Ponies Can't Cook Edition. I have to say, at this point it no longer surprises me how good you guys are at finding a kajillion different ways to interpret my themes, but you guys are in for a treat, because tonight's gallery is a real gallery. Hours of slaving away over a hot computer have really paid off. Our menu features 151 different ponies served hot on your plate, garnished with love and also a little bit of parsley for whatever reason. I actually ate that when I was little. Never understood why everypony looked at me weird. Why else would they put it there? Anyway, I'm very excited to announce our grand total has reached 5286 images! You realize you're averaging more than a thousand images a week, right? Apathy can go suck a lemon.
It's time once again for that life saving aqua de vida known also as the submission guidelines! I got a fair number of reports today from ponies telling me it wasn't working for them, but the majority still seem to be having no issue. Still, if it does happen to you, remember that [email protected] is always open as a secondary method of submission. So close to the end, and I've never once copy/pasted this paragraph. Either I'm a trooper, or just really inefficient.
The Theme of the Day
Draw a pony reading. This is something I wanted to do a couple of days ago, but circumstances arose that necessitated it being shuffled around a bit. So here it is now, instead. Although so many of you have sent me reading ponies as part of other themes, so perhaps some of the luster has fallen off of this one? Well then! Bonus theme! And this time when I say bonus theme I mean it, because it doesn't need to be even tangentially related to the regular theme: draw a blogpony. Specifically, I'm trying to honor Seth and Cereal with this one. I wouldn't even be here doing this if Cereal hadn't so enthusiastically vouched for me, and if Seth hadn't offered me the position. So this would be your opportunity to thank them with art. Nopony knows definitively what either looks like, but protips for the interested: Cereal is totally a unicorn, and Seth has told me on more than one occasion he much prefers the way mares are drawn instead of stallions.
So we've reached yet another night where I'm not at all sure what to talk about in this space. I could talk about cooking, I guess, but really I don't know how much I could say that would really be all that insightful or interesting. I'm a pony who can cook as long as she has a recipe to follow, but only by reading it religiously and referring to it every six seconds. Oftentimes I will double back in a panic. "Wait, was that a teaspoon or a tablespoon of vanilla? Oh no oh no I think I used three extra grains of salt! Is it too late to start over? Oh, why did I agree to make the rice tonight?" And the answer of course is that I'm following a family recipe calling for a lot of butter, chicken bullion and lightly browned egg noodles, and I'm the only one in the house who knows how to cook it. But despite having done this for years at this point, every time I try I am a complete wreck while I'm standing in front of the stove. Celestia preserve me on teriyaki chicken night. Or that one time we branched out and attempted mongolian beef. That one was a disaster - I wasn't allowed to make dinner for a week after. So yeah, misadventures in the kitchen. I make a mean taco, though. I've made huge leaps since I was a filly, though. My parents assumed I would die as soon as I set out on my own and realized I couldn't afford to go to McDonald's every night. Ha! Sure showed you!
1) By A Terrible Person (Hey look at that rainbow colored cupcake. I bet Rainbow Dash will like it.)
2) By Gig (You know, pretty much every theme I say to myself, 'Looks like we've finally run out of potential bondage jokes'. And then this happens.)
3) By Several Alpacas
4) By ChaosDrop (Twilight has 147 books on cooking. She can still barely cook a cup of noodles.)
5) By DiegoTan
6) By TheMediocreSock (Thank you for proving my point.)
7) By Emerald Dust (To be honest, I've had weirder dreams than this since you guys started ponyfying me.)
8) By Kerrus
9) By NonoPony (Sorry Pinkie, but I think this is only fair.)
10) By Thanqol (I see you have purchased a tablet for yourself.)
11) By SherlockHooves (I should be concerned for her, but I'm too busy squealing about there being another tiny pony.)
12) By blasthemis (ULTRA chocolate!)
13) By Mandy Tise and Jenbun Spahging
14) By Gunny (Ok, Applejack looks kind of cute in an apron.)
15) By Don_ko (I was thrilled beyond reason when I learned how to cook better than this. That's when I officially became an adult (I became a child again when ponies happened))
16) By Goggle Sparks (None greater or more powerful.)
17) By Smock (Eeeeeeheeeeeheeee!)
18) By VulcanSugar
19) By SelectFew (You say the coloration is because you couldn't find the right colored pencil. I say she burned herself. But who cares? Marshmallows!)
20) By WoefulWriters (There's a lot of weird things going on here.)
21) By Natry
22) By IIya (This is ridiculously cute.)
23) By Arconius
24) By Amehdaus (Now just take a little something Sweetie Belle, not sour...)
25) By Immersa (Bork Bork Derp.)
26) By Kyouhen (I'm speechless.)
27) By Farvei (It amuses me to no end when ponies leave me comments worrying about wheteher or not they fit the theme.)
28) By Infinity (That cake looks delicious and moist.)
29) By Tarynsgate (Unicorns and pegasi both have an advantage in that they can both do the floaty thing when something smells good.)
30) By DarkKnightWolf2011
31) By Alipes (The evidence is really piling up.)
32) By EssAeEm (Apple apple apple apple apple. Apple? Apple! Apple, Chinese Takeout.)
33) By pageturner1988
34) By Rhanoa (Thinking about it, this seems kind of dangerous.)
35) By Philith
36) By midnight shadow (Yum yum, Applebloom soup. She made it herself!)
37) By Caron
38) By Supersheep64 (Heaven help me if I'm ever someplace that hot.)
39) By Mr.Paulsen
40) By Partition (Hehe, get it? Spitfire?)
41) By Dangereaux (I... what?)
42) By Mere Jump (Cue musical masterpiece from Daniel Ingram.)
43) By Nido Media
44) By rich-tea
45) By Jimbo1023 (When will Twilight learn how to cook? Cereal hopes its soon.)
46) By Ori (I just want to say, the wingboner adds an entirely different level of meaning to this.)
47) By Fickle (I feel suddenly light headed.)
48) By Nullh (Pinkie has made me want toast.)
49) By zorg
50) By Invidlord (Luna here is cooking the books.)
51) By Ego (She's hiding under the table.)
52) By GonzaHerMeg (Lies and slander! Derpy is best cook.)
53) By TensaiOni (Hai, dekimashita!)
54) By purpletrauma
55) By ASGallardo (Pinkie Piero?)
56) By Ambrose (Are you crazy?)
57) By The LaughingMare
58) By 041744 (The juxtaposition of these next two images is perfect.)
59) By The Recliner (You could not have planned it better. Comedic gold.)
60) By Chris (I like the corkboard of past submissions. Neat touch.)
61) By Tenchi Outsuno (Bonding time with the world's bestest mommy.)
62) By Starlight Bolt (She had an important meeting the mayor.)
63) By Chocolate Splash
64) By Chocolate Splash (Why does Phoecause look so much like alcohol?)
65) By badzerg (Their blood is on my hooves.)
66) By Jdan-S (This image is pointing out that Colgate was right there alongside Derpy during the famous line. This is what their friendship is based on.)
67) By Kitsune
68) By Circuit Mane
69) By Horizon Bound (Don't worry, Lyra. You'll get the next gig.)
70) By Horizon Bound (Can't get enough of that sultry, sexy Lyra.)
71) By Vergiso (It would seem that one does.)
72) By kits
73) By DI-FL (I've been staring at this for the better part of fifteen minutes. And this is all I can think to say.)
74) By yiKOmega (Looks about right to me.)
75) By Saphin
76) By Gunny (I haven't called out for a pizza in a long, long time. I should do that.)
77) By A.Q. Nichols (I love the markers on the thermometer.)
78) By Eliwood10
79) By fetchbeer (Mesmerizing, isn't it?)
80) By toonboy92484
81) By Chromadancer
82) By Mockingbird (You win everything forever.)
83) By Relias
84) By Doppelgänger (Muffin spectacles!)
85) By Colin (Cute!)
86) By Argembarger (Happy birthday to you!)
87) By Paintroller (I bet she does cook like this.)
88) By Riokenn
89) By Da Chi (And another innocent mind is ruined forever, I guess.)
90) By Neoridgeback
91) By Kt Kat (Wow, they do not play around with their cutlery, huh?)
92) By Uncle Leo (I swear to you she's just taking a bath.)
93) By Atlur (You just read that banner in Fluttershy's voice.)
94) By MasterofRoku (And happy birthday to you as well! So many today!)
95) By Doombah
96) By Kooldude
97) By Spurs
98) By Jena-su (More scenes from Celly and Luna's childhood. I love them so much.)
99) By Shockwave
100) By Nimble Haste
101) By Lunar Apologist (Don't bug Luna until after she's had her coffee.)
102) By Buddy Vox
103) By RaspleZS (It takes real courage to share your work when you're convinced it's not your best. For every one of you that does it, the smile on my face gets that much bigger. I love you all.)
104) By LifeSequenceBreak
105) By Randomjack
106) By Prismatic Pretzel
107) By Zach (Not pictured: a chorus of angels.)
108) By Djrk16 (Quickie catch up images a go go, baby.)
109) By Tabs (I'm trying so very hard not to focus on the fact that there are tiny ponies in this picture.)
110) By Fox E:
111) By Periphery
112) By Leaf Growth (Ahhhhhhhhhh!)
113) By TapeDiggity (Well that's just... huh.)
114) By DareDreamer
115) By Easteu (From the sounds of things, you have graduated from Phoe University!)
116) By Sapphire
117) By Kelz (Always make sure the top is on securely.)
118) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
119) By MHPayne
120) By 8ftmetalhead
121) By Passer Palmatum (Always useful!)
122) By Starlite (Doo doo doo dooooo!)
123) By rabidcow147 (Oh that wacky chemical x. What will it fall into next time?)
124) By Xiagu
125) By 20percentcooler
126) By Aku (And after this we add the carrot, something something... um... a ferret? Jeez, writing for Zecora is hard. I give up.)
127) By Thattagen
128) By Eeful
129) By Ashcrexl (I'm glad you didn't do The Killing)

130) By DJ RBDash

131) By Keinherz

132) By Krys (Ouch.)

133) By Lurkingear

134) By Rydel

135) By Virga Rainboom (In answer to your question, yes and double triple extra yes in that order.)
136) By A Terrible Person
137) By nuclearsuplexattack
138) By Muffinsforever
139) By Drilltooth
140) By Colt.45 (I don't understand the joke.)
141) By HyperMark
142) By StarStep (I used to watch Iron Chef religiously.)
143) By ShoeboxWarrior
144) By djTeka
145) By Liska
146) By Frith
147) By Heireau/HarrowTPrower
148) By Black Tea
149) By RToasts

150) By RToasts

1) By Darren Geoberos Castillo
Nice, Love the theme by the way. Made me a bit hungry though.
ReplyDelete138 and 2nd.
ReplyDeleteI got ambushed by a college friend in the middle of the drawing... curses...
ReplyDelete1 and 136. I think I lived up to my name today with the first one.
ReplyDeleteIn b4 the deluge of Trixie in the next day.
ReplyDeleteCereal's a unicorn? But that completely invalidates my interpretation of him...
ReplyDelete...Cereal is earth pony. F DA POLICE!
Ah hay-seed, I uploaded too late. Still, this is one of the best collections I've seen so far. Awesome job everypony!
ReplyDeletelmao at 107 XD
ReplyDelete#20 here i just noticed i forgot to color in the sky.i have:
ReplyDeletePonies in love
Swimming pony
Crying pony(she is cutting an onion)
A pony building (sandcastle )
A pony cooking .
It's a combo
Oh, nevermind, there it is. YAY! Also, you didn't get the Cupcakes reference? Maybe I just didn't make it obvious enough. Oh well.
ReplyDeletePsst. That was also a joke. =P
ReplyDelete85 here
ReplyDelete125 here, It had to be done, XD
ReplyDeleteYour a strange man Mr. Sethisto. But hey you might have more chances of scoring with Trixie that way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete#78 reporting.
ReplyDeleteSome great entries today! I'm too tired to list any specifics, though. I'll just say that it's great to see everypony improving so much ^_^
ReplyDelete146! Woot! (Why am I still up?) Oh! right below a lovely Derpy flipping a pancake (by Liska).
Jenbun: Oh look, number thirteen, how ironic.
ReplyDeleteMandy: Is number 130 going to eat hers? it smells good I wonder if it's marinated in apples.
Jenbun: Number one thirty four is hopefully after ours and not one thirty.
Mandy: Hey is number 135 a reference to Talespin... I think I finally know where Pinkie got Gummy from!
Jenbun: We can only hope nobody has flamethrowers at the ready or we can go entirely unnoticed, yeah that works too.
Mandy: Has my art got any better.
Jenbun: I don't know is it art when we're basically monochromatic?
143 here.
ReplyDeleteFavorites time:
7 haha food can’t talk. Poor Phoe
17 I completely squeeeeed
23 made me awww
26 congratulations, Fluttershy, you’re finally a tree
28 I love it-the table is a nice touch-Love the attention to detail
41 My reaction was fairly similar to Phoe’s
48 made me smile
52 I love you, Derpy
74 AH ha ha haa
91 this is adorable and I don’t really go for this shipping
107 hehe Cutie mark Toast addition!
109 AH! T_T
132 Hehehehe crazy pinkie
138 The muffins were right!
145 aww. I think I will always love Derpy pictures
So, yeah...59 here. Just to let you know Phoe, that was definitely not planned. Rather, it was quite a humorous coincidence.
ReplyDeleteUnicorns are best pony.
ReplyDeleteJust saying.
@Sethisto 0_0
ReplyDeleteOh the lulz! Gj people. Favourite list:
9, 22, 23, 24, 38, 61, 78, 87, 89, 107.
58 and 59: Good stuff!
So, let's see what tomorrow brings :)
15: And so my mind goes to the inevitable sitcom spin-off of Soarin' and Spitfire living together. It'd be like Will and Grace except Spitfire is the gay one. Make it happen Lauren Faust.
ReplyDeleteMe=56 (am I really the only one with an (explicit) oatmeal reference?! Are you crazy?!)
ReplyDelete6 cracked me up, 17 so cute (the reflections make it!), 22 (also so cute), 23 (more cuteness), 24 (enough with the cuteness!), 36 (so wrong... and I'm laughing so hard!), 61 (Awww!), 74 (well-done (snort!)), 87 (really neat look!), 107 (Holy cow, amazing!), 121 (yay, pancake bunny reference!), 126 (so well drawn!), 145 (excellent lines!)
#103 here, dedicated to everypony that's posted any of these days, especially those not fully happy with their pictures
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, having not played Cooking Mama, Google image search was big help.
(@Phoe, I think it's actually "The Final Score" (another Frogpants podcast) that uses the sound clip. Scott Johnson does use his sound captures all over his shows, though.)
I will list favorites later, after I sleep...
38) And many alicorn laughs were laughed at Twilight's expense.
ReplyDelete66) Fanon incoming
93) Actually, you're wrong; I read it in Pinkie Pie's voice.
107) Just plain love it!
122) This could just as easily be a Paper Mario reference, and the artistic style matches that much more closely.
Awwww number 111! She looks like she feels so used!
ReplyDeleteGreat job everyone!
ReplyDeleteTo serve pony!
ReplyDelete#89 made me laugh. I did always wonder what Pinkie would think if she saw 'Cupcakes'. Now I know: an utter need for eye bleach.
ReplyDeleteI'm 35 today. I drew Sailor Moon as a pony skewering parasprites because they remind me of those tricolor Japanese dumplings. What else did Ponyville have to eat while they recovered from the swarm?
ReplyDeleteI like 38: This is how I feel every time the weather gets 95 or over.
I also like 51: Guess pinkie doesn't have the Sweeny Tod market cornered.
ReplyDeleteOh...I feel dumb...
ReplyDelete1000 pts. if anypony can get the reference~
30 here :)
ReplyDelete>>draw a blogpony. Specifically, I'm trying to honor Seth and Cereal with this one
ReplyDeleteAh, cmon. Stop with self-insertion.
ReplyDeleteI also made a non-subliminal HypnoPhoe, without the flashy text attempts to actually fit a theme.
No words.
Wow, Twilight really sucks at cooking. It's a good thing she has magic or she'd starve.
ReplyDeleteThere were alot of culinary treats tonight so here are my favorites.
#112-Loved that episode! Didn't expect anyone to do this one.
#143-reminds me of the current carrot cake fic where applejack and cake are rivals.
You all did good today.
So many awesome pictures!! So Jelly of people who can do these themes of the day!
ReplyDelete#51/52 are awesome, but who cannot love the young adventures of Celestia and Luna #98!
#127 here! Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to finish it. Or maybe it IS finished. I DON'T KNOW. (though it would look good with color...). Oh, and the answer is "Of course, silly! Firepower is the secret to Chinese cooking! Just let it simmer for a few more minutes..."
ReplyDeleteOut of all the ponies, who would be the worst cook? Seems like today has cemented Dash and Twilight in that position. Originally, I kinda wanted to draw Dash flipping a pancake too high and hitting a bird.
Ah, some amazing as well as disturbing entries today. But at least there's no overt cupcakes references. I loved the ones with Twilight's attempts to cook, and the toasters, and the muffins, and COURAGE. Oh, and the one with the Everfree Diner needs to be a fanfiction.
Seth has told me time and time again he wants to be as pretty as Princess Luna.
ReplyDeleteJ-just wanted to help...
# "oops I didn't enter" here
ReplyDelete#53 was my fave for today
73 um.. wat o_O
ReplyDeleteI always envisioned Cereal as an earth pony...
ReplyDelete#96 here. I really loved this theme!
ReplyDelete#4 Like!
#15 Love!
#17 Little ponies everywhere!
#22 What did you use to draw it? I like how it looks.
#23 This is a win! You win!!!
#38 Oh...:(...
#41 lol, wut?
#50 Lol didn't think of that.
#51 I feel like I've seen that face before.
#53 I squealed at this. WIN!
#68 Ah ha ha! I like pudding :3!
#90 I like the simplicity of this one :).
#98 Daw! Daw! Daw!!!! So cute!!!!
#107 Cutie Mark Crusader chefs! Yay!
#121 Good meme.
@Zarkanorf Is that so!
ReplyDelete#110 today, coming at you with a giant flaming cop–out! I spent most of today asleep and thus didn't think of anything really cooking related. So I half–flanked this thing here instead.
I tried (read: failed miserably at) putting some perspective on Pinkie's hair, which is why it looks like a piece of cardboard she glued to her skull.
ps. irl rainbow dash cupcakes. They're totally awesome and I'm totally making some when it's cool enough around here to run the oven without fear of pushing the ambient temperature over the tipping point and setting the atmosphere on fire.
+favs: #4, #11, #12, #15, #23, #26, #29, #31, #32, #38, #46, #47, #48, #50, #55, #56, #62, #66, #67, #71, #73, #74, #82, #83, #85, #87, #91, #92, #97, #98, #10, #111, #121, #122, #123, #126, and #143.
#16: That's snazzy!
#17: oh my gooooooooooo
#27: Action yeah!
#41: hahahahaha ow
#58 + 59: win
#63: I hate summer.
@fetchbeer's #79: Phoe's eye quandry, you've solved it!
@RaspleZS's#103: <3 I know I suck at this artistry nonsense but I post anyway. You all are great motivational support.
#107: I don't care what anyone says, responding to this with *zelda get jingle* never gets old.
#109: Nice.
#112: Double nice!
#113: Triple nice!
#138: Is that the best cupcake I've ever seen? Why yes, yes it is. (The mini cupcake in the background is the second best.)
#140: Is that coloured pencil? I love coloured pencil.
I know that you, Phoe, are a white Pegasus with pink hair, but what are the color schemes of Cereal and Seth? Or do I get to choose?
ReplyDeleteSilly Luna, you shouldn't cook the books. you should just read them.
ReplyDeleteWell, I lucked out tonight. This time my computer started totally screwing up right AFTER I submitted my picture, instead of right before, like yesterday.
ReplyDeleteHuh, mine (#111) seems to be a cross between #34 and 74, sans color. Philomena is hard to give an annoyed expression with those almost featureless triangle eyes. But hm, looks like the other ideas I considered would have been a bit more unique, Fluttershy made out of butter, and Pinkie's hair turning into cotton candy. But those probably would have needed color again, and it was nice to return to submitting a simple pencil sketch. I had like 5 days in a row of not having enough time to complete my complicated ideas.
Why am I going on endlessly having a conversation with myself in the comments here? Well, uhh...#17 was pretty funny, and #98 is cute. #41 was...mortifying.
ReplyDeleteIt is completely and totally up to you. That's what they get for not giving me any details.
First time attempting to make a response to some of the images posted above, just for interest and fun:
ReplyDelete#4: Awww, poor Twilight. This makes wonder if there's a fanfic of her relying on her magic instead of having Spike around, or if she lost the ability to use magic. (I'll check back in this page in the comment section if there's a response during daytime!)
#9: *chuckles* Pinkie Pie.
#17: Reappearing in the real world...in the kitchen?!
#32: Applejack and Apple Bloom!
#38: Funny and cute.
#52: Silly Derpy!
#107: Cue the Zelda "You got an item" theme!...and cue surprised/angry Twilight Sparkle!
#86 today
Comments some other not-now time.
@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteActually, that's a muffin, there is always at least 1 in my submissions. Poor little thing is trapped and sad :(
@Fox E:
ok, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of "IT'S A PIECE OF CAKE TO BAKE A PRETTY CAKE"
ReplyDeletec'mon guys. :P
Nobody got 140? Seriously? I am shocked. Shocked and forever scarred...
ReplyDeleteGreat pics. Although, now I am hungry for some reason.
ReplyDeleteSince I couldn't manage today, will have to read up on this and cook something about cooking and reading. And hopefully avoid yet another "Twilight can't cook"-joke. Maaaaybe.
*disappears to go find breakfast at 12:20*
#36 reporting in! And I finally garnered a Phoe comment! Squee!
ReplyDeleteyes, I know mine was done better at least twice - I knew it would be - but I regret nothing! :D
#7 today. I'd really like to point out my favorites as usual, but I don't have much time today, so I guess I'll just have to skip that.
ReplyDeleteI suppose all the Cupcakes references were inevitable. I still haven't read that yet, and I don't think I ever will... I mean, I suppose I don't really have to, since it's more than painfully obvious what it's all about.
Anyway, I still really enjoyed all the pictures today, as usual; actually, one of the earlier ideas I had was "Cutie Mark Crusaders Cannibals", but that would have been disgusting and terrible, and I'm glad I discarded that idea pretty much as soon as I got it.
Now, for today, I want to do something really big, and I'm sure it's going to take me hours and hours and hours to finish... But... You know, I always thought Seth was a pony trapped in a cube? Did he get out of there? Because if so, that kind of slightly messes up my idea... Well, no, not really, I could actually work around that rather easily, I suppose, but still, I'd love to know if it's still "okay" to draw Seth in a cube. Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
#6 today. Yes, it went a bit cliche, but at least there was a cool looking nuclear explosion XD
ReplyDeleteAlso, yeah, today just HAD to be the day I learnt Twilight is surprisingly hard to draw... Took me 45 minutes to get her face looking right, then I spent even longer on her legs and body... HOW DO YOU GUYS DRAW HER SO EASILY AND FLAWLESSLY... Arg.
#32 checking in. Not much to say about this one except I like the dynamic between Applejack and Apple Bloom and don't know why it took me until Day 28 to do a drawing featuring them together. So many ponies, so little time, I guess. Also, "Apple-fried Apples in Applesauce" actually sounds pretty good to me right now, but I can definitely see how it would loose its appeal if apples were on the menu every single night day in and day out.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, some of my favorites this go around include #9, 22, 38, 48, 52, 66, 74, 78, 107, and 145. Keep up the good work, everypony!
#26 here.
ReplyDeleteWas originally going to do something Cooking Mama related. Then I figured half a dozen people were going to do the same. Apparently I was wrong. :P
26 is wtf-amazing. I want to play Kirby now :O
ReplyDelete74 Poor Twilight XD
77 I feel like this a lot lately. Such an awful summer its been!
82 Oh dear, love the expression o_o;
107 Man, that's what the kitchen always looks like when I'm done in there. >_<
134 I absolutely love how deadpan Pinkie is here. Muffins are srs business!
Wish I could have spent more time on mine (91) But glad I was able to draw it. Everyone did an excellent job today,:D I think this set's been the best of the past few days.
#72 here, totally phoning it in again.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I love this event, I'm getting worn to a nub. I'm barely even able to look at all the entries today, let along comment on them...
I have NO idea how I'm going to do tonight's theme. My good friend and moral support is off to BroNYCon (and I'm stuck here in Huntsville AL--land of no bronies) and I've got a work-related thing that's "Optional" from 5:00-9:00 =/ (Stupid social events). So expect another lack-luster picture tomorrow (Which pisses me off, since we're so close to done with this).
But hay! (see what I did thar?) I drew more plot today! Plot is always good! /insert Moonbase Alpha reference here/
If anypony is interested, I have a couple of WIP pictures from today's submission (http://kitsuneymg.deviantart.com/#/d3jsyr5). If anypony wants me to, I could take more/better ones from tonight and post them as well. Despite my own contempt for my artistic abilities, I am reminded by CupcakesNom (go read Nocturne BTW, It's great. I helped) that I'm pretty good for a pony who started drawing ~2 months ago (and wasn't 'serious' until _checks post title_ 29 days ago. Thanks @Phoe!)
I wasn't going to comment on pictures, but then I saw #48 - Phenomenal shading. I am jelly.
tl;dr advertisement for myself / Training Grounds gallery suggestion
Training Grounds history came up yesterday. I'm sleep-deprived enough to not remember if I've posted this yet: Here's my EqD Training Grounds gallery http://kitsuneymg.deviantart.com/gallery/30504677
@Phoe. I'd volunteer to setup the history-gallery thing if you don't really want to do the work. I don't know HOW I'd do it yet, but maybe flickr or picasa or something, or even ponibooru could work.
Actually, using booru code may be a great idea: artist tags, theme tags, and then content tags!
Alright, Pinkie is telling me to get back to work. What cupcakes have to do with JMASS is anypony's guess...
/If you know what JMASS is, I feel for you. Nopony should ever have to deal with this--
@Mandy Tise and Jenbun Spahging
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm impressed. I know that Rebecca's hairstyle is very distinctive, but after I put the pith helmet and blue coat on her I thought she would become unrecognizable. I was going to try to make her as a pony with the same body colors as in Tailspin and originally in her business suit, (One of the nice things about ponies is that they are usually in their birthday suits! ;)) but the old "running out of time" thing cantered up and bit me in the flank. I also wanted her to look like she did in the truffles episode, "The Bigger They Are, the Louder They Oink" when the alligator pygmies (Gummy, as you point out)are going to make her into truffle stew. She ends up with a muffin for company.
I like your concept of cooking Applejack in #13. I am sure she will have that wonderful applesmoke flavor, is certainly appley delicious to look at, and has committed the unspeakable crime, which I shall speak anyway, of disappointing Derpy! I am sure that AJ is un-rehabilitatable, however, since you seem reluctant to cook her, I will take it upon myself to take her home for further plot development.
"Come on, AJ. Yah, you owe me big time!"
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and post better pictures of what you've done. Time limits on work can be a pain, and if you aren't happy with it there's no reason why you shouldn't improve it. And I'm sure nopony is going to complain about having more pony pictures. ^_^
ReplyDeleteEasy! Spend about 2 hours making her look good and another hour fixing what looked good at first, but turns out it sucks. :) You did a pretty good job on her, and the 2nd view of her being blown up is hard to do. Good job!
ReplyDeleteI was actually referring to the WIP picture-- Instead of suddenly-finished, I would actually capture a step-by-step of how I draw poni. Maybe it will help somepony. Maybe somepony will tell me what I do wrong and I'll improve!
After training grounds, I do intend to redo/touch-up some of my entries. I really want to color a few of them. That's why I thought it might be nice to have a gallery for everypony in this thing. Just so we can keep in touch. I follow several of y'all on DA (fox-e and bronyquest come to mind immediately), but not everypony HAS a DA and/or their DA account is sometimes had to extract from the thumbnail and download url.
That's why I started putting mine in my picture. Just in time for the final few entries!
Re:Drawing Twilight: I have a hard time with her eyes: They are similarly shaped to Rarity's, but lack the eyeliner to help round them out. The top curve of her hair is also difficult for me.
#121 here. When did the artist training grounds turn into a CP fest? It's unhealthy to like Carnivorous Ponies so much. And Companion Ponies (28).
ReplyDelete17 I like the reflections.
22 cool super-different style.
23 Awwwww
31 Twilight doesn't even notice that something's wrong
32 was overdue to happen
39 Ha I've been wondering about that
40 is a horrible pun
41 hahahahaha
46 is a wonderful pun
51 not Applejack too!
53 Hey, it's the Japanese spinoff show
61 <3
74 this totally works
78 keep trying Twilight
87 the pastels and exterior shadows are fabulous
98 cute!
107 Love the mayhem and the triumph
109 Nice insertion into the pony universe
111 Filomena is such a useful pet
136 those are terrible puns
143 D:
148 Is that table a mushroom?
@Kits Same here. As much as I'd like to keep going, I can't keep spending this much time drawing. I'd love to see an indexed gallery of all the training grounds pictures.
ReplyDeleteIn that case I still say go for it. Poni Drawing Guides are always nice to have. I've got 3 or 4 different ones bookmarked myself and I tend to kind of switch between them trying to find what works for me. More methods are always welcome.
#114- late as always >.>
ReplyDeleteThis was a slight improvement over my previous drawings. This is also the one drawing I actually started early rather than last minute. The colors are way off, I know, I'm very weak with color ;_;
Anyway, I've heard AJ's a good baker, but we never really saw her make her apple-tasic treats :P I hope in season 2 we'll see her work along side Pinkie in baking. I don't think there's been a AJ/Pinkie pairing episode, like Rarity/AJ in watch where you sleep or Twi/Flutter in Bird in the hoof.
heck I had plans for doing a pony reading a cook book, CATCHUP TIME AHOY!!!!!
ReplyDelete@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you for the good advice!
Tomorrow I plan to do one mainly focusing on Seth and his infamous Summer Sun Celebration post, and all the controversy in the comment section.
#124 today. It says "Cooking 4 Eggheads" (duh)
ReplyDeleteWoo 31, similar ideas! And also props to every other ``Twilight can't cook'' submission :D
I'm going to try to draw Twilight reading ``X for Eggheads'' for the rest of the themes. We'll see how it goes.
Does anypony care if i steal that pic at the top
Omg...#107 wins the entire day. This is exactly what happens to me when I want to make anything other than Cereal in the morning. :X
ReplyDeleteDidn't have time to draw one last night. Might try to draw today's topic if I find time. Good work everypony.
90 here
ReplyDeleteOk am I the only one of what looks like 2 people that thought of using spike for this gag today?
105 here.
My friend's trying to convince me to read that fic now. I will never.
Anyway, good stuff. Glad to see I'm not the only person who took 'cooking' a different way, 129.
I just realized I'm subliminally really into science with these - this one, my evil twin one, and my sun raising one all have a bunch of physics and chemistry bits in them.
Pony reading? This one sounds neat...hmmm
Please don't end this on Day3 I can only do these drawings over the weekends and that would mean i could only do one this weekend.
ReplyDelete*Day 30
ReplyDelete@Muffinsforever Kind of thought it was, but I wasn't entirely sure. Either way, it is still the coolest confectionary.
ReplyDelete@Emerald Dust
@Phoe said the details are up to us, so I like to think of Seth as an earth pony / unicorn, using a cube to teleport / make grand entrances, and wearing a Luna–purple birthday hat in place of / over a horn. So for you, just pretend he got stuck in the cube instead of it working normally or something. =P
@Kits I completely forgot about that head–based measurement system, thanks for reminding me about that. Should help with my proportions impedement.
@Randomjack Honestly I don't think Cupcakes was all that bad. It's good for inspiration on amusing drawings, and was so OOC for Pinkie that it was way more altverse than anything. Only reason to avoid it is if you have an aversion to gore / grimdark / psycho, which is ofc completely understandable.
Also science is awesome.
Don't have many ideas for a Training Grounds gallery, but maybe adding the themes next to the links in EqD's art section would be a good start. I've never used any other gallery sites like picasa or flickr or anything so I don't know much of an option those are.
There is a desktop program I want to make that'd basically let you do e621–style tag–based art searching on a local repository of every Training Grounds submission. Mainly because my computer and internets are very slow and it's a complete pain in the flank to find that one image someone did weeks ago that I'd like to reference. I'd make it a website instead, but tbh I don't think my personal server could handle it. =X
#52: I really like that Rainbow-Dash-putting-out-the-fire in the last panel.
ReplyDeleteAlso the above pic is by Easteu, day #21.
ReplyDelete@Fox E:
ReplyDeleteGoogle Picasa is a desktop app that let's you tag pictures, similar to a booru. You may want to give it a shot. I'm sure there are other image taggers too, I know somepony wrote one in ponychan's /collab/ but I don't have a link handy.
Shotwell is an open source picture manager that's pretty popular as well.
What is the cube in which Seth resides? Is it a from a game?
ReplyDeleteNobody got the cupcake refrence, 140? I feel über smart now.
ReplyDelete140: a scene from the cupcake fanfic
ReplyDeleteUgh... #14 and #76 today... After two days with no submissions, I thought I could draw something clever today... though, looking at them now, I can't really say that... oh, well... at least I liked how at least, appearance-wise, they turned out to be. =)
ReplyDeleteList of favourites!
#4, #9, #15, #23, #28, #29, #31, #32, #40, #42, #47, #48, #52, #53, #59, #61, #62, #66, #69, #72, #74, #87, #91, #93, #98, #104, #107, #121, #126, #135, #137, #138, #145
Let's see if I can comment about them today...
#4 (Well, I also think she can't cook without Spike! I was probably going to do one of those if I had the time...)
#26 (WHAT. ...you had in mind when you did that?)
#28 (More Companion Ponies!)
#32 (Well, I'd get sick of it too sometime...)
#42 (I can almost see this happening...)
#47 (That has gone past cute, now...)
#53 (I admit, I sang along!)
#61, #62 (I'm still levels below that...)
#74 (I agree)
#87 (Mundane utility!)
#98 (Too cute!)
#111 (When Spike is not around...)
#122 (Wrong game, Phoe...)
#126 (I wanted to do one with Zecora too! Too late now?)
#130 (Is that Monster Hunter? What the hay Twilight is doing there?)
I think this is all...
Well, to everyone else who will still enter these two last days... good luck? Break a leg? Ah, whatever... I only know that I won't be able to submit any picture anymore... I no longer have access to the camera I was using to take those photos... so, *dramatically*:
I'm sorry, go on without me! >_<
(Why did it have to happen on these last days? D: )
The table is based off of the ones at the cafe in episode three... furniture has always been a weak point for me.
ReplyDelete122 is win, win, epic winning, Awesome and cool.
I am never going to try to be sarcastic on the internet again.
ReplyDeletePoor Phoe. Text can be an evil medium, but a fine phrase even when well done is rare. :p
ReplyDeleteI have a dA C: It's Skullpaw :D
@Fox E: Thank you for your opinion. I decided to just go with the cube, as I originally had in mind; that's way less trouble than designing a new pony anyway.
ReplyDelete>I'm sorry, go on without me! >_<
No! We leave no pony behind! *drags you along for a few feet before realizing this is not going to work as there is no way to get you a decent scanner. Drops you none-too-gently. Looks down at a grumpy Gunny wiping off dirt.* Well, anyhow, we'll miss you here. Hopefully you can play again during the next event. (hope hope hope that there is a next event)
I liked both of your cute drawings, #14:"Applejack in an apron" and #76:"Dashie giving up on cooking". I really like her expression as she tries her own cooking and the pizza delivery. At least you got two Phoe comments. Double win! You really need a scanner or something. Your art is too good to settle for such a poor quality copy.
Came for #50. Leaving satisfied.
ReplyDeleteTax fraud ponies make me happy!
ReplyDeleteExtreme long shot: do you live near Huntsville Al? I'd loan you a camera if I could get to you.
ReplyDelete"Plot is very good! Plot, plot plot plot. More plot for the last days..."
*sobs uncontrollably, but is suddenly happy*
135 today.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of cute ones today, no time to give full props, but #145) By Liska of Derpy flipping a pancake is just too cute and well drawn to not love! Very nice. Thanks.
@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteI already have a plot filled idea for tonight. What remains to be seen is if I have time to draw it. Stupid "optional" work related functions
@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteAh, thanks! Glad you appreciate them! =D
Though, as you said, the quality of those photos always worried me... to the point I thought that they couldn't be posted here... >_<
And I don't have enough skills to retouch those pictures on the pc... (though I plan on convincing a friend of mine do work on those... she draws on her computer, and I love her drawings! She does not draw ponies, though; but she likes the show)
Ah, thanks for the offer, but that was a really long shot... I'm afraid to say I don't live anywhere near that city... nor on that state... nor on that country... nor even on the same hemisphere! So... yeah. Kinda difficult to reach me...
Well, I won't be sending my pictures, but I can still see them and comment them! I'll be watching from here! GO ON!
Sorry all i didnt comment on al the pics, i just do not have the time tonight. I really loved quite a bit of what i saw, alotta D'aww pics, creepy ones one, and just the plain hilarious. THose are a few that really stood out. Im not makin favs here, its just i had to say somethin about what i was lookin at, least fer these few
ReplyDelete4 DANGIT Twi, stop being soooo adorable. Most overal fav ( so i lied about the favs . . . lol its . . . . AHAHAHAHA
73 Oh my . . . I think someone is mad. trollface.jpg
79 AHAH SOmeone had the same idea as me n.n PHoes eyes are just awesomesauz
143 WHOA nelly . . . . bonbon just made it on muh "I dun like you too much anymore" list.
@Gunny There are a few easy things you can do to improve the image quality, starting with applying a color transform (http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-tool-curves.html). See the "Making the curve more vertical" example. You can do it in GIMP and probably other image programs too.
ReplyDeleteA more sophisticated trick would be to subtract out the paper color, which would fix the uneven illumination you've got, but that's a longer tutorial.
Jena-su - I love your depiction here. It's my new favorite "sisters moment", and was immediately saved to my Luna folder. <3!
ReplyDelete@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteI hope you're happy, It took me an entire day to get that meat based pun.
@Doc Steedly
I did it because you made that comment the other day, and I thought it was an awesome idea.