a sad story about her non-pony version.
Unfortunately, she opted for the "short way" down from Heaven. At least she can't die.
Is it just be, or is the average quality of the entries waaay better than two days ago?
So much wonderful pictures, I think I like 9,85,129 the most. Am I wrong or everypony is getting better at this really fast? This whole thing works!
ReplyDeleteMine is #72. Silly me, I thought to be original with the Blueblood... Overall I am pleased with the result (even if it would be better with lace and curly mane, oh well - one step at a time). And comment from Phoe! I'm so happy!
And of course every single one of you is awesome - this probably should be assumed without saying by now.
#7 here :3
ReplyDeleteJust when I had posted mine, I remembered that Fluttershy had a bit different forelock as a filly... Oh well. I will get a fillie properly drawn for todays theme to replace yesterdays failing. :D
129 really is the most amazing thing ever.
@Xiagu: haha! I was actually thinking of writing that on the pic.
ReplyDeleteNice Filly Smith btw. :P
129! Dawwwwww!
ReplyDeleteIn at 85, with extra giant eyes for the kyewt.
Really great stuff, and many thanks to the punners for bringing me down from the cuteness high xD
Yay @ Dr. McNinja reference! :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, I laughed so much at #28. ^.^
Everyone has done a great job!
ReplyDelete18 reporting in :D
ReplyDeleteI have since found out her name is berry punch x3
ReplyDeleteThe D'awwwwwww meter overloaded a while ago and circled back around to minimum D'aw. Quite frankly it's like the rules of insanity, which specifically state you can push your insanity so far that you'll actually become normal in a full circle manner.
Number 175 is my personal favorite and despite being a monster I'm only into eating fish, chicken and specifically cows.
I despise cows with every fiber of my being because they are the ultimate evil in the world.
Nothing can possibly be that docile and not be more supposedly evil than me, NOTHING!
<3 94 I love Carrot ^^
ReplyDelete#65 here.
ReplyDeletethese are all soo cute. And nice, I wasn't he only one who Drew Hoity Toity, Good job #53 :D
We were using references?
ReplyDeleteAnd a pony dreaming? Today? I did that two days ago. Sweetie Belle hates watching reruns.
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ReplyDelete101 here, which was my first time ever drawing Octavia or Scratch.
ReplyDeleteTotally as in love with 129 as everyone else, but 74 was really nice too. I'm also noticing that a lot of these entries are not only getting better in quality, but also, they're getting funnier and more clever. I like this trend.
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ReplyDeleteNot just any Flier. A Philly Flier.
(incoming badum tish)
#129 here. Thank you so, so much everybody for all the appreciation. I was kind of drawing from personal experience there, so it really means a lot to me to hear that people liked it.
ReplyDeleteOverall I'm really impressed with the amount of improvement. Just goes to show that practice and dedication really is the key to success. I already feel like I've gotten a lot better, and we're only six days in. Can't wait to see how much I've (along with everyone else) improved at the end of the month.
I think my favorite is #161. I love how much emotion and expression they have, and it's such a sweet scene.
I saw 129 and thought it was so adorable at first, what with Celly teaching Luna to fly and eat right and what not. Then I read the last part and I nearly shed a tear, and that's saying something, I don't cry at my family's funerals... "Best use of Pathos" award.
ReplyDeleteAll the pun drawings had me smiling. Number 2 surprised me at how soon a "colt" appeared. Nicely done all who drew :D Perhaps I'll download Inkscape and try my hand at this. Wish I had a tablet, though :s
Cool, I made it to #179.
ReplyDelete94 and 129 were pretty adorable and they're two of my favorite drawings. Now I wonder what to draw for today's theme.
What in the world in #67 supposed to be?
ReplyDeleteThis is the first one where I tried to be creative :3
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I try SAI coloring. Got to do more experiment with it, I suppose.
I finished my drawing(#190). A filly version of the OC pony Mischief was what was requested, if anypony is interested. http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee451/StarlightBolt/nvrrmbrSB.png
ReplyDeletenumber 129!!!!'
ReplyDeleteit makes me D'awwwww!!! and HNNNNNNNG!!!!! and
#27 here. As you can probably guess, #129 pulled at my heartstrings as well.
ReplyDeleteI also liked #9(the backdrop/shadow is a nice effect), #43 (laughed pretty bad), #60 (filly Celestia really is so huggable indeed), #62 (this site really has corrupted me to like Trixie), #66 (for the twist I beat myself for not realizing), #82(laughed my sorry rear off) and #101 (*grin*).
On today's topic: dreaming. Hmm. This might need some thought ;P
Day 6 is officially my favorite day at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI have to say thanks for the extra trouble Phoe had to go through with my submission.
I share everyone's opinon about number 129 by Ego, it's amazing. I always thought the whole Celestia/Luna relationship makes good stories and pictures.
Aside from this one, my favorite is numbre 82 by Lunar Apologist. I had a good time reading that comic. At first I wanted to make my own Lyra say "Someday you'll understand, mom" but she ended up making saying "whatever" because it was shorter and her face looked like it was saying this anyway.
Congrats to everyone. This post is awesome thanks to all of you. Keep up the good work.
Mine was 169... :( Not nearly enough time to finish, so tired from work yesterday. I didn't have time to draw the birdy landing on Fluttershy's wing from my sketch >.< Oh well, I'll finish it up and post it up where I can. I can't believe how fast people can ink and color these things!!
ReplyDeletethe comment left on #68 blew my mind O.O
ReplyDeleteGo Gordito! Dr. McNinja need you!
Filly cheesesteak Fluttershy looks adorably delicious.
ReplyDeleteThis thread is BLEEEEH ADORABLE MONSTER
ReplyDelete#150. Echoing others' surprise in the rapid development of artistry skills, never could've imagined I'd go from SBAHJ ponies to a halfway-decent color image in just a few days.
Congratulations to those who're breaking away from refs [not that refs are bad ofc]! I'm still trying to figure out how to draw simple lines without them coming out as sine waves personally, so basically I freehand-copypasted Scootaloo from a ref.
Also she's on a hoverboard if that's difficult to make out. At least she won't have issues going over water.
192. got my sub in SUPER late because I completely forgot to give L. StrongHeart an ear. xD
ReplyDeleteI want so bad to try and work on my tablet instead of the pencil/paper medium, but my skills are average at best. Someday I'll crack this digital barrier.
Also, YAY on more than 1 Zecora / LSH pictures. <3 those gals.
Kudos to #103. Little Strongheart is criminally overlooked if you ask me. She was a very likeable character.
ReplyDelete@Kallik Russel
ReplyDelete67 is Cosgrove's pink dragon Serendipity as a filly, and the lineart was rendered in ZeFrank's Scribbler for shits and giggles.
ReplyDeleteWow, I have got to say, I'm really impressed at how fast everypony is improving! o_o Keep up the awesome work!
#21 here
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite them yet! I love all the daaaawwww moments! So cute. I like them all. Many of them made me chuckle. Great job everypony. Idk if I could get today theme done but I sure will try if not I'll just have to do two theme in one pic 2mmrrow. We'll see. Good luck on today theme Bronies! Stay strong!
Trunksi aka #9 here :D
ReplyDeleteWow it's really fun to see all these submissions to this theme :D
It's really fun to draw to a given theme :)
Hopefully this will be going on some more time~
And well just a short note to my entry:
It's my poniefied OC Namina as a filly wondering HOW she will be able to fly with such a tiny pair of wings~
(The shadow shows her grown up state)
It was my first time drawing a filly pony :D and well I like the outcome :) (I'm not good at drawing chibis/kids/younger persons and also ponies haha)
and well I still have to work on my grown up pony-style so it would look more like the original one :(
#152 here. Originally, I was going to go with a pony in a Colts or Phillies uniform but I figured that's what everyone else was going to do. I should have just gone with my instinct. :p
ReplyDeleteThis was a fun one. I got it done fairly quickly. I only worked for like, 30 minutes or so. I don't know if it's a failing or not, but I can't not color my ponies in. Yesterday I didn't color Fluttershy because I was submitting after midnight, but all of the other days I have.
Also, so join the chorus of D'awwwwwwws out there, I loved #129 and watered up a little bit. :)
Dreaming, eh? I think I can do this. Must. Get. Creative.
#28 here :D Thanks for the comments! I'm really glad it made you laugh :3 (Now I really need to find a way to make the pics resize without looking all bleh.)
ReplyDelete#72 I don't care what Blublood says, he's still adorable.
#129 made me go AWWW. SO MUCH. *sheds a tear*
#140 clopping into the daww party late this morning.
ReplyDelete*breathing hard* Sorry everypony . . . i was up late last night readig *literally*
Wow this made my day, what an awesome thing to wake up to. Im wearing a pinkie pie smile already.
Im enjoying this more than i thought i ever would. Im back drawing, something my hooves have not done for a VERY LONG TIME . . . . im relearning how to do it with different aids ( digital tablets ) Only in a few days im able to push out pics faster now. The first pic i did was a pick of rainbow from the end of party of none ( not done yet ), That took 7+ hours. Then the second one was the wings training day, which only took about 4 hours. Then yesterdays training day pic only took me about 1h45min . . . . but to be fair last nights pic was WAY UNFINISHED.
Greatjob everypony. THESE ARE SO MUCH FUN!
121 I got a comment from Phoe!!!!! I'm kinda excited about that, oh and 129 was AMAZING, it really better end up in the drawfriend or there is no justice.
ReplyDelete129 is cute. |3 And I finally submitted mine for Day 7. :3
ReplyDelete129, Arg, mood whiplash, Cute/sad.
ReplyDelete@161) By ajremix
ReplyDeletedevart watermark is FAIL
#68 reporting in. I can't believe no one else has noticed how similar Sheriff Silver Star was to Gordito from Dr. Mcninja before. Same costume, same amazing mustache.
ReplyDeleteI love looking through these every morning for inspiration for the new topic, this event is so great!
#148 today. I actually had planned on having 7 fillies, but ran out of time before having to go to bed. Strangely, this is the first time I've ever drawn Derpy. Also, it can be tough to draw these ponies and make them look even younger without just making them fat little blobs with huge eyes.
ReplyDeleteSome of my favorites:
48: Poor Twilight, I know how you feel :( Making friends is hard
73: Very cool and cute, grumpy little Dash is amazing
106: She looks so happy! :D
110: I like how it looks like they're observing all of the little filly pictures above them
125: This made me giggle
158: Twilight is adorkable
194: Super cute idea
Hey, question is it possible to submit a certain theme if a day has already past and the submissions have already been posted or would it be too late for that?
ReplyDeleteAbout the artwork, there are tons of really adorable ones, but I don't know what to say about #129 that hasn't been said already. It's adorable, touching, funny, and even something of a tear jerker by the bottom of the image. The image of the two cuddled up together is adorable, though.
#49 today.
ReplyDeleteSo happy Phoe commented it! :D
166 today.
ReplyDeleteI think the colros turned out well, but now that I look back, is his neck a little too skinny? Li'l Mac was gangly though.
Lots of great pics today.
ReplyDeleteGenerally what people have done in this sort of situation is wrapped the older theme around the current one and done a two-fer. In general I accept such tangential connections to the theme that it's not very difficult to combo.
If you're just flat-out inspired by an older theme then I'm happy for that and would encourage you to act on that inspiration, but the ~24 hour window for inclusion into the older galleries has passed.
ReplyDeleteNot as many filly-Lunas as I expected...
Should have entered...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately that's what happens when people steal your art.
28. I can't help but laugh at Rainbow Dash here lol. So funny!
ReplyDelete60. Cute pink haired Celestia :D! I agree, very huggable ~hugs~
62. Don't fret Trixie! In Season 2 Luna might be looking for Young talented Unicorns from what I've heard!
83. ~hugs filly fluttershy~ :3
85. :D!!! ~hugs Filly Celestia again~
129. Dawwwwwwwwwwwww, I love this... I think a comic format would have world well for this. Non the less it came out incredible!
135. Yes, Bill Cosby Pony! lol. Pretty fun and cute idea you got there!
163. Big mac's my favorite male pony in the series by far. I'll eyup to that 10x over.
166. God, Big mac was cute as a filly. He looks so sensitive too.
174. Zacora earns her cuty mark :3
175. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Fluttershy nooooooooooooo!
Over all, incredible pictures non the less.. Keep up the good work everypony!
I'm calling it now, someone is going to draw Derpy in a field of muffins for tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or is inkscape a complete and total POS? I make an ellipse, rotate it and select Path -> Object to Path only to be told that no objects exist within my selection.
ReplyDeleteAnypony want to tell what fundamental thing it is I'm doing wrong?
139: Who did this? and why? T___T
ReplyDeleteso many gun puns!
ReplyDeleteit's ridiculous!
Wooo commented upon.