• Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 28

    See, it's not so bad! Helllloooooo again, everypony! So glad to see you all again. So sorry to have missed you all last night; after my eyes went crossed it seemed like it would be a good idea if I tried to get some extra sleep. You may have noticed that didn't wind up working out (although writing the news for a day was fun!), but in any event I am back with you all where I shall remain for the remainder of our time here in this event. We'll talk about the future a little more in a bit, ok? For right now, let's focus on the present. And the present is a dungeon master's dream come true, featuring a full 130 ponies locked up and chained to walls. There's so many bondage jokes I could make, but I'll restrain myself. I see Seth managed to forget to include our running total last night, but tonight we're back up and running with a stupendously amazing 5139 images. Talk about productivity!

    Of course, we can't forget the usual link to the submission guidelines now can we? As always, don't hesitate to contact me at phoe@equestriadaily.com if you need something from me. I'll always do my best to respond to a question. There's a firefly crawling on my curtain right now. How did it get in here? I'm sure glad we're back to stream of consciousness posting instead of last night's link dump aren't you?

    The Theme of the Day

    Draw a pony cooking. Just like every other time I start to feel like I'm starting to make my themes overly specific and weird, I'm pulling us back to the simple happy times of a wide open theme rife with opportunities for puns. All forms of cooking are acceptable, including frying, grilling, steaming, smoking, and baking. As always, creative interpretations of any of these ideas are welcome alongside their straight mare cousins. Make me proud, my faithful students!

    So tonight I was smart enough to give myself some time to write here. So let's chat for a little about a subject that I know is on everypony's mind of late: when will the Training Grounds come to a close? I've been very coy on the subject all month, saying "the end of June" and then implying that it's a 30-day only event. I know that it's caused no small amount of confusion among you and I apologize for that. The truth of the matter is that I have never fully been able to make up my mind. Originally it was planned to run right up to the beginning of July, but as time wore on and my energy reserves depleted, I began to worry about my ability to keep coming up with interesting themes. At that point I jumped ship and started to consider the event in terms of being a 30 day project. It's a nice even number, right?

    Well, now that we're right up against the edge, I'm realizing I don't want it to end. This has been a long hard grind for all of us, but it has been more fun than I have words for. I look forward to writing this post every single night, even when I am deliriously tired. And I know myself well enough to know that when we do reach that final day, I am going to wind up crying like a mother who just dropped her child off at college. Actually, that's a very accurate description of how I feel about this. But the time is coming, and we all need to be prepared for that. For now, plan for it ending with Day 30, but please keep in mind the possibility that I will extend it up to next Thursday. There's also a very real chance we will be returning this event in an altered format after a break, so look forward to that! I think that's enough sentimentality for one night, let's go ahead and land on Jail (Just Visiting). I can't believe I just made a Monopoly joke. Cereal!

    1) By Thanqol (I do believe those first two years were the worst for Rarity, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of her.)

    2) By ChaosDrop (Woah. Now THAT is a crossover!)

    3) By Gig

    4) By Tabs (This will be a recurring theme tonight.)

    5) By Garlic (This pony lucked out on his special talent.)

    6) By Tabs (While here, I'll have to ship Rainbow Dash with Braeburn and find a way to like it. I envy Tantalus pony over there.)

    7) By Artrageous (I'm being very lenient with late Madmax entries, because Madmax.)

    8) By Tarynsgate

    9) By EssAeEm (Don't eat yellow snow!)

    10) By nekoneko

    11) By Filly-pino

    12) By FoxOfWar (I would totally listen to a radio show broadcasted from the moon. Especially one run by Scratch and Octavia.)

    13) By Goggle Sparks (Once you're in the Derpy Zone, it's tough to get back out. Because you can't see straight.)

    14) By Goggle Sparks

    15) By Spaerk (D'aww, poor Celly. She had strict parents.)

    16) By Emerald Dust (Happy birthday!)

    17) By Easteu (Is that Star Control? o.o)

    18) By Saphin

    19) By Philith (Being a prisoner of your own mind is my idea of nightmare fuel.)

    20) By Immersa (She's making that face because she just wanted to ask me if I'd return her audio book, and where did all those Goombas come from?)

    21) By Smock (Eeeeeeee, look at the tiny Fluttershy!)

    22) By Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown##buttduster64 (The dungeon is implied. Moving on.)

    23) By Infinity

    24) By Alipes

    25) By Invidlord (Oh, so she's a Jedi. That makes sense, actually.)

    26) By Interrobang Pie (Yo dawg, we heard you liked dungeons so we made this ancient joke.)

    27) By MHPayne

    28) By DB (Celly is a firm believer in contrapasso.)

    29) By toonboy92484

    30) By Uncle Leo

    31) By Farvei (Those are some neat scribbbles.)

    32) By Nido Media (Well damn it. This sucks.)

    33) By Nullh (This is not the happy kind of bondage. Poor Fluttershy.)

    34) By Partition (Celestia is pleased you had fun at summer camp, and hopes the lessons you learned there will last you a lifetime.)

    35) By Tabs (Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?)

    36) By DJ Rainbow Dash

    37) By Mr.Paulsen (The Pony and the Pendulum.)

    38) By Mere Jump (Turns out Derpy took over Equestria!)

    39) By GonzaHerMeg (It's surprising how often that turns out to be the answer.)

    40) By EssAeEm (This right here? This is 6 star brilliance. Bravo, sir.)

    41) By Atlur (I've often wondered why the pony depicted on the moon isn't Nightmare Moon more often.)

    42) By Sherlock Hooves (Maybe a little.)

    43) By Ori (How many ponies were rescued from their Happy Meal prisons? All of them!)

    44) By Ori

    45) By Vergioso

    46) By Dangereaux (Or two!?)

    47) By Chris

    48) By TensaiOni (Don't worry, Locke will be along shortly.)

    49) By Kitsune (Reversal of fortune!)

    50) By rich-tea (That's a pretty clever interpretation of the theme.)

    51) By T-Brony

    52) By Santa Claus (That's not what my desktop looks like at all. I don't have any shortcuts.)

    53) By SelectFew

    54) By WoefulWriters

    55) By Andï (Later Luna sends her to the asteroid belt for usurping her cutie mark.)

    56) By Justanotherpony (Can't get enough of these shrunken ponies.)

    57) By Chromadancer (Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh)

    58) By Jiyrath

    59) By ASGallardo (I like the use of their manes as the frame.)

    60) By Horizon Bound (Well hello there!)

    61) By Da Chi (This is... totally a lie. Yeah.)

    62) By DiZaster321 (If this doesn't make sense, go read Spark.)

    63) By DI-FL

    64) By Chocolate Splash

    65) By kits (I feel like a jerk.)

    66) By nissa_lion (Haha, oh dear. Poor New Mexico.)

    67) By The LaughingMare

    68) By Zach (Welcome to Candyland!)

    69) By PenguinPlayer

    70) By Amehdaus (By your own rules, I guess this is -10 points. Shame, I like the pixel art.)

    71) By Rydel

    72) By GeekyHooves

    73) By Brongaar (Hey there, Tirak!)

    74) By Colin (I bet that gets dizzying after a while.)

    75) By Lee Readman

    76) By purpletrauma

    77) By Kt Kat (Tiny ponies! Gleeeeee!)

    78) By Randomjack (What actually happened last night.)

    79) By MasterofRoku

    80) By 041744 (So close and yet so far.)

    81) By Argembarger (I'm sorry they aren't all winners.)

    82) By fetchbeer (Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment, and will die here like rotten cabbages. It was cabbages, right? I think it was cabbages. I'm not 100% on my Prisoner jokes.)

    83) By Rachel (Cats get banished to trees, apparently.)

    84) By Spurs (I love oil pastels.)

    85) By Relias (Muffin? Muffin!?)

    86) By Prismatic Pretzel

    87) By Erica C (Phoe Approved.)

    88) By Kooldude

    89) By RaspleZS

    90) By Kelz

    91) By badzerg (I'm so sorry I keep doing this to you.)

    92) By Ambrose

    93) By Kloudmutt (I have nothing clever to say. Excuse me.)

    94) By Neoridgeback

    95) By Buddy Vox (If only she had fingers.)

    96) By Pcjoyce

    97) By rabidcow147 (A classic mistake!)

    98) By Tenchi Outsuno

    99) By Albert (I feel like you could devote a whole show to Derpy trying to get a muffin and Celestia stopping her in some way.)

    100) By Lunar Apologist (I gigglesnorted.)

    101) By Colt.45

    102) By Kerrus

    103) By Frith (Your anecdotes about all the sharing of ponies with those around you never fail to make me smile. This picture is rather serene, too.)

    104) By Natry (I don't actually hate you, Celestia. Can I come home yet?)

    105) By Starlight Bolt

    106) By Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi (Glad to see you're sticking with the story!)

    107) By Muffinsforever (That's a very well done Canterlot Castle up there. Also, muffin cube!)

    108) By A Terrible Person (The answer is yes, but Celly gives as good as she takes.)

    109) By Shockwave

    110) By Windfall (If I knew how to code I'd get her out of there.)

    111) By TapeDiggity (You're right; the lighting on this one came out fantastically.)

    112) By Thattagen (I'm really, really sorry.)

    113) By nuclearsuplexattack

    114) By Eeful

    115) By DJ RBDash (So many tiny ponies. And this one's a Lyra!)

    116) By Keinherz

    117) By Sagebrush

    118) By Virga Rainboom (This is the best punishment ever.)

    119) By Fox E: (o.o)
    Linked for Phoesauce. The most prominent kind of sauce in this event. Buh?

    120) By Leaf Growth

    121) By djTeka (Aw.)

    122) By Passer Palmatum

    123) By Drilltooth

    124) By Liska (How did you get locked in the fridge?)

    125) By Circuit Mane

    126) By Starlite

    127) By ShoeboxWarrior

    128) By BronyQuest

    129) By Heireau/HarrowTprower

    130) By Periphery

    105 kommentaari:

    1. 107 and maybe first!

      I luv muffins and u phoe =p

    2. 56 needs to be turned into a grimdark fanfic.

    3. 6 12 13 19 28 40 63 68 74 100 110 are win

      124 oh the irony

      And I already technically drew a pony cooking. But I do have other themes to crush, so maybe I'll do that.... BEACH PARTY!

    4. 110 here, I missed a line coloring. I know nobody cares but here's a link to the fixed version anyway. http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/5602/fluttercode.jpg

      Anyway, is that a subtle Spongebob reference I see in #77?

    5. 71 here

      74 - Surprised I'm not the only Superman reference
      95 - A pony trying to give the finger is one of the funniest thing's I've seen in a while
      100 - Sad Phoe is soo cute.

    6. Phoe returns! Woo hoo

    7. I am excited for tomorrow! This was fun, and NM is the land of entrapment...I have lived here my whole life.

    8. 100, reporting in. I only had time for rough sketches, so it's not quite as good visually as I'd hoped. @Phoe - I'm glad you thought it was funny; I was worried that it was too off-color. :P

      As always, awesome work, everypony! Some of it was awesomely creepy, but that works with the theme. Stand-outs of the night for me were:
      #21: D'aww, tiny Fluttershy is adorable!
      #24: I like the bars, there
      #28: HORRIFYING D: (in a good way)
      #33: You make me sad :(
      #35: Brrr, snakes :(
      #46: Made me giggle
      #77: Ohmygosh, so cute!
      #82: Nice!
      #93: Also sad and terrible in a good way
      #95: Haha, YESSSSSSS
      #122: D: D: D:

    9. @Lunar

      At first I was like: oh no, tyrant Celestia comic again, but then I LOLED when that dog appeared.

    10. 122 is way too morbid for my tastes.

    11. Oh, so you did put mine up! It's a bit of a stretch on the theme, considering I drew that picture a few weeks ago, but I drew it with the idea in-mind that Luna was always locked away in the recesses of Moon's mind during the time Moon took control. So... yeah!

    12. @Kein Haha, yeah, I don't know why my muse decided that a "secret butt fun" reference needed to be made, but I decided I was including that dog if I was going there :)

    13. #79 Here.
      You'd think after raising the sun yesterday, Celestia would leave me alone. Nope.

      There were alot of good drawings tonight.
      #1,#13,#46,#67,#89,#95,#99,#100 were pretty awesome. But #100 is my absolute favorite.

      Good job to everyone.

    14. In the not too distant future
      Way up in Canter Three
      The Mad Princess Trollestia
      Was hatching an evil scheme
      She hired a dragon by the name of Spike
      Just a regular joe she didn't like
      Her experiment needed a good testing
      So she conked him on the noggin
      And she shot him to the Mooooon!


    15. I die a little every time I see Derpy crying.

    16. As a backstory to my pic, I used what happened during the lat theme, and I considered what Celestia's punishment of the cute ponies could be, after her conscience was riddled with guilt after sending her sis to the moon for a thousand years. So I said, whats a a weak as heck but still a downer punishment? So there you go.

      Also I wanted to put Seth there instead, but I had no references or jokes for the concept.

      And... HOW COULD ALL OF YOU BE SO CRUEL TO THESE POOR PONIES D:, naa just kidding I was thinking of putting a pony in that cage in Amnesia as well, waiting for the "lost ending" heh heh heh.

    17. #112 today. I actually thought Seth picked the theme, so I took it out on him. Also, I wish "BANISHMENT TIME" was a meme. I love that face (the other half, not so much). Sorry, Phoe!

      Getting banished to Myspace isn't quite the worst thing ever. I could think of worse sites. By the way, a google search of "top 10 infamous websites" brings up NOTHING. Somepony should compile a list like that!

    18. #95 is definitely my favorite. :P

    19. Oh, and Phoe, is your name pronounced as one syllable or two?

      1) Foh

    20. I love you, Fetchbeer.

    21. @Thattagen

      It was actually my emergency theme in case lightning fried my power again (it got most of the surrounding towns last night - I had reason to be concerned!), but when that didn't wind up happening the offer came out to let me stay tapped out and try sleep for a change. You know how that worked out. I am so sorry it bothered you so much. I thought it would make a silly theme for me to disappear to, but somehow these things always wind up sounding better in my head. I still like pretty much all of the entries for tonight so I don't want to backpedal too much here, but I really didn't want to make anypony uncomfortable. I would have liked to find a compromise.

      In answer to your other question, it's one syllable, but it's "fee". It's actually the first syllable of my name. *The More You Know*.

    22. Holy crap, my computer was on a mission to torture me tonight. My picture isn't done yet, but I had it done enough to send in right at midnight. Then I tried to save the file, and it just got stuck in some loop where the save window was just sitting there unclickable, and I couldn't even exit the program. Then when the only thing I could do was restart my computer, it froze up entirely and I had to do a hard shut down. Once it finally restarted, I had to redo the portions of the picture that wouldn't save, plus various other problems just trying to infuriate me. And then if I could just get the chance to start my picture sooner than a few hours before the deadline, maybe my computer screwing up wouldn't be so critical.

      All in all, it took me 45 minutes just to send in my picture, so I hope Phoe will still add it to the list.

      Sorry for the rant, just so irritated by my computer.

    23. Oh good, there it is. Thank you, Phoe.

    24. @100:

      Phoe's expression in the last panel killed me. I am dead now. You murdered me. I hope you're happy, Lunar Apologist.

    25. 4, 6, and 35 here.
      Don't envy Tantalus, Phoe, he'll never reach the fruit or get a drink of water. :D

    26. #115

      And eye glee'd when Phoe left a comment~

    27. 127 Here. Phoe once again proves her magnanimous nature. If only I didn't have a job! No wait....then I couldn't pay rent....but ponies. Also! Brownie points to anyone who can name all the ponies in my picture ;)

      ANYWAY! On to favorites! I think on the last day I will just comment on all of them because often enough it seems they are all awesome. Here we go!

      7 Is beautiful
      8 Made me saaad though I suspect as I go through these I will be sad some more
      18 This amused me. Hehe conga
      33 I almost teared. Poor Fluttershy!
      35 That….that is a HORRIBLE place to put someone! Poor Twi
      41 I also wonder this. Also this is beautiful
      68 O_O this is terrifying
      77 I love that she is in a pickle jar
      82 very nicely done
      85 This was already sad then Phoe’s comment made me even more sad
      97 Bwahahahaha I love it
      100 I loled
      110 tee hee
      122 This…I….holy crap
      128 Aw poor Luna
      129 that took me a second-nice

    28. @Phoe:

      Aha! I KNEW it was supposed to be like in Phoebe! I KNEW IT!

      *bounces in circles singing*

      I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it...

    29. @Phoe
      Is it odd that after reading that, I immediately started trying to guess your name? It took me an entire minute to arrive at "Phoebe." Gosh, I'm slow...I'm still going to be reading it as "Pho-e," though.

      As for my drawing, the thought process went like this...

      "Wow, this banishment face is great. Now Celestia just needs somepony to banish...and someplace..."
      "Hmm, how about a site on the internet...a 404 page...no, Myspace!"
      "Still can't figure out who to banish....How bout Seth? I am kinda mad at him for this theme, and I don't have time to draw more than a box."

      It was more of a tongue-in-cheek ire, honest! Please don't banish me with your blogprincess powers!

    30. #88 here. Onward.
      #1 I love it!
      #12 I would like to hear it too.
      #19 Yep, I agree. Nightmare fuel.
      #26 YEAH DAWG!
      #39 It's amazing what she can do when she asks.
      #46 The shading is excellent in this one.
      #68 RUN!!!!
      #77 CUTE!!!

    31. At the risk of incurring Phoe's wrath, is there a link for that background in #52?

    32. @ShoeboxWarrior Oh! Somepony noticed mine! Gleeee---
      lols at your purplecombpony :L

    33. #119 today, with an abrupt style change inspired by Sali's [nsfw–ish?] Pony a Day #26 submission. Also yes I know nsfw etc. etc. Sorry Phoe. That aside, I wanted to try a different method of actually putting lines down, which I've been seeing others use since the modern internet was born, but I only just now thought to try and use. Also wanted to try a perspective I've never done before. Profiles are boring.

      Conclusion: I like it! I think using little millimeter strokes to slowly interpret what I see in my head instead of charging ahead and hyperfocusing on one single line is what's making the difference here. With the single line, I can get caught up in silly details and erase it fifty times over, get frustrated, then do a poor job on the rest of the piece.

      Going more slowly and working my way through a line instead gives me time to focus on the details in my head, which makes for a more accurate representation, and less ragefacing overall. I didn't get frustrated once when drawing this, even though it took hours and hours to do, not that I noticed since I was having fun; almost overshot the deadline.

      Only thing is, I'm not sure how to make it work with shading. Hm.

      As for the pic itself, I didn't have time to finish it. For one, it's not fully cleaned up yet. Compare Lyra's upper body to...everything else, really. I also forgot to draw the chain links on Phoe's right arm, and pretty much the entire cell they're supposed to be in doesn't exist. Was looking foreward to playing with room perspective and shading too, oh well.

      The idea was that Guard Captain Lyra captured and incarcerated Phoe for some reason (maybe so Phoe could escape and go on an adventure to stop some jerk demi–god from sending Equestria to oblivion), and now it's time for the interrogation! That's why the helmet is there. Originally I wanted to have Lyra half–dressed in armor, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work in time, so I left it out and went with the helmet instead.

      Fun fact: The helmet was originally Sethcube, but then I failed at armor, so now he is Sethelmet.

      (inb4 worst anatomy in the universe. Ponies are difficult, how on earth do you people draw these things so well? D=)

      I...why did I even keep a +fav list today? All of these are really good.

      Special mention goes to #1, #2, #3, #4, #8, #9, #12, #13, #17, #20, #21, #23, #26, #28, #32, #33, #34, #39, #43, #44, #46, #47, #48, #49, #51, #56, #61, #63, #67, #70, #72, #78, #80, #83, #85, #87, #88, #89, #94, #95, #98, #99, #101, #103, #107, #110, #112 and #118.

      #19: Crazy fic material, this.
      #11: Glad someone did this!
      #35: Snakes. Very dangerous. ... You go first.
      #40: And the award for best comedy act goes to...
      #41: This is excellent, I especially like the four star locks. Nice touch.
      #52: Desktop Ponies!
      #57: Excuse me, um, has anyone seen my redline stapler?
      #59: I extra like this.
      #64: I can't read the text, but I do like Luna's face in the second panel.
      #65: The saddest face! Also, sweet name shading
      #68: I don't know what to say other than this is double awesome.
      #77: Oh applejack, stop being such a sour pickle about it.
      #81: i lol'd irl
      #84: An actual painting? ~Very~ cool.
      #93: This is so sad in the best way possible. D=
      #111: I don't know if it was your intent or not, but the cell comes off looking dusty and unclean, which is of course awesome.
      #117: At Nightmare Moon's command, destruction rains from the heavens – absolutely beautiful.

    34. @Phoe Really? Friend of mine also goes by Phoe, which we pronounce "foh," so I used that for you as well.

      @Periphery Jeez, and here I thought my usb stick (scanner's on a different machine) not working, forcing me to stand around for twenty minutes to upload and redownload the scan (AT&T is a pos) was annoying. D=

    35. #12 here. I was giggling like an idiot just about the whole time from reading said fic(The Vinyl Scratch Tapes) to reading the theme for this particular drawing grounds to sketching it to finally posting it. The whole time, I was at the very least grinning like a moron. Besides, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are awesome. So there.

      Whole lot of amusing and amazing pictures again.

      So... cooking. Hmm. I got nothing at the moment, let's see what I can *COUGH!* cook up.

      ...actually, I may have an idea. Here's the line:

      "Anyone can cook."


    36. I gotta say I'm a tiny bit disappointed noone did Doctor Whoof in the Pandorica

    37. #82 wins forever.


    38. #16 today. The theme kind of surprised me, and I really did wonder how it would end up being interpreted; turns out people had, as usual, a lot of awesome ideas that I would never have been able to come up with.

      #6: I don't get it. ...oh, wait. I do. Well, in that case, I'm just glad that Prometheus Pony is so far in the background, because I certainly wouldn't want to get a close-up on that.
      #8: This is... probably a reference that I don't understand. Anyway, it looks amazing.
      #12: I really love the way you draw their faces. For some reason, they look insanely cute.
      #18: Yes! That is totally what I always thought. Oh, the moon is a great place to beee ~~~
      #23: I wonder if Philomena came to rescue her or to laugh at her. You can never tell with that Phoenix.
      #44: I love the way this looks. Even though it's lineart, the "missing" colors seem to be implied.
      #48: Well, at least she has time to practise her arias. Oh my hero, so far away now, will I ever see your smile...
      #80: Just use your magic, silly!
      #82: I've never seen that movie, but I've always wanted to. Man, I really need to get around to that.
      #88: So... that house is season two? Because if so, then I want to live there.
      #97: This is great, because I know that, if I should ever be in a situation in which I'd have to build a cage, this is EXACTLY what would happen to me.
      #99: It looks like Celestia is actively looking for excuses to send ponies to the moon nowadays. Oh well; that'll just make the big moon party more exciting.
      #105: My heart broke. That seems to happen almost every day ever since this whole event started.
      #113: Looks like another job for Sir Spike. That may not be his favorite damsel in distress, but it's still his duty to save her.

      In the end, I just noticed that there are a lot of references here that I really didn't get, so I had better not say anything about those; that'd just make me look stupid. Besides, I really want to start working on my entry for today, so let me just say this: Great work, everyone! I really love all of these pictures so, so much, even those that give me nightmares.

      Oh, and thank you very much for that "Happy Birthday" comment, Phoe. These sorts of things always cheer me up.

    39. #9 and 40 here. At first I thought that this theme was not constricting, but I managed to get 2 images out of it, so what do I know? #40 especially was a lot of fun to do. The flash aesthetic of the show really lend itself to making these characters look great as paper cut-outs (and if I'm not mistaken I'm not the only one here who noticed that for today). I spent way too much time designing, searching for materials, and building the cut-out yesterday when I should have been doing some of the more "productive" things I had to do. I think it was worth it, though, especially since I got a compliment on it from Phoe. Thanks, Phoe!

      There were a lot of very clever interpretations of the theme this time around running the gamut from really funny to really sad. Some of my favorites were #2, 21, 25, 35, 38, 56, 95, 118, and 124. Keep up the good work, everypony!

    40. I've been looking for an excuse to draw more appletini, this was a perfect opportunity!

      I wanted to make a second image which was Rarity and applejack being carried off by crab twilight for an extreme sleepover, but didn't have the time or energy.

      I keep half expecting to see carrot top in #124 poor derpy and fridge protection methods.

    41. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown23. juuni 2011, kell 05:40

      i apologize for mine,#22, being only vaguely themed. it was meant for the madmax one and i've been ignorantly trying to get here for two day. i just wanted to share. it's my fault that it's late. i now know the rules.

    42. #95: It's binary :] You are awesome.

    43. 'Twas awesome!
      Keep it up, everypony!
      ILY all!

    44. @badzerg, i will admit that at first i found your art style odd, but over time i have come to love it. <3

      (Manly tears were shed due to your latest submission)

    45. 95 today. I tried out a little dynamic line art that I think turned out pretty well. This is one of the few entries that I'm satisfied with.

      I think 110, 77, and 39 are my favorites today. They got a chuckle out of me.

      35 is terrifying. I no likey da snakes. :C


      It is. I couldn't figure out a clever combo of numbers to use, so I just reverted to my ol' computer science college learnin'. :B

      ~Buddy Vox

    46. 46) This settles it, Phoeny is adorable.
      110) Kinda want to see that web page, if only to see what a Fluttertag does and also to see just what the image tag alludes to.

    47. #45 here.

      Dear god that is the most incredible thing. I honestly cant believe Seth actually put it up as well. Made. My. Day.

      Well it seems everyone else here actually spent a lot of time and care on their submissions.
      Good work everyone.

    48. #65 here

      I'm at work, so I can't see everyponies pictures.

      #1) hehe. Next cell over: DUMB FABRIC!
      #2) This fits so well
      #4) Love the quote
      #10) This is probably going to show up a lot tomorrow too.
      #26) i loled
      #31) *jawdrop* That is an amazing technique!
      #40) XD
      #63) Great job!
      #95) This is quite possible the best thing ever. No, seriously. I LOVE THIS
      #100) Wow. Beautiful shapes. Hilarious joke.
      #110) s/<\/(\p{pony})>/\1/g #behold the power of POSIX character classes!
      #111) I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
      #118) Sexy Dungeon!
      #119) BLOCKED? CURSE YOU WEBSENSE! -- will find on phone later
      #122) Also blocked--But the thumbnail looks terrifying
      #127) ;_;
      #128) Amazing work BronyQuest!
      #130) Wow!What did you draw this with? It's simple amazing!

      A pony cooking? Oh, god! CUPCAKES NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!

    49. 94: Ah poor Rarity! Probably one of the worst places to be stuck though XD

      110: Aaaah you just want to snug up Fluttershy and take her away!

      127: Awesome shoutout- but poor oldschool ponies whose names I do not know! So many and I want to draw them now!!

      I'm 77 today- Rainbow Dash assures Applejack it is for her own protection but it probably just makes her even more disgruntled!

    50. 116 here~

      I'm kind of more proud than my last one.

      95 ;; -snort-

    51. @Kits

      I sketched it with a pencil initially, then used Inkscape to vectorize the lines and color it in.

      I also just replaced it with an updated version that looks a little better. Mostly fixed Fluttershy, because I was really rushing when I first made her.

      So I wonder how many people have seen the Twilight Zone story I based this on. That's one of the reasons I usually avoid referencing other shows and such, never sure how many people would get the joke.

    52. #2: Well, it beats being mooned at any rate... Even if Pinkie Pie got banished, she'd probably find some random way to reappear unexpectedly in Equesrtia - popping out of a cake, maybe.

      #21 & #33: DAAWWWW!! Okay, I know it's been said already... How come Fluttershy works so darned well in watercolor?

      #40: *Can't type...lauging...too...hard!* I've started up a photo essay on evidence of Pinkie Pie's presence in the real world. Any other shutterbugs out there care to join me?

      #56 & #77: I can totally see Applebloom keeping a small supply of "poison joke" on hand, for just such a purpose...

      #63: Well played sir...or ma'am? It's so hard to tell with some of these screen names...

      #83: Usually by dogs. I've had to rescue more than one treed cat...

      #95: Laughed myself silly imagining the backstory to that one...

      Okies, enuff pony. Gotta go work now...

    53. #130: Classic Twilight Zone - Woo!

      .......I feel old now. :P

    54. hello everypony, #64 here~

      In case you were wondering about the text:
      Pinkie Pie:Let's sing a song!
      PP: Here I sit,
      On the moon,
      Thrown in a dungeon in the place I was banished to,
      With a clip-clop, twitcha-twitch,
      Give this pony some sweets
      Celestia: I watch this show for the plot!

      It's kind of a continuation from my submission from last night. Luna was banished to the moon again, and Pinkie decided t come along for no reason xD Anyway, the song is sung to the tune of that knick-knack paddywhack song thingy... BTW, I made it up by myself!!! 8D

      Lovee your drawings, everypony, so much....grimdark xD

    55. #26 here. I had to necro SOME meme, just be thankful it's Xzibit and not mudkipz, ahah.

      Good drawings but no particular favourites for me this time.

    56. @Display Name But the last panel where the dog asked Phoe to **** was the best!

    57. It's 122, trying out a different style today. The mummy, by the way, is Pinkie Pie from "Cupcakes".

      6 Inferno reference, awesome.
      8 How long has he been there?
      17 OMG Star Control! And Phoe's ship is named "Lyra" <3
      18 Twist ending! Moon vacation everyone!
      23 The red phoenix makes the inside of the cell feel colder.
      28 Is neat. A library is kind of like a dungeon.
      41 Nice concept for the prison.
      51 That's a real evil Celestia ya got there
      59 uses layout well
      64 Need higher resolution can't read this
      66 Did that pony commit cupcakes?
      68 What torture.
      72 More furry style? I like the shading.
      95 Awesome expression
      96 I don't get it
      106 Nice continuation of the story
      107 I like how Equestria can't come up with fancy punishments
      117 That's a nice sky

      @Periphery How do you do the vector lines? Freehand? Do you place control points individually?

    58. @Phoe,I see that there is probably no reference that I can make, that you won't get. Now I have to do a sequel with Twilight ranting in front of a bunch of cabbages.

      And here I was worried that nopony else in this fandom had even seen "The Prisoner," I should have remembered how diverse this group is and just trusted that a few of you were as eclectic as I am. This was actually the thing that I wanted to draw first when I started with the ponies, and now because of this event and all you wonderful people, I finally had the confidence to do it.

      @Lunar Apologist, Somehow I missed your entry the first time through and didn't actually see it until I went back because of the comments. How you found time to go through and do so many individual poses I don't know, but it is amazing. I ruthlessly copied twilight 5 times and made slight pose modifications and still thought it took forever.

      Today I fully intend to find out how far Phoe will let me stretch the intent of a theme. Although my joke that I've been giggling at since yesterday after Doc Steedly gave me a terrible idea doesn't sound as good now that I know that Phoe is pronounced fee.

      And as always great job everypony!

    59. 41 today. Pony architecture is weird. I based her holding cell off of the various buildings seen in Canterlot in the pilot episode.

      So many sad ponies D: That's probably why I went with having a "villain" locked up and angry. Doesn't seem nearly as bad.

      A couple that caught my eye particularly:
      28 made me think of Myst, in a good way.
      51 I'll admit, the label on her cage made me laugh
      58 This is a neat scene. The dungeon design reminds me of adventure RPGs
      92 Very creative. Simple but effective.
      And of course I agree with everyone else that 100 was great.

    60. Oh, forgot to mention, Phoe, that your joke ("There's so many bondage jokes I could make, but I'll restrain myself") made me laugh out loud when I read it, at 3:30am. Luckily I'm alone in the house this week.

      I am excited for today's theme, I finally have an idea that I really like (haven't really been feeling it the past 2 days)

    61. Phoesauce is the best kind of sauce! Rich and sassy with a lot of heat.

    62. @Anonymous

      Mostly, I pretty much just add nodes at the key points of a section of the sketch, then drag the handles around until it looks right. Although I do occasionally add in a few mouse-drawn lines with a fairly high level of smoothing for areas where I need a line to taper. Those are rarely very long though, just things like eyelashes and ears.

    63. 122 scares me a lot. :(

    64. @fetchbeer There was actually a lot more copypasta in mine than you might think - I just made sure to alter view distance, change Celly's mane, move poses a little, and change expressions to hide that I was doing it so blatantly ;)

      And now you know my secret shame! I might have actually done more freehand, but I was really short on time yesterday.

    65. Just give up and make the Theme Of the Day a tiny pony.

    66. Phoe is pronounced "fee"? That means we can't make the terrible joke "Are you Phriend or Phoe?"

    67. #124 -- looks like I wasn't the only one with this exact same idea! I was all proud of my work but this one's just adorable with the fridge touch.. excellent job!

      Now, I'm not even going to try to list favorites. It'd take like an hour, because there are so many wonderful ones. Way way too many great ones. We're all getting SO good at this.

      Today's theme sounds really fun -- the trick will be to think of something unique and interesting for it. It's idea time!

    68. #25 Here, I wish my interpretation of a Rancor didn't suck.

      Shout outs to my favorites today:
      #2 - Wacky Land, this is awesome!
      #15 - Kind of makes you wonder what she did to get grounded...
      #21 - That is a CUTE Fluttershy
      #33 - This one too, but in a 'I have to go cry now' way.
      #40 - Brilliant, I laughed hard
      #41 - That is ominous looking, very cool.
      #48 - There's some FF6! Someone make a Terra/Twilight Esper/Fireform pony now.
      #63 - Eerie, because it's probably about right. I like it in a weird way.
      #95 - So Rude! That facial expression rocks.
      #113 - Cool take on the Dragon
      #130 - Solid reference, Twilight in the Twilight Zone.

    69. #95 is my pick of the litter for sure. Awesome job!

    70. # 17 I WANT THIS MOD NOW

      # 52 That desktop actually looks pretty good

    71. @PhoeDearest Great and Powerful Princess Phoe, you have taught me so much over these last weeks. Joy, tears, happiness, sorrow, and the meaning of pain, rather deep pain, actually maybe a little too much pain, and how to enjoy it. If it is not impertinent, may this faithful, humble student pony submit (TG&PP Phoe: "You bet you'll submit!" *swish-whip!*) a vote for additional pain, uh, instruction. *whimper* *Looks up with Fluttershy eyes* That is if it pleases The Great and Powerful Princess Phoe?"

    72. @Anonymous

      yeah. I was a little bummed when I learned that.

      But now I think of her as a Phoenix, so that's almost as cool.

      /Need to figure out how to work Phoe high-fiving a phoenix now. Or some punny-variations thereof
      //spell checking thinks high-fiving is a misspelling of shivving o.O? WTF firefox?

    73. @Periphery
      (sry about double posting), I should really read all the comments before hitting send)

      Huh. I'll have to try inkscape again: I kept running into downright annoying bugs last time I tried to use it. I'd hit undo and half the drawing would vanish. I'd use the patch-along-path tool, and nothing would happen. I was unable to alt-click to cycle layers, and things like that.

      Anyway, great job!

    74. #8 here!

      Thanks for the comments :) as for that colt there..the prison is just old, he hasn't been there for that long. The prison was inspired by some art I saw for the new Alice: The Madness Returns game that came out recently :D

    75. 1 Ahaha troubled rarity. I wonder how many rocks she had to MURDER to end up here . . . . ( bad joke i know, first comment of the day *raspberries* )
      2 Whoa that brings back memeories . . . sheesh. Its afirst for me too ( the crossover i mean LOL )
      3Im having trouble with them right now, payed for game time, changed account nfo, now gametime i payed for is no longer VALID. WTF! Yeah blizz is good for that from what im hearing now.
      4 i feel bad for my pic from yesterday now O.O Gotta admit, its going to be a nice place to rest for a while n.n
      8 That must be a prison in the Everfree forest. Its a rather unique place O.o poor pony
      9 AHAHAHAHA this is great!
      10 I never finished that O.O . . . . . . . . . . *shudders*
      11 AHHH i know that dungeon cell all too well LOL
      12 AHAHAHA love it . . . tho i think id be more enthused to be there banished with either one LMAO
      13 Is that REALLY such a bad place *smiles*
      14 Fluttershy . . . . O.O we need to rescue her.
      15 Now we know why she loves banishment soo much . . . its better than groundation by the looks of this O.O
      16 YEA HAPPY B-DAY!
      17 WHAT DUH . . . I . . . PINKIE!!
      18 OH I GET IT NOW . . . Hmmmmm yeah seems to make sense to me "O CELLY, WANNa HEAR A JOKE?"
      19 Oh... poor Bright Eyes... Thats ... i cant comment in this really. :'(
      20 HAH Lyra, you get thrown into some bad situations there . . . Id rather never be in the same room as a mario games toadstool there/
      21 OH I WANT ONE. SHe would never leave my side n.n Fluttersmall is adorable
      22 Somepony is looking a might bit ripe with power.
      23 WOOOOH pretty work right there
      24 GAH HOW DARE YOU sir/madam. *crosses his arms* Twilight would NEVER yeild to the likes of her. HRMPH! Even if she had been captured.
      I LOVE the colorwork done here.I would definately have trouble trying to shade such a dark coat like that. I love how you did Nmoons mane and tail. I know Nmoon is the incarnation of ones innermost evils, but REALLY she is FAR TOO elegant. I love what you did with their eyes.
      25 AHAHAHA It only stands to reason that i believe FS had multiple personalities. Its hard to look at Flutterrage and not still be happy over those fluffy wings and her mane and tail . . . CONFUSION!
      26 Oh Twi . . . i want to help you . . . but i cant stop laughing at smiling guy in the corner . . . . OH NOW my weakness has been revealed, ( no its not smiling guys. O.o its laughing . . . Thats and having my hair messed with O.O )
      27 MLP LARP'ing . . . O.O wow
      28 Its funny but im lost . . . i can only surmise thats Twi's Diary? If soo, shame on you Celly.
      29 WHAO even i would not be so heartless as restrain a pegasi by their wings like that. O.O
      30 AHAHAHA That video was awful ( but it was hilarous )
      31 Yeah thats kinda cool looking
      32 Uuuuh Win/Fail Well least yer in Ponyville now O.O lucky . . . *grumbles*
      33 Why is this, its got that Daww look but also the AWWW feel. Poor Fluttershy . . . . . WHatpony is up for some massive Jailbreak work with me tonight?
      35 Im glad my OC is a pegasi, IM COMIGN TWI!! Tho they look harmless enough.
      36 OH Trollestia, your soo silly. How could you be soo mean with such a nonchalont face. (i love how this played out LOL cept FS being locked up and all)
      38 OOOH BOY, This could be trouble . . . It seems Celly is more annoyed with the packages orientation than anything right there
      39 AHAHAHA See its true!
      40 Pinkie Powers, Activate!
      41 Thats Trollestia, anything to mess with ya!
      43 LOL Not by me tho :'( i didnt know about them at that time.
      44 I have always wondered why Celly had SOOO much hair. This makes perfects sense.
      45 Uhhh LOL
      46 Yes, Another point for FLuttershy . . .
      47 Somepony is a TOUGH pony!

    76. 52 I got you beat, I just have Desktop ponies and two other icons on my desktop. And lots of ponies
      55 OCelly thats horrible . . . Trollestia gets another point.
      56 I agree, tiny ponies are awesome. Thow im happy with their current size of just under 4 ft tall n.n HEHEH Appletini . . . *snickers*
      59 Wow this is really nicely drawn. I like the linework and shading alot n.n
      60 Why do i like that pose soo much?
      61 Thats horrible . .. LOL in a good way . .. BUT HORRIBLE! XD
      62 Off to do so now . . . i mean when i get done with these.
      64 I see Pinkie and Luna . . . but i cant read it :'(
      65 UHHH sad ponies day is flashing back to me >.< I like the shadow work here tho n.n nicely done
      66 They have lots of mountains, its a scary place to drive thats for sure. Tho i wouldnt want to be trapped there myself . . . its HOT there. >.<
      67 AT first i was like DAWWW lol . . . then i wanted to hide under my bed, sad Bright eyes is really hard to look at.
      68 This is both awesome and CREEPY!!
      70 Yeah pixel art is awesome.
      72 WOW i really love the linework here. Scene is remiscent of something i have seen in the past tho . . . i cannot hoof it . . . .
      77 OK as adorable as this is . . . I REALL am starting to feel bad for aj now . . . i mean REAL BAD O.O They have beautiful eyes tho n.n
      79 AWWW Celestias RUle has no limits appearantly
      80 TORTURE at its purest!!
      82 I dont get it . . . but its very well done n.n
      83 Hey Rar ., . . im looking for some cat fur cuff . . . if yer interested.
      84 This is soo cool, the subtlety of the colors is rather amzing.
      85 Wrong least its not her other Muffin, that would be insanely Cruel.
      86 best ... prisonmate... EVER!!!!!
      87 AHAHAHAHA TWI you SLY SLY MARE!!! *nudge nudge*
      89 I feel bad, but i was CRYING i was laughing soo hard.
      90 Not with you it wouldnt be bad n.n Oh Luna can make the moon fun . . she controls it and all, think of the possibilities> AHAHAH
      91 That aweful look in her eyes . . . I feel sooo bad for her :'(
      92 Is that chalk? THats cool, i ferget what they call that style but its very approrpate for todays theme.
      93 How can you deny those eyes . . . As FS has proven . . .a little compassion can go a long way. I have soo much trouble drawing cutie marks at odd angles like that. >.< i know its perspective . .. but its still hard lol
      94 Rarity would love the gas station restroom where i work. I keep that place SOOOOO clean . . . but it is employess only ( it doubles as a store room )
      95 Would be 20% cooler if she did have fingers.
      96 WHAT?? why?
      97 It happens
      98 Celly . . . yer sooo mean to yer sis all the time.
      100 OH whoo . . . i DID NOT expect that . . . lmao
      101 This is why we love them. n.n
      102 i cant comment on crying Twi >.<
      103 Fluttershy is smart . . . she will be able to get out of that. Least she can move around. I really love the lights accent and linework here. Even tho this is sad i still CANNOT help but smile n.n
      118 ahahaha pony flank . . . thats IS good real-estate. *snickers*
      128 If only there was a way she could put that Nightmare to good use . . . . BE BRAVE LUNA, STAND TALL. NEVER BACK DOWN. This is soo awesome n.n
      130 Oh . . . that episode of the Twilight zone was crazy freaky.
      Im sorry, if i didnt comment on all of yer pic, it doesnt mean i disliked any, i just couldnt come up with anything to say.

    77. I always enjoy seeing how many different crazy interpretations we have of a single sentence. Especially after a night of idea block, its mind blowing to see all the different things others came up with.

      78 here. I'm definitely glad i came up with the new colouring method (retrace lines + fill) because there's no other way I'd have been able to finish mine on time (couldnt stay up till 2 for once, math test).


    78. Thanks to you ponies for the kind comments you have given regarding my drawings the last couple of days. I have been very busy between nasty ol' work and drawing ponies, so I have not had a chance to comment on all the great work that has been posted recently.

      Please know that this group of artists means a lot to me. I have really enjoyed this experience. I have also learned that I can actually survive on 4-5 hours sleep every night for the last 3 weeks and continue to function with hallucinations that are happily filled with FiM ponies!

      I hope that we get to do more art like this at beloved EqD and that you will be here to make it enjoyable. Ponies!

    79. @Virga Rainboom

      I know what you mean about lack of sleep XD. I've been hearing Pinkie Pie occasionally for the last couple of days. If she could only help me write better c++, I'd be set...

      I really, really want this group to stick together. I know it's kinda hard, outside of these threads. Maybe Phoe could make a facebook/flankbook group or something. (I mean, I could, but that feels like stealing)

      It would be great to get a sort of search-able archive of these entries. So that we could all see each others history, or go back to any day and see all of the entries (I know we can do this now, but can we search by artist?) It'd be a real neat thing to setup. I'd like to be able to link all my entries back to my actual DA page too. Eventually, I'll be drawing stuff NOT meant for EqDNAT again, and I'd love to share it.

      I may start putting my da address on my pictures. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

    80. @Kits
      Yes, those are some good ideas, Kits. I would enjoy seeing this artwork organized somewhere. And advertising, who knew that might be advantageous for recognition? :)

      I think what would be, well, not nearly Rainbow Dash cool, but cool enough for lowly OC/NATG ponies, would be to have a web page of each artists' work organized from 1st day until last. I'll have to do that with my art and scroll down the mess to see how things have been coming along.

    81. #81 here. Also got a for realsies account now on blogger.

      @phoecomment: oh you. You know I'm joking slash massively exaggerating and stuff. I said so in the comment box!

      I thought the theme was cool. Granted, this opinion was mostly created after I actually saw the submissions today and realized that it wasn't going to be a huge wave of clop-art, but eh. It all worked out in the end.

      comment time.

      1) what did the rock ever do to her?
      2) o' nostalgia
      3) that's why I avoid WoW like the plague; way way too addicting.
      4) Well at least she has a nice view
      5) and he ends up breaking into the warden's room of course
      6) best references
      7) appears to be an overwhelming workload there
      8) looks obscenely easy to escape from, heh
      9) I have played WAY too much Ski Free. I feel like Trixie should start running.
      10) > Surprised that anyone managed to restrain Cupcakes-universe Pinkie.
      11) in b4 emperor needs to use secret passage in pinkie's cell
      12) who wouldn't envy octavia here
      13) are those... eyes? [accidental nightmare fuel]
      14) Lol what did Fluttershy even do
      15) prelude to a tyranny
      16) the best birthdays are always the day before my birthday
      17) I might have to dust off the DOS-box
      18) flash over to emaciated ponies idly hooving patterns in the moondust and rambling incoherently about conga lines to no one in particular
      19) The implications are pretty depressing here
      20) I always wondered how those Toads even knew that; weren't they tied up in sacks or something? Did Bowser just specifically tell all of them that they were in a castle, and that the princess was in a different one?
      21) haw. This is really nice!
      22) What was erased over on the right side?
      23) Fluttershy really is the best pony to imprison isn't she?
      24) Unfortunately for Nightmare Moon, Wall of Force is bypassed by teleportation.
      25) Heheheh, nice.
      26) Inception'd
      27) No clue what this is a reference to, but I did stare at it for a while trying to figure out what it was in the tree.
      28) What happens to students who stop being faithful
      29) From what little I can tell of pony anatomy, I'm not even sure shackles like that would be all that effective
      30) moar caged fluttershy
      31) Nice style!
      32) lol well of course
      33) d'awwwwww
      34) just another Tuesday
      35) sheeeeesh! Good work, but sheeeeesh. poor twi. Nice 1984 reference though.

      Oh man it's only been 35 and this commenting thing is already getting difficult. CAN I MAKE IT ALL THE WAY LET'S FIND OUT

    82. 36) I lol'd. Hard.
      37) The human skeleton raises like twenty seven questions
      38) Princess Derpy: wise, yet fair.
      39) dat doggie
      40) neat!
      41) Awesome air of malevolence here
      42) Well, she IS a pegasus, right? Cage is mandatory.
      43) I missed out on all that :'(
      44) If that mouth would edge just a little more towards a frown or s amile I might be able to deduce if Celestia was responsible for that or not
      45) lolwat
      46) Trollestia is Bestestia
      47) Ha, pretty grimdark. Neat!
      48) dunno what somepony is complaining about, those chains have plenty of slack!
      49) Lol it's about time
      50) Link is probably screwed here actually :\
      51) hahaha!
      52) lol Phoe
      53) Not familiar with that one
      54) creeping insanity
      55) If anyone would have a moon prisoner cutie mark it would be Phoe but she clearly already has a different one
      56) not pictured: unfortunate implications
      57) is dat sum lightswitch cutie mark
      58) pretty epic!
      59) Really epic!
      60) in b4 "jailbait" joke
      61) no comment ._.
      62) but I don't wannnnnnaaaaa read fanfiiiiction
      63) dat pinkamina
      64) Looks whimsical but I can't make out any of the text :\
      65) awwwww
      66) Nice OC pony design!
      67) See, now THAT's how to properly restrain a pony
      68) I do believe that pink bar thing and the Peep are both within hoof-reach
      69) sillhouette pony is mysterious
      70) silly Fluttershy, she isn't YOUR princess oh there I've gone cross-eyed
      71) I'm sure these references I don't quite understand are awesome
      72) what's going
      73) on in
      74) this picture?
      75) The nightmare is over. also lol
      76) Celestia accidently all of equestria?
      77) I hope there's air-holes in that jar
      78) subtle message that Equestria Daily is on the high ground compared to the entire rest of the internet
      79) diggin' the afro
      80) Lol just walk through the bars, lyra
      81) Based on the comment I feel like I annoyed Phoe and if that's the case I'm sorry! in b4 you never let me draw again :(
      82) truly the worst fate
      83) Haven't seen much of that cat in any art! Nice shading.
      84) Neat!
      85) awww

    83. This was a bad idea. This is way too much commenting for me.

      86) lol I read that whole thing
      87) wow, Twilight, that's a pretty grimdark dungeon for you I think
      88) Season Two takes place in the plainest house of all time :3
      89) The Oranges are just assholes
      90) Yeah, the moon is, like, paradise or something
      91) Awesomely surreal!!! Do more like this
      92) Couldn't help but see this as the moon itself being locked up
      93) It's obviously just a trick! Black and white morality!
      94) Your mileage may vary
      95) Love the style here
      96) Damn it I love Trollestia way too much
      97) Dwarf Fortress????
      98) Had to tilt my head sideways to realize that luna was sad and not angry. Also lol.
      99) Well at least this time Derpy was clearly asking for trouble
      100) I saved this one. It is really great.
      101) I should probably watch that.
      102) I can't understand how everypony gets so upset about being in space. Space is awesome! Especially when conditions are such that you can breathe and not freeze or boil!
      103) d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
      104) not pictured: big shaggy dog also in cell
      105) d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
      106) Hmmm what's going on here? Might have to look up where this begins.
      107) Looks nicer than my chair.
      108) Trollestia takes jokes like some kind of simile that ends with you being imprisoned forever
      109) Who keeps leaving cakes and sweets right outside of cages I mean seriously
      110) cereal-no-pants.jpg, eh?
      111) That might look good on my wall
      112) Hehe
      113) Dragon clearly just wants advice on how to be more badass
      114) At least she can read in there!
      115) lol @ Advil
      116) I like how starkly Pinkie Pie sticks out in the grayed out, unfocused room. Nice style
      117) What an incredible scene!
      118) lolwat
      119) .....................lolwat
      120) Hell, I'd be taking pictures too.
      121) I assume 122 is the logical continuation of this one
      122) holy shit grimdark
      123) If that was done in MS Paint, it's certainly better than I could manage. Would tying up the horn even do anything to stop the magic? Also the background reminds me of Windows 95 for some reason.
      124) Have some sympathy, Phoe, fridges can be complicated sometimes.
      125) in b4 yo dawg etc.
      126) Is that... uh... a Poe reference?
      127) Silly, Ponies can't dream.
      128) fantastic!
      130) Hehehe dat fluttershy

      well I am thoroughly burned out. Never again.

      Good job, everypony.

    84. hahahaha I just noticed 51 said "My Little Dungeon". Love it

    85. #73 here. Well in the gamesplaying Episode, Tirek was defeated, but was given a simple crystal no inate power, but would show a spectrum (Rainbow) whe a shaft of light hit it. Since he was defeated by the rainbow.. he is still powerless to the colors. Anywy in my fanfics I still want to see him as chaotic evil.. but with a glimmer of something that may aid Celestia in a roundabout way.
      Since hooves are some of my specialty in drawing, I do enjoy drawing taurs as much ponies.. little or not so little.

    86. @Doc Steedly
      Yes, but in 4 Phoe isn't a pile of soot. :D

    87. #82: "I am not a number! I am a FREE PONY!!!"

    88. #28 and #44 are absolutely brilliant. I love those kinds of magic entrapments.

    89. Darn, I missed the banishing one... :(

      I had something I was really proud of. :D


    90. @Argembarger

      #106 here. I threw together a quick and dirty listing of everything in sequence for you and anyone else interested in the whole story, since I've basically been all over the place with where each page fits into the timeline.

      Sorry this turned out so texty, but I wanted to experiment with a different way to narrate, especially since the style fit the idea so well. I thought about doing something quirkier with Luna's rebanishment, but this probably got the point across better.

    91. @Argembarger

      Impressive work young Bow-trotter!

    92. @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
      *smacks self in face* I am idiot for not posting the link to the quick and dirty listing. http://no-contest.shorturl.com/mlp_comic_listing.htm

    93. @The Dread Pirate Roberts Sir, sir.

      So #63 today. I, personally, am not a big fan of it... It's too... Simple, to say the least... Plus I don't think I did well on the Pinkamena, and I think everytime I draw Pinkie, she looks like a man.

      #94 was my favourite. Definitely.

    94. @Phoe,
      you're FORCING me to take this story, which was gonna be really happy ending, to a very dark place :)

    95. @Doc Steedly 9 out of 10 grizzled veterans agree.

      @Argembarger The whole thing and after all that commenting. Quite impressive.

    96. Me=92. I felt pretty bad submitting this one, not enough effort in it, for reasons explained to Phoe... Anyway, nice work everyone, and I put more into today's.

    97. @Argembarger
      If you look at an earlier comment of mine you'll see the text (#64 I might remember?...)

    98. @Anonymous
      AHAHAH yeah, but celly sent luna to give her, her body back after about an hour.
